son in lace1lat Ooid,pihhu doue" f 80e Tuued tu heoIkles- Ti but'bnotha dead Âli7ofeau alà Yhied. Kings cllmb tu eminence 1OCirmon'. graves : so tht. man's 0ye if din Tbrow th.ear over b 'n. * WhaMwthve wh ite yon touohed, There ai bls aide ? Paper hi. hand had iauchad Tlgb oeiho.d lad ,- MBouge or % à ih m&y be Smoota thé bide out and se.. iiardly 1the vorst afus ifre oould have amiled 1 Only the tremulous 'Word. of a chld ; l'rattle laha a urstop. juel a loy ruddy drupe, Look. She la. aid tumiss, lu ho bi.ght, <Joad te maini, n sweet, 'ut le 61l, "barg&eite." Alil bouide the, dead glumbered the palu 1 Ah, Ai the. hearts thet bloode iepi wlth the B aibi Il the. dè1 died ; but no Dot bv ul ave t l50. Thomas Catbpbell je th. author of a well-known peorn beginning. "1 0 lave tiî i.-teu spot tu me; Spare. vood man, spire the beechen tree," *But George P. Morrie, an Arnerican, aliso wrote some Unes on a simili mtb. Weodms.n spore that tree, Touch not a single bougi; In youth il aheltered me, And Ill proteot t nov."1 It lias been sttempted le show t Mr. Morris was a plagiariat, but thceat- temjut faied, and even Il Notes and Queries" i. content (o caii the refera- blancs s very "lcurtoons litersry coin. cidono." Nathanisi Hawthorne vae no enip nioralhet, but va sinere l inl l ie Tbus'he telle us-" No man for any coutiderable period, eau wear one face tu lilinqeif and another to the moiti- tudo, vîthout fiualiy getting bewildered at. tu eh ijoiMay b. the. true. .The expérience of oauman 1ke Nicoli, tb' 8coffiaipoet, wvso orîli a greol iê.1.,ad itleld hlm tu amy liai 111af tiii uhaj)pineos of lite epriage (rom iovking back-to griefs whiol are past, aui tiforward wvaîh fer tuth le future."* The asyluge of tht remarkable mans Jean Paul ltiicher,woeo unique in mOfly respect&. Spoaking of wbal vai gond and beautifl, b. s&id . *"Fieseonly the demon of hmbition, aud lie vlld &pu of vauity, and you wil be recon. ouled vt the angel of th. good and the beatifoi." Auain, "6To 1he man who bas had e. molier, aIl vomen are sacred for lier sake III I"Boy nol ai the finsi moment,No,but vait;" *"Do every. lbing lils&4lime, puttiug off nolhg." * No one reasoned beter tien the groal Bacon. Me iewv on phuosophy spply le the. preseul eqnsily vii the past ages. Ho said: It if an sur. ed trthi and a conclusion cf arperience liai o ttle superficielkbowiedge of *pbiosopiy may incline lhe mind of Mmn bstieei, but a furiher proceed. ing therein dolli bring the mimd b again (o religioni." Chaucer'@ liues 4"To M-y Soni," beiug mutlenuized, are Iliumreudered : F'ar frani mankind mi veomy sont re4e SÙ uAit nter tnuth, cottmmaiit 11 esr Whoaecibe on iigh aI bout h ivelns shows, Who mils n riches all te fortune oves. Eead voit thysell,and mark th yeaity V&ya Vain la the muse, and envy vait on Pr"u. "Whot bhen betows viii thankM e ye. Fiita k tiy heart, and thon throngh foUi beileve. Sblowly ve end., o'er s toilosme vyp 5iadows of liftsand pllgims of a dey. 