Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jul 1880, p. 1

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E WHrBY HR01IVILE SIOI TBEIET, WHIITBX. Torms 5$ , pop Annumn. ruenteooaured in NoUPariel, s-d laergod lit 0t0 l'ate of 8 conte, par lino,tret - - - - nertulId iî20noitspOr lUn,oaoh subso- ultit itiloirtii)11. Motne Fn 'r~ \TJI.. )i~i.IT specli apoerts 1Ni. o g iatra stateirit 11LO IimlO , itiLy (.OIup tll <114, LOîîirlC43 Coo,,i)pioli, an iLL attere of lita _______________________________ dcMrpiihe o il ctd iliLOig Nesemat--RADTU AM- RTL C ter tonCeruta lier 11.1.1, iti edyoertiserg G7~rÂN RN AL-YHTL El)itloiutrarets e dlopposite 0. T.RIL station,) hitby. S y ie yeir,t)rothernil;e. ie enta .,Ordore to discontinue edvsrt esm ONEILL PROPRIETOR. 7j luet bc in %writiug. Evrry accommodation for g'Orets, inud.- Busin es s Dire ctory. bdroneMeleaIai brnd u iqorWines, 7randies, Cigare. i tN T A Rt 1.0 Il A N K e &c. EvOery foceBsiEy direction gîo-dn te travollerg. 1 i IT L y 13R ' Cl q' ood Stabling, eruclotldrdan aiiî tien THIOMAS DOW, TEeomlre 4 COMMEUC12AL IIOTEL Land STABLES FAIREWELL & fltET LEDGE, M&i GJLEi-trec, Toîront. gýRRSTES, TTONHY, SL'-JoHN MrRAE, - - - PROPRIETOR. L Jitoini, Notaro l'ubel-oe, ud convoy- erCClîtS0OilTO JON RLtLY.) lIflie.<, *tfrot lon o OftlJ e the IRyal ti .iiIe.t.t ii'i.ue r r ,w ,Ttol, xhtby. t h "-.0 I JAMES RUTLEUGE, 1B. A. F<îWLî ou.,lnd v% t tily-4 Z. .FAREWEPiLL 1, aLKV County ('rown Attorney.- 43 -JltmE*li iEITII GORDON, TE1)JA C O E, eARBITTF.i &ATToINyTATLÂW, 1)12 NBlýS.STItLT, NwltlTl)Y ~Solritor lu (Jîoory onvoyai'Or , ,l-nilîdtîne îilil1 ona Notary Publie, &c. St., at fbrtt dont wi;t of At-ntotiil'o Ilotri BLni,- iipU1er %eek. L< Mouey ioLoILIIl'rivate fond-et loirb luierrt. 1~OSSWIN H2 Slt.-TORONTO, ONT. JOHTN A. IScGILLIVRAY, The Parlace Iltot o! Canada Rofiuird. (Succocr tc H. M Ilowll.) oy Elovator, rutILiuilý nght and day. iio i - RITTt&ATTORNET.AT-LAWV, goni-m*t.rleeoIlote) LU Canada %witb tradu- Noa-" ubi.&0. Solioltor for the exnLý ireg vz -2, 82FAW ad 3re6 day Mealon Bouse, Ua»nlidge, Ont. -froorris, wthoit board, $1 to R.2 er day. - - ~~Feb. 2Ltiti 878. 1rpltE CHARLES4 C. KELLER, e aTTO1NJY~Auni TrON T AW, SOLICITOR1 IN 1 )OYAL IIOTEL, WNIiIIiY. <{VObancryLoVeYSOcr. &c., Cantiing' L ,îîi, Brock, C. Th. m ye iOU)îîtrl b,6u5ben i.horougtlIY E - - - ranovated and .iluriiaheol and iii now-iii for L. T BACLA, ldr the mainaLgemen'O t f U. MACK11IE,1 L. T BARLAY, (toriulrrly of St. Lawrt-iie Hall, PortHo. tu A TTORNYAT-LAW, SOLICITORI Evory attenition jpailte k'fitu. 71n ieCIiauiiry and l liiolveoiuiy, Convey- LeKloially gýooil benulle honîa for Coui aFLcet, kd-,i. imenue1 ,travrlrs. Oorvic.-At the Court floue, Wluitly. L~MÂN ENOlLMIIL L. .. T E QUEEN-3 IIOTLL, l-1RRUSTLL1 AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN ('îKii2MEee. 1) Çancory,CouvoyLflOr,.Lc.,&c. Shn. 1IlOCE-STBEiET, WiIiB <'iiOStree, Oshira.TAYLOR & McCANN, PItO1RIETORnS. DAVID <()RMIsTrON, IB-%A., TIr uulcigiit chaire lO<o u tlxn t) SOLICITOU 0.4 ricodo aîîî thicpublici thaI they have titi 1, TTORNIEP,.AT-LAW~, SLCT1 Ntlle alkîve irl oiwf ioteI, nlj(I t i i .î cbaiiuiiy (C zeniyanii"r, haiivî e O Y gîfited l, llit' nieu-l ]. t> tt- i ei, ilico'e eith uf (tr Pliti uit'> tlia lest ofortier fur Eue acceuiulid. 0(liber, lu NMebilluii's Iltuck, 13ro, l sreet, tien <f iunetg. Th irîLîbjote a Wiîtrby. 1'li1ouctnitACooty eweIli eUîl) ed ( ,o - lbt1le et rauiite(At irne, iquons, anditci JOIIN AL!. DO1% * gars. Amplteticlostrdoleed rooiîn adii sta)'iintz, b.oailsuo. e.Detacit iirolua 1) IlISTItR AT-LAW. SOLICITOR 1,,ena eeîitravelieria. 