Whitby Chronicle, 9 Sep 1880, p. 1

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I T1 gyIT CHRONIOLE goo>A Y MORLNING, 13110 1 SREEu WiTBl ~H. HIGIN8, &hiPritig EstabUahmOlt, - , er8 -$1 50,per Annum.__ .~ADEI<rIS~I]ITS.- Al Àdertso-Wltli cain Printed Word$, groat tbouglitesi £1 otsmeured in 1Nonpariel, aud ebarged t ibe raeof t8Bcents, per lntri --- - ct isoârtion. 'alW IIJTBY, PROVINCE 0 liocna1 lierOrt I tMetings, liineisicJVOL. X)X)J\7 stîtwcunts c lankti, ltaiiWSY Compactes;,-- ý---a - -- - . -, itieuranco Coilniou, sud matters ot hike UR N E dueription wbec pisoed emlong Now@ Mat -1RAND TRUNU 11AILWÂY HOTEL, 1 N A HA L L, UR NCE terponetapr lttOind ib dvertisers G y tho ear ade uîewi (oppositeO G. T. R.- Station,) Whitby. stOIN OF TUE BI1G JUe (tiZOISTEitEn) ONTARIO F ARMERS' Order todisoon u aIIrigmnsWM. .O'NEILL --PROPRIETOII. 71 KING-8T. EAST TORONTO. lu uâ__bc in writ--g. Mutual Insurance Co'y. FEvery accommodation for guote, <clud- Fsnçy Breakfat suad Tes Sots. Buines irctry lg confrtable, airy bedrocmo, Mealse t al tancy Diucer end Dessert Sots- HjEAI) OFFICE, BEOCK-ST., WHLITDY. .heurs. Fancy ]Ied.roonSots. -e- "Tho Ber fnily -suuilied witiî hest adJuondT pts ----- brande of Liquora, Winos,XI randies, Cigars. SlPlatused Tez oapotcn. RIS . COMPANY insuros Fare Bulbd- trNTe t10 NKvolery eesa. dt;an utrCoilea ngs, Qountry Charchles, Sehool <5N',A lIOIl A N, o.lvrnesarirection given < ite PaodCutasd 3ttr bssuc trtSa W l TB 3 AI~C oo Sebigonloedyreu m n Silver Platcd Cak e rs Houstc. *and <bir ContensAtre$a o d I <t Rodg-silers' issu PorBkct. sthose cf ecy wetl.ostebllsbod Companly Il1OW1, 1 BàN«vI o odstabni. -48dyad ndat Rdes, iesadFuk.in Canada. IUO0MAS DW ieotoa Tes Travii aud Servorsi. MANIîCte. --- owor Ahade for Lilys, &o., &o., JUST OSSES PROMPTLY PAID. - - fl MMElCIL OTFL sd SABLS,(îItltwarp~, ail desciptionc. nO-MM4ERc I Ais-trOT, an TABoLEo , White Stone wae, every lttud. J. IB. ICKELL, JOBS WILLlS, FAIW ELL ~RUTLEDGElU telasud6 lier Gonds.tProsido.nI- VeceadPraridect. AIRTESATONY'SOI Importer. C. NOURSE, SFClcnTARTv. Nota1TEice, Publie, SoLI JIL JLR- U PR T OHNELL)OEl RISN -sureO Tu te~tCt (1 Isy lo di e lelty,o('ily Wbitby, Apnil th, 1878. -16 iiilhm, firet door sonth cf <ho Royal twe it,eki fiii tihe NortibOfliDpt.adloe om n n ibidto, NIiitby. totlime àliarlitit- Tho îîouso liasmien n i-e Iy omnin vood VOrKS, JAMES RUTLED)OI, B Flittolout,cievrytbiigFt-ciss(y-47i WITa. s HCENIX FIEE .SURANCE CO. J.4 E. FA. WEi'LAL B, --Lombard St. sud Cheriug Cross, London. Ml<ity row Atorn'y.Geo. Cormack, Couuty Crowu1USE IrUMttorReHNTy- IILDR - STArÂLISHZED IN 1782. TJ-XJI>E1NC 11 US, rrMEI<MERIIAT BTILDR-GILLESPIE, MOFFÂTT & CO., î Jrsî UrrCIîIîm- & BILLINIIS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c. 1V ait 12b Y& C. H. RITCHIE, W. H. BILLINGS, Toronto. Whu<hy. jAmEs KErIHGORDON, ARITR&ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 1 3 Socito n Cbancory, Cauvoyances, ,Notany Puhlic,, &o. OthIc-1)nttdas St-, itrt deer veiet ut ArmstuslHotel. Mcney.lu Lonu-rivaeoinds-st I-w interest. JOIIN A- McGILLIVRAY, (Suenessôr ta Il. M. Heowell.) BD AR! ISTER A- ATTORNETY.AT-LAW, 1>Nc<ar Publibe.&c. Sliclior for ho Ilonîitdîin auk. Olino-NeSi door <n Itellsien IHanse, tixbnidgc, Ont. -28 CH!ARLES4 C. KELLER, 1- TTORNET.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN ~.Chancery Convyn.Ptcer, &o., Ceunng. lau, Brouit, C. W. L. T. BARCLAY. tTTOINEY -AT - lAW, SOLIt'IT011 ni Cl <n Cenry sud Insohu-nry, Cocnvcy- snrr, &., tAn. Orice.-At the Court IlIuse, Witby. LYMAN 9NGLIShI, L L. Il., 1) AIlSliil.i AT L~AW,1 SOICITOR IN ent Street, Oebewi. -, LiAVID t11.11IST(>N,fB.i., t TORlNEY- ST-L-1ff, SOLICITOUIN 1 î iiiit-rmi ilîmi l uiiî î e,l&m-'C' - i- <iî~,, t~iMmlilianei lii ti- k Sti-î m-t, i 81111 11) o-li-vrils lllak lirateofie-n tors-et- ny-5h IIOIINSON & RENT, (Lai-E & miiu CtlnNN i9, V ictoria,.Str-imt 1 AURISTB-AT LAW SOLIIT site rke. u-.-l.-,rlaIllack, Iirock- Simdc, Whtly, Ont. - DUNDAS.STUrEItT. WIITBY. Goant acnônînniiiii uaI reaot.nusilOterme. Boarminra 62.110 per week. -411 fSSIN HlOUSE.