I *Mmà o"ionof I-thea"y plgrlnas - that ock there 'froua ail parts of tbe W bave s slisylooks Onu the shorescoutr ad frouaaLe c ntis.Te wluss b* IDPUBIII fothbave loft beiud ticemn proots cf the vhr he9 0Ioe ltly or eil eaI-h pot c .cnient lu a pile of A ah 6 ticks andl eruthes 94 ,u which fLey Vohblotèthl eebpe't trwî tbe BOtbct 0 îo!arsuSrpd rnabaudoued wwbou theY %we awsY 4u1- Gathbrounid a e1et rqoirt, eti. WbiII %was tb .Fater Cava- 'Xha.s not OU& of theins! 'that uh'd hink aisowdmà etrrtoubth Witb Nauoy, iie crf of thte Wost. Nun cf Kentuaro to tbe 11ev. U. J. CanonuBDoieke thie grettIrish echolar. tronod suspeel berthie statue the 0Orock full In u i letter tihe the NuD wrcte that lu love vitis, If yee ehst'eed ou ber miuing alane she batiboon an invalitl for msuy years or saule goddest greaLt Jove waa offeutirdcoopflnetl ta ber bod mucb cf the lime, &bave Xlth, but that site bail been eurp'i by the And chilled ta à sculpture of stoni' cernent aud te loose' Mthur. Ste ]mut you'd thiuk ber ut' clorles ise aoical wrote thtI ite ioped'i that sIte diti not statue Wion uhe tirued fruin lir er suiva repose otTeud GOdi by taking oui of Uts bauds Wlt.là ber ,lowiug gray oies gisuce ug îlîttmd- the punistuxent tat Re ltiaissun fit ta . y cfa ostillroe. lay upon lier. Tbore ileunocollection Àu4 the bIttali'o eui oe taken terc, but a box saendis by the juvoe heard Nancy slgh? titen you've ebrino witb te worde 'For our Lady of Fa &ht the Msd écho Knocc' on il. In this lbe viiter mal Fin tise wtnd barp etehantingiy borne ; drap bis offsriug. There is no compi-i havvo ouisard tht' girl lauglatmon you've biou. Any gift is retiaiveti frein a penny 1 Itaxité Set cuckue ta a pannel, and 1n0 oue knows wbat Art osunrs i.tfilrtr yugv.The mouey goos to repaîr- Anit ite suge iie îr ignoran't country Îibg tt iurb bchsfes atn folk fsueyngtecacwîc uercoi- Tht' lar's liquid repturos ou biigit. aliy frein the' pilgrime that constantly Are just aid IrishairHis tram usthe set t1t visa it." of Nancy$,4"Do yen kuow, (rom persans1 exper. îrlewtag up and rsfreihiug tse ky. loucs, of auy cures bouide your oen ? Andt icugi' lie fot Sauces sa soft an the' I"I de," eaid Mr. Osogitegan. IlThere h0tatlier is Robt. May, tLe son cf the widow, Ta tac dowi twiklitig tussecis et grass, Elzas Murray, wito keepo thait weli. It butai etestht' bright draps ta slip doser nw n.'h bre lyPgos 1together konin TeTreJlyPgos Ta image the exqaisite las.; at Auburn. tbree miles from Ballyma- We've ne mou lait amang unsosutest toen o- bon, lu coîmty Liongford. Godsithl Ut acenfu r cult lipeake o! the' inn iu bis 'Desorted Vil Ole'r corni ier i Ntueyletrtoo tht'lagt','1Iknew ilobret wLeîî i ewas a netio'n0 boy. le lhad a croc kod leg, sud walklc 0 mt thet "otfoua u ttiir nec ta. od eith a crutci' snd a cane. hie îrook- e opl a¶icelaioue lte cruiri'. For Yet for ail tbat thte bec flies, for biunoy dDw flfuieit y0srg hoactas lamef, until bu fragrant, wi'nt te Kuark ('iapel. ilii01U18 awaY Ta the lalf. opeued fSewer o! ber h ie. cre et'ilbsc Anti tht'butterily paseus, iiclpurp'oî'oi otd liteiseitiri blittd lain. vaégrant, -ed nte cure was tai of thbe cou of T play with lier piuk figer tpe ; Mrtttbûw LON-Ott, a zailer of liellyma- lFor ail