Bank A.uuteso ports. t.ounty iCourt and Sessions ofthe Feace WUWk Sno. Tho sonnai Bauc Atitotia Sports are ThoeCOonatyCourt aScourt C Generai Lu b ud] tiis ear n Trant, ~ sessions outhLie Peso. opened à lit e Court. tu bclitid Ãœas yer inToroto, nsne, Whiclby- on Tuesday, before ie ug~elruc, llturday, tse iDili iust. Thera are Hcnor Jndgo liinhum. The, county bar 'Botul, isà , 2Falcon- 6moevory lianaisuin u J neefSul prises 1vacfnuiy eoest dTiepael igt Mile fi aupttitsol sahr gentlemen linsv-ored te thetr ismes ne. 4 oeislutlgaaPis. dc. iuketauds, trout-rt, , &. ~ 50mn BrusAnd titis year Mr., Yaik-r, Mnagrcf Éob eBarc1Ya&Fo jr Fie s abatti1tWcfcleB.-Ios Urus. tLeB.Jank ut Mout-val, (culer vitose Joh Goa li. eit-y T. Mitchell. llllesery h-t .Bryce. p .esîency te games bave iteên cou- . H oy W. Parait proiu . H HLue Wiloinis 8 sl-. :oertion à Bos. ducted t paîtftuti years,) lias gat 4,11o John Irvitag Pt-cao Pugit. aï»alnoics.Patrick Keenaît Bdvard Richardson. Caical ot sices, .J.Ranc. several managera ut hanlas in Liie ity 1B. J. Rogers H. H. spencer. <lad oo SbesakerMinouJ. Intye. teoffer a beauitul olli sii'.er aup tfi-Edwaî-d J. sitaw PilUTaylor. Spesal as'aln-Th MIses oitLyr. cmpetition in te one ruile ratea. Thte Jamnes tire Josepit Taylor. - - --------- op stands upon a pair ot silc-rorars Robot-t White. sud vo ricet ats vitt Litus bts iI. houer .briefly addressed te Grand à tadtociktbte ihtni asJury, atiter vitici t Ltty vthdrew. (iLFflhflflj. for banadles. Oui- bank youg gentle- CouX~TYCOiTiaT. ~ 4~ULL men in titis îooaity viii not, ib is tu bce olwgCue o dsse09ith - ~~ -.~- . -. ... bopeci, asow te games tLopasosoiffiitt Tii. tolCovutaeavrsdspsd t i h ONLY Os 5c, PER ANNUM. ou& making an effort La secure t.e CCP Tate v. lisock--ActLeu ou premtssoy * .-. ~. ~for Wbitby. W. knov titi-o are soma nute. Verdict tor- plantiff, #M8.95 N. 1. Whity, îursuy Jue w 880 Liîgs em, vito, witb sut- Paterson for p lb. Whity, hnrday Jue 1, 180.ficnt ractice sud determination te Brown vis. Bistch.--Action on promlisse *go iu sut] vin.," viiinuL bc taund lait note. Verdict for plaintiff, qui1. N. 17 Thse Work oftheb County Councul. in Lb. race, aud vs are persuaded tlîcy Patero for 111h. vil met iti s orialvelom trus Uxbrialga Organ- Facto7-y va. art. willmee wih aCordal olome rOm Action oit promtssory note. Verdict for - Siusply te gay titat lte work ut tiese itir conti-eies lunte city. Pite., Si116.75. J. A. McGilv-ay for plts. Couuîy Cauneilivas confinedt] u the -Paterson- va. AcEachorsAotio ocf se- usuel routine wotcld bell aIltat vas Complimcntary Supper sud Prescuta- 'OunL Verdict for plaintiff by consent, Lionto M. Jhn Wlli. 81041N. P. Paterson toi- pt; F. Madl aotu.Ily aloe aMrLitaoJne sessionfoi-deft. actiibiy (oue it he une esson.Gt1ah,ist es. Mathisoiz -Action on mc- Titora vas important wark Lu do-work Mi-. John Wiilig, for su mauy yeara coucu. ileferred Le C. C. Keller as arbitra- ut vital iterest tae te couty-as bîadite vorthy sccretary ufthtIe Whitby sud Loi-. N. F. il'ît-sgon for plt; P. Madi for deft. been îîrged ; btnthLie msjority ufthLie East Witby Union Agricoîbural C!ouhirl us. 31,asoesLActinzi tLa aecover a' gentlemn nov amposiugLb. atotucil Scioty vs enteraind yLtmm- lai for boa-rd. Case at itearig. C. H. uet Loue corporato t L t"onnbyu ni oity ' neran b tere Ritch iv and W. H. Billings for pît. Fac-e- 9tailahewmuoaitnboftte"oyutL dof n-bers utfte saciety and soc-miOraf bils veil & lintbodge for det-t. i0t Ian te lend their vaînable auj Lun persona[ friands, aL a complimuentai-y SESSIONS cOP TicEPSÂCE.. ailvsncing te interesLsaiite aounty. supper ou TIîurcday eveningz. Theo Sloaade ite Chairman, Judgo Burnham, Ti. giest, sud eoutlnued, and iinareasng chair vas taken ity lMr. J. LB. Ilickol, li aee JWer n Lielbcand D.M.Guntu, W boss tothLitre of thLie county for vaut - atmnJ..SolbanSM.Tons -' u diectrsilsy ommnicatanbc-pi-ocdeut utftseociety, ian wbosari-gitt J. P-s-. ofweiect Lite no cobmanalsuia itio b-waste gust outhLie oc-cing, sud on obittructisq ig ghwa.- David Brao twee th uorij ti4sout, wichpleaileidaruulty. soitiasce doterreS. evei-ybody iuterestet] in te eouLty bis loft Mr-. James Mcl'lorsou, wai-cen Caaý?stabL-s.-Tttomas S. Long, Duffins'1 (outésido te ocuuty puncil> osecssud outit scauîy ; Mr. Wn. 1:3010>, -ore"a; lHstniy Honderson, Mut-a, vers ateplorue, oouid fat, or vuulJ nul, bc depnty-reeve ut East VitbY, occnpedabse coallrnted aud orderod Lu be noileS. Li-stei rprs.utîivs c Lie vce-hai; M-. . W Br paex- renri-'Dawsont, Baugeg, oradredteSo mien by tese tutdrpoettvso iecar;M.N .Bon x cause wh y ho sisould est bouclismeecI. -- te peuple. The. vit-y ammiigi-sut ef M.PP., Col. O'Douovan,ani atîsny of te 1Daniel Whitney. struck off uliâ.V $2o,oot0-ats lucousiderablesm Lu te ieadiug gentlemen ofthLit auoty ver. Riesvo-Tit te holding of te divis-. iwlsoîe coonty, spi-oai over a poriot] ut pi-osent. 'Te uppet- vas sore i-yodha é ite lau et aiteruatoly liL Brouigitam and tweuty yean--wouid baveace-d titis Ontario isoel-minebhast, Jeel, cap- »s' ssCreck, for ickering, votaiS ho St-t aluirei eaiLb beefis tamviscit Ian a buoîifî ssioad emrîcngvisable. Cmofet -soution Lu t>. commutai-t woaitle i luand, te betac(oms, f ig g aiontfisud adeiai utcaLedLtu te junior judage. I woil c nclclale bt acofiursai ite substantiabsand llccOsOf nsoie.