1)tu Cinrry Cuiiak, ' Jr.t P. TAYIdO1t, 1'lilLll> MecCA\N. ()ilto-i)vcriU ll'a1ck. rck Sre, late of Torutto whlitby. ii Oi<1i1te 501)1)'),ai a "%vrate '2T H E W ILSON HOUS E. taro. - ~ BULINONT., &OINO d ET ALEX BARCLAY, Proprietor. il,.ouii 1l'lit, lliiiiiiells B Si ir, CW,(io1Ie,3N an' t Il u i i e iuein flargo a11) iro i. Vieloie lLvçLl iF - Ipli2ll iti lii I- b ili 'O ltoriL SEret it. iiur ut. 'hie iii .5oft Lî.1îooro «i.ý1 J.1.. leî i.îi l. A. liLiiiuiti- A. E. lieNT. Clwîîrs Stâ[IiliLg, large ntid libuiiiy. G i ii î i J 40. G. KELL1EY, - 1> lttIO 1W-A -LAî'.SOII'TUT IlTISIt AMERICAN RUTEL, anoer, e. ) lrî..t',.n llet, Broca~ Striet, WiliOuit.,LTR Am'e Y E- . G. VOUNG. sMlTti, 1,L. tB., i'I li, i-)N T A1l-O1 AttRSTLI.r A-r. .-Monel toI Lan UiîelnrO iavt- li fiî-nihed 1 aimer oi hl rl aae Licernua. thriiuizl iuail'lit <lia ) ro . -o î~rd t- -r OyFtlie ro-.---',ininuii 1aui, îh'ity AI oîlilibiiiOtii ind Oct.22r178 -6O-' )ioiiii lno lity ou i îus ie.eaeemirrnu ]D M %,,T fIl S W Thisithroe-story, lar oana coinmodiou! - Houser s rcttted and fr teho suit 1h watu of te travelling publoe. Table snp oOMS OVin B R.il. .TAUESON'S lio e tl te i.choaceet of lte neanon. Tb Liaoroccry Store, Duadim'et., WhÎIby. bar esuppied with ' lte boat brandi i otItce biure roni 9 aies tal12 ini., and fronu liquore aud cigare. -Bue to and fro& sa 1.80 te , p. in. Itesidence-Cor. o! Byron tion. Ample etablerooin, carofu hostrère sud Gilbert treete. 4- C, N. VARS, L. D. M. ClOWN IiOTEL, COLUMBUS. f ERTIL inaortod un aIl th.e, AUDIG latetprlnciles ofthoe a art, t th."OnAUrING'Aah, b &e Choapanste Ccapêsl, sud as good aste Late ethe-Oaro, sbmhvi bI ot.Teotia Oed with Gold sud Silvor. purehanod the aluove well-knowii premimn Tech nsrcted irithiot pain, by proanring solicita a contiinanco o! patronage from h lIoth1irnnthesire Dental itoone-in Cow- numerone inoende. an'e noir block, cier klkineon's Drug Store, A good Hlostler in atteueanaue. King Street, Oshawae. S)_______________ - B LACIL -ORSE OT , AIJOHENGRO ANI)SON'S N Cola. FBNuT & Grouor ESTe., TORLONTO Saloonu, liroot S'-, Wlutb7. .LRI XOD -- (LateofutWoengton Hotl, Markbei.) JOU WOFEDEN -TERJIS, $1-M PEUi DAY. Good esta AGENT FOR THRE C13LEJ3RATED- uug fur ovor 8M hlorece. î0rst-oîass accu A ZotIlas Granite. At Marbie Wiirlca eodation for tarmore - and tho travelli otjenatin WolfoudeuiDundiw St., Whitby. publicei goisnil. L. FAIRBANKS, LUMBER!__LUMBER OFFIÇIAL' ASSIQNEE. lar OFFICE OPPOSITE TE ROYAL Ce OEHN B ON, Hotol, rookSt., Wbitby. LUMBER M~C  Whitby, Maeh 201h, 1810. 144Y7 T]' E. 'DELL, E- Hanon hand s large s upply a1,a&l kia DamutLumeerBoaut", sud aneU A T H R R L Y, fldingLsumLer. ecn, h -- - - - 11. Tm.-p and Soatllng, s luge ànit o h Wer UtYf8Of UOirL '. voc , rm iUas forIuolcoueB1< WI Vdlouieaoon lu i IL f. Land Agent, A., ,*a., Athét1y, conanty Ontaro. Athhra Spt. £ud, 1672. flE-BE OTSWOLD 5UEETD ,WMf. xM.MLER,- XbbS Bpol Pae, Clareneout P.Outeia ioder snd Importer of CabswldOO pre "o h 'Wit>, Ma>' PIb. 1877. Ili [111 an' dits 'i lot -I * -'n. cI With calm Pnxted wonda, greai thougite, sud untiring induetr>, -w. slvacato . Peace, Progneas, ut'egBohro i e - 1rT PRIOVINCE 0F ONTAR109 THIJ RSDi.AY, JULY 1 1880. ~INA ALL, INSURANCE. - ThMCFOei- N OiF TUE BIGi JUG (REOISTERED) - ~ -____ - nwha leg end -0es fsad tey T . O N TA RIO FA RM ERS' W i r, m etd rel4 desOe dpinte KING-ST. cEAST TORON ai f-'.fr tw iviUt ua~ Go V Adhueinkeit ildreamil>, fri Mutuai Inurance C ' Thon "home tnrnedhinmeU6&chols tcreafs lded. Te&ni S etu . T ~OFCEBOET HTY Aeloeished throngOd lte people cy B)inne.r aud Dessert Se i tee lic De-rornSes. IEA OFIC, ROC-ST, HITY.Thoei,&tleainnnOyemitd aider ecy juge and Trapotu. nthene.cw osot i ver Platrd Kuivas o rt ulSiou. T 3 COM 'ANY insurten Fan Build- A n in .e coe o eu 0h ver i'luted Cnietu anud Butter Co')ton. ogCountny Churhru, Sntni kti ýver Piated Cake IBaskets. Houeru, aýd thImCuontente, at rates e sLoY'Tison artmy