Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1880, p. 4

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Th rthonoW,9 tubis Fido, pH ~d~ boldily, qu % Anti wben ibid prcvtdcuo.orgout, hAs eoo<itote hooedacro he She.1 SulSfan198 mob&5 t DU% rivr-SaW bis inonde--his vile-vll e = e B5*W ber-bab. ln ber armbi .11 belilese W TheSternh. lordser fx'U »sqtoo ae tO Agi. b UtrbtSof '*ded lis@ ete assac.Thrso4~ nos glngebra , lL errr atid senei shau Ia etlbh top of ber voide : "Leap loto the. No Jr a ser ig thelb.sohool 1 ai- river and inmete l "Lynghrb tunletion the graue he seized the oas antM Amsd ha? 1 rem.mbrsoditant and iuà, rprangloto tbe skiff &joue..ASs 1he Thai rd.betied BUpZth ie Pin tgýtnearelt4 ubiidle, of tbe river ber bus-' nb1h.unerband saw lte indians coMing in fu 4ADao cr.fny put onthe bofaroe antiforce ling like tdemons. aWife, And how 1 recail tbesurprie of thie muat«,- if. l"eissorsamsd, 111'm conng; i-vbeu 1Bill gave a yeo1anid aP5an<uop Uih drap down a lile lower." With Ibis >the pu hbs pranfi from isi.crag andi deced go bigli 1hat bits bcllet.hoead bastedt h.like an arrow loto the vater, feterifore- AteOsu b.sblrss e~uapn st.Tise wife resîted on ber -cars a btisa ctve boy itilly, tbat hig.epfgmmn . e bt i.Wu.srae Billyt tihe litile canoe floating liii. a corli, Thisa ut-htinhg BIIIy lt t On a lobbing about on tbe boiing flooti. It Pin!1 vas an awfoi moment; iL seemeti an age ta ber ; would ho ever risc ? Ber The Editor Went One Botter. earnest gaze seeme to Wkenetrate tii. deptbs of tb. vater, andi asedartei ber Ini a certain villag6 thieéditer of a boat furtber tiown tleeturam. Es rose local newspaa a room, at - the nearber ; ini a moment the connos -was bote,,.-Bhiqgabsent one nugbt, anai alougoide of bimi, andi iii, belpe&timt the bouse boing crovtied. 1he landiord tW sorambis lotoi l;amitia cho 'er cf put a étrangier in bis bei!. Thé mail arrowsauant siot tuaL tbe baffied ndauis uzarnlnglb. followlng lnes vere fouird ponredti ut ien. The dariogvlfe diti ln bis roans: o"-peak a word ; box huabauti vas mare deati ibm alive, andi al depeutied <1isptia tcedfMs bWd a$ ghî on ber strengtli- beiug maintainedti li Anît cihers May say visai tb.y P laé hyoudru h ak hst 1 Y hxosmeédtrbuts cad id juiviser. sie bati atarlet. ntqhl Nii~5~1hOfghlft»7UmbU claay, wb4e tb. babe vas still-lylng. crowrng WhMI hogh ofin b bh Oteaê*"Ynul aghig . -ponThe mon podthe liow easythésedIl "Ut. sl@'wly rosearibelpea tW lift Van Bibber ta bis tes. R e coult not vaUt, butL Theeéditer, afler speemuitles af theélti bim dovu by bis babe, anti Lie a41 o4,sp e h.falling idil- th.» .tn href i. elwk telazim n etn eslewp ilt lijut»asany voman vouiti bave doie untier the cicuansttsces. That baise Andber., lehI snov a grantifathberiandt Lt i É l FoàbaIulZ.e n sbM& db. loeke& op, cale Van Bibber'a Skte ibis day. AsIitheut csyk1nd. Eubl&1O oIitw ho ie A Pigisi Beiveoen sa. In sibé'=bhobeqteay An .Ihe-nmmq te uumb se aners chuot, ILvas fona uecessary receotly Le ý- ebatiforgotllatb. bih te-pét epair the rlar bear wate-r tank ai Lbe . . -Zoo 4a orth uise posO tebravi Possibl;* ge @i tman, parments, sa-uaLa their pit caniti be ce- - - Oupied -by the visite boteutorixorai'iy. -We bave been e6 accusame te une of the. iran domrs0c tc ciput- lok r.poii bmaa ~1re ci pester. ment oct beâ ing CoUpclanose asof the ay tira itIL lSWtes 5Oui r = th susslbrown bears tiucovered we-a. ho &aw a, vnt >.11 JeLh 1Ib) oonideed intruders in bis family's do- pniteodei the Ginf e Pck. sôn"MO main. Every ime ans of thre visitors 000y.rsAO.Bt thon ta b. ashetivoni t tcaiisopening bo rammed We belee titIepe.lila nBdvubegs n te Wgive hom thsoiulelVs were comrparatively lae a svrpe. Plnally the maie polar, Whlou and hbaiili eclne0 chuima"' the paw vas etrock out, grampeti laMd lu7 is porbape lctm» i our v.ak draggad il& owner ubrougl ii.nara faiLi. Tet te be hi>. 13 is bu opeiilt>g loto the pi. The 9ghi wa (ooued sa .1evis ici May possibly beJp terrii. Tise contestants vers uneven- ta brdgc' over te gap antita lega Ui u ymaicietibu,&,ncvceroleig tlese 111.11 icto owbracig evoû ibis Ilut and tmast braoboer stactioupjo the. van vis 4itIouli clase in tb. mOor dm scitfio admirable pluck. Up anti dovu thé c<oe t heXi t calcaire do Beauc«, a -pît îiaey weca in tcé detly struggla, iiOceue tratrithie lfearlefs Ahi. buas e i tile telce- sccrlog tbe firsi l'Is ýveptuna'l ta disever Oint Objecte iici by binglng« 1dbluattrorhc poWta e:â be bellereto be-buman or semi-bur. for wbicb hor rceiveti a rap t"Ï at mou M ltpcentâ. Tbey consiul of sslÏstisraile-anti kncti bienaboni flakea, uae obippe off b va bîce- like yu fet. Tbey cme ,tasget gaWio tis ploellisi k lves »i PPavnily like a flah, andi qo"eer lth" ispog op;t by moteas offitre. Specimmýns cf hopolar race on bis hint legse-itt timte resumeti flit veapons.versex- big .aemy tri bis ,enibreecu bibite t thLie Auibrcpologicai Cangruss As thepressuré. vau appIL4ethie basai ai PariostlstYsear, aad vert aloweiby raultibe heardte to rack. I'rèsenLlvthi rian tet!5look stupieiooly l Ie bug relaxeti, andthie dylog bear arc issditfof man. Even oarlier netita thre paremea.Teplrn tban thre Abbe. Baurgeal's discavcry, for tue irsi ime semeti ta be tully en boues bail beebserveti et 8t. Prest raged, and vif.b gMait eape jumpet i wvilci appearetas tifbo1b@ lisid up anti deva on iii.prostrate foi bern ou ilia shorp itruit»t-5"7 £terlng tdeep, hosnne Igrovita taclii __*a pnriseval atone b&fte. BoVi» lb...téorilian ausvergaoi* (from,*lth o- nF' " eer a »los reelli00rP-55etbeliW animoela nrrountilg. R t act, b incit, irsh baei*irOth ~le iUint &P ibcuqlcloween ih ane, paw sa man, or M W5'leset ommeste*irenillng tée boïar v1hlh subrial, fon loto the putsofatthe torttst t.ls. formations. The ime wblch elapeedti Tu epe.wlaiat pec betveen bKioene or Phiocèeé priaosde Thé mke per w e a en ei Q ana thbe dapi-afthLb.filni.cbppers muaite the ?olan,' quarter. -now ene-cu b. reakoeinet&u H probsitility, noi by e-ork viii a long. point iron rot, am bundretis cf-thoutairtie but by tiîslllou nceeieilu driving th* polsrs baak1 cf years. I cauot "préend tiiathie". tiir