Whitby Chronicle, 9 Sep 1880, p. 4

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4. - 4 a, t noîl trAm for VirgInla Oity vhoeu Our Pa rty réac liet " Bîlga Rocksm." Tîti aires 111, aflerncri vas criop sud', 1 1 . - - the' groëUnt veUi frozen,' andti naci0te om s of cfvixi bad dliepm rs W.,bailcomm te ringa s m. ce' l. erang Mî4 teori dér etngaýà roks ltbaeture badl m msodielplacý e4 e; *lu Oba poui Thos roc%,,mo n etbe' l- fuor.ebx»1ý bie *teob'*FPet;Vove tleEvahp Mo*o eer 3tinty, Pc.. ýTb", cevr Iri juartrsof an acre e Party ionpaiaofaWiuse 4at gn àiis Gooeafor ,tblwdgmi. Waaum xseNIOross ou ri sel' ~5iU îPETE~ i. ho la wlll '4480 ' hii ovowreporter.," sali cvrc #j 8lirri1ulark, Lb. Grand Tylor leari of sone vbe boldo Ibm fort lante fil Meecule rempli astBrectsud Flîeri abc Alcools, sud proteets ec c lo rontra 4 intaer. eue "Toi: air," repliedtheicbuddlug mcii. locaï hIer. vhi 4iYeu loch pretty frosi. Freon tlhe ii countr'y Iprostiume ?-intorrogatcd tbc il Grand Tylca. ried "il'y.eon sent te interview yoe, t t anci IsarD vîxere yen gel all'lie goals ove y e îî s u p V Y te l b.e l o tg e . I d o n 't a t $4 yen te gir. suy socrets avay. shei "l'il Ulve nothiug avay," ropliedt he berc Grand Tyler. III thiril there are Ive 44 or ghrec goate runiti a&rondthle te-om' 0 pIe nov. Se Zo'roe hiny reporterP mmv' Bo yung-ana so fair 1" The latter vho part af this sentence va in a gaap. an "Ilave yen any objection to shevxng gwi me anc ?" aokhe .yonng pan. 80, 'WO don'l often do Ibat ; but I aI. anâ vayo like te oblige the reporters, and ite lou saiYeuvel'e the uow reparter. cr0l l'Il Seo If 1ldan ateli «'oeefor yOn, kindly replie8 the Grand Tyler. i "I'iest vo 'milIgo ijuote Grand out Holy Sooophole "lasid- the Masuniç # in, ai hie ted L1>0 ay dcvii a long oug ffighit 0otstop. mb allter carkness. -une Jusl thon lie young man heard a dis- eo tincl "Bah t" "*Ab her tb onee," shoubei ite court- sou. Grandi Tyler, anid juil a< that mo-'ie tuentthie yoang minurau agaiusl a pile bf kiudlicag vooti anti rolleci over a coal Fhovel. Ilighât above hum camne "Bah 1" ble "lThere lb goes.1" shoutedti h. Tyler, vi as ho cusheti mrôiathe corner of the roi furnace. Ai h. dicappearodthioro do cane a "Bah 1" front ils direction. The 4 reporter hureied, but tbe goal bail , flirned tiomthea' corner vitb a "Bah 1" tip tbe stops tlb.y vent wfth s rush ino r tegadb nting rooin, sud jua ie goTlrad edil, "BahV'"caimaeut tul fo rce..Cak "*Tba'a ine got,nlgaï C ark or LOhOIY rode hlm iu Solouasa Looge. de, xew lego for hlm again." ahi Up loto the scond et ory mbIbm te Eg.ypian oru tbey vont, and as the o Tylor entereti "Bah t" vas)isardi. "*Thora il gois out of the other door tuta tIe Ionle roemn," ahouteil Uic Tyler bc vho vas tryiug bard le catch il Thal'm b a Rooud goal. One cf yonr nivanien va. tossedl by hlm ia Crosoont lodgc. o I av him do it." "'Goot ienovenu 1 Lot'a catcIl" ciet or, tle reporter, andt ley startid off on a