à ÂtootamiIhemtuiîa H. wafl boc1k ltugwdeu ram Ta. 14s dear native brama. 0 danua rooa th. Dorie tôngue- 0o£aia *pur I e 40ià n*hy wtt n their lover, TliamaIyïDorle Ibocas a' paa Il flovs swest au a rilll- 16-A elsaped upou imniorlal lYa 13y lierus ane Tannahll *Who Murdored Morgan' TIIUBLOW WERD TULe LSABAOUT rt 61 know boy Morgan wa. killed ." asid! Mr. Wood, and where and Whou ha vau killsds ad wbo kUhled him. 41 vas a diosafal =m'uder." -Bow do 1 hnow ?" hlieidre- psatwng My 4osioe. 111know lb.. sanve th.e riminabls thhmeelvea coufeas. ad it ta me -beiore tbey dled.' **à it possibe ?' 1 sald. "Wl!! yen 1.11the publie ail about à iP"7' d"Yes, I bave tl i partlaUy before.1 IL va. lu 1884, about £v.ae aller1 lb. udden diappearance of Morgan, that: on my trisal fo libelling the Mu- bus, Ivo mou volunteered ta le my *Itneege. One of theg. men vas Juin Whitney." 1 lhiuk Mr. Weed sadllb.hellier wus theb man wboha bc charge of the oIc! tort here Morgan 'vas eonflned by bis aptors. "I inVitôd thom to et some cystors willi ne alter thlis lI, and whule v. tfers at thé table lobti Whitney con-1 ~inWidI, u reply to olir _rgenby, ta rua e llean, brisaiof Ià about the murder of Morgan. He doeiarmd the terrible seret was ab brdemon hlm day *and niglil aud thon, ho tld Who the. mon were Who imft.tbm lodj1e one dyk' nlgh& ta put 3Morgan out hie v ay, les ,& ho thauaIe seretsa-af 1h. order. Be sd ý, *is ons otthomësin. Theo alhro vere 0W1Wm. Ring, EGar. aille, Hisd~n Oube.They vent ta the fort, >boUn4% th' prlsozier baud i"d foot, lid bhzLmî a boit, car, ried là m iito-&bouIý.IbXuddle pat _01 Niara irl-~where il iWai lwo miles to eithmr shore, "and ier, ylng weigls ta bis hesd and heel., tbmy fl;na l overboard. Wheu lie had tld . aisory, Whitney said 1w fait vo- lieved. The allier vituems turned ta hlm audleaid, 'Johrrv Wood eau bang yu, nov. 'Yea4'oaidNMkrtne but h. vont.' I Ilion ghlt me l nt my dutaly tath. publie, lbut il was obvioualy luapoiasible ta cauvict lila unlesa lie would say olemnly iu"'opurt wbal be bia R aid ta me. "I waa nearly tbirty years' alr wiurd, viien 1 met John Whitney i Chà t,go, wiien I vms ftuers, at the ceau- vetion ir 1860. He came la me and me idlie wanted ta mette a careful ecn- fet-mettau for mes ta write down, tlabe pub. lieli, i after bis death. There wau no- hotdy e ho dared ta trust itao, bssaid. I ,tvrudltu cownmît his dreadfnl deed lu 10n11r as sou as lhe eauventiaoa id. * joui ued. Tii. hautr hadjourneadlie WIliSwaitng forme et mybotel. tva. in file depîha aof dieeepoinl-ment, and! was hnAy wîtli a hjuudred thiugo, and I Iliuid1 Wllney that I sliouid come baek lu Chiclago ortiy end wouid thon et- teud tu lr \ 'e excehanged letters afler thlat, buo ieied auddeuiy snd I nover ~IlcChicago p)apert;." I Btaia, oughl tolok npi)eisrelative, or frierada lier. -and -ouil iLe loft auy documente or tlid e ocret. Y'es,'. lhe replied, 1"il would b. Weil. ILin etrange. hy the. vay, that every otie of ltos. five.murderers is dead, and ahl but one