THE WNITY tflVWu1yiiL se ]U5LISU» :ilSE-,! , r auUl90DAY xN0laNI1X-0 BROOK STREET9 WHITBX. Terms - $10 par Antiar. mont mouredin onpuidLe n hargea et the rate et e cents, per lino, Ors niertien, anud acone, per lino, eaoh sube- Speolel Report, ef Meetings, Flnanclc.1 tbtouentu e1 Banks, Itoilway Ooxnpoles, Inanroe oempantes, andi mtter, eft Ske description when placod emong News Mat- ter ton cent ijer lino. Spootioontrocts. made with adiertlsets b y the yeor, or othervise..dvrioet ** Ordeos te dioutis e rieontlnn mnuit heinwrtlng. Business Direa tory. ONTARIO BA.NK, W H IT B Y RÂNOH, THOMAS DOW, FAREBWELL & RUTLEDGE, 3 " ISPýISATTORBYS, SOLI- ancore. Office, iret imer South et the Royal Ilotel, Whithy. JAMES BUTLEDOE, B. A. J. Le. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Courty Crown Attorney. 43 J AMlES J<EITII GORDON, B) ARRISTER & ATTORNBT.Ar1.LAW, .>Solicter in Chaoery, Cenvoymncer, Notary Publio, &c. Offie-Deetias St.. firet door vest cf Arxntrong's Hotel. Moey to Loan-Prlvate tende-at 1ev JOHN A. McGILLIVRAY, (Successer te H. M. IHcwall.) 'DARUISTER & ATTOUNBY..AT.LAW, n Notary Public. &e. Sellcitor for the Deminion Bank. Ofllc.-Next deor 'tn Mentien House, Uxbridge, Ont. .26 CIXARLES C. KELLER, ATTQRNBY.AT.LAW, 8OLJICITO11 IN A kChanoMr, Convoyancer, dc., oaiag- on, ]BrokCW. L. T. IIAItTCLAY, ATTORNE - AT -LAW, SOLICITORI lei Chanceryand lnielvancy, Cenvey. Muer, &cý, &o. Oirc-At tha'Ceert Hoa, Whitby. LYMAN ENGLISII, L L. B., B ARISTEII AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chacery, Cenveyaaoar,&dc., &o. Sim- oe Streot, Osh'awa. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., Orier-'Ie tha Office BSouth et tho Poit Office, in hicMillans Block, Brock Street, Whithy.> JOIIN HALL DOV, BARRISTER-AT-LAW. SOLICITOII le CCliacery, Ceevoyaucer, d&c. Offic-Deverl's leck. Brock Street, Whitby. MONET TO LEND-Private icunds,- lueus u p te 6800, ut a low rata of i- teret. (CY-52 ROBINSON & KENT, (LATr. DroGÂN & R0oerà oN.) JAIRISTERS-AT-LAW, ATTOUN - B .>eys, Solicitors, Ceriveyancere, &-e. OFFICE-In 'jtox4ia Chambaes, No. 9, Victoria Street. 1" VOL. X GILARD GT7R. Staioen)Wiby, wm~. ONEILL --PO'ITR Evory accemmUtion for guesti, inaluti- ing comifortable, aùlery aisiMach atill Lr ThIe Bar feU snplluativt' bs brande cf Lîquors, W ecVrantles, Ofls. Gecd tiSahling, onclese yard, anti atteet- fire oaters. -a8 c OMMERCIAL HIOTEL andi STABLES, si anti 50 Jarvis-etrect, Teronto. JOHN MclAEg, -.-.-PROPRETOÊ. lsuccCeceE os aJouxe EnnY,>. The bout 1.00t a Do y Bonnoeu tua OIty, elY two blocks frein the Northern Depot.antielose. te the Markt. The lieuse haeîIteen 'neily Fltted eut, tanti cyM-thing Frit-claics. ly.47< MES4. WALKEY'uI TEMPERÂNCE HOU'E,' DUNDAS-STItEET, WITeY. Good aceommodatien ai reacônable tarmi. Boarders $2.60 par veek. 45 RlOSSIN Houýs-.