T Iriogfais UBWH os 55y tW' horei abl.tio d Tise O N rkià al Ibo or b buiness fr thewhin- x 1 fndpaarc'nIe aI ilshe NewnYrk.tosn Mo 1 agetl b rsuecnio rwal 001tipli cleric a s:taf (gay hunred Cuertsinly tw Thered 1. t.bid ees oue too matutol<ep ut iesf in tus at.hold rAtÃŽthresonute cni ew oritral, tmeth n theP s n- of Ne - ivauxag hnBatiemor stafhf go 0e Grand TntlO rtaily to buseso . orUl bos 'ihoes are pa rtiiats I n thel su WiYkCoi-al, tmoert avorego es- vtnia, the BtimoeendO hoirs- ont is aItdise rate of $120,000 a year. nisioner Fink, thse suprintondent Thse foll! the poolnected - reCeIVES, IT 18 SAI, $25000 '& YEAIl. etm fla tis Ie ual truc ho is anu upsid mn, -a a hie workle w iorth far mors tissu tisaI whici, ù tise linos lio serves. lHe is e in- A Si utor, in whole or part, of theise gm. t h s ptool systora. Smo. ho cannot ho. t h nme eoirichcd by patenting ths ides, lie I rus hie roward hy "bossing" its ap- onlsh' cation on a gigantia sosie sit the pools eau in tise New York Life Iusurance 2. Si iiding. Ilu he ample offices there Nst it videil for thiein site thse commission. oi tisec ,surrousled by hie Iwo hundresd of biil ivenore. Thoera are coucocted ailtise cal d-pi illant plans for reglating the fright un ema+ sinces sud rates - vithout once cou-.îthe dsî lting thse esippers. Tisonce flash theiose lees, dors aeignickg 7tié sud tisai quota Of! labsle iglit to' ensai raiiway on thbe terme w91rise- tise divi8ion o! plundor-we beg ipar. uira nl busnes-aes groed upon prev.ions- ix_ý'npsI- Whien itie faund tisai auyonue lins cô inadvrtently exceeded ius quota tise previatls monts, thon il i8 de.' yod of sufillient freigist tisenoeil 1thtc affsect tise former cocose, Ansi thiîsa sud mous mors witisoul consul- g n arilua tise lgheaft degree for seings, prefsences sud wises cf s isippere. uTisey may prefer ta do ene x lvi witis the New York rai, an tise Erie on tise Peunsyl. la.- No malter e-laitishey waui-tisê AUTOCitAT DoES WSSAT ILiii LEÂSEa etlu al f tise Grand Truuk or Ilaltimoro suId Ohio la short of is e aflite traîie, thon tise firsi freigit t coees alang la sent ta ils essiero bluaian, wlistover lb may ha, by t route- If theo route iia langer, sud elippere la'ous mous y hy lose of e or damage doue ta hie goods hy e-eatiser, or if hoenflera lu anu way ni s change cf route made withont consent or knowlsdge, andi perisapa ainat hie proteit, h. may have liii on y iu theocourts lu au expeusive -But ha e il hope. for no rein- seusout frouxtise pool or any of tise tuers tierein. It le tisir tigisi ittle nie ta suako mouoy hy tsking every cs- vabie sdvantage cf tise shippen. ey bave hum at tiseir mieroy. Among um tlicy tarin a monopoly ai proseni incibia. There ilauoo huiit on tise [suces ;tisey îsy arder lu freigis es-exoolsi wisen tise canais are coin- ing wiIIL thier, se now- Tise for- nier 0 o ssdssy la ound andsi eiple thidihaut1m. Tisa tisaugisi ai huis cingl tueaIesissrate ail penuons e-its sers Cod lu patroutre tise pool. But tise sa of sjnry lei ine-mssseod lsy thsebit- nelectissustisaitise vitiins sue coin loti lJpsy t ér griesai, ansi worksssg vony seîsrstus