died violent deatha. Col. Rinu cammnttil suiside, ana Garaide wag kictked la dmalla by a barse.. Mure gold laas beau diseoveaAla the Labo of l(ho Woods. l'ho courtry round Rat Partage bite iten b ond la Le rieli in minerais. A titumber of Huron County 'fanîners wil! vîmt lhe mode] farnaTueaday nixt. A p ersan btng sked wbyho ls ia gîven bis dauglmr iu marriege tg a Mau villi whom ,he asUaItenmily, araewered: "I did il out af pure revenge." The .contracors on sctcion 42 af lie P'acifie railway are pushing forvard tLeir work rapidly. Over 000 mon are eniua!yed an Ihe work. The oulaide labourera employed by lte Sçring HillI Mining 0a. have re- ceuiy had theîr vages atdvanced froua 90 coetsate 81per daLy. 9Tii. gold lead that va dlsovered. >tat oson ou Tunnel Ialand lias beau *p.r¾. .hua paiug, and gald sud 4 bJten Mreh tSufared tram il 48ea gentleman of 'lorre Hante, ta-bis femal, o,oupnlÃ"u tbm ig;"Abi i tie Most beaul.: luniY realletioci. Luna, w tb7 ?,' quiekly aaà ked thb. OASav -~ a. 4,one tà &. - -"Uni were you ual liiiV' - "No alt; I 'speotac! ta b. but I va.n't. "J3uibow dld yoti base your mm 1" "Ihu litrde ,liatile ai.. "Waa, iah, aDl do, eiroutniitsnosm 1 eber hoeard oai vis dat I barla ut 1otoff vld a huzas as." "1Vhen I'ý "'twa y'ana nia, nab" "And you os!!ibtis boaiug yaun am aftoitlt alea ir e ~ ne~ dos' vintotlie la yPu.if I l'alat- à l befo' de batIl I'dnay mo, Lth vas afttr de 'baIlle." "1We!!, I"gueso Il vus," said lie men after a long pause, &ado ewontt, davu, for adime.- Aonlad r 1gh. door.ioll as qvlymrnled pair- "Dont you vaut s boy be osud, sIayIy li1det hair. "Wby, you Impudent sespegrace il, And abc gave tie doar a alamn - lu liaI youthi's asuniahed laci. Tit Faauoa'is C0-API3T MxAa.-Tieý cheaposi meat for $bu farmor ila mutan. Il may nafaly be uaid la cal osb"g,, as the flice. fram~ a seleep af god breed viii amply puy for ils koeplngî Thon, far additionii profit, Ihere a aaor, tva, the peit ai lbs animai l illed AI home, and lie iddauee ai tie psastures from wevo, le vhicb aheep au destruc- tive fon. Witla tb. except ion ai pani- try, muttan à saIa lite Maitl evnleui must for théefarman. A ahoop la sil>" kiod sud dr.saedl by a single band lu su haur, and lu lie varmeat veallier i c eau Ler*iydispoeed of 'before il apoils. Seleée sud erperience. bath cslsee Ittae . b. hibiattWostkind, af maut, sud a iooliah pn.ju" dle âne pro. fera park, wvbhvelber frosi or naît, la tie unhealtblesi aifaSU.- WLy la n egg like a colt 2' Because il ion%î it forus tliiit'n broken. -Au Irisiman iu spesking af lie §oar- oity ai lied lu . Utah,sasys tiat thoua. als af caIlle have bac! ta t. kiîled ho save thein lives. Frontenac Cunuty Counci decided by noeotlen ta ive ualla o rve vitb- oui renumeralion. A yack af art in said ta b. perfect in proportion as it dosal otrcmind' tb. oppctalar ai lie proces by wliicbh ivas erealed.- Lindsay volunteor eouapany lias vo- ceeved orders la go luta camp -for bat- talion drill itaI Jovmnvilie on 23rd.