-TOROItTo, ONT. The Palace Hloiel et Canada Refiuiati. Referelehati, and Unriveileti. Nov Paccen- gar ilevator, runnin *gt anti ay.Te otyfia-et-caeHo! .5luniCanada viii'grai- atedpicee, vit --$2, $2.50, anti $3 pray. Mambruof etClebs saohr.dsig rmcins, vithout bord, 6i tea$ pr day MARK N. IRI;iH, Fab. 27th, 878. Propriier. R1OYAL HOTEL, WITBY. The above hoel bac been tluoroug'lyr renevateti anti referniced, anti le nov un- dar tha management ei CRU. MACKMR frmerly et St. Lawrence Hiall, Port Hope. Every attention palti ta gueate. Eseciolly gecôd Sanpla Bocoms for Com-. mercial travoliars. T Il B QUEEN'S HOTEL, (LÂT: cottItIClÂL,) nIOOoR-STIOXET, WvmRuv, TAYLOR &c McOANN, PROPIETORS. Tha untiareignetdesira e tenorntu tait friands and tha public thaItbey bava takon the aboya vell known hotel, vliich tbay have newly fitteti ep anti reuovatid, anti pet int t'a hast ef erder for tha accommoda- tieo f enta. Tha Bar, wi'icb is tha baud- soeat te the Ceuety, i. Weil suppliedti ii tha ifeesi brande of winea, liquer., aad ci- gars. Ample eclosi shedi rootu anti gond tabling, box stalle, &a. Detached orna for commercial travellers. J. P. TAYLOR, PHIrLI? McCANN. iota cf Toronito. THE WILSON HOUSE, ASHUIN, ONT., ALEX. BARCLAY', - - Proprietor. The- Bouseale of Brick, large anticeu. modiuuc, andth te ijterier le fittet upinjeaex cellent style. The larder je îuppiied vitîz the bet in JO. R.otrioen le. A,.Heiitit"t A.0E. ittit. -ciga - - Stalieg, large aeid roomy. Guade ahe-ds. JIO. G. KELLEY, ______ 'ARUSTLP. AT-LAW, SOLICITOR RITISII AMERICAIN LOTEL. B1. leCliaeicery antileaolve cCon rey 1B ancer, dc. <ý)Mlc-Deveril's IBlock Broct R A Y.-, S Street, Whilly, Out. ("TC LÂTBuse BOUSE.) G. YOIUNG 83M1IHL L. B., WHJ T B Y, O N TA BR10. B ARRISTER, kt., do.-Money Le Lean House nowly ranevateti aed ferniahati Issuer ai Marriaga Licenea.. ti'reclout, anti put inift frt-olasu ortar for Omc:Ove Doialn Dot-,WhIby. hoereceptien 0ai guestu. Ait omnibus leaont ornc-ovr DwInou Mnkwhiby. romoaultrins. Fir#t-cl.ouisample rooms. lon. 22,1878. <- CAMEKON & APPELBE, S Cor. King & York-sts., Toi-ente, Ont. B ARRISTERS, Atonieysat-La-, &at solicitorseinCbancery, N.4TorontoJ.AO'RD,-POiIET . streal, Toronto. Tenues, S61.10 tanDay. iy-47) HECTOR CAMERON, Q. (iy-48) R.8S.APuRE.____-_________ R.- J. GUN q N, id. D., -UGEON TO TITE COUNTY GAOL, Byron Street, Whtby. M. McCONNELL, - -PBOPRIETOR. - -- -- - _____ Sýr TEE BEST ACCO31MODATION agi BJYRON FIELD, M,. - fer Oneate. tir-tii Te& es4a t OZ 'f Fleurr îe o10 0, koh., ho., Wblte Sie. ot, ovoy kiati. RotantudBar Giode. GLOVBE"418RIO0 Dominion. Wood Work8, WHITBY. Gea. Cormack, UMBER MERCEHAIT & BUILDER., Iii~~~~~ A gecpletBuildars' Furni'. Leg, atiail kinti etTurieti Moldilage, Doorie, Seuh andi Bilnd.. LUlIIEER wholeiole anti taou, or by by tbf cor boaa.v Plà ning, Mouldingi of cvery dcîcrip- tien, Floring, Shectiug, Sbelving, Re- iawing, Shaping, Turaîng. Scroll.watk, etc., etc. Whitby, Oct. lOti', 