5Womw.-Let thé* um i uer siMs, 1«8uth.y penthance Utase bo -passe; butbtebian îw ging ad eClamp witb bis r t4; dssit oild dierees. nIbe thi ecrdways cf tai, bine .11 onorable p&tb, »Ye>Win dfistti O. (lve to hlms id devun zies5iZo f 1ls swot. >Malan, wlth e pure broad face ont a noor volluted palm; Lnasm ocling tolbilt w ifelo lve Anld toni)etr rvereiics. Trust him wbc ledl À aiter wamuii e a feari ni fate. yu#, stenoe .wc)mân-let Lb. nian go fate! Lu& oeuiulsufer for Lbhe«uioftwo- is l b. doctrine of a hurrled wald, Tee ont ai breth for holding balances Where nies dstnction$ andl ljuitices Are calmly welie i. Duat,ab,baw will h b. On that strange day' aof fnalIMMruand fliee When men shall wther wiLh e mystle fear, A.nd ail shalh stand beon. the an. true Juda. P Shall sex make thme, a differenceIlusin ? Shail He, Lb.hearcher oftheLiebdden beart, lu tbis eternal and fiue decree Condlem ite woman and forgive t'h. man ? Mà oc.-Our M. W. Prince, of WaIe.-Graad MuLer cf England, was tbus siiohen of by tbe Deputy Grand Mater, IL. W. Dtc. Sklniurdeie, et Lb. grand festival cf thoenaftlulaLondon, April 28to, uit. : "Hlo lu a tborough masen, e true mun, and lhe shows iL la more ways than eue. We bave oaly te laoik ton. wsnd a few weeks, and w. saah se. bilm goidg down into the fer wst-for what ? To causeorete e Ccfhedral aet Taure. I amn openi to correction ; but My impreitsion isleIaI Ibis *ill b. th, fre1 iaeinlte annale of Freomas;onry &bat tb. foutulation of a Cetiiodral bas beoua laid hy Lbg Grand Ma.fcr of En- glad.* I tblnk# -lherefore, the. eveut vilil mark, a uew en% ia the fraierait>'; it shows tbe chanci an. witb us-that biî.y are net asbasned cf us. I Deod bardly-tehl yenual âte undertake tLiii dut>', Ber Royal Higbness bas bea oblig.d te, sacrifice certain work and engagements ; bat we aIl know that ,wbsn dat>' calls, othlng stands in the waecf eue Grand Master., nwi H.B. H. Princi Leopolnwa Osnada, ie s pât Grand Junior War. den cf Lb. Grand Lodge cf Engîand, sud b. ts Lbe Provincial Grand Mater cf Orfeedubire. The Old Sien>'. -The merclng sunlight leoked la thi ougiithe dilîkia carteine. ligbting the roomr as with mn angel'o ai, snddenl~ envoloplng tb. fa ce cf lus occupant vit a srange brigbîness and ranfertfliig her pae brown baie lot waves of gis. tening gold. Said the. sunlight;: "Maid. 'In, 1 ismled y on frein Lb gandon wbere 1 used to fin dycu ever>' morng, and 1came bere te fid yca. Sommer will aconu bubore witb beg roues alineutas bigit as your ebeeko. Are yen ii ?" 110, ne 1" respondud the maidon, warm. lng ber thin, -blbodiesa bande inthLe.sun beam, "caul> a littie wcak ; I shall seen b. ont la Lb. garden Le greel yon-to- morrow perbaps I I vas just planning bow I shcald arrange ni>'flowers thie year, wbeon peep in. Ane mn i>' ii lesop ye ? *Yes your flhies are op; I bave jnst bea wanmnug tbetn. I bave tined yen, seul ithe sunlight, sas li notieed the- woariiy drcopîng qelids ; ,,I viii coee&gain to.monrow if yen are not iu Lhe gardea--aud sileati>' witbdnew, leaving Lie fair lumboer aIloe inlathe gloom. A fow heurs later tb. wooaigbt s:ole softi>' tbrough Lb. silisen cntainS, wbich wberc «cuti>' rnsling la bbe night breeze. 