JI CSiIt T. Sehit,,dâ1b IVl JI ,tk>ittIIthe lrit wth John la Mittt4vW liie ber hsa o Dteaistupart etf tioSaeo ___e th~ilestbit Shifely NVa s ftted wui aIiiS eatcihe. nthon et airs. îo a1eiroot, 'tuera lie~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~e mntirtyftlgt,'tn eonscless uTt~Y ttti~ ~ .CVLretleriand au tire .nilaY sitttt rou' throom %ho t- 'T ti'ZittJ t I e1,ttî'ilriztI ber by tbe titi, 'iAs ain A 1 r vr , irr barlipî 1tieiIoun», ani con uni su l -i f 1 rî til ttt unll I o til $s10e to!t lRtititis Vorittioti in, ort uitleaIittîttt' it. otCIlber 1)CeI ejît ijeter; I gt l, iytoIn ît rnt le ti-.01l l ollentiY ta teil til, s4111 v tifilir ,nuITVIingm, cter whieh site again VrI * i u lt"i ttîîîtt At leat roporta %à '1 lO!~tIl t Le matînlà tt ibe th rohorh tite trjit. lier litiilîtitl las lînen te e grtliifor. Airnitt t miynae resi'tit ç'a tut toi tesrtrhittg for lllggs, 'tebaPr( wtIII tinxtuluillylit.iiltîetl hy tilt% 'inforiat. tti itriers ivituglît- Itirît tîtteedthut Vt.tîler,îlil; it ril tuiiii e tirs ctthe iiitîiTrunt TI r lrîiîît>t'Kgtlt St. Linwrîtire Tunnel aw iu t, Cid Sî"til'Shoîre li.lklltny ritLe.il.il ,lie i' 1 ik riC,îtarvitttivot euvoutiotu l'is (lei mîi, iilO t it ie ielcil uttti ,) i îîtuztrt. to NEW b4,)VIP'RTlSEM ENTIS. NTAIIO LADIES' COLLEGE, w 1-1ITrB «M 5 O3rT. Thio abject of ibis inu tittition in ta fornie ta onng ladies a gonlal anti ealebiOul homo, cvru tay bo soccessioliy laid, tioder putre, rellnlg, anti chriatian influences the o unid> Me ni a broatl anti gorons coitoro. Ilofore scnatiig eisowhore, paret wili do Weil ta naier the follawing'cîax. I&LAOV.NA(I'.u that we Ofier for the 'systeutatlt' deveiaooiit I i 41J Lu, E~LEARINÇ AMi f fu(1W .d~ ~ .-~- 'r- Unsurpassed Facilities For Thorough, Educationûl Work.-I RC ' _ _ . »_IB.__c_-AC E 'Sh NTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION, rUniversity Matrionlation, 'teearceeîring it "OmPet'ttOn With the ibShol tid Coliogiaite Institutes, antd do ronidently tiller t4î Ihose prep'arig for lte t.eachiitg oflessin, aIl the întolierttualavi'antages ltitute besi l.lgb SthoalseaCen irniah, and, ai the saine Mune, à e Superior Social and Aesthetic Culture, el 11e filiening sentenie irom the visitorl 'teptirt give exl)ressitin toe e dtvexitagos con- retdth he t ino irt,lo itithoti ofgradtiig euIlaieicatioht that eharartorizoa lte iiti liter-ry tdeîartntrtîh. t-rite prtgr-ie oiftit tiletttt ie aitues, mtnhhnatirl, tua- [cni, liugittges, lte ititetrttitsn!lie iitiewes V ERIt k.EI4A ItKA BLE -a a wln'itit 1 attribntJ to tti vsut, iimnit-ttft 11 ii-rituitea ;anthe grenIer attention itîrtu t Ilio lii'tiNvCt u tlte , lîdîîîiidhtiletit A SItLVEIERUL IL gtienîly lthe LtOVEltNt t ENEIIAL, wiU