Whitby Chronicle, 7 Oct 1880, p. 2

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i - Mo. O'Day's Correspondonco. New 4dWfotiaOfllBftBthiB Day. 6190W0 Sc Inyst-C. Nounes. Tho. Grea lohiogHRouge- 0. F. SLOW. art. Bootoli Tweed soultnageC. F.Stewart. Farato rent-Job n Hasht. lieeting cof Shareholder-Outario Lad- ies' Colage. The Manufacture cf Tobacoo. Whltfileld's Pulueonio Syrup. Servant anteri. Oow trayet-Jas. Sharer. Healinît on winge. Columbhus Mill-J. C. Twfliale. Toothaclies Gum-T. G. Whitfleid. **Peotoria" for cough or cold-S. W.,1B. Smith. Chamois skias-$. W. B. Smith. Pure Druge and Dye sius-S. W. B. $uith. liiiîel"s Mledical lieul-T. 0. Whib- fieldi. Gra d Dis p1ly-R. H. Bryce. Pattern Uaie snd Bonn2ets-R. H. tlrype. Special te the Ladies-J. S. Robertoon & lBroc. Aucion sals-L. Fairbanks. Swaiouery and seioolbooks-J. B. Robertson & Bres. Notice of by.isw-'lownshipof Whitby. Uncîs TomsiiCabin-Glise& Potier. JiarrctsBabies-A.. Barreit. AUCTION SALES. S4lscof arin stock, iluplements, &0 , on the. preniitsss, Lot No.8, ini the 4th cou. of 1) in,po -L. Fairbanks, Aurtionver. SaI3 of good Heorses, G rade Cattie, Slo'cp, lirplemente, &e- the property cf Mn. John Hlarris, un lt 182, ik thea rd cou. etfO hftby, on 't'nssday, october >2t1, 188W, et tNvrlvc oclc nooo-L. Fairbanks, Autionear. Sale cf terne stock, imiplements, &c., the ~r~<rty of Mr. Urah J. Jooesauo lot 21, IrorenFront.,lPickering, on Wodunday, Qtober 2th, 1880, et one oclock, p. in.- L. Fairbanks, Auctioneer. Sale et ferai stock, implemeots, &o., the f" prty cf Mn. John A. Piîle, ou lots 1.3 and 1,roken front, Pickerng, cn Wednesday, Oct.. 18& 180-L. Fairbanks, anstioneer. Sale of farm stock, t.nplementâ, &c., Cihe theprepery-of Mr. J. W. Clrke, et hi& premise«, Lot No. 4, ln the fth opn Picker- lnon aTuesday, Octoben l9th î580-Thos. PenUcher auctioneer. Sale 01 sais, tove., furuttura $o, Ridle &o. et themareket, Town cf Whitby, ou Satur. .l"y. Ostoluer th 188W. et 1 'ciock. p m.-L. iFairbanks auctioneor. PoiliShows. Tha Fail Shows for 1880, wil ho lîsld a% «,[Iowa N uriVic oria-OctLober iSih and lSth %Vent Drrhsrn-Ootober lSth andi lSth Nurtis Ontari-Part Penny, Qetober 12thsudanti 8i. ONLY Si Se PER ANNUM. WMbTburÀday, Oct, 7, 1880. .4C(X)L'YTS.-Parfii sindebled. Io clis offcs' fr adrerti.sioq, job-rork anîd s<IarpiD ii, nldo i8 (cilanon b!l yitekim, ,snaiîe ieiiatc retilisinre. AUG S sîîci'r,îticî(ire striri/y payaible in Tom-onto and Otsawa Raillvy. cM., Gcierbam Ussu rntte a scern. tunicatton tUe la Toronto city couacil sheving thai lus compauy an. in earu' esat lu ibir intexe'tiou tebuildtiUs long. isîket cf sut imporitans neof aiivay. They aant *1,200,000 frou te .mulai- paltia-OSli.00,or eue- quenten of th. whale suen, tram the cty of Toronto. TUe total ces a sestimaçed t Isix milli- on dollars. TUe ietegrity of Mn. Gocti- onhais'esmotives have boan hitbole loubiet, aseilbvsWaloret eahe vas Jlayiag mie tUahebauds of îles Gre'bt rrl'mIVS TUe 'Tronto anti Ottawa Rail- w ay l1" recognîzeel neoasslty. Acnd if Toronto e a eu t tite elaquota, cudit suai, a ean stalemeut mates viiisets uspicion aI reet, sud linasc cenfi houas in lUe intagmity cf the le- tentions ofthLe Companiy, tbare isle ttle îloubt Ihat tUe rueuicipelitiis aloug tUa hiue aili totiow soit. Imports sud Exporte cf Gain sud Phouf. A letton fren Mn. lR. H. Lawder, lu tUe î"New Tri Protuas Excanîsge Re- ponier," supplias e satmeut et tUs quanîiîy et Usrey, flour, îinait eut 'wbenat impaîteti mie anti expetet (nom the Dominion et Csaada dumiag lbe fis- cal year, enting BObU 0f Junu 18W0. Impanit ed Expurtati. Fîcrur, blle, 113,035 561,483 Wiceâl, but. 7,521,591 12,18f,9186 Banll 15,350 7,062,781 Lt V. 17,199 88,02,888 Taking 88 Ibo. of maii as h. equlraiaut ou ubel of banldy, lb.hev sr- pins af th.hmrtey ceop cf the l)auinlau cf Canada, lu 1879, vii 8,188, 128 Tatiag tlb.Caneta stome returue alune, irneýspeoIir cf lIce cloches et pré- vioces yesmn biton SOth Jaus, eltUso lu ths bauds of fareners or lu vareboase, bath of vbichboIs do ual soncouely &f- font the nosait, bUs surplus froute ech croaep ppeaus t hava heen : IMÃ"-5 0- 7 11M7785 111-70 ig. 10,74,5780,55 854M 69lng5e,07,aO 515515 Wib respectl ote .beat crop, thore. tenu for the Yeu autlng 801h Jine 188f le vsny eatWsfotosy. Oaouiallug lbbL et fleur squat 1e 4j bubhsalieat, lthe net exprt. tramalb. heDomniaon et Ceu- &ai, fromu rop cf 1879, wvan...... oqosi buashaeheai 6,586,067. This rosua-f or fiscal yoarl879-80, compare 1873-76 l87e-?? 311-75 111-70 2879« Niet EtS ,50,140 --3570 fM ~7A8s5 "Importé 529i,827 ý..... ..... Accrtlu l i. arnuira tle vas tUe larges$ turing lu i v. essewa This arise fomt erodgeg et fait viesat,, thé average y.dPe- acre ofrbicli leasMach ge-eter tIbm lUe cf eprlng vbths. Ifltbe,'oompaimc bceiveë e bc rcp of 1f19 sud pbeîtm yeosas ctd bclenceght ilril- t O S.ptemiibtw Iisaet yeii; the ioa%" surplus Io 1M 9 oÙitdb.'cocUM4bl rotineet, btituot suffleisuto * le h l -Imt, Ual lb.