Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jul 1880, p. 2

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oDoots* Wh aleî. TesssieVs wantd-0. King, Obairmnau Fi»o sud Water. car Ptes-Dow. Wrros 'M abemlliury- J. B. Powell proelam54400 Major Harper Mayor. 8peellCfiktt Club. Eliible town lots. ~siraut wanted. Glaus Il Caster-trOse & Oranger. [farpelrs Magazine. Nieiwpublicaion. sppeoal notoices..- *Amiateur Theatrioaîs, Friday sv ning. lls.lInced prices of good-E. Prost. New books-J. S. Robertson & Brus. Glou opatterns -do. The optotuter- J. S. Robertson & * Broà. *Spcal-IL. El. Jatueson. ONLY Ik 50 PER ANt4UM. Whuîby, Thursday, JUly 1, 1880. The Malt Duty. A eter igned 'Traveller' and datei f rom Whitby, appears in the Mail ai Saturday desling with thie qllestion. The writer dispiays sncb an intitnate peroanal knowlesdge of the whule oubject as enables hlma o ýeak *witUi antharity and oorrect some ec on. sous impressions with respeot to hs action o1ftmalters andi brewers in the Unitedi States, lu forcing legislation at %Vasington tnrsasing the duty on *Canadlian alt. Be denios that the N. P. te responsible for tho movement. I& la one, bo Baya, that bas bées: golcg on for years back. Bayes Traveller; "The oalogerp of the. 1. S. hod been growing s:cos.dinVy jeaicouï of the ex. terLt of the ýCenadian snalting trade, antd very oceae1- aB to tbe prospect of ita coutnuîng increase ;and, s lawell kulown--Q-8ost of those engiget i n the *barley trade, l?ýding usembers of'the mlalter'. association bave basa engag. oc] for BaveraI years baek igathsring snob etatistios mad informationmas would onable tlteLt o appeal to Con. 1.relfor legilation whieb woald go- cure thein againit the future expansion of t-he Canadian tuait trade, xvbtohl they elcarly saw waa becolng a formidable *cotupetitor for ibair own borne tratia." Jqiei4soi Theictrade was growing ilaVala vaolis itlstry in Canada. - The muaistors andi brewers et the other ide 11al become ~jutons of ités growing ima- portanco, whichi was 10 thoir dtriue.nt. Bt so a rliail' been nable to prevail upon Coangreme o lueoase tit duty and CIh C!i the Caia h cd . NJî%V, hOuV 4user, the effiet of theo N. P. le, Vo bave givon c a ifiiaent excte fer the purpase. And su Oougresisional actie o le idced. ];l itthotigli eptin oratitaiutu we wtll give- Traveýlurm argtaut in Fdoty yopen somo thSre thousand paltry - htisll, coti' resuIt li ne perceptible The 841h Battalion, Lietelant Coi. Màesara. Uâtonplabmer, P'rank bestefit tu Canoidian ra»venum. The 0'Donovan comemondilsg, *ont iloto tire, e-ames eo oatOa and Stanley revetnee ili noV i-sit bIy il, anti the t Psmiiciu ttîstns cttaly elieeciVocamup on Satnrday, (on te Agicuturai nlsBott ptppils o! thé Whi by no exterit tuaI coul-I I, coostet utton by groundo, Wýhilty The bl siir Sdliooi; left foi, Toronlb, on M tho u mpt-Lii tit ie ltaity. Vit he, beys lob Weil, anti the camp preorsetorning te pass te Junior Mtf wituî-htdî-ii jiolicy titpipliOiI txa5tlY a cusan andi ortleriy appeerance.. Thte tien Riamizîolion ln Arte, ait Toi whàt was waiietl, huSte Cta-fot inter- a-icaats with wiolî te treets arc University. Mn. Perey Bianchsra fersue ailVaebngt ,; - tleitt an- dottetl turing thé atternaîon giv" the a sitont lime aga for hie homne ila aVIer instance cofte ftiîy ci that policy, touva a ltvehy tupearauce. The foiicw- son, Novas Scotia. lBe wiil coma whicb evtry day eûmnes moe antUetorté iog are hs otbicera and clupanies !ticiiI tlnivsràity 'i the antumnu. homo te te titeugliiflfsetideaticu et Lt.-Ccl. ODoiovan. tiasse are candidates for bonours. the Cou edian fermuer. Tho whîale Ici-, Majori-Patterso4 anti Fothorgili. Téotac xmntoi tel le an iargument lu favor oa* C ammer- CapV. anti AjuVant, Wite.Th ourne xaiatOSc ciel Union ; or for titat m-ster taothose Sih ihShoaenwi rî Wooin t rei~-n lav %1r lbrand -cent Psyinasher, Foreiman. There la the axtnaoriinary nuabi ail Vhs r f nuiai, Sutrgeons, lie and Bfogart. 104 candidates, aearly one balf1 or with alteativautages sîctet in No. 1 Co.-Capt. Itutleige ; Lieute., fironthVie publicoti separatae cho' fayon cf Gonadian baniey andi haniiy Brow-n anti Taylor, 35 non cota. offleare te îowu-factis whicb spdak for f muail, t etîlitiaugrows-r wotld ho so anti men. seives. We hope te ho able t .0 pu muaithVie richer boulliho Iraterbet. No. 2' C.-CapV. Farewell Lieîil.a tiiee rosults next w.ok. AidYorslvs.Heuterson, l86 non-cotu. ofilcers en The examinotioca for tVointe Aid Yurseves.mon. "Aid oursvoeNe. Il Co.-Lieute.. Dollea and Clsy- duis andi second cloue, begia Ai orevaanti Hoaven wilI aid rier, tt-î non-comi.,#fficcrs ant i trd. Monday, anti for third clame, on yen, " le an oltiantI trus saying. It 0 N. is Cat avdeLiusdaye-tbe l8VieJe.y. Large cloasa what te people af Whitby çvant Ve do, pattersen anti F. Madili, 42 nOui-0mnt Ibs. oxarainations are in active witb au tiniteti effort juet now - Trade ocîheers anti men. 1Letga tteRg ool or ualseswih att ctasVo s wtitut Na. 5 Co.-Capt. McGillivray, Let rr ttoHg ool arbn fr seurs l olîhoeate elepe utCurris, 41 non-cota- officers anti mon. The ternanow cloaing bas bes an ffot t seureoiteror eveope No. 6 Co.-CapV. Brown#,440 D- peint o! numbera, hsetuost sucel tetu thraughi indluetnie id otr niit. dom. afficers anti mon.intehsoyfte colTb Theara ! tad tihtaryVoWhitby No. 7 Ca-Capt.. Hlincitfeltior, Lient la sfthe hiîonyol bsohool.a Thé bas o! fats yeari become veny mcci h -medui 1 e-cu.ofcosad élo! h eho bomnga clroumecribsti, anti nuder prsuentsi- Tihal, 23 officers, anti 267 non-acaa. goi cnmstatitss until the constrution of effleure antimati. Notes for Dominion Day. te 1missing hi" cf raiîway-whichi Tics inspeian tabes place ai 11.80 weult give iVhithy tite siiorteai raiway an Satuntey, before Col. Dîry, Deputy oa4pocit&,ie. Mayoras proclamai route froue norti ta Vo nh-we rseDneAdjL Geul. ;Col. R. B. Donison. fln-auntcast ierkr. chacoco o!its witening. L;isdayiBte - 'sue Major, anti Lieut.