tisai ulsislatées sudt cso hein. 1Tisa enarsunosexpeuseo unning tise pool mâaaisiery al aset. Adding ta lise salary liai cf D Canusesionen sand bis staff a roseau- le estumata for remt, stainury, sud -joue office itemus hesisice tise psy ut ol ogeulastaIdîfferout pointa about scountry , shah l o t ar ont in .in tie atisn nai coct of tisecnst- stu( pool at a quarter et a million iliur. AnS svcry dollar of thia je tracteS lir is e p-lu-kte (if lisusuetsa nu. JI, e tise prie nt of otavors Jane Isle inus-m, but afties persisent ne- et sud diregrd oft tiein e-jshes sud trst. Tise morestisey psy ta sup- )r the pool tise usrecosmpliote tiiey site tiseusacincsy whiihije opealsi clusivrAy ltisehir iiadvautege or in- ry tfnrtise profit of lise giant nsllway Vie isrssw su tis voetirnaled 6250,000s sanoilesssnelnog renson a'ly biîeiuess tu eboliiii tnt cosae ta csary ou tisoir ar againet railway poolse nsiohiet Lou tite, again8t thotis sit-honud ce-compiaredti e-s eiioi Vicoo lugeso aolebrated îievililsf aisea mild Md eaily salipied sort of imonsten. XîANNifie IIIAW OUITsl" Js-sN-A rtauge acclent ours-il tts Mn. Lewis, if Lîbo, su Monday itiet wliilol lie e-as iitilsg a nieiglihour. Wlien about bs-. [g, iste ini lie oviliing, liseisappenesi te yse-n aud cpeuad lhis mentis be wue, pnodncing dislocation cf tle -r ie. Every effort te nsr lacselise boue Preveel unavaliug, andi n. Lewis was uhliles! to go il tisae-ay ta Ails Craig, ufforng couidenahle pain, beeldea lie- ing aliged Ie liesp hile moutbi open tise sebohe distance. Dr. Gunn pesdily set he .ji-r, suad Mi. Lewie i.uce- al ight Ats slin Lurua lJ3itÂzizN's Cuosir Siv-M haiWeiton, .an Air Lino brakoman, isad un sîmosi minseuios secapo frotusdeati on Satnrday. IHe wae ou dty onu a fraiglit train, aud Wban usai ilisonburg tatted t10 dimh tp lise ide cf a car. DyBornea mnss thie laddser gave way aud hoe eas ibrown bOtWeenth ie rails, but toninnaîely lie rtaînod presenceof*et' ind ta mretois hinaeif dat upon the gicund, e-Sera he 11y in sgenizing suspense e-ilo twenty- lise cama passeos over hie prostrate body. liae-se braugflat ta St. Thomas, e-he bie e-anode'were dressed, sud sa ex. anination dieciosed tisaI the young mIa'sa beadc been almoet enlîrely denudoîl cf the naloral cosarng. Tise &calp was trnu looso sud aimait sever- cd, flelvisg fise akul hbaro. HIe isanu e-as iîrely fejuezed snd lh u aitiéd-t intrusui injixîniusin0 addition, but e-su recever, Bulcis Arnica Salve. ls 5:SA tvx a lutise wortltfor Cltte, BrSie'ors-us Ulcero, Sat Rissun Feoe 'cme, Otr tliiesse ludC iibame lIe avet t.araoteosl ta give penieci satsfaction in avery case or msoun refend su. Prieeis'es-utnteper liai. Fer sale by T Gl. Wiilel ', Wiitby. Esvied Beauly. Wbat in more handsomo tisa a ies bIsegis, ecan, Complexidon, aisowlug tihosu- ies of pemict hoalth P AU cau mjoythies, aivantagei.by naing leotrie Bittera5 lmn-' a re blouian d al tasoes Qa the touiscs,1 iver Kidueya sud Uinery Organ Mais speedlly ourad. For nervonanese sas! aIl attendant alimenta, llaey are a nover flallng reineS, suds pelilvlydogre bre aUl dis. ars feul. Trytise Elactria Bittais sud