#' wbslal- rop of 1879 e osededtIhal of pnovions feenjeeane. - I neroaud usreapeunerfait vciai ove lthe Yeu 1879,eutdea omwbît les aortaegi aer SpsIng vhsil.- T&Uohi eeréaepganduyiol par serein l1,"i ameanst. ilssesases'ieia amase th&le an the iallaving :-Prosaetitou-Mr. Inn- se lue, Q-C.,futohe crovn ; Clearles Ilutcîcn- ci son, Couty Crewn Attorney ; James Me- uM Gae fer h. Ontario Gorarnfemnt; LEtemntW Msreith fan the privaisprasution Ds- tsne-ijogh M 4Mbu , . .R. Mare-d dibb, QG., Geo. MeNahb, aut J. J. Bllake. am The tollewiug aseathe naines ouithe jury eloWtt -TbomassBell, Wsntaile - AIra Ruda, MoeCrlto.; Wue. Napion, Iloudoee to1vmîahp ; Aetrew Itrownlos, Weentnit- elr; Wf. Cameron, %Taab Wtliicue;Caine Botrh, Westtaiieto; Wiliam S pocr, Londoen - Jas. Dugles, Newbury; James- logens,oudon i WhUiam Grenu. jr., Bld-h tnhph ; Peter Haunter, Northc Dorchester; John Drake, Caradue. The iudieeuteaeganuethIe prtecuars are six iunuumbar, ans for eaclî e1thCe murtsrs 0e cemmltd, eut une et creon. TUe prisons U ans have beau scr,î in tuir trial,.etand ir l sm-ton ta aecunrq-.Inll conviction tUcy n-il thanle h' ogto ho tricti eepenstrily ou esclu charge. The todicluncret agaiiuut the pe-lener Carroll aras Ciao recul by the clark, el setteeug fortte chargeuofthai esmîruer of JI Jodith onally.N Tie pinçjpal -s-unerue- aerlard poui Montlay, weN Anuic Whc!rr. (r iant <, Patiri 'elan, thibar thîcsane, John, Joseph ant Wilsnc surni deigblar, T-r-e,hit sut Jamee Faehly a 'ruetiay thas btrtel et Jaunes Carrol vas coniausi. Ture boy John I3ennor as eaxarnunet sut cm-csxainiet et A mucha Ieagib, anti toIdthte saime 81cm-y E sest LUe coronersa inquast. Connty Jndgei CzCiminal Court. - vi CuÂsoit OF LÂECEISY-AcQurTID.- F Mr. Jebn Boys, fermner, cf Pickerng, ýy eppearsil on Tburetay last viCUhbie 9 counsel. Mn. W. Il. Biliîteg, belons Uis honor Jtitga Bernhiemu, Io enserento tUe charge of lsrceay otfea bovel, itî proeany cf Mr. Obsuiah t'. Ferrier. Mn. riaruelî, Coumty Gruwu Attor. ney, appascet 1ur the îîrosccutenm, cnt hrougLi Ferrier pmortd tUe lasufthea siîoveiaî al cf îte being f-oin in utUe ci dafeutianta wagon coucealed nter pas " strev anti bags. ye Mn. Bilîiugs r eresi mUe court ou Lhe prisaners igeai chenecter sud cee- pecisbilitv, sheaaaiug haâ itU, vas 8al0oàaie man oet property andt masts, an-h c " vrmy nnlikehy psra3oa ta steai .1 shonsi i of the value of 85 couis. fli callet ton el the eefeace tara danghicrsefutMn. Boys, Who csLifti e1itaserine te wagonn hast- cd, thuat tbare wvse no choral thoen t, eudt CitIthein tfa lierr vas nIt pnauenti c i theaturne. e Mn. Bution icetifi .1 Ithat aoote'c ofe tUs people cf Libat a&u- on were bu tUe habit o! pisyjua praut-uîjîe This Mni. Bilîungucoutauthet vas lihei caein ulleis gtaue, en-I i, onon sgreeiug vith bi t IîsItheeawse a- deuhî, Mo, Boyswatlsaquittetl. UNCLIITox's (Caie.-Gitesii pet- ber, New Tori Star Ootubinetioa Com- pauy appeasi aitUe TovwnBHall on Mou- G day aveneng nazI. -They presont thea original tersion cf UncI. Tom'* Cabies,A s drmatixati foue Mrs. Sbovaecot- bribed novel. The cooney la unsx- oslliinlatheir lino anti bean an exueit ont repoietion. Thaeuauy f(ents cf M. Barolay IidiS b. plesset tte orvAthst hbbas ioeumeo isi aItpesition lu lbe Onovu office etc ithe Court bouse. 01 MaîsoIAmL WIXDOo.-. Mn. Daniel Belle bas placet lu AUh baints' Chorae, a memonill intiov, lu mamortnieof ber lte buebaut. Bâitwn"s BBs .aaeU.héeateal ai.- traction lu tUe sbep vindows do". 0cr pieu : huy a full stonk et thc apeuteg ai h. saIssent, sert UP nausly eercy week usko$pigtlee 0aec ropissie et eh bleues. Thisis psrtculanty the case lu autr b eniiu vool dops-meni. j. S. Robertson & 1 sbroc Wbitby. 9 Laidine citizena ci wblthy sud surnonut- lnec Y. n r.tity te tbheOlt"c c Ieb e ella elsbrsts&Pptal e Sye-ep. The, n boui nev ceugh namety prmcee25. asud5o e Bernlu*oolsansy slede, -3cat pj a ounue. -Iresh6rt eget, 16 ounces teohW e O" gunn~a=anioti.8. Rohertsonh rom i ty PFrai ôuglit r cla ue"Pecttili" hie llt bitzouot l ee.Pce 25 sut SOi Scent& a boNise. US y o . .Stlde ticr pehtemos, . 1N mberle'lié" ,owa W 5.18 Ud10i4r phttenbmny, jo-. 