-CoI. Alger, Dis-atinicasVfrcakrs ing our notheru country traule, antid ihiyehr E CIKTnae swe Pent HoeatlIa raiiway traffic from tue «---l-uVoanti Whitby, on he Agricul itorlt whiich pnoperly btlonge tao Wit Amateur Theatnicata. grounds, Whithy. by, asti te seurs uhc-itbwau the olject - o! u ans-miiway itounses. The rail way lia i i tie ;rintiioi of the rromantir tie- TE xçuesnou, per aIr. Nurse benefitedthVit Vwuin many Ways, but wil drunua tt uf"RIlýfthr Dliiii't" ou VoPont Hope. Vit lage xpcîaion larepect tete te boards o e IaToira11*il ouTuesulay nthe a ropt osnVbare alztî vniueg y lady andi gentlemen amateurs Tac Excuastoas antieheep trip, In fact, inateaitio! hoing branghit la af lie tian, s large and appreeiative otl mueso oicV itraPr Whitby, anti filttng oui stnet anti bol- ente uera, as wea attieipated ast tseek. al, Toronto. bon with husiatesa, the bulit of thé trado fonilail a tehglitttul oeaing'é;entertiamms-t. RAcus anti antusontl>saIDu hi interceptei or passes ne by. The lInait lwu eau auw tnaty say that te sex- e. construction of théet"ti"ing unit" ceiece of tae penormaneasleagether ai- woultilho Vhs praservation of te CûuutY coeitti eut muet sanguine expectatlita Pic-et-Bav. 1L'alorMeintes'i trade, and ths pncssrvatiau 0f ths The f olîewing was ite casteof chtetotters :- nie at Aunils grove. sounly intact. Tis ve hav e heo E nsvson 'br ,aFec soreoit o sin athing, cmaugialthf g toiiist ofilcer, M. Jns>. B. Lowdr; Cap- orceNtNaofo!the Whiby Haut Bot-ogaat Uclig tefa tanChatrles Aubrte, of te 241h Republisai Mr. Bandeill Whitbîy aewépaper, anti beggtng for tVhs Regimant. Mn. (G. itoyattîis; Lucius Judes Ses he vohcnteers in camp at N support cf Whitby hbuaiueu monn, bas Brutus, runeMaecn aof hs 24tit Mr. C. hi.M y in its fooliait feeble wsy istVta taVOGli esra ;Peter peaowcr, Aînthaary o by cry,.down the projeot 1 BtVit e ui hs 21 iiMn. Citoppel ; Oscar Marquis MFT.H uro Nx viii citte lu tuas. Meanwhiie Whitby DAngy,' eutl Valentine, hie Valet, Privosta Mt .H XT,0 K nmen shoulti net b. dbe. The setablisit- SoeîofethVie 24th, Mr. Presaln & Mr. <arrY, vio bas been atteading te meofipnon t orcsOf li5nBBDumeoer boy &c., Emils, 001111tt881 de a- Danocmatio convention st Cinciai witbia thé tewn le wautt. Anti what ville u(jOt)nîsysstet) Miss Dartosîl; osaàdelagatefo e Yr bettes- coulti he recemnmoiti eti oaur Rotialie, iîtîloa ta te 24Vh Miss A. Noumst rn Nv-oI lowapeelesnotce honlit woleuMartoa, au 011 Nurse, Miss Lawdter; vas blu ovn astut esday. BRASIs ftory, ole' uicmtrencedws w- ren- Viti tis arnay oln-hl ao'tunî vos-y opofceliy of thé Democraties factryte hic reerece as eceit-anti&IIahi ie ce&oteoes Qt saitahîis drosses iy madeinl titese comues? Ilis utet- anti proparties," apprcprcate scenery, >e cs aelthe coontng eloctîou,aa4 coui legse Vorecaîîitulaho Vite argiueanîs f a spîciaus sotage, stIdte large hallàmati,11- lient in Gen.Iackth ry fsw wseks ago on tIns hastd. NWs îrg cry sait filiet, aud mtuolo îîy rttessor al-co tepat cul ttactioan psit etrlaenandthetsverly, tae appeered le ho uothing lm mog asetrodg candidate for tite Preaid malte dieuasei hytitsTous Can î a ehoveinge erjoytnnst cîther on te UMr. fStsiàta abrotbar o! Mr. 8.'1 Thilerir egeVodo te a gravCoe nal, ta por t Vlte ployer or te audience. T uaI Smitht, droggiet, o! thi. plsace. o!ei tietpoltta uit o!rae ont : heeuî<>-met ofatite"heuse was CitrOuzh, ofduy po te ar o crmuncipilal et )e tlaud itarty applatise was PiDt- a. THouA.s W«L-,bas oi repFesu-tativt-a. Eseny tsy's deIuY i' positive. Ani ushat t.ettertnibctetitact Itis a lasand a danger ci t-int,'the -culti tene ho lui linttirts oai1Vite acte, s ? butiness onbis own accoqnl, as Ita eJrtt s.at lfunr 'f'-i a tueiniit lare ci usi ordls low lavoIr the su4aitos-maker lu WilkLinson'aEI Cuunail ehoti lî low thite chance' f-r r olt. sd bits hendstuttwtbat lMr. Wlelan le a superi<lr wozk estalaiiitg parmenAlie fl ueenetLtiras tlf-¶iu inssd spirit bcth lottismd '> lài edos aUhwbicbhoeta ict Witby tc slip asy. Iiuey stiettit tc g ntu 11-1.1acte'1 ii tataeit parts, anti lIaI sud aIl wilI hé eecuoetwith des, Voldte Vo olnd ticon t ,y te raiptyer4. so-ue (if thotn ara cllru at-loril. Wu igit ______ -say aili tii, aiut i ay it trütbftuliy ; but VIs aBd n th e hast style. Kit it 'ois 'ir- las-ayî b u~thumleri'î g p1'ts tl~ic îleanilee iii No ir> lav yý è- u igiî nît' ou .rs,) is after al hs clita cal [iceusiseriobi ANDO Azsoaxrat- Ii, ovt WN lsisuet for lits vacatnt li-i.i f Puler a very 1111e-itslugdes-iiit ti1feus Nustic t io an-h Via-siTorantoa 'Flic tif taeets-u iiîta(eoefl u tuaicttau tIoue lme .îinlî5natiNe dtiesoiialsy -andI4 lo- pepiýle t!Nos-m Otano are, mcsd Vo lt-y matuoI t îte int oat. C.1-hS, îlilieus- wuiîg. ct-h mn-I miliii onti-ftheur ltîus tiatiirally ais tacliytinagitation sonat i euici inuil %Ir. liliti ote st fît thea Prppetinicseise 01aitaI uistlut-lias te gise ts ol"le îiî - -Anîdv Vot 4Vtisse sî sut-h les-sassai. T' ite utal l] i iles U. S. was. on bas-bey, 1tt ciper bulshtil;WOîllici osurprise itsi Mn. IViteer titit barhoy iat, 20 pur çcent, Itinlaoaly e-os-e oiouvet -a volk oser' hs elec- ualltu thas&t faureor fise )yeors hit thetsies-ft bll. ceg1-leiresait cf titîe les -euet Iitittitby îtfmatliiosel froteCanada a51 vitljt lit afitifitidingsasud campltiaingai bîre SitCltt tt lentViont. Dbinag te )-case etween u uuilling tand a t u iunosciued It4il 74 aud 76 tse goee-l rangs of picesso et in Cnidts bsîcs-y an Canota al e tîght Vtlte loti-(GavesaelCitlits îluty ai 20le-r cent on malt usas as rnchit- ~ - pîsotautie os-C, U.S.imaotesaas titay naquis-s Moto. SxS Oai'SOTtouRoc-.