humait loeure site lorks p tht' bau. Tii. boy lied a runutng sort' au Atousaudre saviltt is neck, appaýrottly incurable. Re A thusan areowou tg eetatuok bnnu thte cernent, And tht' fainies lono kuew the' magica e nsutImoifse Ii u i he ocbs Mesure adImsi a lmwL i okn 0f the ravtublng rouud o! bier walst. dry andi well se the back of tuy baud. - Then I saw a ycnugma insuluEnpar, - oouuty Westwpeatli, Who, witen 7 years Mr. Gocgbegau et lCueck. cild, feil from a bouse, sud snffered for - fourteen yesre witb au etilargèent ai UOW iBs WAS xIRÂcULoU5LT CBEDOF the hip Joint ihat mate it'hma crippît'. e'AINFUL LUiIAuo-Tics WONDER. IBe wss carriod toe lia oék Church, FUL 5i'O5Y TUIT Aà 1NEW ToIlE sud sbit cf the' cerent was Lounti ou BÂLOON KItEPES TELLS OF BISi ths ip. White iu tht' alurelahobecLe l'ILoRtAiEaa TO TUE WOttLD. gin ta sufer great agony. He wae FAXOUS cnAPEL IN5 THE carrieti te tht' car, and au tht' way COUNTT O? MAYO. bomne sulTred inteuaeiy-soo muc set - that bis irieutis fearodti iat'ho would FOIR'TilEMO$T'PESIRABLE -G-OTO MARTIN & WARAM ALL WORK GUABANTEED- I CIVE U8 A CALL WALL il O'METHI NG NE -1Wi BOOTS and SH-QES 1 &1 AT HAYES'S, Whitby. rock-St, . TEN UX sales are now made with a REDUCTION 0F' TEK Ze CENT. upon selling price, to -CASH pu.rchasers, 9e8 tc vei tel g Bots% -inth and Sk ,frLdes', ,neen, and hilden os wad, Nwe tyes ad' bie8t quality of material and workman8lbip5 Please cail in time, The reduction will not last long, as ather and findings are going up. 1 FINE. TWEEDS AND" CLOTUISO -:00- w] A' sup .(OTCH and '04ANA DIAN TWEEDS -1 'hidi were ordered beféoe the rise- in price, and which ho proposes to offer at less than previous seiling prices. In cloths, lie offers ,LL-WOOL TWEED SIJITS at 0I In RATS, his stock is the largest and best selocted to be mn xthe Connty. TAILORJNG in ail its branches and under his own pervision. JOHN FERGU SON, Dundas street, Whit'by. NEW GOODS.! ýl s B PE Th brp Ge lea of C cf w be BY. FrTen per cent. discount off for Cash FORO----TH ,fLte quaiity and take a note cf the pricea, and satisfy themsolves sta whare tbey eau get the best Bargaina, for Vve booa w arraute t l wear- Booteses hesp as tb*ey are good, WiiI- stand without a tsar For ladies, gents, ana girlhooti- Any westher, anywbere- Fit for city or the wood ; And thal can't bc beal eIsewhere, All sbould have a pair that eould, By the Lest. Andl Le at rest. 1ý REPAIRS NE.&TLY DONE. Corne on dear public, leave your orders and get a pair of Boots of tho iglt kiud froua your obligod and humble servent, MATTHEW COLLINS. rO THE FAJiMER8' 0F. THE DO MI NION! :000:- We offeî' you for the haî-vest of 1880, the following first- clas Farmiug Implement§ :- YROUN NADA MOWYHARE; Imroved.)oe CAYUGA J.u MOWER, (Improved.) sach a harvest as the' bvt't sud csrryinig off the <3old Metini for Canada, to psy CASH ON DELIVEIIY, te call at eue office in Wlxiby, before pleeing your orders elsewhere, as il la eur intention ta adepl tise CASH SYSTEM ing pricca.. Give us a cui. Mlaxtby, Jan. 2litt 1879. - HIGHEST MARKET R.ICE PAI D FOR -ANY QUAJîTITY 46F- c~ooi~ ~YTTEI~ I -DELIVERD AT- w5 WHITB'Y CHINA TEA .SrORE. Mlso two Tons <of good live Turke Merchant Tailoring and Gents. Fur- nishing flouse, %rjEjXý OORTO -Brock -PST FFWItbE, J. R. PRINGLE. FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS!1 ( iENERAL DR~Y GOOD-S, G'ROCERIES, BOOTS AND SIIOES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ThAl DrAy AGdS oprtenn ecmplENTe Oy HAnDAthRoEer. Stock ail new ana freeli. gjp The cheapeat house in thie County. Be- mcmber the addrcs. 