19 S. W.lllpspc v as buà arl7p sflltý b tiueoftile 04a1s Y'ue quy Manufacture cf Deet Rol Sugar. TUe Mayor, Mn. Harper, lias oleeneti commoiailu wihthu caîitaliste lu-. eeted ir e ofes mbienrut u uar beet factorite, lpeintitiruont re ic-uvAnt- ageouRsition ot \VltiIlly. ilsycut this, uo ret lis aesas e yt bue.uarrivî<d ai. $paakxug eo he fc ,.e,lli;ltemru of suchi a factory in Farubatu lu tUa Easetern Towuships, Quebvc, ths folloe- iug press despstaliî sys: *A projeat cf ouly lufenice iwpoit- suce te the coionizetion oerre sfor bis province ta the erecateu ut taerore-a for manufaaturng bect routiajto sugar. Ai West Farehamu a compauy hbas heen formeit, withî $200,000 capital, sud twelrs acres of lent bave been pures- et ase a site foc buildings, wiiiîtUe oînpsny purpose ereatiug in time te commence manutaobuning lu tUe al feue 1881. A full set of tUe muet improveti macbieery bas; heen alresdy orniereti from France, wbere ibe manufacturcet beet sugar is consiteret a specialty. The capecity of îles new faciony, wbiab wili be the iret in Canada, wili be tUe production cf 100 tons pcr day. Fermera expeci le grow 1wcnty toue per acre, andthîe prias wiii range between 84 andl 85 par ton. The lent eroune West Faruhamn is cait te be waIl edaptet for the production oftttga beet, tles quaiCy of which ie ire per rent. supanior te tbsI growu iu France. Tihs compeny is a local oe, and hias ne counection with tUa hast. root auganrn uufacturing cern- pany latelv etiliIel-1 ie.Parie. with a capital e of 2luuu0i l'e .ý!.. ton canryiug oe openatious etn tis e ur. The pIeu ado1,il dby the W\VoslParu- heam ciucauy iHt t i at sbonld aom-e meut iLself tuthîes oniedi nîcu amnongel ris. Purblc spiitet enterpnise wrou1l dut au ample sud profitable fieulu aidiug in tUe ecr.elrialumoulut sncb au auterprises lu slocality ijeery re- spect se weIi suiteti fer tUe purpore as of Wh thy. Tbs Bidtulph Tragedy. The trial cf tbe six persons chargeti witb ths martienet the DonneIiy feueiiy commaucot ai Londone on Tuesday. Mr. Justice Armeun ta tUs prcaieing jutige. Harbor Notes. The Brie Qween 18 oat3int 15,000. bushels baxley for Oswego. The Mag. dala of Qoebec discharged coal froza Clevelaned, and will taesin a loed of barley for Oewrego. The yacht Fiona haslersâile etripp. cdi prcparatory to going loto winter quartera;. The' Ariadmi-, of Newcagtic, arrived iight and je loadiug Intuber for Oawego. The .1. BontleLi of Mill Point, ie loati. ingý luihar for Oewego; She carnies about 85,000 busea sof graete and 500,. 000 feet of Iunber. Thee amoun of coal receivod t ti he barbor, 50 far,, e ot se large >9 lasi year. The Nort h Star' bas madie thnee quick trips, The North Shoremnen were ou a etrîke, but happily arrauged their little diffi. culty and reeumed work. The ehipments (rom the barbor, eo far, have tiesu large thie seson. The reoeipta by rail and waggon oonld net hie ascertainsd for this issue, next week ws hope te, be ables b give an accupats account fnom the commencement of the fesson. Brooklin BURGLÀRY.-Tlîs station cf the W. P P. L. Rîilway, I3roàklin. was broken loto lest Wedneeday. The entry wtas muais by breaking a pane of gzlass jn the ticket-.office witilow. anddieu rech- <niz throu-rlî aud rseovlug ths faetening troLu. above the door-laticU. They se cnred about 75 cents lun coppene, andi scattenuti the tickets aud othen papere uipon the loor. No dlue lins yet been obtaineti, to the depredators. , z Tîte 13mookliu Liierary and Debating jlnb, lIeld itu ftet meeting fer Uhes e- ton on Monslay esnluneist. Theere Wai a gnot eatteudane cf bolh mam- crs and epeotetors. Vie qnsation-de- stet vas : Reeciretd- TbsCtUe pusage t a Prohihitory iqaon Law voald hi or tUe benefit et Ontaio. Mr. Anecu Esunderson vas ticsleader ennltho affir- ntire, cuti Mn. R. T. Harrison on the legalive, sfter au iuieretÃŽig ndutin- iruebivo debate, tUe foihevieg question Pas seleobet fan tobate noxt TuWsay eouniug. Resolvet, Chat the Naioneal Policy le benaficaltateCanaia. KILuce SaISE? onDoue, soolme sry prevaientot lite. Froue daims pro- sunteti te tUe Whithy Township Coan- il et tbe Sapbomber meeting, sud the meeting Uel lasI Monday, nesnly $200 irorîlc cf eheep appeanedta ebave beeu aestroyet by toge within the st tIere uoulbe, lu th. township. Provincial Appoutnml. Pro)vincial Secmeary's Office, Toronto, Oct. Set, 1880, Hie laonor tUe Lisntsnaut.Gevercoet nas beau pleameil ta maie tUa following ppoiuttnents. vis ; J erernich IJesse Marink, of ths ciiy A Tarante, te c ha ieniff leanti fer tUe United Conutice etftereott snd Rtgasl, en the noont aud suent cf J. P. WVelhs, Esq., deuieseet. Charles liats, cf the- villiage of Hag- reville, ueeetima,.atitey-at-Isv, and ae-. icnel Seond, ef the tovu et Nicczanc, Ea4q.. lo eUcNolaries Publie iu and fon tUe Proviuce -of Ontario. tits houer tUe LienutouantkGovrnor as he picausu to mai-e the fotîviteg appuistenute urier tseproviElone et IThs Division Courts Acte, 1880," riz: John Patnriklerudan, of tUe village cf Artur, gentleman, te ha Cleni cf the Eighth Divisiocn Court efthe Ceuuty et Wellington, (r, tUernoceansutad oi f Charle-s Turner. derease. Jamese Mat'htnzie Wiugfeitd, cf tics village et Penkdule, th a o iliff cf tUe 'iraI Div-ision Court oetficCouly cf enrk, iu thoem-om andisteati etf Serera, teceaieti. Cricket- Vnmerorttle va. m-tItottRce