The News. 111'r No? H1111FUT IS."-A sPOollfromf - Hrriouil ilMo.,Basys tisaI Ohazios Ts cb(tlof tise Jailway 1dout. Moor., ot g. anadIiM . J. Donovsar ujicfl 1 tave about frotinplaceO te> ia 7tftl.Thso irder waetr- mlciss etigtewrsionsorpsly unrrovoked. Douovau ntodMr.Dea- JaIco Th10t- wditha v orks ll in rome s Cn veeuggcd ins conversation on et. tesdwak oMooro camn p irn 1t. ' adrui ou said tii lai ', %vint lydrwa revolver, flred, and fie U Ctities oas.Anthr a-tih se te eleft temple, killing tir ozi sieotitoitiniiitinteaYes nne, utDotovan atîneet iustantiy. M oeo ad a sîlissutU 515>be alsg oa-race. a nsco»' eec frans iyoching, but le stitlin 0i il ae ot.bigchabosa I t i g' ai wtti luuiahniet tfor bis riiifor nsoti5y or4ers betweenth et*' Lnm Doluhlolnof COau11adel dthse United j~*S%%s.(iO.FefirofoLondon, Stites: On mOncy ore Bpayable «Il tbalohe iatti 1 wisusner who tlb 1'Ditiîl Stî,tes, 'lot excoedling &'$1()d saw second etCapt. Webb in the cfltS troi$ 10 iatndlnot exceeuling $ýl0 ceri great ix .iltybyt 5vituin 15Eng., swans on 30 rent" frein V(1 ami isnot exct-e<iasg atuiray froxu tIse foot of BIrd tret #-Io,4o> cetttC1.froum $40 and ui iotv- sat irer, throu,1s ilellit gale te 11111 reeultuig à o , 1cetits. "Fsfty dollas srt1,lan1 onll hng naking a distance the mUaximSumt aiot fltowt-il te b Us tiiiîîîttîil aI l itctti tmiles in il h. and sent il, an order aItI'te 1reeest tisfle, 0 , .. 47 e butI clorttiame bein gmuade to have il ieceased to elle Iun ilrt-il dollars. Tlioil' iuorable. John OConnor, Poat. DulLFrleuu1I COUNTY Oui ici*Ai.S.-T5>' jasti'r Generak, and wife, arriveti Pravîsiont l(aunei1 for the Countytiltun ýViui'c>lon Friday niglit, and wiit Dtfernu mit t aOrrsnigcville en Weltu1dt>gtta8oflDr. Schultz, m. P., ue8ay, wtseu-thse foiiowinig appoint- durivi . thir stay hiere. Tlsey were ra- mente uere ronde ; L . T.licou. trense corU"' te tise residenceo!f .1r. Scliultiz tirer, nt a saiery of t1oot> pier aiiis Ya iiiite cits Ll .l- .tr d1îhn Il. lied, cl rU., nt a satîîry 04 4;211'vative club, in carnafges. per iaunuin ;J0o11 iii l iiiii, itig i t-tiFrons hfic e h-iDiiig of it8 îiatil:fac- Stab'le for the couîtyi. The ttrit cdi. turc iit iî w not a ïingle one of aily jourtird te imet t ag4luou TlîîirbîiîY, but I r i Nirginiîîî taf of thei' tit-stet uil- the 25th Novî'nibir nfit. ty ftsoile t-tn-ei~l Inithic 'M Vrtîec i'y ici cidri-ui uiT. t a':îl tJoiiîîîtobac w'. Thelii itîn îfaî't irers of itliave Gir ,p(,o*ot-f t. rvil >île, ne'îr I >îîtae.a clt ed-lc f t etthse pu i iwi i io t lit 11d lif ht ipî i tin 1assilliî: le îili'd-on Iliii poitiaii ilioht l 01 IlI>itu- t 110011ypsteray. . iiii i c> C t atiii,'ting c>ii th I ialit.N' of