j L. t;I-t 80. Sita led hubla dgs 111. by hec ex- lnavisgauce,' vitls ber millinene ansi: inantua-mnaker'.; bille. Tlîey rainadinl ripou im by tae bundrade. Tisey steak theesealvas lunlhie face, crying "Cash-us 1" til tae per oiî.riae gtîva ui) te pheel ie perfect despoaratioe. Titi. oribinaled lise slery tisaI lie vas killeil l'y Gresins. lier ueil lover vas Atnus Piecue, au callaîl fren isfonduesse of pielry. Uco vas aise callel Marcue Antonins. llueloriarîs ueacribe liiere twe differeel peoplen, bel thein betin ludoing ao, was neoioulît te spin ont Ibsir books. As "hrevity la ltesoout of vit," wa titink, il teuclisbotter te eondensa Ibain imt ore iclhridual. 'T'is Antoninus iiouis came over 10 Egypt te dovour thoe '7ramids, wiicb, ite bail mua up his mieS, vere coin- psesed cf tac tncett ilicale utacaroont, tucrusteti with sotano by wvay cf aniicing. Ile liailboatrdlseins one eay tlict tite Pyramide vould "mako a reu" ',that vouil hae very picturesquo. Ho ceuglit thie wende"Pyramiui" asud "mako a muin," andi Ibue oiginatel his idos. Arriving ile agypt lie vaa eceived by Cleopabra viii oua cf bli o ut fascin. ating sinales. lie vas lad captiveAgn once by ber coquetry, or cooesry, ve1 caueolsay vhicbà . ite e <aI iean dia.1 olvati îîarie among' othon tinge, ber objeet being to lli up hie stomiclt w"i stane, 80 tuat ho coulsi not linS rocin titane fer hon beautifol Pyramide. This was a great improvemeul ou tisa.-cl Ilebraw sleti c f stauiug ceen te deatit sud vas equtlly eflectusi, for bietary recorda litICleopatra vas te boath of hies. Finaily lte ima camne for te beasei fui qusen la die herelf-hair ansi ail. Saine vt'îlers iffirus thîl going toc usai an aid viii ta galber s bouquet, Bite vas stug la deatit by- au aep. Oliens ssy liaIt e vweel laAspin. vali aud caugbl lie Pae.a-mn forer,. shouk liko au sp en-sne peu eau scribe-tii she tocS off ber motai col, anti thon caileil bonseif up sud cie. Titis last description je 50 vivid sud ircnimsaanoa tust v. are muchinl. cliuied le adopt il se true. Thus ondeS tie 11f. of Cleopaîns. W. proposait alec te write lies charsacf. co, but aflen gol&ieg ail ready la do, so vs fonS eo b ai lesiit - Corner Stoe. D'th li f te Prince Import .ai. CORIRECT '/55105 OF THE AF/ilt. Clouerai Wood, Wlio accompanil et. Emprees Engeuje toZUunland, bas soûl ta tse pipons s descnipliof a lte Seai cf Prince Importai, colleoted freinlte inadopsudeet narraives of 'egitteen Zulos vhc Varttcipateod muhelit aek ou tise Prince s parly. The atbatukieg parly n'mmbersd fanîy, Ivelve of viton foiovaj ta Prince, eud lvauty-aight ano imediaely cucooruet inl i Ieam.i. Tbo Zuins haviug neariy sur- roundesi tie Prince ta parly'eired sud ruiebed ou thora as tltey vere mouutlug. Thse Prince, nol bartug sîtoeeedsin meOnting, rau alangeide lh oniee util i1 braise awsy. The Prince folowed hie horelo te .dongs untIl botng clpeeiy pressed by bis pursuer. .He tonneS upan ten th ie vends of lbe Zuuos, I"1ke a lion at bay." 