-OU andî t etohiil ipnis fson Cantdasexnttetl ne jeaîaaaqy. ttot swinig tle Vsgenos-aîîyTucsday ferencntines-c paîsse)by Our tov tanss a ines i a rl ny dus-tac tae offi l o vggoa, weh-carat fon, lot yeors satiing 1110:1Jane 1875 76, 18761 77, 1879 tIt, sud tite gs-ater past ci 1878 7L4, te siipmtat th ie Sttetatitres sîtîssid .Antseriti uIy on Catasîlan malt vas ai calves front te tes-tcf Mn. James 1. ltitas tivis- rthon ltse ppacifie- dty ou barley Daien! aau.T yvrs aa uaîlss- val ttot aeetf tilgs tse malting Dvdo fBla.Ti eeRg triche nt Canada argely incroedt,. andt hs of utn.elbmerea, (fuil iétor ta Rose Of exportaea et ta t he U. S.vas-a, lit -Sharon, rscontly sotti for 8(300) ; six 1875-76 1870.77 1877-78 1878-79 meonthe. Bitttcrly 52, 3 monts, (eut nbueas-...148,706511M,632 614,109 575,9281 o! imp. Butterdfy 45.) th.ilestaain 16, withit I te tt, a longe trsase in 1879-811 (ont t a p. Accra 21 hy Crovu ps-loce as-ar an y pros-tacs ysst - AILohv ohavebloccasion ta viil te Athelalanîs 2), iagei C neas-ths. Tito lot Hastes-n harile mar-ket tas-rte bot ta-os- sor epn-ehers-t &L$825, by M1r. Ilitec fisa y"osaot vitehave mixaI viit lte ofi ickesing,fos- te naet breslens anti cosVrmasters ald bs-averstre, muet importons a! stocki, Messrs. PolîsALSon, )lias-sabses-evait htamsef(r bock as 1876 tes-eo! JacksnvilheII. Thes stock of te W&% sprnaging tip a îs-oog ifehling 0 etainuley atrossldc!hs o otne- lit hs Canada naltlng raIe, usiicit ga. atre-ie àls oaw nlr aly lubsalalfisd iato, active hostlilty adtietandthles lange aune of four Iieousand httliy andadtisontiao s-eseuh indallasaiQ ps-ies at agrienhbnrel exhibi- tus-ter expasion, hiy a sharp atvance li tiens. hs cantonne dtity on mialt. Amen-faonmal- Iunte saunecas- tes-e veosiipped, Strns mteltithal lits Cala ma abars htaoIe ::verah important advaatageo nvqextiem, pst- G. T. [R., trlso yeshireg, 2 cave eseily eteUeo alywslwada hbes, hongiet froue 1s-. Tuai. tsey cou buy dis-sol rom taupes, ini titi, Guy, hy Ms. Crawford, cf Io-,a, fan way mvng tatago anti commisesions itsey 82. hees botter opporlunLitieooas cmostag tir- puschoses & a a clos-, eigiît, &c., and. se aiaiiig a more unlles-mqualty et malt; TitisCccOtLES 0CcERT -OnUieilties- hy cn o s-ct toir mattiouseut o mucit teenight wvicitcloseti teexes-cises aI haver coaI sud cenbis-e Ibois- enplayes aI grsat3lever vages ; iu addition teai Ontario Ladies' Collega wa argehy at- vitici th"ioyla mon y cese$sfeel a ais-g e of txtil. Thé vocal -andit triutuentli 25 pet cent onx tail freigitî. As aa vesIince tal the pressaI appiJcation etinsisatesstlemustc vas cf a igitos-tes-'andtihie; coi our inan ncrieas tante duý oa pupils vite scquilted tsmusolvessna malt litî net ps-lag fs- itoe N. P. oLGCana- dla or tacruesin la Cntihan dey on Milt meiorbously vers cieseretianti op- bt, ou hs ceanany, fromna onlg dater- plandol. Boy. Ms', lIae mals appro- nahiation viisi ot bSp-bfcaied long anto- piI.oosa1 salen tie li5- P., aores of extenive pit aoigrmarsa iisit vos-eyl moIies- al te U. S. con hu o peaout racalved. Uador les goveraorsbip te vie o cld' bas-s sathaitt brIancesa etColeage tas s-otly improvet la oeoy hhefs- lm.,or metbedai silgethin aCana- way, andteVobis utiveariet offerts te dus a ans&Mgo, ballfonrtaeknovhstigo ta I t thé credit o! ilss aceesa and groving usas coly aua Mt tonài aos- r rIvo, at promosity mont Wheoubeglsatlon voulutboeodemt . y f ront Con rea aopant fusthon expansion ai te mpigila «rtiotCono4 And psnitaps Nov BuILDiieos.-"AmaoagaL te nv sita olt Coa ît alfogeltos- s-thebulding. hitcit vo are peasel tase States mas-kola. - S Iu au Albansy Osireiar lut Mai, Ms. La"ysprlagup Ibis seaoa n adifféenk, iTrodt lb*aeimlenof athecasla cilparts ofai etIa v, Vie ;ebuiiing a!fltse fer about élt,00 buie)a of caa mal,, "Gbagov Houotibf'iQrMesene-B. ant iJ an fti r dlir, al tebravers la New TYonk Oatphellis la p st-le meal lipor- and à«tôý an V lealyltuaW lishe fealhag f e t t adetalIbs ouotâ itbiag ifanl. 'The ne* - building ln a meing maIste ps.1e, AtndieWtholit aion liîvsly ieeaawaY'â'id iniUaup oa u naight-; at WahitngLna à 4 te leketa befars ail i1X gop la the beal batineas pas-to hsse large caniroal sitouit arrIve. M-, Lsey tas-a iti aiitandir th. PBroonoss te. 4aan évidience oflte, aud malst l= L *Ial tsbearinga n ake $adymutsoo!te rnolivýay ailti#sm a!- talt a singesrest o Il citasaeor vo llforded 'Witlby Nbuideri, ltaeface. l.i exorcilse 0 mors tlbing Influence ça te vorlb tneittiocing- ith&#Ms-. C6rinack bth ù siilelsiMsithsae- loa sont oeit four etopty eus for iart respoct t he c y canadak o onubio& htë"i n tu set Î a utusi hothes agusAmeega t o'poa CO li id ."rýthe matls- rlu Wtnredrd haussa acn sony- bci1tlan nixt porkstO. itg about Il I t aany ett aàa - thiea n ah cancarna, la pay-b. ecfs-u=-t ceolt a front -th it .lw D.st.