Whitby Chronicle, 12 Aug 1880, p. 4

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j' 1' d"±IalaI p,--rlgt- thora 1 Whlch af 'amndo jeu lina end 'ngrry T" s alïi the eniameator et population. "Oh 1I noihw of thani, Thoa'-. aoun-tbomea "s slendiyounu ggentle. man uoaed Sodberry-0hrfieBond. birry, perbapa yen knov ihF1se bas broa banal iufurlr> i, "Anal-do <haie othor genîIamaon- PlIE >And Dlggs-.knov oft lb. ezlamnQe'> of tis falevw Soudhitry le' "Oh -no 1 I'm tecsinart for ibat. 1 j uil tao tIbeanlohg ta buy Ica.criauz and caramelis. anal taka me to the Ihea. Ire. It's 1he bigirosl !on. Charii ha kuovi al &bout il, >you sea, ond ha cole linsithe-tbae.-.eh, jas1 tha dark hersa 1" "Oh, ha do.., dees b. ?" roared thie cennsano, jerng 1ofieisvig anal goggles, anal ravealing the lealunea of th i nge l Mn. T. Dlgg& , "1,wlah hlm je>' far lii bargain, anal JIU legiv hiumjUsî six mntula, s es o divorce, frac»dis Mest tvo.faoed jutile c04t 'b lb. Pascifie casaI 1, And lhebangd doan liksa oph1a-dillve, bWblnal 0' ha itlkad ont., And as 8nuaantmidedtoBomd bers'7 0 ioefI tippel ltas, i v gwhe l .b dnv' -ol se11 autrhWat.ditiù1a viëcoé sof hO! iîO*fq.a.iwtFftscù. lai brinfrlu laiother, l#ths th* Tomao ii bQ8Opa V0bao11lii u Auo4the oher ail loueiy t homoe j Ênd iia,"salthe>. jaull, te'bis swe bond sg oir, "litau mlieu, as o«r ocoan 1 revo, Une uoftl 11111.Iron of jour iuvoiy ie:io bair, As a P¶adgo of unchaugeabla lova. Bo, plemUlng. ha savaroal the covîoal curl FrOm bar gracettiu nd îlicate houa L Whou séprSs aheili aroùnutmea thair tora Thbis &hQIlbca my shoot anehor, ho sa1d. Ho foided bar Iorn lu a tander îabraco -You ara minea; mina aloeemusl ramat Tbcy parted wftb ounstanoy graved una& And lice ship sailad away c'or the naa Away said he loverata coottias afar -But aven bitura hlm thora cerma A violon o i ear bis immacuate star, Shlang t bhwis îtance theameofl. It was ewaet t10 rfait <bol ho stl ada 0f hereel!l in tha tras <at ho bre- Ah, littho lia dreanaad that theo taI! next l i1ê'art, n i apire of the fatise hair gecwore1 The Dark Horse. ROW à COcUS CENSUS TAXER DECRIVI Pnobobly the moonast piace cf col blodod deceplion in praalxcod on wonn oucunnea out ln WesternnA, dition thae ther day. 1< saims th tbe belle cf that important subnrb aur auuniipality la a Mise Suson Si fey, andl wbom o vgarons ruiner, ke lu circulation by bar limi fovored oial hood, creditoal villibing a despera liffle lir-iu foot, what Billy fiai, ti mnistreiued to a ci àa"flie bearti oaokay.". At alilavants lier affectioa ware of sueienxlidellaita a quaii ta cansa lier lwo monl faved Lxiii ta look upon eascch ier witb tha* M vtndictiva feeaings cemmon te bate rivais.Tuoe.gîutlîuaan-who Wei naipeoîivalya it7 hall clork, wlLh ei gl &sa osd riels,Dnwed PliEf. andl dry goodi moulpulator calîed Diggs- oocupiid the luhervols dovoted la glaoc il7 shtthlg uR îeothon ont ibnea avînlug a weîk lu fruiuaottimple te diaco, whbl ocf the lwo rîaliy wua tha cor iug mu in lthi matrimonial race, gsa spaak. Lait Tbursday munrulg Mis Soiffaiy, in reapousa to a businassa.iki ring of the door-bili, admittoal a mid dia agîd party wthb a blaok