Whitby Chronicle, 9 Sep 1880, p. 3

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Know. The' orsa itec YBltv for Con. T EMENTS Wiit lu tiWtt o orach Of imad ovr anty. Tlionetis Of once iitapo now Io 00 fr thv 'ctle ut Qongias, t BERLIN WOOL à NOTION HOU8L, Citnli Uns Hay FYver, 11, lafletioni ot the Tiroat, nrsyiel( ft once te its woii- ,,, ÃŽ>ntrs ag if by Magie. Wo ilitlq reaf pO$t u to coui on suad get lb trial bottie for ten %iii rt%iiitrthe moiti kepti- leIrftol iedi4aud show YOn r ate dollar tize lottie Will liy T. 0. Whltfieald, Wbitby. Bunt's Arnica Salve. 'Th, 111-iT SALVE i11 tho woYnlifor (Cote, ruiqice, Sorts, Ulcers, SltIft hennli, Fûvt.T ,urmt,tlter Cliapsedanaut, CliilîliTIit, 'tisnft a'li kîn sof Skie Etuilititle .ii. salve te gertaranteedt te rive 1pîrfPt îatiwtioo n everyeaoer MinneyrefuI1l t. *price 125-ete el'r Box. For 0eiuleiY T wi. ltllld, Wlitiîy. Chticago Ahent. Ail tue wevrlîl riovlook iiite Chirtwo lis li grwit weseniiMoiropolit4 of o-rt ,uýg far alitit tf a1cil retlfD tW. u oue iii- lese, iiltg îLe e, s Bit trs., Cmroiii thoWile uti triuele vilue ttîcY haat%' iltct tu tuicfront, and arc iiow titr RtIcg4itif titI ctuer roîie&ltc5, oitivv rut- ig wlrt verytliiilg ll ctC tiille. To t rý heMi et ti jc eoviletil. IFor tale bY '. t.Wiiitkeld, ut Ilfty relte per IQttte. I t.Fainiiar in tlîcjr Mouths as House- hoit Wrd.' Se uroto Slakos;prar<,. Ilte u ni- versaly ariditted thut tlia groat goulus ha8 written about aimeest ,vrytling, ant totîcheud iisnbjcct biUItto Radore il. It woald alînosi sBen i ivacho wroto te ubovo wcrde lie Iiad in hies mntis oye dî-TTrr& IlOWNiu-S Itr-uîtAU. ýCiý,TroOIL, for now t 1, onaeofthie rontîeot rtcuistes of overy, welî regit. Berlin' N ZepU Fl u L I- sepi a cprmne îtiset chidren Loehe teste of itit, the whele I1ERLI retire of atenre uei there re net a ULIII muore usefol 1hyîie. Picee 25 cents. vornsale lîy T. G. XVlitfield, WVlittîy. 24 Good Advice. %N'cw je the tîtue tif year for Pnéu. fio ri tuionlta, Long Foer &ô. Every fatniY siould have a liottle ot 30SHlicEF'e GuLituN Sytrua'. Don'i allow for One E d ç recruent thoit congli te tako boit rOf yen! ehtld, your -fiîînlly tir yourself. Cou&ttlujl)tiou, Astixîna, 1'rurannît. Croup iîrmclraget;, and ti uer fatal c diseastîs nay set in. Athough iti truc GMElMA-N Slvuislacoriug thiaide of tilirse diseuses, yet ilif;iucl botter to have il ai liand wbe-n Ibre iiosee will cure yen. One bbotle will Iit pYour wltole faniiy a winier and liee1î yon stfîfrmm danger. If yen are cou- suroptive, do not rest nutil yeuî havît trueil ibis roinedy. Samplo bottie i10 cents. Rt.gular sie 75 cents. Soit1 by Il I)ruggists. Envied Beauly. wihiitt le tmoretI lidetitie tutu 1% utc tl "utf1trtitlttlî Aai estti>"t-oe cit stega îy isngElectrîctl3tlîre. lui £ itre httilanti ali tettt$fthe it it itoînitet, iter I'iîlîcYs aniti ht tîtary Orgaîte are sjcîtîly ettreil. Frrvtititsaail &11 rtilxietlî tufilliii osivtb .1 (rt i. n-i i cre fiii. lTr iti. Elu-ttrie Iiit-ru tt'- i tl itt tifîî titiir %,ttîtet