- I 9Z, lc~uartffl 0 - &YD*én i 4iiblgv tlivéL handritrie 11à thon à a- le'ameasautétu ha*eb,huidrosi mb- reit gangin lu oudiug étioaseto lb. 11 1 0 Busp aal - gud wbili:firoi wov macle aveies!, the blocs! of lvbnly oxen ilowed round tb. sItar, filliig the dieu- cse l nttorecels. il vitb a bnbbling caitmm tréem,. Ausan sd Beladan stoos! on escb Ia#d, (sing lb. people, vrapt, as il vere, hi e holy (rance. mou loohés! on Ibseein sa.otruok wonder ast votarles nasier the immediaesbinene of thé gou, wbarn Asar himsîf, coming owvii (om h biIlrone, migbl eddres face te face, vh e vesconmuning eveu Dow iu epîitu witiu tlà . seuls cf dep artedl bsrcée, vill aili e powers of a1ltbe hoastcf beaveni Litttledis! f hey tlulnk bow theeeue- ucli'm whele being vas pomescoed et Ibat very moment by a bumen vision of tue briglitemt oe sthat Mvr abloua lu prom- is, thee alteealt lips Ibat ever hisses! or ambiles! ; vhile bis attendant, yishding le deires yet more et earth, earlbly. pisecesilthIe erad vitb a gaze Ibat. for a i isemblence of holy preocOtoln. diii let seek a vel huown (naI. figue alturing cf form, lavlsbly attirés!, and N~o sootier LaJ the eue gene down, the' stars came ont, than Belacion, vitose lime was nov hie owe, songlul eue of Ibose courts vbich formes! a cwnmuaicatian between th. temple cf Ilaiand! the hiag's paleos, eapposd by the people of 13abylon ta be accu. dies! by Ninyse a jetirement froue vbîch Ibeir preseuit tempeul vouls! have renerod il extremely Jaugerons for biata emerge. Semiarmis adilreturn- os! to live in lier owue royal ciwelllng. vlierocho bois! sncb atate as caneci i fermer magnificence te pale. Tho coi- parabveiy desled; ans! ttriiIeze- ception of Ifs voodeti parka or paradis- es, féones off forgiamà u. no spot in tbe vbole clly onld havé beéý'o s eclaed as &bat lu wbloh Bladon liugered, po- ing toe sud fro, stopplng, muttering, glelang about hlm in frélfal pertuba. tien of spirit, pocanUar ta oee aiting l br a woman ou vbom be esuaci quite sispens!. "At lest 1" b. excliues!, catchiog siglt s aveiles! fgare glidibug amoug thé arcbet hsai stirledthé court, lihe a gbout lu thé dublous starlllt. A'.t lest 1 Ans! 1 sav ye n dohbe-mudait ci the miultitude -béfore the son veut r dowu, locking on et tbe sacrifices. Wbere bave you lingeres!, venusudnt wleat bave yen bicen Joing mince ' Kabmim, for îilwvas nuéother, rais- os! lîr veil ans! lenghéd in bis face;- (To bd Continuecl.> Tacs OLD Fà »uice'e CuOLueES.-It ias darh lu tb. deoaIone day lest veeh vben thue evsning train came bu. Au elderiy fermer vas bachos! np Uegaleust lice partition valcbing th. le' puUgenins andi the yllov covéres! cars %as lhsy Jisclarges! Iir passeng- Oo, wben s badmame girl daeéfo(re- vers!, aslurovinglieroeciiupon the bonet rangrs raely breo et, icûprint- os!a a hsaupon bias unburnos! oheeh auns!exclaimes! "Ton dear olii pa, I huew yen Wbehd be vaitiug for me I Aed bav's leunu, ansi John-ans! oh!1 pra yen tkthe b c ans! lot'à hnrry" The granger was cil *dsid ofs!udriés! rip, qutuliehoba!nsver koovu wliat