CieLLitOS. mnayedc1tietwt3ca dute juvetîtiso fetiC'ctoria lui et Wbhul'y. asutheCiaPering College ruu.l, on thbe ondodf the latter, wbioh os- tK lu e intwry for Chia collage. The&fiear- ceun was aIl ChaI couît be tasineti, asetChe ,,riudses vont te u d Pliayasilun tghit goat enuic4t. Mr. Boyant, the Precpal. Wzz on the gount. aud wvu CIe papils dit il bey- e<esltly conuId t ae thesYoung Vie et home es wcll as thse lare seueber o! apectators1,0e- cnt. lt*55uS ileaiautiioilgs gaesutcen- dtitd wytteoni iquahbhnci or nonahese 'bers bain gely celmie Pl& md.ibe gare caoetmntao«eie eniearly Jmt af nome pracice Mr Ciy, ai ibe iWbftby club, va sn tite groead (and sn the boys calit himth@b ehasui pon lBat ot Canasda) ieu ve maur vaun able tutie -utd tid lt ieha ouit a . Cho Hnn os c off picalantly, Mn. Btryant g ave the yeume VisCeris, e. eeI- r M-Lhiscame levited guest, au ntaiota t tha rollega for refroubeonta. vhoreoe piesat ant lokly tuie vIS pasot by tiboso.aMc. Bryaut surs Chat aexb yaar ibe calage vill ua a nw drout, ubwece, lutainhapel. tise roys of dIfferent clubs may maea mors tre- nat.A ratura match wviii lasy ed Mceai Lou taiuuic-y next au Chue Wbiihy cmande, rthe 1fa0no--tue Cuscaore: - FIEteEOINO CoLT.EQS. er.<toad. a Er-eitilblePalmDer------------.... l c. P, i<ale, b ÏIaoec------------------.......2 W. é. Nuzxon , a d1. b Palmer...-....... a I. C. PhIlipe.b Wslky---------------.....O 0. Hl. Cemoaron, b Loins ...8_..... P'. WfittttAee b Psnlmer............. ...c O. Fleming, b La-tee-...... .. T. H. Lumaests, ce el bLig..-- ILJ. Davis, oRal, PIluo - -. X Marris, aPaler.nb Laineg.. .... L. Balme, nai ou .... -------- P. Bne-sn. b Noxomi...................... i ...... IL WàUeik a uc cb Philips .... ..- ..... L Lin,b .....-......... 0. Min.oneltn, e4tob itIp J. LMolau,a bsvlsbP.......................- Teut........... - The Victoria Ra&twayi Tii. businessetfIbi@seç-bas of ltl lcrgcty incroasot. The renewal 6ethbie' olt aactivity lunte t'umb.v - tfî e obis of course led te i, aurge teercaso itmhe, uertle-boud fr&ghts ilu 'the àbpo ft supplies cf ali kinde; ada tUe feegIcIý eo-aCh show eaulenilar aanco la u u- lily. Ttee r?.4t Inn,îU kint fvi d langicly lucr.e a. ,tIeetmul~ b- M r.stasay nCrorrspnsn No racepsbun Us Sur John next day was mono tiatlhcnifl, if anrthing, than the day 14. Whin Sun John wanîs le tare a goot lin- preehues or carry s pint, thora e no mnan ln' tUe bols worid eau put on elcU winun ways, au bewtabin bieudiele- minis. Il is't exactly b. blarusylu aitbcn thel ho tocs lb, but eoin how or ether, whin'h. thnys, ha eau pib tUe Come-hother on mo.bt people. 'O0'Day," set ld, quile iniuiwsytiu, "lye hsv't raifustet ?-Dou't eay yo bave 2-Taie bbat sais uow an maie yereetf comfcnlable. Deeluts îles bey widb a little cayeus b4 yo begin, it sharpins îles appytiâ.-YO MAY lave ns, James."' sse , turnin te tbe sarvini mns, an befora I woii nov whare I vae I vagsaeytet-atea sTateats tle brai- faet table widb the bospilabie aud jsysî- il Prayeneen. Hie oenD anuer pib me lu mind cf a bit cf rbyme I mcd aborà hlm toue agn. Au ose 19l!the- lines don't mnit to-day jistas WOttse aven Ode 1I 'îleyen, air John, Sur, Has euch te ansve- For yons e maU4Sur, That laes. astbray Durin the siselelua Soit Palibiebinu From tbare tble Misabines To boîber vay 1 "Nov yense sions," ho bo;g, Ilan cau 9pake mors freely. Tati me over sein flow the Mrueas gets on, up yen vay 2-Dafierin bas loftI bia a bard rondto tahravel. Dufferin vint everý- whare, anueMat evenytbing, au aIl exak. ly lu îlesrise wsy. Be vas eut oui for popnlariiy au became the paputar idol. Au, Oh t My eys, cuti n'bhe tscb etap vitb tUe blsrnaY ? For ibat same ray- sou, yez sea, ha 'e meae e rtail tue h1arernfor Che Markies, vbeou- easesuit his tuty tic go ocrnthe sauma groueu an foltey in tUe fuisiepe ar bis pratecisser. Vs, Duffénin bue med guvrnuiu lu Canada a killin bieeu for Ihose thitoumu aftber bien. Ris kinue. ly simpatby vidh l'be people, îles ib- Ibeneet lUc teck lu irorytbing, bis tactt, bis ivr reddy iicquiuco, bis oenu Iadit sud princoly bospialtity, au bisa grasheebuses ivyenannor te lit an tov crau'tbcb aislly imitatsrd. Whin Caua- diaesthîni av bien su aIl le. did, îboy viii bc alvayseaxpoctin tee mueb froue Chir rulera. I eau el ye ihal ne muan lu fuabora eau I tU faacl v Govenuej Goerail ibis coun&hr vidt ba hn damagîu cemparisone metl by 1dm. Dufferin bas loft Cthsua ai a hart roe te thravel." "TU. Martes le oise bis heshi, Vue &hure," I put ln, 'su goe ivory' vbaro, au mnakas uic. speeches. an-"I - "'<Te.yes. bis Mark-sleoftI behint biue, eh ?' latTes Sur John; '"ho tees woudhenfully volt, su only fer tUaI Iriehuecu comnl im4gtly bafere bine, an takin the vint oui av bis Bai&, vat shine luin thnguvenninline..He lias grand ccpaaity an mâes vall, an I'mi ancsarely glati te hein froue