is-ondlrans f BTOf ai Yî (g TErs K ivre a d For ke. s tîoiîe O! &y w lsadîgdomaiY .udca lv o Ie dot>s ela 4Tra and Servene. in canada. M l ornoenwaesrL .,h ;badeo fuir Lily'e, d&o., &o., A cuddyeareOeed te av lira(,ail decripîfi s- JUST LOSSES PIIOMPTL P AID. Ame nnd bisolîO'u'aet vr i AIUSn, Ail untamililrare lhe sene 1 ses, tel and Bar Coilu. j. B.1BICKELL, joHiN vILLis, The ead world isiit ste ieigit GOE ImpB1ortr reirt ,crsiec dotsigb, Impoter Prsidnt. eic-prsidnt-Wiit blaesomiug seratti O! haPP C. NiOUFaSE, Seennuait. - stand, ni/n ion W4ood W4orks, Wblity, Apil OuI, 1878. 16 nyyul uai h!uii'i li e re, Loeith ueO de I tetunut4 - 1)tENX FilE NSURNCE A joynue getîler in lthe forett groi W HI TBY. IFýxFR NUAC CO. t'orgoîlein iriand I ha.. Lite0Si P wuell r' ~ - , a.o,,luheaino warsnfot fal '"ME R IEtMIERCHANT .4 DIUILJEIt. --A a rgo si, ppîs- of 13ili]lurn' Fuuiub'l ff- "ou nu tarots Twimed Mnldtngu, 's, Seit aud 111u1,is. .-I FI w,,o,,)..i-)cinil ru tail, or by IhILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO, Agente (or Canada. or mtoo01 eforent awood, ru fikir ; mood. round rgrowfl, m wua rtery, tc me0- Bpaieed vinema 1 ul land. todwell, and- gpakliuig or elrery l- barpy ,thuiehe&utib>' the idees bounds A1 tbous=tlYe&l &iY O W yavm5y, Back to tbe Orndegain 1nî rWWsr lte Great Que.», - 'wbuithéîb younge? isoman soa»rsoonered oopon»mo l auiser tevtblqotoof tl eder, "Wteia ou beeu ldlugý, -s11ud whit l hve - you bden' doing, sud wby have 'VO nover amen yeab aithée ou.lIn tbe temple, et markutm *scnfle. or on tiie City WalI f lKlm?" iflusg the sater sbonb shile ase dippediter *hite. bande ia ste marbie basin. "Blsnl tel'day. o ml~ieps sud thoeOf featjagsitula âbegtfll Wity, tho. n, »lte itame of-Aitffthti do I find lte tireat dbmnel lu, BablI« isiit ber eye nepainledl, ber hasa li tireit, sud, ut>'dear, la drelseltat bah as if Iit ati been mtodue» liatsduei avery eer e la iote market? Hue baielê il eo rompîrdan» Ignorluag titis important auslgdem#l Ishtlar tba hefit. ller by lte band, an gazing ln ber face sltb lavii, serlan eyer, neplioti1 ",Kalmia, 1I hUsseyou sould sery me, if zoo cont. 1 beeeybuare frienul. &&As far as one saamuose o sriait to anohber,'" linghied ulnisîin*u&ni thalle about sanfan as I coula fatit L , li1 111i, - '-1 t . W. TEt, =- .--.-_-- lte grsat tiser sin mv uuua,3-'Iu 8 t r le ir 1bau]. d scM anager, M o treat. S A R C H E FD O 0N - - m e, dean, yaU are lo n am ol>'lO fO1 li u planing. Mouldiga uf cvcrydcnp GENCY ESTAI3LISIIED IN CANA-OUce )i, apoting, Tianoig. Senuisn, e A BA lu 1604. nlinutîrd labilit> of A Legoid o! the. Gteat Queen. friande, eliter méosoOme. ov erio, lte tarknldreaod ~goRenvotiteee, yonaiton ua kneoees hen yo ce C. Funde. Moderato rates of pro iuni. Sa oea curhy-hoesdid 8cItiland 'b- hitby, oct. 101h, 1878. -48 C. NOiSE.' isoîl, siten I sasbotter sud happ Agent whiby.hn I amn nis I sroul asrve you jNET TO LEND. Whulby, Apnil 9tit, 1878. 16 1Cetnae. coula. B>'lte ligitt ai shamasait - -- - - Sncb a ouie as you hase doscribod," isould, thougit I nlgit tae iaiyelt an rbennennllcd anan1 a of i Mou'-BRITISU AMERICA suswerod lte uther, " did Ludeed como you the uez& minute 1 Tak it e i toi Leîîd npov Fane ut ovue Propenl>', tiooupsesonYlafIbrr i,ue aul oRat suela sui Com an-.amung the toute o!fltaeAnakixta. A eau I do lu ploano zu>' itt-facet ISb wrmueau bcrp- neins utbr slave eau bave ne guodtitacalh bis osu, Iar ?" Beural mprNCdFauesOud TldLanea-audseien se ullecovereil beneatt hbie "'YuÇbSVo inluen ce aua Poser, rseeural I.poe ueaaWl ad ,r secim,'it.a18n3u3r-a rbn--garmeut hie jesel taIitadecapod lte isault e toIy>>. "e-m>' latter use IrOs, Banki, and ither marketatuSi uStocas A S SFT 8, $1,101I,876 94. cye o! bie spoihere. s iitae-Ihv eadIgolllta o Fur turtber paticulere