biord, soi weaiting binue goRgle. and a long taila ulster. l m toklug Ibo - cousus, inui,' i sali, praaeiding ta cpen a Ot bockk c Io piano andl gilting ont soa blanks "Juît loak sharp plissa and anivîr t<i veooasary questions." Miss Suiffiy . Inambleal a 111e, as vernon aiways do for saine nsoe wlaou lalkinR 10 a Govarumeul official sud said sba'd try. -Lam'meno si-yaur name sSmiffey, Ibeiev-firît naine "Scsau." "Middla pama ?" "flIavn'1 gai any, ir." "Coma now, yonug iwoman, ne pire varication. Are yen suri yau bovinI gel a middlle Dana iomewhoea, and ane lrying ta coucoa l l2"' "No, ain ; indied I hav'i," mid tbe ycung lady turuing viry pale.II ivoîalaln't daceivi jeu.", *,Yeu'd botter ual, una. The peu. alty la twontY-lva jean bord Ibor." ~'naaoieaas me l" ,,à.,muni. Now, Ibon, lots ioci viati nuni. Ah, yei--bow oten mon. ried ?" "lNet enca jet." "dAbuta. oeng lu bu I suppasa Dienu ckial, eh P"' "Ohii 1 en, air, gaverai tunes il, l'Coli t sixl imai," Raiif the conue man. siiiakiag an enlrj. "Wilaal nazi Ait 1y oaryeur bock bain faise? ' M-îu-wusi I ouswer Ibai ?" "Of course.Yep pmust. Den't trila witliathieUnitedt Stotes Covrniunnî muin. Came Dow--1 "WVell, lils samIen, Ibol lakindr-P, "TtiioLîl do w'll 0911il mid. Teelia surd ?" 'Yei, smir 1, wiîh imuclcmipbasiia. ,"1e0't Roge ed. La'% so-lil Put yen dowvu'as 25. The United , i3agaioeGvrumîut navir allevi De te laxheo àvemar'i agion calIa. Tbay vili lie ;,ca'l bel p il I guios." Il" 'm juil 18. Idon't Caoswbelher Ihe Govirumaut likas il or Dot." soid the ciktizeneai îuoppiîbly. "0Of course, Ihiy aIl gay tbat. pay altetinpqueîa. Whai sire corset?" "Eb ?" "Must onswar, muni. Ioniomber tha penalty. 11ev nynjincbîsron lIai wrogna2 Thobu engin oet ha South Aficon dia mena i , acording ta 3. a. R. Smith, volcania, boiug feonaliluàapnnietiva «auge, anal praeutiug - aigus of*mi'ei gecondsay modifications. Tii. ýmines, ha hala, oe aticot voloonlacra«tmns, ti at tednndulj,b6 aea fù ormiat fh paa ort ngnlo miter *unden trng hast. esprsueat Mn. Roîha n ubis êlabcotooficiai report ta lis oTlih Board et Trada on Ia the Tay Bridge Disoalr, ttosa is Oweapîng ce ademsnalocf thi: sînim-' ture :-'#The bridgaevs-.bodi>' 4Wsgu- G ed, bedlyoustrucied. aa diyaun lneai, analsd iavufail aas due lait. ieret doecta llte lrucluro, whlah utai4, soonar or latin, have lironghî itB dovo." Bo mualu fer, that lttvi etf e ngneringe - "Did, you ever knev stBahOi chosul.ý cai gecnus sni>'sou 2", aukedau Oaa aI OUI lady. ffH boas niade.a tIdlé ont à- r lasown haad, and iha h" ovoilenongh for s-uotl&rr, Than. la ne erchardbowever vWU àllendai. Bu smesm, HPÂAY PORES A & 8 anal ollur Implements, cbeap, at the "cedCheaf> H-ouse" -HA TOtt àif OTUER. BEýred Wre Galvanized« 2on 4 bankeal, aI 12 ais, par pound. Speai Quceatimofr 'Q UNTITW8.' -KILL.'T!4£ BUOS! With Our pure PARIS GiaBEN, vo, guara tue quali>. An Unontilclpaîed Fortuze, ke,ýEstat*ai vhose' vaines ara eslituatefi Sb>' muloi*, eaking boire uand Jfuinm '<hem are io sildoni heard et nawýà.diye 't< a <bahlaiai ofnuaieetf "ich ,Phil- aaîphia aoy vas neceuil>' alvledl <îe liadit flieu he in 10, le caIelateîtoall aidaavkan a reilng terait in finipu sîbilutet flIta. 