tbc awaret -oth in4 . .,,tilîîth liue it ti itetlug ut m ttrîî xamn.tint. fili tîî- r ,0éoduirg ilqIit trer uit fi lis i rIiîî,t J i lii. Jd tvi 5ih i iii ýý1 or n for cUmpili il ep iii îiose wu tîirî-vt u litlctil lY Itte tIlu911 Sot eîiîîî1îî, liii.; ti, j1. /.iA., tir .11. I. L, eii.i - n -2. Silpe;'iol. Course of Instruction in Mlusic Tragntiy i i Vtîiluieg. *Nii h tig îtîte if l- fiit, uid t-îtntin ucrut lty Mr. TorrintotiIote li uoibls - iii tI~ofti tii - utii-ucii tit Il"'tti ire tinte te ilotergv tof a prulesseiuttal gentlenian C11i11.1, t tîîCrIITiti: -tttVtICi 1 01. itt't i bof lI lall;iîtti tit 1 iilIt:i , s-11titi 11 tu fii l nîaiyilil iiii efîreitey aniticsîte en ci oIItrnînti. lettt.iwic.ti i nul i utti' tlii iitti, i l)iiier o iirtriet ne tilt, aervticsaifMr. 9. H. letppeil, - liit, I i I I il I:ý0 IIIIitlien ittl i IIIIIiti u !tti hâivr, ite proficar it tthe G ra Cotisî er- oun te iiglit (ifiilte, lurt1t:v.. Ct. tlit i fit *ii m!t , nu u11:1 i tltl, t-iti givé it int cuiui Iîed etltiiitosi to Poccîr oithe îruvtinrial Icître ltiuii iteîuliiutoftîei' i1l,5uit%,eho I r eheeni lIs"e onpliiuetio!f shorl ttie por l foilowilteg . 'et-e ilm: tîtî tu ethmt lita FociI1t' t itrillichiraterizti thé prifsent systeai au wtory grave onitu lbu cite isair- ,t-î.. sntfentluiite irufesaitit shet ,il liesiwa'it ali te tdirect anti plTioe athpir ciuitiitlde)I4: AUtIr cettiep ti ietli, aIlci n tuN.t ut tevmu t I t-cor1i Nrry tuert. nuiiiriotiisOttaw iiuitulutiiet1 Moiitîî \ ..îîî uiotienliitt.,i t t uile îîîuî i îitvalg titeir priifppeioiu, tuiliîe tliorîughly Careroll, ans e4ring îî îeruî i olitt yveel,6 tIlt I li tlttetri )icul l ,ILI iraiit-nIIi te art, xvlttll.grenteet r en i le 4talien t lu,îîîrl.ouutitt tir a rotiitry coin , t.~.n i, llîmiwl lei erî iit-uif l ) C Illie. tritte e ni t lt otTlili. 'te prittîtir l'ui . L £ý xvil k l .ùt-titi iv'y Mes- 1.etandI cilice Wt-oef.!exporet'nea anti cvis iinulioVlJ, Wulîiti oitst%-es'. till- iti,' %vtotîl it lite t3erirtiiteut eîhituvui., 9cçr bt lit ' .;.inil lii ti t .. luimplein theItrtcrtl.btid 1rvueslictittlutrt pin%ietlt- turcîl tll iu s ctotcpi.-t parî me nt, po~ira iil r arl ~adr eealit fet uît3. iTe AuprIe utiiuciî lici..ii- ilt' îg ttitte.<i iîu ittiiiC--tiiii e . seua l ut ttiittili tit ýýl , 1i tttli it-iutrlesi ~,liiri iiir ti i t % i .ii v ni D h tit.i W&n oor c I iut itotiitI Ciii.f l'ocv s, titîo, ateir'%viii " taiiit couelt tilt hiall,. suarti -u ciCirrnl et Ai insttruct.ttini> lu- . ;l, U.ritît'e -f tll lcle ne if rtlir andti piinttîe tf itucl. (airoi uenl frttii tetiritr tlieteitotuviu ui.t t.iqc lîîti. tiillul Iliile i i iii ciiIvun ntjyiiig niotedela u originialtakituit tut St lktrk, btturnm_îtî r r gtuitg t