lui irrite or tqit' by T. t?. Vttleltl, it i tty t cuis per F i Wcrkingimcn. I1,ite ot yegie yotxr litavy sprnn Thîi worla ufier ta tinter t relaxation, y.our systetn moe ulcanFiugitrand stren-gthlîîi ing tu lituvont ron itacît of Agite, lPM- miss (l licite tr SIrtug Fever, tir sniwiii tuer s1riîî si ,ekno-lsi; bat w-Itnfi yen for of oiîr la a arastiuis woîil. You will raie ime, mairli siekees and grpat crIxenito if yctt will tise tio boutle of U1 IloBtters tii tour fîaily titis ruontb. Dont waIt. Sîvc other clume. Eurcima Salt Rhcumn andi Slin Olinment. /ttiothti> titî uniirruious Bte wliicl liýuh us hein," tho ie fereet duetitets tuif tite b*i tleits iticontiîxîtile raak. Saijt 1lera rtii Sere and Seurvi,'liai-e litItrto itton ceblt-idttt aîuuinurauble ;hut suil is lengu- -er thia mte. - Tho Enroka Sait Itbeui anti Suie Oitmnible warratted te cure tht% worte cti rof Salttlifent tir sey OCîit r -iiii Iticerice, if thue iiretiens arum fmtifliy lolltwuul. Soull u be:îee ai S0teti, iuy "atreggisls. lIly -Te idy llon-ewife. Tie careful, ily imeuîit Vitu, ithotu61h ta 4iviiig lier liettue lis uqiing leetning, 5ituiiulluie.r iii utiieul bat tht tI-ar!in- tuile-s tf 1er hotus are mnure jînut-clent hilîti hîtee, lati ltit tir 6setln - i.-Lvt h..th- i. Vools, .yr Wools, r O U~ ~ T q OSb~W.~J, osted oolsDesires to advise his customers in Whitby and Pickering that Mrs. Humphrey ece Wools, bias just returned from the UJnited States and is now prepared to produce Lady Betty' Wools, COSTUMES AND, MANTLES UNSURPASSED BY ANY HOUSE IN CANADA! Fleecy Wools, TÙe nurneroUS expressions of delight and satisfaction, by the most fashion- Fiîî~ring arns.able ladies, during the past months, are the best possible evidence that lier efforts aire appreeiated it the highest -- - -ooo- ~The large staff of assistants enable lier to complete orders with the greatest FALL STOCK TO HAND. p addepth The completelless of the stock of Velvets, Silks, Dress and- Mantie materials -L - ý- 4'A-fi n anv. s'hnses .cin the coutntry can your requirements be more satis- !q~ ~~. )0(8 ~ ic ocst l Stock largestrjiliy I <)p(tl(î(lin CreilJ ~HLanyshade 15 Cents pei Ounce ton and Point Lace Braids gings, rochet Rie - Rac Braids, and Knitting Cottons, Filoseils, Che- nilles, Tassels,Can- vas, Perforated Cardboards. LL LINES OF ALL CLASSES 0F iNC GOOD S drillui ouitinutlus îirnler tlu.e anagement of lypOlC, wlio NN-111 give l-Iose attention to the wants aly c-iitoin>ers. J. S. ROBERTSON & BROS., DEVEIiELL'S BLOCJÇ, Poverty and Distretis. ThînAt vety wluuclt proiinces bbe grt-atet t;t rrs je î'hotiof te 1M80but cf tîte loit-. Deprivet tif ia riehecesal il hecowttsseant mnt watery, a centit- ion tetineuainit-ca iu metical itnitings. Giron titis condfition, ant senofulens swelhniga ai sorcs, genenlan cd eer-v- ou@e dteillty, lescf flesr-skvd appetits, weak lungit, broit tinsesean t con- 6um1itin, are among the ce-tumoen e- suits. Therefere, if yen are a sufferer frem tim, por bil. te dotit hesitate. but empluy Golletu Mealical Disecveny