yen ewn lips, O'Day, b e voi bis X.ciliaucy la Itakin vidh tUe people. To ho shure, havin U naan l up veshi, te cousait an a Iriseauanputoibin utbe rita hnae.k, oend cotl net olgo atUre> .'A-n "Yin thic, Sun John ceck. bis ays au vinis at me, au &minîs iat kuowie selile r n hie, au jerks bis bcd jishi sil Usocris Ciroalcu justibmcomplimint Sdce mUeth *'Y<n tell me Baity cums nean beau haiuu en inVesUi Tornto, au hat Giba was tercedtot gib in, in NortU Ontaribo- ansu tUahîe epeuduleake vittlier bo ho fortluconie, 1il I vaut te vin fuabure leckshnus ? An se lb. apontinînke viii, mc Ily-in in Pliity-an ne sin aitlior te taie arn (nom tUs Sinti-iato. Tii part ar tha birgin tUat thce pon- duhuka musht bchoruhcomics, u nmecau me trlote tiptin lu ùle the niilvay le butdin, au tin yeu sftlinrdsa. TiIs in van av tUe dotaile thst Uic Globe vuti gtv ieliete ktoe, an I eivit teoye ia k rfctoeufdiuce. Thleg-in-alhu. O'- aAv coerse younutheeitaudth le Gale Liai. Tic cafledtheCiaale Licte, beceuse tUe Gîais-the people vUe apkko t-eau ickte e odnhil la tî.s- av coorM sy-es Uerv 611it ..boutlJ1In asablt au iuethern ery,"1 "The Prince av Humbugme us ail il," ses I te maseif, ici ou h. wim- "Yen Lieue-lic, yerself, O'pay. an y@e? Ah a grand oe'atiy lima proirue cd Sansfield, au Brian Bore,.n au nuy- Ovin au tb. Thniity Stone, au lUe Lieue-cilasse-heoth inehun'ti 'nellaite tbeugbt av, ehcTienV" an ho jerks anoiher bsIf-sniitune t ai ne cul av bis cnta half'sbnl oye.4'1<inasgain oven te Lianick5'O'Day, befone Ionzen haci feornEnglandtChia lashI tie.,but someoov-me g oct ininhuns gel lniiatbrstead.Cua t'ly asumn acros lb. say vidb me yeraolf vi av Ibese desys, autti By, an shoew mu dovu te Lienic4e? Wu4n't v oan ?" "Sur John, usaI. III cum aIt1h. vay froue Wilby, ai yen liddiutinteiv yes th. benefit àv me idviao an ýexpaynlue in this cicita- "'Cniciet-lls. .burse- ahI lwittemi big 1sf n-"lorickets wvieniven, I tbrnk, ee plinifOuel, ed1 Iniver bc- fore liard osa mates -4.muait noise aI Ibis syo I h lb . 'LY*9 4 ber e scOIteprnc v tmb I o om, iliu h5O i* wa W , - ý,l vhal sli wm ablr se? fiim 'ie- ttie leu nabeo cit uîpýi4uok as a i B4emïboomelu, 'ay fiite1 Mn. Faneweii's Letiers Na. O. To continue thc acconut of Our wsnter. juge, 1 shoot barsve tielcribe lu this letten ibe eigbt ini sut about Montreal, but as rny cf your neaters bava rersntly heeu thora, on have rond ecneîilny excellent tes- aiptions of that ciCy anti ils places of inber- est, 1 shahl not attenept in this latter ta wîite anyiig fon the oit tolts who will pisse. take notice ita aUhat folito à l t'on TrERcors arcr. Wcsw lots af places sud hines at sud ucan Montreas that the boys wault ba glati te, sac. To get into Motresi we bat la cross the wehidenfuil Viicr& Bridge, wbich [with ils- Bettdcs CtheflouoaY Wé gtavez ra(om tles sonthbatsuk o!îles Si. Lawrence teaLtce Isand ou yhich Montesl stands, by gaine t>nougl tihs bridge -net the sane vay bleat the train vaut tbraugh the unutrtunate Tay Bridge, uer Dunde, lu Scotiaut, saie m esage, Ior ibettrain dit net leare enrybody ta write su account oI whai happenet. The Victoria Bridge le a great hie trnouxaorantuba, &bant2 test high aud 16 lest vite, quite hi geuough yen se, tata lelemtive set train of cars rn right through it. Mr. John V. Hem, oI the Ceuni Bouse, se eeny ot yen kuav, bus been a enet rarelian. Ea wanb away wesi tram the Wbitby Station, sud kspt gaine lu a wsstenly, seulhariy an notherly direction, sut gaI hack ta the Whithy station &ain, but when ha got haci, oddly enungle, les canin in attthe sait ent, eltbcngh ha bat ueerrtrarallet eastwart !nrn Iheba lie e taite. YTacseschoha batgone 9ailround the wclt, ha visitet s greet manxy strange conuntresand eu 5evaIl meuner o! strauMe elghta. It hoe l iseure enucgbhaeoregbt ta n e yen anuaccount oaI ho sa-W. Shoulti .sta se. tse e us ethine les wo'l tell, aud it in that aitbongbha bas traeslati np ant dovu the woniti e guet teal, besias gine ail round it, aud alîhouigh lie talle; enmc prctty big etorisa sornelimeca, lha ili neyer tell you ttliiha sw s langer bridge, e strougen bridge, a sevian bridge, s batter an mcone usetul bridge, or s more rostiy ans, If lhc tacs tonl believe bhie, becanse the largeai, troaget. isariest, hast anti Most coefly bleatesetis Canatian bridge. Wheu vi got te St. Lamubert etation, Mn. Robin- eon, Mn. Barciay, sut yeur corcespondent, got ont ou the piatturne cfuthetainu;and alar runnine quinltiyalcug tfo BW leat, on su embaukuetbuit eut itthîes river, va reschedthte entrence ta tles tube Or bridge. As tIes train shed ito , fnam ont ths glanion suaenlghtofan.suAuguet morutiug, lb rueas Itankukes eud ceaie, eut eues nnembiluean, curronutet by sparkae; enob a craubl ud eutrattlue auncoandet us thet ou@ migit sseily suppose hohe lest gasaay tavu Juto the reglons aoI Pluie