P ru deva tbelong corridors, Ilion np he aiestute eKntghta Teaip lac Asyluan. w Juet as the oaptain entened, there vasb 1lia familir "Bah t" sud tlb, Psper maritu knev lb. goal vas Ilion. CatolaDg np ah the Grand Sacrot Thingumamboi, tbe Tyler voved h. voulti hneck ile bruina cul if 1h. cther fîllov vonld go in anti drive il ont. Tic goatl canld net&lic founti. Ithai eluiled uts ?ursuers, ndsrd oropt theanuli the Grand Itîsîtet Gates 0 cf Sometlangrlier, sud reacbed a laver fluor. The Grand Tyler starteti iu pur.huit, anti vhen 'tic office vas dfi reached lie baudedthIe nov reporter ne~ avec te a nov Tyler, vhie put bien af tbrougb anothor rnsbing &roundi the building. t "Yon Sec, vo dont raises Ibis.gosasl oursalves. Thay ara a special brecti, w gallon op by Dr. Kiugston Goddtardi, in bis incuhalor ont&oanlis <irm nta Morton o etatîln," romarke theLb.Grand. Tyler. ch "HoI's beou n luhebMasonila busiunesse longIt hli hnovm ;nst boy to train ..thonu. Wben bhey are very yeung hoig files off bbc bird p art of Ibir hoofs aud A gives blein the white of an egg te le. & p reve tbeir voico. -Being baken In g iauti vhîu they are ou vory yonng, fo vbcu tiey beoâoa ad Lby are vey le intelligent, sud if a flote pute on any frills tbh 'knew just vbea bie ihoulde ho lassev More thanhbc rgib e for. A Carson (Neadti) City paper reportae'T the foloing ively lav proceefunge . 1Yestarday afternoan aà yaung mnucama hi lu! o Justice Carry'î caurt-ream invll the atm cf hie bat drawn oser lie eyos . antireùmrksd: il :,Deopu knov me 2" i l hink," reý1ied the Court mookly, ti "'that yent are the cbap I sentencoti for stealing aho4t sysergo." ADêlthbiapo-rtehiari'bliaii*fioln oue ri uther, vhuc- hi tiralt 'lai tees ttI*idaide.'OnL , b rtuieà iiga»iy le tla J le u ur e s ,ai4 apa coo mi~ e , ià iiie Oli f J e . .rcomitg tîbo gl ves notrpin1 e#tt i l. Ibm I vash.' be o Idg! b.er.do Pw sa berv- allof, tA ua..IUr. PO Baye u. Âjielj.abu atppm e atkis ~a ntion t e n 'OIR THE'MOST. DESURABLE- zI2 rTi MTGiýýl ARTIN & WARAMI LL WORK G UARA NTELO GIVE US A CALL I PAPE RS! LeurilIlte Svlm. rbat'eafa <lsot"ad TMr. Hopkina i lid dova bi; paper ltheallier ovin. "cevery mani, vern ansd child ln country onghitt 10kuow boy ta a. No one can teli vhat minute ho Ibc upeet. blcwu Up. or knookod rboard. Amaucla, l'Lu going te ru youto awlm." Ejeart i n. ?" quorioti the vif. nie panetinlxlier sevibng. les, you. Your life la very preci. te me, and -I don't vant you to lv c il bocauao e Un m swim saheroe en au accident takea place.