rwE GREAT -CLOTllING & DRY GOODS IIOIJSE ANNOUNCES: ARR/VAL 0F LARGE STOCK 0F NEW FALL GOODS trAT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE B EAT 1 ý* Dress Goods and Velvets, New Wool G-oods, Tweeds and Clotlis, Geiits' Firnishings, ~. New R-ats and Caps. OIJR GRAND OPNG0F MJLLJ-NERY GOODS C :aa.u «' WmxwWR'Tm No. 1 DEVERELL'S BLOCK, The Greatest Rcînedy Knowri. Pu. Nuw .e S i )îcîîvi-îît lor Cou- iaipitot ifle triainuly tIi" grouteoîtlineiical rni ,ýy tvr jbîce.i w ithmn tii roach of tti-ring hîîîîîaLt. 'litai4e oi1uunce li 4 na8 iit .îom , idly îprocl.iaui t irprîlitit tit Iie woiid-iiinl Lif§iüvery tb 'i. hdthiw, îtn(i r livs.. o t nuly dont. il oni i,' ctriCoîenî~i.inbut Cotlglis. coide, Ah iihîns, ronDeht, lfty F Ner. Ilbotrt.ena ,nitîdiiailetions eof thte'Thron'., C iî't anid I.îingî yitld f it n vte i S îî derful cturative powersna il l'y magie. W.c tI,,rî'ft'ra r tly t rqu'nt von la ti uhon ytotr driggîbt anti gel sk trial boue for t. n cenits wilîi m wil ttnivin,'î' iti te mott kt"ti- vifi t to %iinrftil invrits, and .mw yoîn lihait nregîtiar eue dollar elza offo i l di(. For mle' îy T. 0l. Wliiîlirhi, Wýlily. E.nvird -Beauty. Wliît j. îmort, lanil»otne tt.î,t ani, e lrglit, etear, toi liçxion, elowiag the 1- lt't lie of îterlet licsi>hh ?Ail cao oioy tet' aueitgaby ubing Ifleetrie Biittetrs,. iii jttîrtî iioti, and ail ,tiFIOeesNti it1 Iiiî'î,tî t i Kntvlitiîîysanaid 1Uriiî:try Orgtitît'an- . cu'i1 rind, l'or iervttiîe . at I attntdant aihotonte. tltey tre a ,îi'vîr rLniiieîl yazi a-positivly jure whore ailotiti VrISii ý'. 'the Iii,' tlrit' Bitters anti lti ,sitvinued tiot tlr r modtrfiil inerSite Fr mai., l'y T. (G. l ainl, tfifty tc-eIA t'r "*Fà nmilîr in their Mouths as Ilousr hcld Word.' So wiate Slnkcsipcuro. Il ib fini vermaily aditted liant titis great gonies bits wriilen abont aimuost overytling, aend tohed a suljeot o,îlîy teadoro il. it wooid aloitsi 50w wheu lie wroio iiia*above words lia hâd in Lis, inude 07 SCOTT & IIOWNE'5 l'ALATAitiE CASRoIL., for now il is ane of the greatest reqoisites af etery well re'gu. lateul boosobolul. (bondliatieewivoie keep it as a pritmea ecess',uay clildtren lovCte o atte Of il, &Là in lu dia wi.o renin of ualoria tuediceIlrio n e t a niore tneful lpiyoie. Pinca 25 reilfi.. For sale by T. (i. Whitfield, Wliilby. 2-1 Oood Advice. Now is thea lime aof yor for Pnui mania, Lting Fever &o. Every fat-iiy sitoui liave Là Itttla c ieti s~i Gîiami 5mev. Dou' llsow for ane motment that coogli ta takea lolul of your chhlul, yauIr famiîy or yoraeif. Coutoniption, Aeliîu.0, I':î'unouiîi, Croup lîarnîîoragersaud allier fatai îiaosiî rnuy sûtinl.,Iin~. h il traotti ~îMNSYr.UI' la corieg tLrusaiide of thego diseases, yo it ilen unci botter ta liave il et Lanti nLui lret dose. will cure you. 0Oua batlle wiil lent vottr wholo farnily a winter and koop yan sale froin danger. If yo are con- sutuptiva, do net reel util yon -haro Irietl Iis reinouy. Satupla bottia Iii coet. lbgular 51v.. 75 cents..Solul by ail Druggîît. Cotstmpîiorî Cured. lie. laving had piaceul in hig haunl'y an Eael badin ua oi a simple u'eetabla remCîly for lii' spcùdy antI- prmanent cure fur ('u sumptian, lironehitis, Catarh, Aotia, teit ail TLraal anti Long Affections, aiea Ii positiv'e andl radical cure for Norvoîn e