liie.i:elr7cniî iiittlitttiitrtittu-nt-iiftititeeillitaviit Flitrl ituelîitre lit'teeni. etittitont tini t Im lteniit %10MI,1i lt ittîîîiite Lnomedtge reijitttatuiforîtr iietitg. pf titit. :tit ittlit l- ltllraIe.l itet- ilEGANT 1Ptll.IIINLiS. tliAitMING ROUNDS. lil IALTIIICXIL i,ttl-ATIO. tltretiou tif Eiiirotî. Te Ciiil ,,v ' su&j t ititL -t)11, mtteti hei i i eul Mtêrcltiie t.t-turiiia . lu lîîg . t ,1 lilcrsdr itanhic tnt-n down t Il 1, ld I>r util (<ifliving, tttult.ut4g, iletilue. Iii rcîaIutlg, &dteliate popilm ties mevlrîîng, dilioter f If tlutiles ftint tue t-ti i .ia itý ui) --Il ii t itr t. int.lli f cM lit,%ti, 1t!, itl fîodiuigbine coewealtil inilt is- 5rl Til, iKîISONAl.lHABTS AM)i TANNI.lhS Oit'THE llTILS AIlE 17NDFRI flarck. lio w auticuiled, andtilhitt-te'l-LutioIe e t. i t-tititin oftunIMtes .tdat..Lady Principal, late of1 ]rookhoraî. joîîrtey boc urrhneetil;but on ruant tiiute MîcA-Ittuti- ni ti-lutiet)eiittiandtutexperteneiare a suffitiejit garante le îng SI-t lfticu lit tuas foradt hat tlt ilt, utc ilttl.I tht itlunug %V11 be wutititg in titi îrtparattin iiofjiit1itlsfor lte moat retlnlt oucntferybal tapoi robn. utin"6. LEC-TURELS, SCIENTIltIC. lllSTlllItlL. AND) i.ITEiIARY, PROM TUIE stuall i beth as ecaggeti nt midntglittaL eti.lecture talni of te Dl)eîîîuîtîe.lu-ui. 1liselatt, of Victoria Unic-ersi1 l' rof. tralimportth le parhy aenî)ae hi-e Bd Iiis. lli i, ittti tu oiel sr t Winipeg. Ciief Pouwer entorvdtT h e obirt olhtter Leisi rua Ioii ui)4it/iti itre aoittiell,fret of charge, tale k tht' boni irt;t, Itiioweetiby te 1trîouer; t .ueio;tt e Jttt.lm IItI/uner tZ/.ant i ttc e t ne-Clti iciIformiations otofea ijcis fl(It lî it i thongýit, wilily Eltelpeil ti ictlu J litte tel/tulit il ii t t-r It' aide of lthe boat, proct1ttating 7 illiviitg aeeîttitiitutiontiO futalt-ti iiirize A i lueuilettu. tue erti keeping for popis fl lifsu iniseif io tite rit-te. IlletltolIm ardn sleltisut Ille tu p1o-iiil erut-juilare ollering 10 pe-r Powuer cees not seura o rep e¶ lte^) t-tiFr- "nt ltiie e.umcni tucnutîrlaN Jttuti îal" et.i re t-i jad.oi,ilaend, ct face. The prisoner rose once, bi utor I' ejri h jlctp-dc If-p1 rtnigt oe iunieriand Leititer scerp italai College Re-0pens Septernber 2nd, 1880. accuountillte body (if Chief Powerufrain rtev.rdatirecl0ock j inte nr- Jtr I tiîtiiltir o li i Iltiîlîtiti.j111II-sÇN ic itctli grapplingig rouns, witui hehal I-t'fuuteeti lîy thé City polibe' comtantlyJii3 frcîtinohetiniote ttacalaînily occuréd W1Iii.1 . , Ju1t 22n1ll, ) PIClXL nli lte,- oly cv/ut- foiuil. tl. te oaulan, eant-ltue <uginîter of miie trati ftrry cerre tuittetoit ofîlvl ceInclutOre.Dr. Kîngs Coifonea GolenConi NEWV ADVERTISEMENTS. lui wore î'oweroiiethorenftler any auli.