'Bing sînueis by an sesegal muSie te left eboolder, lie rpshed ab te neareat op. wonent, vite lied. An-other- Zule thon red aI 1h. Pdnlni pennlytenyards fromihins. UTAe dbis pista mIdaaèd-bis »0uuldl inrewou wfocs LONGs SEEXN.-A miter -w*as cjiiitonlog hibisà .bda eoôséûtt4dý ing the tory cf Eutyciu-'the Young man Who lîatlng tthéb.pîeAoChlo,f the apostie Pahl feu asloop snsilIinugý dowu wss takou up Joad. ' jVhat," lie sid, "do we learu rom titis solor event V' when the repiy front a iitlé girl came patasud prompt, "Please, iir, mniuitere shouldi -arn noite ta oe toa, long saruicue." Hlow Tuicy TIVLLED.-A Young maiud iwotuau stoppdait a scountry _oel. Their awkward appearance ex- elleS lthe cuioity of one of tefssnily, wiio cçwwsuasd a conversation witit the feinale by iuquiring how far se. Ia travelled that day. "Ttavelled I'" ex. ciainiad 1h. trauger eom.what indiï- uantly ; "wo didu't Iravei, wa riS 1" ButterP You reinember the story cf te heaet who wase tiug more butter tse bb6edit, wbils tiie lady Iooked on and fisigetesi untilS bs fairiy wont loto a norvous fit. Finùaily abc added, "'Do you kuow butter ta up to sixty-five cents a pound ?" The lhuugry guost rahosi ount and taok what thora was loft. *idll,' ho druwiod approviugiy sud roessuringly, "goosi butter le worth'it." 5irz.". Dutohinan was reiatiug bis insiveilona esoape froin drowuiug Whon thirleen of hie coin anion% Wore i ot by the uppettiug of a boal, aud ho abus was savosi. "And iow Sdd you escape them fats ?" saksd oneocf hie boearors. "I liS net co mu te tama pote .1' wae the Dutchinaus pIuid aîîswer. leapatis wu a .OMn of Mark. Bite I. sSpposed biy soins b have ý beaunlà native of Penusylsnias, bocause slitewue bora on the banits, of- a Nile oh»e wee descendait front Oheopu Who w. s c% onfootlopor cf groat reuowu, coo sP hi. bêin! shown te ý aen e te poset sy. B#Upne.pat asecernae front (heopa, se ail kuow Who ba"ved chopa for *breakfast. Ho aiwayu rctaiued a iveiy affection for thu0 laund ef hig ancealoraand rasoir. ad tto reignovorit.Il. Hauas ceuctont- ea tu go gambpiing over the worid, Vpd winhed te pay Pharoshin l Egypt. lreviou o e ocf hiei gra i ghts. lie Baut (Oly inuO te the tep of one cf the. Pyramuids, te looku culfor sîragglore, sud uatified hill Iroope wit thelb.%vare- iug-"Foi'ty seetries look downuupon you frein tua tops of thô Pyramida." At lita colt fight, ual baviag soidiars te @pars. hc bail fonly mumouios piaced titans witfit Iho romark, 111 vaut la se. iîow a muetny teck8s ssoildier." Thia gave rstth tIradition tliaI hoe haidtot iighl a kinil of soldions called "Main.. luises. Tiie fonly centuries araeeili thons,. aud ara cniisd by- traveilers as thhy get by tîtutu, 11,l7110Deesi rt." lutit WCe ut rturn e bOleoatra,ase Anthony said ut tha battie cf Aciuin. Han usina vas oigi&ualy Cloci. Net- wititstandiug ber illustrions enigin, ah. vae beru in vary humble circumntauces sud worked ie the cotton fals. Site vas ramankabla for lber punctuaiity iu going te lier work lu Ika moruing, and tise souud cf ber weode shees vas as guod as a elock to the people cf Cairo. As lier pattering