11ev celd V, said te uconlight, as oe.tocc- ed tbe pallid brow, and tben geutî>' laid ber baud on the pulseles beant. -Deal 1" oe. ebudderingîy' vbispered, aesithe withdnew throagi te softly rutîliug euttains. IL in Lhe old, eld ster>' f consumption. IIowsah.flattera .ber vitiwt et wonang vitît bepe'e honied werds, and et evcaing inakes tiionitic prey cf Lb. spoiler 1i Statistias show tbat one-third cf xankind die ci #bis dseaie, snd cf tissu, tee Lb. «rest- ertlpat are ycung persona boetheLb *go@ cf fiftsen and twenty-five, lante davu cf matiubeed sud voeuaabod. For mauy.anur, cousuimptionvseu enal>' belieed e b. incurable. But tuediî)ina ber trinmphant inarch ag. inet diseuses bu aîeeady added con. antuption te ber lst cf cou quened. Dr. Plerce'. Golden Medlomi Discovery cures ibtis dreed disease if resorte t iu Line. For a fulensideretion ci thii disette and ils ralional method el troatmnent, rcad tii. article on consump. Lion ile L.Peclle's Coimn e Bou Medicul Afiviser, tb. meut ruliale pop. nier vans upon Pbygioiogy, HygienA. Disom#$# sud their Rumedies, yuL pubý llsbed, Price. 1,». AddroestLb.anhbor R. V. Pionce, M. D., Worldso Diape sar>' andi Invalida' Hotel, Ilaflalo Ni. Y "*FamUiar Int ir Mentis as Honse. held Wcrds." i '.qra or' TIRE Anothor 8hi Myrtie Navy! WA L L IS MAILKED Whlich wowill TE' &valeW-t fIr IN 13RONZE LETT]ERS. S None Other Genuine. :F A- : mE E Rù IN ALL ITS BRANCHE! MONEY TO LOAN WHITENING, ON EA8Y TElLES. Appiy to- W. H. BILLINOS, Salltar. gr office aven Ontaia Bank F»A MONEY TO LOAN! (PIVATII FENDS,) AT 7 PEU CENT. P'ER ANNUPE, On llst-clagâ Moi tgage secuxlty. Apply to-- Il. B. TAYLOR, la-ti Wbitby. Carpenters' Sflop &' Machlnery for Sale or to Re;it I T lD-1L PIIEMiSESlS COMPRISE TWO ilios, 24036, and continu ahi working ools-S-hOt-e îower eugtnc. Shaper, Stick- or, Teunouer uating Lathe, Jîg Savr. and Cîrculars, Monice and Donug mnachines, &o. Spacînus yard, with abendant roni fon lumber. Alongaide Whithty Pi.P. & Lindasky Rail- way s5tation ;Bl&ck»imitîte @hop edjoining. Apply ta T. W. ROBIINSON. - Box 258 Whitby P.. Or te DAVID ORMISTON, Solicitor, Witby. Apnhl 15. 18W. t-la PHOTOGRAPHY. J. W. RUPERT, Framthe Lbvel-knovu it-tuof BRUCEL & CO., roouoPbotoiraphere. Takes -pleasure ia infot-ning te citzons ofWhtb aud Sout Ontario, tust ho bas puectheLeentiro igitl sud interest cf thet voIl-kuovu Photographie and Franulng establishment, latel>'cairied, on by Lb. Moueors. LYON BROTHERE, WILKINSON'S JBLOCHL, BROCK-ST, WIIITUI. Ths extensive alterations andttupnaie- mnente by bh aiefit-tuarebetf' li dd ito by tLb. additieo o t ACCESSORIEFS ALL WORK GUARAILTIED FIRST-CLASS AT THE LOIVEST RATES"!. -CHILDREN A SPECIALTY.- See Our TABLETTE PHOTOS. FRAMINO i aIl ita branches. PHOTOS. COPIEII sud eniergmd, and finisbed plain, i oh. tesater colour, ink, on crayon. at BOTTOM PRICES. AGENT for Mascu & Riech, menu- facturcîs cf Pianos aud Organe. Ordira for Tuaing prompti>' attendedt t. J. W. R. hopus by strict attention to busi- .ess ta menit e abaesof the patronage 9o liberally b.stawed an bis predecesons. J7. W. RVFERT9 Wilknson% Block, Ilrack-st. Wbitby, May 11, 1880. SEEDS!