-itouid. .... Iann e.There arc ltote liot Iteiece I lti tCntii lias again est-opedI.la lit 14a rttly ¶egoitbiil i-1rt I ra-ti . 5 iE ce 'm E body cuunol lue faunul. d ii nthel cue >5htPa .\n-ilietueeIt as itil ou te o oy of Szug naîine. Àntýd, 'au l Ity cf Stci 1RiESS GOOIDS Ciefl'lowér totalel. ceni te jury ne .îiugr tfloi,'artlitifSo ttrl teriverdit-ctif foîtutti irocvi;eî ier 1l, Loc Spiîris,.luioitnese, Couttu-1I- LN T IlE - Ili$e ît tas instlreti tu- le. H-as il[tenOn. Jatundîce. Linon Cocnptith n n brothitler G(Jerai'Shterman inuthe lyaffection of lino Stotmacin t ver, M ID D L E T A B L E, e\iiu-riu rity, cuti lieasulirtvntIl tlrt--t tintie pouillt' 'tu t. as~ lirhonai n ttti eîoW iuitiprg (att-tu-. " t ket bi nti li oît-w whiah lll LLO 4"H vou iare Lewniz. Theureforé e, bvoitO D E LO S H L lult>VeTAilL t k.u ltLitA.-TlO ainortiel uni tot tjraiitnifle nuelsay tn thue tutti uf, pitilîly luibite e t (tînty ltu tliti t-Marinuue rîii3,ceuueitttngune NinauihatiauitencllIt bi. lute 2.uiiteo f(eici Jr illig taidîtl illi stel imité tl, baki Ln uutiteçitunt itteteationi ai eltuli ( i].ul, li uge ii i;tit cfr et. 'le rt-t ofailii, uiniature.-rond, iuelniîîug statîis eud êetiipileut, ceas ll27,l)u5. Tl-. uperttingt, xiiL-tetuare S'tirai t- aud tino average receito are $450) n day IlIte cire Flu éitiei)hI.9II0 bletng aouîît-timîee abru ut. rime fatee Ãrinird'istefut-e curie. Thoîuupropi.rltuttaida J roi:I t lu14 iar rof 5t u jC penlitil ist tui-ýt. t-r Iiiii vil hoi hiu aI( er ui L itNs-A. seuiýr tier <lu.iisraliuiîrlite ith IrLIte th e itoton lu ti ', ru.l itflfîpi httliti iuitia siîttimali, -ait luiuiti iy di Ili- iit cuith in cultiilienîtîn-uantd ch tcgînlu gouto. 'llite citîpnit cees lourd, t libututuueiet hat uit-ht taoecnpe cilin bu the tuttitrytelieli. for scefe h iur[tle, liii lti tl lacet iiiut l'ae onef îiettithîtî. !N uttiug rotiltibli itcri iA-Iiii Lîtttult, n fi %Y daittsctînoliote floi uuig - r. in, Mntieratt : Jerlen çll t(int nirdrt-u Lu t iuii, alsetite aOWttte cf mitlle. leli measiltegcod tran. Yocti tutu .1 lit en uturtnîr-att eurail of Pend lioiu-m, t (jitli-. 1 LiaveneltFl t gu for ta ru"i tiaril,--hangntrot111, Cultmtin (if ile t- i i-fete~ Tuey futird tue itu t!iten -eîîtu'.ut- e lecliln suite tuti, te t-rlt i-rttt-jucliemlclia. lie bat1i eenuna suakîîîi uomv situuietgrrund, ectlu lit- P L>luýt tan ant ut, i alt tl t r tî utle " t li t 11LU tu îoune-A mure lutc li n u liuîluttu ci currel> tue couceisn-t - A. N. ).reoits. if \ttrwtcte. Ctilt., leuna ILIleti,.-îuuîuia - lit la rti 1yS&ert hP: Gtlitfîeii, tuttil t é i-aguisit 1116i part) ut- tpîtlbuvue t inin i.1e futai!y itelîutî- tllt, nieller lv 4etttir' ta- tiens N tII tueine egga -di. O(eLet edh i,.