tops versbeard lu lte caany oreing, tiîay ira ccne- tomned-to ay. -Hersocee ialittia patte)roI--" Suaitwae te orîin of te naine lry wicbel h a s a fmiliariy kuown. "Ciadpalra." Va have ýakeu great paies 10 ascortaiu Ibis, ase soci phiogicai facto are alwaye interostiug aud important. Frein aowing ositelook tele wing as she grew cider, snd vas very expert se a seasmtroas taI ber needia in proerv- ad lu Ibis dey, sud in s conspicucue moument in Egypt. Il umuet have grown enorusousiy since she uses iti, se il le nov uuch tlaclarnga ta beecouvoni- ntiy haudiesi. Froin sewiug @she loch tebeing suail, sud miny a suitor wss iocu on hie kuese te fior, each eue going beyoud the lit in hie proesations cf sffec- tiou, giviug rngep thie latin provorb Ns' autor ultra Crepidum. Rer firet maniage vas caiebratesi ;itit great Putnp. - Sin.hitetriasecalbitePompey lte (Great, for short. Sething sosni iappaurtilta hlmi sud asewas loft a disconeolale widow. As lie laid hie baud on Poinpey's pillow tiret, oesotl ual up ieAs à uoun- tmant baside herosueie, meoioriais ci bar youtbifuliniduetry sud bar esrlie6t NazitJalic Soeas-hen, sud se soon as ha seau lier ha loves lier. UIer choeke ut thit tima ware very rosy, or as tae Roumans exprosseatiil -'rubieund," Titis gava rise tote tastory cf Ciesare oin.m ing te eernethiug rubicunîl sud plung. tug iii, bit or miss,liberty or deatit, sini or switn, survive or panisu, sud &Haillt. W~e jidnet racollacl lia vitole cf the atery, bul lltey eay il wu Special attention to orders. Magni- ficent assortment of Trimminge ut reasonable cost. The Best sewing machine- for sale and to rent at very low prices. Orders for British Amerrican Dying Co., for dlean- ing and coloriug of Feathers, Gloves, Dresses, &o., ill be received and promptly attended to. M. & S. E. McINTY]RE, Agent for Butterlaka Patterna and Feahon Sheet, BROOK STREET, WHITIBY. Spru nge 18809 Sp"ring.1 FRESH FIELD AND GARDEN AT TUE NEW CASH GXOCEBY EMPORIUM. Flowen Socets sud Gardcn Seeds, in great varicties, aI 9. FRASER'S. Iniproved Fieldi Carnet Seecîs, Fresh Ma.ngold Seeds, FreshIt mprovod Varictios Turnip Sceds, ail fromu bbe Most Reliablo Seedsen, at S. FRASER'S. --00- -- FRESII FAMJLY GROCERIES! Toits, Coffees andt Sugars at rock bottoni pricea, Koeler's Dudee Mar- malade iu hulk, Englisb Pickles, Sauces sud Jams; a large assertmant cf China, Crî.ckery and Glasvare, bea.atiful Dinner Sets cbeap, nev sud useful articles for-,ltae Ladies, the Glass Egg-beater aud Measurneg Jar, Glassî Rolling Pins. TrY tbe Prncetîs Louise I3aking Peyder, the best in usù,, licnanti for il inerensing daily. For sal only at SLMON"q DEY.i FiELL8 fîX-n. BaOCcaSTREETr. The ahcrtesî lita hs lougee;t, il 'lsibest Mi ours te vans-to (bd lîelongs tht rest, Our ilvsare mosurai by lte (ede wuvodo, rTh. tboughîs ws thinli, thieobjecta wu pur- A fir 3:eug ie pouired ont mpen tba soul, lu te highi cause offresidoni nul oaiGoS, Ibougi ali tueshort is scourse la qxslobly l.aui fuuilnod ese1 ,ttherbed &an; Wliile lia who,o ulî aole iaryiîeadcd iugc 1)11 dies an infant ;dies and lbave. no aigu Fer hie bas writ unie ad on hietery'a page And unflited bie beiug's great i i eîge «'Don't ynu(dan.re ebisa me oeus," Site crieS villi bla.clng oye. AI John, vîto feit bimei collapsad To hall btesnuuelsizo. 