'Who rotiesu LAn is ou ionr.eivees afbu, Look uj onhligh, and thenk thy <lui for h ie asbeau vel seul of 1h. greair Walter Baieigli: "Tien active, st111, sud unretrained, bis Bpo'd the vasi crIant of ais putel And vilh hie prison houts enrléhid the venld. Yet feînd no "ion, n ail ihat long ré.- 8ogolso 0 base as thoesha pro-vd. u In ci9w ecoquered, andilu in li ha bed brocbl10g.apgthe ,aIien 01 o Ocio er 1Ole. t l.e hutoh ",,gonded fiae, ii a-d uMlhlugiy f thec sherlf;'Thies saa>neii but is mi ore cure f«or dlsesese." nce upoeed lic folovlug.laie 1h nlglil before hic ezecutin' ouilihaue wae-sa u Oailv. bYa. *shahu p lhbis5ory u a& Fat, cor od," tet (1ofioma brI-eS lit*& uhin a 10 b o ,.elge. have asserîod. liaIt 14eImpossible for a pitoher la ourve lb. baill ie h udaun r te oftcu desonibed lu lie reports of games. A speelsi commttée. o1thle providence isaklleSooletyo oppoluted, 10 twulatr, repoi' l'1 ie sc etaIa rt'aonîmeeting, "liai, alter iluse a1akea ver. piuuced iu s dir. ect line, aI a distance of about thIrty foot spart, lbe bail vus ibrovu by a pinson standing behlnd lihe firet al éake inusucli a manuerliai il passed t'o the nigimi cf the fire1, te thieloit oftheie ac- ond, sud ote .igil of the ihird. e' Thé bail vae 50 tmnowu lia il poosed te lias Isft aide cf thbe firaI oake, lhe iglit of tic second, sud the lotI cf ath tird; ehowing Lu heb.pilcien ha. the power te cause lhe bail b courve te tie iglil or left-at pleunre."' * No log es. anof ime levan Candi. aatsî efthle Jewith persuasion î ho aI lie genoral lection lu England ondes- vourod t soecurs leste in parliament fsjlqd le accoruplish i o oue, Ivo Oon.mnvalivem, Limee Liborale, sud oe Homo Butor, viz, Sir Julien Qoldemith; Rochestr; Mr. Seuai Imoc, Notling- boin ; Sir JunesVegel, Flmoti , Baron Stein, Mid Surrey, Mn. Davis, EBut Kent ; Mn, AldernuaHrris, Kil. dane. Their mcore fonimnate bretbren vene six Nalianiel de Rothsohild, Ayl- esbury ; Mn. Cohen, Q. O. Sonllavark; Banon* de Worms, Greenwichi ; and Mr. Sidney-Wools, Pontefraci. Il sons liaI b EtBagui lav naines givon ai baplieni may b. oliangcd si confirmation, tor Sir Edvard Coke sis: .If a min be baplioed by the cusme 'f Thomas, and after, at bie confirmation by the Bisliop, hoclinamed John, b. ssy punaise by time naine cfits cou. firmation. 40id Iis vas lie caseof Sir Fraudes Qawdye, laie Chef Justice ofthle Court of (lemmon Plean., vlose naine ot baptisus vas Thomas, aud it naine et confirmation Francs; sud] limaI unocfFroais y hjei. dvice cf ail lie Judgss, Ane 86, Henricns VIII,~ ho did bear sud aflarnoued lu ail hie parchase sud giaIs." Tbis le a val. usile uni te tlice. vie live bsdil h- deaus cnues-lnflict-ed ou usai. Jamnes Smiihuggod and kisse s girl &gpinot ber vjll in s Qalveston sîneel, sud @hlie bd iim orosted. IHa va. fused Si5, wvilci hopaid, sud vauzt home cougratulstiug bimmeif liaI ho lad goleout cf thme acrape