1878. .48 M JONET TO LEND. Thae nderoelihas an yameni etMon- ey te Lenai epdn Partu or Towe Preparly, at unticnally Lew Rates cf lInereit. Loauc eau b. ropaiti in sumc te sait ber- rowrr. Soveral tmprovad Fermes andti Wtd Lands fer coacieap. Invactindtine madeient Municipal Daben- tnrei, Bank, andi othor mathetatable Stocks.. Por tertiier particelar apply te JAMES 1HOLDEN, Offel Asignee, Brokor, &o. Apri] Ot', 1872.15 ARCHITECTURE! DRAWING AND SPECIFICATION Or BUILDINGS Protaptly preporcul with, vitew ta Econcmy in Contruction. CHURCH ANI SHOOL ARCHITECTURE A CorreepocudenceRcpcfty oiîed a. B. BARBBR.Aanhiect04 . A. A. POST, <loe with - LenloLsngley & Burke, A RCHITE CT. Doniquo for Cburobec, Villa. andi Cettages modeingexisingstructuras. Orricz, for the p rasent, at liii rasidance on Kingcton Baud, Pickering. * THE TORONTO pId. UGON ccBffe' TJIOB~0WITB.jTurkish c& Vapor Ba ths,' Win eu, IletIEN. .D, M.R.C,8.9 GUY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., thie ye R. . H. L., Oi'awa, Ontanlo. C A RD. Dit. BOGART, Physîctan, Silrgacn, Accoucheor, dc., dcc. Whitby, Sept. 80th, 1874. 40 W. ADAMS, R 00ms OVER Il.iH. JAMESQN'S GroçrySinDudas-ut., Wilthy. office heurstam ogrsm. to12 m., anti frein 1.80 te 0, p. nm. Reidee-Cor. et Byron ant iGliheri treets. C, X. VARS. L. D. B. TEETR i-lrtad ena&U titi lotmprinclplep o!f te ot, &asoh aitohé'eheapeel, anti as gond saslts bail. ýot U viii' (lId anti SUrir. Teetitalott utolpca by produelng local oacti'eclaDmuliBoom-in Cou. ani s tro block, otr Alklaondé Drug Store, JOHN &KODINsospo tAIR DlkgSSISà AN» SHÂVING HL Saloon, Brocklit.,WbItby. JOHN WOLrFKoNEN AGENT F01R TM OELEBRATEI scoltici' rite. AI birbIe Wcrls cf Joaaban Wolteà tie,DOndmSt.,Nptbll2. OFFICIAL SIN . tr- OFFICE P POSn ITE EE OYAL RotaI, BetS. tly Wlîiby, Match SSIi, 1879. 1 -iy " EqB. ODËL, - OIerk Divisiob Court, Tpe- Clark JAMES T. JEWISLL, Proprietlor. (Lote et the Nipiacsieg Dotal, Toronto.) . Gooti Liquer. anti Cigars. Commodions Stabling. Fit-t-doase Livnr>' Stable anti Billiardi Parleur attachati. ly-18 0 SHAWA RUB RING 8TRZET, OSHAÂWA. H. CHESTER,-- Proprie.ier., This ti'ree-etery, large anti commotions gausa i. refittdant iernut tesuit lie. waathe travelling publie. Table sep> pid ieth ii'thachoicaci et tha season. The, brsepplieti vii't'athaiet brandi, liquior. ant i cgoc. Bus te ant Imfm sta tion. Ample eiablmrom, caret ni hostieri. - 48ly c HOW OTEL, COLUMBUS. JO lAULiDINGt Liofhe fi'.Oniarîo,II Achbbnr, having purcacoi th o evI-knovn promise., coUca ocontnnaceof patronage fron hi. nemaoes frionti.. A gond RoutIer ini attendance. VI LACIÉ 110 RSE IJOT19L, Cou. Fwot & r tiorez :Snr., TORONTO,' ÂLF.RHD OXFORD, - PBOPaRIETOiL <Laie et Wellngton Rotai, Mcrkitm.) -TERMS, 41.00 PER DAT. Goà t&belb- lag tot-over 000 herses. FirwI-desaccom-, modâtileafer