quarters. data are very certainý,'buai t auy rate, wlvien we conitier tire many markÃŽ 01 Tva York State seamen are aboi compcrallvely biais - eulLLvalli, s£'ta repea st hefoohbrdy attsmpt to crui bîblteti paboliltia -man, tissy iedtiheb.Atlant.ic ila a ulry anti cpect net'teb sigared as. prep@etrois salitram Gloucester in Jueg. The or extravagant. luRt as Wbe mcv ile omIt, bcbng name the lLtile -IVeIM about tbe proviont biory cf man durin lcontrasitW the OQr. iBsgern9, us -mn'tise lime w e tpréceties Our odsllsut tisal bas $1 itiemrtakeï Il elmpea of bis existence i n tte pal»n. tayage. L uis u& f:et 1il Iel litiie tage, ste-we kmcv utIle about or 1 84 &à 'l i , We1 eId bimt» a b.long inierval wicb separ. sloop riggo4ïwitbikiut 10 feel3rig asltaI stage froathie aIl but bletarW- bovpa iSI-fe og ni cl neallbie perlio. -The* On*ai oom et 15 r-14fot; o- ane-unr Epoch seeme W bave swepi Ce-Bpal. beavy malnsalî, Ib'iapa' , lb mcc ib vile aun, ati ~PP~ epailanti aquaresai. The boue-w AsusuIal, Reliai.;1e andCap MABTIN -&WAF{-A.M 801LITIL0FPTUB NEW AET ,,May, 1880 ('y-18) BRO-TW rY THE CHOICE BRAND 0OF EUREKA RYE.- LA1GIER IN I3OToLES 200 'AESND KGSI ICE-Orders for kce taken o h season, to be delivered every day or whien wanted, to suit Guistomers. -ACHOICE ÂSSORTMNT 0OF- S. C. HAMSB AO ROLL BACON, BeEF-,HAMS, TONGUESi C. C. BACOýN BOSTON:CA0NNED BEEF, FRESH FIELD AND GARDEN Plwc peàansd Garda» Soo.ain groat varietie, at S. MFBEI'S. Impovai ici Grro Setie, Froa Mangold Sceda, Frosi ImProi - S. FRÂSER'S. ed ( -s jOI COfty' -f Oflterio,, ED8 wb#elahn the couETHOUJB, i OÃ"~ F WHRITBY, tiiesdays Juue the 8th, 1880. &t th. heur of Ji olock, noon, it $J of wb h ai13utice~ te1 eaase, Ooroz- ero, Coàstâblesg and echer ad offred, vii a6knotc igoip-, themseisacordi- ",LSON G. REYNOLDS, ted'to be wlot ý 1880m; Iwo., -22 1115 owU ECEBEnMNTO 3i~PIv34lils~ -. :- -- - - - - .. ---0 '- E FERG - U ÙWl2 ng - - - Th~~-Dinda tet bty S ÀTS, CAPS & GENTS' FJJRNIING MereliantTa;iloring and Gents' Fur-ë SNEXT DOOIR TO THE NEW POST OFFICE, DevereW--:31 1 T I E I BOTS ThT Ten per cet. discou~nt Off for Cash FOR ONE MONTE. 0 FIELD customera ae invited a teaCU ana exane titis stock, judge ali te ciuaIlIy antitak~e abt thpl ' - i u9fy hbemielves as la e-bre r'y. bootsranieti ho ear- Boots as cseap as thoy arc gocd. . WinI stand vi"tit enPldege a$ianiginhoot- Ai ltai c»9'hbe but .lseeher, AiPhut aeapi iIco! By theciesi. A tie ts. ca BEPAIES NEATLY DONE.. GENE RAL came on.tiara puic, lbave your oïders anti gel a pair ot Boots oI thec BOOTS im pour obliget anti humble servan, ADAL MATTHEW COLLINS. ADAL TO THIE FARMERS' 0F THEI c) FRESIT FAJMILY GROCERIIES!1, me ii bimle, ua glii rickle, boesatom laina; a les unes ar-t Chlein a. rokry ntias Mkse-rBeulifl nna r Sets czeap ont o Cna, aricefrtmae Ladie, i l E .ealeati e ewn a Gl a il forln in.yth »ic Prtheas flouiEgg-ba&hg efftie bear, nec, demma for il increaning daily. Far sale only aI sIMOlIT J..LL.L J3nocK Sm ileFresh Eggs, &o., taken in cichan EOK NEÂLE QOU4bTT KI NG-STFtEETI WHOLESALE AND .RETMIL9 -The uudersigned, making the LIQUOR, TRÂDE a peilyto wbhich lie confines bhis business, luenablod to supply u~ailiee, Hotel-keepees,- and the. Trade generally. 