-14r, IDavins ppIsed ei-u saeg Statoselis Dat hMontlaci Gânadk oitlb years sadlag 20t1îlu c ôr fo- - a' sws ii< 14 emf M45i 8761-7 1K77-8 .041879ý80 g$~'Wbcs~!ehl o nui Buubîls ,ilel,4thoSes grtd Io! . Gae Brow u p~ a Asa litéd aulily t has-eyumaltôt tuea liser6cf - UcilIçu iItaIs fat-tse aufs dnHoiap*cti s- .0,; liibl'ut ltno pii Ait sues siiirâaliia i i dsîltît a teit, Ail<1te, app'Iuse se absliistty issnn usas ut lidesensetI hy oe na li, viittul tnacîittg ii lite, tnvii'tts in- lt ilitci întparse VuW haveaose!)Titre- f5aîi lisit s hichi ncputttuuatti gest prîtvis uons, u îttail lte adveua.g'* oi repauto-d rehisas-ale; but we sîi-.e-y *ver- Il-at mç et4 1ir s-tae ftitnirsiandtistaIMi- ises- o rtcsumetntdcubleti home ratent s p- poor«it lte Tova taIlinu Tusaiayoes- ing ta the motuthin geand asip.sloaos clng ai intofttet Vitep-oeunal sompenies that bas-c conte Ibis wuy. Tiie laugiall farce ot"Tu Iorci m Out' la usiltit MIbisa Nous-sa, MiýssMary Reynoldts Ms- Prston, Ms-. Trouadaîl and Ms-. Jas. Laustieck aipart contalddthé Vieoita- sien Tite tlvlessusined tais- parts ex- ains-ingîs- usaI. Ms. Prsseon vos aI bis bust in tîîiu, nui as Yi4-eientics, kopt tseai- in sr ai ofisgiter. Ms-. Trocaticfwuva geoiinahua up mas31r-. Las-rader anti iitoff te catrt-ae sniety, and! Mn. Jamea Loustet u inte s-cii'of hseo et lte ctb- us-Ian villaus-lie"veut ailes- te vidava " sud gelturnel oct et bis ewnitonae trongU hie s-skiait ps-ometinmgo, tlpeti on Vhs laugh- tas- ity bis thp. The theats-is-aa, as as-lmay snonati uses-s cadet the ptronage. antlinla&id rci the fuels i;ite cricek et club. Jutige DarVusti, as itealudeat of te club, toqk occasion te t1tauk he audience an beoitt hs phayoru anti tepliyersan cafois fnilte- club anti hs audience sud stihogizedi lte manliy game. At te conclusion aici te dma, Ms-. King, lie-e, alotu paiti s tribtuts o tlite naea asti motet a rteuttluon, wleci theIle isol sudience sacantist, ticat lte drainaea e- pëeoîlon Frlloav eanijkTite raqés tu heent serdédtiel, anui on ?retay naigitî vo oxpeclte ose. analter baîier boeuse aissieul Vo tevitaesis ice penlerciano -<iets beiieg corsrecteit yityseitsraals n hs meantiais. an ctnploycest lte - Maiýe)Fas-i, 'bob' place on Fiîey. Tie commhsoiosns eonshaing of Hou T. 3. Pontes a*ti Roa. S.. C. Wood, met laI the Agricll tar ai Gollege. Witnas e er. so -a-. el as o te chargeg brouguti ltse latinuprhitnoaealo!flté1it- firoxien, Mn. Peton Mabon e li et thPt hé (I;abon) bho& iib.atii 0 W , -fsoui talposition pwifilt 't% etip'#iqs dansa tse commimebon osjoaraed. ~ wihl reporttiir u8u a usl alc -Inra -ci" W '-,dT hv e fr -omis!, bhm rtaçhý64 t, 1t .aUn«Mi qultean lnii4~at to4be ½rI& ôiéd te 'MestCreedit&h)ý' p ia èdw p7 iri lte Doýitinioa. G&t1lngit st t se mo onl wo go to psru. ak, I~Avehâd as .y ti no e e Vo emiuàe isCùi A : , Psionr! tp OgsaiV.Mst oliday ioula- rente i.l ieft Vint- np te t the )grers. ber ef beting us of thein- cbliait true- Tueô- es for 5pro- ýe ln csstul pros- oilegi- lingly laion, roron- iturai Omans, )spsr Vk anti mffinas' e' plo- te by i loto naVi, apeaks chan- iaides have desncy. W. B. >penet Bboot itou, my ho ujîatcb Mn. Citasles Roblason base resie thtie cicritaiip of te Division Cons-V ai Bisas-crIit. Mr. G. F. Bruce, neeve o! Thoreit his, wva bora, Vo recels-e te ap. pobin, su ad Dnebtt es-bleclien couit ho nmade by lte Governmetst. Bas-pers Magazine for July, &part fsrn îLe splendid pictoriol attractions, is an exccodingly popular Number. Oase o! ts strongeat features la lte heginniu2g of a nov seianil nos-si, hy Bonis- James, Jr., entitiéti "Wasbing- lau 4iutiro." Titis slory is entts-ely Acacnecan ; &and, vitile il bas aIl 1hes. characte-isVic charma by wiisiî is acithas- baa won bis way o lta *populos- heart, il shows signe o! gretelrasengtb tian any of him previona noveis. B1ey. Profeasor 't-s-ncb,- fioui te Métropolitan CoUege Leadern Eng. viil prBachi2thl e Congrgatinal Ciurcli Whitby noxt Snnday mornang anti ovenuig. PcawiexAs.-We os-s pbasedt0Citroat- lb te sale rotura home -o! Mr. J. V. Hali iimprovel hoaltit.- Oua Boos Tarn.x- Gaig szwa- nov édition cf tIb svos-y umif os-k, sor- teily reviseti auid slas-gM;, vi ipndice. b"l jusl basa lasued hunm lte ps-oau aiMn. Bryts of London. Thte book lae, nse tte, mail ps-ctteal vors-kmoifltU kinil t ba 0 been pbliale It eaty beustinl seboaa coyrsoit baesi, Uat ilte o 1v5"ar oLS e nta' ahi ie noeeu aiadea at'DOMa. Wars- s-eB tenuse!faur nliabia Optmelr vo guaeanIe ol b .y yWil £e s. Ptau, mlooekon itmt. . Sutbertsonk. Bi Bisosle ageula ion Black &,,Co's ipetoclos Wtly. The. Dom. W-snssooma ,-of Mesuw. T. s l- o iteléapla man"&ibaon luttsrday, i<aolnmgva) lui MI.BTHRREra Dealu viit VIte Cow- lte grîytitus-is n sllippory subib, ase wae aboie laebt weob. 'Let it dbrop it," YOci eay. Titat'e jusIîV vitars moshl or lte titronhi camnes la, lu loti Viait diropb "cIA Snffers"-its ie soghimel- %ts-nts Vo apply Raflwoy Law te te Cows, an ilotes chapî»er an vase for it. But witare con ho show taos tat sncb lhLow applica lie roustiCows ? 'No, Sur, Counthny Gave le whet's minI. Titanes no iaw agia Towna Cows, I tmintaie. Td-wns are mold for Cow- an Town Cawnsiis for Cahunes I An vhy thia ehodttttane. honachunal lytpaty bethuas te Io ? ous- CoIrispontàint, "A Suifes-en," nsaitecoalis bimsee!. le net, I feas-, o Sympatioizer widh me on hs Cow Quesittun. Tite tailway iow bectitrojutiss, os- wanls to, wut aititer p utte enaythurs av C ows off thée titreete atogether, or eontpeîl ives-y sacinltamon on voman ltaI keepa a Gev posittiutOt an ltse stiereets te, watcliîit whilait tlisaialin its bit. Weil, wudln't tlhe bonraysonatbhe enuif 2 Ho mite as weii ex titat lte ovner cf a enaytittr av o Cow abat laid youn goto, or gos-ded, on fine, or thé saoe titrees,or ltée sideoika?2 If Ibiagsarcs-e Lebe miîtdod let ceuebchoie for. An wbat I soy le: .elotté ownet o! Gowa bc petl for mindin otites- peap- i'sa psoperty-forthVie Cows tite cs-ay- thun, tion'V want minditi. Titey an y waul Vo hé loI aloue. An if people den'tl iko ta puy for it, lot om mind itas-e owa gotes an fiaces, an hsoea, ant sitecVaiks. I waa jisht sayanin titis for in a f air au aisy voy, widb tas pin in haut, wbiin