Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jul 1880, p. 4

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sud iBlue chi" . A' aavm MeuTAi.- Modem $d'o$o bu brought tb. oork log le a la t O Thêu!. a joy VitUwui e""or or catt, l itemaliv ~~~~Perfection wlîicb rendors it. lns u.____________ $0OM i'ii té ghist on l ier a4emak POgsible for the Msil observer tIode. 0f1OEInBI5aaclentea&bIue.e ldifference betweqin tbe real snd A ohrSim n ftoeSlni U1nohipp.d ail tb. centuries through artificial. Theri wuau a eminent sûr. A éhrSimn ftoeelni l bai paied utncte ibme of il rang, geaut at.law com rn e fi o Who ba r Md ilâq !fcsbion.d it fi<ure gnd bue, cork leog liai vas a triant ia of artiotic .\ I E E C la the r«olgf tb, BmpomHwang. deception. Nono but Fiin intimae A L ..P E R S -!ýf O Thon drageas.-tbelr taill, you remark, know for certain which was the real e hc we willse at a $Ji ht no o Inabueuof glyllowirer grew- and whie was i te 'ham inib. A 'hc elli'< Dii thse lie ln wat for it cre ? w dY ung wag of lhe uttter br,' w oA Tii sonortod, they a" , mdt e ilwokneW the gorgeant rretty veil, once q a0 'i 11 eemgty u?A aud of fang, thougliltto ulilize thitiknoiwledge cf lie ThbotvleytfcrdTi.L GETatBST ELC D I.5 JÇ - Adt Icir polb aCalesaaladrew' Urgeant'a secret la laite 'Te et au a greed h LRES ndBSenCTI B o k talte seiuaoft Ut-Emperr aag. -uewlyfiedged ycung bar 1 riseen,iiSTOCK in the. County. i i-ws lie's a pot with a celtuna Park, gorgeant vWu addressiniz a Êspecial jury r.r N ~.t.F iLL ln a par vhere te pob-bloaaoms blaw, at Westminster in bi s uual earnest 9:iÇ>A ~- . Where the. lovera elpe ithe dark, and voilement style, end lb. vag IN JJJ ITS BRANCHES8, AT THE LOWEBT POSSIBLE PII . Lived, diode and wve.cbangted inuote îowewiepered ta bis neigilbôl, ,you sec -o o--.-.ARl sales are Brit birds Liat eeraally 1ew how bot aid Buzfuz la oever bis; case ; - 00.PER i. Thruuglî the bows et the. may as lie7 nov,Vili bel you a sovereig 11 u n ~ W IE I G A D C L O I I C 'Tio àtaevwaf uad.ubWelytrue Ii i b slg Poiee adThe Stock ùi la the. reiga af lhe Emiperor Hwaug. he'li neyer notice it, bo's co absorbed in IDVer>=«>O«zlabIe. bracea everyti, ENVOY.Ibis Casa. He's a muost ezîraordiuary Man u i s v; ay." This vaa more --entlemen, a... Coins( mari aI My cestasies, do, Ihan lhe greenlioru coulti swaiiow no Kiad critic, yonr «"longue hai a laztg. ih tok tie bet. Tii. wtt drew a G.6 baW etemen, az B u t - & g a g e a r y e n h e e d e d a b r e w o~& e t u l t Ia the reigu of1 the Eniperor Evajug. large pin front bis vaistcoat, sud leta- Pe lf A. L,&No. ing forward drove il up to the Yiead in As usual, Reliable and 'Cneap. leather and fla tie sergoant's log. A yel l tap froze A r Pos Ofic Qurteiyail Wha isard il, LiaI made the hair cf M A R T'I ]> & 'W A R A M t b~. l AN INSPECTE Pos Ofie uatelyReport. tb. jury stand on end and causad lhe - judge's wig to faîl off, ran thireugi the 5SOUTH 0Fp TUE NEW MAIET. The Atlanta constitution- vouc es fo court. ",B 7 jove 1 i's t e rong legq, v, 18 0.ty ..tOj UBi J0 ST., W HTBY . sa 27 18 . report on file in the departmnent at diimsyed aud conscioussrickeu a, Washtington. Theit, rile siden tiêed leregerdices ai tiie paiunbOhadoin- by a l'aorte (IlI.) paper, and lb. docu. LictdOJuponIih eenncrd gorgeant- H H I E B A D 0 J E A R E nient ipeaka for itseif. It %vas tbe finit (1001)FICELINOS.