'We-~l11é?~ flrl!è.--1 POSE s N Us DAVOUEKS5 LOVeR. (Little B ae stte.) The peculiar condiitions UPOn WbîCbi Ilmatrimlonial aflair was basil inl South Arkansas bas just came taebght. Dici' Anderson lied graduatod between the plougli haIlel. It was ssîd that lie caald runas farrow se aligt ibat- it woubd break a kuook-kneed mans legs la walk in il. This eoompishmeot was a kmud af froulpiece ta a future volnuie of agnoculturai sucesansd more tbau one yaang lady in the neiglibor- baud lieit ber eyes on thîe Young catch. Dick waue't beeliful, but hu didut sceti i 1aaticuhirly impressed wîth thc charnt,. euaaiercd srauuod Jan lîke lai- Jing liopo Of weter ibal linger on leNfY trues alter a eluawer af ramn. But le ,%oau met bis laie, e youuag lady, Win- nie Hourow. Winuaie wae a very beau- tiiut girl, sud couid caver as mach coru wîtli a boc, or orape as mach Caîtoua ce aay man in th. e iglborbaod. The couple ktved-devotedly, agricul- turvlly. Eaogrow bad raised hies daugli- ter uiîh great cre, and iDow thal ehee lied atoined the zenith of lier asfi- ne;, it grieved binm to tbiak ci loeing ier. one Sunday Lick went laver, ad Roifig ut abere the aid inau aeliiîg corn bte te pige, sd : Mr. Ucgrow, 1 suppoe-" 1Itdont euppoe'e auythaug, sir." Vi'eil, thon, yon doobtiess ka(w-" 1i don't know auythiug." '[hales ail righl then. 1 arn gaiug ta marry your daugliler, and by ni cara.phaniig yen wiil kuuown sane- Lhin'. Do yen wcaken, Mr. flograw?" bece lire, Young feller, I cn't af- IEdte iaeemy gal I have powcrfui aci lck tht.secason. The cnt-w ormei begunuan the corn bythue lime it came Dp, and the bugs pitched toto the coi- lanu; and ta make Iinge worse,rny bcdt mule uanc eaf my oows got itoa fighitt bc ailer day. The 00w iuooked the maie, snd the mule kickcd the COW uti bath of ihean died. Sa undar tbese crcumstances. I'd ratlier yau'd ouarry spmebody else.' I dont socept yaur miefortunes as excuses. l'an going ta marry the girl." I tell you wbsl l'Il do, Dick. VII make Ibis arraagemet-we'll wreslbe, sud if yen tbrow me»ithe gal's your'n ; if 1 tbraw Yeu,shes inue. if you msrry lier againsb rny will, I elial pleasaaîly exterminate yau. If yon throw nmesud marry ber, Ibis faran, together with the girl, in yaar'a.. l'Il give iire trials-one la-day, ane Iire weeks frai nonw, sud thi. aller in six wccks§." Diek wss carnpoled ta abey,altbougb the oaIdmnuwas recaguýizecl as the best wrestler In tbe county. Hec bad chaIr lenged everybody sud thrown cvery one whli bailsoop ted. After csttug bis diuuer, the ol airnuanuuuaed bis wiliuqness to take bis first ballot. Dick wss wiiug. The contestauts, includ- iug the girl, weut luto Lb. yard ; thle girl Loak the bats sud tbe mca grap- pied ssci allier. The signal was given aud Dick wént avoir thc aid insu'. hecd anid plougbod sastuart fnrrow iu tbe grond. Il live me My lat","li. ssii! tathe girl. IDont give il ni)," suie remarîcul, badiig avur the ic. I la0away sud practîce." Dick lofti dieeaursged, but bskiug tbe girl's advice, wreitled wiîb steamubost menanad tarriere until the lime for the uni trial came. At the appointcd timue Dick appearci ait lagrow's rosi- douce. "Fi-cl like yen cîîuld out yoar car- plnti-re pretty wlil ?" aiilicil the-aid -I1tlîink iwi. I fet-I thaI nay cânce i puai, nd wiîlî the ait ut s kiud 1Pro- viduc, 1u he tapile yau.