Whitby Chronicle, 27 May 1880, p. 3

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a auf ideso1iablO-Y'=g th Véss dare rcomnlptll esrif tho I P E N S1 I G S L gi1 smbody' y ot eor Je thikeIis ocNWmÈ<*21 let iml is 1<6.Te di r t c n. adton atueDoralefîhot en arc vdR CE VE ilt i, be ie at su -rhoS me wbM S O C ur o psciapongunoli ede inf rbe tT -A .- F bela bc o tWOfli',tyii e t1>CcUon 1 P R S L e?) amittre el btht on<ilVE u. Dr. Pierce'$ QOriaen .Medical CH EAP, iscoery Je a moet efficient alterativc »g strength te *the systeni. It bas ] ' 5GOS or~hn~el f conoumptives.DEIR BE Remuedy for 1lard Tmes. Stop spening o much on fine *****~O tIbthes, rich foodf and style. Bny goud be lthy foodl beapêr sud botter cloth- higio of 1f. very way, and especialY O F1I~ 0 I T I N 0 3 ttop the fooltmh hait of runfling after epensiveO"'d quak docors or'ueulg0QD D pomcli of th. vile hunibug inodiojue tga dues you, oly ham, Ma icesvs a proprietors icli, put your trust in FELLOW e greatest of ail simple, pure renie- tridling ceat, ando wil see betters 11sd of it lu anollier clunin. HT Y .onouumpion Cured.THEO PR E tice, htviig nid -placed in lds handB by an Emt Indie missionery tho formula HOUSE.!T N cf a simple vegotabe ýrenedy for the H A speedy and permannt eure for CouenAM.L O ugnimptiôn, Broneitis, Oatsxnh, Agita, aUalThrual* andi Lut g Aiections, A N D lieo C positive aud radieal cure fer- - _ A N > ~ervoe debihity andi ail Nervpuu Cernm' laints, after bavilg t"itea tB vonlee- RICHIELIEU &.ONT D»V O nicurative powens ln thoiuda uf kïOwn W hi RsNfflng u,1. 0uRoyal Mail Line îteQ by Ibis motivean a desirs te re- - ETWEZN- byae hunian snffenlng, 1 wil sendi free QUEBEC, MONTREAL. KINGS- cf charge 10 a&l whe deoîrs bit"d e TON, TORONTO, HAMILTON. Desire to iniate that previous to a Gei anprwh.Eg ., AND INTERMEDIATE naing. Sn ymlysdsigPRS th tap,5ailq t:ds NiflgORTS. dissolution of partnership, they wil Shierar, 149 Poeev Block,RBochtter, N. 42 offer during the mnonths of Oued Ativice. ,1Çow le tho lime ef year fer Pneu- mionie, Ltung Fever &o. Everyf mily MKONTRY.ÂL & RAMUITON9, M 4A"V <JI NIW R7 i l Y thouid .ha"e a botte ie c Bs as CORSICÂN, (cou hle) 5aRt. Sinclair. L X-,y -.' J.' &..i C> Gx«Siuuua vu. Don't alow for une BP&ABTAN à moment ih<zf oougb te taie heltiof OORU4THitAN, et ?rIeL your chilt, jour family or yourseiL- PASSPOBT, ruih h h l ftervlal tccN Cunompon,, Âthma, Pneumnonie, ÂLOERIAn,«-C" t ewoTrewh ï alal sok C roplerorages, anud other fatal M ÂGNiIT, " Cameroni. uees miay set ln. Aithough Il la Wiii leave the Canal Blasin diiy, (sua l itn f suwrd.r -of t e tlofv truc Gza AN Ru s ptu ho8nd d) et 9 o'cloek, andi Lachine coitue ss.n 8JVLd w nyiv cf tose Svav' l cuing houaudsarrvaiof the train leaving Bonaventure h ua dd lasw rh o hs'diseages, jet it le inuch better Station ai Noon, andi Coteau Lending on h ua d ol rsw t. te bave it At baud When three doses the arrivai oft tht train leaving Moutreal Kt will cure yen. One bottie wii.i lest 65.Mr., for your whole faniily a winter andi keep HAMIILTON AND iNTERMEDlATE PORTS i-r you riafe fruit danger. If you are con- malng direct connéoetion aet $259000 00. V~ mmtive, de tut rmit util yuu bave PRESCOTT & BROCKVILLE. tricd Ibtis renicdy. Bampla bottle 10 cents.. egular aize 75 centa. ibId by DOWVNIWARDS. ail Drugglsta. Leeve Hamilton, every morntng, iLt orh fteIe etadm s ah Dr. Kings Colifornia Golden Cern-: oot .........t 2.00 p.m. Pounti.ol'on .............. at 6.60" ion able Goods, at sucli prices as wil] I. a stictiy vogetable proi.aration, tg Cobourg..............et 7.20 sud Mwill poitively cure Dyopepsia. Kingston ................ trWoà-. efe peycerne sîcad1ciache, Acidity of Brockvilo.........t 00 ped lern e couirng up of Foodi, Pain in pi of Ste- ...aot............ai0.0 lalI, Low Spirite, liliousucas, Conati VCret .. ...........et 1.00 gi potion, Jiiun dico, Lit-or Couplaini or Coteau Landing....t 80 aîîy aliecticu cf the Stounnacl or Liver, Arrivingaef MoutreaL ...u 6.45 in.discd te btioyposblye. Von are Noe-4tlreen t EEvey aricl in itestor ha butiot eeteat tie 1oeilknow whet Mondeli,, -n'ynid Friday. AbtiE eyatceÙ h tr a yon are getting. Tbere.Iere, an yen 91h ju<v e i.wU hui e rc cily as altaitc.ben I du d ii P ce, ii value yeur existence, do net feu te ge The Steamers oft lisi Lino are Unequaed elheued ù, rcs,àw to your Drg,ist, . W. B tstiîlli & (CO. and troin the' completent'f's of dîcîr arrange- sud gen a trial botÏlo fret' o charge, j n'e, Pil! rcau atiord. whieli will low silît a regnlar 018' They@t- rirugh aIl theide oif the and taire no cùier. 8. W. B, Sanîlli & ligliht 1 ETU-ltI TICKETeSed a lt KrodîîîotI GLluCNvucth Lk tI..ihuinidla ,etvwI d i l D.S.Luvtcadtl~katfn 'u f a r W ! F'. 1-1PHENONTHiE LONDON HOUSE Povcrty and Diminuas.DoinonTet egr ,an Iib.MY18. That puverty whicll preduCes the May 26,'N).<(C) Whitby. greatemi distroas is noi cf the punie but - cf the'blood. Depnived ofet is ricboess, it becomueosecant anti watery, a coudt- H N RY S L .c:m j s M 1 r - > . ir«& ,i. ion terînet anemîin lu edical writinge. .iI ER SA E G O D M T 'S IA L it-en tisis condition, anti scrofuicuueFr ie-c-OP-CE8a Lws fi awellings and sures, geperal anti tory-Frfn-iasWTHSaLws rc ens debility, Icas of fiesb aud appetite, DfDDVl AUUTl weak lungii, uruat diseames sud con- IBUILIIII I Il jIjflflIflUIUlI sumptidn, are aniong the cumnuin re- G LS IH8HLFOB CHEAF BABY CARIÂB. suts. Tberefose, if yuu are a sufferer ODMT' frein tlin, poor bluet, do tut bustti, ITNRO vs. WARD. ODMT' HALL, but empiey Golden Medical Diucevery' FOB 18 KT. GOLD WEDDING RMIGS which euriebes the blouti antiradically SUNTT T E DEOREEFOR GfOLD8MITH'8 ,ALL, cures these affections by slicking At p Bae matie in 1h11Ocaue, Ibere V oW .-"CE-ET AU I ON the reot outhle cvii anal removiog thebe holasoitwth the approbation cf, G. H.]ELEO&L8.BETVLE N'ON cause. Daztm~il Master et Ibia cout et 'Wbtby, $HL yBÂMUEL BAJ3.D, uc$AeneerKtai GO LDSMITW H LL Zurcka EWat Rheurn andi Skiain titelt. byFoR ELBCTR(»PLATBD CRUETS, TEA POTM BUTTrER Campbef's Hotai, Cannlngtons, . ~ POL5 oh. u NVS OK &N Âmoug lbhenaneroes u10 owbicb AT ONE OICLOOK. P.IL, ON SPOS0 E e8 uALMTY AT IJWZST PRIORS. fleah is heir," the- diffrent diusaaea etPODO TXt33î the ikia laite no conieniptbis ranc. XONDAY, THE,7th DAY 0?JAMES JOH NS ON- Sat Uheuni, Serotlcus Soeasanti;EJUNdO NlIT1 Seurvy, have hitherto been eonuitieuei~ isia mom almosî incurable ; but snob le ne long- The foflewing icpniyhte village, of Broouer*, Wlb. er the case.- ThoE ureita Salt Rhoum cannln_______________ an k'onmn il WM&te î g NW E PROTOGRAPLMY1% cure te wontcasf Salt Rheum or Laidlew anti Davitaostreubets, ta;-1On >P O OG A 'e Amy otebr Skin Diseaee4ifthe dntiicIQDI 28,,1, wltb A 1 store? InsAneiteie.tet arc fattfully raue.SI m oe ahS,8x4 u~ t$tecondition, TM . . E. R Y, J W.V,-RU P ER'I A50cns, by auiuggisisý. lfl.ly purchasaeiPsxcel S hvin tiae p!je, ai TiOent o rmôvufgltéObe= eenfltmnd (Lot 20, 8r4 000. cf 'WlbY.) pswbévam8u am 41UOI Git-Edgc Butter. now it"aso bcm l . 