-tltcnt-to tý n Ilarick ntiittaalter Lin Gearfieldi, antia tethnuiatatuing thu greatet nminer i of ihcikene a-il tende te Vote. A frmer e kron. Mo., cens ttatch. t cii by is gavage bit ir a iiigi-feocodà yard, anti coulrot escape. A lirut mran cam inetu a gar ta shioot thuancý iaoi.- Dont 101h Iicn, crie th ie fan- tller, tiinking ofthtle loeua;--jusi it tlir, irthe sionitier." The man titi as iirtched,' oniy iuilltcting nai couiti tt Uiititd tino animai, tend initet i iin tgorclina faner ta tientit. Enreka Sali Rheum and Shint Oinrmenît. Airength ie ruterons tulle taLu hicin. fieti h hein, tintdifereitl diseagsiucf, te auin taka t1uitctittcip.tiitte ank. Sait libère, ticrofaions Sores antd Sctrvy. lut-ne binilirto boor consiidereti Rîniost incurable ;but euchi bno lung. infine case. Tino EiiréhiuStlt Rijoue aud Skin *Oint mort isa carrarlti ta cura tino writ cuse otf Sait IEheun or auy oîner Skiu Diecase. if thea directions are faitbfully llawod. Salti lu boxes i 5iOUots, by ait draggLttu. l5-ly 'llrnmiliar ln their Mouths as Hause- hold Words.1' - Sa crote Siakeapeare. It le uni. vorsaly adiiitedthIat Ibis great genlius bas crlîten about almost everytbtag, andt tucbet a subject siunply 10o aorn il. ltwauld ,almost ocam wheu lue wceahe bohovo worde le itadinau t is miais OYe 8&OTT & BOWNS'a PALAT O'LZ Cu»Tion Ou., fër uaw îIl boueof a tbe greatciet requestto-of evory wonl r gue le" -- ouo.bold. Gooti iousew ves koop i t ois apritueabusaitus.i ltlumae alue yotn iieh-ttcI', (Ilo ot fai tl, ta )veîun Dnigci'st. S. N%'.-B13Sm,'l &( iiil gt-ha triailucîtite frce cf cliri îltirli M-111 reulov %îe lt aregutter eue oliar bttia ceili do. Ast for Dr. nu talc io ont r.S. W. 13. Stuittît& itn Fr acts. tîîecuiîifiiteuiieit. cat-fui ttteutton ait futeiry wotrti, gîives te opeaivea ft11I f iCi b. pa'or RaplîClitpélinteiut, mis. t-bic- fee,,Ittig, pore llot.in atlive tepr, kidlieva ant i nary trorbice, anti lite plint èinandt-tfiedicuintin te tri-i emnîjtît up ilittuit icasethéy got ut iloritor utt HoIait iters, eutde of I, tret anti bia reueiiea, andties- litltn fuir enitclint t.ia'tîng abr ýccir bitLîEu. Rrliue anttirory téieke un thenti. NOuut need suifer il ly Mveul u ue hiueutfrouly. They cost mt a trille. Tee0 anotinor coînner. $500 Rcwauti--Catarrh cure. SUMO tepopeAùtildiratinr er li on- pit:t-cllitan ho gelot-t-lleio recéineti" for iTi trtti-. Ilîncu iil ie mat eacb ireonsne iuftertisanad ltai preLerdett r-fuir calarnie. forgiettiog Ibat Dr. agi-s C(atterrît Rtietiy iBgo Posbtbve la s et-ts.tinal itsfuroer proprietor ap. ;etesti it for vears ticuginoct lte Unue.1 Statuel;uter n positive guaran- ,e. cir-ruig IflI/Lireceartifor an bocor- lile cuise aitti as nover cailed