tietraiîd sîrîto ii n tutr tise trîssîl it liii bt[h w ouId I-c a îîîoitary lot-s to tht-tu. ctg nt tolf, rlastI"V't i ofiel Ii i 'hi lii au-leot î"lalrè a ia er 4cit> d UV jid es tirtyatrtcIe t"i' - iis »ii-,; ih u iii1ir i- iCi, ico cssîî'd w'th a light ii1iry. reî'î\iLie'sfor a iouIt mii if pi rt et I .titiiirh .8 iig dog hli t'en t rs>tr ith' ,ibii as t10 tise î ut ilitir ~' a ai i. '1t-'11o îii-i( h' caS. limtetilifig o a- . f'i) a petiticî jriee ti bytîvo dt'egari'e A tf c>thix 'l ' I" -ivi' ic frî'îîs *ttii ilt, a't t is (tog w',4 usc u tte i r i, i i i ji ii- i o iîL s ut ~c erpet et tise tee>. "tI- elea s A i-i i c îl.1ctli cayse ii i r- N tlitiniiiilail St!inpcr- tock their ls~i - i il agselullcilna Weingun i., ate on)aELe,(titlter-n corts fscing lits to cireiea Sc-ie 14 attlicosporte. Iiiuc.Noîhlnagel beld anta rl f ThisifHal, bte»c ofthe-sbîp ,,aler sn bis right band ; anti, being unl agiseE. /.ut, rtattîl a diîsturbanre, eusrgrmcspeker mrcusttiiul a snpa-andl utab clsainetet a post in the- stabte sixIi' il argument by gesticulations bc of isle iait-t At (; p.mIi. tise itable wtt ha'c ilt errait abou1t wiiiln addresng diiere'itonu ire. A rush was made fil,. Cliaticeltor, îtnnslndfîl of tise fae e la 'e-cie iltîlI, buit bt-fore tise cliain 41Ch ts novesuientse licited Fetverat euec- cold b. rernoved thie itamea droveCliso cesivce ita1poving uttersances frais reacu -ns tiack. Th isesctlîn was burucet tise watcbifullisousnd. Pneenty tise bt-lir-l îscir eyve. dog ro-se witlî a fierce growl ;chereop- Ac;ive prepatamimne aie beig usade on Prince Iiisemark, hattiiy interruptilsg frteieeto fteMs er rn hie ilriteeutor's e r'arke, t-xclaimed frts ccîto ftt aoi rn .I)tipust dîw isIt-ri, *ego 3> Lodlgi of Canada, which assembles su bl' do-g, ike myFüif, eutertaune a po-GUil1 On tue 14tih anld 1511 imt. Tht- f(1inîf aversion taevery kinil o!fîiaper Chajiter îs ta Met-t alto in Guelphs. 11e heliiviet it taeise a w-ceapon !', It is A CON) RNira Msîiii-:iEOy ANt EN- ucruiless ta a(ILd tbîut Mn. Nothoagel 1Niii ns.-W altler luecer. a ronductor jînamptly rmi withtî Iis requet. on thse Nashviîlle, Chaîtanooga and St. ot-viotsiy te tise satisfaction ai tise Louis Itaitway, was fataily betalt by llvalîn.iwhicts forthwvithi suhsided engineer Flynn for givinig ordens dit- intobis former peaceful altituide. lastefit te tise lter. Flynn bias fled. ht la intendeilotlacuomence tise er-c. tsci nf aew-arepoarters' gulery fan tise lioutse of Commou n u absout a mauiltîs tinie. Tise total farce now ec.tîîîtoyt I am1 the CiLtIqlsidit ir iIailway lui Jritisîs Col- iiibua le ";;;c') îti te-nnditll Chin- elae. A ntiîtnb of Qn'ebürersne t-niigrating bo PoltiLlevist