be couvinees! cftiseir wof4ll uiete.,,For sale by aI dmggtte, ai fty cents 'a Man* Moblest Work. 4TÙ I auesa¶o! gret e-orks sus! wou- 4ciliietbuL Steanseolrldctyi ,e-tenai,al are made tdrv ma", buts ýMmýon&ly te géâtet iventonsare abâit.. IEW cAD'iVU-li s E MEÃŽ'. TAIiIOLADIE8' COL-LEGE., w -i!TB, 0 M.T. bjeet afio l ntitution la ta furnish taeyoung lAdies g aniai sud heaithîni home, nab sucoesfuiiy laid, nder pure, rfnnsd ansnnflpencois the fouids- s road sud genenous culture. Bofor e-,sdugeiseWhere, parents wilV do Wel Iu tho faUo0wIng-S-ECî&r. ÂVANrÀoro tisaI weo er for tise systematie d7ovelolimont vhaie hoing, physical, intellectuai, sud mor-al- fnsurpassed Facilities For Thorough Educational Work. Iu the faundatton branches cf instruction requirod for the FERMEDIATE EXAMINATION, 'erelty Matriculation, we are enterlug loto competiticu 'with tise High Soisoole Liegiate Institutes, and do confidently offer Co those prepariug for tise teaching ton, ail thse intelieeusl &avantages tisat tsehe etH i gis Shools oai urnihi, sud,fet tise cerne lime, Superior Social and AesthetiC Culture. e% .cowing sentence from tise visiter@' report gives expression te the sdvantagee cou. wsth t he admirable metlsod of grading aud clasuification thst charsaterlzes the lierary depatmneut. "Tise progrese o e t sdenle i le osies matrienatiae me- m9uages, tiserEuglisis branoliia, ans1 tisefine artese-se VERI ùCEDIARtKA3LE Aw Iz attribute te tise sub-divieions oetClise classes ansi the groater attention ea thus bestowed on tise ixsdsiidual etudeute.' ILVER MEDAL giveis by tise (OVERNOR GENERAL, e-lbho arded >upil taking th ishe set standing in lutermedisste Examination. - (hor 3sdils, <>'old ansd Si1rer iil b' -opsen for conipe!i!iu o s those 'lus q tise M. hL A., or1M.31<. L., 0course. uperior Course of instruction in Music feeinsg satiRtied %viti tise tinte and attention given by Mr. Torrington to thesjupilâ College ' aud believiug tisat tise entire tiensd energ of a professions! gentea b esaidiug ani ability would sisis groatiy ta tiso efficiency sud suoes ef our muai. sartnsent, our Board of Directome have ongaged tise services cf Mr. E. I. Ruppeli, msent Germman musician and i sieSsl èer&Dn»eolato erofeasor et tise Grand Coser- aio Ns-w York-City,' who m-lIl reside lu Wiiithy sud give hie undivided attention ta sssýriiient a1 i ulus. Thos wso have iseretofore camplined a! short time or lest ss, ruy ru-si assures tisai no suris defects e-il! charactorlze tise pissent system, - se eus -ssis iusisaqtic pssessor e-eU ho always on isand te direct ansd supervise tir wsi rive. tistw.teaZusa o very eomi ter rfeios-il c -ogl ng ladies who intenil ta make mousiicoaohing terpoesowl .taogl rtest in tise several scientiflo branches ai the art, e-hile groatoat care w e-tih talion te ta RUsi tise pilpils a co,-r-e, tstoeAtl style of pericrsning, wîth tis pecil vioe- ai ag tissus ta coutiue tiseir etudios is future, ae(eue. P. RUPPELL Wîli hocasaiteil by Miss Kerr and other toacisers of experienoe and A Diploma e-ii ho given ta thosee-ho comploe the precribed professions! course. 