or Vulcan, on thoseocf eomp ailier af hese oidt blundoroes ia on eat about. Ilf y ou aluttgsureh an ides itb your heat, It wcnld tike yanime bime ta resue tht, insteatf et slg d boby vill e .oit Gode ef Greelan ebory, yec are anly bu e roilvay train, tutderng aloag bhrough 800.000 toua cif heu, atreicheti bghaboestic rusleing Watesiof the igbty7 St. Lawrence river, sud hatutdenesat yen mey aereesuf ouine or bonu ta athar alimnes anti cunutotes, hausauta 01 miles sva~lRag an teocur lest, if yole stand on t e pietîomne egain& thrangb ibis bridge, or yan viii los il.. alest tahast s vabosat inla h.egaffgs car te gienit tbe emeke sud evay rmmthe sperks eut salie ts tgo dancng &roundti atweeu ltce cane. This le nal the place - 'where bbc spanka fly npwact anti ex pire" ; but Il is les place wberc:tbcp fly bscrkves anti ksep pretty ilvely tan Rome tiba. Nov va bars tbe golden sunlight streaming down bbronigb seaineuinge in he hnhtqe, esnnggling ta Pierce lii*Mremek; thonuittLatack again. Ou ve go tbrocgb ail tlhes din anti raket, hrongb fla4hes ut hgbit sut tirs, Chrougi taenuraneut molca, tbrongb e mils sud s- quarter of hoiler-plate irontr snd tbrcugh six milcous tIee hubnntsthansaiet dollars vortb of bridge 1 - If yo< Wonder wltt makes e ue roa atdracket, h. ctangiag sudt tUs hsngieg, ansu awînît ta gel saefa int as of t, crawl tbrongb s long iran stocke ptpe wilea s oiaboys are pountirre witb ME zunurs au Cap ut tt. I*ite whuoie bridge ta niceeup cf01 ,to itoue ai tlueck boilen-plate irourn, cetet togîther. Tt tpk s jetani rivet- lng tatensiuthas laesthter saase ta gusîcin the enaormees weigbt, and the weiehl ut e railway tr-ainc weigbiug buat- ret. af toua. On carne colt r ain eie c- lue, wbeu home h3as gent a place ta stop et as thae treet cornocns, oy anti mais a han- dredthionaant Marks on aatevs, if you cru burnev cuougb sistos for Che pa-rpose-<(t don'l beoie syen csu-thsn Muhtipiy ths huotredthibosauti by tveiy--when yen have finishe ttins yen have fouft leout Cie number afoUxilz or riratin lutue bridge, sut vill bhabsUe ta farne came r.lýhi notion et the, amonut o a eg nasut amtueitceg It truck ta fasteun5 nmilns= 1 flate no airoaeiy together n unstube ase te show thea proucuanti mechaudie neiseet by, suand oaa7 Ion se msuy 0ethte Auenican State, an Pn- v I tfhe Deminion, te kss te-ongle wi11 - bogey " %. , @ a graat deg èf the w. von outiis higeridge - e ('ybys. AUl riensrivets veos -bei befans tsy waro uneati thon tock theoui o! hs lorges ville ateaactthemaâWay np.contate c staes aboe t hé, fanges, vheca he rivettera vans et verte. Belons h. beysagai Crcugb, throving thes 2,000,000 0o!:ret-hot riveta upta e arivetions, Chey rouît te ut veny Wei, Mnilese cra van erthe edRe a! Choc osa vo a nsd -lu asilee hey were vantai. Tue rivettensMut have hbda ego etiai et confidence ibe boys, ta keep vorklug &-&y -hilae -h e lai aI red..bot ivela vcca0 bine hrovu adt arcuodtCheam. Thera are ouly Chres kints of people vho coua. hava tans, ibis:- good basa hal playens, aicteete, accithie beys! I supposeos.ebnsved, emarit aponlr- oucerjmoneau iew enougi te design ant buit C his grealet aibridges, but.hat Che boys cuddte hoyak bout, and lsO the verk wue toue by hcra. AUIt iis shews hat boye eau lie nory nefaul, if Choy vill anly try. Usetul boys haro ulweys beau neetied ant iUllalwayu bie ventsrdChe wti <cr. YTa now ev via mooth rail h. locomotive asudc-acffumuaven ou s nilwey ? lb was fot a great esny yeans ago Whou Ch. people Wlaho ulsraiIwaysbleanglet Chai a »omotivo muet have a notceet h MÙ, vonking lu a caggeot ril, runnlng bbc !ïote llemat edth. rnavyon lb rouit iffbé t 1 -aid,. Sut. ~,T. j Veriety o! 15 kinde, 3. 13. Stable, B. Wil- The Inish Tnoubleg. Robinson did nutl Ircubblelesel! aiaot these. Ha looket up a lot o! olt huoks-bthc citer the book sudte mare sleabby tle covrn the mare auxîons lhe wau te sac lb. He was always leokiug ai thee oit books. The mosian, bhc lustiar, aontiho tueblen tbe hooi, the better hiesecemat pleaset. Tbsy wene Grock cnt Latin books, pnintet hunýddeofyeass&p. Be eecmédtolubh ibis ta neadthtbm neghb aloug. Il ret batVe taken hies a god wil e te learu ta do ibis, but hoe dit lb, by keeping bard te work eud iearniug one tleing at a Uinie. W.c 55w e large musenue cuntsiuing msuy etrange abois, aurions sud rare minerais, sialctooc sut stutiet cine af strauge heouts, hlnts and 1fishas. Wc waub dowa te the docks, ant caw a great mauy odean eteshipsansd ssilLng s&eusls. We cliebeti up ounuthedcks o! soine ai ihoeautsaw a lot af stalle in which catle wece ta ha carniea o-ver ta Englaut. Ws wsunb er e Polessian-a large sblp of bleunsuis of tans-lun which the Princese Louispe. sailet for England a few dae aftarwards. Thepeople wie o load thee ehipe work night &long b y nlglei as wail as bytday-et leasbt tare are eu wankng ai biaine lIesse shipe ail nightloncg. Thay have a numeenof eleainic liglets aIl along the tiqcks, wbioh make lb aimosi as lighl as day. 