_SEýDS! W. W. WOOD, I r mu PRÃŽCES LOWER- THdN, ABKED F4?)? INFEJUOR QUALITIES LAGE1~ I3J29I 'à 2,ý'18 gallon pao.kages. the rïght article., WILOWS MOIrTfEAL DouttWL'"13A .& WÂTE, Oi»FeIN PII4T,-e LEMON SODA,81'EBWhflRï,., Anoter Sipment of those 8PLendid 1.PAPE RS Whic, wewillseU at a slight ad-vanoe on Thebet ale etoférd.The LÂBGEST ana BEST SBLEOTED» STOK in thec ount>'. IN AL IT BRACHE, AT THE LOWEBT POSSIBLE PRICE. AND CALSOMINING1 As usual, jRelable and Cheap. [ARTIN & W.ARAM, [a>', 1880. Q~Y.l8) BBOCK-ST., WHITBY. HIE CHOICE BRAND 0F EUREKA RYE. LAGER IN QO CASES AND KEOS! IcE4-Orders for Ice taken for thE season, to be delivered every day oi when wanted, to suit Customers., S T w E VI -A C01C1E ASSORMMENT 0F- C. HAMS, B. BACON ] ROLL BACON, BIEEF HAMS _'ONGUES, C. C.. BACON, BOSTON CANNED BREF BALONA SATJSAGE, &c, &c. hitby, May' llth, 1880. Ipring. 18806 Spring FRESH FIELD AND GARDEN AT TUE NEW CASH GROOERY EIMBIU. Flower Seeds and Garden Seeds, in great varieties, at 8. FBÂSER'S. Imaprovcd Field Carrot Sers, Fresli Mangold Seeds, Fresh Improvi 'ieice Turnip Seeds, &Hi fro ein .Most lielabie Seedemea, at S. FRASER'S. FIRESII FAMILY GIROCEIRIES Tom, Coffees and Sngare at rock bottom prooes, Keelcr's Dundee Mi malade in bulk, English Pickles, Sauces and Jame; a large assortment China, Croekery anad (laasware, beantiful Dînntur Sets cheap, newa useful artices for the Ladies, the Cases Egg-besiter smmdMuasuriag J Gluss Rolling Pins. Try thu Princesa Louise Baking Powder, the best urie, demand for iL increaai.ng dm11>. For sale only at D N AStI STREET GREENHOUSE, WHITn Rias just receiveti a larg antd vsrl assot-teo f NEW SEEDS fLANIS 0f li AL KINost .IN PLOWER 1 EARLY VEGETABLES, IN SEABON 1 411 Soctis guaranteet et ptires lover Ibma et suy otbee place Lu Lava. 1 Inspectboa celGOrenious ultt.N trouble te show aur Large mSteak cf, Plante vo an. sellung ver>' CUBA P>1 jW. W.. WOOD- WANTE Dl Ai 1prnist b ae> uies 22-ti A uA p pi>' êtote aeybieu B. SNOW Dundaas1, Wiiiity. R. C. CEMETE-RY$. 9»t W, 8~ rd con. of Whitby.> to d.dndl1ltlu le mwe d utct SPL 'A STER1- groeà e blesewng over enerdu mn Hop Btter. h tha o.y las propriet7o0slarei b.lngibl.stea eurs'd by*. Willn te>' IL? otber oal tmn. __ facture r atco00iutg Orel y tJ plage. The.fat lu, hoever, tat _______________ proeueluveletMe aII " ou, md The leaf mut b. carefdulY i>' att1n« for vin$i i fteg itlIAa9f hauds. Itin~UaeiLWtdvi 'ENYEEKLL5 BLoon, F~Ab8ER7'SI Baoci STu .B.-kny quantity of Prime Butter, Freeli Egga, &o., taken in exehffl FREDERLVICK NEALE, a 0QU rr -y ST0 R E WHOLESALE 'AND RETAILI KING-STREET, OSHAWA The undersigned, makig the LIQUOR TRAYE specialty to which he confines 'ià business, is enabled supply Faniilies, Ho.tel-keepêrs,t and the Trade goneri with genuine Liquors, ai lowest price. Trio Un i r E Of td of BES WNES j wodja na bo ttie. REST BRANIEIS, ehQiee brýandLs. BEST W.8,JIU~, 7 years în wood, BEST RUM, m l Jmaa BEST GIN, ineibidng qlUHoands à a.nd Tom Gmin.' Pl W W ~r±wx~ ~ '.-u-'~' fl~ MILLINERY AMD FÂNCY DRY GOQDS. 