appty t<o F. A. BALL, thlaen ilgth manihy b>' oîce.anovare- 4.luhe Grat ualp udhg u i itIsl iAasnru ntfsnIo. (oGoluhroena." aoi JAMES ITOLDEN, Maoae.Evon lu bonds, il Ma>' ho that ho soulul Auang"rmatan t a Official Aseignieo, Brokor, &o. Ieurnosce efiecte i lis e loirret entrent hase doue hon-self nonne injur>', antien soi bc>,nsber! Istigit*aàneua plosa Api 9b 17.rates on Buildings, Mochandtuse, sud otbor lensced hie tnio. elitîas sehî Ibal ho tabos, lc se*ansonu Apri Uti. 672.16 ropnt>, agine ba ou damge y fne. sufforod me teo strlp il from hie neet '-Tite GrsiQue.» la a isonasi1 - - ~ - - -C. NOUESE, unuoticed wsiiboho huolteulback uponti ho ruo s n. Ib shIbbatinover sai - Agent, Whitlby. ltecamp, an if ho bad lfbis terob>' bo bighly fie. For tisysgeligtb Wlilby, April t, 1878.,1 heurt sitb îthe tnibo." it W&an Xalmm btr, K.lmimlte» Aàltrihltat,in upite of ail, ameunidisba onqnick-witteti as Kalmua? shi EPPRS - '"ttotalll happlone, sitot ltrougit ber coula site trust ik huilm ? Ralmi centaineau Ill ivas'o I tnl( T(»(of trombhing fraime. wis nover olaihaont a!t broisgât. andl . . t ilh owerlhOOO( btotntnii ,ced ?" she ait. muet have hala sBoute o!bonids, sud ion abi i-a Dc I antsieouuldi' oeeand] chaijid, clanpiug ber blnds enoarly. min>' sîngi asNiaroi t ldo4hslt I Mthr enrouue ,yotein iî.iutecbled condition oft XVIiern eha nusowdx~ hn l iotlhlga thebe ody, nd donanginiit of te grtoral 'l'h. trader n dered- oye, ho, l inte ti bne oits eos - <ecaitil. h ~~~~~ly8 "I toc have a lroller,' ss he. sd11j055g bndn i una i )EPI'Eii'F QININE oA11110XTlION OIC 'VOpancerait a aday'e match ironslte King sont tou te staseoan herevor1 - c I etri-uicitheilaci- anueiud mtilar toute uf lbe Ansiiuase itsve parteil did go, I ams lu ho cast saide nek les ,its ena. uu e I.a ld.-tui. Fo lblï5O ý at iisn. truatiug tamoeut yot once frayed rbo or a noihed k n si, leralili i- it1ic retof o cMater tii. mgAous befon. se dio. Mf>'coursoeta>' muet nater face uo mare-.iem ly-8 bihto a tegroa1 cîly ; fut are nul My bave been as uttle fonder af .hom sI - ~ - -cansole laiton ith ilke sud spîces sud teotuas hon, I tiik, lueleati ufmalt P rougeo an, ï al l a bel i O s Oni C ie , co ty je els, ute b a nric it B ab) oil m uet il t ue m omur» g Do s h '& g n . Y o alel ic uinothe 11004nonote apaetii5ihspula ehave at 9,hI bazarde asiahau>' osat? isotld suppose Mlun t hoesiole la - rIz4oR ea dseele rem. boistfr iiereoîgiae Ipray you, damsel, romineir I ans a uf-Siinar no site san oser lat a sici ,r 1ietin es-r e'o'Y ue'y i. c het faim traiter ; I ar-kfor nu grâmîer profil hefure. Queen thougi site hi,à iLong0.andin ta uaeiî digearu oia"so - Ilion enaithca me (o get bread for my- muat alte ber chance isiit lte Ot Teuduri5 r lhe. sehioe fre in s reatIX efa 'ioratcd by r,- auiaic' oil. tie naentuself andforage for w>' beants. BouoebIrows- taeîtiee bnrieii. 'thec eeiouuiationi rtiy itheebho it erupl o nlta to itl "Anti re youn nolanger lunlte t - - tronght.Seuiî.andl a reýtiliiitiarobuit itoatu thse scales, alte Amalekilo robe isith. servc "akdlband> l ARCH IT E (3'I R E 1I -)-C77 uie, t; cv'Inee.Tiio sole e ipear ; but euth pronper i ie, and Pui5ted. - -- J Pi,~t, 4oîfod aberstrv Loxdon, noust long itofQrc their beardstaru gro>',them "-ite noyai service Iitstel er l DRAWI1N G AND SPECIFICATION Ii Ou i icapre oninnd cim4nu tta cmlesl se b >'vultrsadtorate&Xli liu âbù suta-Olo)rpeoninendcii Iii rür<ii-iu<i iIodla hunes silon lthe plaint" ,boundoman h i aIdNlnovet, wsi ur and ithue Ceiliuîe. tnd bamU)IL.Ïaiwselielî epi i')ylad fpl !ltesye l nl- came (ha fairest of one, afler aIl, road -for eue inevoera' reuetciet Cver ur lerbnice "sMy lorhedhil ho>sshiatliiagrils# 13 U1-L 1NG S on iin ly-8 torupted Ishtar. Ile ho alePI oaa hywilo hsgetWC 1 ro r ly pr p re w - - % t E o ol yalive ? 