lu bouncos Mietitnesa O'Day crina ..Millei s snuth.er." A stitretge eev got intite cahiige ;van av te chiit- bre vas trapied an an hurt, an usesst av- al, IMs-s. 0'Day gel ber new dits-es mueltot au hodly diaflgret tc sitlippit' on o poey, anifloppin tdovu vory itevy, au cansitiherin ber waiV, langes-oua. Ber ova 0ev vun't do I, ite esy. But alts-ange Cava!1 Weil titrange cava, site thinks senttin osit c d an wi4liteta for ltse sakea v chouenaiau te punlecktaiitflav new gowuds. I toutti han te petisitun te Town Cowa- sul for tamigos, an]asBsite kep ums a goond viile.taîkin 0oses-ber miaforchune, i wtieht nov vintiup tho bcacitnow- letil meseli, in 1tîcata agin. Yen titmno Iint TIM O'DAY. The Agriculîns-al Commission. Tise Agielural Commission, (of which Ms-. Johna Dryden, lte Local Mamber for Seuh nti aarioi ta o -mi' Dent anti active momber, bas clometi 1* aitticiga !fortepresent. At te la&t meeting te folloioug intoresling évi- dence waet taken : Ms-. Joita A. Donaltisn, te Donminion Immigrationa Agent, si ho hal becs au- gageinta iaruetg tons or ess tr te al ionîy-seveu Yeara, usnte counlies of Tas-k andi Ontiro ; ite bolreatiin hiehsGlobe ot Fniîiay thot au acre ofl vitalceaI sme- thuteii3ue twetty dellasao greun; ho cou- sîtes- at itai tnate 10e ) iîl i , its asti- mole tventy ilse itnsthl i uheat taete sera usas gtvPau; witit geaI(as-min gltat aver-age couit hobieeuei certainly ta thirty husheis fortilt itest ; hestsIav was abc, noV takate luVo consitiesatittu la te estutate res-s-éd te; in matiig ltae eatcitlaticu lte labos- pit-o formes- tadihie sotteusas aIeo a pii tes, goaVit al at caIuas eva-r vas aheat profil. tn spesktig aI tas-m hoitor, Mn. îttnaldgen satti chat formera vans &lays gi toteengage goî. esaiy tearries te ouug ftst e ltd0 Court- Vsy. Oftlramtps atvadnotiese rltarsar- tissahes-) ettee mnay already. Mr-. James Britten us e Vite it itiess. nes sai ltaV for tweuty-fivs yeori; lie bil putscitasiti catthe iron te formessfon the marketl; t a titie a tew yeurs lite haut asol lite surplus caIlle ta NoewVsk ; viten ,has tri-ute as eut oii formas-s anti skippiers l mney, usiicit depreclatl te ps-le froue ive lu Vhs-e es ua; breedtig vasVthoni verY'dail, but aie te Engis t Vsado bad aps-uug u =it o-Oa îoien nspi ,n seuadthtag boing done, ta malkte railroati campanees buiti lieir catthe cass itit stalia, bessese if au animal geV dean ts fleh stwas su mucit InisaI i htitilcoulti net lio usoti;4itero usas onotitor aduntago Vo ite 1-famanm »cleo ri .- oitibu cisoao , f ppensirfegitt orumci uptndI, in aise -mus-h pur ead-, c t Wi tanimal vas fs-cm f.nteea 0m ixlsesi huastetpounda au ex. peiment hominseoa ew yoars ga provel tse osvisaotlity aiof eeling otIy te imptcv- aIe animal» ; bit oola 11M heeti cigradins, for vàiici ho Poit i S anti 8tcesnts e pounti; ho - feti ltent savon mrntis, anti salu them for ci osais pet peanaI, titoy iaving gainait 27) poUnts saab. 100 natives tisA up alangalie anti fed morefacet ti ths gradles ho hougtt fr 2~cadI. Thy oay g in1 wad Vwas bètefV lOiO wrk ersvie coniti ho dlspeutaati ith ; the prospect for te Canadien formera fon bneediag hanses was an excelent ono,.le stslngly ati-niseti formera Vo kesp thein youag mates andi eeot mos-e horSes taenpply lte tiementi, whiah waa increasing, bat te breeti anîy Ve ti vory boit importsd horses. Imiportanit te, County Offices. JVDIQENt rIN rUE CASE OF TBF COUN- Tv &TtTORiNEY V8. Tr3E COUNTY 0F Thé following jutigmont, dolivtured by Chie! JusVice Wilson on Fritiay last, ln lt e o! fuln (County Atler- ney) cva oonnty o! York, couVains many moattes ofinterest anti information fan coonty officore anti thé boas-t o! audit: Thens is no tioubt te feet is that lte expenies o! crimninel justice wero placét Wboly upon Vhs local or dis- trict fonds hy thesAAd-o! 1841, an t iat wae continued hy te Act af 1845, sec- ions 3 ant 5. hé Act cf 1845 dixt, as Mn. Kerr sait, put te shoîesnucbtex- péUses upon thé coneolitatet revenue uot, tieciaring titthVe achetinlet fees "sitail lhé teemet exDenses cfthe ai- mnastratien o! oiminal justice witlîin thé meaning of hs Act," which was then poiti bY local taxation, ai il dos net foilowtal t e liabiîiVy a! thé crown Was limitet ouîy le Vhs sciteduheti fes, or if 1V wsre ltat te county wouhl ho hiable for auy otites, or for any fees et att witon iL was whioliy nelievet froue these. Thte lest clause o! Vhs scitedubé givesa Vo it as .wide a moaning as Vhs fit-st section a!fte Act itsesf, for aften prouiding for te uany enîxtuenstot ecifle items iV conclusleii ttToethitn with ail alter charges nelating la crim- inel jnsticu-, payable Vo hs fonegaicg of- fleers sPeciaily authorizeti by au Act o! te LplgisIattîc'e, anti harelefare phyable, out of district funds.- No change ws Matie lultat legislatfonunutil te pase lag Of the 11. S. 0., cap. 86, sec. 1, andti Ilexpreesly onocte titat "otîcitof Vhs expenses o!fltse administration o! crimitnal justice in te province ou are mtaionet in thé sobeduhe VoeVite Act eball-be poiti eut of ltse coasoidat revenute fnnd o!fte province." Sncb euactinent lamait express decianation that te Crown ehol he hable only for hs siteduleti items. Tite R. S. 0., cap. 85, t put aIl other propos- expensos of thé administration o! justico upon te county, becanso te county la di- reétedte Vopay sncb oxpeneeslunltse fis-st instance, andi as it conun,,eovsr frota the Consolidatéd revenue onlylte sebedulet items, it necéssamily bas Vo hear te oxpenito o!fltse ather non-sehîstulel itema. Bcccb enaettaente are :-Sec. 1 -Thtl excspt as hes-sit or otitorwise providet by-iow ail otit es a pyable 10 te sait ofcérs-"-tbat laete ai)cors