-Tliat te notessary blâacks for9 sud argument vere ail titravu avay up- te seascun procurabte. The guesta te ose ufthLb.msgistrates shouid b. sup. a nite mali.muiudet] mon vio malte op uumbered itetweeu sixty ait] sveuty. pleld ly the Govorument or couuty coliccil. Lsi -seficit majoiy. Otites-questionas AfLer thse removal utfte latit(fignrsi- Rsolution tLobe cummunicated lu obuti. cf Coutty Importance. vere left unà on- veiy,) te chairman caultitu ulhum- -0- sid'arod. Thte propositionLo appropiiste pesae tcte Lustaioite Quea. Tite Cricket, #20,0flutoite impravemeut out haatiug Princ.etfWAI08sasuitLhe eiest outhLe roud-eacit iaunicipalty Lu receive its royal tamiiy tisloved. thon tse Army WBTDrrirvs s'OaR aoP.a . ltare îcurding go tIse amount ut iLs and Navy anti Voliisnteet-s, sud te TismaitaaplyduLteg-udt sastgsLeet, sud te amotint tautac Gavernot Geuerst sud Lieutenant- te latter on Saturday laut. A good doit] of P apitasit aver twenty yea,-would have Goveruor of Ontario. Atter viiitheLite taest vae talion by both clubs ou accolnt boon a relief Lu maiy thLie municipal. tuait ofthLie Gesat outhbit eveuiog vas ef iLs beLag te fia-st plar'd for të;aAssocisa-le li-s. Muait gQud vantai bce feted by propased sy IM. lu s usaitien Cup. Un th iet i inugi Port H muchaIt nexpoudîtureet te pi-sent ipeecht.Thle citai-tan ellodel a Lte ahe useS Lu bOave bien nmusviat dsoa titue. The auoney coula, have beau many yeai-a' services of Ma-. ilis. t Lemte ie oly moreae S-n, ndtitecon trorrowetl ounte ci-sait ot the count1y Lu bis efflciency as an offlci- u Lif5th oty, mninga, scoriug nul y 28 rua for 7 vtckets. atîvautago, sana l igaiys placet] ina sand] bisWorthiteasà acitizen, sud alilolîThe g rounid vas in fait- condition,* unoti- permitanent fcaie ut nopai-, iuctead of Lu bigbiy cumplimmatary terme te lii Standing tae laLe frequent raines. Thse toi- te iokeiing doue rom yeai- Luyîa- by msuy years intimate relations viti loiig ta te scorc:e s mili annuel appropriations. Titis that gentiemais, viîom lie liîd oc-or imrna.T vould be speciaity advantageous tu tound straigbttui-wsrd, baneat, sud i-e- lai Istsineje. 2uid liuassiga. ai ova sund village Crporationt,.. hable. Haeteramade te pi-asenasu- Riayt1 b w, ta Reti..1 b Woods e .. 6 Ce Tlsesbjoct oethLie mpnort oaI mdl. Lion ut a vabuable goît] vbels sut] Chain 1'hite,15bWRos .... 18ebWeodob .. te c gentis, aud te teivy calfismade upen and bcket-Lhe tai-mer beai- te in- A. Laing, aenout * ... -.b Lt Wuisî -t 1 te wuniclpîiities for Lias purpoma, vas ocription - *1 Tu Joîtu WilliSs- ~sq Trousdoll b Woo<ts. t%8 i b w, b Re id. 52i aurlyà ubjcttacommend t]io'lf ta tram tIse Vhitby Agaicoltua-al Scciety, tRa-os, 1) Wo - ta blWeid . . a tu attetion of ouutyaornnciîiurs? 'rTe sa 'nai-k airespect and asteina-m dut iasuaods. b Weodi .. ti a nt t..- 2 ol geutlît'nenvite tookup te subject vere appiaciationutflis soivisar-Jue 1880 %lMthîon, b Nvaails O tai t .....- Br-wub4 tnt ont .... b araly listene t Lu1 Gentlemen oould The tuiboving addret-s vas aima rend: rock, nt oct .... ne1nuiout .... wa laye4 ; leu bycst1 t - ti ouno tirait in ilb. Sa0vtit ti. im.- ToJohpa Willii, Eliq. Socegart'ynv f fthe, Una,* ids, 4 -ta cIdea...... ..L kort.aut question ut a canal between .4îUSg aroieyf rityad East - ----b * Georgian Bay sud Liake Outaiîla. Inu Whitab &. 7o 29 1868. te concil of! Littyeux expeudad DI-.An Sa,-Tbe unemiaet- ni th'e Whitby PolîT ttltt oc-or 81200 i pi-caurig plans and sus-- and Eliat Witby Agicultua-si Soeîy, tiI>tnittgg. 2ui Insacsgir. le veystend mapllebewinugte avautage wvittatterests yen have se bang servei, Wa-lanotitb. cIl'eiliam, t utt8 -c-ttogi ii anyu-a aiml tlioelves ut titis, uceation tu express Il . Laing- -- . 0 e Reias., bliai-l . 1 i ofte ot-trog hi out oe teraprcitonIfyoor valuabbo etvice,. eth T. 0 1 011at. A- Ii ail ciiri. 'rite report tita n made L'Y In Lhis ticy are jqinted by sac-et-siof c-unr hîin 1........12 bl A. Laing... 18 Mr. Keefer vas mnt favorable ta te peona naitrctsas, vlan désireta beur feata- R mbL'tict brott _ W] aouaty ut OntaiouroutLe, as ai anas te rnooy, vit thtesameuihP'as0etth@e Society, La 3. o. Bail, b A. L&ut.. 3 Il A. Laing ..12 sotest sudecites est. Nuw taiLIse i-ourt- ortit as aia tae citizera anS public Etreithoffos-. o "ey, b We prumintht utiane came, youi-aeep-Fisuher, b A. Lang.- @ Il bMattiats 10 b frar], asud co muehi toi ae insuithe ieacoompaiiying gula- via &Ct c Brotoarown. b Pei-..........b tse Trent route, oeswouid naturasil citain, l inte hopte Liat yenu may ionglic-e W i .1 ohaie1 t oiut , or e Liink titat tite daims ufthLie route ai- te wear te ane sud usai-k teime rng ncanes, b A. Lainsg , 3 o~t~a5bA tvorably recommeut]ed by bim, wouud Sigcued onuboitait o e iesubsarlbers. WOc ft ct t aPibns ... - A. tef ho îtesset upeaLite ttenton utLiteJ. B. BICKELL, Pres* tA- . -" . oc CiovorM.B00 o;be ywà ýtment. But in it té cuaty M-Wiiiis responded in feeling tai-mse sy 4 igbye.t v, 1s-log layes. du ou ulouid onefit snb)eal vortîay -iep-eettot iLt aLtd ~ et, t-------....... t..