- I can lm 11k. a duok MYself, antd 1 feel ty te think flat vo b»ve beau mar- d wonty-one yeie, and yet you'd go0i le botteen lihe a atone -if you fe IIL ,rboard." Wby, I nover bad the Ipsat fear,"l 3replied- I"Thora la always sooao ro aronnd te rosons a lady.':' NO one vanta le depend on bercea. courae I'd jump into* lthetester le, Fe a lady ; but there areotocf ,mon Io noldn't. stand up, Amarida, ilot me give yon the motion cf, ixnIng. Nov thon, put yonr bandae pns thean forvard se, tale oa swep I ring theen back so. Ses bow eau y SdoncIlYou maaln'l forgel 10teo ®ry tieo yon movo yonr arma. ' Ibe went through the motion everal ns, but so*awkwçardly that hoe oalod 'That lent the way 1 4 The motiona igbt te be petfeelly naturel. Nov lain ihat yen are ont on an ezeur- 'Tanu lean over the rail ta slow aome sating abject." --Tou suddenly- graw dizzy andti Inn ae hesdlong loto the river. Nov, 'hm motions vould yOD maltes yen )e to the surface ? What wanld Yeu, ",Vell, if a hero juin j)Oin aftor me 'a bean ry bead an bis oeonder like lie, and le't hlm piat bis rigbt arzm rundi any vaatand support iuutil lp arrivod.'* s"Beoe ohatugod t A haro voulit ah nice holding np 190 pounds-,I ould t ho r" "1,Ue'd loch ai nice as yos vould 1I on,' bleve yen oanld keep your boati ove tester 10 gave your lite V" -1 couldn't eh ?,Thon 1 woa't loarn 'n a single atroko about avimmini 1" ',Tben y ounenedn't 11" "-ntI If nny imal' ver jumpe over. rard snd roenne YOU lVitpunch hie "Andi if yci ever juarpini after amly. i d lkasoVllbavi te psy thoir foun rai espeuaea ont cf My ahari of hi "VIt ervol," sit Mr. Hopkins, as &on bis coal.IICe 1' net- aelteà n My own duse. If IamnDot wtue le nlghl il von't do Yeu any gooti olelephone me et thae office, lac I hall have the vire groundoti t" 1) Tvo Lava- Soveral days &go a vhite man vas raîgnoti befoeob colored justice of the outi y on charge of killing a mani anti ealîng a mule. "«Wa1,' @sn ite justice, "de facta ln ei caie hal bc voigbed viti careful- ee, an' tf 1- bauge yar taint n fault 4 mine.'M ..J utge, y"' bave nojuriadictien only 0oeatmin m." "D~at sorter wark 'longe 1er der regu- ar justice, but l's beeu pu& on as a ,eoial. A apeolal boa de riglat fer nake tifnt Lt5'prame Court ef hoe lnes ter." "Do tbhealstyon oaa for me, judge." fiC "Dat's vbabtl'Bo gvin# fer.do. "ae Bý et two klnda of loy in iei Court, de Lrkitneaw 1evan' Wde Texan lav. I p gnorally gins a mlati de iigbt to chocse. r hisef. Nov vhît 1ev doee yer ini 'sut;- do'Toxs or de Arhanaaw ?" re *11 helievo l'iltake tbe Arkaneae." "Wall, in dit case l'Il diemiai yer fur ieallu' de mulo"- "lThank yen, Jutigo." :,An' bang yor fur hillia' de aen." I believo Judge, tâltIl ake lte "%Voll, in dat oas l'il dismine yer far uillin' do max"- "Tyoti ave a gooti boart, Jtige." "*An' bang yer far stolin' do mule 'Il jist taho the 'essieU bli1er re- mark dlat de onty difference 'tweeD de vwo lava iz de vay yer satot de c=8e." NoT Piaanauzxo ro Dixi.-Jamnes &nu- of mediine delers. anno 1Owhich tha: Wcern cask o af boeicf elr.ad hc sti 'Ve se thev pre" lsold out." lbut h.tveanother article t as goc-,t!ot r2' #hch thcv*M1l pscpl%~i Meu price. e jct of thsdecepti istï2 ifl5.. substitutes *réemode mplo ieil M theO great rétation o the Pela-K[illrl and being cmVWpend o f the t',lest and-chepest drue, are boet !Z the deer at abut hall wbat ,Ifo iuf-PIIK5a ho enals hm ttheref o reu clit a Mwçgcesmore prfit Tom CHOLT.RA MÃ"IttS. CL&MPS. SUMMER OR BOWEL, COMPLAINTS PERRY DAIS'PAlN-1SILLER la UIgUVAL W-04 -RESS AND MANTLE MAKING .a, BWe2ncX'rY' V.d.