luescaîuothlilîas'y ilti- icipl ta atiots ropot ci ùls tîth c iii. Sir Garîuc-t asliisltt cu :'et d b1 te-thic ranit Cross 'fflttct-Ondur o! th,, Pmhals.e % t-ih lîanîorly ho letailed foretiv cic tr>ici'. JoIiiii liruissi lauiIion ccli toitcr, fi-ui CoLiii, l1it., icil i Y> %. Noor hîrboohiîn1,'lu is es i'n tia dte(-ib( habdarracv Masoiicm-sud Luîlgi ts cîi i Ct iilii on u lii' 1its. tht-re sii I Ij Isoritîe of Milatreal Lave Ucen noailit-d t-bal a rewerd o! 5ti5iil bas diets ahlered far tise rtcaovc-y of a ted natucd Prendl F. sî,t-us 3 ars of! agi, .w as kbd. nippe-I Incas Hsverliill. N. Il., tact .Monida3'A recruinîlofiï,200 isb>oil(-id fir Li. bodyv if Ilcai. ALiiuber unucaîsusilîlt-(1 isalîearno î-epiiud i ltat ai Auuou.(, Iu7lgît, vil utn~arii f'aI iecenvaît 1,r Mtr. lîyù Calîuarî itretit. Shît-%cettIoc-tr to L., IladLt bt ps art î:à a linctati 'iliui -lusi', mii hu aêl ob-t-si b-unIfroin. b>Ii li ýeisiîihîii cm aunet-. lotdes, tic luit- n.. li*a t' ubel kft bhclid. Ibe gis'l t-i liîstrouim 'u:;il l'là ' -U IîtiL LtiLuo cvirîîîi-lr-îs boxF c -i-ttiaurrüol seaLy lii: u ien Tli' Ird tiu icpllcd uut, .icL I iil s'-: Niri',ut-ad ail w'ouau. dms cliii ittes mrous iting2tuki. -lu - s- lit- N.'. i eî1hî lecrribu s IL. W. hinîihici li. T. E.IL. listblis 5-t~'tIates -t-no1lange lu. is ;tu- cotis'ltiied bis afficil :iiir oI the- suaFollit- itlti r%' uiLtLsi-' A du-at ohiun' iod'p s of t5mi:cû d DscisItritnct. t-eil>itycsIl us céat-'.S;acî- lii> t:"o A young unausinus. oit Ilobstan bic oid n ILi'hi [fa-timltbltîni t SýItet i ils isfarorw'ms as asicis- cfll tisecarso meathùr itutlied iiiitatiiiti ccau , Lneinca onvessa vtt-i, 1 ,'iîtrc lltîîtou,6 lagen h-Lnuri.'au110îIJuîîeteîl ii i' tcc n ontmitheis ëprits a saG drsuit it ilI of he (a ugs -1oIaSýS, aluJnu binlg nofthe comspma. altýýeÃtheRideui alil, %itl a on.4(jýA bel o htulouu sf uits teljlcd i trriiiuiise iti it i u tIi.'ti stlllrritliîrc 'l'ut-'ii' mi à L mats tny osant-r t-el' îîîîî Iie ti (i ttrau e tile or amie inh 'Ilo ileoflwv Jlibti 'iilialtis, rni-- t iî'tuiîy us spiace ilsbotter ta hiin.eio h fstct-bItk cI dl11 sel cY . e nii tie and lt-t weil eusougis Fiu r a i- iiuittîl divocsre, oui t1Iii- grouiisuo!ft-nus-itresstîuî-mîl. Cult-vis jni' I Mi-Pa-.LnIIa ccliolo fa fun- flist h. tr,sIîlis ýut-i Tacvtelà ip, ws ias tabe-en Tist- îîîel'micaî note outh Iie l'a oIic u,.oreh-îlitils tfile6c1rting, W-t-afound cussoiiiiuiidm ilie gt-ac'riiî,-b;cà i egitstt-is fîsmt-a> nsc'niing seiud'lb>' le of th ilîi erliii C&înîreî.c,:asca 1st-icof uh ucctaa ti-ei ho us brasb,-:'s Woodst. 