msamoi- iy. ButI ho vas mstalien. Hi@ vif. met itm st tbe deor vilb a rolling pin, knockod hlm dovu, aud pouuded ý> bm' unlil be w va uesible. Sidney A. Siores, vho mannied is S tep.dsughlan, sged 11, ag Bomeneel, M., lisbeau flnedt650 for viaisting. a BiaIs lavforblddidg inchi vadlock. Tie mauriage ie alec inviidsted. The Bei'. Zacoheus - Boyau, vio panfoniued tie oeremany, s veniod, sud, a, ha P= dd ia i îdnet knov the youtlifnOue he iagirl, lie public pro- ocoulor let1 hlm go unpunisied. Prof. ILaide of Qottingen, lia. con- lradicted lu lb. Germen papessan ai' surd &bs-y cf a M. 6. of the. Apoetle Peler boriug benen fouad among lhe ypeocf a decca.ed Sveadiai Jov aI oeu.lem, sud cf the Briish sud Foreign Bible Socety iaving vinily cffened £8.000 for il. He bas boma a the Belyf, w'ic ninform'pra hlaiethf slory ie quit. uutounded. Jacob Wahber, of Tarbora, N. O.,vse old and ugly, vie bis vif. v&asYoung and pretty. Thc ditarlly iu agc sud tecks led lhe husband te loresils vif. vildiy, and tl ife t lgel 1ued of lier htuband. Ho diacôvered good use fun jealoutly, âmidodclared " &Uailbh vautedvwosloebc rid of ber. But ha oould net live vlthoul hsr, for, wlieu about te quit the court rocs, aflor ob. Waiin a divorce, h. feli dead from beoit Lase. The Manquie de Rayé, a Frenai ni> bleman. lmseforme& acv- clonyin oeo e l. sanxe kuovu as New Bris. lan, lu Ooeanies. The colonlate arefor the Moct part Frech. Irih. inê Bel-. olu, and wlltmefore probably agie- un religion. Thoy arc ouveryfnleudly terme staIpromt viii lh. uboilgies.- Thain colouy lias, acoring 1o lie -tournal Jas Dobais, beau plaidvader. lis protectorat. et lie Uuited States, sud bas racalved lie' nu»etc Port Breton. Spaulnard d hiceme coolies WIJOLIES4LE AND RETA&IL' -KI1NG-STREET, - OSHAWA. The -undersigned, maing the LIQUOR TILADE a specilty, to which, he confines hie business, is en'abled té sýup lî amufies, Hgotel-keepers, and the Trade; &eniermlly wuhgenuiue Liquors, at lowe8t prW88. BEST WINS » odw4 ot ]REST B RANDIES, chowc~rns BEST WHISKIES, 7 ýyers5 wood, (Warranted.) BEST IRIM, fie. old Jamiaca.- BEST GIN, including old Hollallds ana Tom Gin. PR/CES LOWER THAN, ASKED FOR INFERIOR Q<JALITIE8 EL8EWHERE 1 -I;AGIER -BjeERinîp1 4nd'8 gallon pâckà geé. Lager Beer lu, bottles-2 dozen ini cane at $1.25; junt the riglit article, SOLE AGENT FOR GINER WILSWS MONTREAL MGRALE, CiiDElR IN QUARTS,, - DOUBLE SODA WÂTER, CIDER IN PINTS, LEMON SODA SaJTZBEa- WATPjB GINGER ALE ini Quarts, a new feature. - :00:- Special arrangements for sup lying, Private Familles, Bails, Pienie, o, &c., withthtsë pure, non-intoicant beverages. iW- FREE DELIVE 1Yi ~Large or small quantities supplied, ând delivred freé oft oharge to customerins luWitby n Oshawa and vicinity. Botties returnable, when not Q&ge for. WHIOLESALE & MRT AM COUNTY LQO~OE Aprl '26th, 1880. OSHAWA. ALL A. $AUBE <WAueU WA L A'P.E -R!1 'A OPENED THIS WEIEKq ii &RzGEJ S:m t' 0F WALL