'II veu't aid ho. ploasa pardon me, And I wilI bie senc 11h. samileil, sud saiS, "Dean Jolin 1 didii't Say yau shouldn't bts, nm. twice." Tabe her up teuderiy, Lift lber viit rare, Fashioneil se sienderly, Younr, and sefair - She's cross as e bear. Ooffty Oooft wrcte: moere was a grade docter naied Tanner, As boss starvistlihe carmes dcr banner; CJola waton d air Was his roKuier fair, IJuS daI's vatl',the. malter mitl Usurer. The iteavier cross, lte itartier prayer The brnised herbe mee fragrant are; If wind sud sby vere alwayâ fair, Thte seller venin net vatch tise star: AnS DaviS', Pesaims iad ne'er beau sueg Il grief hieis et bail neyer wrung. Ilnor ltse mnuwbo ja willing ta riait Hll bispresent reput. forltie froedoni te tîttoli Aud.once lia-viug thought. bliesu causa mtieug et waak WVill riais tier hall for thse freedoin le $Peak, Carieg noehlug fer tihe accru lte neb bau in store, D3e thaI moilte epFperteu tisousanil0or ioer. 1raml very mers afraid cf ligltning," saisi a Výetty lady. ..And veli yoe may lie, replieS a dospaireng laver, ".as your hearl jladase cf steel." "*By George 1" shonled a tnîvolier. atarieg as the calandar car bsugiug up in ltae dapol. "if tbey haven'l gaI La playiug lte hîsmosipuzzle on the valir" Fie ranuers are lte teaulce af fiue minis. -rThe cuiy disadvantage of au houast -boet je creduiity. Gnieving for mifortueaIl addiug gal le wormeWood. Public opinion laeltae greal Juggen. naut cf imodore Society. Ne inu via iteds a monument oear .ought te have eue. . Iniluà try neode nel wueii, ansi he ltaI lives ujon hope wii die fastirug. To kecp votr evusecret isevisilom, 10 expeet otisers te keep it je felly. LaI no' oe evenlead you vitis favori; jeu will fieSd it an insullcrabie bunden. W. are createil for thé saec eu l- kte ha uaaful tciah or. ILI Q., O RI Let hlm vise regrets the ouof lime maise the propen use of that viic isl te cocue. Wliat la not aacrifced te ho respet. ahi.?2 Poe o., cey, Inukh, rirîtue,- aIl te ka.p up appearauces. Pleasaut occupation tends le proiong lifa, for leugaviîy le mucit Sependoul upon thé feelings cf tae mmd. Streugt cf nasolution le, in itef, dominion sud îbility sud thon. ie a -seod cf eoveretgety uinufdinuoing Se- Iermsoîlicu. Who ever je bononableansd Caudisi, bancal aud ceurtoone, is a true gentle- in, vheher learued or nulearuetd, nici or poor. Our palhi t la ho upard fron lte starI ; tiare is nu grades dovevard on lte rossi ltaI leada ta Ged. Ho calsa le us front abore. Opporuiîy ite ofloyer af tâne, ands a thestalS ntsy rominan when the flaver leaout up, elima may romain wnit nes vien apportuniîy in goesfor. ever. A Loearuocimanebas saidti tsaI lhe titre. Iardeet varda te prononuca ln 1he Engliehl Isguago are. ' I vwu Habits influence tbhehr etepretty mui s as nuder-currents