Mentionetinl R. S. 0., cap, 84, anti Dot nt-Ming te county atlonttey, --for sérvicie conineototiwiti te adminie- traiantof justice on coauty pus-poses, gaolI lispabi Vi te fis-stinstance cul of hs county funtie, andtihiecocunties payinir sncb focs ehiali hcutitîsdtieVo h roinrniit-et eut of te consolitisted rev- enue tandthVie ameount !of uicf saiti fMes eni are payable eut o! sait funt ntiar lte previuions of t"ThetAct ras- pecting Vhe exhausescf Ibie administra- tion of justice inlu riminel mottes." Sec. ',-"WVIteroaiiy persn s epreseru- ian, witere net elhervipe provitieti it bus. ehlh hopeil ont of' hs. oo.nt-y funde;." Sec.3 -Iti loules, offices-s cf te Crown chu rou.les- ocuicos ta te pas-sou ahargeti siall ho paie tîteis- haw- fui few;oott o! ths couuty funde lunte sauciniannoos-as otites-fees tins anti payafi'ie tu t itet in respect af officiai sos-vices rentes-edtette Crowu in lte contuot ai public pncsscutians as-e paiti. 9oc. 4-Jo case o! a conviction belote Ite Genetral Segsions; for miedemeanon thte defendant sitail psy the odat when taxet by hs Court, but lu case ho ta acquitteti tins coetd tio hproseution - vîteÎs net otherwise provitet for by 1ev eboit bo paiti eut of Vhs eitflty funtis. Sec. 10oeds Vi talt 6The treas- ns-eros- !the connty shaih fumnisit Vus Boas-t o! Adit -wilta copy o! lte itas tiealhowst h y te 1Provinocial. Treasuren in te -cinaio ;justice OSeOuIta of te previotie quart- 1er, andth ie Boardt aibave poweir in teir diseetien" Io teduetthe agonts susehigleotifromthles néit, or any Oc- 1counts o! te sema officesasubueilteti fer Autdit. 8ec. 12 requinestit tlte 1treasuer o! yc-oennty shah witboul 1farther autbority pay thte amnoal of tse fées wbich are papable, ont ai :coutity funtig vien duly elowedby te The Ncwo. Lindeay. Dmsxroz4 COeURT AreeItMEntt-S.- Tac 0ps DRAINAGEQtera -h James B. Mackenzie, f the village o! Pat says :-A ysar ago Fehruul Skyes' gentleman, Vo ha Clerit of Vhes evomi progressive farniere lu Ope, irà 1'wsifth Divibion Cour, cf Vhs uniteti meitiatsly wsst cf Lindsay, dectded tg countisof Stormont, Dundas, and tako le n-ocssary action Vo dram inW4ý Plengarry, lu the cocue andi <teatilof J. le knewn as ths "long swa2p, which A. MIeDougatid, rci-igned. wauld enahis themtu o reclaini about sl, hundreti acres. The aecssary stops William B- Simpsn, cf Vhs village wsre taksn under the Ontaro Drainage of Chtsworle, ta be bailiT of Vhs sixth Act, sud it was hoped Itbat te ai Division Court cf lte coany of Grey, wonld have 'been made JouI sumdrai in lthe raom and steati cf Robiert Etigar, Some opposition was manlfestmed a rosigne-a, alinost cvery stop, but on Tnesday the A LovEu' ~ ~ ~ ~ as we N a e WsflnallY disposeti o! by lthe A LaettePLAN0F MRDEI ANOCourt o! Queen's lience dianmisrig Vh uwci -Near e'ars e Miss Keisr appeel againet Vhs township wsith costs. bhot at Wm. Zoigler without effect, The drain wilI now go on. Thet, towjj. lien shet anti kiliet i er'eif. An et- ship cenil, with commndeble ëdn,.ý tacliient Ppraug up last enuemecr be- prise, have tiecid ticit hoid a meeting tweeî lier and Zeiglu r. Thé puet weaaoe ody uyStt o h upl sha liad beeý viciting the Zeigler's, and o aigsosl u h ri ne eithecr becansýp o! negbeot or jsalouey contract as soon as possible. IV te tV sha plîtunedti t kilt-lier lover and lier- ho hopeti thîs drain wili hoclthe Vhs pro. self. Yeeterday the visit was Vo cuti, onreor o!fatany simailar undertakings. and ehei wae driven by a braVher of TRISH RELIEF Fucu.-The subjoitiea Wrm. Zeigler VoeVite train. Instsed o!fatrfo iho cvU a s ;onghoesh buhtn evler r-ceiveti a couple o! weebs ago hy 11ev.' unrneti, setxrstad icref in Willam's Father Staffordi. IV shows how thanit. room, anti whcn ho came lu lu thé dark- fully the magnificent epntribution of St. finet et hlm andi thon fatally shat ber- Mary's citurch was receiveti. elf. St. Jarlatit's College, Tuent,1 May let, 18M. j NEw lhLW.VY PRaEjaCT.-A nove) pro- My DxoIa STArs'oan,-HoW tan r suM-i ct is ont foot in the Province o!f'Que- ciently litank e n anti your goad l Sautfît bec, tuat o! building narrow-gauge rail- the genoifons reneittanat of Xl 43 9s. .4., the '<oasis into lumber districts. The cost second contribuln madie an Patrick's dy of a raad haviog a breattito! 21h inch- towards the relie! afithe pravaiing distrete. betucei Ih ralsb pacei a n250 Titis Crash contribution establishea ati es etweeitherais, s pace at132500te aur undyiug gratitude. May Gel blasn per mile. Sncb a lins lias been suc- yen andth tsem. i shahl carefully tre!asara cessfuily canduatet inl Wales for ton np the namas of lthe contributons, andt ail I yeane, rvnecrsing the mountaidotis hlia s lthat I may -have sease oppertîunty' eountry. It lice canniet i eavyi froighte, baeora I die of <itcwiug nty gratitude to yea, nuit turin one yar ne lcee titan 195,« and yoor paîipia-Very etnaecrely yonra. oiti passegers paSeVetiYvrit., PnniugfJîNMuEii. ith..v- 1.477'sthe1.. ..,-.. c,-..et for'r To ttîe Ra'. Pallier Staffont. Georgia Bay Canal. (Lindsay Post.) The Cleronictc le ever on tho alert, ta advance the intoreses of Whitby, and with au eye ta the Trent Valley Canal republlshes the report of Mr. T. C. Keef or made in 18638, as to the practica-G bllity of constructing the canal througil A 0nîtqrio couuty ta the lakoe t WhiLby. That report exhau-tively discusees IL . question of he watcr supply. This route uil l ot bc 50 bad providing il eûmes round by Lindsay. lu fsct il 15 r the easiest, cheapest ant best route, and there oucncb no serious difficuity up to the solection cf te laite port. 0fs course OshlAwa would never consent taos the promotion cf