1tirlao uijÃe>ïi7 iu2niry. 8 L iULtit itt:c ifurtuanlie limue. de d lc'tîoa i a-!,1 tt-Olity- îyhi]' andtiglîbuidûfe at;mus sen te ile teii't iig ii aiu-i'ot-t>se, lte i ligiti ciitiy lit-use o! inustsy th'ut le tiliou-lit liv I .ii t Ili I as a tnuubh(rouis'- 1I îuatsc. gnsisi lici'iît-is. Ttc-a ad mci-mtluit-n s mokt-1u'aithie MI r. 1tinaîliugls l'u s: itru- tiY frolua WtisIam l t Igare stise t l i iîi itisf i tiîli 1,lice oi l . su- ibuggy ou ire, ansd tIse harset unuing lietsil e I Nr. I m.i oîia titon cta, iN t-c h ie catîcenus aras bail>' a-eckod. isude-a su1liag '-nb -. liie gi l('itt If yau grasiî a. nnttîccuake iniiy rul amIi thse îliuce ohfnseuuiî"ra. arui l it-ckLui'e cuîtitnike you, 'lliee tu5tr5 .rsry inmi' thîus-ist-a> sa s ai'e'ctrn papi-r. 'To bu>perfectly guihu>' af munder, anod bis brosiier in-lar do liii' greejîiug. Hanrritou ohflieing au accesory. "lise T1he iaut-t used ut Truno by tise latter lias given bisissehit fnc iof).arsls..tnowi Cut-teral Sîsînsisin, of tise United Sittaeo, t-' , vîîccîod tliail t Winnipeg, audimlstisîia district ordoereshave hteu i. u-l ,i gie l iotinguisbed soldier s cas-duel roception. Tise lîig toListn, and lthree barges, bac-e arrivrîl iiropot froibtse sait-- iiti on LaketiWiiieg titis 1350i,000 fsoî CoN. 1., ie inakiusg pragnese, but lieaislà is usignuiîan tsiNew>'Brunswick ile looked ou coldi>' hy tise Domtinion Goveriumnou. THE CamïtelVà ruVES OP MAaQUîorL. - Mten a session o! Ihroe daya tîxe Con- te-vîtive Convention o! Marquette, Mititoba, on SaIns-day, made cisoice'of Drn. Cowau as bisa pas-t>-candidate ahen the looked-for vacane>' iu the nepresien. lttosi f cf lsntitutoy occnrr. Cu.cSu:mi KIOtiuoS %s su-m-rt iuuEmpuiu -ahi: Agrtt-Gt-tierat of tle Canadien anJ Àuttruiian Colon tes have li-id (anti aiIitpsimciat meetings ta hronlole a maveinnt Of oi' lepurpîtes of estab- fihinig choit-n rehatisins betasien tise colouieN a tnl tise 'MoîhsLq Coanr> Tise t-tlt- iicie c- c igdirect ise- lion lu Ibe-Catonies, tg argentue ea surea for tlefone, iuil la arrange an iu- lsruoloniaî tnif dcsigued te, pronsote thia imiînîsO! tise ar4se E myire. Tise moos-ensuenî -istjuît beeu initiat-J, but tise Jetaite o! the Plans cf apontions havc etelyel bteu agod upon. TUs ORA ItC1îhtNSa IrFuina itte1.- Tise Oka Inediaua have ncceptcd tise Do. tainien (loTcntmeut.9omler b remove te aiolison part o! lIme country', condil. ilYOt>'o ir neeeivisug mono>' froua t> hie ItotraaSembuuany, ansi impie., Monts o! agiculture fres lise Govera- mcen t- rn>'Sound antIprobabi>' bu delecîcîl as -$tcin future lbuie. STise Lucsn brauscis f lise L. IL B 1. Itauhaay 1iatigicbetj 41tara Miles aud aà 9isrtor, %D4lise cos4et tarent>' thon. sassd doliari.One hsall f cf 15fr ani il bl egiveu Il jtise villi-of Lucan, and lb Ibo expecto 1the rma me b gva 714@L eà iîisn ? ui maye a Mthse whirh Chs. Il. taid tise fonunduion ctlte o! St. Paulha catisedral. Il aras preceîîsied ta tht clii iodge o! St.Paunl ty.,Sir Clîriacopiser Wrern, a mensien af the ludge. île>' sîtadcp if you vould ain pots- tas'; play- clubs if you wouhl deal iatis a rulilan ;play' boats il you would arin lneudbhîp ; pIe> JiaInonde if yau arouhd Wins aR oint-n. l'air trap prospects on manitonin la-c-mlhs facton>' Jnno cieese said for 9,4 Cents. A usa Maaonic ihatlio abeigbit Delta. - en utu TIso esopa nover looked botter in thse Estorn Townisips. TIse tle expert lraJc in being li. cd up in New Brùunaick. Hlazard Purd>' baesaoid hie-fan near à leckford, 90 acres, for $6,5100. Thî- deail fis su plentiful along tise St. Liatvrouco lusSe kare "iýearee.", A acaispapai-, t-liedis e Hercad, bu. hteun ritartcd unt Mas-sh, Manltoba. Cunipelitiosa, ins wooi amang Clt buyere sentià uap ta l81J cent* pt-a Tise cruel eattlc-mIUWt lis*,huabe abrintdluNantis Hastinge. $coqepoo. pie eeak 1 iesvia him - ChUdensu ad matches loft-in 'ocujue.- liopu burne ese o f PMir. Pfuà b,a AIlbqo-ungb fuis-es-. Ak cef and dumb pictus-o aget a bsean arreateil li P1eberlsorouigifou drunisanneas.and, indecoey. . ,t -lale> lnot'parate the. vlllgo Mi vý e aras pas4ei e04 the laIe Moopl ln 6 asthçnsty Couçil. - iaScott Act wà haétâà In to . * I Mme Attre.' A ve!y iteestlng sbory la ibitoUin the fllowigseoslelftlfriTodo po nttuloohe Eiandsonxe Jglit graitred Pom-pa ýour and& taptanese P~ns 1ýs aOficr Plain a FnyT inted Mulsls in Light Blue, PinkHeliotrope & Canary. Sullivati1 hhtaie t Lion wlscn bisé aorniuR Lake Shre ery fine Sateen Prh-1ts--Fancy and4 Plain *tç> match. train arrived, iand was informed by de-± ~ ~ . cns tective Kavanaugb tisaI a wrnasn dis. ieu ju rfie Ijusinsat'15'. oana 0 cnts gusdas a mian wau ln oneofo!tlie 1 . colbt.prôtcding tu lise car imdi-VCOif ecatca, Sullivan fonnd a figure ciotiscdadBihpL w -i1 pic . in a iikcitu sua sracv bat and new box White and Cream Indi Muslins.- lot-il ots, reolimng on a. seat. Il tf wor a nags o culy airat he ackWhite- Piques, Lawus and Sateens -'ail prices. Of tit liCtad antI a amaîl blaek mous- taclie. Tise afilcer at once recogsiized_____________________ lu tht- figure before im a aaai, antd-- a Very fair boolcizg onse aI t'iat. Bs recr gulzed lise offlcer as quiekiy rýs"ho ]LACK GRENADINES-PLAIN and RCAED BLACK BUNTINGS-ALL PRICES. dii lier, sud wlsen lio laid hie bandl on lier saulder shie said she know wisat COLOIED ]3IOCADED GRENADJINES. OOLORED *BUNTINGS-ALL PRICES. wcj wsAmIteiand would go titis lus.' AC I5TN slip %us ttalcen Io tbo cent.ral station, C1tEAM BUNTINGS. FNYBJTNS wlicre in auswer tu inqniries, ase tld liii