lbiiity anad ail Nervous Cn. batl.after fhaving lesîcul ia wondrr fui curatie opowors bin housfanils o! ea-e8, lhta f.It it liis iioty ta ialuin i known ta lits sult.ring lellows. .ctu- ate L y tlisit motiv anti a deîire ta rô- liji'vo ltitn'l iîîeueriiilz, I wiii eetttl fre.? oIfeiiargi iii til vho leio i, t bi cc- citiu.U&rartut, t ùr ~l, AlAgitîlt, with Ifull directions for pni paring and aeîng. Seul l'y maiil by atdrssing W!'tila eamnp. auîmti l s pat'nr. W. W. ýTlirar, l'i1> 'owcri JBIack, 1? <'ltetr, Pctverty andl Ditresa. Thal pao'aniy which protuucet iih grettîet distres ln e nt of ItoeItorseabol of te blond. lIeprîued o! its riehnees, it becomnes ecant tend waîer>', e canuit- ioLI t' rmçad ancîtt i 0n edioal-wriiiage;. Given Ibis condition, and seraoulouâ ewellings andares, general anti nerv- aus debiity, iriseof f lehana appetile, weak longs, Ibroat diseases and con- suiiplian, are &Meng the. common e- sulta. Tlnrefora, il yeon are a suffomer front tim, par boad, do uat besilate, bot emnploar Golden Modical Di8coauery which «friches tb. biood a.nd radclaly cures theu. affections by slricking et te rool a! the cvii tand . rsanoving the causa. The tabacoo ad Martinico was onîce tie favorite uCih thesmloking vendl, anti w-len ld Iaher liennipen tiecendedth le Misisslppl about 160(fuite Ineswere mauch au=pist tasec a buropean wJihh snhan ec ulet ample oa hhir native pant. Baet the smokera cf iahe M rle Nuvy" woubti give but apo accounut a. once cebbrateti Marllnico. Theii favorite brand Us as muai supenlor t l a i W&lvasta te, rai and nuncured lebat vilitthe Indiena ai limst day sinkîd.. Scrnofuaue weilng, carbunelce tnd ltrg@4ed nds, internai sarsnu, tarii lever,acul general loggeii conditionai 1h. asenî, ail yild -tu due Iimta natures movrtîlu resedy-Dr Pierce's Golden Meaile lDiscavery. i6I4 arouyd lie vaniti by dmg l ti dCiemits. Foreign troue sujyppladtrm. Landau branci. World'a Dis tenaary Medlc&lAssaciaton Proprietor But nal, N. Y., a. V. Pierce$ Y. D. Pnots- dîtît. Wat Dmua mounti, WWs, Maaeh Bil, 1679 DU. 11,V. Pîrzu: Lotir Sir-Hiiving sufered, mai17 fM mnoulhei rm îîIyer conipiint viit etie= w 1 tlui umner inauceate 10 17 7y= <-leitn Medical Dlscovryandi Pelleta. - M AI liheim0,1IW s anrcly aile to a IeL O¶lng t inir effect I commencedtdI 0Liii '>rVratidy «amn u na el &na nluas .I hauk you frmr la eilo h or frtl.gmotey hare donseme of, sntM iScnce hava dise .r B1IOCK-STREET, WIIITBY.1 N~~~~ RT 1 VEWl S EMN E N 'I'ý BERLIN WOOL à NOTION HOUSE, Blerlin XVools, Zephyr MWools, FI'ost(l W oo1si Iec wools, Lady Betty Wools, Flcecy Wools, Fingeriîig Yarns. FULJ FALL STrOCK TO HAND. l'ie l(Ir(Jst and choiccst stock ct'cr (>pel('(1 il! milJTitby ! BEBLIN RItOS, anq sada 15 --Cnts per Ounce.! -0:0-- Honiton and Point Lace Braids, Edgings, Crochet Rie - Rac Braids, and Knitting Cottons, Filoselis, Che- nilles, Tassels, C-an- vas, Perforated Cardboa rds. FULÈ LINES 0F ALL CLASSES Of FAN CY GIOODS ThIs dcpartnilut continues under the mranagement of Miss Cliîypoie, Who wvill givo close attention to the wants of our lady customners. J. S. ROBERTSON & BROS., Sept. 8th, 1880. IDEVERELL'S BLOCK, WHITBY, ONTABIO. Chicago Aheuti. AU thie word now look n p ta Chicugo es the. great wetern Ketropolis af Amnca being fer abeof ualcompting cîto; buï nomnshleu oua t u ia lino, lu 1lectrie Wb- taro. Prom l;ÃŽ;6 mà alintlsio vain ey have utivanc e th le front, ani are nov fear ahoati ai ail auher remedieo, utLvelzcv~. ing viiore everytbing g .1.. ile. To r themfia ta b. convinced. For sal by I G. Whittede, sa i 811 cent. per baIlle. 