49 A. B. SMITHEL Raglan. -CA LL 0ON- ýW Ir.mLL& 3IAr r7mN8.1 For Reliable Boots and Shoes. ~js'Foot Wear of -ail kinds sold Cheap for Cash, *by WILLIAM BURNS, Brock Street, Whitby. CITTE RS , ANID CARRIAGES. The Larg'est and Best -Ass8ortment in the County. IREAT BKRG-AINS OFFEiýRED IN CUTTEIRS-.&c - number of Carniages and BuggieBs this winter - - than usuel. TOMS & NEWPOPt.T'S DUNDAS STREET, WHITBYe ONTARIO. TO RIENT 1 T ME CLYDE _EIOTEL%* 158 Kmo-5r. RA?, 'TORON'TO. L OT NO .27, IN SmD CONCESSION Townshp of W"lbyjut outaide the HBarY LEMON, - PROPBIITOB. corporation cf the Town ci Whitby, Count7 of Ontaio-200 acre-in une or more par- The houae le newly renovated fron*top te cela wlth ail nocemsry dlwçlliug bouses and bottom. - very accommodation- for the ont 9tid!ngs, wbich are in good condition, travelling public. The very beut ai liquors or will h put so, for soitabis tenant gr ýton- -ud cig"r, and sho larder Wi~n keepina with aute,. Possession of aU let November, 18Wo, the hast inte city. No botter stahi, right te eutet aidplou suad repair aiter and goodaattsntivehost1srs., (ly-4 pr- e crop l rem oie l, ith accom m oda - tinfor men anS teams. Forlo«ulty light C Y every coveeieS, faF slâltulanSprofi- able huibandry t.hs &fOSrm t ha e,'ce-1 .4. Ilhe S.W. t'o aore,amUlble -for brick- ysriuave iee, ana vin aW» -bernted as uh«eeedla, *d iS biegod > D ',,, , .g, G«eese, Ducks 'and -Ghiekens wanted. mmyo Itefore killinqg cati and set J, HÂlIR (i W. C..- I~S~5 - Whiby,' ie 23,islm. WI4tPy 4Jlina Tea 8tore. R. SX 1833- AT LOWEST ' IIGURPS. Leave Ordersata K1ISNG B OS. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERS. A p l o -ý W . H . B IL L IN G S, t~'~ffic ovo OutriSolicitor. 10-tf Wbitby. R. 0. CE METBRY, (Lot 20, lrd t'on. cf Whitby.) NOTICE[ o IBESPSSERSI A LTrespaseers an the landS caxprisin UstLe Cemeiey will ho proecuted. AM~ sipecial notice ià hcreby given that cattîe found graing lu tht' Cemetery wiil hoiua- , oudd u d tdition tht' awueseoueS or sy dLage that may ht' oceioned by the lte enlry o! euch cattî'. 4b J. J, McENTER, P. Priesa. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, Allan Line 0F R-OYAL MAIL STEA&MSHFS. SUMME SERICE iA QEB -C SHORTEST SHA PASSAGE! The Steousipe o! tht' Allsu Lins ar ditzpetched froin Quehet' over Saturds; ahana 9 a.m, ou arrivai of tht' train leavlig -7 Whitby sl 8.2hi a.m. evory Friday. -- d THIioOUH ÂTES FilOM WMtTlv. Cabta, $81ansudl9, according le poitiôL af slsteroern. Lower rats for returu tick- ets.- Intermediete, $46. Steerage ut locest ratas. Perurian........... Spt 4th, 1880. Pulenysiaui....... .1 1t. Moravian ..........." lstb, Circeian . Cet. 2nâ, Steerage pas songera are forwardedto Lou- donderry,Belfaal, Glasgow, Quecnistawu, -Bristol, Cardiff# sud Landau et sane rae as la Liverool. Parties n'ishing t&~ senS for their trieuSea cen abtain tickeWts l on'rates. For tickets sud further information spply te- GRO. B. YULE. Express and Telegespi Office, Whitby. Whitby, May 29tis, 1880. tf-48 THE STEAMER (MB. B SwooD u, ter> Oommeutisg Thirad'aqj, 4pril 151h, WiUl malie her regular tripe on thia route. 