&S. - :DI rr-Y- lR5 -ARE OFFEUINO GREAT BARGINS lB TILLINERY, UNDERCLOTHING, BABY LINEN. &o. Special attention to orders. Magni- cout assortment of Ti-immingsata reasonable cost. The ýest sewing machine for sale and -,to rent at very low rices. Orders for B3ritish A.merriéan Dying Co., for clean- ig and coloring of Feathers, Gloves, Dresses, &c., wil l e M.-&-S. E. McINTYRE, Agont for ButteochePmwrnu md aahuon shoot, BROOK STBEET, wHT FREDRIOKNEALE, CI n -TT i%- rr WHOLESALE AND RETAJL$, KI NG-STREET, - -OSHAWA. l'y' The undersigned, nimaking the LIQiJOR, TRADE a p0Ocialty to wehble confines bis busiess,'h nsle to tipyFamilles, Hqtel-keejers ami the Trade generallY with genuine Liquors,'at Zowest prices. 3iET- WINES, 1in woodand ýfbotter. ENESTBANDIUEJS, choQie 0 ad I3ST WTIIKIS," 7' years in- wood,' BriST IE-tu ,fine-i'old Jamiaca. B~S GI, ne lmig odROIlnd pffloCE8 40WER THiNA8kED ~R'ý,INFFUI6R ',QLfAfýitI E EWNEREl LAGEIr EE1 2ju4 and É iôi pa;ke0s. Lager' Beer i otî- ozfi ls t1 -hè-rfght article. BPLE MAGEiiT FOR WUPSON'S MDNTrREL »OIBLESOU&. WÂTIR OMDEB riz pms6;' mi A Q-METHING--'NEW L,.BOOTB andSHOe8 rt A T H.AY ES'S,3 rock-St., ~TENPER.-GENT. OFF!!U Ull sales are uow made with a REDUCTION OF TEN R CENT. upon selliug price, to CASH purchasers.' brTehe ytki8ilt g e t and lioee, for adie', Graetlemen, ndhildeneo.tsan ewe -fStyLaes',n be8t quality of materiali- and workmanski.p. Please cail in time. The roduotion will ot lat 1lng, as leather and findings are going up. Mi Watson'a Block, Brook Street, Whilhy. y27, 1880. a-o TO J A fon su] 'NE TWEED-S AN]) .CLOTHIS. 0'11N FERGSON OOTOH 1 and S RCANDIANSO TWEEDS I 'hidi, were ordered before the rise in price, -and whichlie proposes to offer a1 less than pre-vious seiling prices. In cloths, lie offers _LL-WOOL TWEED SIJITS at $10 In RATS, lis stock is the largest and best selected to be and in the Connty. TAJILORING in al its branches and under his own pervisaon.e JOHN FERGU SON, Duntlas Street, Whiitby. NE W .GOOD S!_ MATTHEW OLLINSIATS, CAPS & GENTS' FURNISHIG A-. EIrSV-LEb Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, AND SETHE LARGEST & BEST STOCK 0F BOOTS AND S-HOESI Ten per cent. discount off for Ã"ash --RO-E---TH Custunor0ar inie eci d eamn bssok ug of tb, qnality andt ah. a note of lb. prices, sud satisfy liomeelvos s te were tirey can gel the bout Bargains, for I'vp boots varranted la veac-- Boots as cboap as tbey are goad, Wil l and vîtlaout s tour For ladies, geute, and girlitood- Any vesîhor, inyvior- Fil for cily or 1the voat ;- And thst aan'l hbe at lsevierm, AIl abonît bove a pair thât ceulti, By tbm boit. Anti ho ai rosI. fý REPAIRS NEATL'Y DONE. Corne on doar public, lbave yonr orders aud gel a pair of Boots of the rigit hinti (rom your ebliged