ithicir entichles the biotd andi radicahiy --a I,- .. %I . .tii.)i I-t... C,, rialanc st rgiliutit3g tht itiacli aLil Luit i8 te tho rlito f thte vii i àrr meviîag thc re 111t(tiil curo Iûlite- lab5t arîiti> g cause. rrîmi Fpî) mj l tit akLIi i4111i lititÀil l ituil I-tu o tilmo W *haitt4ru Iui iâ iuit> 5o0e ward--Cflaitah cure. Luit wil it utu wprrfi ctly iiu, crly ts heOp ,iilý,r8, the puerctt unt l'esVti Soeepeic itinîraticr ho hum- îtetîcince. Se-otiat c,ultin. ltugged ihan te gel i"valne receivedt" for 0-itteir meney. liee il h that sncb Gilt-Etige Butter. ptrsens tue sfter this andi that pretendetl tintefo catarrh. forgetting tia rai hr aîwa ne active demanti SagesCatarrh Remsdy 5s gopositive ti hcre ulribas eU le ts git-tge is effectst, thât its fermer propnieter Sp. standard le quility set cler, Mncb vertisieu it for years thiongliont lhe butter thît je otberwibe 'goct odselai t aLUnited States ynea positive gurue- retlnction freitiarcee b i-e cents Vet tee, offeing $500 reward fcr se ineur- pounl, bctause deficientitnt colon crâieerase set was neyer cailed upon te Diaîymen tlîeuid thon use Wells, Iilci a py ibis rewrt exosptint two cases. artste & Cos Pet-fected uliter Cler te FThis remedy basu acquiret sncb s amîn givie lrigiti Juite color. Tbis cler ib tal a hrnceoffice bas been ostablubeti tty fam the brqilteet, pur-si and ti in~Lendon, Engiset, te snppiy tbe for- tnattue Sciai by drnggisis. 4ttuiy igu dectusu for it. Sold by druggists ai 50 cets. Conautpalon ourd. Notices of Berthe, Marricge8, Au oit physiriani, retired from prite- anmd Death8 ha rnged 50 cetfs cch. tige, baving liat placet in lit hante by ___________________ an Eat iltt misionary te fortmulai cf ai imple-vegetablo eely fer the D È A T H S spe-euy anti permanent cure for Cee- FOTHIERGILL-At Ottawa, on Sue- aulititien, Itruechits, CalarnTh, huma, #&y, 5tlYî lest., Augutes Thectiore sel ah 'ritroat anti Leeg Affections, Foîbengill, -Major 84th, Batialion, aged alite a pesitive sed radical cnrs fer 28 ysuns. N ervona tohility anti ahiNttrvous Cotu -___________________ Plutiets, after turing tested its veeten.--__________ fu l mira tii-e powers iu ihousanseeo f Y'ITBY MARKERTS. caiees,llfefat it is tut'y ho mîke it- knewn te lis sufferang follows. Acte- Csrstsle rsincz, September Sh, 1880, ateul lîyIbtis motive Lsad s dostre he me- ie hernie suferciug, 1 will sent freS ilSIWhesat ............. o tarIp ODo Sprng Whcah ........... 033() 5 1 1 -ierge te al itîte desira ht, ibis tO Baniey............. O 0S 05 cite, i Gei't, Frencha, or Euguiisli, Fleur, pet owi ...2...275 @a300 wéitî futll directions fer prepating anid Rys ..................... 0 70 0 oW flairai>,sent by mail by adtrcssing Poau.................... o 0oWs@81 îv;th samp, nanrg tlîis paper, W. W. Peu, blask-yet .... 0 07 0 8 btenir, 1491 Poecrs' lock, ilecheâter, Amrtese corn, for feo .... ou10~o oc( v"ýIUkCX. Y. 42 . forusect.... 