3. The Art Department, kfi ordo supenior facililo. for tisa aneceefiul etudy aif DaeiugpCrayanlig, 011 Pai.nting, (iuclssdlsg Lausleoape, Portrait, Fruit, Fiowers and Ganse1 Watar Colore sud China paining.- Al l truction is based upon tise ule. of perspective, lae-s ci cier ansi rinciples ci hiîrmoioy and campositimugo tisaitishe papI! i. led frein copyiug modela te oigial sketch. ig, coIorng aud deeaignius1. ho studio le e-il supplisd witis modela sud castei, andI furnisisos excellant &avantagea te tlsose wlho we-listea aquiro tise kuowledge requisite for Ieaoisng. 4. ELEGÂINTT BUILDINGS, CHARMINOGIROUNDS HBÂLTHFUL LOCATION, admirable systeni ai Calliheuscansd lsarcisg Exercices ilidlng, st. Under unr plan ai living, bating, dietiunt, cxorcising, k, delitote pupils hecome srong, aud sldons require tise attention o! a pisyeion. a. TITFl'IRSONAL HABITS AND MANNERS OF THE PUPILS ARE UNDER tise jusiscious overigisi sund direction o! Mis ASasn Lady Principal, laie ci lirookisurt, Cuoura-, Mies Adamii wll.kuoe-n sbiliey sud expenleuce are a sufflient gnarantoe ta tise publie, tisai nothiug will hoce-antiug lu tise preparation ai popii.a for tise mont refiaed sud cultivated soctety- . LECTURES, 9CIENTIF1C, HISTORICAL. AND LITERARY, FROM TEE ableet lecture talent i tise Deminion. Prof. Dr. Usaanel, of Victoria Unlversiter; Prof. GuldIe uSmith anSdailiers.- Thsesabject of tlteee LerctuesaIo which alsare admited, froecof charge, u fao inspire psepile in their work, eand çive t/tam gentrali information topons ssebecte isecloeded in thseu regu.lar course. 7. lisvissg accommiodation for a large number of hoarders, e-e are kesping fur pupila tise tuition and ioarding expeuses ai tise lbeost posmible peint, and are ofiarlng 10 per cent. discountsi esu aymnt là smade for sae-bole - s a u svsue. IFes reqtsot tie esrlicpf possibsles noctice of pups'le iaeudino acaise. College Re-0pens September 2nd, 1880. Fo r Caslrssisr or 1Ji9,sriot as1 in.Pls, .'1d i s s 1 1 l utlJul 22usI. lSO~. Worksigimn. hiepfore you h,-csusyoum lsoatvy qpisns work suter a e-juter of relaxation,. vour eystem n n Es-tClarseinka ands eresugtis.- iîsg ta preseut ans ssttack of Ague, 1iii- liune or SprînisgFeser, or se-nie oallie.r Spriug asekîsoas t1it ieLu unfil Yenutfoi s eca onaeok. You e-ilsave finie. ms-eil sicknes sud great eXpeomte if yon il -hi one-bottie ai' loîs Bittera lu yonr fatuily tise unts. Dont wail. See otisor columu..e> Dit. TAN-NER OsrvTNi.-We isaël a bsen a ff-w day ega tisat cold mee Dr. Toe fast limnesansdigo ta-a dayo hetter. Sue acideuully got fâeieoed in tIse manger cf an oid table tisaI wa ued for a isog peu. ans) wae tîseir six woeks eithout eitier fond or e;Ien sd tises firet ihing sise dii afte-r hing relievosi wae lu lay-ou tIse groune. In s few de3-. isa jwua ail rialit. h is ta ho holse-.1t4tîDr. Tis-nuor e-i lethaves nssny icuiatore, in tise lOtis ceuury aI least. Tho- Dr. jesa regular Pharisea tisai is lie tast in sud preijed on tise public. Eureka Sai Rheunn andi Skin Ointmcnt. Amnong tisenumerous "1lUs te e-hidi fieh le lcir, tise different diaesates cf tise skts taise no conteinptibie raui.. Sait Uheus, Scrofuloue