upon 10 ity titi retut-nil cptinbu Lce asre@. fuinins t'ely luns acqibred udcc a faune teln a brance oflice hiae beon eelatilisbed inLondi.on, Engiandti u soppiy tb. for- vii ut îeand for it. Soi!lî Iy ilrrgzgit it 5ecits. Consueiptuon Cud. An oî1u pisiett ee.rtirut train ,Vrac- tie. hin-ug lied plt-ced in lis ban s by ar Et-ct lutin missionary lté formula if a simple nugotabie rounody for lte îpeudy anti permanent cure for Co- sîîrtioa. Broncinitis, Catarrb., Aima, ad aIl Tinroat t-nil Luag Affections,4 aisa a positive anti radical cure for Nervaus dabbility anti ail Nervous Coin. plainte, after baviog testetiils ceonder- fut curative poweruu intousanda aof cases, bas ftit IL bis duhy ta make it krocen talitis aoftering feltows. Âctu- atcl by luis motive anti usdosire la re- lheve humn snflering, Ithill tend frea9 ai charge ta *11 h badoubre il, titis re- dipe, bu German, Ftrenchi, or Bugitsh, wilb (nil directions for preparing andi naing. Sent by mai- y aildresaing with stainp, nemirg ibis papor, W. W. Sherar, 149 I>werà l BiLock, Rochter, N. Y. 4 - Goal Advice. Now the Liaima of yaar for Pneu- mania, Long Faver &o. Every famiiy shanld bave a boutle aofloscnitc'c Giusxato Synue. Don't alloce for ans moment (/iticoagi to0taeoloft o your obilti, yonr - tamily or youraeht. Consomption, Aatbxa, Pneumouis, Cop bonÃŽxoragas, anti other fatal diseases may sein. Alibouglu ut ia tue GE x ucSyaiup is curiog lhousands of thos. diamasos, yet t i lmrach - botter- to bave. il et baud wbea titre. doue tuill cure yon. Que hottu. will lai jour ubai. farally a tuter 'anti leep yen sale tram danger. if you, are ton- sarptive, do ual rest Util- yen have0 tried huis romedy. 8ample hotu.e lu tenta. Begular siao 75 conte. SoIti by a&l Dxugpau. NOTED CASH WA-LL STORE; a AWA Great Inducement to Buyers ini Every Departmeflt 1 SPECIAL Buyers'coming from Wtby. by Stage and_ purch- asing ten Dollars ($10) worUli of Goods will have their fare paid both ways. Y our attentioun is directed to the hand bilis ciroul- ated throughout the Town this week. Great saviflgs can be effected 'by attending the Grand Sale. NEW A DV'ERTISEMENTS. T 0 1, E T 'lai) totri- iil itiih ty ilarlu ti Plt--. il ,r ) yeuiiT Lesett. Sui-aiv ltfor gui -Vn titA pr0t-eitu-.anteîn utti i trutaM -uil ritaite A -. tu THOIMASt lIS tN .lyi 2m tii 32 il Towu r nu MO0N EY TQ LOAN!1 0800l AT 7 liER CENT. ALIO t»O) ah dite aane rate. Vain n urame on ilrsiMorIgage. J. l- 1DOW, 12 linDeveretîs Block* T0WNN & PARK -LLOTS 1:'0'.SAAILE. ELIUiI'-LY SITU ATEDI- EASY TE1IMS. Apply ta W. a. HIGGInS. LJADIES-KNKIT S1LILL FOL-ND. Cci bu bcd ai CtnIt-oICLV. OffiCO, an pay- aient oif expeases o! adveedtcmeitt. SERVCANT GIRL WA.NT- ED.