-TOliONTO, ONT. Tue Palace Ilote1 cf Canada Eefitted, Rfurnisheit snd Ucrivslcd. New Passen- ger Eevator, ruuuing îsi<b and day. The onî l frst.nles'i Motel lu <aneda wjîb grade- atedprines, vuz:-$2, $2.110, aud $8 pridey. Mei ers oi Clubs snd thora, dosirng i-oms, wiihout boad, 81 teu82 per udayà, MARK N.I Li II, Feh. 271b, 878. hroprietoC. R1OYAL HOTEL, WIITBY. The above ld eÃŽbas boeau horoughly renovatod sud raf urniahed, sud is naw ce- der the manaenttof GEBO. MACKIE, (f4Lrwcrly oi St. Lawrence Hait, Port Hope- Every atteon atx pstutauestii. Espenoially good Semple lcocus for Cous les',suit il 0bofetTwlsted Moldinga De i ahsd Bilihîds LUM B EH whalesolo and relsil, or by iy the nsr 1usd. Pbaulng, Motidinge cf evcry descrip- tion, Finoring, Sheetiiig, Shalvîng. Re-1 ssving, Sbaping, Turniug. Scrol-vork, etc., etc. Whitby, Oct. luth, 1878.-4 M 4ONEYT TO LEND. Tbounuderslguod hasasuy ameunt'of Mou- ey te Landt upou Farcu or Towc Propor<y, ai unnually Low Rates et lutoreat. 1 Luans eau ho repaid iu sumo <e suit bei-- rovers. Seyersl Insproved Farmeansd Wild Lande tesi rboas made in Municipal Dehen- tarse, B=ansd other marketatehis Stocks. Fer inettier particare apply ta JAMES BOLDEN. April tli, 1872. 15 THE WILSON HOUSE' - AIIBURN, ONT., ALEX. BARCLAY, - - Propriotor. Tue ltieuse is cf 1Brick, largo sud cm ioiluîs, sud the iutourimri <c ltîed up te ci- ns-fl estyle- The la rltrila tîj1phiem1 witli te bosS il, thie inanîsi 'ieo ut ai ijasansd Sieling, large sud roamy. clsioides- B RITISE AMIEICAN HOTEL, 4LATERiiOSON caSE.) 1 WII TB3y, ON TA Ii10. ihîmse îîwiy rcîîîîva<ed aneu irne 1- d iirommghne, ond put ilutlrt-etaLsi ardm-n lim be ri-ni-htion Amîtgilelts. An antuilum t anadi roui cl traîne. Firsî cilercs auenhO i an CSHAKESPEA1îE IOTEL, Coir. Kinîg é% ork-Bîe., Toronto, Oni. 1r,itis51 tù iti iDlI.- (iy->i) P)051 OFF-ICE SALOON, Toioxitm te'- THE, BlES i A( iilmiImOATTON ->r fcr iunsit ii-7 (1 i m-m miSm mcm I WII ITItY. ARCHITECTURE! DRAWING AND SPECIFiCATION out Pmair CHUf Coir jl'aI ibmtheNîimiciug fliatrI, Toronta. î,.d ltiîeand uitCigare. Cinimodione stibilimmg. Fimt.clmm,.L.u-mry Stable cnlitBilliardt<li Pmclor itliimy-lli B3U1LI 1 N G iptiy pu-inrril euh, iete M.lrncy ici ils t -mutretloil. Me JRCH AND SCfIQOL ARCHITECTURE A re s<ondcncc Rcspccifulhy ScLicited. ton Il W BARBIlît Achitent, &o., foc Ofihana, Ont.,Cr Ta A.- A. 10 NT, - oui -vl Liiîîangîry, Langioy à: Burke, 2& 'raronte.) Ime dt ARCHITECT. ai ec efer Cliurchvs, Villuansd Cottage& KIN. STRNEET, OSHAWAL ..B.,i u isti'nig structures. el AiRiTEi.4' A--M imuy <c Lone OmmeIaF.fr itoelrroont, airis Ù8residanca ut 1> eser mtMîrrii.c Lciaic H CESTR,- . PrepridlOr. ounlOIýjgsieeu Rosit, Pickering.L Oriqia-uorMriamnîluisK~ V. H.T C liESTiîR.,bag sd4-tf) P. O. Box 202 Wnrnav. n Inn. 22, 1878 - ti 6 nse is retibteit andifuruished te nuiii <hoe ___ wsîîts aithie trcveniia(i public. Table sup)- THE TORONTO ('AHR ION APAh'h'E, ir <siplu vii ho be t hoanI AttliSEit, Atiîmwy e La-, id iqens u ainutil té ast rmetd&-Turkis h i apor Baths.' WRSES toji-sa-aw n iur ancg-re. Ba <9udtam B . Simliioi i tJlîaiîccryNom 4 Tarori t ianj . Azîmîloe tabierooa, careint bastIons. sîreet, Toronto.46-ly- - Tiiocli bLathe are usafuil in Ihennts.ctinm, 01115itlfii. .C 1140 1; APELE.--Nonralqgis, Conglis, Cods, Coupion, I 'IhtOWN IIOTEL, COLUMBIUS. Brotichitiis, Scrotum, Skie' Disue,-dl la-b c .-fiawiatbane. Bileumnea, Foyer., s ano R. J. GUMNS, M. D.,3.YAULDbNG, Bauitary upis -ICUGEON TO THE COUNTT (5AOL, Laie ai tha IlOntario II Ashbun, havbng The vsper batha are pstilaily &p lieb- îByront treet, Whthy. purchbsed <lie aheo vireIl-kuovu promsises, ilo te aIl Sid dsois sepciallyphlied auhiit, a eontnance et patronage ironise bîtistanov unlversaly coueedsd .7 bot Wnn iehhIlNM,>.,.RC,-,numecraus friends. th Turkishad Vap'r Bath* are théeboit %V.rcatEA goitbastlin lu tendance. preservetives of bosith vithin <ha rouci of 1 -l'UT'S HiOSPITAL LONBON, ENG., _____________medical experte sud inu curpucclon vill i the> <heye R. 0. H. L., Obsaw?, Ontario. medical retaientt<le pattent l more i-sp- - -______ cLACK nURSE IIOTEL, Idly asuaceeefuiy traated. ____ - D aîranized <rongbont <ho vonld traie 'A R B ou.F1)nr& u-.TRNT royalty devu<oe<the pacresi man. Thoe - o. Ut; QOG Ss,"0O T.Tnrklmhbbsths are <heonoly oes no tho City D>i.[BOGART, .IFE XOD 1OREO.o Toronto. pil4lelli, sirgonAcoucerte. &C ALRE OXORD - BOPIETB.Quottionseand recomandationan siirn Pbyim-isi, Sungims An-aehcr dc te, Laie of Wehl.igtan Iotal, Markham.) trqm tho bâtt mtodlcs ana ssniany athori- Wlitiîy, Sept.mb lt, 1874. 