farneraManthelb.travelling publioinganerci. (ly.4 LUMBER tLUMBER 1 .. JOHNSO , nà Whiti>y, April Dib, 187.M1 Lombard St. scharI heng Crois, Lcidoei. (IILLESIE, MOFÂ1.? ÇO Agflet oraada. .WTYR?.. a&l the Stokhaoder#,sudnilrg l~v Fend.. Modierato rateo o! prm. Whitby, April 9ti', 187. * A 88 INCORPORATBD l1833. A S ET 9, 41,101,M, 94. lnsnrimau ec teid at the joveet upeni rato. on Bufidings. Marbadie.. andi ptber. prerty, oginet ba, or tiemge by îro. Agant, Wbliby. Whitby, April 9ti', 187. 1 PEPPE14*9QuDrINE IBOIC TomeO and tron. It psems.all the powere ePltMain vainable touein tabaiehlg diceageas *9 ilpton,. tracoabla te veeknoee, aà e lte c& the nerrow syetm, enfcabloti condition of the body, and aeangement of the . ganoraI hCalth. y PEPPEItS QT5DNTNE Âtre [ON TONIO P tregtbcnetha narons andi muscelar :eystem.,texproves digeettlou. animale. tha ePirite. recrelte lthe health. F'or debiitated hoath frein the effact ef bote climets tente ln Invaluabje. ly-8 pB à ppERs QtIDUNE à »Mi[ON TONIO reniaise anadedvelops lte narrons én:ge, terichei the blooti, premetés api d longuor andi teprflion. foriflee the =geLr organe, lea aspecîtie ramdY tf orCUraiglo, agte, jetilgeitlon, favenof t«Vary kicti. ehest affactions, andtinlu atng tilienea., ero*duin tendenctee, d&o. Tha e hotsle le in 'tIr f btas n, the. consîttlil thenedu n a are tnr 1 robint= z ctan. Bottlec.82 tiose.,te. &L;neoxt "ei.lit. Solti by Caim covoryvhee, The natiet 3.Pep r, Boedfordi Laboraley Lndon,ýniet tu o delbei. Thora i. ne onic c id ctain ineaffect ai Pappea e itlno andi Irin. Iiil strongiy racceemendto gasieota in India andi the Colonites, andishould always ho kei ree.dy fer nuoineevery ccmoetfoaer ex terbrile condition. [y46 1'ABAXLACUM aL-çDPMDOPRYLLIN-Pre- jaredon 1lbyJraPur, Loatieo. *This Fiultcoutblnat Y.xto'mtifrcM din root., le nov niadt Iatetiut bIna pilI odaloi. mual for the ouuo et dyspepse.blmmi.a, Mcostvatuahie and een aMotiWi»t i- i.etaathe." Colonies 94»«. cozpeiay bring ttb naturcl colgur Thie affect le suporlor to tbÀot predaeed l>» an. Large bottlea.,le. Oti-Leokyort e i aqa toeh Maoa" expfaive hair reetmr. l former, l'ado Titese bat'. ara eael ie Rbetnulletm,- Naurolgia, Cougbi, Coids,. Cngietion, ' c Brenchilis, Bcro il, Skua Diieau lu. u- damnations. Billouenesi, lristat'or aetinu Saniiary purpos. - tiir Tha vaper ba0tiearaparticnlauly ifliea-st rng bbe teailSkia, etunie.lSpit ua ht ta novunaiveriabiy cnoti iaI e b the Turkimi' andiTaper Bateare lheboul drasl =rasrvai-vonsi et aaitb uithin th. reocit e1 Iou, h manaeprt, a t opi invil'u lu ot maticlemitrottinant t'a patient le more rap iy aun uoeiaiy treatoti. pie P&traisedtronghenit lelntee*Mhm royalty doue tote .poorsat iman. Tha.. Tunkitli' albi ar te ia ly-oni la lhaCity p et Torosito- Qutatlen"airecommaatiieTasagi BI bite be st matielsudnt malar altt lies ina onuls AC=en HROURS--Genilman, 7 t :8 .m t ehio 9 p-Z..saturday natil 1 p-m. Ladie, 10 pepeais ami e .80P. M. gem i -PEIOR8s-TotklchBota, eu s Il , 12ticets. $10. Vaper Bal',, SOMsl;e,- à tickets. $6.SO t .2PQIJENeTsWEsT. IkIlfF ant attntvmale anti tenus!. littendante, - J. S.DIAMOND, MD.' STOCK SPBaOULATIO]i.AND lE. VESTMEMT.