-WV kuIow a biunaI H H I E R N FEU E A R effort of thre Wales'fond peîlmialresi btaiod feliow who sonietimes hil thie asi reader a quaaterly report : on au li ead more aplly titan pbilosop- LAGER IN BOTTLESA musten jamoî buckanio, president cf for "good feelingst.' Evenybody .ioiaodIfMT theUnied tats DarSur Bean ne- andi said lhe nman was possesed of ex- 200 C S S A D K G quireti iy lie Instructions af tb. past celient feelings. ' Wbat bui i. done?" N D 1 J l SI Deverell ofce o t report quartly, 1 nov foolil asked tie aid genies. *' He in pouaes- - c VitI jdein duly by reportin as folieve ed cf lte mont benovoicat feeltuget,"va fo The. Harvestin bas beau gain on prctty ale repiy. - Wiîaî bas lie doue ?" cried ICE ,,,rs for ,, ta en or heAND8 ur cuti abongit don, wvbeeîin bard- ccnipany tîcughtî it necessany te show season, to be delivered everv day o ls yelcvisi and corn vont ont mare pan tb cast about in tirt ninds ; butîya vng rp nrli aatr sm fbsfvrt ono byb-wnen wanted, to suit Custotaers. or B O O titan ten or difteen bocubli la the, aker th l aid etialil sionleti, - Wba bau the helt ai fîLe communilie, la oniy ho doue ?" Tiey owned Lhiey could Tclsably moeouli and coiery bave broke ual nome anythiag ln partionlar. --A CH01CE ASSOIRTMENI' 0F- out in about 2 and e icif mies from -"Ye.," answened lhe cynie, «'yen ay I hemv, lier air a pcwenful avaken on lie liaI ho iî a man liaI lbas gooti feelings. S. .E[eB.'AIJ IT p~~ rubjec cf religun in the poIls uabcniood Nov gentlemen, let me tell Yen ltaI S.C. L'ILI B. ACO and Maay goals are ba madeota know thon. are people lunttis world via gel their sine forgiven mise uancy Smith a a gond nanie inply on accouaI cf hein OLw'AON UE _1A S tieuornacier bad -Ivina day beforo yisler- feelings. Yen tant tel me eue gazier- OL day thiis labotai l i I know andi have eus action tbey even didi irl a ives; -1~ Cuetomoers arei le report te proeut quarter give my but they ca look audJ lik mnat boue- TONGVE(J .C.*ACIN lb.hequeliîy anddta] respecte te Mme. Buckanin sud subscrib vcieuîly. I kaov a maunu intii ev tow"n~ >' myseil youms Trcoly . liaiyen vouiti aIl cal a surly, rougi. Abigaîl Jeakîne andi unamiable ntau-yet he ba. doue BOSTON CANNE, D B> I3EEFe Iv. bD>otots warrantt ni at fuitoa Ca dis., more acta of kiaduesa tiazi aIl of yenDA ' Any veather, anyi put togetiier. l'ou may jutigi peop. D.Li.I&CN&c.,And liaI caa'lhob A TUTi or CouawnE»Y.