Bores and Sonrvy, have iitiserto been coneideneel alusosti mniable ; but sucb le no long- er tho once. Tise Enreka SalI hheum sud Skiu Qintînenti le earrnlo t cure tise eorsi, case of Salt Risor o any other Skin Dissea, if tise directions are fathlful y i0ll0e-èd. SoliS iu boxes ai bOcon ts,hby alldru ggista. iS-hy Gil-Edgc Bolier. -Thoinaele haysauanactive damnans! for butter tisai ie up teatise giib-edge standard lu quality and! colon. MueS butter thinleolierwlse poil sellsa a reduction fron lin-es te five censaepa paoundl, bocausa daficient in aoor airymen shoulel thonnue Wollos, RIeS- ardsas & Co'a Peurfectes! Butter Celer te gise bnight Juno color. This celer le htails brighileet, purest ans! beat muado. Sold by druggias. - 49-iy 05500Rerd-Catarni cure. Borne people e-d ani her bu ihum- bugged t ban te gaI"vains nîcelved" for thi money. fonce à bis "bisaioch poisons iunn ftcnuhis ands! ta pretendîs cure for oalsnrh, forgettiig tisat Dr. Bag'e Catannis Rommdy ta so positbvesin ils offets, tbat ils former piopklieor sp- voîtisac itIlfor yearc tougisoul tis Unitedl Slalos onders positive guMia- tee, offerng 8500 îe-srd fpr. an tncur- able case aud e-sa ndvei asiles! tpon t psy ibis ree-ard exeeptinlu be-ecaes. This remey ha-s acqoineel socS a faine tisaI a bran-ce aies bas been estahlîshed lu Lond¶on, Eaglans!, teausnply.the.for- mugu demnauc for it. Sols! y âIrujglta aI 50 conte. Consumpiteu Curoil. An old physician, retirei! fro lice, lîsviug s! places! in hie hi an Esel us iaeionary tliii of a simple vegelable 'remedy speedy sud permansent curef sumpîlon, BronclitIia, OsAt&r- sud alî Tisost. ans! Lunog Af Nervons debllily an~d aIl Neoies paniafter besing listeds! i lùi CurAtiv. powers ju thos Oase, isaselb ib huiqdut-y -.o a koowtitlehla esn4a falun*. J. J. ELA~1E, rRINCII'AL. ,VHITBY MARKEFTS. si - rss icps-. August Bth, i16Mt. tsimue lVbiet---------- llaule) ...... -... .......... Ysoar, ter c-t ........... 2 Peas, k)hlak-eyed----------. O Amorucan corn, ferm bd.. 0 fior asc à .... 0 Hay--------------------..7 A plés, lier bus..;.........C0 Egge;...................O Bluter..... ............i Ciseese-.. ......... O Wood........ .... .....a Siokperlne..............o Calveg ......... ........... 4 Tomatoe---------------t.. Turnsps.................. 0 Carrote-----------------... Ceiery, por Soz----------C Ciikene, per pair ..... C Docks per...........C0 Turkeye, per ns .......... 0 Claver---------------t... Timoisy--------------... Woos, une-sehosi...... i lea .se........... Maple Sugar-------------.. Bacon......... Hamae............... ....t B.tprb 1 .......... Pîsatar, Ameiican,i l .. et Con. whiste, pr toi, Beef, per lb ....d...... D00 970 065 D 38 Df60 065 750 00 ) 550 00 40 000 0 00 00 00 00 0 10 00 3 75 0 25 121 100 .600 0 96 500 006 3000 Là 0 75 t; 70i Q00() L4 040 @ 0 65 0 070 84f00 Q000 @ 000 0 01 16 *400 Q750 Q000 Q000 Q000 @ 000 0R 00 0 050 Q000 Q000 Q012 @?00 4 400 *018 Q011 *008 Q0,00 Q007 NEW ÂDVERTISEXENTU& NOTiCE fhmbin lueithm ttheaid- meetia g=cf tii0 abois cm. ~wiUl lhe tte Oof fG. YM rjý»sqintheTowa a cf Wi5 MWONDAX, 80th &UGUST9, 1080. At savon