'witi genuine iLiquors, «ailoweat-1w. BEST W 1BEST 1BI BEST W BEST BI BEST Ga PRIOE8 LOWEi 1? go. We offer you for the harvest of 1880, the foilowing first- [s Fcrming Implements: BROWN'S WHITBY HARVESTER, (Improved.) YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (Improved.) CALYUGA la MOWER, (Improved.) uet a isaresias the lieu anti camnying off the Golti Modal tan Canada, 1W. cime notity,&aU purchasena eWho e-uni durable maclsinery anai propose ta pay CÂSU dl; DEIVBY, ta eall ai ou office in Whitby, betore placing your ortiers cIme-toue, s il je ur intention ta adapitich CASH SYSTEM!1 ing pnioe. Gava u a ceau. Whitby, Ja. 21e1 1M7. * 5 HIGHE-ST -MARKET PRICE PAID FOR AND,-GARDEN SEEY A large supply, Pure and Fresh, at RAGLAN- DRY UOODS, GýROCERIES, SAND SUQES. CROÇKERY, GLASSWÂR-K ,RGE ASSORTMENT 0F HARDWARE, &C'. Stock ail~ ~~~~lwv nowA anars.b h'cepethue1 te 3ounyce- mebry, ic atdepres ewpee vr n aaLe-u 49' A.. B. SMITHf Raglan. -A LL 0ON- w ILLraira U BUWNluS -0F WflITBY,- For eliale oots WILLIAM BUR~NS) Brook Street, Wlaitby. The Large8t and Béat GIRAT RGI'O] G0-QOT TT0! TrHOS. SLELGH WHIlTBY CHINA TEA SOE par lb. yeusr 88, vlb. heM a néfoilws: Fer Fit Oao.-At lii. Normal 1Soeel Tononta, on Tiiusda, July O1h ai 9 a. . Fer Seéonxi.OIasa.,-Ât i h. jsoo tcw.n, Port Penna i Uinge 'Hih- Bchoolo, onu Mondsy, ja]y deii, et 2P.m 'Fer TiiirdClass-,At V'Wliy, .ecanniy TU toi> nTn ay,.Te y Idili, a .. . noil r tnuenSatleûr t h laan ite al themnseves fer.eaina&tlen.- Scoel InpýeoiucC. Ont. Xyntie,.April 27tis, 188. 20- LINET ROCESTE WMn. SzlmuvacD, Ifrston,) Will maire ber negular tripe oni Ibis oute. IitAVITG -Coborg aI 7M89,an&ert Hope a9.0every monnlng (Sunda-i'eceptdt) on 'arrivai cf taisfrom th.e atesaeot andi 'Nrt eonsfiug eth- uraiay mes aI o fr a * ts n t;eýmte Sttes. ster) ai 9 1pým., ex cept Salturtisys, e-heu 8bh." let I 8.45 par., for- Cobaxsrg anti Part.Hope direct. Deale n Stock &c., viii flu- Ibis lb. chelpesi anti mesS direct. route to Boston, Forfurbe inoratinapplyte or, CPAi HROD CFG1I4DEESLBBVE, Port Hope. -Ticket Agent. Wbitby. - T S PANNEmai' be founi on Aie- aI T 0..P cel&C' NevspapftAA. vertiing cntrata mm b aefor it nt Nie- Tux. - -13 SAD-DL'EI" LEATEE1 VALISES A1iD -AtLOT F- CHILDREN'S CARRLtGES 1 enbadoeanti Cheap. At lb. obti WILLIAM TROMPSO0 Brocli Street, Wbtip.. -Dec. W, 187.- (I T ME CLYD~ NOTE N ERlEMN Also two Tous Ï1 Before ,killiung ceau a Fis, AT BALONA ÀUSAGE,&c, C SWhitbv. Mev 1111, 1880! aprIl. i 80.Spri ng.i LI QUOR ST0R E 'ANDCAIAGS the DUNDAS STREE.TP & NEWPOI~T'S - WBITBY~ ONTAMO. ]Siiwood .au4 ottie. 14M$ ehQebrds LL -7,yffl i ood, PAINTER, -ssnvbe lond aI b i$sBit IH OS.HAWAý a à 1- 1- lý 1 i-1 lý 1 a 1 Brook SUeèt, WlliibýY,-- it mémillanIs Block, -NGLE 1 AT -mm NBW CASH GWRRY - BMBMX and Shoes, ",the" -ANY QUANTITY OF- 1 -R, H AAMESON., an a D 0 M 1 N 10 N 1 1 ýC UT TI E-B S ý

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