- Bucien'. Arnica salve. Tic 13EST SALVE in lhGvarîd - for Cule, Bruisès, Bores, Ulcers, Sait Eheuru, Teitr, Cblujped Randa, Ciii- bMains, Corne, sud .al kinda ai skis oruptions. This Salve in guarautoec! t0 give ierecet satisfaction lu every case or mancy refunied. Price 25 cents Per box. For sale t'y S. W. B. i'mith & Ca.. Wbitby. $500. Reward-Catarrh cure. Soine peaple vauîd rather Le houa. bugged tIbm bogeI "value recaived" fer Ibair uxauey. fonce il la tli och persoas mn aiterthie aud tfitpretendid cure far oâtarrh, forgetîutio at Dr. Sage'. Catarrli Bemedy is ausoaili'v lu ils t'ffécÃŽR, liaI-ils former proprielar ap- vertîeed il for years tinaugliont lie Uuiteil Stalesmupdor e positive -guaran- tee, offoning 180 rewurd for au iueur- able caeteundvas nover calied-tapon ta pa y Ibis revard ezeepti in Ivo cases. Tbis romedy liais aequirod snob a lame luat a brune. office bau been establiisedý lu London, Euigiaud, ta enppiy lie for- eagn domaud for it. -Said by druggits1 .1850 cents. Caraumpton Cureli. An cA hyican vlrel om", lice-,lavlng bal p ise u lits ha sy an East India nustionary tue formula .o at simple vege table rom ey for- tho' speedy and permanent cure for Cou- sumpîlon, l3ronchitio, Calani-l, Asma, andl ail Troatl an& Luog Affections, aima a positive sud radical cur. for Nervous dobilily aoc! ail Ner-vous Voua, plainte, aller baving tested ilis andor. fui curative paverilutbh auna ases, bas fl it i ' ~il kuovu taluls - a>ke atod by thia amtre liovelt M " - -- i ree olp!, - - ', . -lie - - - Dg aund nsan - ~ dressing 42 WhieIh ye wil Usn t qa The bout value yoh offored. The L[I& ' a1 STOCK in: the- oannty. ve RRaf~Arinu os ruuv TUPI Xtlt MËST' J14L £LL&J LL i Ai '/unmJJ5J :JLjj VYJ WHITENING-AN'--A80N*Q *As usual, Reliable and Cheap. MART IN & W»A RAÀM,, fOUTII 0F TUE NEW NMARKET, may, 18.ly1)BBOOKST., WHBY THE CHOC ,B a ' O E~K~ LAGEIR mB.N ' 200 CASES ÂNAKWGS IcE-Orders for Ice faenî o h season, to be d eh"ve re & éy -day or when wanted, 4to suit Cus1iome±à . -A 01100E ASSORTME1' 0F- S. C. E[.MS, 13. BACON' ROLL BACON, BEEF ýHAMS, TONGUIES, C. C. BACON, BOSTO.N CANNED BEEF, BALONA SAUSAGE, &c,., &c. R. H. JAIi 4EdN. Spring. IO Sprilk FRESH- . FIELD AND iARDEN_1 AT TIllE NEW CASH GROCERY EMPOBIUIM. Flowet Seedi ana OsrdoaaSeeds in n eat rarialis, st S.. FRASEB'S.- Improvod F'ield Carýrôt Seode, Proii gaugôIJ Seede, Freuh Improvcd Valrieties Turuip Seeds, ail frouathe Most Reliablo Seedamon, ah S. FRASER'S. FRESBI FAMflIY CGROCERJES! Tous, Coffeeés and Sugarm at rock bothom praces, KeeIèr0s 1)Ãundee Mr malade in bel, En 2iack1os, -Sauces sud Jaas ; A larîge iMsartment of China, Crocery ma- - i besutiful Dinner Sets 'cheap, ieepw anýd useful"ee frice r t 4 ls Egg-bester and MeasuiWg Jar, Glass BlOU, gpins» oasLouise Baking Powder, the. best in igdaily. For sleonly ai - BuociSTESET. ONTARIO. tt.grProub Eggs, &o., tabou ut ceýebaage. ldKNEÂE LIQ-U O R STOR E WIPOLEALEAND *RETMILO KING-STREET, - SHAI -:00: WA. The undenser mskngthe LIQUOR TRADRK. a fpepialty to wh:h.lonln