folowing Étory ; - _-- --______-___1 Mv naine is Riata Bencis. I live is ria'1 Islansd. Nebraka withis ny bus.A b.ný,Vicleik ecl.WebvebenA Very Fine Selection of Light Dress Goods. marrîcîl i nt years, but lie is so close-i fistcl, stiuigy and cruel, tisaI I bave left Ait Immnenoe Stock of Black and Colored Silk8 at Very Low Prices. tiii tt- in my owo ciotbog, and lie t lias euruiglttme sacis lime. Finally, T~*ti aliii four zoontise' ago, I we10tework E' ey ade in C lred Satins. E eyP ieof B a k Satins. for Foii c neightutir',w-li advited mie t r h Iv r-rie ,ic liîy a mauss uitI and leave dhsguised in tttî îV.y, soi1gaI nsoney enougislaLtu RPQYA -"II'ES 0 '*-3+Z IO IE l' be ecotîs, and ast w-dnesdlay I I1-ft. 1 chiangeil tuy ciothess aI thec Fxery shadle, p fice and size in KID GLOVES, froin 1 to 8 Btutton. Lace Mitts, al -colors ana prices. Fancy Satin lioiîLr of a frsetsd, ltrces sses hom lioir, «au did nat sleop V»tiý 1 got la Parasols. Plain Satin Parasols. Plain Sun -Shades, very cheap. The newest sihapes in Hats and Bonnets. Chit-ie go.isre I-was ali ol board lise tnaýn fan Tgaletlo, abois I thonglît I The abo'v cmentioned goods, wortby of your attention, are to bc found at-- ieaw ns lhussandidnlutise dekcuî, s I watkedtu taEughewood, ccittr'I w»sal "' 'C 'S NOTED 1 & U333 5S TO% , wgist. Tise way tht-y deteeteh me was, litw*eii Chieago and boet I leli asieep 8 kLING STREET WEST, OSHAWA. and ruyyimoustache feli off, and ucien I awoke J founel eseeral men bxuing ut tuse, and blien your policemen brouglot --- - ue over bers. My sotiser livos iu NEW' ADVERTISEMENTS. Whitbr' Canada, but I uini going Lu lBuf.____________ faloa 1 sose a isister, for I kucar my________________________________________ brother, arould arbip nsyliîusiund if be B iE E T E lu- comed or tme. 1IsetFrod in 0nlt-l.~£S~C Firel, l4eclaimed naisoseslersdo! îo IDiRESS UVUI-' D OM IN 1. V N W ARÈ J1Jt JJYL acres about eighît miles fronitise rail- road, iu Grand Island, Nebrasca. We -:0 ,N T BHE:- . ~ ivod ha puiy tise finit Iwo or tLerco ytans. I bsad lwQ oilidren, but tise> are M ID D LE T AB LE, bath deai. I hope tise>' aihl lot me goSHEW 1NG A L R E ST C east, to Ioan neverlilve ant is hm00FE OW HA LSN W N A L RG S O K again." D F L.W 'tA . .,Tis estar>' aas ld witis frequent : : bunse of leurs, mu iebr face aras caver- Ail 17 cetsi, regulan pnicea of' ed wit1à ber bande durng bthé recital. s25c1s0. -- - -sm-- ___s lObe aas detainod inbise sergeanluSt'a2 ona oa -~u rooni *itIsont a charge Ieing preferred, - atis te cuplina pleaeure. CapI. LISNE T TC ALL THE NEWEST 13HADES AND AT Scott aays lthore le nothing 10 boid lise iE X IIN G creman for.' - ...