1,BÂVING Cobourgst 7.80 and Port Hope at 9.80 every morang (xUiay exc4ted> on arriver o! trains froin the East, West aud North, connecting with railway linos at Rochester for sU points in the United States. BETURNIlqG-Lea'res Charlotte (Port of Rochester) st 9 p.m., excett Saturdays, when she leaves at 8.45 p.m., for, Cobourg aud Tort Hope direct. -Dealers in Stock kc., %ill Sund ibis the cheapest and moot direct route ta Boston, Albany, and New York. For further informnation, spply ta o, CÂPTAIN 5RERWOOD, C. F GILDEBSLEEVB, Port Hope. Kingston, Ont. (on-iS B. STEPHENBON,.Doin. Tel. Co.,- Ticket Agent, Whitby. WHITBY Gý'MNASmUM ra; TM CURLING CLUB BUILDING-. open every aiternoon from 4 p.m tilli0, and inthe evening iroM ' toïo Pm. Admissioni by Ticket. BOYS IJNDER 15 YEARS 0F, ABE 15 OTS. FROM 15 T0 20,20OT8.:- ADULT825OTS. TEts goo for one mouth may bo had t e E.5EBNW~'5, Dojmwnin Telegraph offie, Whitby. whitby, July u3st si' in-4 8tére To7-Rent--SoparateIy Or Togethr!1 T HE-ÉOUSE AMD 5H01, occupied by X1Mr. Murphy,. on Dundas s htewMl bo rented, ither t.he Housand shop. ta. gether,,or separately. The, prenuse-r brick, iiewly, bUlt, omtain la rgearl6r dining room, katchen, show room five bed- rooms, p antyiad a&sofi , stable andontuidln.Tbl ehop l ;ay and 'lu an ituation fobuoinees. rtem andpWaculmr,SppIY tg ,UR. D. OISTON, or ta as MURPHY, On the preenies. Whitby, ,Tane lot, 1880. SAD D LE FER CENT. OFF!1I J Watson's Block, Brook Street, WLitLy. PA PE RS! A Large Stock, at Low Figures. BUBSTITUTES! sg The public arc cautioned ageinst a Custotu which is prowinIg uite cmmaon o'late anonZ a cerain clas of medicine denlers. aud which is this - Wheun m=d-Î., a bole of Pan.Kller, thev siieniv di5cnver that t e ' lsold ou. but havcnfother rticle ttas gond, if flot better'" which taev Il suoirpe at the saine price. The objectofthisd=cotionii map~L These, suxttitte. ire maide ci) ta sélion the eat ieutatIno the Pal-Kiler; and being m<upounded of the vilet andl hepet drugs, are aught by the deaer nt bout ha1f what hbcry* for the genine Pah-tfler, whch e-nables him therefore ta relire a few cents axiore pr6t prbfte uron the imitation article than h c n on the Foit CHOLIiIA SiOtBUS. CS.AMPS AND ALL SUINMER OR BOWEL COMPLAINTS PERRY DAVIS' PAIN-] Mr. William Geoghegan, well kuown ta die. WL.u tbey taok lîls fromnltse as te iuhabitants of thse Tirleenlt Ward, cart in whieh ho n'as rldiD'g, a lump 'as5 n ceRS eAL LuT eA andi, indeed, ta a great mîny Non' big as s turnip.' as 016Y express 'tR.IAIOS NT YorkersI arriveti home a (on' day. ega came ont wLero lie cament n'es hourd, i.l a. i',r5is KLtrpnt cp i . . Aidî3 frein à visit te bis native coutrytt, Ira' Sud burst. Tht' pain coaesd, sud ta-z »eJe 50'cenis rsspecev.lyî-taees bet-iso landi. Mr. Googitagan fait thal, bis dey t', youg man is Coraed andti lk W5i5 LÂL EîýE journsy voult i ncomplete unies. ho6 withcul crutaes.SOOD LMEINEÇ mlade a plgrimage 1a the fanions KuockII I kuew of thoe cases Ly pemarin1l Cbaîei, tha scene of