1 fa»NotUc# of Birilut , and Deth ohargaud 50 conts ,u4h. MÂBRIED. snce af Mr. G. Comu.ll', on the 18th Bepteniber, by the 2ev. D. A, McUregor, af Toronto, 13. W. 13. Smith, Whltby, te IAuls, *de&dangter o WHEITBY JMAË CIOuOstLIS OPPICu, septez loullWbeat..,........... $Pdrley............... .................. NEW ÂDVERTIBEXENtS, IN CHANCOERY. No.e. tonin OuFou.rW«nthi Con- cesio o. ra*,ta i. osas if Onmtt sa 'Yeomaný ~9! Ltliq D' e'ES-S I~O~T MÂKINIG.. e Desires to advise hi$ customers in Whitby and Pickering that Mrs. Humphrey lias just returned prom the United States and is now prepared to produce COSTUMES ANDMATE UNSURPASSED BY ANY HOUSE IN CANADA! The numerous exp ressions of deliglit and satisfaction, by th1e most fashion- able ladies, during the past nWonths, are the best possible evidence that her efforts are appreciated in the. highest de gree. The large staff of assistants enable lier to comuplete orders with the greateet promptitude and despatchi The completeiCss5 of the stock of Velvets, Silks, Dress and Mantie materials warrants the statemil-t, thiat in very few, if in any, bouses in the country san, your requirements be; more satis- factorily supplied. Your inspection invited. ROBERTH, BRYCE, 3 KING STREET WE ST, -OSHAWA. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PORTRAIT 0F CGLADSTONE Giv-on away viitiith THEi GBEAT FAMLY NEwSPAPEB IF THEI WEST. SPECIAL FEATURES : 1. Balance af 18810 Frae te New Snbaorlb. 2. Agricaltural Page. by Rev. W.FP. Clarke.. a. liali anu Dibease, by a promin.>nI llliyilîcian. 4. Legal Qaureus anabuorcd b y W. H. lBant- 5. vterinary IT,.1îrtuaent, by r-i. J. iH. Wilsoen. 6. Teaehmr' Cotlunin, ty J. Dearons, bsq., Inspector. 7. Woman'a Kiugdom, by Daine Dnrden. 8, Teuiperunca. ilalbalhi Schal Lessons. '. Lattera ai Truvel i Foreign Cauntris. 10. Ikdiblhe Nowa andi Comniercil Reporta anti lateslletgralus fraoail avar lie venld. TF.RMS FOR 1881: Single utîaenlptiant, el.011, orintl, e.lad- aton. portrait (tuia py posage andti ublng>, $1.00. In clubsao f Pive or anar, 81.85, or *l;45 wlth portrait. and balance of 1880finca ta new subacribera. L-riLive Agenia wanled inl every secrUo,. Gooti puy. For froca mipies andtlrenula agentea. adi- tiron A.dvcrtisi±tr One., Londou¾ Ont. PUBLIC NOTICE I S MBREBY given liat thé Councili a the Corpora.tion el the Township of Whulby, latonduat aI lnwâ meeting, to b. helti on tlee BraI Monday in October, 128, at the Township Hall, iirolu .ta o s By-Law ta close np aud aà lWe un.r xnentioned portions of aflovances for roada, situate in the ssud Township ni whitby. 1. 'That portion ai the. aflowano. oi roati, between Loto 82 and* 88 in the.lut Cou. cession, mati uth 0ai t.*eGrand Trunk lieilsray. 2. The mntlh hall of the ilowancc for roati between Lot.,Si a.nd 85, in 1UtCon. 