'Tiatesialor, Alfred'B. Carlin, à baciailer, reonrte"l la hi vorth no& neg as thon $4,000,000, wos kuevu uP le tb. lime ohbia daatb as tIbai kng 'of runs stock-bneedo n lu Astraliea,ana liveti . in a way becatûiug bis gaeaî wallh an a- a Tvoit aî.sieir Wagga WVagga iu lu" tbal acountry. Hie namai vil! heo r. ucbnimbeneal b>' hose via vena inteneit. .l. d in <ha fanons Ticibonne trio.l, helal in Landau six jians «go, as-lia mail censicuans vitumsasfer the laimanit4a lIa i oiborna estotes - appearng as tbe mou Who firut omploeeaihrthur 1 Orîo as a harder on bis alagd iaarrva an Australia, anal vbcia testinon>' Os <o the penîcual appes-raucaetfOOlon vhen hiea ha tiret îaw him carraspandad vlth 'Lady Ticlîbenne'a adescrption of lber ion ond hein as miii knaw hlmn befora ho loft hobe. Aacordali ho Dr. .Ronealey, Orton's conuol over 8100,000 vae .cou- tnihutial hy Mn. Carlin ta aid tbeoU!am- &N nt ta aslahlish liii beirship. Nolhing vai kuowu cfkAlfredlCanin'a anleedînîs amoug lthi 1evvilla wbom la. bassocioteal, but ho vau gen ailîsin- a paîcal l a hiviit trelations. 8 Ott y &d. aller bis deoîb. bavever, a vil! vas bat praduceal vhielusattorneys, Brovua & Of Silsby, lu Waggs- Wagigu. dinecting tha it, sal e asprepbrh>' anal payaneàOf t ha apî prareads te hie ber, whom ho nommai. aer- Efforts verono ttouacamade b>' <li atm attonneys lai place thensmives in coin. tha mrinicaîion viti Mn. Carliu'î hein, sud 1ad thiei'sult, oflan cansidenable troubla on@ansd dalay, vas <bot aanly la-;t January liîy a latter wos nacalveat b Wiliam J oeCarlina, aI No. 2,081 Matnt Verun ciet b'eeh, tram 'rabor, Wales & Penny, sol- ad ihoe, No..41 Strad, London, aalting a lurtia <býe-omisaetfbis uncle anal na. ya. quistiug.him hto preve bis indeptity anal thuglbais heelaim. totaelia lheilance. -After noaovening fron hig aitonuabmeni m- Mn. Carlin, vho hitdnaor beard of ,g tbis cncli, topk lthi latter te hie noîher. anr At finit sho vas inclinoal ota rmalliai n. molter as u hoox, but attorvards recohl. te log mfoeneta aabrother wbich bon lubushanal once mode durig hie liftima, te she alvimoa the son ho anîvar the lot- A. ter. Tiao reiult bas bens auinceal d correspondance anal <le prcobb letlie. d mient cf the propant>' upon lha bain vithin tva moutha, ba Il oppioni ot he Iba dienllaothie 'n bor n IEnglana vhan beho ws about s. lwenty y.aof let an sd vos supposea ai le hava Roeata China an o marchent- cman,.saippisg as s cammon alIen. %e Nolhing wos bord cf bin a atervords )n anad ho 'viagiven o p os deod. About I, fftaeueans ogo a latter vos neceivait tnr unhi blai eair of the bey who, Y. nov cernes ito possession cf bis estol* arot'hosc eidutaeneahb. athoen ad.' visai. Thai vwe the lait hiord frein bn uUtilhie nceul alvicas et bis destia. B- William J. Carlin, wh ânay nov b. 'î saai ta ha oue cf theu eict .Young il mon in Aneieic, is. about ivenhy-ona years of oge, uuosurning lu bis vs ys ! an sufe bcyisb uppearsuca. The meth- [ er anal son liva lu au elegont litli boeatut1h. aboya adreis anal ara sali ho bluinver>' easy ai rcumotancos. MÂRIAGÀatolr B,&ItOXcgse Dcna'rV a Ceerre.