'We wcui into somé ofet le large eut beautitol cchees,satd5saw fiue painlings, sud ndeh altars. The large French Catholia churale, an Notre Dame *>tnast, halte many thonsants et .peapIe. To go ibrough the itreebe ant hear Che aonvesiatiou oI the rpoeplo, yan wcnlti almost imagine yan were Ineame 013 Woridish place. A rîsit to Moubreal is net comploec wibleoui cuniug town the Lachine rapide in e sicamboat. 0f conurse, my fellow travellece were very suxians ta maie tibstrip. I rouît nul ses exartly wby I shenît go wibh them, exept Ibat 1 bat mun town these. rapide uaanly a dozan urnes befora. Every persan ebonîti soc tbeeins rapide once, eut yuen nt ses lham lun aIl thair grandeur witbeut going town thoa lu a eteamboat. J. E. FAREWELL. Dr. McVîcar V. Fatben Stafford. :13e the Editor oj thee Globe) Sir-In hie nsply te tha Rer. Faihen Staffent, Dr. McVirar seeme ta assume that tle remrktqin his lecture, wbicb mnay tain- ,y bc cousitaratl offensive te Romaen Catho- U., waesendorset by the Isachere wboiu ha atitresset, inaemuub as tbey passet a "baearly vate ofais" ta the isaturer. As I was Presitent o! te Association when île lecture was debivared, I bbiuk il anly fair ta mysel dttete aabeewbm I badtbe hanon to nepreseni, te saytcat Dr. McVirars' impression on Ibis pointiflenstireiy wreug. 'Th opinin wa, in f at, vrey g'eeraly ex- presseetChat the part a! île lecture referont te was qulte eut af place: Dr. MeVicars bae, I lear, attache trieo great weigbl teas merely fermai - saCctf courtesy.Wltbani tionht vs sympathizet wvitbhie deslrs te entorce the claime ut moral etiocation, sud ajpceociated, lu the main, bis efforts, ta that direction ;hut batl ho basa an ortinery mernier, anti net a tlatinulshed guest cf the Aesociaticudispaa grmarie lu os- tarence te auy l-ellgtous tsnomnatlou would bave callet fortb unriîtakable manifter liane af disappoatian. I have attentat baudtisuof Taeers' Associations lun(On- tetaosut I bava neyer yet wltuessed su at- teck 'on Cathelicie, or beard a w.ort niter- et that rouit ire regardot se au inouIt te bis religion by the =cet devant Cotboie i hieliere, lu a word, ibal île Tabere cf Ou- turla, se a body, ans admirably froc tramn thai aunse et ebristentcmn-sectsnlsu bigotry Tours, &c. sept 2, im. J. A. MeLELLAN. Broakiu sud the Titble Sermon. Mit DROnnst I notice in your excel- letorlpapen ot hast wsek, a neaene te a aermnou preachiet a few weeks ago lu bbc M. E. Cburah, in B3rookla, in wbicb 1 amn represeutot, as advocsting' the e.tablistimrut et s system et tithes toc tbc support of thc oergy inCenade. luà ncply te tUat seteuneul, shlow me to eey unosi pcsitiraly, I. adnocated no suri tChing.RaiClitercocult snob an lu- (erncre Us gatbenet (nom tient sermon. Cotueetly I muai neaent blat article as eau ignorant er vîlful mierepresenia- Cloe,. But if your cornepou<ieut le tUe iiuividuel I stuspect. I wonld Dot Us surpriset et enytbfuiz ou tUai lina thai miglit corne rom his peu. IHa may aie haas igunant cf rmy political' ne. ltions, as lieeereste lho ci bUe îenmou te whiah Uc refont. C. A. SIMPSON, Brookîlu, Oct. 6th, 18M0. Card (nom Mn. John Howdcn, President Southe Ontario Agricultunol Society. To fiee Eefuor cf file T4hitlnj CO7o- icle. Noticing in the Befer-mer et lest week a latter fnom Mn. Thomnas Guysuantnothen (rom Mr. B. J. ,Maekie-'tbe fermer suquirnug wtuy Ayrebiraa, have bculesaiutisd froue the 'rliâtbadsthle latter ompaning tht IHoreferde bave net Usen atdaete the liaI thie ysar,-I begz space in youn Pickering Fall Fait. The fal fair cf the Pickerng Agricaik tarai Society, held et Broughaifl, on Tnesday snd Weduesday cf iset week, aithougli sal attendod on tbc second de.y, diti net corne up te the exhibition of the previons yean. The flret day was raiuy sud the atteudanco very poor. StiJ.t the show wae good iu ail depart- ments, anti only sucb as a wealtby township like Pickerng coulai turu Out. The succeseful exhibitons epeek for themeoives iu the- PRIZE LIST. BLOOHOBBES-PEDiIREE. Brood mare, lot sud Sud C. Lynde. 2 year aid filly, lot J. Forsythe. Tsar old fily-lot C. Lynds, Sud T. J. Reazim. Spring filly-lît C Lynde. 2 yean oid sutire colt-jet C. Lyndo. Ysar oid ditto-lst 0. Lynde. MADDLE Ont e5000STER. Brooca mare-let C. Výilson, Sud S. Ste- phenson. 2-year oid fily-lst John Aucun, 2ud A. Haîstinge. Ysar oid fily-lst B. Hagerman, 2ud J. L. Barclay. Sprnug ditto-let H. Westgate, 2ud C. Wil cn. 2-yaar old cot-lst F. tilte. Sp ring ditto-lot J. Anso. Team n uares-is G. M. Palmer, Sud Wn. Dais. Single borse luhannes-ist- B. McQuay, Sud J. Cntbbert. Saddle hor3e-lst T. J. Peaziu, Sud W. S. Wilson. Judges-J. N. Patterson, F. Button, J. Munkbonce.OE UE,4EI5AL PtYaPOSE. llrood inan-lat J. Scott. Sud J. Crcgtou. 