anti humble servant, MATTHEW COLLINS. TO THE "FA RMERS' 0F THE' DO0MI1NIO0N!1 claes Farmiing Implements: YOUN NADA MOWYHARE, Imroved.)oe CAYUGAJii MOWER, (Improved.) snce abhaoveetmachs e iaien cory nt f te oldm uatir anada, Wo a asotifa hlagu dchaer a-hofthel dral Moalbfer Cnadroa, te a CSo notDEalIVErc ece.I aI onurboffic ineWiyanbefoose placing your orders elsearbero, ase it is eux intention te nebopt tho Asnearly m s iiprutcable, and tberaihy make o'Ur price liat at boweit liv ing prices. Givo us s a Sâ iv. BROWN & PATTERSON MNF'G Go. Whitby, Jan. 2sit 1879. -5 HLGHEST MARKET IRICE PAL D FOR1 G-QOJD BXTrTIl~ w. 0 . GIBSON'S WH1TBY CHINA TEA~ STORE. Also 1two Tons of good live Tùr] N Merehant Tailoring and Gents' Fur- nishing House, 5R lAns ]3lck BrookT TE E PSteT WhItby J. IR. PRINGLE. FIELD AND GARDEN SEBDS! ( FEDANrgDsppGAPREaNdFesi, at 1 RAlagespLyPueadFrsh aEINERAL DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, GLASSWAIRE,- The Dry Goods Department isecomplote ineover lino and the Grocery Stock aJIlnow and freali. g:) The chestpest iouse li the County. Re- momber the addires. 49 A- B. SMITH.L Raglan. -CALL ON-' For -0 luI,-w f l Reliable Boots and -- :DODO: Go- Foot Wear of ail kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by CIJT WILLIAM BUGGES AND cÂIRu BUGS.E Thé Larges Be sts8rteà iit/ Outy. GREAT BARGAINS OFFERED IN CUTTERS. &o., in ôrder to ma-ke room,- as we iutend ta. build a larger numbe;y of Carniages and Buggies this winter Sthan usual. DUNDAS STR~EET$ - WfflTBY, 0INT.BIO. TO RENTI TUE CLYI>E TO OR, B8sEN 1IO Li Tovnhne ht, utotlo MONEY TOI LOAN', OffEASY TERau. rApply 1- vX 104 W offce -ovu UOnl ankBlil 'Wlatbyï R. 0. &E-M E T E (Lot 26, 8a'd cou. cf Wlaitby' ALLcth Cmetry viiitehproaonteed. P opecial notice. l iaerby giron ltaI foxn4rasnin the Cexnetery val bs a uniaani adition the Ooonrs sà or ayamage that may e occasan - lte Uic enlry ofo scb cIll. J. J, McENTEE ý May, 188W. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRYi>, - GLASGOW. 0F BQTAULUAIL STEÂMSHIps. SUMMER SERVICE VIA QUEBEu. dispslcbed froin Qucbcc every Baluqq-, abouo 9 amaa, an arrival af the train Icaij Wbiiby a4 8.28 a.m. e'very Frriday. TBUntiBATieSFBOM >T wnr. Cabin, Z81 and &91, according tle peli ai stateroam. Lower rate for retun * I cli. Intermedlato, 846. Sîcerage at let rates. Peraian...... ept4th, la -~~~~~T Poeyia..... 1h. Moavin......... ' ttI Sarmatiar.......... " Lill Circsiun,........... Oct., 2nâ, Steexagpassengere are forwaxteate' denderry,flolfast, Glasgov, Queenstl Britl, Card!!f, sud London atosma SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE1 The SteamBhiPs Of the AURD Lins t aispatched from Quebec every Satuù abouc 9 a.ni., on arrival of the train leg-d Whitby a4 8.28 a.m. every Friday. TEBOUOn BATES FBOM WMTBY. Cabin, Z81 and 01, according to posW of stateroom. Lower rate for return li ets. Intermediate, S4G. Steerage at leq rates. eT, , lith. fi Moravian .......... isthy L Sarmatian .......... 