-A momiage has bacc arnougmal r- Wewen te Baroue8s Cents anal 1Mr. Asimeail Banleti, wlm bua cteil as ber secretary anal almenor for soa lîme paît. The necaul tstment t tei "nme affect vbich vat centnidicteal, vas mode b>' Ibe lutacalea bridagroom. eTha gentleman te s brother et Mr. Ellia nl Atmaeaâ.Ialrîi, muebioaitPania. CI meut. B>' beconrgIln. Bamtioles viftehaonnass il! lose o van>' largn a portion ot han incarna, te tha axtent,5 G la sod, cf ovar .1100,000 jart>'. This is lu accondunco ih wilblb.vli et Hriet Maîbon, DuchnofîSt S. Aijion, vho * equeatheierho vmIt propoily to Misns Angaloa, nov Barouse CoulIs, praviding Di that if sho aarioi au allen c,' natuaral- 1 ure subjacl lier inherestin1 Coitîts' bank N 1analalter proparties shail oea. Mn. )BartIettihn «Amotican vho *'vas t. ruraliza à ortbo tholiansince. It in ai- saris a iaI neniurauces s-gainai the 1eara'ige ougagemnlt ram thaehaut 1frieas ofthe las oouema anal rom liae higbest quartens fslied le haveany affect o nad <bat liai morris-g i vii sarl>'tala place. Tite Bs-roui sage ai suty4ix vbile Mn. BonIlaît bas ual jet complet.- cd hi. vat-nlthean.--- AND MANTLE MAKINGI -ARE OFFEBING GREAT BARGINS IN- MILLINERY, UNDERCLOTHING, BABY LINEN. &o. Special attention to orders. Magni- ficent assortment of Trimmings at remionable cost. The Beit sewing machine for sale and ta rent st very low prices. Orders for B3ritish Amerrican Dying Co., for clean- ing and coloring of Feathers, Gloves, Dresses, &o., wil be received and promptly attendlod to. M. & S. E. McIJNTYRE, Agani fer ÊBuitenliPatterasoMd Plfdon Shaîl, J380CZ STREET, WRITBY. Bprî ng, 1880. Spri ng.1 FRESH FIELD AND -GARDEN AT TUE NEW CASH GROOERY EMPORIUM. Flowcr Seotb anxd Garden Sonde, in ra ool4rietias, at 8. FRASEB'S. Imu.ocdFicild Carrot Seede, Freela Mangolal Seade, %aeh Imrnpoved Tanchtes Tcmip Seeda, ail tram <ha Most Reliabie Soedsen, at S. FRASEF.'S. P4 RE SII FAMILY GROCEIIIES!1 Tes, Coffees andl Sugares at rock batt»» pnSes, Kealer's Daindee Mar- maladc, in biili, Eaýigbisbi Pickles, Sauces anid J"ins. ýah.rge assor<ment et 31hixirx, Crockerv said Glsssware, baUutifula Dinnar Se'ts chcap, nov anal igeful articles for <ho Ladies, tha Glass Egg-beater and Measuring Jar, '7awte laAliiiglPinsi. Try <lhe Pnincea. Louise Baking- Povaer, the boul lu use, aicaanal ton it incraing dâiiy.' Por sale only ai )E%'EtaLL'i Buaca, BOKSE" WHITBY, ONTARIO. -»MbakUz .-B.-Any quantity of Prime Butter, Freeli Eggs, &c., taken i» exehange. FRE MnDE RIOK NÂE cou MW rz~ PI-Q*UOR, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, KI&NG-ISTR EEÉT w-. OSHAWA.1 The u-ndersigned, making ýthe LIQUOR TADEa pecialty ta which le confines bIs business, is enabled. ta îply Familiee, Hotel-keepers, and the.Trade generally vithgenuinAe liainors, ai lowest prices. 3EST WINES, in wood iboýttie. e(w 3EST BIMfle d 3amiaoa. 3EST GINIne4n-.l llad IICE8 LO-WER TItAN A8ED FOP,? INFZRI# 9UTE ,Lager Bee>'rMin bottle-2 do, zen$i juj àe riglit article. . ' SOLE 'AGENT FOR SCI IODA WATEU, "MI" IMON SQDÂ, SE &BBAPAI&TTLLA,- GINGFIER , ENQER ALE inQuitrts21 ,ý4 E;Ëecial arrne m çnfti16r Ân " SO~4TH IG'NE r',BOOTýS anLd SHOES AT HA YES'Sel QJ~ENPER CENT. OFF! 1 ale fts8are no* mude witha u ÙJTION 0r TEX PU CENTO upou selelhI)4rioe,' té OA$U purchauerq, The ,.