--_-:ALL GOODS L -N 8I .A S IF:C S Tise stock pnescribod b> tih* charter ba t-n Wtisnipe sed. rRiwybs]R E )l aI I A BIG> 111351 FOR TEOSE T&PESTEY, BRUSSELS, WOOL ----- UNION STAIR AND HEMP Eureks Sait Rseun and 5km Qîintmnut. STRAW' [fATS! Among lise nomerous "illa u whici flash is hein,'"(lie diffenent discturt of Onoelier cent. ou Lnoait-o hîices :?oI m ir sý ilii ekkin bale no coulemptibtie racnk. A. nomial profit omly. ait ~ Iliieuni, Serofulous -Sures and- :0 S.xîrvy, bave iitiserto bisen conssdered a1iîast incurable ; but such je na Ion g - TuCVER FR[IGHTI 1RNC1 t-tçlje1ase.TheEuresISatNCEuinMillnery, Stylish, and (Jheap Tail- aiil 8ki Olinieont i.s was-anted la LEASE EXPIRING-!1 ureu tise worst case o! Salt Itheun nA'God ore n rs!e'i i . . . a?.v otsear Skiu isic.eif tt re amtonsl' Go.ds I aured in Prise! anaDress Luainmgtooruer. md &vi-~~iis, ~nJ1 rtigist. l1lyInvestnient - eesYounsg Again. Ask the price cf the Goods. B O E L &C . "smotiser waa eticteid a long hune Poseakl. euInpieWhitby Junc, 1880. DOMINON WA2REBOOMB. ti Ncuralgzia anss a Juti, heavy in- lseaktergurpic activ-e condition of lise wisoie systens; and tise reduçed îîrý$c. Set- bs- itbnervus prostration. and wtt- for yourielves t-c alriiost boliesrs. Nopisysiriats on med- icitica eilierhtn =y good. Threa soutsuLowrdiieing;IK ~ - - -- t-go chiebegaita use Hop lBtener, aitis ow redpiei iDI srIisl Rond effeot tisaI aise aee is d '-ODU FELLOWS' ILL. NEW ÂDVERTIiSEMENTS. NEW ADVERriSEMFN~'S Iec-it >'opg&gain, altisougli ovcr 7 S l i yua.-a-cld, We tink tîsee e ic ot4er - rudcnfit la Ise in tise familyY"-A. «- TO CONTPIAU'L'TSI lady, filiProvidence, IR. 1. Ses5edTenders ailbureoeîvod atit IMeC ~ C ~ ['~ 1 .vi -cInaîragzred Jown antis debl, l4th DAY O F JV.LY, InSets from 9Oots par Sot, ÃœpWard povtrty anid uffbring for yeaËc. eauaod v ~ T r. For the Erecti0eto iu*,-- !yaec aniily and large bille for __________________ r--e-c- datborine. aluis did lises usa good- ~iIVVU BRI C K STORESOwW1pNUî>t~1r1 h drear Som<rvillc, Greenwood. - thînga isn ii.u i limntimations WellfUsCed.Ths onsthe b - --' -- - '" -i-- CUItiE-EBG5ON-.-~ îi r stisatbie Cramcent ii a out,, toisp ryirmbue idence of tise brie, on t4ýe ls iboe.,'by fros, et aIloSYSitos'Eui'opei, l b Dumsath -%uotI tise eV. Jams, astie, cf Liss4saylise flosèker ofaocourage arhiolt usver'beeim dy Ro- -bbl uiM. A4to Mui ts oroanung if icI ils scie virtue. qusrtoer P 11poIgV8% i Mary Par?0rgsciedslduhter cf tise 1Tise samuissioners repart 14th t oé lat Jpsn oruio '.., wlarueiip Tap bridge disaster wares aig i . yle- A ou » MunipOsa. sumoiieuso ftise -mm* 1atln..Ase DEBA T ]E.8 Vereîyocondmn-the aray lime J*de va built and tise subs.qneint neglet o! AN~~REW8-Of