if vau ta bave a vifs, mne léssa a daugIxI- or. Uo mictrestteo yung lady bas! madp a mistahs, but lnetal af steni- mering ans! hsmming andI hawing h.e cenua galantly up ta the scratch, ans! fhruwlig bot b arme aronnîliluthe(air creelure., linae!.np hb ino ba (alier ta bier or silo in thme allompt. Imprlntbng a hics like tbe report of -a plaId ou lier cheek,,lho entluesiasticaliy ejaculatemi : 1"0]à yonr mnother'e well, h ~ e su ohan au' Hen a n' Horace, au Beliudy, au' Calvin7(mmci) an' Joshua, muD' Peter, (smach, smech), Ch, tbey're lima lihe yoùxg-les!y'e fienila conul gel le lierdeoblait lis latb a sluy falot, aus! lb.y boa!o laug ber home iu s litck, wville Ibhebged grainger aslho fluishes! lbe third round vith lier out- rages! Young man, sud emuinteres! ont of Ithedepot, Iesvilg bits at thé door villu a boa eys aud. a ruptures! ceat, cbnchied to hîmsîf t &Tho aid mabim gsttlug culs! sud tieus! caelesa ike, but vbou Roy Young femalles vent te playanygaees'Capeubagen, lhey'tl fuinsllgt ta lime, se' I sbonldu'f bie 'prlced If It relueti 'foré 8 o'clock. 'G'laug Kate, l' Ja uss fas bvé ee1lu i-idé aIMer@1k. fià g r' sk tock. uofthe sé, télre;ber jew6lry '*s» rad! carveul lvory ; lier gloses veré tes! W ; Duta O impcé of anylhing but ied ocals! b.é eugbt about ber. éxcépt ber faco@ekau4,Iair. Soth enouaz (ito u wlanie W»mDst ;bëx.e n veio bavé beeu, ralse4 for l, aeus! en onyl s di êlug lu, frcm el tea l W iii blà atgý , 0.tid :lb#aýQ -- Latr(oubd Ã"aona4% Cà wà i Suio8le "I hs oelserMd neok isi ~edevu te di., Wben> ýman ouflve. hic nu. fulolamalI44hlbuk i mh-4 rl-.T baveéïdoue ec AdlMw.' Veggtabe., Pro ýiby a dort of.!bîi extrme jealouimy. VI orîleý 1115$ ie' n>gt watohlier Mors,:cloeély, ho l- à lte!pn'bbrirestding arét hou eeol4 üuti1 thé time cames for t111r .mer riage., Hoeforb&de«lier aspe&iing 10. Ony allier beohelor, and sIx. oboys«- lm. Then ha tcld ber oe. -mua« spt vulokat ene. This order wv ic te 1 foitow, and lie canglt'V ber vifli uuree nquesticnably regsiing on a man in the etreet. ecelles! lier jeta a raom, locked the docr, mordered her with a pistai, and thon oommit.teiloi- An ecoontria nih man live« et Elton, Tenu. Re imaginei]! thet the whole cauntry deired hlm ta bo Prosident» Taking adeentage of thia ballucination,, somo jokers lied a bogue telegram. de- liveres! ta him snaounciag hie nomman. tien et Obloagu, and subsequnt.ly a aimilar one purporti»g to comae (roui Cincinetti. He gave a great ditiner tai the young mon of the lave, and madie e glawing speech cf ecasplance. Grae.sI I amn galng ta se Clera ta. day. Hav'e yon an y message ?" Char. latte ; 11 wonder bow ou cen vieit thet dreadîni girl. Give bCr my lave." Miçs Anthony aye : Sho wante ta b. treated jest as if hier usime weu Sam. uel B. Anthiony. Ail right, Bamrny, o ld boy : coae p and tae a drink. An Illinois girl witli a breacli cf promise suit teslifies! flut il vas the usuel thing for girla ta show Ibeir love lettere to itftean or tw enty ofluer girls, lun order ta meke them jealone. The litt1e girl who vas