- teir caleiberbtious. Mr. lickel sblone sddi-ess bcbng ta bim» an unexpate i- tmsai. s practica mac-s un te subjoat. event in tae pruceedingi. XMI.Tt-ousmta-inuîagte oramOua adeitaltby au t - leI a itumilisting acknovietlgement Tite toast& otite Waren usud Coony oiecl s wNî(51 t ' tuu- o t itat îpropositionus foi-te good etfte Canuclii cfOntario ; te MAyor sied .ý- u CoctY asuaà vitole sppec-re o bbyoud Town Couneil ai Wiitby ; the 4fe-Tise Gi-eau Show AtWhttby,Juei tôt b dite r-eo g-up ud oaiaacty oftthet.otal, Comtmercial, sud bManuacLniing TEGRN-OESn- i inicjrl:y oetimtM e,ooavsno sitte-cs ndLt ered Professions§ H RN RCS1I1 t -byte ratepayortî Letéte couRt> op.- âKalrecetving fitingrespoess. y on Lb.enot-ning oi Wesiuasday, e1. à ptydlfflctly btven judoge Ti. tetiimeuî w-ra ept upe.ulali Dartse1>andte court-bonse ar.ýaèci- lat& beur, ail pasiing off iu a mont sais- ' Sc Fot-epaugh's fassions show viil -about -euspLylng'ite Judge'eslaIp-faiatory mnster. Oih~e- ac eaot.Ts rtSreatn cf basio-vas ite att-Important subjeet il[The wadiess wvcet-y noatly enga-csed parade vil lbc'made duruag te f1-enon:w* m'lertaaegrsec it ni ttttinbyM. D.c it.cachue nSfta. I iicai ri .l sovg . nSa a mu i --------fol.owe&d. u-a long U»ne um1~u~l ExICUasîcît T0 TU£ FPALU.-Thte et. DjcLà i<Tfri m Ahi Sus' Oiic1ur4 6 - - Litsa w oi-clou L t. Falla, On Pnday, advor. à "i-enuding syuod et. Toronto whists uponth ià L cnpied eoYrlng ofet-hariot b. biset] lu otiter celumus, promIses Lu , . jope.d -on, Mon]4y ast. Airan oné, peetI &ieser, sU sisis4lu1j pleasant eon.. 'h, e oiC/em &BcU. le Di-. by 'PMaiS a ui es , enxd sc g Li finit claa, veII fited, speedy laot, Dr.Boarl vas out drivin on Pi-. OmaSsaS girl-etThon160 the à rrangementcie murder, the. mass. &jy. i ogimg etrogth i-rapldly. aus agoement oftlos. w-be w-lU do Ibsia, ni- -va 'nosi 10 prounote te co'nt o o. T# iofÃii&'ibtee .a4the ormuxc -aSp 8 rnhpao sionuis. Thse DCI1eCao b. <gzde CI pew-onli.saSlie naious ae .dPssiiviw kecu lin>.. elegla f *te. %Un-cf tan- ta- ebb..a. seantsani Litia gniete aer lu &to . Pktêettg oge dld Dott Lai.ptaoe out u m osr luflea4iiktamrOtrà in t se tou- Saet]on berri-oise, en tLit 4h lait, lada st, Oeia ceousl of the-tain li<~ar otlm ies,'yenclieW tubte*%u rIbui w-Lube ber unI ly Usin fron t titis1w-as quilte, dlseaëportumuî Lsoma, foUg l tm O.ehWtng sm mue port t "tnt sii dg lte tri O!fte yonagsters vite, ro deulal, vr.W»» aawwpoqi - ebis epau tora iytlï asiulatlua.on big scores aud iar$l. Inn. t 'nauo courat4n by yeso ">' hite horss. P1. May Dot oILITE as* osOs MeTCe.vS rà & sku M«"e a - i-la. lamvp idie AvrxwPnan BU5GLAIt,&y-Ân siempt played on lte market grouiq'à betw-,e n 'Ortr raw*>sa' .paWetsb.*e* , rate vas Made on saurâay uiî t l na-Lonvi qeueon Fi-lcdq>'afternuon D wifornùd ie.uso e.f)gl. the sore e Mr.astaô th'lfgL lover ibarof th ni Pe.5Lsà i s - - csineh co e n xbaa Y<PrI0gliee o &NïTE&W iusccýe catthbok. Afler acotnpiatltiti, non adcomapossn ljg- a offtie operatqai s otlslng uier swi.Te 4 0g, -ifSnLIoe.eno - ' ass do».. 0=6-~ue the',--. County Council cf Ontaio. JuNE SsissioN. THIUD DAY. Titursdsy, Jun. Brd. (Cuntin&ed.) The warden Luok Lb. chair at 9.80,1 'n. Minutes ut yestorday read au appruved. Front Jndge Dartuoli, enclosinga accounîfui- stationoi-y sud postali sud asking to- certain supplies for b office. O04 motion Lb, varicu loftLb.ecita, ntil eleven a'ciock. Counoit,.resnmod, te varden lu th chair. UXBRIDOSI BY-LAW. Mi-. Feasby obbained beave Le inti duo. by-Iav Lu confirm by.iaw 5081 Lte townaship of Uzbridge, snd on mc Lion, seoonded y -Mr. Pai-ker, byIE, read a firet sud second Lime. COUNTY PROPEETY ACEJOUNTS. Mi-. Bruce' reported <romLte cou: miLLee,sud on motion tho coundil wer tot oommitteo titereon-Mi-. Bai-nar in the chair. Tho repart stated' the sthe gaoî sud court bous vere lu a Bse isfactury condition; that the iulp-ave monts in thte gaol voe neariy com plûted, with te exception ufthLie copirl ou parb tLte West yard Wall, nuç going on. Acoading ta Lbe gauleri report therc vere oonflried trom lot0 Jsnuary, 68 prisoner, 61 maies, and' foinalos, inciadina 6 lnnatios. Totn number ut daya 1,749; cuit af prisanere 10 cents per 4y. Account recoin mendpd for pyment-W. Wostiake 685;J. Lavis. 815.600; Wm. Bai-ne@ $4.25; Do., $6.95; Do., 886.6-2; Wm Wataritanse, 08-80 ; John Sier, foi suporin tendtngJ, k&C.,89 ; an. Yule tloigrapîîiag, 81.57. Titat s requiuitioe from Jndge Dartueil, for répaira 0 W'indows sud office, te supply ut Judge's note-book,, sudi quatît o folnepbe supplied, undoi -eoom'nended that certain repairs a& sup plies asked for by Mi-. Ma-Lin, gacl er, bc gi-anted, snd macle undor super. intendanc. by depuity reeve uftLownuc Wbitby, sud county clerk. The potý chuse of a aow fag in aima reoommenc ed. The report fiually recommended bhat an accunt furniahed Jndge Dia]t noîl by J. S. ]Robertson & Brus., bis laid over until te decîsion of te suit, non peuding. In oommittb.ofo!tLb. hole thé laat clause was a'nended by disa. loving Ltie acuut. Report reported sud adopted as ameudsd. .SaiENIT DtIC1AN'1sCLAtI. Mi-. <Graham r.ported from Lbh pecial co'nmittee Lu vho'n vusretors. ad tb. letter cf Meusis. Murray & Co., Tcranta, as ta Henry Duncan'& clatit agaiosLLite counà ty fuor 858.61 on ac eont, re lot Nu. 2. 