-(m ations iraMigm c ty- PrivIlee.Sîci uin u llig' Stocka. 'Poul rinaon application. JAMES BBOWN tuDalerl aks andi Bonds, 04h&066nBadvay, Nov York. MONEY TO LOAN!I 41000 P OU INV$TDMENT. t0btfexrarslering greyr %a Wif. <clne lireineca~atoiilýy salra ati 15bomeilly i'euulm&. e.iw - bd fer dectrcyno ai nioourga ci f nov hait. y î40a the itu Ie~J 1~ - wRM.. georOM A Legentd cf rte 4d7Aat cen. TRI H.NUYIt 82!ÂBB Tb!ufurin, Pfet Bgan- chd;ubine-iboiti m,the ati o! R li ieage, a' raoe,01 *bfi noue ever fallil tia augr trMl. lr'c bà tut Whou itey to thé ,i l ot en- deati. , e tei5 f~.8 oreinet, Bgypliana8 galu ot rcl tloo, urely, suti ore titieuydans effle iO ttet protection c ofri.eudly City, the culfi ait of ltaeit ?urvuertoi1à Yhle te bond ltsît bouc. A volley of 'arrovu uhiatIet*"oud Sanchaden's hea4 Whvitearrived liai ulula lb. eeol* Obéilletet vis bristling ulit bouepo refd lede. fendî itagaiuisi e 'bost. Au 1he gres% gti clomed bebti& hlm, be beard ltae vat-cry o! Acitur sWIseillngo a ibocf tiumpb h llite eboaW- Egyptions, making S circuIt o1ltae Placetai agai. lop, vitoaletiround anti4iitdneu inlete tha dasari, e. ibougit otent le aban- don ltaoit pney. 'II nover uletg la oon çà Pitrsoit foa. ogau," raid Sotboi, draing a Ion gbresti t ci'relief, vitila, beaPing nîmbly le lte gronut, holeecelieti lita ginibu o!fhie pautIug itet. 111 bore frenle t li Gt Ring htuhicuratit, sud it aemed lite paucig ibrougit o hurning fiery feras., thtl eao,tcbOe beord antudi b e * lte siau; but under th. celui eyea o! Ph%"aci, IonÜ iâtbe t'a chili ef deat oemplin uote marrour et ry boues." Sarpitadon dia net mavr. Sis, boari vws beatinsugait$ i ai inte bloot in abis bodiy ceati urging -le bis brin ; for among lte speotatore looking 4ovn fIthelb.ionse.-Iepa- on jse~ oni> pruuorsutu o&DOW suawse, a,.a 1h. hope ltaibM 4sicit't act l-nu lite pd tit ghtl&Mid ti heluzaris Babylon ---,the reai Acsorsas qusen remombereti it., vuA- glillul City, boantifol inaromitteetiit, pies ulit vardanl bovers, sud rpec dote, andi voie. o! ruaiing waters. Ag-ufoui it, sitora of bsauty le banc.>sstrengllihiuva agrlm, lama citadel, deauti of palm paradis. t. nia",. rom for- hom rempart anti ihrealenlngltoue.drsi o il&a bubbllng siett ltaI Lheit' au1 its moaue samo Iuietsi0u uolhig of U4Ils aloIo*ieu ble ses aud thte silver laite, lta"i- llnuod le mirrer is rugged foalae mgo lruly muid failhfihys ltecmû frestuof !ils yonlt SMaklng aigusne, oIhmein e gUan1 discrlon, lte captantue .gale bis ommaaila.titi-ca omà ea - caltrnokin~g on Lb. board ibicit they cit, vitithuit. le bond, Ia it net 00, Barohed,n ? Yen larrieti longer asj - igtailofbarotIbmI Edmyseit"" *My oua experience iin ohielly cf1 priion fatme, vasi-the tiver ; nover. hlbee, 'tougbtheit.lodging vau cme' vit acrait aIâÎiglorny, I -con wis. aenpWà lno! ltte lod. ~T*-itreno ofin capivty s-umeoienti- vina,-.