dieappainted becenes lier namne coull ot be fouas in fte Bible eay:-'Never mnd 1t1I will be enclu a gooît girl tliet if ever an- other Bible ie vritton my neame shal go ino it.Y Londan Judly ;-1101d gentlemen (whose coller le hie pride and! bout)- "And! eaw, sir, yon shaltnete smro goond port." Affable Donkey-"'Oh, pray dontf sens! ont 1cr anytlîiug mare on Mny coonut." à Terre Haute pbyeioian taIs! tle coonty medical soclety thet one of bis patiente, a Young voman, wae attaches! witli friglitfni pains in ber loge ; ibet after two weekm mnffsuing @asrecovered, and If vas fauns!that ah. vas six inobes taller thlu before. The repart was re, ceived le impressive silence. *'Fernlier In their Mautha as House- bold Words.' Sa wrate Shakespeare. Itisoeuni- versally admittud that thie greet genias bas vritlen about elcnoet srerytluieg, ans! toncee! a sebjeot eicnply 'ta adorn il. Is woeld almeel sceenu hen lie wrote flu boe .wards lie bad in bis mimdS mys 8COTT & BOWNWe'eP&e.Av.snt Cà asoit OLm, for nov itlaispue of the groateef reqeisite.aof every well rege. laIes! bonsehols!. Gon os! ewives keep l se e prime neceseity, clddren lov'e the teste of ua, and la tbe whoie raalm of materia modios, there is oct a mare neefel physic. Prie@ 25 ceats. For sale by T. (Y. Whitfield, Wbitby. 24 Buclen. Arnica Salve. The Brer SALVES in tihe worid for Cula, Bruiese, Soes, Ulcers, Sait Bliunn, Tetter, -Chappeil Hande. Chlii bleinsi, Corns, ans! ail hinde 91 ah-bn erapione. Thîis Salve is guaraciteos! ta gise perfect satisfaction in every case or axeney iefnnded. Pria. 25 cents per' box. For sale 4'y S. W. B. Smithu& Ca.. Whi:uby. $500 Rewazd-Catarrh cure. Saineelieople vauls refluer be humn- bugged fluen ta get "valeinéu-oived' for their mouiey. IHouce il leniliai sncb persoaerun afler tbieand! fiai pretendes! care for cetars-b, forg.tting that Dr. Sege's Catarrb Bomedy la su positive le ils effeo4ataIie lformer proprietor ep- vertieqed itfofr yeare flsucgbcut the Unitos! Stateu ender a posiive guaren- tee, offering $500 revers! for an intur- able case ans! wes never celjes! opon ta -pay thie revers! except ln tva cames. Thbis remedy hec acqaireel sncb sa us ftaabranco office bas beau eteblislieei in, London, %nglend, to snpply ftxe for- aigu clomand fôr il. Raid by durggists et 50 conte. Consumptboux Cured. Au ols! physicien, retires! (rom prao.- lice, baviig lied plsced lunlhie bauds by uxomentai ctooagb to tie heM f ytaur chUs!,ycur faily or youreéU, Consampllion, Asthme, Pueurci <Joup Cemr~eas otmr fa~ "Au$eaesmy set in. Allbouth is tm 1 1%acuxe sivur le cnriog lboussu4s ïfihese dimeemes, yet it le ±nuch blittr F11 Ure yu. One btle iii 1oýi > r vbitefsr4flyav* intoir.au~, 'jto ave t Kt dan ger.Wh ouare o.