0<65 @ ! Tho Aronta sf thie tethacco leaf la se eociîpltely eonservsld in tht Mannfsc- turre of tîMyrtle Navy," thâasga bas. ne efelt iin te iiieshieu i ; oven aftsr the V lug bas bieriencpt fot yeans St ives out île full flavorunete bccombusîlon ie tire OP'ipenelle inletoue by its age anl rnsklog hie moexploaqieosuoka whiclî tohacco eau ho madtieRive. Age Locoihardones tire structure cf thre plut, anet glvcato the tobuco, wbenecut. that almeutgRTanular appearaence ln which ail counoisiouru de4lht. "TretatNàuers, u ai coN," may bp aup plied tu those.fsbu dis aenally of Con- smmptîn, al hu scence hua cf lats jear sënibl U*ohedthefr nutnler. tlis gratif.yiûR le know that tire Reuer- -soof Dr. nWitar's Baisea, f wa Cherryj le'lar#ely instrumental in au- fues. BOepata ,frîtss - E Ap pics, pet bus ...........C 80 rlumme..................7 Potatuee .................25 Eggs ...................10 Butter................. 18 Ciaeff ................ 14 Wood ............ ...8 75 Sheopskinu ........ ..O0160 Hidos............. 700 iOO Perpowt .... .. 5 40 iï;mu ........... e...... 000 Cals-si................. 400 Tomstoes,',pr bu.s ... 85 i -Tante.....i.....00 t CarroPe...........1.. 0 a Irkeya*, pez lb .........O0,10 Clover ... .... ........0 0 *Tioy. ...........00 M apesugu,,...........V12 Bl ...... ......... 0'.0 Ei ..... .9 ...... 01 W1IITI3Y, ONTAlUO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IN CHANCERY. In the- mtte-r of the EsEutet of GEORGE COLLINS, deceaaed. BOGART vii. COLLINS. P)URtS U NT tte the ereo and final otter madeti inti t cause and bIearh.tag date te Thrtith daci ut ZeA. Â.180.there factofily supplied. Your inspection invited. NEW ADVERTIBEMIENTS. PUBLIC NOTICE TS IlEREBY giveu tuai the Coincil tif J.the Corpotratiotn of the Township ef WittyintendE atith D exi Meeting, t'Olue heid ou te ist Montsy leOctober, 1280, et thte Ttwnsahip Hall. rookinte opau s 11v Laie to close np as li ttie nter- metor etiportions et allowanCtts ton roade, iteate in te sait Township o! Whitby 1. Th t prtion ot the ltowanc cfirmal, betwcer t32 and S3, intc, 1et Con. * cession. and entit otfte Grand Trunle liailWaî. 2. The sentit ual! cf the aliowance for roat bel wenLote 84 and tinan ciCon. 3. Tii a portion of the. aiiowance for mal sOnuate ;ttween tegravtl mmd and Lot 25, in thie bih Con. 4. Thsi portion et the alowance for mmad situat betiwoeethe iienih endt tf cantbelli. Milîl date, on tut touth hait ot Lot No 2-. on thte til t it and tite new rond leuadilil from te village of Brookli, pai J. B. 13tekelts Mill, tthe 7tii Con. lieu. . 5. That portion -f te ailowance ftîr test le the tient cfitlieu suad 19 ' oun te ti Con. 1ite, alite te altowm.tite tonroai te- tn-ceu Lois 18 sud 1lithe tc tcon. g hutporion of tsesliowance for tout i' siî aie u w c -i1 lo t N o . 