ý net le mention -oabarioy-cahn andta e ,kunCo ffou buintb n'y hand j by'ltearcob ieladm6 te my oeli,"i * "Bsriy.eakeanti onioas9 1" exoimf,- ed Agieiu. 'They igiti jsan g ll 1 pray yonefra oicu as pacig al, -.indeoti, lite. abla o fad f ours, for manti vitersao -ight III repéaleti Bethoe. le bh 1 diseW la oU nilt igitung,, forsootit, té sa lthe baIlle in rayisdranelng in counlleu oeumns,'vii hlevelloti epear. aud.wvaving -bauore, cOnlyte'hall in, -e*derly lino, sund ti rmpel, andta-' ttr 'idlcetid baoe T l seu of1 4atur havo-lime to bond ltor bous ?i -,-Pgitcomrtdeetlte lilcon bgl,fer roalliugizf man1oan band tle band, oot' le foot, andi buoklor te huekior ltere-a ' usteone naLiOe on' the face of lte nit,, -."And but-an. ohamPion ii intaI na- tion" Il bererrt- bis, tut liîa covor Il vas net lest-on lte metry naturei cof Agrea tal 'bis got-vine airoody sang iunte brain' of- lte king'a .onp- !"YCu[or. my friand, and ti jdgo ina te. farourabîy." repliedtheltalaitol', la ~re lgeotit'Il. SJamtino10boutler, thuOetroftMetarait tyel 1lmayi cEy ltai 1hz1beoaf-smine girtiles a m'u vit e nver ebrank (rom buffets unt 1h Eglpu st aia score, &y, a iuntiad, teone 1l- Tite'un.bas soaraey-uet mice. lte chouan boita of Pharaoh, hie chia! ' captoins, hic -chauiotseand ioruernan, -meurroundeti meu-ite-deaiorL,o. Ii - auwund.Ibis 0gein laMy graap. )IY oengh.dL 8, tToLh," cui mt,"u lesi,. becaulce, foraooth, we er word net deed,.'danoe do hlm houer. 8h11 vp té ligiti of Ibis counten. kolden fruit 'of lt am r lb. raya eft1h. sonihera lte date is ripe, i it-,.oulti l'e il foul." lsrornnsity santheia am ~swre Niys;- Larn, .1 wer-xt it I, .- .aI net lte auget of My lord b. Pl bbtdlot," ropiieti- Rekoinol, in a voice -P 'Uaai boiroyed , oenslorble, irritation,. l ~'I tel 1.11 ïon haije pngieg hic ià à and&LhrougIilteloratpiko pIusteT cf 'vilti-grepés '-heo i- eig tI of eiî tfair wslor en. ogrovut Of l4ib. WtiltQet-anud yoking, teana Uel ,bitteh plrmogi,ietaakcu.Om >iXeh i lo. hUthe i fr ice ameeg. C riit.-iku ofe uP-nicuo et ,4D 97 ita pf esennd ay luet -Ltai su rauigru aoage "s:1l ant'a-a ge, i» -olcek,-anti rulturos nok ijebore anti Ieled, fber0 voler on ugly oroak." _V 46I titanik îy lord for the compor- isoe," re*piiei Rekomol, npw,,quivarltg M witit vexation. "Ha eeed net. 10 tiiek 60 rban hie nttcd'the lion mner thii.hl voie of Ninevoli: th. vture lioti C brglit aya. and eet toeïlea w he it Ulp pe etlir vingu luin ahylon biera là lta EBgyplian cemà paign, and My lord. sat, i ei plati aielied ber lievam- Ir lug'oter buîn in Aioalon uhanlite or- < rive unt