40 -tielu ait couaiesi. - - -- - ' -- - TEiIMS, $100 FPER DAY. Good saab- HOUitS-Geatlîein, 7 o 8.80 a&M., 8Wt iiîg tor aven 1M bolrntes. Firat-clan séedmus9lpan. Satnrdey iutil Il p.=. Ladia, 10 WV. A DAM'S, ioiliiioxî for tannos nsudtuae travelling &.m. te 1.00 p.m. publc in genenal. (lY-4 PBIOES-Turkiah Batha, ane tkt 1 D E N T I S T 19tickets, $10. Vspor Ballia eeah;11 __ $OVRB I.JLMs>-LUMBER ILUMBER I 233 QUEEN4STs WEST.,. J)tGocr QO Soe R. 11s. JAMESON'S -Siilful sud atte4tive mle smd fensul tOffco hefomam u. tc12 um. and tram C J 0OIl N S O N ,attendantsJ@.IMR, i. 1.10 te f3, p. Mu. Raidene-Car. ci Byronuce 3.SSpsr<ntONDautt. cui Gibei tretsLU MBE~R MERCHANT, -- C', VARI .D. 8. W B1TISYMgPAIl Ma e hofonuadounfIe at N VRUL. H T '~T Ge5. P. Rowel & Cola Newpapr Ad. -_TLEET11 insrtit on alI the so Haanad a large supply of aIl kinde cf votlsing Bureau (10 «prune St.), vhere sa- "..uLv latent princîplos, )f lie artBidnLuir.bainSvTmeNvYoi Barri Lumber Boards, sud ail neceasa.ty nertlsing contracta mas' ho mae for Il ZN or» Chei she chepesêt, sud as ;ae ase the aIB7aim, uig untt ubud. _________Yeux.______ hast. . T th tileS wLtb Geoli 'ud Silver, Ld Sarig rdrlrgeLon ti Sln .d-'~es Teei cx)ratad wutbais<pain, by prolncissg treoMe shorLnBice tv2O, fine"""' tîla Sietal. Dot ai Roam-lu Cow.- -DMlertshor tehseSied sîes91N ..a 5n.1~8 eu's uew bok, aval Akîneon's Drng Sicr o bs. Sne n lnsawy nM N Y U L A Whitys ay th. 877 ly20 8100,000 FOU INVESTMENT. Klug Stroat, O N98 Wity Ms'1<. 8. lRION PREÂL LISTATE SEICUDilFT. JOHN OBJNONS ARD.- &tlowestlîvlng na<sofintesot 1AIR DRESSING AND SHAVING IETERINABT PHACTICB.-Mr. T.FN. Moee y sc-curod vitîtin 0tssc p Li.Saonu, romk Si., Whitby. V lPoster, Vterinany Surgeon, tarmnerîs' plicotien. -aj f p of atBelleville, bas sucodaMr. lnrnaulApit VS., in tha pranlios of hie profession. -MJHN AIIQHASteN JOcIN'sVOFENDE bchoai Rayes hotel, Whitby, overy Tuesdaes in Whtby, Pebranly 16<1480 GOEI4T F0R1T71111 CELEBRÂýTED escli vekl, tra oeàp. u. ________lm._____ ,.Lg oattbl Granite. At MerlsWtnle I cen cordialis' receaimeud Mn. Poster te of Jenathan Wolfunden,DunuSt.,Whithy, m ais' r sud <ho publie generalîslTy'NCEK SOFC ____________________ .W. J. HLM55N. TW LR SO FC L. FAIRI)ANKS, -Ba-RMOVEII TO- OrFICIAL ASSIGNEEZ Dsouto / PartnershiP TH EWHITBY HALL,, BEPAI<TNEUSHIP betee Alezsnder(OPf4S gar OPPICE, OPPOSITE TI~E ROYAL 9ÃŽlar.-nthuaad» m Ofiehîo Hneol, Biock-t-, Whi<by. -Livors' ta ho eaper,hbu besu dbalvi d. 12an -t4We tao. PBaNGLRea1tsArma onienis the Whitliy, Mareh 26<1, 1679. 1447 - Towin Cierit[orntigten URE-BRED COTSWOLD RB L 1 V IR Y G1]OIBB P AND BERKSHI-RE 8 E W1LTYO-,c4 WAf if, MiLErB, rEELIVREBU$INESS vllin fisiso u potr, Deales à a1ubci f- a -L s osriedoen byime et tlie ld lacé - --- Bolo Bank Pai, Cianeosnt P.O., Ontario. Royl iatal, W4d I nospootf acb ethtée - Bree4er 4d ms ortere o w <i*« et<liaj 1EA Oïad Pe=o - bred Blerksire PPg.-&e* outoabb iholu.E? R. W. TYRE, Manager, Motreai. A GENCY ESTABLISHED IN CANA- Dinu 80. Unîtusîted liabliiy of aIl tho Stockholders, sud large Reserve Funds. Moderato rates cf premiui. C. NOURSE, Agont, Whl<by. Whithy, April 9tb, 1878. 16 BR H RITISU IC A ssurance Company. ASSETS, $1,101,8769t F. A. ]3ALL, Manager. inaurances ofoected at tho lowea< cuiront rates ou Buldings, Merchaudiofi, ana other property, egaiiet Ionas or damage by fie. C. NOtrBSE, Agent, Whitby. Wbitby, April 9th, 1878. 16 P FPPEILS QUININE àsneMONmut t lu cetan c nunvsryln mt "to uinin a"d trou, it posssa aul tbe Iowcra01 <se. m. eptoine IraeetmWi bweialcm . a 1ev siete et thse uer-cons syatem,. rueeblcit enuditîcu af thse body, and à orangoent ofaithoeocucral bealth. Iy.5 P Ern*sQuNINE SLmrIMON TONIC J strectiseus <ho cor-cocosud muscular yeti'eni, improvos ,lileotlo.anactnteaithe ontnrita. recrubmi the bealtt. Par delmliatoi imîsith Cran lime e cnt oi bai clixaos <bis %atoic stc.lmale. ly-5 DEPPEiîs Qi'INtixu Ili ON TONIC P ue suit ito dveote oTneus ecergies, errebes <ho tilocet, cronioteo eppetti dti'otI leeguor suitdeprensalc, tortifles the cilgotîve Ornano.ce a seil etni-iuv or neurs-lmnls amue, lumigeofinn. cerre0niovery id, esi altenîionv, &ndmin