'to su h1 b1a tino m re elp uM >'bol rostyiîn mrsuturito i sunr AtAAt<'D anPIOIUI.1-T"Fat oI b.l sue, m>' daugttr," -e- tan >' beaty, sd b du Doal ha tCHIJfIH AO1p0LAtIITGUI li omnliucui, ùxmare') ýbiaj plid iteboicsn "!aesugo s>prt'isa5,habsemee AN PuLACITCUEAr.ipfeiies-neoiiiitoaif bi iLn -uae cn eauko tdi s uialuable a099 la got ri of one tbgn iýte ci eiilnrlarr fiyepepas, bilnenoe, udcspiaeT ii mn ' n1h byhad.But, L es .snat éa' el lg isploine oitcongestion ofithe it tîsr, wtiil c \Ve uga b1 mi îvuoallpie. atitveme sors, t(atli eandom 1Corrcspciidce fRcapcctfuily Solicited. iu-e 'gencraivs'pain hentatb lb. shoaitdeoip ebu!thmM onnrtv retu hu1tn htte4ou hI. I lIIB]III, Arcitic.%t -c., baia.le dseioe.no appetil.e. furreâ anduitny brother ileovon 1mai likel> ltai;canisqobeaitinut'esalt sund -Matl Oshawa, Ont. gi.iuss. d.uturb>anilu'of île sdonait .nud mycehf lulob osn.suifer domasishose antan ou her beati, aitoutiri rfuse 1< Ce,-blugof oceonaa deluict ets l t etuig- scifare le af snch mashelible value. milton t ailbiiil slave antiservant,i - ieler lu motion, vonT rilgittyacte n< la ?~c.~ î w r A.A l'O 5',boiscs, gving a ssecfIsheuahi u an surng atho lefesai (heo aiter gpudts bneelleu hor b eaven lu bite o selîte 14 oue. l s be afetIllcie. have sufficieul roason ta ope re>'court cf, (ho o (lia I.Laruci'y, Lan;gley & B~urkee,.b . a-cee ni 'Uat fninm ey'ooind a canassu guardeul b>'mare hk oa y dsan, Ibwear Terutu.)Lonudon, wse, ein eon euery L B<tlel titan fiEve itudreti htassnth ie si ItuS an>' autiifgireal Bahi t>. 'ki. and 4s. Cd. Soisi5y ail< Cbom..iaI. A donert. En. nuis (ho>'muetibaveo nois-fon gooansd aU11 - .il RC Il T E (Tln, ust alla e sudpenn loneiesetn t th lso cant confinlsof aian>'hom- "Fi"eI'" repoaw botie. grlbit Desigidiafor atra5hê, tVllaCaan, anttaCesonies y-8 ta rad.evd 05kse the co, grain r Isuig.bowV 41111e.a Ihois - algntom Crituch ea sd Coter r- - - ---'--- valleynanl(h boa> ur:.~dom, ber bîrîbie» on b sut nPciLI7 nwnappaofrne-, 1ycEvEB-8 SULPHLURHAI E E"'RE 'Titi nort.rrepealtat agitnt'&With iitSiO * ibo 0it, LexietLug sîcrutinee. l T -] I 01 vice., fer théeproeut, ntaisoa eidence jwl x ia.i n aîunI& da»veNa unuî iwihl~vssi~l I' huaugten îoeiLiîotcrng. ta at produccithhnin. h5evehT, "phareile uÏ4éofiiýodn 4-dl 1. O. oa 20RWattsav. e teaoe , a d_ doe gei tln 'us' Tsbeydnd Nînesraia"aldteoti' IHI iserfrmi,.aajo ay, 1 5,b 'Dnte Ieu e ai esorr eua h"*fotrleoyond lth onnic Eid tl aud- loup o an>uro~mOl'd hal TUE TORONTO -of Siir,,.sitsre lte bonnuer of Aïhar idate* uan 1607ýcAhé mlii.'t rs.e oC'l'i3tES SLPiWIi HAtitRiABTOHEII tbatht neyer beau ifleti, thé spearOl (h5 tulUiAi h5dtti' ii thrlla-mi - ii t forieiitt e etnng grey îîaur te s sr nnoe duetilp9 & »b oiIm inadivo w ,ib SSl. T u k s V p r B a h , 1 f onrier coouîr. Il p od ce per f -si rayrinature u d vspg n i dti ns,"'a 5115 e v e i siut o -i K ,nniid. at ~ a -elitl uute.85 ioaM--bi eheJandioai'cornm wlie astm - *u galiti" - These batha Iloginstabtieu, goii !ns tl.m lu>, iebpyllIuanr > b àasb ll~ 4 Teucabgoa o a , 1Caenqesption, oEt' UPIUlin aguuiAmn1". Ilamtin cB"o.ntn. oer,-.dl Ioelon: isa tISuld.la bite mmetl s oraha th bIe i,6bufie the . wi lie ê Beucitle, Scno ula, Stin Dieiaso, d ls-I S1 l l 'l5ea Rbt Il pni afanrain.BioscsFoe& Lifastiulant, ,,n ca actorn itssa t iiw.'Omlo,,bIZ 4 e jSasitany pu 9isr. gla is. srnda.cciueoued. cton e~neate 10»5 auIMdo "' ' Cy u 6 Tbe vaioorwlte are paUcta use. aý nt nsi tevmendef ilu lue Hepitietibirwiâtwit dmîýéèrusf tel tu a, t Stata disesa, conrgsaoul, ahnoyereonlag ad mfutals- s t ins ouni eornail>'conceded ltaIth Ias ee ot ote a n He<ýifflberbeubi ea thse Turkish sud Vs or Beths ie botdeshg érqual t. Larg bas, a i. "l nedia epet sd ueonpioclit in uLanoicu, lte Countlry, sud lbraut .aout