o'éock,p. m .FRED MuDpox -e j The immense stock: ofBI k Frjeucli ,,,Casheres now beilg offered. at BRY CËýE'S CASh -ý1STORE, ý -OSUHAWA, This iS the Largest lot (2>000 ýyards)è ù o, cmleeasormntâ TT~j~JL Ever offered to the Whitby and Oshawa publiec! and having been bought last Jaurat the 1owest prices this class of goods was ever knoWn to bes, they are *ithout aoubt the best valùe 'in the mrt.The great advance in the price of wool kias eaused an adlva.nee in the wholesale prices from three to ten centsý per yard. The whole lot is being offered at old prices, which m&kes it advisable for in- tending purchasers to make selections early. ]IEAVY A.LL-WOOL BLACK CASHMERES at 40 and 45 cents. FINE at 50, 55 and 60 cents. VERY FINE at 65c, 70c, 75a, 80c, 85c, 90c, 95c, $1.00, $1.210, $1.20 and $1.30. REVERY PRICE IN JET AND BLUE-I'4AK 8HUDIL ROBERTI-He tRYOE, 3 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA. IMPORTANT SALE -F FARM PROPERTIES I -IN TU TOWNBHIP 07 THOR. UNDER A POWERl 0F SALE CON- taiued lu su Indenture oi Morigago madieb Donald G. Rosa, (whlch will be produces!,) el b. offared foc salo at public auctiois by Mr. Donald Roseanuctionear, at tse HMMLTON HOUB, lu tise VILLAGE 0F BEAVERTON AT ONE 0-CLOCK,'P. M., ON Friday, the Third Day of September, 1880, the following valuabla freeisold tarin pro- perties la te-o parade': PARCEL 0ONEB-loeke "A ""B," ,"nd ««C," (as laiddowaunreçistere plen>hosng L t arso!saie nissuozFifteen asid troken ai nusuhr Sixteen and tise original Boasi alice-suce hotween the saisi Lot", al lu tise Sis hconcession of tues.saiiTownesip ci Tiserais Tiseps.nceicouisinis ahot 32 acres oi firet-oIeses ered land, ail ire.- tram teusnpa sud iseuiutliy etoales in l ire Village aI Ileavertan, un these hane cbf Lake Sinicos. <on it are ereotesi a large tramselBarn, Imrge trame Stale aud Ostie Shed, a!u g d order. Tisa prcperty te ancieseti vitis sI goost post sud boardt fonce, ansd is anc o! tise moot stesînabî lu tise Townslsip. r.%IICEL TWO.-Loî ouroe lso teer lu theo Thissi couceseioun sd tiseSauth-hall cf Loi naniber Fifteen la tise Fons coucs- sien oattisee miuTownship oi Thorals. Tisepeiari entaine by amerement 130 acces, bhe se ame more or less. Of tiseue Pbot 210 scre are cleanesi and néarly aIl tise cieaned portion le tumpoti and lu a gcad state o! enitivalion. Tisas re a racted tisereonua gocd log Dwelllng sud lire. large trames Berna, sa large tissus Stable snd Sheda and lacge frame RanI Houa., tisa latter me cently erectes!. This la eue ci tise but fonces farie ne unelghhcurhood. Tise Vendors e-ilfuo bRniisBgitres Ab- strsctîý-nsu mieviseiesaof tille Deeda and pepers relaig iiseropa se are lu tsaïr posseaxoonsd are not ta ho celles! on for aà ny oison p roc! or verittiestn. - ÀAdepooft cf $10 fur eveny $100ofipurehasa monoy ta ha paid ta Vaudois or their BoUc- ittr 1 gen te .eof ea. Tere o sae lberl ad i.bemade known ai tins. cf sale. For initier parllculars, apply tu, Donal Rose, sctianeerlato, or te Meurse. Rersluuian Bics, 22 Ring-st. Eut. Toronto or ta S. G. Wood, Vandora'sollitor,2 7 Welllxgton-îI. Eut, Toroato. Dates! Augnat 515, 18W0. 