# - ù 1 the- arge8tm . in the Gounty, and em- braces-everythig in Boots and Shoes, for Ladies', Oenllemen, aznd childroe'8 wear, Newest Styles and beut guality of material % W n wrmnsi. Please oeil in~ time, Thle re4uction will ot lait long, as leather and fiadings are going up.. AN INSPLrc"pON RBSPECTFnLy INVITBD. w FINE TWEEDS* AND CLOTHS. JHN FUT ERGU ASTOKON land JUT ECVD ASTCK0 .itby.ý 1 SCOTCH MATTHEW COLLINS Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, AND 8EE THE LARGEBT & BEBT STOCK 0F BOOTS AND.SH OES IN TOWN. t'Ten per cent.' discount. off for Cash FOR ONE MONTH. Ctamoiers are invited ta CRU and examine <hies tock, judge cf tbe qnoily and loka a note cf <ha pnicai, aa alaf hemsalves as ta vhera 4b.>' can gel the bail Ban=ns o l'y"P boots warrnleal te ver- Boots s e op as tbey are gaaod, WiIlstan vhtanîstsarFer ladius, gants, and *lhod- Auj weathîn, onywhar- Fil fer cil>' or lbh e odý Anithat can't ba beot elsewbere, Al shoulal hava a pair <bat cauid, By the hast. Andl ho at rail. W. J».I AY S Coma on dear public, Icave yonr ordens andl get a pair of Boots cf the nigbt kinal froin yaur ebliged anal humble seryant, MATTIIEW COLLINS, TO THE FA4IMEI?8' 0F THE :000: Wo offer yQti for the harvest of 1880, thc following first- BROWN'S WHITI3Y HAItVESTEII, (Iniproved.) YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (Improved.) The above machines rqturioli comment frein us, aftr paeaing <breugia snch a harvest as tha must apit carryiug off the Goi Macl for Canada, We aise notify alpuxehasae who want durable machiner>' anad propose le, pay CASH 014 DElLIVERY, to euhl at aur office ini Whitby, before placing your ordera esewhare, as il is aur intention te adopt the CASH SYSTEM! Als ncarly as le practicoblo, and lhcroby zuale aur price lifit aI leset liv- ing price. Give ne a cmii. BROWN & PATTERSON MN FG Co. Whitby, Jan. 21s1 1879. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR- -ANY QÜANTITY OF- -DEIVRED AT- w5 WH1TBY CHINA TEA STORE. Aise two ièoi>iiof god live-Turkays, Gese ]ucks and OChiekens, wanted'. Before killing Cali and seie I J r - *- î833~ Which were ordered before -the rise in price, and. whih- he proposes to offer at less than previaus seling prices. In cloths, lie offers ALL-WOOL TWÈED SUITS at 0,10 In HATS, is stock is the largest and bett selected to be faund ini tho Conni>'. TAILORING in al its brandihesý and under his own su p e rv isio n . -J H E G S N Dtmdas Street, Whitby. NEW'GOODS! HATS, CAPS & GENTS' FURNISHJNGS Merchant Tailoring and Gents'. Fur- nishing flouse, NEXT DOOIR TO TRE N'EW POST OFFICE, J. R. PP.INGLÉ.* FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS 1 A large isupply, Pure and Fresh, at GENERAL DRY GOODS , GIUOCERIES, BOOTS AND 810E S, CROCKELRY, GLASS WARE, AND A LARGE ASSOMTMENT 0f HARDWARE, &C. The Dry Geods Deparlonont je cempleto- in every Uino and the <rooery Stock ajinew and fresh. t' The cheapeet hanse ini tha Count'. Pbe- menaber thea ddree. 