8rd con. Thorsit soid for taxes. Tite repcrt states that the special oommuittee bail fnily exam. ined into tb. maLter, and titat the county vas ot .liabie for aoy portiot Df Raid sain. IReportL sdopted. 500000 aBRIDGE. Mi-. Wright oitalned baeve Lu addreso te council on te subject of Lhe Scugog à rdge;; liespuke np te twelvo o'cbock, wheu te va-don lft thLie chair, giving Dplanations as ta the cause ai thc de. î>', sud Luesi-licit mombors appoared > listen vitit a good deal utfi-ardo. ty. Councl resumcd eL twa o'clock, Ltae 'ai-don inte chair. AUDITURSLR EPORiT. The report utfte aoditcrm vas i-est )y tbe clerk. The, repart stated tait as audito-s ad exauioed the Li-esur. s' bok& of sceount sud vouchers con. à cted therewitit, ail ut whicb Ltey endcorrect. 'BhsL l&ey find tat s tissidorable proportion ut Lte muueya lue by prurer a at tai sale issi ebtus-ya mot beau paid uverLatuthe reasoreî, sud am, in te opinion ufthLie adas, te diffrent townsip@ eeuld eceave tu-edit for te fuîl &MontouthLie ales, te audiLors subusit Litat iL would ,0 el for tb. coonicil t'O insti-uct &ite rasuror vit stops h.olisould take tn li. promises. PRiNIO. Mi-. IothiDusl brongbt up te report ftlhe standing committeou priuLiug, taéuy5 w4bosus te malter vas. eus Ier. vas, cetal b. snlgh lr«Uialasu de*tvri4- hito M&t6oî nêrlarp u4cea C:41 ar edub nat~, ba$Ibi ossnotlg~saisthei *nntreid,.fisse~ sve'DO it 4ap$f4É pls,.L.qldo vouid b. agrand hing gained for th. county. The monoy was not to b. baaded over util te road waecoom- pleted, go that there was no risk toelbe t-ua.n.eH.ontended that the Iinkç would be. the preservation of tire coon yi intat ; that thrangbi til. county wondid thon b. the shorteat railway lin. frontm a. the north te the front, and that oven ld under tb. pooling arrangement betweeri the Whitby aud Midland ronds, ail the freigit fi-oui te nortb wuuld lbe an brougt in by this cuunty road, as it ~'lins. M r. King concluded by pointingd bsont the great inconvenience and ex- arpense of travelling aroend by Lindsay, th. saving that wonld be effect.ed1 ,ofor the counby, and the advan. be age of baving a unit.d1 north sand soutb. Mi-. Hciden, thei managing direotor ofthLie Whibby road1 ro- was present, sud if heard beforo thet of connoil, would give every necesssry in-1 o. formation, and alospeak as Lu bis aW -Company's intentions. On motion uf Mr. Bruce, seconded by Mr. MoRas, resolved that Mr-. Hold.t n. en be heard. lt Mr. Holden, in thanking the wardou rd and couneil for the priviiege accorded kthum, corroborated Mr. King's stat.- !L-ment,"aste the ltailway Cumpany'o hav- re- iug made no roqueost teubring titis mat. ng different Lu whiat iL vas titelat ime when )g theo Comupauy came beforo the caunnailt. ,'s atrnggling te build a lino, wbich they ut had siuc. got. Tbey bil alo ow the advantage of confection witit the Mid- t 7i land. Ho explaine L te effoot of tea ,a pooling arrangement : It was 4~ maLtera of indifierence by whicb lino thotroighte camne.te division ofthLie fond,wonld b. te sasme-79 per cent to the Midlandp aud 21 per cent Lu, the Wbitby liio.b I3oLliruada, ho was happy Lu Bay, fhad p boon worktug well ogober, sud with t )n impraved prospects. Thepool benefi teda ofboth witbout sujuriflg thi public. AsE a a proof uftbtht, they wore nowF a carrying lumber at 1 1.15 per hone-aud iA ort otHope, wbicit before Lb. poole sacs 150 per thuusand. The strongerd id Raîlway Companies were te better Lb. public mteresta wer. serveid ; tLb.linos It rwould b. botter eqnipped sud more ofcars available for those requiring Lbe.r r-carniage of freight. Iu railway compe- b ition, iL vas neot guod polioy Lu kilI thted )d goose that laid the golden eggs, for in b 't ts end Ibe public were te sufferers t id whOre business as dune at a 1os8. wThose baving cuntrol ufthLie Midlaud el le werg no more inberestedl in Port Hope B thau Lbey were in Wbitby, in tact ' be 0 bonditolders livod in England. Wbitby t bai ltrouglicounnections wibh heLb., Grand Trnn k aud rates wsre madeos uver both. Reterrinu to tire benet of at tn Wiitby road Lu Uxbridge and Pie- le kering, ho poinL.ed ont tat the day ti r- as nuLtfai- distant wben botb would h -,bavo e Lu gel itir timber and woud tram gs il Lb. noiL. Evon at present they wore et doing su, and Pickering in titis respect st vas muit boefitted. Every manw tg wanting te buy a hoard would recoive -pi ,- mure than thee Lax he would bave Lu p Le pay iu cheaper lumber. Tht ime was r n coming aise witen farmers would i-e. quire mnore extensive buildings Lu bouse w and teed catîle aud for touciug purpos. th laet and t bis titey would have ta get S< 9fron i te nortli.IHo reterred tote th CIncuber trado in the tuvu ut Whitity, gr Lb.h large quautities Laki-ii to Dufflusa Creek aud Oshtawa, andl even to thepi Fouth of Uxitridge. Tii. ime vas, uaL la -long mince viien iL cobt $8 pur Lbousand te train Port Perry, 00w tey COUIl have ý lombtr aIl tino way train Millantl for 6% $2 per Iliuusand. Tite raisintz ot catioeI ani themnufactureofutbuttor awldte cheesoü woluld