-Tîe argument pies actions by their féeelngs, but i1.U AG x ç aroieiiy eonmcuced lu lb. Custoni. jutigeo ople'. feelings by Ibeir actions." f1le8s and hati been discuscod for corne Mn. Bucklend telle tie folleving Whitby, May 1lth, 1880. R. H JAM ESON r RPAIE tinte ;lte fat nian va8siayiagz as b.e @tory :-A very nervena mau vont eut Corne on dear pu came dowu smairei nta te Poil-office flsitig au Loch Tay. An immense __________________________________________ your, corridor : samien look lie ly. andi rau lhe relrgtku ic 11i tell yon, ccurteciy existe ainte eut ina niait violent menuet, lie rotiS n s -d-P innian lirit L-day as muci as ever. îbaking aud beudîug viii the. veight î r n .1 80 p i g civii requcît inever bhi-ge an naciri cf tho isii. Tiie angler-we cannt o 0 r u us auswer,-,cii him cporlsma-vaipaie ulti ,,%eil I dont know,"njusrd teoaller. frigiti. At lest as tiecbune itati ua been "I tic itiow cati Ini poing te provo faîstcnc o tie epiadle aIoflthe rosi, of FRESH FI ELD AN D GARDEN 7() T/IL iti. My lji-t- uticutto-r etand ontliere. courbo te itlii i-an it dean eut and es-- l'il gelt itoticthecutter andJsait sontecapti. Wiîhi tîat tito Anglet oxclin- 9 stralîger te picase ilubitci ltebhanse for cd, "Thanit ieaven 1 t1fe brute'@ paee la- l à niée and ibe'll do. IL.Yen stand biers 1,t ne go asteor-." AT THE NEW CASH GROCERYEMOI . andi letnie convint. ycu'EMORU 11,110 fat nian pet uto the cutter. tuti- A eniali boy vas sent ta te countrly Flawcn Seetis and Garden Sectis, in great varleties, at 8.'FRASER'S. tde.] î linte robcei, pîtkcclnp te linea teo ord a aicat lime ega. -He pren Imjtroved Field C arrot Secds, Fncsh Mangold -Seetis, FreshliIîproved an eiti-n calidoùt ta c pedesînian : î'edLils niatier lie vould wvrite 'agod VreisTriiSes l rmte3otRlal edmn tW fe o "bay, Colonel, Ini a litile abeatioa long letter, de8cibing lis trip. heardîagVaittuTniSedilf-tliMet eatedseetW ofeyo ttnte. ont yen- Piesanuhitait y place, &c. A veet vent by, andhti S RAbis ls Frig ml borse ?I' Ipoor mother was uearly disti-acted, R W ' V "Cctlialy,' ic-pied lte ma, anti wlten sit,- ot the fol>'iup gIttter frontS 1AE'. dasFrnn n lie iituocoi, prousei theoenap anid hm' :-I :amliera, anti I mv (lmy F R SH FAM JLY G O E I SY U G CAI lte ttastnap Stijlifast ta the lîit-cîu.an-sd i vent in swicaming aioren TaCfésadSgr rc oti SHI lr' Dnde ar CYIJNG post. Tic faît nt.n ad to pet out te tintes yeetenday, andt a fllet ilole mny TeCfet niSgr trc otr rcu elriDnhaMr A U AJ ediver il andj lii argument oeemed te pecktittbock, andi 1 vent aeRome nt7 malade ia buli-, English Pickles, Sauces and Jamns; a large assorinient of The aboya machin( break in two riglit Liere, and lIlI ining tie pup borne." China, Crocior>- and - Glassware, beautiful Iinner Sets olieap, aew and sncb a harvest as the -Nn liii FU.u:r-'*low do -VOn do usefui articles for the' Ladies, the Glass Egg-beater and Measuring Jar, W lontf l llow Sli.us -I)îciarl u-fIe wva egore ?" saiti a Frncbraaa 1tau anËgIîs laGIsRolling Pins. Try the. Princes Louis. Bek"g Powderthe ic boint W lontf i bâI I-I4,'aded bacîtelon, witose itart fur acquainîtance.