PI.PERe COMPUISIKýGe ENGLISHI AMERIOAN ifCANADIN MIG8 O up ers thia se non suras, bothlu desg dcolor- in , n y li n g b aS era a o w n ha W h e l y . O v or 2 0 0 d f r uf t te= sanging fs-cm FiVE CENTS PEBRBOLL, suil npwands. PAPER RUNfG ON TE KOBT EABONABLE CFE J& NxI WW x(fI, i IN -ALL ITÈ B BANCHÉS. TEENS, MARTI-N &WRM - Muiroli, 1880. Oy-18) BBOCK-Sr.,~WH~T1lL - -t Ol- -'- 7 WB Amm MAKIG Â, NEW BTY,,LE nof , bt0rPap, a entieyR 0f~ ~ Phtorahe ; SPECIMENS .0N FtIýTfN Cards aid- Cabinets fuii ed 't 1è lateet style of 1i1 Art. Frames of aIl ýies à 1waýs on habd. ~iW~SR ..LN '.1 IN MILLINERY AND FANOY DRY <*00DB. Nev DrssTrmmnNe-ë-W Mantle Trimmings;, New Laces, New Frilhig, New Fringes, New Fanoy Hair Pins in Jet Miler and Tortoise Sheil. A-180 a full and attractiýve display of Underolothing, Baby, Linen *a. Should any special artic- ls be dèired, ladieà can ha-ve them made- at a few houxs' notice and at the smallest possib le cost. DRES AND MANTL Ii MAKINU A SPEOIALTY. M. & S. E. McINTYRE, Agent for uew W. & W. sewing Machines, BROOK STBEET, WHITBY. 0'- Orders received for fte British- American Dyeing Company. 0-Q TO C jPGRIN ~ AND--CLOTHS.1 FEËRGUSO'N HAUS JUST BECEIVED A STOCK 0F SC0OH and CANADIAN TWEEDS'I Whioh were ordered before the rise it price, and which lie proposes to offer at less than previons selling prices. In cloths, lie offers ALL-WOOL lfWEED-SIJITS, at > $11 Iu HATS, lis stock is the largest -ad best selected to be fond in tle Oounty. TAILOIRJNG in ail its brEuches and-îmder hie owu supervision. JH EGSN Dnndàs Street, Whitby. NEW GOODS! MAtTTHEW OOLLINSI4ATS, CAPS & GENTS' FURNISHINGS Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, AND BER THE LARGEST &i BEST STOCK 0F BOOTS ANb- SHOES 1K TOWN. gi- Ten per -cent. discount off for Cash FOR ONE MONTH. Cuslomers ara inv ited leoeil u ad examine fis stocak, judge cf lie qualily sud taleas note of lic puices, and salisfy themeelves a. te viere thiy eau gel 1h. bost Bargaium, for 'y.' boôo,-ti ele eauý- Boots as oheap a. lhey are good, wilB siand v*ilboultar For ladies, gent., and girlicod- Auj vaei, -yv;; re-Fil for oity on lie vood ; And Liai can't la beail e seere, Ail shonld hava o pair Liai mouid, By lic hast. AnM ba at nemI. te" REPAIRS NEATLY DONE.- Corne on doar public, lbave yenr erders, sud gat a pair of Bots offie 1 ngh 91a . en'. j..Ur OUuauaMa U.. uuuu.u 55 Merehant Taioring and Gents'.Fur- nlsittg House, NEXT DOOIR TO THE NEW PSTOFICE, MeMillan's Block, FJELD'AND 6 A large supply, - Brook Street, Whitby. J. R. PRINGLE.- 'AIWEN SEEDS!