s is business, ' iena,1e&-'bo, aupplyFamilies, flotel-keeper6, and the Tà dènériIy with genuine iùos -i lwsitprices. - J3EST W R]~ST ;rn 1~ES~ RI BEST G INE~hi ~oodand ottl0. Siehoice b ùY fatý 7 yea ,INic4igOd ni8 aniTomGin. PI1C58 LOWER: LL&eEk 'Bi~ ous sellng prices. PWEE SIITSat ,$10 WâWastrubIock, BrokSirelt,-Whihby. TAILO supervision, lis stock is iT laa the largest and besi s eleoted tobe its brunche s and under his own JOHN -FEIRGU SON, Dudas Stroot, Whitby- NJEW GOODS! HATS, CAPS &-GENTS' FU'RNISHINGS Merchant Taioring end, Gents - Fur-. NEXT DOOR TO THÉ' NEW POST ýOFFICE, iMoMan's Block, - Brook Street,ýWhitby. FIELIJ IAND GAIRDEeS] A large supply, Pure'and-' Fresh, at EEDS!i 0-ENERAL DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, - BOOTS AND S110ES, CROÃ"CERY, GLASSWABREr P~B AN ,Dn May27, 1880,- ~~H-W-CQLL INS -Deverell'sBlokBr--.oèk-StWhitky, mmD SÉ TEI LEGEST & -BE îSP;Tâ tÃ"CKF ,OOS-AN D SHOES *a Ten per cent. digcount off for Cash - -.FOR ONE MONTH. usienaref invitead f a ean adexamine ibis stock, judge of the qualy and takes -noté ai tb. prime, aud safiisy tiemielves au to viere tbey tan gel lib boulBargains, for I'y. boots vsrnned la voir-- WinI aaul ithoul a tear * - ny.at*b«r, snyvbene- Aocd atcau'I bo beai elseviiers, 1 ï ý, , i - By hieboal. S e'PAIES'iETL'Y DONE. Boots-av ebeap as they are goal, Far ladios, gentasuda !gilihod- Fil fon city or the vaod ; AI! mliauld have a pair liii couIc!, And be ai rosI. Opito e aW publie, léave yamr orders and gel a pair oi Boots of thue riglit kinid froua yaur obliged ancà humble servant, -1 MAÃTTH-EW, COLLINS.1 AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF-ARDWÀRE, &C. THE -The Dry Goods,.Department je comipleto i very lino and UteGroery Stock all new and freeli. OU. The cheapest house ini the (Obunty. Re- niember the adde. 49, A. IB. SMIT ,'Raglan. -C A L L 0ON- muLLxI&Wl*1 u a NfS, -0F WHITBY,- For Reliable Boots and ShQes.1 t3=- Foot Wear of ail kinds sold Cheap_ for Cash, by WILLIAM BURN-S,« Brook Street, Whitby. C U TTE R S, B UGG-,IE S, AND CARRIAGES. The L argest.and Best A sswptment ti9 thef TO THE FARMERS' 0F We offer you for the harvest of 1880, the following iirst- cia.. Farrning Implemeuho: BROWN'S WHITBY HARVESTEIt, (Imaprovod.) YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (Irnproved.) O'-AYUG*A Ja MOWER, - (Improved.)- The above machines require njo comment froua us, after passing througli ouuh j barvest as tielssu d carrying off the Gold Mçda1 foi Canada, Wo also nqhify ail purchasers wbo vaut durable machinery sud propose ha psy CASH ON DELIVEY, ho eaU ah our olice i Whitby, ber plaolng your, orders elseviiere, aâ it ie our intention ho adopt the CAS-H SYSTEMI As uearly s is practicable, and thhrohy make our price list ah loweet liv- in$ Prime. Give us a eau. B'ROWN& PATTERSON MNF'G Co. HIGHEST .MftKEirvT PRICE PAID *-FOR -ANY QUANTITY 0F- -DLIYERE3)AT- WH1TB.