- - 'ruvideîace conies in paîty hiudy at tuist," ssid the cil]inau, puiling off lis coal, IIbutî's saliard malter ta buck agio au alil tagor. Gel oulea yor jacket. If I fal, tus girl sud tii. tarin js youru. Four liundrcd acres, sud aIl uuîder fonce. Gal wcighaeaue Iiîuiu-.rî'd sud ilty. lBig inducernuts." Tii" tmen grappici!, aud again Dîci' plaagbed the earîli. Dontsgave up," ssid thie girl. No,"'sai lCie qld minu; "for ths land is uuder feuce., sudlb. girl wcigbs au. bundreil ai fty-cau handle s lia. woaderfuùl ' Dick wenl away sud pondered. Il wa. evident Iliat tlb.-aid man eould lbrow im evsry ime. To base the girl was ta wreck bis lif.. An ides struck hum. lHe sinil. lHs left tb. lb. eeremou a -large neo m u p. pesred aI the door sllrsoting Dick's at4eiouJi'eý d'lI iU utmy 010. I fluug lh. old ums» ard 'ncocgh t kil hlm. v)hre's x»y manuy 2" ýDici gave 1dm i OO, Oeil tumalu' sound rw cel.4. ssrlngla Im the -91à man. - i'loxplaiu," sii the bride. groom. Il Béallisg thit j- ooubat tbrow you, sud ait .snezm l ime re&l. i 1ig 9 -m aplpasçipended on l 'vc1ur ' H~eb tped to bnokie' asigneroht 'iï.w iiulê t4ýow' wsütd.t eatllag t4aa'.place ln tbe danL' Âtet h. fiid trw , Wbeu Dltâ bduigl.lb loôked 4t in Im«cM uti dve minutes, sud reiusrked: 'mlw~ a~ Igb nes» trici' - bat lh. farm a»d gsi re yun. Four obal aorîd acea 'ailuudes,-hfnce, end the g-:wlg.e.rbhuê ud - -ei ~A Easy YamiIy. A omst. bainà A certain gentler.*u reqclriug logal dikistauce had beeu recomanded tô one of the two brothers, but Lsd for.' goLlon thec Chrtetinsi naine af hian h. sought, igolie oslled ai lth'e ffice of b. ou. firsI fonadaseki d for Mr. Pod- ger. "That ie ny' naine, ir." "But thicîctea if yon of thai nome liera ln lowa ?"' "Tesi." "XVeiI, I wieli la cousull Lie Mr. Pad-r-excuise me for Lhe allusion- Whio woas a wg," 'XVe bath Wesr wig., utir." ."We'<Uo, thu mnu1souk waru divorced frein bis wifc uot long fego.', *"Thure yen lut as boîli agatu, sir." "The man ta wliam I was recoin- meaded bai; recentiy bien aocuiled of forge ry, -tlîougli, I trust, uujusily.'" "There w. arc agamu, my dear sir. W. have bath bsLd ibal genllc insin- uaton laid aI aur doors." -'Well, uon my word, you two brollicrsebuar ea sriking rescinhîsue.. But I glacesa I have gaI il uow. The que I ain afler te iu the habit afi ocoa. iocally drinkiug ta excase-sornetimes la intoxicatiou... "My dear man, Iliat 11111e vice la un- fartanately elarscecriat cf the pair of us, and I dnntI if our besi fricude could tell yen wlich te the worst." "XVîli, yen arcesarnatcbed pair cor- laialy. tell me," cautinned the visiter, "whiegb af tb. bwain il wae that bob bthe puior debLor'. osîli a few moutits ago ?' "Ils, ha, wc wcre otha ths LtImuil. dle. 1 waseou Bobs paper and he was ou mine.'- "lu urcys 8naine h' crici te ap phiito tlepeaUl', 'wil yon bell me whîch aofIlie tir a i tte Mostsensible nu?- "Ahi, iarû en au ci boîbain, My frieud. Poor Bob, 1 can't straicli tbe truih, aven 1o cerve salirothor. If yon wanbt te mare sensible Oon bbchetwa 1 suppose I muet acknowlcdge the coru. I'm the man. "-Amcrica,î Tému's. A OnU.»' COUAOB&c.