té e rouskahle observation, aud these are ail 1 do apparition ofSa Ysear aa. 0f hie' kuow, iu Usai way. Thora art' msny DRE SS A ND MIA N TLE M jaurniy ter. anti what hLt iwansd alLer cases thbl I1sum satisfled are bons experîleceti he lasI seul o ld lu bie fide cures, but'they came ta me secondi saloon, at01«an sd Cannon sîrecte. baud, sud perbapa yen don't cars for III viiteti Knock Chipai," saiti Mr.tem. I san te shaS of a bey Whto, A Geogitegan, "an te ott of Aunuet tant, wiseu lie went hoalite cburch, baS a a littleJoscs titan siyear afler Use e-anti- club foot, lIse tees- bein: tirttnoî uh st-ô~è~ ' ~s'se erful appa.rition. I wnt in empay irard tCe ther ieg, yeon kncw. Wlseo- M .ES . Ml ....1 ..A wilt the 11ev. Father Corbetl o! Clare. ile ent away hie foot was as straighti Moarris. Tht' village cf Kuocis, as yen as the othûfr'ane. Fatîter t7avsagh -ARE OFFE-RING GREAT BÂRGINS1 kuon', cf course, is lu Couuly MAYO, keepe a bast cf the cureSd, sud it con.- anS lis e arony cf Cstelia. 'Kuock' tains înuy onderlul cases. Yen lu aoeilomons 'a bil,' andthl. vilage ougiti le go out there andi ee for yeur- 14I LLI N ERY, UN DERCLOTH ING, BABY ta rghtly nimeti, for Il î surst'nndsti oeIL" Ly elevun littio bille. W. drou'e townt (coin Cliretuorrls lu a janntiig car. An ntygneerkk. - Afe a drive titreugh thet ratan'e rpach - Anepyg evrkcs oS te churcit. Ail aloug the raid we SounietL tner.t-A eie1theu S bai passetijiligrie n antfor lthe BSunî te lattenti-onbradoti cuit ewedestnatin neourolevet. Whou P ýn ecialloattention to orderst we eahedth chrc I assurýr#î- "o itengînan ever etreiclte' a neck licexit assortmont of Trimminge ant reasonabl il tae number cf prions wlieSunr- o! landi. Best sewing machine for sale and to rent retendeS il, mauy of thezu knt'eiiog in Tite obadeso f utght go about dawiug .rJrts m ria yn the nanti antine, Wtlla Usir faces on pie. Orders for rts mria yn tht' greunti, deoautliy prayiug tOa edgo1t.p anti tht' BlesseS Moîher that iheir pains The inu no lest lits balance n'a ing and coloring of Feathers, Gloves, Dresse nolghl ho taken, frein teom. I coufees oui cf big wigit. roie n rm tyatn o taIt I ivas skeptical n'ben I set out for muite ou camping out-Le. eine- rcie n rmtyatne o Kuoce. I1n'as a Caîholle, ta bc tues, body eut' do It. anti neaultea eosagooti Catltulic, ita, M . . IT. Lut my retiiily n'as preoîy everely A ypuug minuaty b.tiing dniy ounI X S u U ~ .N'X taxeaS by tht' accuntaoftte curch andti he the teuteul field anti do noUing but* Agent for Butterice Patterns anti I the. surrounding n'armhtppera. A feeling drive a circus nwageon. .BOK cf reversuhial an'e tleeover mut The Niew Orleans -Picayuuîe allides BDW i "I san,' coitinneti Me. Gaoghsgman, ta tht' bicycle ase tht' wirhigia of iliei. "'a bjumblo ciurcx, nitlb ne claies to 1.ortunahsly for the wbrligîg, it binga architectural beauty. Itn'as ut of in ils revenges. gray ahane, lu th.ebape ci a cross ce cf a ltter T. The Lady of tiie churcb Woelingmen- FRE'.DE«£«RICK NE. Is about W0 fel long, the cross portioun ctr-3. el ea ttv pn perbipa 00 feet long. Il n'as an thet' eiynr(vsrn sanlteru gable of Use churci thal tho work after e wintor of relaxation, your Q Q ~ r a priiu ppaet. enrmobe ystem uetis cleauaiug anti elrengtlaeuti--T -rl.