have ta b. aen np hy PU Itarmers aud heaume a gruater staple of ag ,t export tlsan whocat and barley. Iu re-te ply Lu a question asked by Mr. B.reth pl unr as LueLthe direction ut the ls.nk. de YThere was only unie directiuon, tîtat vas Li, 16 crtb Lu Iioavorton. Many Iîad oaid, ro 6 «Là -remarkod by Mr-. King, wbat a gicaL bc tpity ÃŽiLu vasttie railruad by-iaw for 5400,00 bad noL batu caried *20 yem rs agc. They nov, bovever, fiad raiîway an cunooctioni from Wititby te Georgtiau tIk Bay, sud Lb. WfiLtby road wonld give th, Lboin ounnection with Lb. Pacifie Jonc- P )tion, Sud Cana.da Pacifie Raîtlay. Ho F à rsferred tol'hLo. rad* #f Lthe immensey Lrritory Lu b. opened uop aud IL. gi-est '. re#ourcee, and tihe a4sintage whichiMe jt. Whitby rcad vouid haveasU Lbe short. ce, est route te, tide-water. The building un cLislsonrythe grest à citiyo<itrade wu frvtà tea.eficooean. Let nesubOrs BW rise tae i mportanc. of lte occasion. atri Thesgum of #20,00 wua a cMP.rtive.- tap ly palry smm for snob au objeot, con- bru uidering the vesitia of ti# ooty. The. Su 14W&vy OorApany would baveto go to ,i Lte nanicipalttis more iml4atolIy moi lrsté* 1 - uppIémsii th$iÃM by meni-am laiSsabut,- .t.là a.ý&n 1f i4$Yrned lu lit. greal umis.> Laite tha liaSl been-aIsOjr-go lu nuL giviog cuùnty aid to a county lino. Tite miseing luth vauid nov belp ta make Up for teat misake. IL vas muai Lutote intcresb t ofte county lu have Lt competed,, ailS nut onIy La ana section but Lo aIl sections ; iL vonit] give te itortoat rônte, b. s greal saviug outLime sud expeuse ; Lu suiturs, jurai-s, vitnesses, members utfbte aun- cil, &o. -He strangly at]voaated the adoption ut the i-esolatiun. Mi-. Hoover dit] Dat ses te advan tego cf tise link Lu Pickering, aioLrt téaouaty as a vitale. The represutatives ut ]Piaker-ing neede] no instruations <rom toi- ostitusuts an Lb. sabjeot ; Lhey knev their sentiments aiready. Jckingly, hie remarred tLaa sto aheap lumber, ho vas tlie ovuai- of a savmili hixuseit ; Ltat Mr-. Mille-,Lte reeve, vas tse ovne- cf 50 or 00sces o! limiter, sot] neither oft tiem wiaited.far competitors. Thon lthe members from' Lhe nurLt Loe Lte onty connoil fcuraS it very con- volniont Le come rundLte longer dis- tance btLtae casnty Leva, aI 1.n cents pe m Ilviiahlionly paiS 8acents s mile ; un tact if tey could uuby auma ity Hamitonbhay vonid be msking stili mare monay titan they ai-e aI pi-es. euL. (LaugLer.) Mi-. Gillespie dit] DaLvisi t taRive s mUsait vota on titis question. Hc nid nuL Lbink Ltae people ut Brook wauit] flnd fauit ira voting for Lte grant. aud 80 ta- diffoeut ram te doputy rectve. He raterred Lu tae normous expeuso ta tae aouuty ut hringing down vitues- ses, jurors, &o., and aonsido-e thebb saving tus uffeatot] aioold lie cousi]- oeod. Thte ci-y ot soparation woulai alto be preventet], anS h.e appealed LaeLite public spirit sut] patrsotiarn ai mm. bers, vitoro te emantvas suacomn- paratively at-mOl, anthie propotion su trivial Lu escît muniaipaîity, Lu riso thove privato vievsand give Lthe grant. Hle jocosely twittod Lte deputy i-cave ut Piakering (Mr. Hoover), vitit vauting Le keap up Lise pi-ice o ut bier at Lthe expeome utflais ratepayors. Ha con- -lemneth ie selfishse8s that vui]ps-e- veut members tram votiog fan a resu- t lution oft tiis kint]. If iL vas prupoqed ga taestito tink by Sundlerland, Brok repi-eseutitives wvanit]ha anit for IL, but altitoug Ittrgely intorostet] in Sin- dlan] timaseit tlîat diS ual veigs vitit îim ; ie aaualuded by eti-cngîy urgiugE the atdoption ofthbie rescîntion. Mr-. Cunnttinha-oes-a-eil LutLias economial priuciples of te reeve ut Brook, sud for wichihha tat mu tsonu- onsly auntendei in aIl maLtai-e betors the aunail ; bat goiog for this 820,000 appeared hlke eti-sining iL a gnat sudi vwalowiugascamai. BDoie vottng the -atepaye-s siouit] bc consusted. Mfr. Miller wout] set bis tace againel' tha vote. Tiie varda '1paltry $20,000"1 at] been bandied about ; ho knev te -amis gentlemen tae peak ut 850 sran o tomousain-s, if 020,000 vaa a paît-y -ram in taei- oye8, tvonty millions t wouid ha' stili more paîbry, toi- il Sp- est-edt]hLb.lai-gsi-tse sui te more paltry ; teho wît] vote againat Lthe Mi-. Siath, (Scott,) seul tera vsee uorss speaulaLions thaci Lta' $20,000 tLu las mising link-iL vas -et se bat] as aeugog bridge ; lae agree] in cousuîtisg the ratopayers itetarr makiag titoe i-eut. Mi- Bru-as upposet itat lus monti-i psbity wouldbti oaakedLu gi-sut Ltse rigos- bonus ut ail aLthera irateresLod Lovards te consatruction nf-Lthe link Lu Bec-es-ton. le vasot lui-pareai ta gay vistaL lit township vout] pIc-e. 'liev ied sli-eady pic-Su a lai-go bonus [o its Midiaut]. If titis re 'ulustios pâïsot«, iL vout] no dutsitbc a gi-est d~ asiuitacce taetaosa adc-ocatiog the t- twnsltiîtbonuage. If Ltae resoîntion tascael, tii- a by.taw wcnid hc intro- uaed. No'nioney vas calbot] for util aue ruati c-ac in ruuuiasgai-loi-. If the HE rad vas nuL buibt thea couail woua Pl s askat] for nutiuig. Mr'. iclao, altitougsibe inatter vas 3raugi usp auoxpeate]by and vithousbof nz oppsattrDiLy ai speaialty couîulting M~ 1e ratepayers. vas propaneS ta taka p seo rea;punsibuiaty cf bis c-cte. Uttex. LIi raelteI ooasabmue arase visera te rate. M )ayers Conit] nuL alvays he, aunveniont. la Yconulted, but viens Lie member 4ecteS vq4s expeotaîl le usehebct idgment lu Lb. pulie interest. Hae tino lira i0 fliatLposition. Hné vaas tiaae an tae questio; at fia-at it- aanght ie't] oppose Lba grant, but cao-.