-GHNA TpA SOE A Gel two Tonas' in order toaee- room, ais wo -intend ,to build -a largerç nuümber Of Caria-ges alid Bulggies this winterý than usuel1. DURDÂS SlI[RET, . -W=ITY, ONTÂR: T OS 6SLEIGIy, Tu:cLYi#ITIL flOUSE & SG.HB- FÈA'I NTER, - The houes ewyrenLaté, fr=,*qp botWar.- Every aceommodalion forï -Cnnov lie founilat. bis Shop, ltrauieling pu ble. The-very blit ai liquc TWO DOÇRS WBST 0F ABXSTBONG'8Sud elgmarn sd the lrderi inkeeplnjyq t~~h. Lest in the eity.No hesabu 7' HOTEL, DUZSDASSTREET. a- yo teilvhar.- - ts- Ail Orde r - --tndd o-E WliitLy, April 14,1880. - -6 gI'ds bi b ta Bost£M, 'ta I - --:t~- -~ ýWÂTEB, suas gsi whlcb 4ollar1 Thiat F'thz Notice to Axelilteets EXTEN1ý1ONOF TIME,, &c. The lime . or reeei în camptitive de. sInafôr lieew Provinc aPrlisment- an i De at4onfl Bui'dig or Buildlngs, -- propoae lté ereclalilu inte cily ai Toron- ts a, leby*extended toboon ai th. _ I'ifteenthi day of October neiât Pérpecuve drvini, iffuished ln -aireaa¶y isueua Ibaîbehalf, may Lecnliaded ln sepua auly, LuIual alliervse., aslu e lu. atather rpcte striotly eomply villi sad &eneral %nstractions, and shalho ie i. ont skry, tree, lsndrcape, or ailier eflect or- aaacesary ai auy kind. Cômmisimea ofPublie Warlrs.- Deparlmntlof Publie Warlcs, Outario, T onlo,7th May, 1880. 24 MONEY TO LOAN! (PEIVATE FUNDs,> AT 7 PER CE?4T. PER ANNUel, Ou firat-clase Mox-Igage Secnrily. 4pply ta- H. B. TAYLOR, 15-i Wliitby. LI VERPOOL, LONDO-NDERRiY, GLABGOW. Alla-n Line OF ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. SUMNER SERVICE vià QUEI3EC. SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE! The Steamshipe af-the Allan Lin. are - diîtpatelied from, Quebec every Saturday abane 9 aain . u rivai of lie train lesving Whitby&488. 'a.m.everyPrlidlay. TMW000E, SATEs 50» oxWmTY. - Cabin, ffl s*d 19, acearding ta position ot stalerooni. Lover rate' for return- tiek - ets. Iùtermedla.e&f6. Beerage ai lovest rates. Peruvisu- - 121h, Polyneau:.. - 121h, Moravian...201h, Steerfelaauengeré are.forwardsd la Lau- anderryBelté lGlasgov, Quecnstowu, Bristol, Caransd londout Isane rate as la Iii":eaVa - Parties wishlug tla send for Ibeir ionds en alitais ticke t loy ratas. For tickets ana further information apply »30. B. YOLE. Exzreà o and Telegnapli Omce, - Whitby. Whitby, May 291h, 18W0. . -*-tf-eS TEACHERS- ' EXAMItN4.qQN I TME EXAMMAT1q: ý7 PUBLIC > SHOOL, TEACIERS For Pirat-CIl'.-ÂI the Normal Scbool, Toronto, on T.4urad&y, lui7 SIL at 9a. nm. Par'Bedond-Clas.-ÂtIM lly,lhe coul lav, lartFery sud Umbridg. il Sehooloi-ou bMonday, Juiy B&th, nt 2p. mn. Por Tlird-Clas-Ât Wlu±by, !hoe counly lova, on Tues4ay 'mly 11h, At19 a. Mu. Il leindispensale tatcandidates shculd _, Iheruselves for'examination. MAMES McBYR!EN, Sehoal Inspeclar, Co. Ont. Myrtia, April-27th, 18W0. 20_ J)AILY UINE TO ROCHESTER TEE STEAMR OoMMeimoing Tlcudag, April 15tm, WiI1n make heýrregu*ar -Inpson Ibis routa. Nort, conèctn v itb.rallyay, linoes at yitrs E. YARE mom. JAMES rpuli, )r ventab Inw A, roary ion Bwi SHa. rock, C IL. 'ORNBI 10 reeO ehu' iun 'y, , MONBYT ia ustl l.G. Rýos UT-A -I T B 1 -