Whitby, sud 1DOW- manville rmight put lu trong cdaimas.t The claitnanîs or candidates for the t s;ontli-eastern end of the canal may 3 thon sa far inclutis: Wbitby, Oshawa, ci Bowmanville, Port Hope, Sleepy Hol- s low, otberwiee Cobourg, andi Trenton, witb other places ta lhear frou, e, t a connting Toronto. WVould il not bho wsll ti toli.) a convention at Port Hope g to tliseuse the prospects of the several i Candidates and make a seicction - Just rc now it lobks as if Sir Charles Tuppor fi wonld like to builti the canal tbrough s -North Ontario, with branches Vo Cati- nington andi Uxbridge, and double water-pnwor at Port Perry, ln order to je help 'W. H. lu the coming ronteet. b( Suspicions About the Toroutu & of Ottawa Railway. es PE We are afraiti, says the Globe, that ce Vhs people concerucîl lu the building of'y a railioati competiug witlî the Grand re Trunk wvill Sund thiat there ie eomething ai mors titan 'idle rumeur ent Uhe bottomi i of the repôrte. whieh are c:rciartinei t1 witlî orpect t 1 te abject cf Mr. ical- fr erliam u l'liaecf tee 'irolto au iÎt r Ottawa charter. \V., reiturate that tera are juet griuods for stirtiicioni thrtt the charter bas tînt bai-nbouiglîtE sih tlite decigu Cha ti it aude(pundleut f, lino shahli e buiît promptly. VWe have à roason to beliovs that for neanty two k: years the Grand Trank bas been nego- ' tiating for the purchaso of the charter.;l that the negotiations were nearly cam- JI piste when the persan represcntiug tile 0 Grand Truuk stepped lasiîlc sud Messrs. 13 Gooderbant tank his place. WVe have tI asked for an assurance tat tha Toronto t and Ottawa charter bias net been ie hougl for the purpose of preventîng or J' delaying Vhs construction of' the roati, f or for ltse purpose cf handing hs mati- agentent over la the Grand Truuk wuhen v it shonîti be founti impossible funther.VoC delay construction. Sa far we bave t aiketi in vltin. Every annonucement made by Vhs purcîtasers le piainly madie wiVh te object of coucealing something. The letter of Mr. Lsys, formas ticexception I-o «her raie. Messrs. Geotisrham, ho Bay@, purchaReat hs charter 6"witl tVhe abject of utliing it." làsmarkably specifie, tîtat. Who donbted that Megsre.d Gaoderham woesgointa o"Utihize" te charter ? The trouble le, the public do tiot believe tal Messrs. Gooderham8 ana going Vo buiid Vhs roai. AlilltaI iâ abear on thie point is that the pur- chasere are pressing for a lontg deiîîyL belons hs work shall bo commnencet- sxactly te poiicy whicb wonld boe taken if Vhs susected intention Vo thre hs tee) existeil. Wa main Velu that thers are on tlite face cf Ibis business a enificient itun- L ber cf curiaup facte Vo jnstify overythinziz wuE itave saiti. Are the purchaseris c.f the nîtad noi ptoceediag ilau sucîtaL mannren as Vo gis-a reason ta believe tlicy ara lu sanneet 2 te it et ail likeiy ttit ghrawd business mon would firet pîtrehaso hs charter anti pay dwn $313000 in cash, sa thon proceed Vo investigate tic cncer-n with Vhs oiject of iniiing out if il was warth anythinug? rhtey are now ssnidîng au engineer aven lte ins Vo geV an 'approsima-te cati-t mate of tha cat o! "building tho road.i. t Would noVttis hava been <loue bufare1 ltse money was paiti. if Utc iuteution tVo buildth Ie roati actuaîly existed ? % Under Vhs circumqltatirstitara i-t ne chiurpeeapeni ha us but Vota avise the muni ciîaiities te he exccedingly cen-ý liane in reacwing ýthohonusa naw aitnt ta lapse. Aitove ail tin'ge, noth-1 ing sbould bc doueî whlich ill prevent te granting of another bonus to enolt-É er lire as taonl as the owne of tei pre'sent chArter do anY ovate set whichl shah jtstïfy tFe suspicions uow nife. tSoute guarnntees ehaulti bc exacteti for1 ths conînusi intiependence cf the pros-1 SAn nomIeNTi- Joepit GO as-ivti bisa wman ont femîyoepfourbeama thisn eine s-ul fs-oifViefournsip o! Boîtant remve Kagaoxig Laboonship ofMolnitu lu Isiotit Hé vakp,-onspeins oul- isasd sssctee generosiytan se ens aye ustiie vs enge ldunail ne sieshe it fone tsvio uagstani sn came fontce bita vitisuacé voer.son some ont en ho V-site vma as ellug somun acb anti, sLniba aotin n oVitnt, cmushnd, Viite ufs-ctnaovoian- btueen Vusigtuso tree, ihig er lma- stentheTto oy esapét almoberbyn. miactle.s. ebG aried itmsifbl hi micle.sMrkuocitet t ohjint ont abis ishlca c ittlyonstif 'esit and hsg he abiehadly cihe batsies es-el o hie tnetbuolciet nt. antitsevcof in, cth ko eot.Ina athe vasdit ioglît oOwo iSouit, ouidh vat abs-aglits- On Aleoae. otes fy o amneil eîinîdrte uvi hlm unI four bel intldri a-en t- is ndltrlinc bini anta findton.thrlie in Dacigtn.c air iertAH LîTU Auw,a.Fa soin im AlATL ita CHuuavident Vamlite sexV a sVis batoil eChusidt tese Mtreo£ Vtle Vithie a Chpces ia M og tem, tata thie sus- picion vte omnhiiaVodV DheiacVis uspicin. Aecomouiate ed haut)tores nue. o! Vite hseaatcles- bas-ctesoue the mis vs insortces we tees- o dil, anl a seV lthfo!. C icumtaeespinuloti Votrae-yhens-ray sife o!Michael pcne5 t ary D-Murray, Ciheofen teel Miagtl andeillien ieue Dukle-SretdAoteterethsritnmhlet be domidihe trangsplietacle et ublis gaze. ito, astrti Vhspeeectcet voroîii luze an ner rama te sd bu neetiym s-chas.not cn teti r nc -piey antis et otent heha oefour vti padyes bea ieton aut'berhng paot er ecb.S ite vas us-reuns aitt praernit. s supîlos, , urte oi rnemetsabocksahundace, àlitaé itl prneaC i a eeano se sath nenlanle as coulting euuh mne i. Thriae Dsc ais'soulil e ias hé bIThbeDolie- tieeun o sntysphoylfterbousedb .Veoen etso ats, Instolcrae, oeok it ctonsotv fa guI bourmstontcrýose , ce-al , nrplcos. Tte and ossaue womon als arcs.Tet i pot ullL beotmn. Dgs, P. icI.an