-Ou Mondey afternoon George Gailaut, Lie fisc- yesr.oild sou cf-.te Rov. Walter Gai- tant, af Patlersou, N. J., who reeldes on theriver bauk on thie odwitaville rosd, sud i8 a veutursome yoailh.jump- ed iiita a. paper shelI boat moorci! at tbe book,, sud, wiîlî s emaîl stick for a psddle, boldly pneibed frein the shore. As thes abeli driited rapidiy wiLh h ie carrent towrsa dm ut a sitort dis' tance away, the lie fellow seemcod La realize bis perilius situation, sud crics] for bel p. A pi ymate uam.ed Everitt, aged 8, sboad au the river bank aud watelied te boat in terrer. In,&a fcw moments lb. boat wonld Le swainped an lte edge of the dam ar burlêti over iL, aud young Qalsunt would lie drawu. cd. as thecacrrent was rapid sud the wats'r deep. Young Everitt, alîbougli' lotllyiy guoraut of tbe mautagement of béas, jmped into a flat-bobiooed anc close by, and weut Le Gallatsa relief. At this tîrne the îisv. Mr. Galîsul ar- rives] ou the sceniè. Bath bus were re-il outiti thbbcrruu r, and thle nà rrow rsciug Rsiil was in dianger every mo- tment of bcuzag overtuvocd by ils figh- teued occupant. Yoting Everitt, liai- ever, reaclicd hie 11111e frienil, canglit- the painlu.r, sud eautiouuly tcwe$ thie boalt t hie shore. 'The two boys wcrc recei'-cd cutlhnsiaticauiy îy Itie îbrong liaI Liad gatiîered onuthe sbare.-New Yorh S un. 'ihn - lielectiou iras in Inciuend a anar caudilates rinmpl in lu ligu luir. Si-itou, s joarnalici, aiefeail i4,. King 'Iiatmmau4, Lord - Lucuenant of theo couoty, au immrense laud-owner. lu fioicouuron -thte OConnor Don. tlauîiglu of aticisut Irjîli stock, bîaluiiag large citates, sud eupported by Lie ltan Cathollo eiergy, was defesheil by Mnr, 'Keily, anothe-, jourualiet. - IL may nat be geuermlly kuown thait paper le becorning s very important l'auldio0 ineberiai. The domne of Lb. Palytechto Inebibues ebservatory aI Troy, N-, Y.. is luilt untiIy ci tbia material. It is redacud by Pressure ta fIo lardness af waod, and je Iuid au in sections oue-sxti af an iau in bci'. nos.. The wegit of bbe structure ta ouly abcut nue-tenth lif wbat it would b. bl made of the ususl imaterJals. It is ssii La gise satisfaction ilu ery par- ticular. In Eugland about one in twcnty.one of lte population lias su amaotcul mIs savings baukt; in Wales, on. in fory ; in Scotlisans lu i twolve ; send in Ire. landl, Oon l b undrol. 'thé suriut owiug la deposiiore on Nov- 201h, 1879, wss equmi tuanauaverage of £l île 4d. per Laid of te population in Englanil, 18s. per head in W aies, £1 M7. 5d. In Sotîiadsud 7s..10d. lu Ireband. Thas statisticasaîutalu the popuiar reputatios of bac Scoîclummu fo annuy carefuinese; ter. are more people norti ai Lb. Tweed wbo make sud put by tsavinga titan la any other part or Lhe kiugdoan, sud they accumuulai. s larger amount. lu bis reception speecit aI th. Spauilb Academy, Emîle Casîclar p aid a higb truLule ta Victor Hugo. Trhe poot ne- ptied by a letter, deelaring thbc eïs- peobalîy appreelated tlb. cotupen9 L«Kea.iL came "frota one cf the grt. ustdghtts of aur ago" The',null orator aamwred: ~ thanit yotif iost lieriiy £or glving yoar attention ta zuy Ei.eeh. Whou the pneseun einluz"-is spoken of, it le impossible tu overleek your oereiga gonins. TbseIribuiI, I p aid yoc 'mas nu morem onWUome. it wasbat a pale expression cftf iqi. - lngs 'of zmy wbnlecounutry. 