uwastîiatg mientses, seroitiloiu linde,,eiea &c.T-e 'li 4i e tt iltiO1 tclîIy imi<'ri1îl'yv i'elmpes Tane.th'e <ie uoti rau-ultime tri lâten", the ostltutioSigr.attv stronoîbocoo=.and e returu tom robns< bcalli crrtaini oiislos4.0m. ; cci atmIlsa. Sail v Ciseuuisa vervatiera.The naine of i.lopr Do,-aIiorit talineiv, London,. mueti tm utel I-liserf,-s ne Taule socrtit iimcf-r e~PetersQuino anti Seau, Itih ilîrongly renpo t<o roelentà in Ilan and t<heo Clantes, sud shmild aws lwhk<ep reouCo nT iec inevmca eofe nver or terl= candtionic. ly-8 Pareul anhy by J. Pepper. London. This cui, rocicitiin. ectr",s ifrouum oielnai etc. is DIow cI icstend I tfbsue llanti cale- ,el for thse Moui i-fmycimcpaa, blîlfomtionca- sond il slyspmnsofai cngestion niof te . whbch re gsiesalv pain beucaili <ho aheuldies, jat-acbe, drowgl es, noe euite. ferre, noie, ibsnroeatbietaste tn <ha mou-uniz. ,idiness. Isini-imace of<mthe stouuoeh. and din g egnersI dciressiod. T lais ho elag- mti iver lu motiom, very slightlv acte o tho mwol&,gvluig saunas ai hoelbh sud ceaifauu «lta hur. 1tla tise stel modicine. rirexecuin and pa làph la a s iiS asoi iybJ.PEPPEZ i.llord Lsboato-y. ciiuise ne bin a ve ylabel. Boutle, OiLt and ta.Oit. Solti by ail Chemiic. A esnt veluabte sud oeseutlami uselue fornIn- la. Australa, <ho Cape, anti CeionisSener- liy. l- rOCICYER'R SULPEUII HAMIt ESTORE j will dariten Maey hein, a-dInl a fev davi omphetehy bring bock tho naturel calotin. The ffe ln superio bo <c at pno-duiOd'iby an ile mtnianeaul dyo, and tees net liites'.<hoski arg bottles, la.od.-LockYor'a la equal tu the montexpeiive hein restaer«. ls-g r 0CEYEISSULPEUR u 1 RIITOREl in lthe boafoi- restornsgrcy halr ta 1< oArmer cetourbt produces a fpurfob nature hado nd la abtiolutely hhuiule e oai nedet for destroylug meurt sud enuradni grawih ct aow heur. 'y JiOCKTER-8 SULPHUE HAIE SESTORE] stimeulant, ceni iuel action u e n th sain glanda. LO W UZ RE à eti-ealyretoonded. 1<telamoutagmaeei in use, sud neyer tanlla Iti saction ou th sahaur ladea lirys restarng and melulels ing tisai vwhieh basua ia lt No «en ha lrsuing tu requlatO. large )OW6osI&e Godby Cbme lMSdOre. i7an& ît ouss'nMdsna'ui t prteE pizîïRliur ee Oi 5T y. Tans Ezenu=uaBAD> AprWT38,IDOZexs ,&cm=I, HE.sD.cEE, Eeenfummm,, sudi ether syniptoins odaodeed Uver and dl popala. Akneýw l5 -. natm geone <o ho <hoe and mldaPmuS - eney cons<titui. > in Bore et il.lid., 2s.U, sud M4& Soit iy Ohemasta aud lX*ebeVeInd tbnegulhlt the wvos'-d Pnepae= iJan Bonko, Londona- SeolllyalUiOPillefor retldusstfairo bh econmdatecfopuet., sBot, Titi OREAM 0FF CANAVA UOWIJLA floarderstakdt5 by lie vOek on cuodi JOÈ3PR,. BANI1DE LI ýisly, 28th 1880. - 2 -oRD1 &PIB02 c0St -BUDESG" irapcf sud untlring industry, wo advocate peace, progres, Kno%#1dgC, ONTARIO, TIIUFJRSzD"AY, SEPT-] 0 BI A] 0 Brothcrheed. [EMBEIR 9. 1880ý A Maidenlî Message. pityi a oage wilbd baut liat -badilicou frem inscmi inl edepatuey - trapped sud lineugltitot Babybon long caroufe. iwindl, <bat wanderosl e'e hill, sud vale, age, by certain hantera of <lie moun- Leaving tbe royal preseuco, Beladou asces, huewleth aep ain sa gif< <o theGrotQneeul. fe lia arn ceized oco more lu <ho 31W onte hoo-whrllcylops Thougi -à f&iWl4n-o-vaut enougli, eunuuh's painfül grip, whie As8sarso, nd lirethe upen bli, brew a îoving kisi vhloàa keîeor lutelboo<teandý firmer muttered, half-tnncousciously, snob frein me,.sirit hala hlm lu sulijoctien, bce lie-breken seotenceae.icarved te discloce tgolden «"maiden moon," sno esin, sud tZooght hlm .omovlist cmorsefulby it <ho plot holied iirtaiaructod, imud <ho d bglit, tino "0 eave -is ulaeetiboW. insneby whicb 1< waa Welie carried liedru and o'>r bi t y soit, tender Aaaso yewincd ovor <the out. Proou<iy, ini e few simple dlre- etreama et ight -othorýo figure Wi<h <lie -unoonsoious tions,be impantsd <e bic snbordin<.O rol.ira buhow Weil I love hbn-tell bhlm ce atarsocf a le.p.'valkat' are <boy ligit4n-. ttilue cf bi@s p!oSe. Comaieiud- to-nlgbt. ad lnto recognitioni <hoen ho sêsrted sud lng lin te inuater ail <lie priects sid Dstarsal eh clvery.brlght, set on <bat desp, exclalmed -*'Hev. nov, Boadon ? Be-, prepliets in tlie oity sat<ho gresât ne?