3w Dress Trimmings,, New 'Mandle migNew Laces, New Friiling, New Fringes, New y ltrPins ii J'et Silver . and Tortoise Sheli. Lerco aifullBabyLneatt& c tiveou d uspca aofc ~desotied, a iescnhe &t h mde at sa w hour ice and at the emallest possible cost. RESS- AND MANTLE MA KING M. & S. E. McINTYRE, Agent for new W. & W. Sewing Machines, BBOCK STREET, WHITBY. SOrders received for the Britishi American Dyeing upafy. 01-0Q TO SP]RNG T IEDS AND(LOIS JOH -1N FERGUSON_ -. - JUST BECEI-VED STRIOCK 0Fp t. A'u fl 90OH HAnd S RCANADIANSOK O Eich were ordered before the rise in price, and which ho proposes to offer at less than previous se]ling prices. In' cloths, ho offers LL-WOOL TWEED SUITS at $10 ind iu the Connty. TAILORING in ail its bm'nches and under lis own pervision. T-w PP-.TqN NEW GOODS! tATTHEW COLLINSHATS, CAPS & GENTS' FURNISHINGS! Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, AND SEE THE LARGEST & BEST STOCK 0F Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Fur- niishiiw flouse, ýO OTS A ND SH OE S INEXT DOOR TO THE NEW POST OFFICE, STen per cent. discount off for Cas) j, estomers are invited to call and examine this stock, judge thé quality and take a note of tb. prices, Md satisfy ýbeînaelves ai to wberc tbey can geL Lbthe stBarghins, for I've boots warrsnted to wear- Boots ai cheap as they are good, Will stand without a er For ladies, gents, and girlbood- iDy westber, anywbere- Fit for city or tbe wood ; And thst can't bé beat slsewhere, Al ahonld bave a pair tbat eould, By th. bést. And ho at rest. ta- REPAIRS NEATLY DONE. gbt klnd froue your obliged snd humble servent, MATTHEW COLLINS. rO THE FAJIMER-S' 0F THE DO0MI1NIO0N!1 nus feryo for th Iep emeitîso:88,th oloin ir lus aOWN'S WHImeTI3 lAVST-.(mroe. YROUN NADA MOWYHARE, Imroved.)oe CAYUGA JR MOWER, (Iuiproved.) The abhaveacshinets d arynoomente oldusdalor asnadaou Wec aiso nostfs>thalpuase ndr voffanthurabl eafrCand oa, We p s ASH UNa DELhiEB, to cat duraboffic ineWiy n beforoe laciag your ct-den lswhere, as iL la our intention to adopt the CASH SYSTEMI ag l p acs ius a ccli.aateoymaeorpielsta o tlv ýBROWN & PATTERSON MsFaGSC. rrTf',TTT'r'm ~I&nTÂrr7P ~ DkIf~ ~(1P J. R. PRINGLE. FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS! FEDANrgDuplG AREaN Esh, at A~ 8agespp8 PreaMIrs TE ]B-seLA Ni r -- GENERAL DRY OOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SIIOES, OROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ( The Dry Goods Departinent is complote in every lime sand the Groeery Stock ail new and fresh. elm The ceepest hous ini the. County. Re- member the addres. 49 A. B. -SKITHI Raglan. CALL ON- -0F WHITBY,- Boots and - Shoes. Botsan -00:s (3i71 Foot Wear of ail kinds sold Cheap for Cash, bhy WILIAM BURNS, I3rock Street, Whitby. AND CARIRIAGES. Th1 Largest and Bet A8eortment in the Countyi GTREAT BARGAINS OFFEREDIN CUTTERS. &c.,1 nuniber of Carniages ana Buggies this winter than usual. , rOMS& NEWPORT'S. HILiIlbi IMAIRKET PRl'.L A"> ""F TOM -DELYRED AT- aOTJSE & PAIN TER J. G I 0 N S -C=nnov 'ound et bsSc TWO oRS WEST 0F AMTRG' Mlso two Tons of good live Turkeys, 'Geese, Ducks and Chiokens. wanted. Before kiling, eallandsee, THOS. SLEIGH,. se- AU Ordera prouepi>'atLende i