-rc1 w io balli epartio Yn n'as No w.,iog ta prevout su attacli of 4gne, Bil- ~ ou te 2lst cf Auqut of last ye-ar, lions or Spring Foyer, ce some other Q iphill as toý,ve f th ocave ay f Sring sicknees ltatI nill utufit yen forL 1- ' RS T C lte Aosumption cf tie Blesseti'V'rgin aituea' ksa antillreatmee Mary, a reeparkable appearanuse s u n'iîcknasde e na o t e e B itteraSA E N REEL seaunat-7.80 iu the' oveilin .It wiui amen ilyl ne nth. of o Btwtt-s gloomy rabty eveulug, n't¶out apat I co fmly umu. D twi. KI NG-STREET, - tels cf unsino. The Lestaiccauntu n say ____oumn Iths e persans burryiug along the roiS n'Lleb leatis ta the obîpel san' th. Eureka Sait Rheum suad 5km Oitteni. The undersigned, making the LIQUOI W'all beatuiifully iliumlualsdl by a coft 11 ewih at owihh ofnsbsbsns ligLi, amiti whicuiStarsane. er Amon)g tht' nuicrous 1ilit hcseilyt hc ecnie i uies ersou came up andi stoppeS anti look. Stle bo hir,' the différent dccaeî cf Supply Famiies, Hotel-keepers, and the T eti. Titase suw n ohUs gable enS of the tht' akin taka no contemptible ranis. wt eun iur,~tlws rc abureh Ilu iisligit an allar, anti b île Salt Rhenm, Scroinfuln Seres sud ihg nneLqosà tlw tprc. dgu.res a! the B te sed Vîgin, St. 7oin Scurvy, have titherto Leen consîdereti ts Bvuoueob, anti Sb.,Josepb. ou almosl incurable ; Lut sncb la 1no long- tie star n'a a lernm standing, anti Le- er tLe cae. Theo Enreka SalitllLeumý BEST NIN'ES, in wood and bind11 a crucifix Utiseh figure cf te andti kmOumeut is n'arrsntad to Lord Jeas Cs t n uIL. AU arount cur- the vont case of Sait Eheum or REST BRANDIES, choice i tis star W" a goden 1,ighOoke"'any otier Skim Disase, if the direction@ figures w r isible until 1 'îcstareafaiUsMül !olowed. SolSi boxes BEST 'NVJISETES, 7 yeare sveiuig, SdlwntY Persans min' Usm.ut , y a, il druggial, 5. 1W&1rntdY anti afterward bl!are a comiltea of --'a---. h&vý tlb.tbef Sau e ani TcTlyHnu f. BEST ilUM, fine old Jamîa( ouxosiwoe u ibum e ? te pliay Thse careful, gaty heusenils,.vLan sho E ST G ilidof céentl*tùà eu Is h Cap agiviug ber bouse ils spring elng. ES G N, ilclud.ing old Wo- n 'ai. aotqi baive aiti ths ovor sionîti heur tu mind sai the doar in- -sdTm Gn th aoeo-whib th Ue eburch le mates of honrlieuse are more precians andTOM ;-n -aes.or n'as a arna eating cf than bouges, and Ihat their systemi .00 cement ta proleot Il frouath. beating nee cleansing iy purjfying tht' blond, PRICE8 LOWER TH<IN AOKEU ý FOI? NFf $terme tilt abaunutinl thit raglan. rogilatlng th.e toaih anti Lonola l EL8EWH£eRE Bu owté sen l isaed nlu ~erfuacure the disciassarnsing - : 0 - gaplln n ite s b tepions fcm s rngmalaria sud mias ansd E Ri2 4~d6go pligims.aics aoulti kuon' lat thora e i ngU eïý "IW. drove fit la tLe dn'elling cfi hal willldo ise80perfeeiiy anti snrely - - tLe VCI c ev- Ardeaoan Barthalo. >»HO p Bitteratht' puressanti bocf Lager fleer in bCt 1ZUI U mew, A. avanagh, tLe -priasl-of!thmedictues. Ses olber columu. the right artie3leý, c 0a  3I parlah cf Knack, who ýSoompguled us eté 1h. chi. Re t' .