- Ptil bine, tunued oce agn Wït-id, gof Se- <harngata by vhicb <ho quaenu %boula SIens <bat &re vatchlnq o'cr ine bath tho minaiis 2-IJcuosU of fiarehoo, sud enter, With kuife sud lioaflowe'r lu long ni t rog, the ohidrea of Auak viti whouu ho, baud ; tW snround <berevi<h ee srcug roîl hlm tny fove or hfn In pure o e-dwels 2" a f»oeof epearmou sit yeuld hli un sud<tuc. "Lot not my bord lie vrosia," was-<hopossible for the pepulace tW break 0 great, "ran, anow-vhite clona,Slow.- cuee. "Thougis litsuerut'1ý4<hogli sud tinAt s given Jsignal, driiting or tbd"y, <brougli <icheete [1ko su ehol, -I o falouSemiremis viti Iis fo owersil 13ear te hic beart s meecage se yo paea lns was ho visen <bau <stla e a bld inufetters, cf ircq,,anti ebring1 belhi y lv w ud b -hin h bird, hich ples ler long loegs uad er a he plos Capive inte the templer re l b cmd o ve wo-ot e b l d ie . o e p l o s in g e tg e o t - <le Sto rm »I . o o fB a ls h, It o u ld le a fin e r v e n g e, do-o db - <bnder aud lghtuiog cMe dreads.1i tbougb< Assarep, to koop lier <home ill gres<, wide ses, on whU hehoight.wiudfi have haud tho thunder 6f<lie qulosn's the arrivai of thé,doi o <i Sig je bis cars thy oaisi.cahm sud slow, cen #Q, hv ee <-dihtlg ï,ee< u <iuWae he~-l el lier slpg tog4 , oIn.4È£itr,-,n -i Siig tclais heart I lovo bf4 in nBt soit anadsnt, e<i à tinago.Bt<n -îltzebqapé dwot low.bridie, and hateuot[bak <bat I inglit or cf bic force mati love, te triko liis 0 ticy, lsugbing rippîns, da&ncing on <ho vemu my bord of lier epptoach."' ovu kuife iteber haeut at theo irsl s hty e, v s t a de ig o T bugh em et ig eom d t e tel l haia t of ber chariot wi<in h o gâte. C>mgt ceulsu voavotlndnigyo t hoinformatien was tautamount tWaà 1I eaju trust Von,"' said lio, vheci Tellbitem1 love Bo veli, I coula not love doitl-warrant, Ibheent ueapod np with <boy parted, sud .Piladon- propoeed <c hinm Ore i a wilti uureaauing joy. atioat his fidoiity lu a groat oatli by the 0 m on nd tat, clnasan depp ine t "I se.cueom 1" hoexeclaimet, whie virlaaing wige, ieautoe<the qupen'a O tou sudBao s l u a u e p I e = i~ fiew t c'hig van, liavy ch ok. fi ret set, li n h . e-enter a <le city, A.nd restions, wadelg ind., bear hlm "h iS ien oc earn?',willlbc'e W tako veageanceeon linWho t hese words frocu me, "18h. vili encamp te-niglitlieueath kept <lie door of lier seu's prisen-liense, "My owu dean love, I love <hou u"Il-and theocltyvabla,4' Iiswanod Beleden, in. anti suilèed <ho captive We escape." conutly." perturbslly."Sb8e marches with thoe Put <lie varieat of'- msukiud may ________________________vanguard of lier amy ; but the cou- ueevoeume wosk point uudefendd-the S A R cHEBD ON quonors of Armeonia caunet b. many keéneai judges of humianu nature vill fisleginu ler rean;; sud wheu <lie omit frein <hen aicthlation soine vice, A Leged etf<lie Gret Qucet. Sun gos., t<hooscf Nînyse viila proic ,or cmfolly, snob ae deinstes - lucnreased fotirfold. vbile the Groat <ovr self 1uterest of <hoir tools. PARTerM. Qucen laye lier rophios and lier sceptre Tli*< Boleden stl huhvi dlecbcseda NISUOCE TEE A VENGER. e lefoto e on. May <ho king plot, oun<lic auccoes, ef wlchiebis Wl liva forevor 1" - poncenal eafotyhI 9oiyliedepedc - (citinud.)Somethingilut<lic oeid, aoelng wenld bave b i si-uuooilutea, l .ayNierocli <car lin 11mb frein tonea eeomeate rece»i tle enuuih'a en-for <ha joenus, peieur,4vin< diepeai bl b" ezolaimed Sethes, lu bigh ogiansd vako hlm, sas 1< ire, from i <on vhlci, priat cff Baalthouiglihg Wrah ; for lie lid long bisen jeabous cf a di'eam. é vu, could not koeplits secret , rocmi th cooreiy yeuug prlos's lutinacy vl<h "Nover 1" ho mut<ereo leen Ie voinan. - Kehlis, sud t vas lu no ignorance of teelli ; as ailg <he otlor's arn lua A, 1 n ie hd liegtWed hlm oun hie feelings <bat the latter novw warked gri p <bat Caused him teWwuine viti oveny partionilan liofore sunadowu, affiee upon ber listener nvt<he ted usine, pain,lhe huzrnied ont of <ho corridor, ing, <hobý<tes Wedeiva hlm, au Ira lYcos, Beadon,' ahe centinue)i, puti <hogolden imigeoetf ie, al o os coibeble enuSl<y te thoeaèt Qnes "<theugi ho ho net secliad s soma of <hocourt ef tho temple, sud se, thi-ougl and outire -dévotion lun<lie eerviop i <ho rost. But hoy long are vo We bear loafy <hieket aud bevol lava, <hroaded W.e sou. <is ? How uong uare oeW lietrcdden ile Cool, gzoon parrdinseW <lie palaeo If 'a vomn a kieanp lier mnd tu on sud li clown, net by a couquoror eft<ho Great King. dupliolty, a lîttie more or a littIe loi cf werlds flekolad Ninus, vieidiug iew Hore Bebadon,> notihst ff'g a Counts as uotbiig tW ber conscionce s," d spear as I w o le nl de a m aoi e, u oci ot y go d op inion cf ils o v Sh i f d e i u a cas eW p roftes an su ef but by a sle<hful prieut, a ounuuoh fer- menite, * vÃ"uid bave oncrcsed hinssef tien te dons net foesi,sud s cander0 coeth, in fleving robes end linon tioa, frein enterng ; but Aames grutp vau vhlch seinlaincapable, sa <o- pus] vlie noyer iifted veepon deaiier than nover robaied, sud aeotho yonng priest -another boditin into bier beir, la: giided fir-couo or freah.gathered loine, could reelize tlie imprudence et cadi an anothor cout et. red on white ou 'th nover bora heavior hurden <han jowoell- intrusion, ho fouud hucoîf lun <lie choeitshe ie ciot aslsacuod <opaini ad catket, uer figed a foercer onemy présence cf eue fer vhom lie had heon Wbeu Kalmii lid resoived ahée von tban <lie poor aleeo l iys te ploaso al<ornate1ý spy sud jailen, yet wlio heldt aite hies iuto-eaptivl<y, it eao nu mur bis ged. eover hlm irrespons-ibie poweofre tnsd possible for Bols ou W o gst than fo 6"Nay, tiiero yon wreug liii," argisod dea<b. Ninyu wvasseated lin <lie <he bird <o esoapeo of t heo are lioncat Sotis. "If aIl <bat cemes - out ehado on a chair of pats, oruameuted <lie fovbor. Anti5 sîthougi <hele t cf Armeulo ho rue, nover holdor Cham- and embossed witI <ho symbole et As-wvas ezceodingly lavioli et amiles au pion mcuu<od var-eberiot <ien Assarso, *yriu severeiguty, under a troliis-work libéral cf promises, tho prsy fouud i <ho rbet c Bel."vîcreon lied been raiuod theo zri- Soif ceptured, - plnxned, and doapcileï ,Armenie h1' retor<cd Kalsiim, witb sut <cadrils of a vine, already baudiug vi<h neoniateniel equivaleut for nti 1infinite conemp-"a désert peepbsd sud blushing lu lustors et iponiug discoonfiture sud disgrce. - by s fev hall stenved vne<chea, doubt- gropes. A feuntain scettat ita ilver More tbau a match- for a scorei lots na 'kod and vitluioÇt arma. Basides apray lun <ho aumbsins, vlilie tonale pnisets, 'liecould indsed have 6Utw-i«e vue ho nul wsrning lu thomenuntaius fermýa, vith je<ty bocks, transparent tlie viole mals population of hlabyloe ýunder tic banner of tho Great Qesn ?, voile, and glanciug cyan, fliited <hinougl but ýthsét al l a hd touisd ber msti II prsy yen, vhou did Sentiremis oven <hoelade. Sot airs nunnsured ang sud vas but a veïk, toclish wecuau fa e WCequnr viens thestt<ho battle <ho floyers, bu-de- carofled frein <le precenceofet<hoeinsu the ioved.- ui errmy? And nov, dsy hic ove con- thicket, sud <ho king ield a halt- - Tu lilusbcmie itook-hersalfInl ler di 1fession, ebe lauguillis illi a desîli emptied ghi t lu hie bhend. Wiili s tronsiimplening ina t Intefere et suc 1wouud, sud hlin elaot aclame te hW lis ty iuâ ocin, oIcf liesadand lbody, far- a juacture, ný rvft~ciew jstanding lier. *tIie iébe-btasowIStméoS sieriith<le' Usuel eeroneny ebseroil dwi<h allIdi byai<y te bIs prince, sosr lu an vicIe akin i 1 O, 1<pose acil on eu<erng tho royal prsence, Assanilec 04WBoithea <ou foui snd unuetural 1patence 1 But I kadv my mistresasoel blînseif lu froui cf uie lord, - sud, Cootemplate. lWoil. Surelv nover ye< wase<bat .ahaf< iuo01king hlm -fan bu tho face, arrceted "Thon s l dagr eao for ywu." S 1fi-at.hcred uvhicb could drink lier ite- the Cup <bat Nicys vasnsg o lisa imod, wngipg ber bandé, ie bloo& Once I ieved hon deariy, sud lips. , ollg izi alperplpily. "Ne-sor t &he répaid My fei<hfùl service villi <lis,- "le <hue-a sie," «Wiho, la grave Ashïlur must le n h iyto-niglitq gratitude ef-of a Great Quota, I sup- senoreuiascaflto, *fr blbe o ie ac o c -ii;Sudpett, fhe quseeW rpesa1 But for al <bat is peutansd ad u d o <ibrl-f? ansd n crolrneuer otig e u a5ve Il Igene, I viii nover beliove, iaouudad on Song aud caneleai neivdl--the tàii-th <bat fe <avu#ae tif<os pii 1unvouudod, abe could abaudqu <ho goebofono destrâttlcrc-4li0 tcly <h5<Ã"8etee, othorsdid I not love i -sceptre et Nimrod, 'or licence Bs"l is e aune foiensmucuar fdaeth2 BÙOusedextly, 1Ibha iuoven 'tmnt.yeis s irnebftW usurp lier authority in <lie yen. my lord, rouso yoù1 -Tek. boW tia isa [oion ; yo< boy eau I lea -land et Shinar sud tho city she bovesWte, inassd, gird yenr sarti u o tr e"nd joout cntlto, the, yory javi lcallber wth ighb; fer <hoeatmasn res pinu at~2 "dBut Ninysge sits iii the royal palace," tho vaiàl, sud aveu, nov jolI ureey is - But thie oup bosrer" a O ua i, tihllyîý oberved Soatheao, 1under <ho myctie ai <he gate t" - --prootsaven taifltseêformidible - icircle sud <ho viaga cf gobd. 1< l eb- The u m yoS, ciscs so- l ok- iealu Aop<ghcfsse "O fore Ninyù <t ho she pearuin dofboeat cà dn suddulI, htha ndiolilMatures àt<aébmeu< *ltts- ,-Rood bumoees;c .aDon, sud tW Ninyse<bat, tb.peo~ple vershe fiUbîidmdue wlth axe" e iâéioê ht às;m otl* t itho - W lue<isCrtoet sannsa, but ho" ot bis gbi oWcus<d5by t.rt1~qiibka lhe pnofesi NiWe oinsomben enough tW listr." vhile <hé»ro ae d something cf in- hil esiiIs» s o -lùumstny %inuut "And hew toneis le <at ?" oxcîcimedtersiest, ven appe.si*li ICtu pni oM t-azhroO g, l Kalin. "Not once lu vweuty (laye. vlth eit V ie s.ksd. e "What OesMY, imaia fi-cm the tlrstehod'ae!ut, - But si-s yen <oo blind teperceivo, 0O sud, boe? I han, but cOnle l hrst < n5lP inAof noe sample yonth, -<bat vhlo >fîyas veauathé kiag4ci ctie _4é., su at - waï. '0ê tg the iareAssai-seboldo <he ceptre ; i nutoiechh boyc h e <bu nu li>fonre a ýoepa frpni"p <s while-Xliau, s ita <ho arrev, ÂAsssmao-the uot." .<iyLau81malté-0&115ba lit 4e draws thelisiew? 1< Lu ime flycuAgijn, rbu 'a uiled in soni jeýt uÏbe t 1lse.! u >M in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u <btsamc Wo boe4ortbu erun-toba'l x8k' eail7 or, Q" tm 'wtt. [e-Ns1 Zt e*uéïea" -âeýw, i«t » lw u Q y W4 lie ai l Pl Pl NO. 38. thée stars, foit a moznentary <bri of b triumph iu tbat very enîbhueasîn wilich. < uîzicontrolied by bis own - skil, mue6tL îhereld hig deoom. For a moulent, iii ~ t anisof cenflieting feelings, ho. thogli lwould b. woli couldho aban- Ol rdon every schisme of glory aud greet- k iness, fobrogo prido, ambition, revonge to a 1 ie et theý queen'sfoofet, aind bes et reat. Gazing ou bier as alhe èdrew near in the chariot, <lus temporary weaknosase-b ed<ewey, leavlug ail <bat waa evil inh i natore te rosuoco<hoe acendecy ~ ouce more. Coula this#lie the proud Sémeiramis, <lie lrighà., the metehleccs, the beautiful ? <hia ed sui d -statoly woman, pale with tho long fatigue. of Moe. yot wearing in lier désolation the t san&me uurivalid beauty that had on. banoed thie giory of lber pride ? If ceon- ed tlie ghct of lier former self, <hua bendiug its agbauty bead in fickuowl- < oedgenient of a natien'a greetiug, as oheé i.passedl withiu <lie gate-a spirit tee cad ilot b. of good5 toc fair Io ho of evil, adi- j lhned and elévated by <ho preRcifnce cf bits dccii, catohxog and réflecting ,<lie .rayba",ýMs oeacoid,doer- liglit <bat 1 awsew beyoud <ho grave. le Had ahie giowed, ag was bier woui, ini ltAil the flush and sperklo of ber imperial charme, ho coula have found it ini bis n heert to have spared hie even <lieu; for ,0ber dear cake, couid have betrsyed bis loifolowers, breken faithb with hie -king, la aud foreaworn himeolf liefore bis ged. FBut miikieg thoe orrow ohé did not cre le te hide, aend remembering ita cause, hic 9,biood tned te gali, sud lio vowed with bitter catha osechouid nover ligh<-down Ly <rom tbat chariot a livinig weman-in, le net if he muet hew ber in pieoec with .1l bise wn heud. 0 , Btit for <lie Great Quosu-to lis fore. es -wa)med waa te lie forearmed. Ini no la, eztretuity of corrow uor or of danger & wu' it possible for lier tW b.. <batuon- nu cencétioua préence of'nmmd, <bat in- d, stL±ciivepower cf combenatlon', whieh îlied made lier <ho ceuqueror of tlie el. woild. Informàed by Sethos of tlié con-- ho aplraoy agalat lier lite, ojie had laiton ai measurea tedefeat 1< wlaey, oalmly, protnptly, yet dolibcrately, juet las Bbc of wouldhâe estdown to bulge a à,fencid et City, or gone Q put tei±i.t am enemy in thé haopen fiâld. 0Whe .enuola walt 5d' ed tW hem lier in wM h i ,"prie ansd of apoammen, SemÃ"Ãœiramiie, watohing -lier <cIopporttunlt,foled hiln by <lie edden- e4ltiig ber chariot in <ho open spaceý ce. im ediatey w ite Rate, nad tek. c.