infi en~ a vos, sel, sud vbelbor.lhey speef us on the way of cur visites or retar t prog. rose, titeir efforte s tnfot th.esceimpor. tant becanse imperceptible. Il it not vcrkltat hurts men. Ilta lhe corrosion cf uucertaty ; ilt ite scrimouy cf fear : ilble lhe -anticipation of ltehl; itl'a liing lu a sUte cf pain. fui spprohensioe. Titooras-, s bonld endoavor te ise ont cf théeiînolWhere cf gboomy forebodlnge. - ' Wbereisisse muse vio Sound <suit vibi lacîwinten ? The frolli cf July-lager, ber.- Naver kicis a thermenteter viien Il les dovu. A vifs saboula be lise rossI unit, tender add nicely dressieS. No auce The foc male visceaadvice ia ofteueat, Mnsau b@nttobe bougea bà weatu STO0RE WHOLESALE AN-D RETAIL9 KI NG-STREET, - OSHAWA. -:00:- The undersigned, miaking the LIQUOR TRADE a specialty to which hie confines his business, is enabled to supply Families, Hotel-keepers, and the Trade generaily with genuine Liquors, at lowest prices. BEST WINES,.in wood'and bottie. REST I3RANDIES,'choice brands. BEST WHISKIES, 7 years in wood, BEST ]RUM, fine- old Jamiaca. BE ST GIN, including Qld Hlollands ana Tom- Gin. PR/CES LOWER T/IAN - A8,KD FOI? INFERIOR QUAL/TIES EL8EWHERE 1' LAG ER IIRER, in 2,4anad8 gallon packagôs. Lager Beer in b ottls-2 dozen i Ilmas.ut $1.25; just the right article. 0/AET.o WILSON»-; MONTRÉAL'~ GINGER ML£ r'OWDFR UM QUART8, DOUBLE SBODA WMTE, 4JJDEB IfiIITS, I5EOt; SODA, ,, SELTZER WÂTER, SÂBSAABILL, GIN E IER, POT.&S, WÂ&TE!-. GINUER, ALE m- Quarts, a new feature.' a&Y' mEs' snd otharper el5cha.p, atthe <eNoted, Cheap HI-oÃœs',- Barked-WireGalyanize SpecW lQuotations for QJJ4NTITE8.' wiuho*ure pfs I>BISOfN, w. guru. tao quality. DRESS AND -MA.'NTLE MAKL.NG. 1M1. &mS0E. i5fT-r y- F::? -ARE OrFERING GREAT BA.RGINS IN- B ]30TS and. SHROES IPt AT H'RA Yý.ES'S, 15rO'ck-.St,. U207TEN PER CENT. OFF!Ikjsjj Mlý iales are now made wt £IDUCTION 0FOrTEBN PRCEN". upon nelling price, te CABU purohagers, Thse Stook ii thse large8t in thse County, and em- braces everYtising in Boots U and Shoes, for Ladies', Gentle-men> andcZ<kitcrenà I'a,_ear, Newest ,Styles und best quatity of material - and workman7sip. Pisaer cl Ãdïùtim. The. rerduotiôn will not last long. as leather and flinge a re going Up. AN INS1PECTIoÃŽÃŽ EESPEOTPlULLY INVITD. May 27, 1880. Watscn's Blook, Brook Street, Whitby. x0 -O TO Ten per cent. discount.off for Cash FOR ONE MONTH. - --- Customera are invited to'- cal sud examine this stock, judge of tbe qualily sud lako a note cf tho prices, sud ealiefy thensselves se te vite they ose gel lite best Bargains, for I've' hecto varrmuted te vea- WiII stand vitheut a loar Any voather, anyvitre- And ltat eau't b. boit elcevitere, By lte beat. lg» REPAIRS NEÂTLY DONE. Boots ase cheap slhoy are gooti, For ladies, gents, aud girlbood- Fit for eiîy or Iha wocd ; AIl shauld hava a pair liaI coulti, And be at reat. Cama on dean public, lbava your orders sud gel a pair cf Boots cf the rieht tind frein vous' obli~aand humble mrrant. -~TWEEDS AN])COlS JOH*N, FER GUSON w HIAS JUST BEEI'VED A >STOCK 0F- and> CA NADIAN 'TWEEDS Which were ordered before the rise in price, aiÂd which he proposes to offer at le8s, than previous. selling prices. In cloths, ho offers ALL-WOOL TWEED SIJITS at '.10 In HATS, his stock is the Jargest and best seleoted to be found in the Connty. TAJLORJNG in ail its b ranches and under his own supervsion.JOHN FERGU SON, Dundas Street, Whitby. NEW GOODS! MATTHEW OOLLNSIHÂTS, CAPS & GENTS' FURN ISFIINGS Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, AND SEE THE LARGEST & BEST STOCK 0F Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Fur- nishing House, NEXT DOOR TO TUE NEW POST OFFICE, McMillan's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. J. IR. PRINGLE.. FIELD AJND GAIRDEN SEEDS! A large suppiy, Pure and Fresh, at GENERAL DRY GOODS, GIIOCERJES, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, GLASSWAIRE, MATTHEW COLLINS. J AN D A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F, HARDWARE, &C. TOýTHE FARMEIIS' 0F THE We offer you for the harvcst of 1880, the following first- es Farming Implements : B1IOWN'S WHITBY llARVEtSTER, (Improved.) YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (Jmproved.) CAYUGA Jn MOWER, (Irnproved.) The abVve machines require no comment froin us, after passing Ilirougli such a barvest as the lag~t and carrying off the Goid Medal for Canada, We also notify ail pur.,hasers who waut duirable nachinery and propose bo pay CASH (SN DELIVERZY, to cail at our, office li Whtby, bcfore plscing your orders elsewhere, as it is our intention te adopt the CASH SYSTEM! As ncariy as is practicabla, and thoeby inaka our price list at lowest liv- ing prices. Give ns a cail. BROWN & PATTERSON MNF'G C0. Whit;by, Jan. 2lst 1879. -5 HIGHEST MARKET PRLCE PAID, FOR -ANY QUANTITY 0F- The Dry Goods Department is complote in every lino and7 the Grocery Stock ail new and fresh. 0:>- The cheapest house in the County. Be- member the addlres. 49) A. B. SMITH. ]Raglan. CALL ON-- 0 -0F WHITBY,- Fot Reliable Boots, and' Shoes. Gr'Foot Wear of ail kinds sold Cheap -for Cash, by WILLIAM BURNS,, Brook Street, Wbitby. C UT TE R S, BUGGIES, AND CAILIIAGES. The Lgetnd&tAstmninthe Ooun ty, GRE~AT BARGAINS OFFERED IN CUTTERS. -&c.) in order to make room, 'as we intend to build a larger numnber of Carniages and Buggies this winter than utrnal. TOMS & INEWPORT'S. DUNDAS STBEET, O-rOOID 8J ER!ITHOS. SLEIGH, -DELIERED AT-' w. J. GIBSON'S WH1TBY CHINA TEA STFORE. Also two Tons of good live Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chiekens Wanteda, Before' kiling eall and selP Wbitby Chià na TemStbré. 1833. Established HOTSE & SIGN1 PAINT ER, -Cen nov b. fiaund aI bis Sitop,- TWO DOORS WEST OF ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL, DUXDAS STRBET. se, Al Ordere promplly sIlendeS te. .Ei Whithy, 4puId 1, 1880. -16 (Pore Thorough-Breil Dnritarnm l 7LLSERVE COWS on lte prouea, U lot245&hGosE,,si01±Wbit GEORG JE BICKELIL. - 17tf Re. SNOW, - WHIBY, QONTABIO. T RIE CLYDE UOTEL. 