Whoed uiekty ilse oMr uitbeV-lsu M Wely aak ile Booudb re st 10 is Qneexets Bencit, site cooly roe f 1i Vê Bu eur vii tadolt' 1enougit," sot vas en teucedt 10six Menthinla ol. %1- Pas-nell'it Bill propasiug au lhlou, grant a Lof 000 oofan relief o! litée tia- A corrsspoaîdeuco la iu progrea«sI ttn-lh'ité Aneàn Govamumeul and, lte Brilila lofe-s ti pon tlhe IFor- lune Boy 'quiellea. Me-cEAas x sTaeuca. s- Thes A. AntE Tutu tJxSCiiviutttIS Or CeAi. IAL. A seicutiflc gentleman uch lieu juel examice t hs ciel fonti aILaiteo!fltse Woods;, alVhoudh te.ets-aa lthe-e aund la uat tal lunviicit cool gene-abIy formis a part, ts-avs a compariean be- tweon lthe formatien an Vhe Laite cf lthe Woods anthie coal fields ot Dudlhey, Staffors-tiire, Ecuglati, in te foiloving Venins : Tite Dudley coal mosas-es conlains ltae thioitost velus lu Engîal anti yet thte aesociatet cathoalfe-ous stretàaros-oo!extrardlnary entait pro- portions cotaparot vitit equivaleat ses-es in ad7 otiter place bnousa. The mountein linestone andthVie ait tel sandatono-Ihe usuel base of titis fo- metiaxu-ere almeet s ntirely wantiug. Iu their plae is te Dnelley-ati en rock limeatone, né aithé Silurian roceks wviiciprelominole anti ferinVhs mast important part hantthis- great ceai fiold. Theso aucisat rocks alie forue -thé substruotureofo thèse cool fdelta, but te noVt ise la thoir negulaorrnos superposition . titey rote up irregularly as ialaade ail througi thlit ciai niasures. Nov, I thiait, upon oxaminotion, ltaIt thte Silnian zocite on te Lakte cf the Woods are piaceti TorymuchI th ie [manne- nefernol te et Dudley ant ltI et oua penint iIn lthe ortlh'blis-y large cool aoés exi8eet, hut veto pet- tisihy covenet up cnt partia0ly-bnougt-' to te surface (vitere bte cool is nov exposail) by btseIs-emônîclous auturol chcipicsl forces o!fVte catl, viict brotgit rocks aifbte Silurian age, as- veil as bliose of laVer gendrohions, in close pnaximity to ltse lover Laurention, ushose bontany is Wuipeg river anti Winnipeg lobe. Sip on Fis-c THIIRTY TO FIFTY LIVES LOST. A BRiAV'E PIL.OT et ta lte vster's etigé off Collega-Ioini on Montiay aflernoon Site Ivas dia- caves-ct on fis-o ushon off Ran(lall's Islandi. Thee tins was caudod by an ex- plosion in lte englué-s-nom4 ondthVie acitidîs-o!flhe stoambeal vap seau mn foutes. PitCites.- Smitht nenaineti ,altis pasi an it neariy itnsne4 tale ath ont succeoteinlubeaoiting lthe vczssh aita ssuniten meatiov aujaiing lte -islanti.Msny pensonas ps4bng oves-- itoard anti veto drovnet. Mnay otitess la ltae s-n o!flte vassal cattiti net gét aif ant véré itutusti te eatit. O! Ave - mairaI, psons Bupposat lelias-e leeu an boas-utfufty ase-esupposédýta te ave periaitet. Tito bodies o! aboput Vhisty bas-a beou reco-et-eti. oay"lbhoee o! Dr. 13shoisb, s vealtbygent1ruian, resi- tence. uuknown, "anti Mýtr Itestaa y0ang voiu,vere îde * , - a. Amocig lte pensonsatof preaxinence iknovn le havie been on boar4 were Citas. Diu%, elilor o! thé Suai; L" L. !ig. Barloy, Cçl. W. B. Chose -oant-iL R. Rlotlestet, Ts-eaenirer o! theé Weetsnn Ufalon ebo- greple Co. - - A Notb-Weal Jobrder. A FATtII 5LAX5 RIS SON WITJ i AS - Thes Lac La Biche coi-seý'pon'doemh cf the gsekateitewen iesald rite *-A h ots-ible mut-ten-vas -onai ailtt îba 281t Ilt, aI Buck-Late, lcft twenty- Ecnd thit E -ttcrealutes, _apd tiiCIî Vuseth .Is ho-ne il i thofb r essOic ille you.e lhe yguflg -mi sia, ao longoi ton lu the-ia sbut a ,gne laI cil thie nasg îfle, ceS ifte igts hot besau e i grndntr5c0ptio ns andtiîe -ro, upatby of! loiac]e unteaus , il laIl nc csts-îy, ns bl -or at boas i d a te tunnel hoç ltes noV hevlag lItes in ber joord ipeon et Iier, spilo of--lbshz crs vas a otrtile ant ne denlit e s aîr-Woudsfld la close vatchi td %varis intard jusine. Prico 1 rovu, lu cli the Li o g etviicit i Wtoeoeset, hsfez ta beau s-ubhed as couutntncaeà oun, anti -tepectl aile, le Iok gi itetlligence i eeîm ha the oe tas o ieiaw kh iris-ct trous ment ï fs-.turs-c. He e mnt t. slcatp1 Anti-Ilits1ida n thoeMelba i1 tan briglel ac,1heu ï conlribntste h -eep te palace il Windsor du- »sa was mianc "a laeting -l etsnvas-t paid two O'ciece hadi tn te Ditoesso ixoan te.y-au Puness "act ~large cevoleoti ~inner sveny.- e bter it lhneé ieasant reaetio nace-Aubert ai ltèi oth df4 I >ewu statéinls ý6 &nding bélves they woald Dol aedr tco, -su lthe nittions Ofi .wooîag wa SaOI tient, as bs-ti ' werc nott-di Lknigiet, eveta a qussn. What., Saiei by ieor,-mo1 :cessity. flui ifficult malter ~was it wae ini t te yeng Ps-m ta te Younga daubt -tice 1:wýcrt viss- I ýbis ceuse v '.,,Minutes cenT. 'l iba vty aisée ~happy mfotf andi tane. W i--es-gé from il, tiDes-y aieah , in teé sanieï L lixet fov doyýE ,;ec me, andilîla eby it DU1 tort -write, but I i oMýte Queca to' tbIs gooti ne ibtis- momnta raye te-Prn ing his rapIn vents o! tie. SODsaÂa e1ahut us by1 hersail and th thesa e: -I. i - 4- 't o îiiit dtrtiea0e. DOD.îctt-t3eorge H. Shappard,eu- graed u h n Muitobt, dturing the somme- n ravelliteg lthe lae.a by élblion knovn as "Couque-os-," cf wviitit wos ovuer, wussdrosetiwutiuse t- tetptiug Va avita hie herse acrose thte e Rive- on hie refus-a houeVo Bmu- oron froue a trip Vo Vie Ritige. The hoesa susata douvu streoina ort o-Vdis- iscbant attemuptedtVo olimit ont apon ltse banit, but vas so exheustetttbat for- soet ime ha laid viitth ie heoti juet out o!fte vats-, unable te geL any lurtte. Tite body vas fodtin uo 1eV o! vote-, noV far fs-anthVie spot vîtere tieceseet attempVedti tecross. Coroner Cames-on itolt auiniquest, anti the jury reccleret a vetdiciof o Acci- dientVol Ds-owuing.-

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