te...m County cf Onteirio uS HEEBET G(IV-- Te MTr: f enliai lthe coud cf Generas Sessoaf th. esc sudmaiii Oaunty court, in sua for the-- County of Ontario,. WMl be held in the COURT IHOUSE, in TOWN 0F WHITBY, At the iter oai12 o'clock, noon, 0f whioh ail Justices nif the Peace, cg ae, Constables, and otheeis concerned,- taire notice ana gavern tiemasives ao ,Nly IELSON G. BEYNOLD) siets Offie, ;Shenif1 Co; ( Wbiby, May 181h, 1880. -0 ~'T~E EXAMINÂTIO1~ 0F SOHOOL T For EXMhATO yr180 iiohedafOPlc Fan Pirst-Clags.-ÂL Lite Normai Rob Toronto, on Thusday-, July 8h, et 9& Fan Secand-Chass.-AL Whetby, the- c Lava, FPet Penny snd Uxbridge 1i Sebools, an Manday, July 5th, aL11 Fpr Third-CIas5At Whitby, Liahe % tovu, an Tuesday, Jul'tt, et 9a& n. IL la Indispensable tui andidateeui notilytie peiding Inq5ecton notlatert the 4ut cf iJane cf thein intention te-p temselves for exerninaticte. JAMES MeBRIPIN, tichool Inspector, Ca. Myrtie, Aprîl 27th, 18M. 20 SRBTISBI lents ine 1et the. rat Bp3 seelooutracbu 6 , Orso dse g uyl.yers otuer Bnus eine88 0 Il T h-El WHITBX4 Raa.WhiLbv. AILYLN ORC (M.suinsoon, Master,) Con,nocfig Tlcurtlay, April 15 Wil maire ber reguler tiripsaonuubuur LEAVING Ccbourg ai 7.81- sud Parti ai M410eve x ornlug (nu Norti conetilug wiLh 1 rt ,ll aï Rchbesior for au '-'tlu-in t z BBTURIUNChIarlotte (Phý Rechesier) et 9 p..except Saturdaytïi mie ea-ves ai 8.1 p.m., for Cobouqi Port Hope direct. Dealers iu Stock &o., vil fiud titi cbeapesteand"miiot direct route te Bd Albsny, and Nov Yorkr. For furtiier information, apply ta or, CAPTAINSBIV(WOC C. F GILDERSLEEVE, Pari! KiXngston; Ott. E. STEPHENSON, Dom.,Tel.I Tioei tAgent, Whibby. T UTS PAPER me>' b. ouud ou Geo. P. Roeei & C'. Novspape ventislng Bureau (10 Spnnce St.), vite veig oracts ay e>' omade fat SADDLERY HAR NE s WILIA MTHOMPSI Loatdrc attention t bbilag sueirsok, coueprising eeyi lu te Satitiua>' su. Haesa ia LEATHEIL VALISES SARATOGA TIRUIJN ý&-an su-mýDaCheap. *At tht, BreckStBreetWb T BCAIgADIÂN winter AIR GAS8- MA CHIA This macineuo lu-for lighllng Pý DviiMills, Factories, Ciaoc rBY, OTÂmO. Public Hills'MHoala, thon examineIHHIPSsl Pluier snaud aiter, lIgng-o Sena for ('ireular mad.pnice-lat. Tôn 0peil 2mL, 1879. -SALE AT TEE rarisi eeig ih-GLEN MAJOR I 6W,~00fetPlune Lumli , eslls"a#= Inch Bosi. - TUE CLYDE EUTEL. 158 Ente-ST. E.esT, TORONTO. HRNBY LEMON, - PBOPRIBTOB. .1. Tiie bmosenevi>' renovated fr~zo te bobiozïi. Ever>' accmmodmtieii fcr lie traenubl ie -s> eto ur dan n atbcchu ( From lllv to 'ne aPPÃ"*Xiî effect. Fothi Lanfi " Balanc~e0 Itecelvea -Byiient Bat icelui ALeavi 18330 PLASTIE sIM-bO1**f For Reliable LIQUOR G G 1 E- S. 91 CUT TER Sý Luy> JBROWN PATTERSON MNFG Co. Whitby, Jan. 21f.it 1879. 6 7H SI( ÃN Boum 1 k 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 sonoltor. an) gr Office over Ontafio B wi ýTEACHERS V FEReUSONý PUBLIC Dundas Street, Whitby. 1 V- 4l. JOHN- SCHOOL TE, BOTTLES MolEllan's Block, FOR ONE M 0 N T H. -OF 'WHITBY,- WRITBY, ONTARIO. WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE. -.--joot 0 A Ný , D Ù K EYJY mý M-Z Inll.1 TWEEDS 11 and OANADIAN AL W. la Àk la R,^H- JAMESON. Fwmfly GrSa.