~ m~pl, da nlre utlyou iaI . It iis rernedy. Sample lictIbe 10 extà . neguara0s75,09M4.. Sois! b iriCelîfornia Golden >Conu- estrlctly Veeétebleý prepiratioa, and! vii Positive Y Our«,> e 8ps4 oobnng sp of Jlood, Paon e pit of Stou- mach 8lSirite, Biliounecs osi PAF;n aueie i Çoanor sny ~egtou f tieBt m à u -or v lu bths ,o fuote 4cé , &saLbé Y Anohr 0 ~t of th'ose. ipendid ýW.A L L Whoiwe .wiII seli at, a -ûig 4a~~o The best value yot offéeod The LA11GESTl- ià d ESà SLETE STOCK m th cîity, , ' IN AIL ITS BRANCHES, AT THE OWS iS8 çe RV, WHITENINO AND CALSOMiNINO As usual, Reliable and, Cheap. M ART IN May. 1880. &'WARAM,l eOUTU 0P TUE 14tW MARET, THE CHOICE ýBRAND --F EUREKA RYE. LAGER IN BOTTLES- 200 CASES. ÂNDKGI IcEî-Orders for Ice taken- for the season,: to be- deliýverê,,d every day or1 wlien wanted, to suit Customlers. -A CHOICE ASSOItTMENT 0F- -S. C. IIAMS, B. BACON ROLJL BAÇONBEEF aIAMS,, TONGIJES, C. Ci. BACON, BOSTON -CANNRýD BEEF, BALONA SAUSAGE, &c, &c.. 1Whitby, May 1111e, 1880. Spru ng. R. H- JAMESON.; rr 18800 Spri ng. FRESH FIELD AND GARDEN AT THE NEW CAS (III OOOERY' EMPOXU~tM Flowcr Sec-do ans! Gardenx Seada, le great-vax-cties, et S. PRASERIS. Imuproveel Fieldl Canrot Seasis,- Freele Me.gold Seoda,*Fresh Impravod Vnarieties Tuu-nîpli caa, all (ram flic oSt Reliabie Seculsien, et S. FRASER'S. FIRESH1 FAMILY GROÇERIES! Toits, CoiTacs and!Engmax-s t rock botlona prices, Keeler's Dunde1*Mer- malade in biuhc, Engish Pickles, Sauces aud Jama; a laugo aeéortniont of China, Crockery aud Gla8seara, beeutifuDinner Sets lehup, nov and! useful articles for the. Ladies, lice GlUes Egg-boatean sd Meaeurixg Jar, Glass Rolling Pins. Try *the Princose Lauise Balcing. Powder the best in usie, dcmnud r il unreasixg diy. Foeraabeonlyetý Ihc'IBELL'e I3LOcK, BI*acx TEEET.1 WHITBY. ONTARIO. N.B.-Any quantity 6f Prime Butter, Fresh Eggs, &o., tiaken in exchuago. CO0 U jq ý y LIQUOR %STOýrRE, WHOLESAL14 ,ND ýRETÂJL9, KI NG-STREET,' -sOSHAWA. The undersigned, making the LIQUOR: TRADE '-- speosty to whioh ho confinéshbsM ines s n1 to sup Pl Faiilies, Hotel-keopers, and thée Tr&do g»zieraI1 with euine Liquors, a-t lowest prieýe8.* BE T IN S, iniw60dî aüd-bottIe. 'à BEST W 7 lbrad* BEST: WýJMSi, f8,y < -a't4êoa BEST GIN;, mulu ' go R ouIa PRICE8 4 -¶~~TifdN ý-A#f - ff, IfRIFRIOR QUAUTIE8 LýJAGe LE4 GiNG - e t1 lIN ~J e- NIL VYt ]Brook-St., --Whitby. 97 TEN -PER CENT. OFF!r Ail sales are now made with a REICTION 0F TEN PER CENT.- upon selling price, to CASH purohasers, Vie Stock is the largest in the County, and em- brace8 cverything in Dootà t and SIoe8, for Ladieti', Gentlemen, and Oltildrenwg weav-, Newest Styles and be8t qualitY of material - and workmansktip. Please cail in time. Tule reduction will ot last long, as leather and fludinga are going up. AN INSPECTON RBSPECTFULLY INVITED. 1May 27, 1880. Walsou's Bloalk, Brook Street, itby. a-o f0 SING TWEEDSA] LTES JOHIN F-,ElRGUSO'N HAS JUST RECEXVED A- STOCK O]I' SCOTCH and CANA DIAN TWEEDS !I Whieh wére ordered before the rise in price, and whiehlie proposes to offer at less than previous seUling prices. In cloths, lie offers ALL-WOOL TWEED SUITS at 1.10 In HATS, bis stock is the largest and beat se lected to be found inx the Caxmty. TMILORJNCG- in ail its brunches anti under bis own supervision. JOHN FEIRGUSON, Dundas Street, Whitby. NEW GOODS! M--ATTHEW COLJLIN