2 7 , lu t i he t co n .. mu.dthte treseel trarclicai rondi knowo as the. Brork Lomd. Ilmnoklln, Sept. 7ib, 18W. 324i-d 1 li be Ik H. Pafrî iel, lLatqùire, Mauter cf tbu Court at Wiritiy, tbe J. C, 'Wtddifiold, aucttoneer, ýt tWiELLS, HOTEL, ln the. -ViLLA GEof UXBRIDGTE, ai ttc tour tif oee o'cieck on the after- Tuesday, the»28tih day of8Sept- embef,1880, Ttc folloewing lands sud prsmises, sg compeset et the Soutia-wesb quartier cfLo numbe rOCe lu thé Slxta cuncession of the Township cf Umirnitge, in thé County of Ontari, coetintng Ftfty Acres, moteuor Theoamiteoland cnsists o! dlay soiu, vii wateret, and iste early' mIl clert xcpb about Fivo acres, mandîlina fuir tste so! cultivatiera, and il uituate on a getludurl mosd aboutovon miles fromemUxbmldgs about fitteen from Whilby._ This oiLfenua rare opportunty tethoio wisiring be P084088 tiroivea cf a go4 farm. The proporby witi ire offereti for "umi ut joct ta Wreservetbid toir¶Ieaby.thestd. maoster. ' Ton pot cent. of tihe p htehumonsy viii hé teqoirot Ute epal owl n ute fias Vendor's Solicitor on the day of sals, andi mnifiolsut in onesmonth thra$ter te mmii up #M, ; andi tirebalance te hé secured bly Fa mort- gage on the lint payable in tiveyear, wil lubereut inte méantimeustthe .rabs cf ievea Pet Cent, payablie yearly. The landi viiibousoia bj«e btireose-- Pancy 01 dWardPulh, whoe-e bemi Tire Vontom'aSolicitor ,41 prepare the Dosdanmd Motgsge et lte expene of tire Purchaser. The vgndot viiidiaIy ptoauesnoba D.edsu is aho hm li hWo"san and viii riot bg e~ ~ ~~à bon ufn rial abstract exoept a aEegatria9u abstract or copy birerot. - Insll oti rectibthe termesma oihdi «On tinof cMao he tsstanding contions et lte court o0 ircercy, o 15 P ar r M u rbu, M rme- 30 Carihi, 0'C ou&PumBZ ïï risters TorontosredtTuouao; 1D. Ormi- 00 ton, lIari-ter, W ,rbb; or ut therA LW 00 .0,1.u of Etvdw C . CampirelUxirritge. 00 17ted biis 8n day ofesept. A. D.1880. OEDWARD C. CAMPSBEL,, () Vendoz'u Sollotot r O.H. MDÀBTEL., 18, 75 50 .NOTICE il. 00 5tbOh~5L5 w c o o Ã" o ROBERT- H. BRYCE, 3 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA. POLKÇA DOT PRINTS, DOMI-NION WAREROOMS! DIRECT IMPORTATION: S3 ~ 2 O orth of New Brussels, Tapistry,* Kider- 'I' 0 mISestEir, Union arnd Rlemp COTTON GRAIN BAGS, AIND A FEW CHOIGE PIECES 0F sCO 0rC I T W E UECEIVED THIS WEEK. j B Powell & Co., Whitby, August 5th, 1880. à.- FARM FOR BSALE. '3Faume lai bOthe ty, s o __________ 16t, couIstaisC 4tp t Oau A OUSBH'àOLD WORD. r s 4fm ro tms aac att ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vU bouge t i.hs iesske ehcos ~ ~ont nu>c ltoc anada, Ila coulae fronehte"basa .iectet fae iel BriilI tget.j a4 ati#(T..ewThe CA SHFIGIROCERY EMPORIIU .oeeZS 4boi S rin ar,an Le, ~Z" rLspi>caly - Deverell's Block, has become a Hongt ý dwa ityWord, he, frm insitu .d in4g1scadas7Pl ~ beet and chea-pest place for freshlâ!3 ASaud geneul- anuîitigoù. < ninom tD$viueon¶h X it b mno. a epcal14siralia use Oi~jia.New Season Teas at 25c, 860 Sud 60, ro T=kMX m htoJtb an: the Dcmtine byworth 40e,50e sud SOc. EnglishiBreakfst Offee, 25c per imi.Iw TUE GOBE TOACCO O, Wou4O pond. Ail grades of Sugars at rock, bottompres The teroman on g.orun heremim Ios _______ ouise Baking Powder, canned goOd8bpreSpces, pugref 0O RE'NT Cream of Tartar, Brushes, BroomB, Pat. Paàis,ý etc. gM wiy& ,omn ome IA <lE OF? 13-ONE t~ i0rn aeodna Cufen nRit sntale White Granite handled' Tea' Sets, $1.00 per Dozôn' D.M. GA, bulens a e gootne, n U, aWe . fflm EoGAE.o bnillng. Bbigno ia0'o!Lot'3" ' in ~~te Granite Tes Sots, $2.75 ; N îhto Granite Ohiwiber Soe, 2,50 inntriÂi2c90S68 *pl~ tse 5tUtcon. oof y. BonImoderube._ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ steeion nextz g piviloge oi Elegaint Dinner ana Tea, Sots comploète, $20.00O-, i&::h biii T* Otiu piowing immedt À Aful, ssortmont of GLkSSWÂBE, LA.MP3, etc. -IaSilp ~' AE ~ UK oNlrB pati . pyteJSH cheap; aise a large stock of Gem Fruit Jars, inpints, lïqâist I&h1 THOMAS STEVENS galastt prices thatta*S~eycmpetiton. ~ Au t 80t~ 1880.WANTED.-500Tubs chôîce D&y de. B r ale or to L M S Wt{i&1l4y1W& FAM'P aT1NNi ÂrscfDIBEL LOK î î«L asci cere n WfTY,- -fl%ôBm .eiys. 5? 5duum>4 i qN1sMN~j4i ~~x ~îg.s ida.. 77 41 u pio44 g, sept. let, 1880. et F'Rm FORSA LE ORTO RERT uot No. 41,inte th utConoession cf lb. Township . Pickering, 100 Acre. ,&pply on Premises bu J. W. CLARKE PIANOS Sept. 1mb. ,IN I H tO - S. 0~ 4 Z Ob je E.4 ? CL 0- P < i < p* < c o t t troe 00 ab 0 0 00002 -J 0 -. CAUTIO.N. EA(Cr 'II tG OP TrUE Myrtie Navyl IS15 MA!IKHD IN BRONZE LETTERS. None Other Genuine. of, the Towahi Bech,, e bu for 40incash aa tocaoo lana for $1I0.t, 1xifor an» éng cf01 ô uit t'Pnrh r, msud balng ints abtheia rate cf 7 pet oeitt. pae BDIuD. louuls goodloili. nry gàod baille good barri ae on lb. promises, ais bohard0c about 60 apple iteà bearingý clasafruit. Tliàs in a goca chaitea f inmtllissamalmothflbiIiu FOR BLEO NI DrawlngifnDiBl 1 M&e -wAtts 2 CASES of those PLE A 1 Il91 tA ý m il to -Au DR Sept. jet, 1880. 87-tf ]BarriÙDstergWbtby-, T2OWN & PABRK LOTS FOR S".L&ý IILIGIBLY SITUÂTED-EÂSY TEUMS. Apply to W. H. HIGGIN8, Chronicle OIBce._ TIE QUEIIS HOTEL, Bliocx STBEIaT, WHMraY PHILIF MéGANN,. -.-Proun*f o?. Best Liqnors ana Cigare. à well acp- plied table. Airy bed.rooms. Comfortablo stabling md large- yard room. Chamgs moderato. PH OTOGRAPHY. J. W. RUPERT, From the wefl.known firm. of BRUCE &Co., roronto, Photoîzraphere,- Takos vloaanrelui informing the citize" of Whitby and Sonth Ontario, tilaf he bad pnrhaaed the entfre rigiaf and interest 01 tt well.known Phoogrpie nd Framing establiahment, lately oarried on by the Moersi. LYON BROTHERE, WILKINSON'S JLOON, BROCK-ST., The extensive alterationu ana.improvc- mente b the labo firlm are einp utill AŽLL WORK OUA RANTRE»U FIRSTOLASS AT THle LGUWBT ATES!! I --~CHILDRBN A SPitCXALTY.- -Set Ou.r TABLETTE PHOTOS- FRAMING tin ail ts branebea.- PHIOTOS.,COPIRD snd înlarged, and crayon, ai BTTOM PRtICES. _&GENT for Maien & Rlsch. ft15111- facturera of Pianlos and iOrgaxis ., Orderi -for Turatng pttomptly aîtendfd le. . . Il opes by strict attntion tà bust~- nais te mernt a' ahane of the patronage no lbrlybe-stowed, on l45prdeeaasori. Mllklàug'a mcci, Brork-st. _E. S. SiEJRAPNEL, MMBR 0- F THE ,ONT/ABIO B CIBTY 0? F'ARTS, 11,711 ilby ! 'Polka Dot . ý Qrarron rrwnÊts.

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