- Ing adiautsge"of <lie asi.onidhedsilence' cf Iwhieh snuoeedcd <hic 'uu2elpeo<'ed ý-s<oôP. lob pae h Great Qucen atood cej ag witleriaméebove ber bhe amd .cre& a61 b- oud voiqpe5"Who:is ou Mysido?" MieThn Assàie kneÃŽW <bat, by. sei mnuh, ala tume as l<oit W ae peak t houé verda, lie ore wec'toe late ; and izmeidiâtely lëfiefer. for bis oyee <lie.passed a da;rknesa, <bat of was as <liee hedew of doetb. ,-h ;r Fronibcpope lo oeieVéry id gronnd shb trùd on, rose, an, ou: teytW il- wbich ihoir provienu~i où ~bec ed, ht ëaniidnwh bs pèr cwpaýîr>d te tho or roar oi a beout of pro:. -swoetds. leaped from-the sabbard, atï<ng arms beat , f. tb. air, derk -oyec" gleani<d, and dark- ed curled bearda ýbrlatbed WitlÏ ferOe en- cun, tbualaem, esger ba<o,or _wibd désire for in1k. e*torrent -<rom < ho wslle, atout chaLmplio f a huudted bettlos oaM9 dis. ruahiug tend erowdiug <hrecigh lbe îcb, streeto. Tliey gathered in awarma ich about their queent <boy hbeo'lier ni uwih a eirle cf steel; Lley cwori' J<o t<bey Wept, ><bey gzeapeï e e t eetir, <bey ilplored, they adjirod lber only le iepoint ont au eneoy, 'tand <bey would and <lar him.limb frone limb. n cf Nover before, <brongli alii or ou aie relgued inl3ablon. boa her -po,*dis h1ýo 80 abBoltte, lier dominion 'oOeme. her ye< osiakuew, noïne botter, tbat biad-hez c<aj. ýou<ory been deferrod'bý ooue'short ina p'uto, hedbe balted'lber cai btûi witli pOoc fartler 'on . within1h. - 0 r <~ oor obleawou'l<ve dcar 1 1 ý 1 cr' thir positions ieê" bh t ouldbeaajobd, sud éaim, and cruel One glane. of ampt u . rowd ruba have unmný dhl;but lha oued for-lt lu vain. On earlho.iaw idroary,waveriug mass of amen fees, ad lu heaven a wide-winged vultÃœre, liesliug, liovering, poisiing itdsîf in tho ne, othereal sby. It wec not bis god <bat susaeiued bln Lw, uer bic saorod obarixâter, noir hie rieatly lore ; net oven "tbatunlbomu ride iugreinedl in <ho nature cf mcli pirits, destined te affect <ho fuie cf lyutieo sud <rouble tho seenirity of au nupire. No ; ho teck refr.ge ini tle «tiresBof <bat itt-Ppair .bich bas nund aud proved <hoie* yormt-wliin fnu tur l lîto. d fiii.11 <o, sor,.-- lîi1 thé .sweet eprînage 0,cIhope *are îisened et their source, and <lhe visiou ) an> augalinuàehelo ef bigt cheanges. ,o e moekipg fiond, or a bareo, Ranu ikeleton, crewued wi<h e griuuiug chull. Ho re<nrned a atare cf dofience, celui ind outemptuene as ber ovin. -M< s for iho Great Queco te reward oer servant$acoording te <helr dcertpi ; saie. "Lot hor ask hersai! if I bave meri<od dealli at ber hands." « Il la net Somiramais who accuses on" slele retortodl, ccldly. '-1y the Cws1 cf Shiuar yen are judged, aud - ly them you are coudemned. I have spokou." Tbero wec no- hepe-nonve. Yet wptild she but lock kindly ennbien, bo- could bear it brevely, hoe theuglit. snd lie ini utter weariness, se a' ou lies lown W seop. le umade one lest effort. "H]ave I uit eoerved ber," hos acked, '1thrcugb gocd and evit, lu ne <îcpeocf paymnorrewftrd, bùt.fû ot ove cml -oyalty 1I1bore te tli' Groat Qnioo ï _1 hiave livod Woo long whien <lie face cf Sùmiramnis is turued frein me- lu auger. Ieek fer ne pardon, no roprieve. _Lot lier but say <bat alie fergivea- me befuro i[die lit ,q bave nothing tWforgio" Plie te- pled,- with pitiesae unconceru!. -àl servant lia raised bis baud.o*aibot. hi@ ruler; <lie subjeot bas conapired agaluet bis' quesen. Wbose are <hece white- roeod ban-dec cwerlug sud irembling- beore me, <hougli eaob man carracesa - uakod knife lu hie glidle, sud another iu hie biand ? Who drew up <lie.sullen and dejeo<ed lneo f ivarrii1 ncîruct-- iug <hem tW bond ibeolbwïsd apelnt <hein apears lagaiuct. <lie-loadel thoe' have followéd od Wvietoryl ý It-ifftiit forBSemiramia W ask.h hoquestiçé, bt - A54ynis. 1<ile net fer Bemizamis <o- loud voilée, 'Affac, th. pries$1" "We<e Lon lier et-- <. ho Ist Il"ho shenle'd,_Vlu âproysoff anysd des- pair.o "We isr In a u.bi 1,oaom '<li secr e i woubgive allher empire o ban- but who deflesandresisem <!hW la o edth- ot ~cjae ~S ie .tedr<sinfor ~~eetUe cd waucertalu bow ito an blutreoôver.- ,poouegfiil 4h-fýa wordo "Oovr ifs face andS load hui -forth. Iliave sPoken." - tt waa a sentence, thst cotuldnver lie auuied., eh qench t.lt ho -Wua Sdomed,isud glÀued iesUuô<cively «p. 1 Wsad,- wbere t4ê vulture, passod -be- ltenimand <hesuna.

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