8. Tbat portion onithe. aUow4ne for mat altuate botween the grave. road andlLot 96, ini the MSL Con. 4. That portion of lbe aflowsiice for rmdt situai. betwoen the ,nortiiend ti Campbel'& miii daaon the soutih alf ai Lot lto..4, on ltheSM Con, anti the n.ew roat eading from thie village of Broollin, puai J. B. Bickoll'a mli, ltithe th Con. lino.. 5l. That portion aoflthe allowuncelerr mati in the fieontaof lots 18 snti », on the ti Con. lino, "m h a l auce for oud b.- twe.n Lt. 18s na19, mta th hCon. 6. That portion af tie allovace.for rn iluate belveen lo o.897,,n ii. hâ hcom, ]3racliflosdn P . T. HARIlION, Townalaip V.k Brooklin, Sept- 7th, M88. 88-lin IN CHANCERY. Là lise mWtor of tk sU f GEOR(IE cIOLLNS, 4oqtuqeL BOGART vs. COLLINS. WAREIBO OMS!f 1IMPOR TATI ON: of those Polka Dot PR it1INTWVs. $2,00Worth of New Brussel:, Tapistry, ie' ~l e )R ] OIl eC LOTUWmEE C3OTTON GRAIN BAGS,. AND A FEW CH:OICE*PIECES 0FF s 0O T aI=f- TZWEEEMJD c o IREOEIVED THIIS WEER. Whilb, gntJB Pow',eIl-& Co,I Whity, ugtst th, 1880. SCOTCH TWEEDS.___ N EW ADYBRIIfSE-ýMENTS FAMOULE 16, Co n1, TeWI=u1IIpýOI3$YOOk, loi- The ASHGIROERYEMP RIMý;, mzZa2 4a LDeveell' Bloc, ha becme oHousI~o1dWord as jèoa &-yitaud <Ta fbuiI. Thuie BASHng PorCaned oosipixp ces, ure nafis eIlué. neer Whit. Graniteckhandled e a Seteo È1.00IWOr th en - m Étari,,t M« lest. an hiiteTs t p $275;forte rte OhAana er B ats 0 acnim5onmla. qgz 64u mi Elegnt ImeS.N uTe Seopl, $Teu ah OInac e cohup.saa lgarg sof af e rt roc bLt m pes et eano\otfl ntépe go~IQu8, atApnice tho doay CalIfuetatl9fl. .à ,' Louis Ba-i Buttwer, eg god, ýp uakènSi cger hllýodoa WANTED.-5<)0T""bof hoice»giry htter Cramo Trtx BufhsBrous'Pt -ais ec S -a n l DEVERELL'S ]3LotIK, ab -A ___ - e. CO q)~ &t.m uC45 O Z In~ -JQ 0~ 0 0 CAUTI-ON.* EACII PIIG OF TIIE Myrtie Navy! I2 MARRED T & EN BIIONZE LErTRS. None Other Oonuine, d Nstledtiaêovr -- dm FARM.FOR ÊSALIfÃ: HT N P,TII E&%T QU4«1ÊB Jý T Lot Nnmber8,ln llb second OOieke ai tbeTawuihip ai Beach. xsan b.' tor ffl inca6, ndwdfintmor land fer SlONOio run for yloe te suit the purchaser, ýndb at the rate ofi7per cent,' per ' olis gooti bainl. Âvr Q4% UlO, I goot harû are on tho pre' i 6 1dao orchard of t o l0pplu es Or r clama fruit. Tule*ýl a gooti chà i fu man with amu.U i ausia Wb~ ié poil home. For %u4bez pa.ieir 9~ TOWVN & PARK LOTI ELIGIBLY Srl'ATBD-EASY TERM. Apply ta W. ]H. HIGGÉi. T IEflQUEEN'8. IHOTEL, Bioci STZET, WIIITBv. PHILLP MeGÂNN. . . rcpriior. Beat Liquori sud Cigars. A well Fup- piieti table., Airy bed.moons., Comfartabie atabliig andi large yard raom. Charge maderate. PHOTOGRAPHY. J. W.* RUPERT', Prom th. well-kmawn ftim of.1BBUCB Co0., roronta, Photoirrajbers,- of Whitby anti South Ontarba, that b. ha. purcse thelb. ntire'rigbt anti inIaIdst oi uhal weil-kuown -Photographie andl Framiing establishment, latjy carbed-ou by tiens Moesirs. LYON BROTHE'Rc, WILEINSON'5 BLOCH, B.UOCX-ST., WIIITBY. The extensive aiterations and imiprove-' ment. byt ho lut. Birinare being still' added to by the addition of i1LL W1ORK GUMANTrBEI)' FIRS9T-CLAS, A-T THE LOWEST. RATESI, Se Oui' TABLETTE PHOTOS. FRAMINO in .ails3 branéc. A.GENT for Vzzdîui & tch iil. facturets ai Pianos andXCirau>,Ordt4rs; for Tuning'pramptly ucrtitdcdse 3.WR.hbpes by stict attfntion la tcdsi- nesat. merit &a ire a of pttoitgjt ilberalybetovetiduoIis predectesord. Wbitby,1 AÂP'P allhe Y. 'I~ N eWv New t O8A~'W%~, POLKA DOT PRIINTS. DOMINION DR EC0T 2 CASES !lie-u 3. alphoto- a-ltanti 2-1.1 Wtu 1. in qv, C ý 9