siHATS, CAPS & GENTS' FURNISHINGS Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, AND SEE THE LARGEST & ]3EST STOCK 0F BOTS AND SHOES IN TOWN. - #C- Ten per cent. discolunt off for Cash FOR ONE MONTH. Cnsfomers are invites! la cail and examine Ibis stock, juelge cf lie qeaiily eus! teksea note cf the prices, ands mtimfy Ibemeelves as laevixero 1 tfbey enu get tle besl Bergaina, for.1 l'y. boots varrantes! f.a er- Whl etdi-vithaul a 1e4r Any vether, anyvbr- Ans! thst can'l be boat éleévhere, By thé heat. lr~ REPAIES NEÂTLY DONE. Boots as cheap as tbey are goaii, For ladies, gentm, aundigirihoas! Fit for Cilt' or thé voo ; All eboulul have a pair that conis!, And! be et rost, Came on aee.r public, leave yaur orders and get ai pair of Boulesaoflice rigbt hios! (rom'your obliges! aud humble servent,1 Merchant Taioring and Génts' Fur- nishing House, - NEXT DOOIR TO TUIE NIEW POST OFFICE, MoMiilan's Block, - Brock Street, Whitby. J. É. PRINGLE. -FIELD AND GARDEN. SEEDS! A large suppiy, Pure and Fresh, at :aB SMIJIa -a la uA NV GENEIRAL DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND 810E S, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE>, MATTHIEW COLLINS. AND A LARGE ASSOMTMENT 0F HARDWARW &cM. TO THE FARMEI?8' 0F THE We offer you for the harvest of 1880, the followung first- clues Farming Ixnplements : BIROWN'S WHITBY HARVESTER, (Improved.) YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (Iinproved.) CAYUGA Jii MOWER, (Improved.) * The ah7ove machines requro no comment frorm us: siter passing through sucli a harvest as tho bieft and carrying off tlic Gold Medal for Canada, We albc notify ail pnethascrs who want durabloe machinery and proposa ta pay CASH U(N DELIVERY, to cail at aur office in Whitby, boforo placing yanr ordors elsowbere, as it is our intention ta adopt the CASH SYSTEMI- As ncarly as is practicable, and tberuby mako our prico 11st at lowost liv. inh prices. Giye ns a cali. 1BRtWN .& PATTERSON MNFG 00. Whitby, Jan. Qiet 1879. -5 HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAIE) FOR -ANY QUANTITY 0F- -DELVRED AT- W. J GIBUONS W14ITBY CHINA TZA» STORE. A1sQ two Tons- of good live Turi Geeseý, Diue-ks d Ohiekenswaio ]3~or~illng all and,-se 1833. ~ (I~blished The Dry Goods Department is complote in every linoe end the Grocery Stock ail new and fresh. t> The cheapest hanse in the (Jonnty. Re- memùber the addree. 40 A. 4,8MITHE, Raglan. CA L L ON- -0FriwRI T BY,- For Reliable Boots and Shoes.1 -:a00a: Cij- Foot Wear of ail kinds " sold Cheap for Cashby WILLIAM BURNS, -Brook SLrýct, Whitby. CUJT TE IýSy B U G i LE S 31 AND CARRIAGE S. The.Largest andBetAotm tin/oCuty GREAT BARGAINS OFFEILED IN CÛTTERS. &C.