-*Ratber pootly, thank use, demand for it incrcasing daily. For sale oaly at ta pay CASH ON' DI lte irettlite asbd beaua oved by th. eno,' sinened lie Oe.-"NSY y plmy gyour resl tender pssion. doen sars',"saidth le French man, "dont M 0±1*-1.-A_-F8BJ:E >Di , pl1ing ordrs) *'Tiiaen ocnfesse'~bhosaidinlaathbanitnemanoryoun ilicees ; 1 cauuot teinuies volte te lte abject oaIis ne- bellp il.' EVEL BLocg, W- - Y,-ONAI.Beocz Brazar.Asnalasi rcl gsri-d, *tlltIyen 11k. me a littie-uhat Tue Foi-Ty TîturAYankee ve wTBONAo i nearly s ivs a e diecranqulte zyha?' tn eve an moe hiioven t twentyt.Iâve N.B.-Any quantity of Primo Butter, Fresh Eggic, &c., tttken in excliaîge.BRO lady. sîi -p~New Yortiitatre oeenigitl le sece .Wib,~an lt "Anti Me&y 1 ci," lie continued lu a "lForty Titietes.. -Tite ticket-seller wtty a.2s 8 voice of emotion, 1"vit le.qucltles eharged bim iseventv.dive centsfo Fci] I~ I~ N LA . I t1 an battu7 expiain," csid thb.o (uietiy renianked: "Keep il, muter, - i 'vng lady, iaif uiy, "but I thiik it 1 don't vnt t e sa le ate r hi ty. < > r - sJ ' 1 - ' -J cn'îexpeisIl ate oleanl. Ae.an ritLCoomso-Rîî-AU -s u HIG ES of a mirale . Re eks a cliolat",Wliaî A clergymlan asketi bis Sunday. PRICE8 LO.WER T0EN 'A81CED)FR NEIRQAIl8 _______ la a Miracle t" "I don'$ kuow, .ir.' ." ,Seol: -<'Wlîli hat remankabie wea-ESWHR ailaioe, *dm sun appearedin hi ieP04 did Samien ai au. lime eday e:ea- avea. aI nigil, viat weuld you *ay number ef Phillahlues 2", For a vile 1 Ç il was ?" "The inoon " "Bus il yeu te v e w u %oet, andth le cîergy. LAGER BEFý,in 21 4 *iid ~ganllonpackages.3 2 ver, bold il vas lie sun wvieoldnî man, tle inli teebidron a 11111., .aax, vusy?""' a ua lis." iNow COMwenced I]0iag sjaw vili lie LaErt, er jusoa-t soe neve Ife Supose1 bld you h vawu tp ef bus inger, ai the smre lime sea -the riuht article. l ei u, ici vouiti yen say " The ing, "Whaî's hic t" Quick aa hhonz LE A EN U I sebolar, aê'a tuemon'.deep r.le. 'A litdo 1.11ev innoc.aîîyropii.d, "Tho eL AETP tien, ncdde4 lIde beadt i'1Plea.c5 sir, uv-bon. of au sas,ai"- ILONS M TR A -0N r -I'd Say ycoa vas druni." A yonunMau Who beiti a leadetipc IGRÀd~--D URS "isWby do'î yoncomene aont of the Iol oisaltend and ibreclteneti to bfov DOIUR LE SODBA.BI I nin ?" laid a good.natured domiale 10 bis brame oui nunicaitho girl vWhobhWL'DOTJ13LER ISODAN5WA à a n.gg.d Ilian.,"Sbure, ils eav no rofaied i hm vouid cousent lolikave blet LEMON SODA, 8BBLTZ»B WÂTRO C e vÉt conequaco yr rv'renoo," rolurued wUvas oodlld by bertbatlie wouîi SRS1AI8jLL EGIGER, BEBRrPGTASS ATR IL e;"mcl'Oî ala on> fouohl e îs h ave la blev ýozme brama mtoub.iea4 GNGfALEin Ckeoe ne fer tlit; e o' b et àaur, liruit. Re dida'î blov. - A short It4llan prayesieli"la net ,"Do you Say I'vo bea aruddrik. nover hbe otieid. Buniif I at arr cquainîctace. "Yes, I do." TheB