25th- Circassian, ........... Cet., 2nâ, Steerage assengers are forwaraeatoi donderry,-Ielfast, Glasgow, Queensk Bristol, Cardiff, audLondonat oami as te Liveripool. Parties wighing to sena for theiF frh mu obtain tickets at low rates. For tickets ana further information al Whltty, May 29th, 1880. D] ALY LISE TO ROCIIESTI *TE TE.SME (IB Mveeza), masterii) Oo-mmencirtg 'hua'day, Apra i Will niakqhex regular trips on ti LEAVING Cbbourg eaI7?0sud Port aI 9.80 oeymxig<udyeo ..ri' lai taie =f rin Ig t'he BautsI Northt, oonoecting wiUi ra là Roohester for, all p oints inubhe Unstot BT«UBNING-lcaves Charlotte (P Rochester) at 9 p.m.,except Satnaays she leavee at 8.45 p.m., fer Cabanr Port Eepe direci. Dealers lu Sto* Ck ., 'i IiSul coapesi sud mneel direct roule to i .&*lamy, ana New Yerk. Fox lartherlnfommation, apply to or, CAPTÂIB 8HE1tIV C V. GILDPRSLEEVB. Port Kingetea, Ont. E. STEPHIENSON, Dom. Tel.4 Ticket Agont, Whithy. WHTBy GYM-NASIU Ojen overy stternoon, frein 4.mtï mnditheievenig frin- 1olp. Admlsion tyTiceL- BOYS UNDERIS5 YEARS OF AGE 15 FROM 15 TO020, 200T8. :ADULT825C B. STBPEUNI18,S Domiinion Tae Office, Wbitby. Wlhby, Jnly 9lst COUF09TABLE HOUSE, Store Ta Rent--Separate Or .To9gether I m~jieipriitiflg Bats BRaOOK STREET, T m8 -$1 50, PAmrents neasuredin. c hargea at the rate of 8 ce, ý usertiofl, and 2 cents, perJ tiqent insertion. f Special Reports aofIMee -,tatements-6f Batiks, Ral Lnenrance Coitpanes, sud ~description when 1,iacd a lter ton cents per Ja. r.Speciantraets nse ry the year, or otIerwise. Ordr*10discontinu;i inuaI be in mwiting. Éusjn'es Di' oQTTARIO 0 'WHIlI T B Y - FÂ&REWELL At.J Office, first door son JAMES ai Connty Crow !MES-SRLS UTCHIIE SAT LAW O H.RITCIIE, T-tioto. ~PIk soliciorjiChan lf rat door vest o ai t le, Money le La-' interest. 51R - (Sticcossort1H. ARRISTE«R dcAT -Pj, e Dominion ank. Ofi a Msneioua Heease, uxit - w, A ýTTOENEY-ÂA Chancry, cen're LII ton ., nr9ok, C.-~ lotIon TTOEET-AT- et in lubiancary sud aies At ,encor, &C-1.&0 port & . LYMAN ENG Li Bi ttcom B~conve] kTTOBIZ9l7-AT-LJ 30D, o$,A Chancery5 convi tsIle 0 Oflct te (sù-16 inc, .l&oMhmi'.s .Co., Wbiby. COlffiNBALI U-M B ncacey o Offica-Dct'oTu's1 IN& ~ -MONE T 'O lzF, Qc 61 isu=iiP te 800 5 AEEIlERSS. haal' 5esSclo&te -' 9, Vi6tiaStreet. AND" 1losKnce-Sr. BABT TOROi '~ BZfB LEUN' - BOPZ 'PiTe bouse is nevly reno'vat.4 l a, tngpub it y. Xvytes . ncgira tUti rdonisln UMÃ"' Ta--"ý aIa a"lar [GQA' Ges,.Iuékis-and 'Chickens' l3efoe Iihi ùg eau, and'see, '833~ -Establ oVAL L il 1 à and CA NA DM N Whitby. !i CUTTERS) CASH SYSTEM*l Éýý A Large Stock, at Low Figures. - annqà aSTITUTES! 1 or7% fltepulic are cautlorio agaimit a CustOnsvhc për bnttle V" -itation artide thân he mn en the 1 f b 1 1 i* 1- 1-- 1 1 1 Il il 'l M MI - 1 .1 1 1 AN INSPÈCTION BBSPBCTFULLY nMTBD. IN TOWN. 0 -ANY QUANTITY OF--&.- -DELIVEBEI) AT-

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