-, in order to make room, as we intend to build a uarger nunuber of Carniages and Buggies this winter- tha-n usual. TOM S- & NEW P0-R T'- DUNDAS STREET, THOS. SLEIGH, 1H-OUSE & PA INTE R, WHITBY, ONTABIO. T58EigCLT ZDE, ROT TC1N lSnuo5 Es, OON si" I'o» LEMON, - RPI'C. u" -Ciýn nov b. fennd et hie Siiop,- tri TWO DOORS WEST 0F ARMSTRONG'S ti HOTREL,-DUNDA5 STREET. an ViAUl Orepromptly aflendeci ta SROAN D U K E-» (Pure Thorongb.Brea DùrbsnxBull, F 'v-a--rx-v.r vRVRB Ã"W5 son tb»,Pzemmse. ,F The. how se xey renovated fra ottom. Bvexy ecconunodetion avefling imbue. The vcry ýbest -oi ado0'gare natélsrderisin'keepJ ho beetinthe dty. NO botteri id goad attentive hoseties. COA LI ZP HAIRNESS. WILIAMTHOMP8ON'l LEATUMEVALISES ~ SARATOGA'TRUI'KS. -A LOT OFP- G'HILDREN'8 (ABRRLGES 1_ Yerv asm na, Cheap.. At the a WILIM TROMPOON Brook street, whitýY. j AT !EM G-LEÊ MAJOR MILLS 1 OOOfeet Fine Luuxier, vefsesmec. MONEY TO LOAN!1 (PIIIVATE FURDS,),, AT 7 PER CENT. PEi ANNfiUig, on fiT5*Oiass Mortgage secnrtity., Apply tê- 15-tH.ILB. .TAYLOBWhitby. R..C. CEMETERY, (Lot 2c'. 8rd con. of Whlitby.) -NOTICE ta 1B[SSPASSEBS; wi epeenepfliig speialnotce , lcr~- - d.And specil notce i3 .erbygîven that cattie fannd gvazing in the Cemeter3, wifl bcun- orny âeul'i adIeu0 the neners sued an daae that maY te OCCeuioed by thic the entry of sucb cattie. J. J, MCENTEH, P. -Prilst. May, 1880. -f LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, Allan Line- 0F ROYAL MAIL STEAMSEiPS.- SUMMER SERVICE vu QUEBEc. SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE! Thc Steamehipa of the Allen Lins are diaýpatchedl from Quebe eveo-y Satindy eboIl 9 a.ma., an arrivai of the train leaving Wbitby aq 8.26 a.m. every Friday. TEOUGE RATES FflOM eHITBY. cabin, $81 and #91, according ta Position 0t utateroom. ýLowey ratt7T6r ±oxntU itur- ets. Interinediete, #46. Steerage et beaui rates. serdinian.... Jane Sth, 1880. Peruvian ..... d 12th, d ,îlefa . ]9th, Mare'en . " 26th, Steerege suengers are ferwaadedtc Lon- donderry, Beifeet, Glasgow, Qneenstowýn, Bristol, Cardiff, eud London et same rate as ta Liverpool. Partieswxshlg te sena for their frimnde. oen obtan tickets et law rates. For tickets ana fnrffher information apply GEO. B. YULE. Express and feiegreph Office, Whitby. Wbitby, Mey 29th, 1880. f8 DAIL15\1INE TO ROCHESTER THE STEA>IER Dc ]ms H3 MANIV (ME. Srzawaaz,, Mesteri) OomrnmeeinThur8day. .4e-il 151h, -Wili, make lier rejular tripe an this rente.' LEÂVING Cobourg et 7.80, and Part Hope' et 9.30 every morning (Sxnsdey exceptedY on arrival of trains tram the Eat, Westsand North, connecting with railwey lices et Rochester for ail points din thé unted8ttW;, RET'UBRING-Leavee Charlotte (Port ef Rochester) et 9 pan., except Seturdlays, whoee she leaves et 8.45 p.m., fer <Cobourg ma T>ort Hope direct. Dealers inýStock &c., will find thie fie cheapset and moat direct rente ta Bestcnjý Albany, ana New York. -For fnrtlier information, apply te or, CAPTAI& 8HBWOOD, C. F GILZISLBRVY , Port Hope. Kingstan;, Ont. <en-IS E. STEPHENSON, Dom. Tel. Co., Ticket Agent, Whitby. SADDLE-Y J leimpeiii tncents -lerli thépyar, or oté *eu Orders ta s nef beein vrxtm:g. -W HTIT*B Y FAR:CEWELL HoCtel, Whitby. ]BAIRPISTEPRS C. H. RITOHIE, JA&mES KI salicitor lxx Not ryPublic, - efra or vest of Maney ta Loax înterest. JOUX -A.i (Sgcessor Bxâ STER~ cc L. TIII - - Bce 9 coriac., req 11--.G lanexc, x IT 1 bol