lie. medical Inealsueul (ho paient lammrns 01 liuhm e 0AM - litlug Paîronueul liroughout lte 1- 1,r'-- r . mue,1 -1 r. dl a&sccstpolytWSslai. dThonins rOY&ltY own lte oui>' man. umacoxt-r0sfm. My qqb IbÈlS "a tuie lual cuamlte. Âdu once tu-.0,ut, Husarauxit, sud a of TIoonto. in the Citym, 10 altr ynpoie i torio t)W £ j I ser »11 90 -dyn- y bacý t e epsoI ,î yp Q> pm. atn sur>' u nlîl l p n Isdc io 1e peiT . Ae141o'Vlebavedbyutaaro!1s,ý a. e but meaîma ana- -n- geauntabelli.Bentau. PRCE-unintBahs te ticet. e- Ote eoonndmtiftu ticks. in tlronhauu l. srti. 1 s Pt=$rOfi egn 11. i sg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lm Ssur.udstuiv.mi na ln~I ut îy- hnon atenat. y uti-lS.]IrMOD, M.D 89) &.m.upee 1le80nlP.CMnty of allybw1'tonr 1 - 1*- - 1'lc S PAPrkeR m a o i e e.d oon« "l Fde aM LOTsS&,ad & & an MONEY TO LOAN! *j000-ltRI.NVEéçTMBNT. i-1ON BD, L ESTA.TE SEOCUBrIy. At lowet living_ tatonu fInteroat. IMonoy aerit lo dayiT or ap- Apply to 3om; ÉFAIQURAJf: ON. * lhitby, Fobruary lGtb, 1880W. - TTOWN CLÉRK'S OFF~ICE tT HE WH ITBYHA L, mIea (Rc)PE N 'S.) lite arrois filles1 ta lite .ilring. You 1-IL-L JL i-Y iL JL JL close laa la WysnsbJoUte l i VILLAGE 0F- HLBIRO the Terminis ai tb* VWictra Stivale .AIOPI>' tao0. J. JLOMFI3LZ> Mautge0uadaZ<nIdê iui54n. co 47IY bultun irpeil forbidaiflg t-l appÈli b oenter 1the - - prnonce o ëuelor withont ail affor. ho ste t int hit ie king's1ilbd hs1 of ii e m ieaerald v bio Jarilalreay Clânie Owner 80dIany COula Fv lit ber eztrenily of odîeCudnt <2 hlngemar hobw w 00 .EVOf à lo were .titae royal figora t tr.wublOd round lthe jewel, Jxow, fàir. anaud ply waa the a nm bat shotwita, $Oo-. in" ward conflict o!. paccioms, e lonjiel - ther strggloagainst the sirengLuit bat No.. 28. kepthe dowubI1 m118JU power over ltemqe ue ,and i *<Only-~ouly,eî stammered Ishtar, uI Ninyns Careo su vçTry dury o e i(l on purposeu avoid him." - surely sehe ougbf u10 y. h .bI "«FIed 1" repealed Kalmion, acuruful-thouslet, even tthugigl e od6o D ot "wbenoe sud wity ? There je ne. love I AU ifsuiarpr iitf .eling ne tô loie. Tell me iu s wor-d ,has anl reflection pansed îlerotigh her,m"' a nyae. tuaklen s fauoy t7o that witite while ohé %witlct ëîefry tuirn an, ges ee o! Yomrn 2, lure uf ber lord witb tihe saget eyes Met That white face turned orjinson, one who balmwnea beti«sÏet1 lite sud rilo about brow and lip gatitered mcii deatit. Aughty defiance, tat for s moment Tite royal fane s hidden by itie ke girl looked 11k. ber father witen he a lrs lbthe royal, voies 'Came lo il t the. baIlle in array. husky witb I itsnbaghtlfllutEtion 1 "ale would have foroed me te love "le it a lover« gr> -for .wbom- Ou~ 'm," salitsite ; "but I iad rather bho malte this -bold élit'iloïï 1 Did 1b.hony Ying dosd wilhout the. city waell I, yon with a tri2eet and osk-you 0sud. «"le il o nuideed 1', exclaimed Kelmiru in the desert, sud will nothing force L lttle vezed, it may be, to hoar of an- hlm back te yanr arme gse a decrees of, 4her worunu'e coruqueat, yel itigiily te kir-g 9 Go t1 You seem. over- Leased isit thlie promise of succae i ilhameleRn for a maiden-over- tender eemed to uffer. "Thon Asittaroth for s wile'.1 have spoken." oea ideed favor ns, sud lte prey le, She ws on bar knes agaîn. preing akenetiruprattene, If hé lthe rider'e garoxont te her fo:oeaed. en ounsucoeeesfully, hove me 'Be liegoyo buahlisto- eo ieunot ont of your por yel. Yen caimied-"Iby the migitt o!f&muitur I-by, -eed but aek your -prie, snd ho iUlithe blood o!fIlieroob h I an "arue iso- .sy il. Thît priesiloit be tao recov- min. Iels> my liye wiîber, mi>' rn dry ci Elaruheduhal." longue sdrop out, iMa>'my itegrt be cou- -IMIe sud Iaatrod isere tesriug at the, sumtoh lu mb., if I Coucelve a filae- tîýi ginl' hei-love gainsd the nmas- itcýiu -11»bface-of- my lord 4b liteIlg.li Vrte Hie servant loves the youth-1.o'sebhnm "Wiiat wuuld yeu have tue do ?" site go desrlym that for hie cake sie would saked ; but hon voice ws sol ohsnged, accopt doath itht Joey, life-loug itofulage tue other lookod auxiotxely lu iter face. wîth gratitude - ltbat lue-il:. eh4 '-Now yott ire reasouabloj'l said l. aI-sfely site would gise itor hoposi -bel nimu after s pauseiuuand sill tae a beart, ber aIl, sud cousent neyer, neSmet nriend's advice. Su ehaillaIl bru lute ee bim. again 1I Our aulvautage st 148t. Titis Must you -Tiie king, was ,carlslinly ,changeul., lu ! rend ltaI germent cf yoùre lbus, Looking wildly'up u in htICoxnoly face, net dowu lu ithé hem, but g su itilil wûeoolder, paf&t tan ,b'efor..sud& filse gnacofuilly awsy lo t*o pi4outo, lte lipeturneul ver>' *itebvbhlàLè he' unooveng neck sud ehoulder. Scatter asoul in a colal sens volte; a littho duel on your hesd-a ivery lithoe "Ho* dtaine yena b>' tii. anlel ?. -nut enuh te dim lite lustre ou your Speak: lte brut, gil, lest ovoni noW, bair. Titel oit yull dowu u inte gale your e>'.. be caverod âsuLd Yoar'bad>' yutiude! I ilsh hows yo i the place. fiung frOm lthe w"f. Wmn ilg iven yon Wsit 1111 )4iyaks ri.4es by, cumning from by -by'(hie faithensa lover af yuurn 2 te 'jndgmeul-sSftt. Ili MunIthbcIos. "Nul su, w>' lord," aswereïl ighta it~ ère no. Whon you iteur lthe agerli. "As yur servant lvetit, -il lrnmp cf thé Wite harssi turunont wis aronul hie xseck 'ision tite> - buri yorse 0iiglo st euib h 1m halo aptivity, sud but thbatI taul dra*t'eneari atarti up in front of hlm,'ecoeteatla lthe Market at enrine la Os throis back yaur veil, wsthe yuur; bread, 1I shènul ,nover- have td afime about, hie knee, pour fot - your where tbe>' had takotaih. 1swlth- pnayer, and implore your lord lu do joweî lunlteivao ai aý ioneat mrbI iih yon isiat ho vil ant, sud Ilearneul frum 'him ail lit. « "Be Lt so," ausisered l siwrf ttmlaMy heart donireu L tekuais." aud pale like oue in lhe grep,,ut doaitb. -Ninyae emilod ne if Waol leaeak '"biuesiaill I eye you, Sèrcitedan sp0 eua .aeroo. my btildveod t-But nover, Lover ill 1 "LaIbhnm be brougt.th -the -place il 1013k lm your face agaîn. onice," ad tht k1ibe, turuiuR lu Afiat; se.'&Au boneet merchant onght ta lMe ÇH&PTE XIX.essily tislingmiuehed inttemankCtl.li§ iN as ATB. c ayo a.- boold Ytke ta eebm lit dot lthfot gr-girl, sud Iso ld'ik. aso lte le31i1 Boised u th du it tntga- hither tlney-h*sedareê te a eàry* ýbýe ýmonts, droolping head, aud moiting Assyrian ýl,orn.Huisc.lsê youb iùfV hearî, front which lthe sony lifeoseemou ahsown lnl2 pré eiledont,bIthtar est hennIt dowinl ,mS ymylord-le islser lt aNeboh lthe gîte lu walcit for lte paiseiug by. cf aeoe isgra~>hO~dfo the kihg, aibe rode isoMaithe plade .,îî. Lt- s vhas h« hsdif'id. isiere lie bail beeh admiuUtril< n. Il hi raof lice lu11 h epeo"ice sdur";e f t ongue coulul farni tbe naine0 -ltI îirw bail nul long, taisait; lte Inlitngatolf m boîrt. -- hoofe soonwiarusul er ltaI tbo royial ithe ïder'î hand kûte.-euê ab.3-n4àl troop *aà spprochingi sud lhnglpge ~ < basic ber vsollp e hiaul acrceIlý' 'i t auiaii-trean e n d lu regentiit, rise ereet beforo titi - weli.knbisfl -- itléu d oîn.sI - Caouititbh6rse "if .hon. *tt >upon Iaeri gtded . b>'the aiIug fi 't ighl.the w;Nînyae Oüý baudlitI met a. tarel su baeul in I1m te4I6ueOSign'bis supp1fnl lte wonld. -atJ.T5' ei vse0.arannts&litisine Ile rider, burnled lu 1gh,prced-,utfAhur luto espIlsi>'-.- IL oin - é' ed at a isalit, seeciapatledl by Anma 5, -hae-mer eofn 'aauhdt thte fois Moantei. sparlaen, an attend-. ,lè suce neuminiig. 6,5 Par, ebld.