1Am fan froni osssosng lte hlih quaity you 4tLnibute ho me;9 'I1am ,o ly edowed itlb lIant vIrtue 'mincitPIsta regagded as"b t elLer c f ail sciences sud at. 1 know liow bo admIre ail tisat lae nrc âud beautifaLL. - Yau wWl, therefare, "ndlerslnd 10Wo'ueach $ii sî ,adigrae *nd Iov6ý ycii, 1îLhéMu-o1 diti»lMof bar, pceb."' Nam" M ePouroa COUwR-.RgLs ~iLi dec PbtaslepblaTitan amy mnnwho w$l(ea ta'te editor' requosi ing bIi t -'state lbroigbh io'valuAlïe pap e'titalJobhn lth, of Joues streai, wiho wa arrasted for beallng hlm Wf0, 'mas uaL John fleny 3ngth, the poeutu- lacr gracer, of 52 el.e Why Jolihn o'rybç iappossiubat hit frionds'mocl ui ,poé;à ihlmof 'is b.alugLe eldx~ hund'it te ueess. are tu axplain, nor dcsm ho çÀqplsai 'mis>' be- hik Ibluls lse eniled t'la agrmtt ons adverllmeeznt' uthe arengtb tUf sôotas other Smith's ramcaly. -If - Mon# chanci.: 1là o Lad bt hte-I ISpri ng. 18800 Spri'ng, FRESH FIELD AND GARDEN 301 >fl: f ml E AT TIIE NEW CASH1 -GIR0CERY EMPORIUM. FinivrS-en ids mil Gairdent Seeds, in great varielies, aI S. FRASER'S. Iîatîrovv'ed Ficbd Carrot SeNis, Freuli Maagold Sceds, Fresit Improî-ed Vtrreie uTurnzp Sc-eds, ail friîn LtheMost lliabla SeeLiumen, ct S. FIIASER'S. ---COU---- FiRES11 FAMILY GROCERIES! Teai-. C<rfle-cs md a att rock battoni pniceui, Keeier's Duindee Mar- maie a uil,, Enrlîsh IikeSacs dJams ; a lprge assortmienî of Cbuîii, 'roekcry and Gliistware, beautiful Dinuer Sels clieap, ne'm and usefol atytic]-" ler the Ludies, thie Glass Egg-beater and Measuring Jar, Glas Ãkililiîg I'itib. Trv the Prîucess Louisue Baking Pawder, the boit in lise, duîuand for il îincre&asudaily. For sale ouly at simoNlz Dnr-u..aL't JILDcIS, Basocu SvREnr. WHLITBY, ONTA.RIO. N.B3.-Any quaùtiy of Prime Butter, Fresh Eggs, ke., taken in ii oge. FREDERIOR NELE LIQ UO STORE WHOLESALE AND RETMIL9 KI NG-STREET, - OSI4AWA. The undersigned, making the LIQU OR . RADE a specialtyto which he confnes hie bu. . ds,1s ýenabled to supply FaIlHotel-keepèes, anduthe 'Tradâe generaily with genuine LUquors, ai Zowest prion. BEST WINES, ini wood and bottie. RFCST BRANDUZ$,pieebds.» 15EST WHI$KS S,7--ydairs-in, wüood, (Watéd) BEST RU, ineodJaniaa BEST GUIN, inohiding ---çId- Hollands PRIOE8 LOWER aWÀWÃŽWtiM-»-E FOR' INfRIoR «ALIfTIj; -1-AGRR 'LWin EadRET1l Ã"ÃœLE SODA .WATEPR, OE M SODA, I ELTZER W ::-- GUPABJILB,>GIGE n E POTAS8 1VÂIZB,ý i e ~ - - ~ --. SOIMETITSG NEW rUt BOOTS and SHOES !1I ATH A YES Brook-St., 1E7 OD TEN -Up*ard 0- Ourpwn ImRportation direct froiâibeê SOYTMES alid SN.ATHB, H &Y FORK8 HAY RAKE8 sud allier Implemnts, chsap, at thé 1"Noted ChèaPý Ho'Use" - Barked Wire Gahrvan'ized l" 2id!r 41bMr -d~ ~Jt.ppotnd. SIpecial Qitations for QUAYVTITIES! KILLTI 1QS With cr pure P"&I8 GREBIJ, we gparn. DRESS.AND MANT,,LE MAK.ING M. & S. . MC1INrY-M -E;?jE ARE OFFELIING GREAT BAIUJINS IN-- MILLINERY, UNDERCLOTHINGI BABY LINEN. &o. --000--- Special jattention to-orders. Magni- ficent assortment of Trimmings &t reasonablo odet. The Best sewing mnachine, for sale -and to rent at. very low prices. Orders for British Arnerrican Dying Co., for dlean- ing and coloring of Feathers, Gloves, Dresses, &o., wilI be- received and promptly attonded to. M. & S. E. McINTYRE, Agent for Buttericke Patternsand Fashon Sheet, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. - Ten per cent. SHOES discount off fo*r Cash1 FOR ONE MONTII. Custorners are invited to eail and examine this