% t]ranîgbtae benefit L t te ionyho i Lptetrade cf Ltoe telir r Ad o~ p, tng it Lbnoug lthe 0 efy-1-te 9 bo th.e ounty fiDaes 1n -ua amnt lthe road-earte te.4 tr sages for inileff age v 4,ýOà 'v, lit shasa....iA«s-.--A n ' sr.Fasby aonaidored the discussion. s mere waste ui time ; iL wouid b. wrong Lu vote this moncy vititout tue suthoi-ity outhLe.ratepayers. Objection was takon as Lu the recoin- ion itoing in ra idot, bocause iL vas ai- ieged ta coubain a preamble, oonbrary Lu the i-nies. Mi-. King baviog oitbained te exprna- Sion ut opinion ho wautod, vititdrew the resolution. Mi-. I. Gouit] 'oye] that the aunail proceeta o nsider bthe at]cisability ut fiîe ving partLies entct-ing tut-, psy au ex. arninabian tee. The resnît lb. argued vonlai h iat noue but bonafitle appli- cantoswvud present titmselc-ss. Aftor a few remars-ki ram Mn. Brebth- Our aut]Mi-. Motherihi, thée'natter wae, an 'nation ut Mi-. Smith (E. Wbi.) sont Lu thte cummittesaunEducation. TEE PUBLIC SCilOuL IlSPECTOR. A cammuniatioa trom Dr. Gobaunt-n omplaining ut inefflcioucy, aielesss, partieiity, ste., etc., on ttc part a! Mi-. MeBrien, Public ScitlInspectai- vaa Mi-. Rowiland, Mr. Bickoll, Mi-. Gi- ham2 Mi-. CitiiaanaiaLthera oxpi-esse] Opinions adverse tô te recoption ofthLie io'nmunication, iamucit as it vas flot pregentcl by a 'nmber ut the coisucil. 1'bey asdered IL an underhan] vey ut attu-ekirrLthe citai-acter utci te salool lospîtor. - On muoLion ut Mr. Biekeil, secondeci by Mi-. Smtlst (Witty), Meusar. Miller, Bt-nos, Smith (Stiott), Feaoity, Tbo-ntoa, Maltas, eand thebo er ver, appoiuteai a special cauittcee buinvestigate Lte aitargesand report. Counail adjourne] at 5.40 p.m. [iefore Lthe adjouiad MIr. Biclielliitvited Lthe wards anad couneui Lu attend a pt-t-seul- tion tpper te be given Lu Mi-. Julin WIlli i te evening.] FOURTII DAY. Frit]ay, Jane 4tit. Cuiteil met at 9.80, Lte varden lu tae citair ; minutes i-at]asd appt- et]. ROtÂDa AND IBRIDGES. Mi-. Rowland] brougitUp tae report of te aommitbee ou ruade aud bridges, andi 4n motion Lthe counail vent inta rorÀ2ibttpee utfIbhovitale Iboreaa-Mi-. Thitonn Lthe citai-. The report tittitged Litat tse cummiseioner fart-hie lNar-ows bidge, eppointe] iy te aaunty ut Simitue, vas gnUity o a act- a'n iu letting tae contrant, Ltat Lthe urk c-s not given out ta public campobi- ýon, tandt] tita; Ssoun] sili baSl been on- pecassarily Laken ont in order La 'nake L'urk, sud against te romonstrauce ut t. warden. - Titat te Talbot bridge bal iteen i-e- pairean dtlbab $25 ite pai] P. XVeIs, Titat the work on the tva bridges ou the boat]ry lino beLveen Scott sud East Gwiîlirnbu-y baS boon satistactor- ]ly P, t-foi-met], at $20 Icatitan amount Et grant. Titat Uxbridga, 508, b, puas.- il. 'riat Lietoliowieg accoutabcpaid etarge WVbsier, cor. Scugog bridge, '78 snd '79, 812 ; R. Stilveli, îvotk ou icuecg bridge, '79 said '80, $29.60; ig-iow & Trounce, to- bumber for Si- Mog Ihilge, $16.95 ; Wma. Bolton, 12 (Ltys, work 0u.1Narrowa bridge, $24;c RlbI. Riowanai, cumi-., 3$10, for services.r rThe cotunittee reparte] advea-aely un claia of Mi-. 'aLti-son, soIr. to- Mr. Mtay, ftor $40, adamage La cratiie ai-os8iug iiugitbridge. IL-port adoptet], aller considerabiet discuasiof utf the varions clausestaid larîr ION. Mi-. Gibsoti obtaiteal lau-voeLuta ro- get the petitiuu of Cha-les Kiuloy, praying forri-clofutlicerase. IOSN TeTOW.sflDP-N On motion ut Mi- IlurnettL Lie saim :) ltaLt vas orderef]ta Lututpaidt]hie Varierait y Lthe ti-raut-rer utnt-et lbis pai-scanal expi-oses,randI Lthe ccai-Jeuvas irankeor aut bis ctýiisy eutdLte alpbe ut] sratirtactcary nmarinh-a-nir chtlie utti dîscitarge thie ilnLietut is office. saArLwAi'CGRANT NOTICE. Mr. Bruce gave notice taI lue vuld ite nemt ces-sion of bte coonal in-m a a by-law grating $20,01LutLe ýVitiby & Part Pe-iy Railwsy Co., ia âd oaf téeiconstruîction utfLte dit-eut cx- ensitotifthe bine Lu Beavertun. ASSESSED VcALUF. Thte report aifte specual cuntmittee kppointed Lu cunsidai-lthe advirsbiiity deqoaiziug Ltée assesent utfLthe dii- iont muunicipalitim fui- -couuty pur- os vas receive] ant] adapte]. IL iaîfly reaomtaonted, titat Lie valua- ion cf Lie vabuatora of 1874 te caon- ueai as Lte bais. AI 10.25, 4. im., Lte Warden, an otioni o! Mr. Wrigt, leftthLie ohair ztil oua a'cloal:. Couneil resumad, Lthe Wai-den lunLiie tain. Prom D. Ormistan, ditaismaf board iouol Li-ustees,.Wititby, asking a grant Lb.h couty mudel sebeal. a. IVRaîeurs SPEiicux CoimITTER ON JUBDE &ITNELL, au. Mn. Waigit precesaed a bouty report ântaitnng cunrepaudeaco e tleen, b.e corporation' ocà , onor. Jùdge Dortnoil, &sud-viiththlie pecial. recetumondation ltbaI the r. ort iândconi-osporadence s -pregenteS, eaeiu piblitieiinlthe minutes.