-Mnat bc t-ble to cook &ad a.sb well. Apilv aitithe CULIONICLE OFFICE. COW STIRAYED. Ail 17 ce-tnt, regniulu-ir es of TRAYEI PROM I te lrenuiseu af the suntleritiFnt'd, a ointil black niuley cote, sorne 20) cents, votie 2tScI. gnvtog nkuit ofnitItre,, lits unly. Any LEASE EXPIRING ed U BAR --ALL GOODS - Jly 201 1. WMlLI. j REDUEflUFARM TO RENT1 COMPOSED OF LOTSt FOUR ANDi c ive, liroke Front, lake shore, Pick- PS1conlaning le7 aura. WeU set.rat, STRANV R AI cmiontabe botidjuiga. Posseestan isi Nov. STRA W tïi~is !ilbet;tot plow sa s san as crops are taken Oic 1-rt t-t. on Iîivoic2 lricen 01Ff.ullUpartienlara apply tu - A tnomuinal profit tinly. J. RiICHARXDSON. TO HERFIIEICIT & INSIIIANCE. Wmhbhy, 3J-niy 28 t1-iSffl. 11- LESEEXIRNG1 WHITBY HOTJSE Al Go ods Lowerod in ]Prise! DI7NDAS.ST, WBITIIY. Thte ontersigniet wooid intinuale ta the GI ociii., uRt our lîrice arc at capitali publie IteLt the above promises have hreur nowiy huiît anti fiLai! op thranghant, for Iittîstiiittit.the accommzodation af goests. Best Wincs, Liqnars anti Cigea. Ask flic prit-e of the Goods.- THE OREAU ~OiCANADA-WALZ i.A0En. Plot-se uîek thet rrguiar price Ah1o pore Iluine Wbne. Lager, Whole- and he rducd prce. esle anti aitl. tuui tio rdutcilPI'Ctt. ~ Boardens caken by the week octn oder- for yotrselvete the aie terras. Lowered rc in RED INIL JOSEPH A. BANDELL- TCOJaly, 11 . 2- ODD FELLOWS' HALL. The Miniaterlal bih aganst druukantess about ta ho couudeoretihy the Dutob Statua General, imte the numPlerCI pubUlx0buses ta ou. 200 inbbtacie la tovua cf 00,000 venua, ane per 400, Su tatunsca 20M0f one Fer3a ntotoA U I0.Q0, anti one jieGoi in a gwUar là « Italsoforbùba lbe OaaOZOrnai, July Elitb5 1880. Sprbng Wlneti.......... 01)0 @ 1 W Barley........ .. 000*0 00 Fleur, Pa t. î~îî..s270 in 800 0esa do85 011 Peas,hhlack-eyeti. . 00O000 oala .................038 040d Amoïeu corn, IarÃ.. 060 0 .e1dn-. 5 0 0 Hay ....rh.......... '700 00 Egs .n., l...... .-i. 1 :f Butter.a..î......... oua 0'14 .......la . - 0 0. # 2 Woodef.........i....uin. - pUIRSUANT TO THE --ACT ItESPECTING TRUSTihES AN~D EXECUTORS " the creitors oif th- e- SUSIE A L L,Â14laie of Whithy, ate are hereby nroxd te %endpritiao tleir launa, duly oried.ta G. 'Youtng SmithE 1q.,Won or fore the 15TU - - A ;USTNEXT, 18W. SolUci.i tar for M2tY ROBINSON, Execitix, to the eall EaLate, and tltatimmiedla±ey aiter that date, the aid Executrix willdProcead ta diâtribote the ases of aithe mad ecaJ= i a tnghe parti e nitlod theroto, ha'slngI re adte l aima of Wbhethe maid Ex.