stock, judge of Lb. quality and lai'. a note of tbe priceR, and satisfy therneelves as to where tliey eau gel tboabet Bargains, for I'vP boots warrantle bwer- Bootesea cheap as tbey are good, Will stand wilbout a tsar For ladies, gents, and girlhood- Any westher, anywhre- Fit for eity or the wood ; And t"t ca't be boat elsewhers, Ail sliould bave a pair that could, By the best. And be-at rest. Kýr REPAIRS NEÂTLY DONE. Corne on dear public, leave your orders and «et a pair of Boots of the riglit kind froni your obligcd sard humble servant, MATTHEW COLLINS. TO THE FAIMEBS' 0F THE DO MI Ni O*I :000: We offer youi for the hiarvest- of 1880, tho following first- class Farxning Implernents. BROWN'S WHITBY 1IAliVESTEIr, (Improved.) YOUNG CANADA MOWBR, (Improved.) CAYUGA JR MOWEII, chnproved.) The abova machines reluire nio comment from. us, after passing through sucli a harvest as the last and earrying off the Gold Modlal for Canada, We abso notify ail purchasers wbo want durable machinery and propose to pay CASHI ON DELIVERY, to cal at our office in Whitby, before placing your orders elsowlhere, a3iti is our intention to adopt the CASH SYSTEM! As noarly as is practicable, and thoreby malte our price list at bowcst liv- ing pricos. Give as a cati. BRÃ"WN& PATTERSON MN FG Co. Whitby, Jan. 21 et 1870. - HIGHEST -MARKET PRICE PAID FOR -ANY QUANTTY F--. C3-OOD) ITYVEJri?!aT -DELVERED Aý- W. J. GIBSON SI WHITBY CHINA TEA -STOR'E. Also two Tons A)f goo'dlive Turkeys, Geese, -Ducks and- Chiekens wkteëd'. îBëfôïr kfllng eallaùndse cr.. acri TWEEDS AND (JLOTHIS. JOH-1N 'W'hitby. 1 SCOTCH PER ENT. OFF!! Ail sales are now. made witk*a REDUOTION OF TEK PE CENT., upon selliug price, to CA-SR purchasers, Tite Stocle ià the largest in thue County, and em- braces etverytling in Boots and Shoes, for Ladies', Gentlemen, and Children's ,Wear, Newest Styles and -best quality of material and worlcmanslîip. 1ease.calin time, The reduction wil not last long, as leathÈ and ndinigs are going Up. AN INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED. [Maty 271,1880. Witson'is Block, Brook Street,, Wbitby. M.ATTHIEW COLLINS HATS, CAPS & GENTS' FURKISHINGS F-ERGU S ONI liAS JUST ItECEIYED A STOCK 0F Whieh were ordered before the rise in price, and which he proposes to offer at less than previoius selling prices. In cloths, he, offers- ALL-WOOL TWEED SUJITS at- $10 In HATS, bis stock is the largest and best selected to be found ini the Connty. TAILOIRING in ail its brunches and urider bis own supervision. JOHN FERGU SON, Dundas Street, Whitby. -Ar IRfTG.i Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Fur- Snishing Hou se, î NEXT DOOR TO THE NEW. POST OFFICE, McMillian's Block> Brook Street, -Whtby. J. R. PRINGLE. FJIELDI AND GARDIEN SEEDES!1 A large supply, Pure and Fresh, at GENERAL DRY GOODS, CIROCERIES, BOOTS AND SIIOES, CROCKEIRY, GLASSWAIRE, AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F HARDWARE, &C. The Dry Gooda Department is complete in every Unme and the Groeery Stock ail new and fresh. 0> The cheapest house in the County. Re- mnember the scores. 49 CALL ON%~ -0F WHITBY,- For Relilable r Foot Wear -of ail kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by WILLIAM BURNS, Brook Street, Whitby. C UT TE RSy AND CARJUAGES.