- ,Pure. and Feha ;m ITW8E- GENERAL DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, GLASSWAR, MATTEW CLLIS. [AND A LARGE ASSORMMENT 0F HARDWARE, &CÈ TO THE FARMERS' 0F THE We offer you for the harvest of 188-0, the following first- 0158 Ferming Implementsu: BROWN'S WHITBY HARVFMTER, (Improved.) YOUNG CANAPA MOWER>, (Improved.) CAYTGA JR MOWER, (llmproved.) The abova machines requiro no comment from us, affer passing flirougli nBa 8arvesf as, hlut 1cansd csnrying off fthc Gold meadfor canada, We also notify ail purchasero who want durable machinery and propose to psy CASH UN DELIVERY, to e a a our office in Whitby, beforo placing ypur orders elsewhere, as it la our-.intention to adopt flic CA'SH SYSTEM! As uerysis prAMtiosie,,sud fheruiy make our price 11sf at lowest liv-t mng pruse. gi-ve us, a "nI. BOWN & PATTE RSO'N MNF$GOoý. Wlaitbyv, Jan. 21sf 1879. RIGHEST MWARKET PRICE PALU FOR -NY QUANTITY 0-F- The Dry Geods Department is coruplete in every lino and -the Grocery Stock ail now and frosi. »- nTe cheapeet house- in flic Connty. Re- membor the addres. 49) A. B. SMITHf,,Raglan. -ALL O N- w 1ILILIXAE]E ' 3 ulft lU. -0F WHITJY,- For Reliable Boots an'd Shoes. Ot-Foot Wear of all cnds sold -Oheap for Cash, by WILLIAM BURNS, Brook Stie, Wlutby. CLITTERS, B1GGIES, ýAND CARRLIAGES. The La il8 and&BAssortment in the County. GREAT BKRGAINS OFFEREDi IN CUTTERS, &o., inl order to.make room, as -We ixiteud-to bild a larger number of Carnages -and Buggies this wiuter - thnuusual. TONS &N7BWPORT'IS: DUNDÂS STREET, - WHITBY, ONTAfflt.j by. umulualcontent. fuure e rr don byA.ELyg LYON & RIJPE Artist8 and P mesurs. LY»N BROS. An ia~ many friends sana l,, liberal support =aiceor thi> maliçit & continuation o! h»flf m à j nov Sumr. The operaintfg mmM botinthe91'i I t hé neali teittIvi,, ,_Tho O)pemta g oom W,,, tE clo.ei froua th, 5th «l lje 13:h. cf April, instant. Ou cusemens are klndy ùae notice cf tisame. WIil Wili Lie Studio ontirelv zefilteâ.. Lyon & Buelbig douarmina te lhe eabhzotAti future, as the past, THE ONLY FIRST - Ciý STUDIO IN THlE COUxv' Seeo ur Tablot Photos., of Wbks1l making a speciatty. Ciuidren y corme. Dnring .hieîatious the. store '-M open. Fnaming cf ail klua stue rates. LYON & BP Wilkinsou's B1ocl1' Wibjr, April 1, 1880. D AILT LINE TO ROCHEM TEE STE ÀER Commemcug Tlîuradai, Apl Will nmake han rair tripe-cti LX&VING Cobours ai 7.80aud!P a1-9.80 every morning (u~yia arrvai, Of trains from lie Eh Eéhesier) st 9 p.m.,except SatuisSe mai Icayea aI 8.45 p.m., fer Ccix Dustert iu Stadlai, vil Ud1 aheapeet ani met-direolmroulag -Albany, sud Neo Ti , -. For funlierlormation, applyte or CAPTAIN SEEBI E. BTflPHENBSONî Dom. Te Ticket Agent Wï4 y r~HI PAPR suy lie foun io .L,, Geo. P. BRevei là .eNove ventsig Bureau (10i Spince St.),* ,Veiiiing onrcl ay b. modei SADýDL-EV Aý HARNEl WILLMAM TRIOMP Bogs-ho direct attention la hi. laq 'lupaniorstocka, comnilng e0r lu ie a,,dte,,ya Hmese SARATOGA TRUNK - A- LOT Or- O-QQ BTTi11IH~R!TELEPF w. je GI-B SON0 WHI~Y HINA TeA ONTWARLO BANI4 DIVIDEND No. 46. Foututebirsêby gl tb*t hsl vda o THRE PER CENTI. oteu liai t*&M I Is f éta hait oarau4 iaI ie au oit s. Orders tu>discon b. i wniting Nifl 088 y fiOrTIU LEllISTEE.IL soe lotiafs aiir Wii-by ABRStERni- m leyte Loami- j OHN -A.-l 5i#,eet,Oi aiea.. O:LtIUI iý