2.year old filly-list G. Jones, 2ud J. Creg- bon. Yser uid fily-ist R. Grahain, Sud G. Jones. Spring fily-lst J. Sçtt, Sud Nigbawaud- er Broc. Entire colt-lot W. J. Micheil, Sud G.. Waiters. Tram in barnss-jcst 3. Evans, 2Sud J. C. IIEAVY DnUGlr. Brood mare-ist j. Miller, Sudl R. Ver. don. Ysar oit fily-lct sud Sud J. Davideon. 2-year oit su ire colt-jet R. Varden. Teatu in bernos-ist I. Gnsgg. CANADIAN DORAUOBT. lliood mars-jet G. Burgess, 2ud N. Bice- S-ysar old illy-lst J. Mesi, Sud J. Scott- Ysar oid flhy-lst H. Pllksy. Sprng fily-lst G. Burgess, Sud J. W. Cisark. 2-ysar oid colt-let J. Davidscu, Sud iH. Piiksy. Tsar aid cet-let W. C. Milan,, Sud J. Wilson. p8pingdo.latN.Bire. Matced eaniIstJ. Rîtchen, Sud J. Davideon. Prizs of Patterson-lst J. Bran. Prize of T. Chinu, IletlB. Grabain, Sud R. Vardon. Frire ef J. Dryuenislt B. Grabam, 2ot J. B arclsy. Prizce o S. Webb-îab J. Barclay Juflgsc-D. Jabnetou, J. Iroucideo, J. Ellis. CATTLE-TUDRIOUGIIIREO. Cnw-jst aud Sud A. Jobnosin. 2-year oit beifer-let.A. Jobuston, 2rd J. Miller. Tsar oit heifer-last W. Hercu. Hieifenr al-lst A. Jahueton, Sud John Miler. Bull ral-let W. Baron, Sud J. Ges. * OBaDE CeArTLB. Cow-lst C. Wilson, Sud J. Berria. 2Syear olt beifr-lat Joha Miller. Yearling do.-lst sud Sud J. H1annig. Heifer cali-let J. Russoll, 2nd lb. Miller. Fat row-lst Johnbussucell. 1'rize of Hneb Milir-lît A. ElILa. Ju4ges-ibos. Pearte, R. Cowan ILl. Vardoin. SccEEP-COTSWOLD5. Agati ram-1st A. Jobuebon, Sud D. SPikey. SbeaniuÉ ram-lot A. Jolinston, '2nd W. M. Miler. lItm Lamb-iîi do., Sud do. il agoti ewes-lst do., Sud do. 2shaariug ewes-Ist sud Sud W. M. Mill- son, W. S. Wilson. Largast display cf apples, Nigbawaudcer broc., A. B. N igbswautsr, D. M. Docker. Fail cars,, H. Doolittie, A. Sharrard, Mrs. Ham11ilton. Wajnier pears, Mns. Valleutine. Thomas Hunier. Grapas, black, J. D. Stotti, Mrs. G. B. Smith. Grapes, J. D. Stable. r& b applos, B. -Wilson, J. D. Sicite. Plume, Ja. Fa. icîs, J. 1D Stoits. Caain enes, J. D13 Stotis, T. H1uu- bar. oONRoSTrc MANUFACtUREE5 Uion Flannel,bhome mate--let C. Lynte. Do.,horna made-lst J Paluner,2d JBrucis. Do., home made-lot J. Bruels. Coloret, do.-lsb C.J.Allison,2StJ. Brade.- Carpît, nag, borne mad,-e-lsb.E.Faraless. Carpet, rag, to-let Miss P. Patiersoii, Sud Mns. W. H. Hayes. Pair btaulcts-lst C. Lynte, Sud Mise E. Turner. Covelt-let C. Nigbswantec, Sud Nighs- waudan Bros. Quiltet qult-lat Miss J. Soott, Sut Mns. J. L. Smitlr. Piecework qili-let W. H. Wilson, Sud( Elois Smith. Rat oomfort-lsi J. E. Farcise, Sud Minnia Happer. White epreat-let Mrs. J. L. Smith, Sud. Jas. Fareliss. Log cabin qult-is Mlnnuis Hopper, Sud Mrs. J. Scott. Soit oi lothes-lat P. Halle. Shsphart'c plid-listMra. E. G. Barclay, Sud J. Branle. « Wooleo storklng-ist Mre. W. Fleming. Woolso sock-lot Mre. P. Pattsrieu, Sud' J. Branle. Wooleu mite--lai Mrs. Breuls, Sut Mns. C. J. Alliison. Trnu, home made-lst Mrs. Young, Sut J. Branla Home mats breat-lat J. Gnaule, Sud P. Pattaraou. Driet fnuit - I W. J. Bodaîl, Sud Mne. Yonug. Ceunsti frit-lst Mne. J. D. Smith, Sutl W. J. Boder-S. Jely-lct G . B. Smith, 2nd Mns. Youug. Presres-st Mrc. Young, 'tnd Mra. A. Wadtel. Pickles-lai Mrs, G. Valeninoe, Sud Mrs. Branle. Wine--lst Mca. D. L. Barclay, Sud Mn. WVm. Taylor. Picklat Paar-isi Mrs. A. Ellis, Sud Mns. Vaenatino. Catsnp-isi Mies P. Patterean, Sud Mcc. G. B. Smith. Confectioney-ie st G: B. Smnith. Rs epe r-let Mne. G. Taetne, Sud Mrs. A. e. Bceswamx-lst C. Lynde, Sud j. palmeer. FINE £ÂB. Watsc colore painting-lot Mise Rabs Johuston, Sut Mise A. Johueton ih n 011 painting-lot MrB. J. L. Smnt, u Miss Emmatt, nt A. Bacreit. Ciycta, pintig-lst Misi B. Turner. Velvt painting-lot Mies K. Johusten. Crayon tnswieng-lsb Mn.. J. L. Smilth, Sud Miss Emmett, rd Mne. Hamilton. Pencil tnawig-lst Mise R. Jobusten, Sud Mrs. J. L. Smith, Ont Mrs. C. Jobusbon. Collection of Pbctographs-lst A. Barrett, LADIES nrEZPAUTMENT. Faery kuittîng- lot Mrs. C. J. AlUisou* Sud Mise E. Turner, Ont Mn. A. Xaddall. Fancy knittiug ta wol-lst Mns. J. L. Smith, 2et Minute Happer. Crochet won-lot H. Thompeon, Set Mrs. J. L. Slmith, Ont MisRate Jobuaton. Emhroidery on silk-let Mise A, John'iton, Sud Mics K. Jahnstou, Ont Mns. J.L. Smitb. BEmbroideny on netS-lst Mca. 1D. M. DockI- anr, ut Mcs. J. Scott, Ont Mise R. Jobueton. Embcoidery eo uan-lab Miss Rate Johuatan, Sut Mc.. C. J. Allisoue. 1 Embnoider on cotton-Isi Mne. C. J. AI. lion, 2ud Miss K. Jabustan, Ont Mrs. J. lx Smith. Embnoidscy on wor;ete-lst Mrs. C, J. Allison, 2ud lMnr. J. L. Smith, Ont bics. IX. M. Docker. ýFaucy nettiog-lat Mns. J. L. Smith, Setl Mies Rate Johueton. Germnan reised work-lsb Misa J. Scott, Sud Mrs. W. H. Hayes, Ont Mns. Fareles. RLatieatBarlin yood-lC Mma.Rayes, Sud LMise RKate Johueton, Oct Mcas. J. