c2LIS vauia l, uerod an SPIRING" TWEEDS KDCOTJ. latrt-à oi *orthîey walkod on togelter. Tho Mati 0Va eottottm, and fuel1eMd tes, was c&cctlug a large trou ketle ou hie . ha Vicehocolano rllsbank ; inone fiud holield the loge i fâ jl 0 , P ~ R (""U ) ~ liv.e ieken ;in the oter, e ane12 1,si t taz 1 ti tarn afraid te go througla that ravine The rotfthât ahlters any boaS. witla yo ; lit s a loaely placet and you TOa wore ha thearbaous Turk. ngIo800Wî nsu asmeb C TCH and CA NA DA N TWEEDS I TO the. belleS kntgt euS the titled kxave falrg." SaiS heuite e: "How eau I Who pciunldms wegei tud work." pa-ilbly ovnrpowec yen fand kisyou W ohwroredbfreteisiipiosn'hchoi bfocWhsu I have titis greet iranW îh eerdrd edetiér'e'n"rc,à a hT Tait tai gt bot ai ir, kettle on eyboe9 n u ad rpssto offer ut lesthan nrevious selling p"ricos. l TI to 1tri 1 à depars live oliaken ta thé other, and amrun "' ±h'ofes WoDwfrtewarkAuagmau care? leding a goal ? I Might as well b. ncoh, oofr Braadfuladlgt, lied band and foot." "Yeso" replied Ilaiand fuel asdbread, the womnaa. "Bat if yo abolad tick L - O L T EE U T t -Tilunuder Our taiese aterrible ulgbt yALL-Wane i thei TWEED andItiTS at 09gombag vr h gd. olt ued tara the. kettie bottom. "Oh uenwh un l sat-sile op and put the chiaken uder i, 0: oh) men wltb tit.. aud power-" thon eu oa ght wlckîdly kies me in :1 lae'net the mAch rna comforts yau ta s ite af my remstanceo." "lBaccesa ta In 1HAIIS, his stock is the largest and best seleoted to bo 1 i 1ut t i r e ul u ln, tE.y.îugînaty, O woman." said- th e e-fond ini tha Connty. Tai la t a r ndnitu joicing mn uta himBeli. IIhold nen- Thmug ti.werydsanSuA t.ft orhave thoagit af titis or imilar ex. TAJLORING in ail its brenchos and undaer bis own Our wagaîst;a well sas our rigbts." pedieut." And Witou titny camue ta lihe supervision. JH FR U O , "'But why do I lalk of rielts,. ravine, ho sîuck hie cane ino theJO NFE GUiN Foc wbat auld a waikman kuaw gratinS euntdtite goal ta i, gave the. Bt thie rigt toa ufer and toil and payo chiekea La lite womaa, saying: "lHaiS Dandas Strict, Wbiêby. Thai the dit h ouid ricitor graw 7 t while -I cut mins grass for lhe goal ;" Thitithe rdch minaIS richer greuand lina-mocanaelte logeud-lowec- White theb poor eau auly weep, cgLt eLefonli hadrh u Oit. Cls het dblQe aaudh.dea r theftwluder it, auS wickidly kiesed "ax' i stasd it ta ciee thè woman, as te was afraid ho would. N E0 0 D S lits gnawiug neyer flage h a rnic Criil a s . And wht aeiie i profite? A heavy beart, certaineS ha hietbunîn Selini ta be- Au ernpty pare-au5 ragea- omeneutralimeS because the Chinoe.0.'0-- A pauper'u Sooa-a desoiate home, PnlCd elrsha i esn Ànd wages-declinit sosc, PnlCd elrsta esn Till eolupeUleSteaiv5 he land I lave wito rîncuace thoair country and alligi- . JUST RECEIVD A LOT 0F CHOICE Foraà hameaun a terelgu mhore." auce aheil be beheeded. Titi property "Taxittai t ai aofail mch criminels la le b. oonfiscalid IA LvS BUP y ~istxutd't the workmeu bIeS? adhti wvaeSctidî iti 'raili taI i t niS. id ais laves -to the ireât offcersof etate. 'Tis mouey thet Midtnisers Their parents, grandpacents, lrothers IAcead tuSager sud coai, -and grautlchildren, whetluer .habitually etE m Fis 1b. ox g TWb. d mLOk brieS, living wtt tien nuder, th. arne cool C "T hpait cmftt a ie. stance af 2,000 lesgues. AUl Who cou- J .ERM O O RANGES "Taxi tut Mmi conal oconnivest the irieare lo bePA1.F M0 RANG riS Bacla mocung'm plau reput. tanld hs a néa gis Tai 1t 'iaz1 ax1 t bomlrimgld. isae reo infor het The. wp*eis1nAÊ* sud liaitt..crmi s rerwarded wtîL.A FIN E OLoiY JA AIG ÉlUiS TaiMt ùtldadfacialsd frai iohle cf thoir properly. At market, beueb ands toue; Taoilhi"s uduspad.. sund blaukets and tee, à AsterLIng surrise, aller titifasiidliWA ANTED PURE. - Ta in oobi adS$bore."oaithei.@ttry o f Gva w'as experiec Oh t but to b. iree agalut ea'cet long agi bye arlaty af btyv nLO Z T > IÇ Z TO Z I Te break lb.. se S&ng bande Wood-cuttersuInuthe forest af DrainO ES R G S O S I Wbiob we forgid aurulves for au artfn.I ming. They began ta 1.11 a vouerehie keave olad oùk, wlaînlatîey aoon discovered t.0a ýTo planee nucor helplema bauds.. hi quit. tollow. Ileing hait decayed it P y-as-you-9O C st me Oh fr a singe day *llb b afuuemmu'm t'gh conco Mou peeilý,cardetoeta ii0grouad Witi a Te revange th. braken pledgs ma"a cral, ialoilug e skeletoh lu enuullent - AnS IL"",aswe lveS belote." pr.mcvation . Even the' booté w 'sA_ _ k.Io. la k. ... ..almootan prIR . lH . J LA . MLL E S '0 N 'Wlth feelings S.olining anS ,ad, ces Wlth lisaMIl ahinges asri, fo The wurklun setaulnieaaggé garb Pol Ifrncihe ah(ii oir. Wh Tex Itoli 1tlai t K Our cotIons aud fuel euS lia," K AunS tAfl vihi a.-votc1 bet lie coula nt relax Pol (WouiS tha et il astoe ltical quacks> att IlIisaofthe cruel 'N. P." ofa Tion» HIoon, Jas. en -ca lessen uhe bardeis o a ny viafinS il Pr lard ta maiulain lieîr plaies Ilu aioy.1 Ilt vold lessen lie teinptatioflI 'sui on, 4ftan liSmnn Lbarttu houer anS th anesouy fer Simflay. id If theee as lois'tyle ln dneuaet îs bherci, people n modOetele ircum. id éances would b. mari likely ta attend. mg Univîrsal Modhcation lu drenSta , tinret hwoulirlimpran. lie worhp by dime rernovai ai many wanderang tari Lli(P P.6 .ad le atlead eharch bitter Ilu uti!vamobie h iveatbera; ue Itld lSbasin on liii part oeth itIn fclthlb temptelion te vansity.M IL would lessien on he p&rI if Liae #oor Lthe mptatiouu -ta h.envions eudpl mnaliailist. G ,It woud mev valineble ime-un tlb.ad Larde dael. U 1% vonid mlive aur mens cf a pria- th ure, anSdIlium enable us ta do more for i good eîterprîses. wihoua asno lus nove'?" amkeS Jcos. eph Cook cf BEu Parking. "0Of Course tiey cen," replied -EUlaI "1Wty lut yeac I sev a velch.mprlng 01 e cape walk, a barse fly, e a tch box,.01~ e p stansd, a i11 dm, au yier 1 fry, sud a tlobi; eud thi yiar," contiuued BEh, 1"1expiaI 10 me epeuln ilow,, egis liug, e brandy sm et an-." et :"Anyttiug more, Mr. IParking?" oc "Wiy, yes, I sipectîd ta mse à astone la fance.. a cane break, anS e bauk rua." r **Did yous ever sueo a uhoa isap, e gain ti hoi, orher a codfih awlVI ?ueked Ur. bi Cooke. ly em in at "No, but lv énà pakwl.- brs. whip, euS a liii taad and Ivinad a ual b, urprIsil ucanadey ta seà tii g gel Altanlin Cosl, Lie Pacifie stope, ab trot box, an--" tÀ - 'By Lthe vay, Mr. Cooki," astiS EUi, "cau on te1li e ailleronc* betvemnaa ire. sud your nusahier-i-law ?I" "Na- I dou'lmsec hie*difireuci, brotier Parking."- "WeIl,lte diffecence Là thl ie1 'eavesýin thespcigantiiobco' As Mr. (loake loft, Zli laid hlm liat hoi ied all-enaea myelibiua 4tâ "lieSholio&.a lmmmi u :oresim'- '6Why l'y. en «mealb mwrd hh,1 eaiS Mr. ocke, Il've amenhop stAin1 ha.lad nSon esIa* mine mIige. bston, hdia ide.Y,'I h ataud ",Mi. Parking, >1 bave -in biard 1h hart o f e âÎe-ctly meué ij.te lime4 hark, asein it l Ureï uS no.tumesue îta leave., 1tri» l .. blaIouté',' le trukt, board.'" Euli d Coi-but neyer' end Lhe reii.,I mî4lpt iICooie' and the Cirh beleiad A mîilter,aegreaL admirer ai Mr'-. Gladstone, ý eîyuig or ý aI lu m o ambigone iîde IIJ. $ mu4 (p ililw thdeîue ai ple ud nlgi v' Atg 0We tr" nbeins tu ryer, a broue r.111g blaw, vIto vas aaeua' lameS -taà et."AS" Il. pier.LIi aud *b9 ap ,vdo ar~~gos banigtogoe>l ', Thei Radical paruon, telist ho ii as rnludrtod, aud by vay of expianation, «LaiS;6"1.di,",t mana, may hiej1Igs~,l,*0 aw lien tagetfie'. "" 0 iaeuis'. Thon 1 fomord" ' loneg ââ tiey bin;by the ome mmviad., Durlugtit esete.taWL lnertatla.nmtier ÂP ihth >t. By Ils aide wes a powder hora, a orcelain pipa bowl, a gaiver watci on uicit vas engraved lte naine "111. von rackawits, 1812." Tic teilla Weri orfit. Il woaid seerna te l.et kel- tn ai à anuietweeu B30 aud 40 years agi IL wam coajnctared thiat, witile age din hanig, ic'liaabed lhn ASo for ecame parpoan. ands lipped in- ahtioualy Auto thei iollaw t runu, fron tida haire wes uo relense, adito obebly dIF4,aofmhermmlioca. DEST Bau. Pot lPLAT.-Thei idea Lterîsiind iy airoaet every amateur aI ea large ainaunt af eerth îoisreqair- à for titi laalti auS vigor af Lhe pleut *rinsoali. TWO cacee by nîperienc- à aforiste Ovirpottîug, and is laSso iany imes wîitri beiaus resaista t lut liii. Tiieanti Ilu pote dotDot ava the action ai tiie eleanents la nia- mulse tle aiS ar equalizi liai chenuc- 1campoande thet are ùsed or gainerat. dte excisa wietinlts conflueS, mud e mcii afien heaumeesosur euS soddeu, teosSitotathe iritioyal of t lplnt ato tre8 mail, la privent Sîcay of lbe Bail bail - dapteS La tiarly evory eunt grawn in potas us gond, saudy ioarn. caS garden soilt LiaIbbas ben eui- t unlil iLta masft eud meilow vii îmwer evypape; but if naitber el meime Cen b baied procrela nouid from the Woods, aiel pmuai' id @and, equal perla, tkojrogiLy mix- ) ; andS i i vii ake a nosit Seira- Le compost. Tii coming smmmii bat for vomit l o ba oa tcsv. IL yulhiolAnooked in :m the front, jammid -lu an tie back, eaovid An on eacit aide euS kioked in au ap.