ý 1nesby jndgeý DarLuell for ërtaey, office arapplies, poabage qc- "andiahe correspondence and dî hsobreon k,-vr seltorth union sohool sections 8 sud 4 Brook and of corf l<ari into th.e(Court of Quen, Miri-posa. That na charge or fee bc Bench. madle on candidates-for eXamination as Mr. Biokelil hought it woud b. bet., teachers. No grant Lu model shbola. ter to have Lb. matter finally settlilf A long discussion enrued -on the 50v. 50 ats that the coonty should knuw itï oral clauses. Mr. Wright wtis cbarged position. with baving himself appointed on the TOWN5BXP BY-LAW. oomniittee Lu sttlie the union sahool brdetwsibylw,58wa section, difficulty. This was denied. UxbrIdg sedwshpb-lw 08 a Hie nanje was struck out and that of a inlypasd Mr. Pleasby inserted. THE INSPEOTOR OF PUBLIC SOHOOLS. Mr. Itiotheraili failed to have a fee oi Mr. Motherajîl, seconded by Mr. 50 cents impusea upun teacherd going Hoclder, introducd a by-iaw tu appoint np for examination. sa iDsPe0or uf pubio scoois, and to On mution for adoption Mr. Wright fix bis salary aud travelling expenso. seconded by 11r. Gibson rnoved ta send The object of the 'nover was to reduce baok' the report with instructions to tho amnount of the travelling expenses aznend by adding a clause giving $50 to from $200 La 8101j. Mr. Mothersiu euoh ur the Modegl chools of Wbitby stated that the inspeotor received sqB.ý and Port Perry. Lust-Yeas Il; Naye mucli as $1860 a year as- saiary, gr.d 18. 'Report adopted. that lie cbaYrged, nat for the-actuil u0m. A by-law was introduced and passeci ber of scbool buildings inspectcd, but appuinting 11ev. M*. Camnpbell truetee for eacli scbool witbin a building. of Wbitby HEigli Sehool. This was disputed. The 'nover tai. INDIGENTS- A COUTYP B OUSE ed Lu carry hie atternpted reduction by WANTED. a vote of 8 ta 12. O n m ti o n o f M . P a k e r, s e c o d e d T h e W a r d en e f t th e c h a ir u til o n e ()n otio ofMr. arke, scondd 'ciock. by Mr. Hoover, Lb. council went mint Council resumod, the Warden in the cummittee of tbe whoie-Mr. Sharp in chxair, the mabter et relief te indigentesud bth adviiiiy cf esbablisiting s caunty pour bouse. Mi-. Par-ker caileattaLen. tion ta Lthe gs-owistg feeling Ltrongitor bthe cnunby an tLii subjeat, enumerabing Ltae large axpene uLte t]ifférent mu- niaipalities ofasupporting indigents. aud Lthe inadéquats relief afforded Lu metl rail citasses ot distrais, aumpa-oil with gond that coulai he dunc ty establisiing a county pair itouse, wictat a& la-ge exLeut aoubd b, ruade eit.su0Lainisî Hée rotere]taLthe information wvii Lte cammitse ba] recoive ou Lbe subjeat. M1r. îotberaiii gave bisa aast La hie municîpality et $40, pe- houai. Mr. Hodaler eonsiderod bthe stop une int iltdirection. MeBcel hiaiig iteen cahot]l uput- t]volt upon Lthe importance outhLie qîîoi ion-gaveanauacaont utfbis toi-mer aofian lu Lte'natter, anS- sai] that Lth appar-entlamounb paiS-by Lthe sec-a muoiaipalities vas tan fi-cm ailLt ad itéen givan ta indigentsi, as privatesase sistance Waa nat of course taken imb account. He rater-eteL Ltaevorkin ut sncb an institution in Waterloo, i- toi-ring L te eCHR'Isatie fson stabistices sud wau satisfled thaL bita pour voutd ho beLot-rtaklincas-e otanS belot-erpro- videt] for, ant s, barge amont saveil ii tae county tacit action in te malter. Ha rcaocnmends Ltae deputy reove af Uxbridge (Mi-. Pa-kar) nol Lu drap tbe matte- but Lu bring it np again at Lt uez.t mession vitithLitaaddibional infus- ationa ta bc obtaineti u inte meanbime. A resuiutiun wat thereupon reparecl appointisg Mssrs. Pa-kon, Ring and Biakeill sspecial cammitLebo-p-uure fui-Lier inftormation aud report next session. LIBRtIY i-as LAW ASSOCIATION. Mr-'. Burnott, secondeS by-Mr. Bruce, mac-et] that the Counby o! OntarioLXav AssocaLion liai-oeLthe use ofthlie rouin adjoiniag thé Juaige's citambers for Lthe purtposes utsa lav lis-a-y. AfLer bjearing Mr-. Fareweîll au be- liaIt ufthbie Assocation, resulution caiet]. OuZ. COBOURN AND- TU1E INSPECTOR or PUBLIC '5CBOOLS. Mi-. Bickoil repus-teS tfruxutise-special aommittee an.Luis.: ýsubjeat, and, the report vas adopteS as follovs :- Theasapecial committeo te vium vas ra- toiroet]hie commusiati6of utDr. Wm. Ce- bou-a, of Ositava, cltarging Lthe Conuty Iu- spot-bu-futScisols vitt "carelessese," #*par- tiaality," "inattention," sud t'iueficienay," etc., cueg La report. Titheiascommitcee have caa-efuliy iuveftigated sud considerei Pact cita-go (six in number) contained in Dr. Coitournit bItter, and regretta be fui-ced. te reputt iat Lthe leLLer int quesion vas aavi de-tly u-ittesi witit an nnwo-Ltymotive -sui fi-orsittoLalaet wuas illeS with un- eust accusations aund unfotucalet tatements. rhe- fiai t iat n ne of u Lthe six chargea ta as-ci greuudeai,cibier in tipi-iLt-ortact, btrat evitlontly bte main, if not Ltse unly objecl ut te witer waas Lu oiu-e Lthe citai-acter anS publie standing outhLis connty inspecter sut] sot radi-aucothé cauoe euocatuen in titis couuty. That iL as full ILme Pt-. Cun andl ail otiters similariy Slspeeed abuai eus-sa tattitis coraniicanntuabhoms-leLise nedintru Liroogit viticitprivaI.espleen sut] s~tsuLdifforeacca cao bc adjoutot], anti iI Lais a tteffpt -n-owmaSs- toal tr iais- -ountil dowu te tise position ai intenfeiu~ and meaiingvitit privat. questions, an witit vhiait neituer btse county inpects- tua- thie counait itas auytlaiug viatever ta tu, aitauld, ho once fur ail Lime te came fia-my otsanped cnt. MR DELSBEEii'aBMEFUNEt. Mr. Meae reput-ted au tits malter t-ont Lte special committes, and uts notion seoande] by Mi-. BrSua, report considt-ot in cummittee outheitwvitle -Mi-. Rowland iniLte chrair-Report Suoptot] recamment]ing payment ut '26,20 Lu DoGreer. Coucil adjursnet] SaîurSay, June 5Lb. Conrucil maet at 9.50, tévwas-Sera lu te achair..