csuxnj*lon, on proper supervision. ft Jnly 111h, ut lie regideisce of isýr faliser,_________________ -- JsamesBltack, Esq., Ehm Grà vo,'lOshawa, -NTE 4 Alite Fidib h.ived'aile of NIrmun 8. j4gWasg Andrewsa, of tise Dominion Bajiske aged d Genersi Servant Girl. A su4ddle 20 yeats and 5 e3onths. a pa pas-son ps-ee. $MM __________-___- qisetthà Office. byatJ Os-ulcmeulçt, Juil>-7ila, 18M. - aiWsat........ 011»71 ojio0' AI:pain 4MTY ON GOOD -spring Wbsea..-..... 90 1 105 f i..... BM;.------0O ece>00'-ni cau, ir ......... 275 aJ 0 . .~......070,0 0 BLÂCKOURB NT O0 Pose 10) uo6e 8t dl 010 - ...... i' ne>'88 GOOSU & U1Jj -Amerlncon~e2g r ~ ~ & Ù#.i n » o * 0 uo wfýy ..... ..P.'.. 79@ 1000 BA K RSB ......~. .... 0 lâ 0O2~5 Win be pald. D ..eet........t.... Vr0ê~C 'Wco,.............. Rldesi ........ os-kpatuari.. -t-*>~~.~10 ÇsTU.e. ..... cD 4j~ 0)1 E" Z rii OD 0a . eZ -J - m CI M 0 0 0 02 CA UTIO*NS EACII 111.11G t- TUEi Mlyrtie Navy! IS MARKED IN BRONZE IDTTERS. Noné Other, Genuine. Cta Drink thà i h pDti' LASER I - 0Ja 8AG * 'BBZR (09LAit lac Lis novi pr snes he"b1b"fi 'e &M j, aisic b*11le Lepi<> ctil tis e lonsie flnhebd, ab oIesmbl ng neW lu 11w' - 1.amio Il ebpe of as-,u5sb.i55 fcolaai leobtained. Go to 0 0 ColLgsfI muid tnp abat a fcaMing Ire in lssof Lg la li thsea huaI esmer depîl. ' 'Tse Wiltbh Bongo wartUaccu012 sud the isolaioponedcuits, oéf Whltb due notice watU b. giren. Meantime -tise. Lger >t-il lue Sept for enotrneans. Tb*uiig My- fnlu.ndu for pas, avsaid &ené, for -the, bonor of an inspectici of ns> near pyeuis. - I am, Tise lager Man JOSBPH A. BiiEL Whitby, Juiue, 1MS. -W PH OTOGRÀPH Y. J. W. _1RUJP E RT Fs-cmlise arel-Sinownfis-rusof BIMCI & 0., osonto, Photoaph'e-S,- Takee usîsasuiro 'in tniring 1tiseci 1.1sent of Wilby aid Soiuîth rlo, bist habas pureisaaed the antIre s-lgbt, muidIlr -o f tisat arsl-kimoariPhotograpiicn4 s-ing eetabiiismeut,label>' Camredou lupli Messrs. LYON BZROTHERf!t WILRI!4SON'S BLOCK, BROOK-ST.. WIXITIIY. Tise extensiv'e mites-allons muid inuprovo- mente is lie laIe ftrisare bieng al add d oby tisa addition cf ALE .WOBE G'UARÂNTEED FIBST-CLABS AT THE LOWEST RATES)!! -CHILDREN A SPECYALTY.- Sc Our TABLETTE PHOTOS. F'RAMING l u ~'iîs-bs-nh PHOTOS. COPIBD, s usumges.dicn AGZNT.for Maon & Rtis;c', manu- facuriera of Pianos aind Os-gaula. -Oiri- for Tuuing prosipsi>' aseeded'to. J. W. B. hope. l'y strict slt.nless tebue- Bnn 10 unril a eba» cf lb. patronage s hibarait>'bemlcareon M iii p'eecegsoru. Witbl y s41, 1880. MONEYTOc LOAR4, IN ÈAS Y BRIIS, 'Âpply y1- W. .1. BuIlINGG0' ti Offie over Onterlo Bank,'- ~JOFOTALE - tope' To-ient- - Or 'Togel rfBHuSEAIIDi - WlsiIby. HOU8E ANO Of 0 7 mu Wbitby, Juime l'iIseo. ne.