- Thone iva AmwlU hb. jemnudop lr eroud-iamain Lth, wile Lffet Lau- aculous. Il viii b. trimmid villi iripe af .t.eî in, turky 'singp, o15 fruit ans auS Sebris geuerally. It A. au stonomica i kad ai bat, as it enu hi made by teking a bay'saiS trav bat, mnuiug e-wteel-barrow avec il a., uv Limîs and itubing on viateviieramiws banay. &,all me v ilathe difféence helveen an accidenit and a uisiortlauni" P& Sear gave iL lap. 1"Weil," sa&&ite son aud anar, -If Sy laiiar, Mr. Bnappson. vero ao tali ino a deep pond il vouM ca uen acident. bal if auy eue vas te pull uim out iL voald, be a misfortune." They are likily ta bave Bic Garnil Wolseley, Sic Fîsderic oertileanS Baker Puas, lu Euglaud aue ai titis. diss, pcoviiled affaire corne ta a saILli- moent Iu Afthanltaan, euSbyall an- caula, if tie natives don,l cave lu, va. Canadien boys, exileS by t-hi 'N. P.,' 'sho are nov lun()hicago. have aà gensOMI rendezvoue wviiciabey bave rianed the IN. -P,' Recel.' AdSues, 169 Madison street. Whist fibotter lien a prornisint yng man ? A paylng que. QanS uld -thé aoaior'm foe b. JumLj, iUalldïl-golmn gais. A god'battianm i maSe of buet. wiiet flac, buta good mateu asit Tii. ligbtuing ruS inu are inclineSi ta liAithLiaItih esa u iOPened vory adppi ily Wivim'r'sa i uLa"ville, as th li tale.ae utoe gt. IloLhig but et oeok lthedipner, vÙh lté diasai dfims gnmot wounda. - ...adorer's valentine tLehis mitres. bigan;, -' 1 iTty bair Is lite lteé vanY lIanehlde,'~ <'lainvit tien b. niy briS ? Si. ripopudog inu-S'tnder, omnpahla. all niesi. imn Uvaqhl&lo coula no, ved a br"zea & Hai long d dois WvSsitmoun for huife eForaemoond. "1 *o*lS annouuoto he L00a1cagrega ti tp haly y ta, m Wlutby, Mardi 22nd, 1880. W A LL PA PE RI OPENED TRI$ WEEK, L1u~GE s TO 01-: 0F 1*ALL PAP>ERe COMPRISI&KG, ENGL ISH, A MERICA N if CA'NA DIA N DES/OMS. Our papers titis 'season surpasa, both in design and. coi iug, anythlng befare shows ii Wkilby. Onur 200 di«ferint Patter ianging fronÃŽ FiVE CENTS PER ROLL, and upwards. PÂPER RUNG ON TEE KROST EXÀSONA2BLE TE"I 4CtcILlN<US wlaITENEIfî' ns- [o, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. MARTIN & WARAM, (Iy.I8) BE0O~-S:., W~TJB,! 'I Marcit, 1880. P H O T OC R A PH WE ARE MAKING A NEW STYLE 0f Photograplis, in sipia, life-sizo, an entirely X BTWI PROCFESS. SPECIMENS ON -EXHIBITION. Cards and Cabinets furnished in the latoat stýle of the At Frames of ail sizos aiwayis on ha-ad. A. -BARRETT, tc Oppôsite ontario Bank, A. yung iem rg o st "i q hy- li'fueugolbaie tye pi;o c uut),~dgua;lra B O~'I~ NOS~ &P L EN D3J w- j IN 'MILLINERY AND F4NCX" DRY ooODS. New Dress Trimmings, New Mtntle- riammînings'New Laces,,New ýýF ni:Wng, NeW FnigeS, Newý Ecâny flair Pins n Jet Silve-r and Tortoise Shel.- o Also a -full and attractive displa!Y o Ejnderoiothing, Baby Linon &c. 'Should sny special artio- oes be dosired, ladies can have them me-de at a fow hours' notiço and at the smallest possible cost. --1 DRESS AND MANTLE MAKIK§9 col M. & S. E. McINTYR-E, Agent for new W. & W. Sewing Machines, BOOK STREET, WHITBY. jW Orders reoeived for the Britigh - American Dyeing mpany. GO O TO MÂTTHEW COLLINSý Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, ANISER THE LABGE8T & BEST STOCK 0F BOOTS AND SHOESý Ten per cent.dicount off for Cash Cuslomers are invita te ciii and emamnia I"istslak, judge