1118RISo-ST. EBT, TOBONTO. EENBY LEMUON, F PFRTOB. The hous la nowly reuorsted fromi top to, bottont. ',very accommnodation for, lte zrellilng-publie. The very best of liqnoro snd igare, sud telarder s in]oeeping:with lte beet iunlte city. No better stabling, as good attentive boguios. (iy4 COAL! Freh fomthe AT LOIWEBI Fl Lcave Ordere KNG' B3 neI MON EYTOO ON BANY5fEi)- R. C. CE METEF (Lot 26, 8rd cou, cf 'Whttby. paI1ti noti liereby glven tjaï ;=Uuud gra=ig l intse Cametsry -Wi nouo u uaddition th. owfls tfor sydmg blmay ha occaals ltae te eutry cf sncb caltia. il JMcENTX May, 1880. . LI VERPOOL, LONDONDERR GLASGOW. Allan Lin 0F? ROAMAILSTEASMe. SUMMER SERVICE vu QniJE SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE, The Steainibips of lte Âllann uni dispatoited from Quabec every Sath abouc 9 s.nu., ou arrivai of lte train lotî Wbitby aq 8.2b s.m. svyFriday. rasoUon R&nes Faon wMure. (Jabin, $81 and 891, sccording te lia of stateroont. Lower rata for returuj aIs. Intermediate, M4. Staerseest5 rates. Monavian... Aunt 7t ib Sarmatisu ......... ....141h, Cî'casasu........." 2st; Sarnii.. ..........281h, Staeragepassengene are forwsnded to dundsrry, 1ealisa, Glsgow, Quees Bristol, Canlff, sud Londlon at samt s 10 Livon1sol. Parties vsabing tb eond for th eir - cen oblein ticketa aI loy ratas. - toFor ticeats sud funlten isfonsnatiop b- EO. B. YIJLE. Express sud Telegrapli 09 Whllhy, May 291h, 1880. D AILY ]UNIE TO ROCHESTI TE TEAMBEE Cemmencisg Tlturaday, .Apra. - 'Wiflniaisahon regeler trips an Ibisi LEAVING Coboung-at 7830 sud Par, aI 9.80 every mornlug (Sun ay excs ar-rival of trains.fnm.lte. art,Wes Nontit, conecting viitt n*iway à Rochester for al po*nts u ime RETURNING-Leavesarttlote (R Roceter) at 1p.,excopt Satuniaji site leivea I .4 p.m., for Cohen Port Hope direct.I Dealers in Stock &c., vill finS fU cheapeesu anaI tdirect roule tleB Albany, sud Nov York.- For finitier information, appiy te or. CAPTAIN 5fRRIV C. F GILDERSLEE'VE, Po#i Kingston, Ont. A E. STEPHENSON, Dom. TeLC Tioket Agant, Whitby.- SADD-LERUY ANiD HARNE S WILLIAM THOMPSI Bega ta direct attentton te hia large1 auponior stock, conupising evenYi la <h Saduioxy sud HennesUne LEATHERU VALISS' SARATOGA TRUINE -A LOT' 0É- CFH-LDREN'S. CMUIAGI. Vory bandsÃ"eonud Chaap.AM tË establishment- Bnock Streot, 'l Dec. 23, 1879. F OR SALE, AT TUB GL EN MAJOR MILL -InchBoards. BROOK 'ins Iaesrpolt'"-r- ter afl conta porhnOlm, a.. Or&ersto Ulacctil must ho lu wntuiig. Business D Il TA RI1 *WHlITBY EM THC s'aARBISTERS, AT! Dito-ri, Notaj2 1 0 ;;,,,o final doon et naftal, Whitby. j.. - FREWELL. County Crs M ESSR5 RITOIE MARR15TERS & ATLWC Toronto. J'AMES KIT -A. luel. B APJMTBBeu 1) casat A TTOI TOI DChrauor. Bo lreoa] Alla FUVRNITU WIIITIY, ONTARIO. N.1.-Any quîsîîtitv of Primo Butter, Freali Eggs, &c.,*taken in exchange. FREDHRIGK NEXAL.&»E, . 00OU Ir «W Whitbv. 1 SClOTCH r MILLINERY, UNDERCLOTHING, .BABY LINEN. &o.B O OTS A ND SHIIO ES 000 IN TOWN. 'il .1 TI IT 0 T' A Il T F 1 rlè;,Ub &a"- ---- j- vu-15V. anu "«ý y V JL JLA y r-P i v 1 1 Jafflm-e la la ]E>JMI*b Min lu x: lu :u 1