laita score- cf attandonts, anisaadn - suodboti up le Ocre- dLta ýon a dremadary. Oltai Il,",, , ijeoar cone liera I nover, neyer, itevarý lookedontlie-fae.o! my lord loi - Sitilfil in'-thesiencece o4cwh varforeNi Bliana burot mb a utibmcf coits, - veillie biglà face. vitit ier dalicoto btande te eari, itiit ver. net 01 peritaps feitemlng mefreoi'laslieto Il *os ne-pai cf tle."prince'a nature, .M leO cotise aL sig4t cf uoman.e i dsLrags, i raal ralimttloted, Ho laugited biearli- et ly neur, and ciiuned on him like o.a 4*My lord bas: yet t lebarnihete aw lesson. e!finasniooti1" ee îxelaimeti..ý "Whot do I- aay?2 ýArn I net o fool -te look for' a. arrice' board on a- bêy'.s 8 duen ? ont on a srnooltoiteek andthibm witle skiaii 1Givo nae it eart, Iaay. W, As rbrighi.Asittorth la. my ultees, I hl voii 1vere.Prîne N!ilyas bet for a She"*ac crery handsorne- ithti-'ler bnruiügéhéakà - andi là iig iyei.. IL niay hfttl&UBtheevil hIn bo« listaaene tiitpb ýle the cenicicluenoso -of bar eweir-o povar l i ultia drve to 'afoir jtor aven nov, anti-o ulock î,Wa prison-dent. - . ýHiseoyce- ollowod IÙir wiîh fend glaîis0, wlîlé sitemneýed& h ie tgble.. sud fikled a wine-cup ' t te brim.' It iýtii ticônit resisttI uýiu .lug graco dith rhiteb h.e fferedblim te dirink. . K6yilord viii nei r efuse to plot.igo, MOs budMuaitI," -salid elle, -the bn of He emptiedtllie oup ai a draugbt; for, indeed, te titis -impulcia- jeung princethore 'a a&keenistin l evary pitjof cfluinry andi ndulgence -Ltae 7 In of L-.heye,ltbe .plee$ieur o f the se.nhsî; toast ai foevli nde 'n-ie lovedti email toov'eil;.11 v Wa. tha stroegî'et viologae tht enotit, and,:" pucoln'b o -vons peottci'ions-, ifece swere apparent ai ocea. Hie obeak paled, hiî glanci vWauderoti, thoera tome a thiokuaci l ts pect vtl ta sounkamong citavis an nti cusin,- nvittt Ipiter te cil bauidebina enibte eitThepgh b ,Ickonét bat-, cita tubfleret i hM tecaros hoi- boude, lier Wrnc-tite fragrant; weolIt. of lier fiowiug iOir: é mtureitotibes liIt-I'fqtriirn ,tipe moto ha ýdrankie lier heouiy, lier tomo4ion, lier ong happiee;. -Si'. bad teaeed e, four Ihim nov ;for ho etrong wine, theegl it blazed lu hie .yas ant i ifIamod bis* mnii. fatenlet hic limbe., lika a- clain of irou, te tii. Siretoching is iarme bok te emabroca lier vlth tl ite-eeosing gasnraetofs éilld, lia lookoci up iller IKea, betray- ung evan maore mini't tanalther love - 'o loogliig le bic-owu, Sbe'vaphthlâm, w tti. phybician ba+âale CR ,e.à pLJn& ý Éoa . " dtêi.a-anA 4 citer. Il vas but'a moi The, 0 gre isppeore asgn ceeaNveritelm tera vwu ieùcesorth adicil, o!flte -on alLer bis ueaesdft enLhneias, ils choui rior's hd, lteugi t -impen- fibylon wic thLitsgarondisad abud humble, measun sud uenaces litaI rw -t tÊi by county commalsilerle . ka., Atlietly, Oonaty, Aib.rly. oSat. i, pURRD BCC Bobo Bank Farm, ci, 1 Le. -- 1 1 ý 12 -'ý .13