ai thiequaliiy euS tek.e anote ai thée ~ricéi, 4115 (atisiy Itfieoltes as ta whîre tiey eau gel teLat iBargas, for I'" boots warrantaS ta vear- Boots 6as éieas ki ' 6are goad, Willitand wîthbut e teat For ladies, gaûts., ailSgrhoo- Auy wiauher, enà ywire- Fit for ait-y or tli waa and Liai can't be boat elaîviieri, Ail hould have e paW tIlit culd, By tie beul. And 15 ai et. Ký REPAIES NEÂTLY DONE. Corne on dear public, liave your orders anS gît a pair of Boots of thi lÃgbt kinS fron your obligeS sud banhîn servent, MATTHIiW UULLIN b. TO THE FAIiMER8' 0F THE We offor you for the harvcst of 1880, the foilowiug finst- -ass Ferning Lnplements : BROWN' S WHITBY HAIîVESTER, (Improved.) YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (Im-proved.) CAYIJGA Ja MOWE R, (Improved.) c] stich a harvest as the latst and carrying off thei Goldl Medal. for Canada, Wea ase notify aR purchasers wtro want durable machinery su2d propose te pay CASH ON DELIVEBY, ta cal et aur office iu Whitby, before placing yonr oraers elsewhere, as il is our intention to adopt the As nearly as is practicabla, and theroby make our priee list st Iowest liv- ingOWN &ePATTERSOusMaFGaCo. Whitby. Jan. fil 19179. -. 1- HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FORý -ANY QUANTI'Y 0F- G3-®OID IBYTE! -DELIVERD AT- W.J. GiBS*ONP.S WHITBY CHINA TEA STO0RE. Alsotwo Tonis of -gQd lie Tur. Before kilhing eall.and see -. , wl s n d C5ïj- ý ke BS O Nw * W ~h",T O I :ITBrS GREI.T BAnGAIjýS PREt@VOUJTOSTOCKT-AMNG Special Inducements to Cash Cus9tomer8. THE. CHEAPESrL WATCHES IN County!1- Paeatical Watabraker. Brt ck.Slireet, WbAtby. FIE3'JD AND. GAIRDEN- SEEDS!1 A large supply, Pure and Fresh, at_ -- -C S MITII ,ý aGLra N]. "'SrGO:CERIS a GENERAL DRY S. CROCEIY, GASAl BOOT ANtRYI S COHOR, LASWu BOO ANLARGE SORTMk NT OF HARDWARE, &C.- AND LAeE ÂS0RTMý ueVery Uine and the Grocery menhir lie eddres. SMITH, Baglan. A GOLDEN, OPPORTth'TY - DOITrMISS -nisoUT« -FPAB Rl-, TheParbmi hphe2etoforexisting* asti A. B. & . W. LYON, bebenudis clved by utuel conset.The bziea~Ui futur b. carriedon by A.-E. LIQN .4. W. RUPERTnnder the ityle andüürrn af LYON &'RUPElýTI Artist8 and Photograp FB. Meurs. LYON BECS.,, in tbankin'o their many fi dsaui&cuatomers nfor the Veiy liberaL spot ddt hem, kindly woinit e co tuatilbf t. tma o'r tle new finm. The opera gromwMilbere- buflt ln the course ai the n xt two wemks. The Opereting Rqom wAtt hi g E - c lo e e d r o m ( h i S ali t 1l t h , 13tls of Aprill, intat notice of' the smrn. Winl II-EH-N0N11THE l4th 0F APHIl With the Studlio entirely refteMa Lyou ~ ~ n &uprbendetermined tb> ke the esmitabi lset lun the future, as' it iwam the put, THE ONLY YIRST - CLAS5- STUDIO IN THE COUNTY! Soe our TatIet Photos., of which'ws i ma}dzmg a apecialty. Children eiwq!ys.s corne- D2flertIsthsôe*ilmx open.. Framlng af ail kinds et the loe ra e . LY O N & R U PE T, Photographer, Wilkinson's Bok BE . Whitby, Alpil 1, 1880. THE STRAHEit .Faser is (notWithstandillg the lt advanco) stili offeing his largo stock of fresh now se SOIMnBnwo, ate, odTA t old