- TUE fflERIi-i-AND> TB£ BOARDI>Oai-AUDT.- Mr-. Wright itsougbt np lie ubjeal cf lte, isaîlovano. of certain, aceounts o! te Siteiiff byte Goverumerat audilci- and-ltenby Lb. Board, et'Audit. Tite items vere for County .Oouit -jreo.pts vbhicîi -tie Goverumeul ardibur coa. tended diS naobelung te crimineal jus- tice. [M r. inreRyolsvsl attend- tedaae ugiv'e explâiiitionss, but b.d net au eppartrainity o eielg itard b. fore the at]joni-nmqt bt à plae,) -- - TIE NASTT REPORT, Ur. flilimn. ianaldd bMr. Shana. ti jt Ir NY el ti Pl U, C( fil lie w ni Ch a] FIANCE AND ASSESSMENT. ýy Mr. Milter itrougitt up te repont of a- titis aommittee. It cantainet] a itata. at ment ufthbie nun-resident landt fond, ig sitewing thie foiiaviug amounts dus to a- tae'nunicipabities tbu sit Deceinitr Sd 1aI :-Mara, $28.21 ; Rama, $4.2.1; Bt Uxtruiga, 821.02 ; Port Péri-y, $49.51. I ThaL te accunots sat] itoks ofthie ig aounty treasurer vore in a satisfacto-y ae condition, anSdttLite report of te g. audibore ho finaiiy passeai anS ailoweai. h That bu dbtray te expenres ut tite Le cuis-s-nt yosr, 622,500 vaUlal ho requi-- sai b e raiset] by assessent, sud titat .s ahy-law ho passedt]Lala-y taI arntunt in addition bttoe amnbutrequi-et]fui- ie sahool prarpuses. Tite Cummittee t]e- dlineS Lu allav te Lirasrer $276 toi- aextra servias in keeping separrabe - booke ut criminal justice acaonta, aud ýr also for kaapiasg suationeers sud peai. ie lors lîcense accoonts, alîhanghitiLw-as il admitt] LtaIa gi-eatst aing Le te A couoty liqd-been 'naSe hy titis addition. s- ai work, as certifieS Lu byIea honni- ýo Juaige Da-nitam, vha deamed tae ýg treasut-ti-entitiodt] taextra psy for - teose additionsi services. The cont. tmiLLe, vere ut opinion titte at]ti- Stional' services wore ixtaluded ilu Lie >- teassnrsort]inary dutiats, -aititoogi ifth cldaim vas a juel one. r. Reounde o! liaeuses paiS b7 liavkars tf vers aliaved, vitere te saine parties s vers manufacturera ofthLie articlessuit]; t aiea rebura ut flit licenso bu Taylor, at -tËi instaraceut Ms-. Gibson ant] Mr. Ring ; aIea free license te Jobn French. j The bill of ouste of Messrs. Robinsosn 1 tant] O'Brion vas rocommendedt] t le t pait]. The treasuror vas t]iteiet] L tbake socii s11pa as nsay te advisad by te conraty solicitor rigainst bite paties wvital purcitased at the lasItex sale anSdvito laileSLu psy. Report adopt- A ty-iav foundet] upn teoait vas tea passeS ta assese the oounby. The-amnounts are :-* !aîaiipality. J37 ursposas. Sah5pur. LPickering ......49,70 80 ....$925 Brook ........... 2787 75-.....606 Mai-a---------.... 1082 25.......465 Rama---------....286 25-...1..87 Beachl.....-.....2765 25..... 685 Scot---------....1442 25. 861 Sangg------297 . 10 Utxitrledge .... 1278 -....... 541 Tharait......... 771 75... '...277 EatcsbWbitby." k 2040 75 ........472 wititbY. i li67 75--......417 Part Pet-iy.. < 490 50 .... Oshtawa.... 1291 50 ......... Whitby Ln-.."n1032 75 .... Upbriaigo Vil. 414 ...... Cannington... 281 75 .... $ 22500 0 ~ l8 LICENSES 0F BAwKERS &C. Mi-. Meas brouglit in s by-law for thLe régulation utfitaviers anS pstty cbapmasudn fixing amnount of liaense, wc-ich passeS titrug it is varions stages. ONTAtIa suiO CANAL. On moatiora ut Mn. Biakeil, tite varder aëva airected Lu seud tS-r Chtarles Tupper, Ministai- ut Bail-. -w-ys~Ifl7vaai, --cô,Pies aireuaori plans andS 'apeýmade by Mi-.Reefer, C. E., saune ysins ago, sboving teet]- vantages outheitsroute iteera Ontario sud bue -Geurgian Bey, tbnoughthLie cuunty of Ontarito. Ou motion of Mr-. Milles-, socuradod by Mn., Christie the tresnnr vam dis-- ecLed Le psy lte sevenal accorats ne- commondet u inte-fintance report,.- Couail ajanued. Il, la ostlmated btai fnlly 10,0)00 peuple vill vieilWititty an Wet]nesy cîext toame lte great 4psv -cirons. It. yul be voth seýÈ&bu you vùt teIbocemaÃŽty own wileinc'mplete'sitaudyeu neglea te visi the bcok aud faucy goutt atone of 1. S. lobitsun i&'Bs-os. The îoto-e is uneïcf lt. finet lu Lte coiintry, aïxa the stockadmit. 'ted lu -be Ltelergeet anS mst ioa vidS itW faveoe Kngeton and Tas-auto. Gtve ttis frs a oeil aitate ai Deverel'a blockI Witby. vas reeTi -treets vsu-iIl on of Mr. Ri aStahie con Ptayinouo I ri- on, stattuner p-inting anS ea n f. Higgian,%ry s , p0r amuît-r uist hiL cmmili towa.baan s kýa sbii fu-bti -, iav intashe W-b necessary s TH QUET Of -ing, second. tisat His-Wioî RYBevo GibE *RnS Fox h Ut --linggard, a mooS lthaI na, abki-nth ecnitted, bej Long appea isian beiti -ana nnyisN ilsn intr'- gJohn HopI au te So l adýà jarh e eti frbts or.MaCaun, eas vttea a," roSeradute 1 micCann itrca u-e com m itte secs-etaiYf.trtlë he fics t at- ot, roi - ,is tl,erti at r laes ce l 1