49 A. B. SMITH, Raglan. CALL0ON- WILLIAmHIBURNS, For Reliable Boots and 01Y- Foot Wear of ail kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by WILLIAM BUIRNS, Brock Streot, Whitby. CUTTERS, AND A BUIGGIES, The Largest and Best Assortment-in the County., GREAT' BA2RGAINS OFFRED IN CUTTERS. &c.) in order ta make room, as -we in'tend to build a larger. nuniber of Carniages and Buggies this winter thian usuel. TOMS &' NEWPOILT'S. THOS. -SLEIGHý, TUF.I"CLYDE HOTELQ MlUSE & SJGN PAIN T ERF, noueà eý,r4vt f=op TWO DOORS WESOT 0F AUMSTRO-l;S e4cgaiea aýnal gea attez» ~~~~~ ACOd) rmpl'atnici'e._ t5ROND U KE.» MON EY ON EASY TERMS. Apply ta.. l. H fILLINGS8 R. C. CEMETERy (Lot 26, 8rd Con, e-f W1Ëih3 -LI te merylb, pr found gren5l heCre»..~ ~ t paunitea d. i~n addition thecans ton 6 th aiaa<at nay bho -dg lie thi antny oi sucb tattla. - J. J, MCETEZ May,-] 880.P.--îî LIVERiPOOL, LONDONDERRy, GLASGOW, -Allan Lineo SUMMER SERVICE vWA QUEBlES SHORTEST SEA PASSAGEî- The Slarneip« it olte AllsaLinoans dipatchad frein Quabec avezy Soaaria ahana 9 amu., an arrivai af the train bera1 Whitby al8.2h a-rn- overy Friday. Cobin, t81 aud #91, accordiug te pouili* MaraiiinAgust 7th, Sarmalian ........." 14th, Cincaselan ........." 218t, Sardinian........" 251h, Sieorge magersara forwsndedtc dodry lai, Glaigw, Querra Bristol, Candiff, oai dLandoaa= er as ta Liverpoal. Parties wvasing ta senai ion their Ir cou obtain tickets at 1ev rates. -GËO.B. TIlLE. Wt-, D IY IE TO ROCHESTE <Mn. Sia TEIasteR Commeicing Tlncrsdaiy, 4prU, lil Will moka ber regnier trips ou Ibis ro LEÂVING Cobourg at 7.0 anal Port E at 9.30 aven>' monnug lSuny exaed arnivaloflaisine froita lieBEat,es Northa, cenuecting wit al wa lh Rechestn er o alpein thIe UniteL S IlETUR2NING--raycgnte Charlotte (PS Rchbester) at9 p.a., except Saturdays, w -mie lasa- 8.45 pa., fer Cobourg Port Hope adiract. Doalers iu Stock &c., wv in dma iis chéapesl anal mcii direct route te Boti Al frterindzaun appty te er, CAPTAIN OHUZWOOJ C. Pè GILDEB5LBBE # 1E , -.Port Eà Elugaten, Ont. - < WHJTBYC-GYMNASIUý Tnm CURLING CLUB BU-ILDIN6 Cipn oejaiternoon, tram 4 p.rn til 6t audinute=!2ming ram 7 <c11 pa. A&duasi by Ticket. BOYS UNDER- là YEARS OF AGE 15 Ol Tickets good tarons raounth tus-r hahad E. STEPHEBON'5, Domnio Tel" OOMFORTABLE HOUSE ANI Store To Rent--Separately - Or Tagether 1 lick, newly blt,'aantain 0 plf diuing reora, ktb rio pom, va loi rogmani ar ud oidt w'vote, a suai pirticulmr, appi>'te MR. D. ORISTON Orta-mu. MUBPEZY - on timpler Wltby, lune lit, 1880. ' JAMES KET Moue>' ta Last 111 intenest- - DaInipta ]an.y . o Omonin Hons,l -CIrÂRLES - A TTOMITZ-ÂT- ronoBook.. ans. scer, &. c uni.LIIÂN 1&N't îles.-Chaaiaay, Co office, lnJLcMillusý 'Whilby. lu ne-up ta 18 taT5t at gex;z Di* I)b',a mhrg lathe rataetf 8 ý,jnt-insrtint, insuTance, CoOXai95 desciPtion vai plcc ,>' tie yaar, .oretheni -BUBIflBss 1 'oPTARIO TE FAIREWEL-L& ancans. office, sdoii FRotai, Whritby. - .. E FAiEWLL,L BARRISTERS &j AT LAWtS -J DRESS I 1 tay 27, 18W. meminan's Blocky Brock Street, -vY-Iltby. Sho esýl . 1 1 DUNDAS STREET, 1- . 1 TWEEDS ! Bu GGI)E se y ON , IB 1

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