prices. Ladies, try our 40 and 50LOl.D' E M .N Tous, fresh and fragrant. côigmeacisg Thiurs&sij, Ap'til 11h Cocs, n nhiarating beverage ; New Raisins, Currants, Fige and Nus ,*1o ,, in ectote Frasit Oysterg, Lemons and Oranges, at Rock Bettom pPe.Bs n-aril i7riaia u ateîs)a linli Pickles, Sauces, Jane and Jallis, Pu Spices andi Flavoring Ex- xoïtb, coueti4-w4 hrâUaile rt trats Cd is, Herring, Mackerel and Finnan Haddi's, constantly on h , f trcsCdFi BI-.URIG(Paeae Csl tt hand. Bargitins in Chine Crockery anad Glass'ware. AÀ wel&>mi visitor in - i beti)t 9p.m., ixcept Saturdsys, vIte ~ L...1 L '--vs et 8.45 p.n., far Cobourgsa everY' hotwehold, je thc Sans Pareil Washing Bine. vv&rante&la la se , dpirect. streak t th lothes. Por.t ILlu nStocl ttc., wlll Sud ttbli Sierra Nevada Smoking-ail antidote to- the exceSsiVe use- cheeiema'S Nn',(Yrk. routa ta Bastn; of Tobaco,anad sure cure of Catarrah =sun Allma, For saleata Albany, "i. rmna tiau, Apply t b 'r CÂPTAIN SHEBWOOD, Si o .,T e :û sm ý-s Mor, c £VI Part HePO ~LJMLLJ.N]un,, < ýât'stanOnt.. (mu.l DEVERtaLL'8 BLOCKL, - - - BRtoO STMZT. E -EEPENq'ON, Dom. Tel Co., WHITBý, ONTARIO. E. kEî Âgý 'nt, Whitby. N. B.-The vcry higiiest pi-ices paiS for any quantity af Butter Cheise, rV . PAP & raa st. a Nevit-ereA& Poultry and Eggs. vertisig Bureau (10 Sprci t [hee a vertiaog contract- nay be fo fi - NWvaux. -CALL ON- Ir ~ Bos n laShIoles1.x Rw 3 For Reliable :0000: an WYFoot Wear of ail kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by WILIJAM BUIRNS, Brook Street, Whitby. C UJT TERS, AND CARRIAGES. The Largest and BB8tA.ssortmêfnt. in the County. GrIRAT BARGMINS OFFE1tED IN CUTTERSI., ini order to make room, as we intend to buildl a ]rger number of Carrnages and Buggies this winter than usual, TOMS & 4N E W POR PT' DUNDÂ8 STREET, - - WIIITBY, ONTfflO. TELEPHON ES. 1TE EOISOI CAH801 TE.E11OESUI ars nnv pzqecre to mel the aurm et 91 ail pa"uarequri.ng Telephonesfer p ri tma e ue., . TIis instrments are by fuer b.moat peetmavS sce ei m intr6duc u a ara o te tpleaotaf aIl otîlarasaisit "as r bjnhriielt ian al.olaafain t sAD DLE R AND WILLIA M THOMISON-, .1 g t- dree tattention ta]b is laaýge sud stpe*'ocZk, icamnig eveu7tluiug ith a i ma, lie LEBATEimL YAvLISES iiv SARÂTOC-A TrbU*XS. ]L OT -OF- CHILDREN'8, CARRI419ELS i 1 BroatOde; wkt~ Dec. 23, 187. TIR cAADII&r AIR, OGA 8 MAC>).Ill#E- 'l'hi& lachine As for l!ghtiii5 Pimate DvcllingG, Millsý Pactorics'; hutchCs, 158 BaeSr sr, TORONITO. A;. 11XYLZMON, - PR OPBRTOR. boto n rr nslv =o o1F wia ciga", tIte 7est An anS good si l yearaobf es ien wing. ZWTBY- try Pbi,' ;t doar WestalfA ganey ta Lauà - treat. iSucmuar I ansian oa, in Ohanry< icii , &'a. Orvic-Al tho estreet,Qsw DAvID-O 'ifce, l uwA lhitby, ÇLÂZ B AP.RIB' nue-c oF~IOE 9, Victoria J.G. Roxhil -19 - GOAL ai i8~3<Established J--m 1. 1 BY 1--- i- 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 THE TOWN. FOR ONE MONTHO MATTHEW COLLINS. 1 1 Shoes-l BBOCX-ST., WIUTI rpiRE CLYDE BOTEL, 1 1 u' la ýnewl very PÀ blie- -1 ......... . . ............... d A M B U C-f Cx 1 E S 51 1