0, oa@Pbt<sbU Thr saîways lan active deniantabvLo1,anifntnci. 158 01ililud a e theee fun regi fo uirthokt le up ,0te Iée et Lsi awreet on w m.an h standard la quality anti cler.- M c n itathhoiceselectloncfgeuhu-el011 ~ j~5i.ià575Itu5 butter that in tberwlse gooa slis eta ranis and tilerfraiti., at i n b Ub e s ssecrt tu redtinn roni $broe tb iv. cents pur oiti e If storey Fa* e, Iuatdçsê h cmty 1Âcpm]W panti, beasu»ete ietiicelor Parel Oas, luitable for a dwllln< b». bairymem sim*u thobn uniW.ý, lu iit rbenn psctiivaie'iwI- artion & Co's Perfectei ButIn Colo" "11t b M'entuel ai lE nu june 0010r, biPAopCEL 8-Villae tLx JB JB 09# h emaj mal byfrtebnigbl.s,pun. tidbeat 96, Il Ani9. oansJ.e , nw£X matie. Soi by dflgisl. 4.i PdtA14i~ -ue l oi, le ,1w andi 104 9ir 'Notices of Births, J(Mwgs PÂRGEL 5-Lotgo', frcmting ou thioMI W".I'V and Deai lescharged 50 c dao of p. tiis flrIcestreel. PÂRCEL El-Thi. vathalysa of Lots Ticzy mos&.W8at8, frontIng on M=MycoantiM -OR,-; WHfiTBy MAK RS. 'princeO~ cJ,<osza~ One, May901, 16<). PABOIL 8-mTii.out haIs ci tssi RtbElS --O FmI Wheat - ,Iî.sm&62iis aniS Ir on the est ide ýcf KiOO4«l3, , STEY rping Whest........ 20 28 ým s Xdt6oqé Fleur, Pr.cwt ...t.-. 80@ .,825 the danUrujirui*m4ty>« Bye........... 070<'5 b=uet 1cf the partim i ...... .... 00 ',%ie i îll s t... :................0S 4Oei ti as Amnc er, for feet.... 0 60 0 8 oueRouas. , Itu*1) - " 1ose<~ 05 1g0 0 7 A~lspr n........00 S800- Tn ei.o O rcae Pîi............000 j 0 00 u g r Poltos.......... 18fl<)e) pall e tsth e asi.. aýt Fg......... ......00 00. 1 t efo2Mk Checse.... .......... 2 e 012* t- ailel*04 8 ed.......... 75 @400baacineg1r :S ....n............15 2 00 il n«e A lids ........... 700 T - Crkprt ..... . 5 W il0000-11w Lîs......... . 0 00P a où l Ce............. ....400e 5 Wà ...... 00 ta I XHIBITING-, THE I ý--LARGET BLýAC]K LIJSTIE Wue woiild respectfUlly SEÇURE BARGAINS 1 Whitby, April 2lst,_1880._ i ~ ~we-xJ STOCK-0F DRY GOODS'TO BE FOUNU IN THE COUNTY1. Am l XEWm WRITEand COLORED TABLE DAMASKS., LES,. aSttenintc>ou NEw DEPARTMENT, containing 5,7 (extr a ndlu) 1flI ,every article, euwhih anuIjebought at the abovo prices. OALL EBÊLTan DRY GOODS EAfPORIUM. GIIEKI SALE.0FHÀO&F-:ANC;YRS AT BRYOESCSH-aOR, 8 rmnl - a~'"1,ifitsaiian ummense varietyý of Dre much belpw regular-ratesw,,.Eeeinvites your Attention to, a mentioned hereunder. LOT NO. 1.-600« adu of' Heavy mobsirs 3.-1500 yards Plain auid Fancylan"ges and Tweed Suitin98.y t t'4. '700 yrof 80OIIfrfi #DBegess ut - 6t < .-700 yards ÀII-Wool vryfie TwiIed Beiges,, ut - 7.-Handsome Bato n De ege i t- St .-The Pinest Obinti aèeBëiei st - tt tt i ik ,GIanma Coloro4 Buntin ,from 18c. to Lt <t for Sale or ta ,Renti1 M AEIL S tlotlaa yagors , xî aondilî PO [IAss Godsa vr O t #VOma4-icTO at 20y cets MyrW.Nvoy 20centa. àwPU;O-TC 20 tents. 25 cents. 2 cents. 25~ cents. Si cents. 40-cents No-nea ,.-..'u àaC iWzgLUTE Evey picein Black Cashmneresg from 48Ã"t 1 n fth agetsok 01 SIL_àS between Montreal andTr o iec.lgl o ae.IEi ade o h premlises, by Mrs. HIJUMH=Yo eqW liii style and finish to those,,turued onu by, any city h~oue May 19, 188.NO KIGT WETOB&AA 't. F'IA ÂýTTRÂOTI01 DOMINION WA-ÙRROO 0m Ss eI7OQK CiiEAP RISONS and LA£ TWO..BtTTÃ"N XIDSJ CHEA OA0M~IS, OUR-BUTTOIý UDS CHEAFPÀB~L TÂILULNGTO OBR. 0 I v eau vour- DIRESS GOODSY ý'FANCY and at, Myrtis Nay.yý'l 18- XÀÉKOD 8:

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