- The L aîgest and Best Assortmenzt In the Coun7ty, GTREAT> BARGAINS OFFEIRED IN CUTTERS. &c.,- in order to make room, as we intend Vo buýild a larger number of Carniages and Buggies th-is winter than usual. [TOMS & NE W POIR T'S DUNDAS STREET, THOS. SLEIGH,9 HIOU SE & SJGN -Ceai noil b.foad etaieiWSiop- TWO DOqRt4WEST 0F ARMSTRONG'5 9;(HOTL, DUNDAS STREET. 1 Al OrderapromptI>' atheaade ho. ai (Pr Thoreugh$Brd w ML SEILVEON lot 24t 9th oC=é - -. WHITBY, ONTARIO. TÉCL-YDE OI. 168 FaXST.o-Ur AT, TOBtONTO. bottai». E4very accommoaion for lb. travelling public. The very besl of liquors sud cigare, sud ite.-ardor is m*keopngitli lice test in ïÉH. city. Na betr stabng- sud good attentive itostiers. (ly-4.[ tuie Minea on Fresh -(B, rom PEIGEE -Lca vc-ý Q WitLiy, May-29tit, 1880. DAILY LINE TOR THE STEAXEi N MR. s ±e ý Comniencing Tlsus.sdaj» . prib 15à , W'ull make he rgulartIpson Ibis racle. LEAVING Coboug aI 7.801 and-Fert ep,@ at 9.30 every morning <Suni ay excepted) cà a arrivai of trains from bice Eut, WZet à sal Nortit, connccting- witit r - way ies St Rocitester for ail pointE it t «United States, IIETUBNIN4G-Lcaves 01 alette (POft gi Rocitester) at 9 p.m., except atuxdays, wits site leaves ai 8.45 p.m., fi r Cobourg mli Port Hope ffirect. Dealers ta Stock &c., ' fmniltliis lit che ae"sut ot ie tle La Buite., Forï yatte noraicippy ta or, CAPTAIN SRERWOOD, C. F GILDEIRSL]ýEVE, Port Hope. KingtnOt. fm-I E. STEPHENSON, D m. Tel. Cour Ticket Agent, W ibby. SA IDL EI y -""J. >CHlE TER HARDý WILLIAM THýNMPS Begs tb direct attention te sFpeator stock, comprinisi in lute Ssddlery sud HM LEATHER VAJI -A LOTO-0 - CHILDREN'8 Cà . RIAGES2 Ver Jaume and (Chea&. - MWILLýAM OMPSN, Broc StreelWInb >i AT TEE GLEN 'ýMMOR MILL 600,OOO leet Pin. Luunlor, cli seaaoed., Incha Boards' 2lang 2-incauhn, bi oge sud evezytig mess lin.; SES Am -~ K 183-3.,E ~7~NTU lstab1iïshed - (PRR R. C. CEMETERy, (Lot 26, Srd cou. of VXthiby.) ALLhTrep]'asseZËb. lepo campris. special notice is hcreby giveua lit catîje baud .raiin tue Ceeryrwill libce poned, anS in addition the o wpers i r~ aae thal ay be occaBiouuot li tlTi lIintr Isncb caLl. J. J, MýENTEE, May, 1&80. P.PUtf. LIVERPOOL, LONDqNDERRY, LAS 0W.: Allan LUne 0F ROYAL I L TEMmps SUMMER SERVICE V14 QUEBEC. SHORTEST SEA P4ýsSAGE! The BleameitipB af bic Aban Line ar dpaiedfrora Qnebec e-ccry Sctardsy obu .n asival of % "4 avi ag4 Whiby a; 8.28i a.m. every Fr. ay. TESOUGU BATES Pnom iRIarT'Y. Cabin, $81 aud $911, accordi ug ta tuaitiW- af etaterooni. Lower rate for ri3turu bolk. ets. Intermediate, $416. SBterage at owat rates. Sardiuaiau .... jnîe 5ah, î8W. PérUvian l2bhI palnstn " ]91h: Steeragceassengers are f 1aided bu Lon. ýwQuee!istown," Bristol, Cardif, sud Londonu at saune rate- as to LiverVol. Parties wasiting ta seud faieo ther fisual cau obtain tickets aI t, rts For ticketsansd further tfumto pl GEO. B. YUI4E. Express and Tellgrapith decpio -if ter t'n enate uYthe yesro eerdrsta< musl bel»ii ONqTA WHIITI ancers. -BARRSTE c3. H. RITCIii !'otoiY Pnb] sxsot2oorw intereel. ton, lokC ance, &bi1 OrrzCE-ll ï Whilby.- offic-D~ Vlbitby--l tercet. Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, AND SEE TE LARGEST & BEST STOCK 0OF rr 0 Y s 1 A. B. ÃŽMITII, Raglan. Boots and 'Shoes. ý BOO0TS AND IN TOWN. and OANADMN TWEEDS ! ý B--u G G 1 E s ýf E s S-.