a nnosdiot itpu:-Ipa la na talrn 1e2"sda et oe ba pciifwngnns prey liaI Ietay nol b. deceived Bunititere'a viiore yon't ailtaien, ctuoe iOi&Q5&LWIht 4 i 'am i ewet L çay ma I may ne: peortoi I dn'touïba drep for lire- everageorg'hieRFciI 1> o kîrgý or* mev t»ý f 'go f l I pray yera-Ia t act 1 rani nolhig but Uqmtie gl4,u dlv théImapho aleto eumiik." ",Indeed t tIWliîo years ouovialiy "Father," - sdauti inq "Dàb 41o eagiea gAve ntlkik, mtber 7"eck. rtralwe t-hr "viel&ýla ine,,nby laf "Ojlv e d heby."o,!y, wa "Cloudcelte. SOitW," teid- the. madie you hliak nsePl" "becanse' I bave,- faîbr q a1eS l imai ttnover ir. beard Oethébbc el'a corsratatTht. WHiH EÏ1i li y a cent.1, Thi. boy '41 ltee Oldmolliereaeed for lier ciî£per. %m" E ' 1W4 ot.- ~ -- ~ ,~- AT 7 PEUÀ CENT. jpERgpt OTS and SHOES 1-JOHN -FERGUSON- H A JOHNYP ESCT«US NTAYUO T H AYE'HAS JUST RECElVE»A STOCK 0F SWhitby. <5COTCH and CANMJ-IAN TWEEDSI (Lot 26,3 rtitn f hî V I>ER CENT. OFF!!1 l- Which were ordered before the rïse in price, and whih e ~9I~ oT[SAS proposes to offer at less than pre-vious sellang pnices.I 8sn Xe now made with a REDUCTION OF TMN In Çloths, lie offers giTs) ipon selling price, to 048H p*urchasers, A LL 7'O L re liue rg on tht adco ilhe largestMi in the County, and em- . " " al <4J foud rzni~~tt n liATS, ts stock is the Iargest and best selected to beJ.J tTE- found in the Connty. »,t5O- 23 TAILORJNG in ail its brunches and under bis own supervision. JH EGSN LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, Pundas Stret, Whiitby GASOW -Alla-n Line N E W G O OD S!F ROYAL AI .STEAMSM8s -------- -SIIMMER SERVICE vuA QU]E]gEo HATS, CAPS & GENTS' FURNISHINGS SHRETSAPSAE Tie. Stcainships cf the Allait Luae-iJb £i'ace ront Qnebec ei- s'a t A T E'I >II G-L 'Saboulie ton srrival01 n i jft ý w hityaOi n6ant- vrPidnait Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Fui'- -aiCain F2 ud P conlg of material and work4f4t.4 in trne, The reduction will not last long, as Ldings are going up. ION IR5PECTPLY INVIED. / Watson's Bloock, Brook Street, Wliitby. G-O TO 'HEW OOLLINS "s'v Block Brock&ST.WhCKbOF iIU ' ANDt T îra', H'LD±enEu iiCit rs AON.HE Pe IcntOWN.m tOf orC" FR NEnt dMOuNT f o a ini'ited ta eau andi examine tItis stock, jutige âka a nlote of!the pnces, and salie!7 themselveî s ule vint. liey eau gel lie besl Bai-gains, fer teto 1 eer- Boet ai citeap as they are goot, it a bear For ladies, gents, andi girliooil- -viere- Fil for cily or lie vood ; Mbat olse yuoere, andiet avepair laIB olti, h r oilig.d anti humable servent, îblic, ave you oresCdge arOLotsoLI, ':-FA MATTIIE OLLTHE DAMEBNI O THE forMehINItofN88, tefloigfrt WIIITBY liAlVESTER, (Iinproved.) es teqniro ne comment fron us, after passing throngl 1 laht anti carrYing Off tLc Gold Med.iii for Canada, pur-xhasers wiio vant durable machiner7 andi propose ASH SYSTEM!