-I o a bdthon anotice. G. YOUJNG SÈMTE,I Solicitor for Exeontrix. WbiLby, Mile J*l. 1e. ln-f WHITY GYMNÂBIUM INTle OCURLI,/8,>CLUB BI~IG Oeeeeyttiiobn trots4iau 1 IG sud lnibeTonlflg hZ 7 toS10 pta. Âdm"sonby 1I»t. i0Y8 lJNDER 10YER of- A8E 1 ôCrS., 1's Ii o- cD 14 - 4r i= -1 37 =0~¾ CA UTION.' EAC IG OF TC,<1- Ill E 1Myrtie Navy! I8 MARKED mE &Z -8B None Other Genuine, ela Drik that la aDrik f T811A.BAX 1 L Su now apénad - ~> LAIIUBEP1 O B I n nbis 00 e mus l itebtbYloue',".,and hihwill ho kept open ttlbm s10 Simibof, whore nomne tblIg nwl b sape of a r o reshin g lu$556of < i>o e dan be obained. Go tolhe Cool Lager CUsir a dt try w at a io a m n g Ir" p> lassof Pt ..r il% in toeshotbatum 'r days. ,; The W hitby H o tu. wiU sooat i i a iIb e)d gnti the otel opened ont, of whivb due notice will ho given. Meantitha thqag%& wiý.li4 hkept for onctomors. Tbanlins' lY hrl.nds fer pýas falvore, andi aukinlg for tha ImTh, ~ r A BNEL W h tby, J LO , 188O. .27 PHOTOGRAPHY.. J. W. RUPERT,. Fronttho wslil.knawn rue i tfO3UM*'- &CO., roronto, l'hotoarapbors, Takes pleastiro in iniorming tho oitisena- ai Whity anti Southi Ontari, tai ho hba. o caet ie eutire rigbt andi inturest, af h t w e lk u ow n P h o to g r ap h ie a n d Ef a tiiii g - esttehliabment, lately cerried on hy th Meuars. LYON BROTHERS,' WILKINSON'8 I3LOOE, BROOK-ST., Wl!IIIY. The extensive alterations ant i iprovo. mnent. h tiolalo frm are boing etlli a d tii t by the addition ai ACCSSOIES. ALL- WORKGUARANT.IBDI FIRBTCL.SS iTEM LOWEBT> ATES!!! -CHILDREN A SPECIALTY- -Se Our TABLETTE PHOTOS. FERAMING int ail les bratnches. JPHOTOS. COPIED -anta enlxa, andi finisieti plin inlut il, . t clor-tlor- crayon, ut BOtiOm PIICES. AG£ NT for Mason & Risc, maDiZý,. facturera oftiPans and Organs. Orders for Tu-.ung promnptiy nîtendcd ho: J. W. R. hopes by strict attentioù ta bni- u is tL n i t a h are oai cita patro n ageijo cS lieally estaoti on hic predeceaorta. J. W. RVuPE.RT,. Willinson's Blok, Brok-gt., Whity, May. U, 1880. ICOMFORTABLE H10(1SE -AN'D Store fo Rent--Separately- Or Togetiier 1, pho-u sHOl', epe,, holnln t, ithn,houiroan, *hopb.d. roobiÀpa t p Ar d at oit watr, stable a t aib il lu s ýTh e hopis room y anai Or ta ô .MURPHyi -On he polnifto# Ci 8 ail Castors -uoRu ME, PINO8ORGANE& II tird IJNT- SALE DA~B! OFFERU ROBERT H. BRYCE, 3 RING STRtEET WEST, OSHAWA. DOMINi N WAIEIOOMS JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE LOT Pomipadour Prints, at 12' CtS. New Figtured Muslins at 12' cts. Ladies' and Misses Lace Mitts', Black and Colored. Canadian Straw Hats, 5 cts. eacht SJ. B. POWELL & Co., whitby July, 1880o. DOMINION WAREROOMB. N W.)E M tIls E,,ME NT'f FOR THE MOST DESIJIABLE -G-O TO- MARTIN & W.ARAM!. - ALL WORK GUARANTEED I1 IthIb1Ltt riT0 PERlONs wn10 WISH TO SB- GI VE US A CALL,, !t»uem nhtPw P APRSI A Large, Stock, at Low Figures. Th( la recomidl4 9 0 iïl.- m nRoNzi., i.ErTEIC*4. 1 1 -1, ,