- h ~boyo&the iibrthern inid- i'Ninysa appered l inrnlly grave ansd taieatcuiais.erHl 1hwe antaau the, lan ad (Vý ail of a&linesaftiata-sudi ~ ,lte profupioý_fl ai uAirk, sik-hk i5, w'blati, tp yieldbfhim h, > ,-'or 9 I,',aOlf 10 'a .i9- y-dOrnf5tYni1mb ueed but 1o1 il fi>'."' e r~ àiSsU <mgaideul b>'Nierueit," saslthe earful snswer;- "for Ioselilte l. > toi ltae ainkel -from lte balla of My tir: iflatter. O K&lmim, isîwtoied hy them fa, AUi lait nigitt, tai drive lte wild.doga âisayZ' wl g Agaiu sitelaid ber faoq ounlte ôtlhereite ai lr uicd iept. 1l - Xl irias greaîl>' mosod: sol se"i ' IIbep ou," site protouetd. te..ndeed I sil .?'itvofie o - n;I-hlave hil àlaori-ecores uft Iem, girl; and iin lyi Mi iigit places 100. I siji seam My face a. wititsicire, toar ont my hait b>' baàud- a kt fuie, but lthe>' bal atou ta my prayor. ol et Whist I leaut>' ceek sanhurul 2 £î Pl W inie sys grasu dlm ? 1 silI ior5.»MY, ;s là *Îsyl lté queon 1 I sihi- itumble"ut>'- I self befote lthe prince 1"'t )n 44Thte prince 1" intorrupleIshbitar, w da "HoinAscalon." hi us "Foolit girl t'" repliedlthe alter. ni "H.lle o veu nais oamiag.aulfrom ltePl va queeu's pihaclo du justie oasong.tie ei peope. Flm sco muni gho nd serac AI hie nigit biand, Oralvoha. he t4 ad grusu, sud severe, pultiog aside lthe ýM wlue-cup, epeiking but a isard aI sea et lime, sud gaarce suffenisg lte people o t : s lQok ou hie fata. Agittiltti, isiat a or- faelil la I Sûrel>'hitelamare beautiful ri titan dtissu." 1- Iahar aitddereul. To ber, for ellc or 1hie comlinesse ho iSîs hsomelas a d L i laer, terriblea A abeslof'Prey. . i Ic. "I labut justice I re ur,,"sisit eei ma srnuging bier banda."Be justice for t su anAmeyrlsu born arried loto captiv- a bat il>'." eh. "Ho shall ho brougit back b>'lthe1 sons of Aohur siit the etrong. ibande" )r,, replieti Kalmin , etutl>'.- "houeau mat staud agaitnet keyrsa ln ber migit 2 1 Ar@ ; But I kuow ual yet sitlier lb.>' bave i voi taItn him, ne on boyu bave diesiover-1 ad lte prison-housesitero ho la Iudged.i in' "I64 calme inlo lhas srkot aI t nnise,"i &nt snswoe olblir, 1"la solli thé ull.aaofu My>'fallionsgïrdie, ltaI iuuighit cal s 'ke, rucrsol of breot. AIatstotb cruel have don 'ad pI>' ou me ; fan ahle direceul my be elepa toi *osé ver>' tradore sbhonogit, -e $Samitdda frota the snoaiAumk. bnn Osto, sisO neemed cl f mon them, e ue têméfiainsd troaeti me veli. . I klaps he han s daughtor of bie a sur. 5rom, bina I leare t lt, sitt ber lts>' dividou lte spails, hie hîithitobail s u laken'lte Aun411ai*tnkiaor for his 'al, alhane, a an Z journeying siit inx rosit la Atienia, stene ho soula seli hlm 1ho for a goodl>'sniae.tla stand bofqro lthe 14 king. I pra>' yan, Kalmin, le it vçry far la Ammenia l" igit lI "i es a>' days, jourue'y," nepliel rhile Kilmin hopefulhy. seBut ubose isio ki'ag bie horiba and cannoIs need nul lbe Ouu wiugs af a bird. I have iteard, il sau land of lthe Great Ring, Ihal hie scepetre loi slretoitetiluser lte shole landIaf Sitiiar &ite hie s"sr' ta lte nlormtii ende@a!flthe reàrlt, sud h ie« arros roithte iteavean Ihi a ol; bat tilnk lte yah -snoe of "aut baa ish$alu *bal ltsey- isap.. saut, eveu troualeour ltae Montains o! Armenia, if iii.>'go lu aak- for il isilitbois mnd i apear, Thos tradern, spÈ alas Aan priospercus lovrera, oser>' Mau o! $i '%hiem? 2 ois knos >'asa tem rtaie la 14ed , in.r, u-baud. uher. a Ramlecognized il AI once. Maisy 1b.-, t*reWAL ueon'anueutk jaulhe tpectUlstetl t«"ens 5 ils. abappoSe ýandsu l 0deed shal ,0i _e. ambinatonsof 1 in tilguad àp ciy iba rer dsuotd b>' hie mmpradïeulgeer- inter oit>'of- ber istrsln'I-Tit6h'enlOtaf ~r ee qUin, lie k*açvî,_enèrWanod a - poculmai 1 .revercacle for.the tninlret, as- poselàlg: l on soma îsuipoaStural chanrai, y*t weu 1 o 5bcbade ber ffrawoSna» go ,bàhk, lta eoieama oit [n 1i¶tittemple of Bail f« .oew. S And n~elo*-Ii0 ~: é~3~~.U a trohui.an 1

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