- VN & PATTERSON MN FG 00. MAKE RIE 9D O ARKEAT PICE PADFFO -ANY QIrTT F D ELITÉ' EJiAT GIB BON'S3 Tons ofý good live Turkeys, bks and Chiekens wawted. W]tb cali aTnd seeW Establi"shed Sarainiaa .... w Peruvisu ane5Li, lse. Polynesmn -..... lth Moravttu -.. " 26tb" Slenage asseulgersamefnrwadedtej., denue-z, eaui., GCIagov, Queestvý Bristol, Cr sf ud Landoa t samo rat as le Liverpool parties wîihing te eend for lieà fris,, cen chtilatickets et 1ev i-alo. -For ticket, and fui-lter ialermeticu api te- GEO. .TuLE. Express snd Telegrcpi office, i'uui 'AU rE NE PStetOFiCEy FIEL AIBGRoEN Steet, hiby F E DA NDe GplPuan rDENs EEDSI GNEA lrgesupl, ur ad reli a I3OSA G L A N.RCK.RGLSWAE z AND.-A LDRGEILSSONEETOROFCHARDWAR The Dry Gootis Dcpartment is complote in ,ery lime andtiho Gracery (Mt iaayox,, Master,) Stock all ncw and fresh. &> The cheapetut haute in the CeunI7, Be- Cenzmwning Tlegraefy, Ap,-il 15th, member the addres: Wtll make ber regeler trips on tbis roua 49 A. B. SMITH, Raglan. LEAVING Cobonrgaî 7.80 sud.Port ap arr-ivai- et m1nfon the s t,etd Norti, tonnecting n-tii railvay iinoi ai -C A L O N -Rtdhstters llc li eU iin thea Rochtester) et 9 p'm-, Oxcept Salnrdayswhen- ~ L L ~ ~ ~ N e letties et 8.45 pm., for Cobourg anti w Ir l e a I À K l u t 3 l 1 % ] w a le Dele utinStock t&c , vini ad tLiii lbe cherîpest anC mail direct i-cule teBoston, -0F WHITBy. Albany, and Newyozk. For Reliable Boots and Shoes. -or -CPTÏN ' ROO &,t. Port 1oe I TPHingten, o Te. CaO. GO-t Foot Wear of ail kinds solti Cheap for Cash, by E TietPentO, Damb. Tl a WILLIAM BURNS,TiktAeWbby Breci Stieet, Wiitby. 5 AD D L E RY C UT TE R S, B UGGIE Sy IIARNE S S AND ÇA-fUMAGES. WILLiAM;,TIi'OM~p8aN The Largest and BestAssoîtm nt ini the County eIrol#nt a= ag u GREAT BAIRGAINS OFFKiRED I _CUTTEIRS, &o. eerhbn >LEATHER VLISES ANDg :'k order to maake room, as we inten build a larger SRTG UIS number of Carrnages and Buggies this winter titan usual. -AL LoTe0Fl- TO0MS & NEW PORT'S ey aasm adQha.AtIthe Cu' DUNDÂS STREET, -. - W HITBY, ONTABIO. O au5ieg udOcp tlee W LI MTHOMPSON -j' Bi-ock St-sle Vm*4 THOS. SLEIGH, TUE CLYDE UOTEL. Dc2,89 1 P'A INT1 ER, The hoz:e is uevy rtatea tiom top o btm. EverY accommodation for lie -Can nov be fbanC At bis silopr- travelling publié.b. ve ot cf tiquer TWO DOORS WEST Ofr AIMSTBONG'8S ad tiges, tt belrebl epigv HOTEL, BlINDAS STREET. th e tihle Cilty. No *bolier stabuitu, gn oed attentive bouliers. 1y4 Witby, April 44, 18M. .16 (3 O A L "R;OAN D U K'E." IvPn ERVE rougb onBtcdDubaFme8h-from the Min170 W 24, PbOcciso iepomse ILEG E,$150. AT LOWEST FIG URES. GEOItGE ECE,. Ltr rese Aprlî~h,1S>.- ' -t K-N Q B R O S.- I~R.SNOW; to nairala i ~ fer as. .~ L. ~ orSon -t I psrtn,l knt lt5 'te tn ti UYÏhe yen %* Oralt ýwÎtbe i -FAKO Office BAI . Fi KB Dona 4 BAa LaS GLEN- MAJOÈ mIu lorite M, 4 e 2 catlg 1 ýl 1 1 -l 1 .1 le 1 T- -[:TA rin ci 1- - 1 . ý entry ôt ýû,-ý , V00-li TO TIIE NEW POST OFFICEI 1 «N mcmijlan's Block, -5 1 'l 1 1 ý li

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