8. _G. WOOD, DONALD ROBS8, FARM TO RENT 1 C01 O MD 0F"OSPOR. Fi, o ke, Frot, as hoe ik erng onani7ares. We=ll aered,4 Llberbyta pice- as son saos flane tesa ouf Fcr fiU parilnlasapy b J. RADSON1. Wlalisy, July93,180tfO TOWN & PABK LOTS &LPPIBY il Wlatby, Auguat 111h, 8- mai. QEN8HTL IN Paxe.-To lan PuurasEilu JANu. PHLLP iemOAI..-iso-str à u,1881: r om uYqumr n!~Jaa w u' atbungan! are ~droom (Cbalgs Gaztsr of BlItlsih oft«Akmueaii tal'uesXoaBoi ewBatgkIOUSE &,4JGN H o o o Ã" o POLKA DOT PRINTS.. DOM?*NION WARE.ROOMSI DI1.RECT I MPORTATIONt 2 CASES of those Polka Dot szoooWorth of New Brussels, Tapistry, Kider- $2000nilsester, Union ana Hexnp IrFLOO laOZxaLaiLOTria COTTON GRAIN BAGS, AN]) A FEW CHOICE PIECES 0F sCO'0F-V01la TW iEEID RECEIV E]) TEIS WEEBR. J B Powell &tCoup- Whitby, August Sth, 1880. SCOTCH TWEEDS@ Ã" o H H o OAUTIOND BACU 5 J.IG 01? TIIE iWyrtIe Navy! liq BR1ONqZE LETTEREa.. None Othor Genuine;I L Tuolm vax ->BESI SMOKING TOUACIJI)1H CANADA. -t h lemade hy s new il ïoriginual ixro-! ceasthrangh whicb tise enk nivotine iW extracted and thje- sweeî Aronia and! LNaturel ,javour &ré retained s& i, Aginia Isoaf, ïlithouttlie aid o 1e I' or injur-iens contpcuude. Il la out ey' Kfor Usesud neatly imaiin tii-foil, in;î Ecompact 4-ucpacks&ee. Itwillkeep i tongue. - 0' - UAs dealers are al w tu taise- haIS cf aI new thiug, hoawr muai ita. mer1it tt util thor eà a à demaud for et, i ave deterninod tôa"lîo0 it 'diretly wtbm te threachof ma i,'Fr tise Doitnin#y das h canot bi. ba ait f - local dealers.,1 I llU' mnd ywo sanipi AU lodre"ofheip f5 et, cst- ii a t s rial nc ) re tsi Jiettra . E. SAXTON, Globe Tobacco Works, Windsor, Ont. r.! hi au ~ 1i1~ H t~ -i Brci. lJJ 011!tIf IFOR LESSONS IO5ILPAIWI Dssin lBISakiWn N4 E w_ z-ÂDt11S E MN S.l APP L P AR BRS t HIA TON à 8RQJTIE? 114M NE OMS Caatcwlîae, toks5 . tr$, ]Biek 011. iW pimet Oli. HATOIR & BEOTBNE Bosa 0ookiïu", Large Puiapes te TA L .Weýjt a' ;1atoa cM Cam utr, assIttes!]yi w9rbersuani montras), Ail - r Si M ~ r.i~ e -. p D ~., coU.1 ~ PHOTOGRAPHY. s J. W. RUPERT,' Frein the wdW-nown fir o f ÉBUCE Co0., Iýiýsto, Phologrpiers,. Taises pleasore lu infcrming tise cisons of Whlbby sud -South Onttro, that hobs purchae& tise satire right ansi intereet-:c! liai weU-knowuht abcsdFremifi* - establisment, 1lte caed by tise WILENBONB-BLOKBRtocX.ST.. WiHITBYT. Tise extensive alterions sud improve-. ments a iselas fim areb -ti ALL WOREK GUA1MANTREDp- FI1Ê8T-OLAS ATT~ LOWZST BT8I~4 Se Dur TABLETTE PHOTOSy-' FRAMU<G ina-ani ls' rancies.- -gunthed plin u il,,w*ter colour, uisors « ay IBOTTOM, PEICES. AO&NT for Mason-& Risch, manus- fsctu:tn of Pianos and Orgasis.- Ordé m 'tor Tunlng proniptly attendes! to-. J. W. R. hopeis by strict attention ta bhui. - aiseatozmerit a sie cf te.patronspiso -JJ5 W. RIJPERI, WIlkinsou's BIci, BrûekoIt. Wiitby, Mfsy il, 1«.0 - MBMBER OF TUE, ONTARIXO f10- --CIETY 0F' ARTS, &~sd asacsieni Ise IlyssCs A ca.s ci c tliaate daman. eCharge buntry. oameeî *y will supply l il fami. atiig pur. &go, le-o chanaber l rcesi thau le glit, for tW bc aed ont, 1 ise te an Theo auket a<tise The 1 1 à JRJ»J&UttL