à s'a 4f 5(JW - Glt-EZdge Butter. WIL ON5S MXý, O R E years, prhîps., âl &,l l m .ji wth a O T nlue face In ,whloh la daotaus and There 'la aln'aya au active demaut IidN~ unsmuul , le_- m * enwnoula foriailler tisai-..leup to the gili-etge I~ trust anti belle,..' OGuiSeti by hlm w. standard lu qnalily and cler. Mas DOUBLE SODA WA BUEOtIBI N matie auf way tlïtitugxthe throng that butter Ibat la ctberwlee gond sels at a IJEMON -SIA $JEI1ZE WA preaseti -up lu 'fraie - of 'b.hé L"ne. retinction frouatitres ta fivoeuntspsry 3AP.WAlIXJ.Â, - 0 POTà e -Aglut the n'all'wisere tL. vision ap, ipand; beaà use Sllaient in acolner -' - eisttier'up' tadsaotuîe ot >-tamaenoù $lho n s oleBt GINGER AL. î aurtanWzw r. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~CU4 IL bse I'lioyie i auo rdson & Cols Pettecteti Butter Goe ta - py'Th. a~ s'téqhxn. - Tfe -euS aofgi-r.brigLiT ube aoIer. Thie cobleoris- @-l lita' SUre hyar tis péigttest, peretand ti et. Scial arran emonts for ~.sup pôp n'bo oote ieafroua julilug Off matie. 134lbydrttgelte.- 491-Blyso~s à b.Otant.- And now I mIoUodbes re" - th lb inne ait Onv Lay 'ot noek. T - sus obea Wekges. A De' kpet o lta imgrauud andi priyed ~ aI R ipa ok u 'n.Sll u~0 that MY'.Pains iaglit Le iakei> tram, t ~j rs a nd wklý., usonesi~ me-.Pîor t'a Yomarstd more 1 Lad paten, air, i aen a ie taseraunbut -béeau t savauffeverfrou-aruba'I . uqusstloubîy ithegroatest uelln r etun able, *1wh6W c e ,1 aduuei pis <uy Laok tis ai 9lthe» ehihprsreaxs~IhmSpo 'NTLY. 1AKIN( IN- LINEN. &C Magni le cost. Th at vcry 10' Co., for oiesi 1'aabou Sheet, rBEET, WImTI ['AIL OSHAWA. M TR&DE U ~ 1# enabled rde geneirs bottie. )rands. il? wood, Da. Hollauds lOR 9UALITIEB paokeges. a~ .$t2~; js4 J. GIBSON'S estabiiMhed. ay '27, 1880. (3O0 TO -1 Il 1 RAS JUST IRCFIVEIi A STOCK OF 1 1 e[ATTHEW COLLINSHÂTs, CAPS & GENTS' FURNISHINGSý Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, AND SEE THE LARGEST& BEST STOCK OP BOOTS AND SHOESI ie VILTISEMENTS. - Ail monts maitourad in Nuups od*st tht'rateol e!fcnteparý on, aug 2 couts, per iine, eeo ecial Reporta of Meetings;1 mente of l3aulîs. Rtailway Co sce Cemapanice, and matie -ription wheu Vltced a mong N tou cents par line. "Sp cialcontractii made wiith ad 7byteya, or e±berwise - SOrders te discentinuetave Muai bt' iuwriiing. -8~.usiness Direoý ONTARIO- H-ANI 'WHITBY BRÂNCX_ -THOMAS Di A WEL & -RUITLi RISTEUS. ATTOMNE! 'tors, Notarles Public, am~ s, first door south O!f eWhitby. ÂEWLLI L. ., Couiaty Cro.. Atitir ESSIISITCHIE &ýzBI ARRISTERS -& ATTORb AT LAW, SOLICITC 1 ?*b.it )> . IRITCIiIE, W. H Toronto. JAJIES KEITH GOII BSoicitor inx Chancory, Ci - osyPublic, &or. Office-]I firitdoor n'est of Armat pu$'51 Mcuey to Loan-Pi'tu t JOHN A. r à .M.ILIV -'Sa '55Z h. &. Ha Dominion mc.Off Ic.-ltei Maseicn H1ous, Umbrldge, Oi CIARLES C. E tou, Brook, 0. W. IL. T. BARiLA.i A TRNBY-Â;T-LA'W, . A?!.iiiChancezrsdiave LMAN EN&'C.,- a. BAISTER AT LAW, SOI B0'h=se.,coveyzhner, i 00e Streeýt, Oshawa. I Spi .A~Chuce, Con isscOF, Oirraez-Iu tht'le saing OlCD, taMeM. 1ti'Blok,I OMLco-Deverille lock. 1 * MONEY TO LF.N-pZivI an sumfs up ta #M11, ati a loi (LM atDU9OQxe&Rom B AIMBSTEB5-ÂT-LÂW' sysor, SoladCl', ounil OFFICEW.-II Victona 0a 9, Victoria Street J.*o.Ron soAt, et. il li aner &. JOffne»KeeLrio BlSrewhty Ot ti ý mly, 18M. AN INSPECTION BESPBCTFULLY INVITBD. MoMillan's Block, IN TOWN. -OP WHITBY,- . BU GGIE S-51 1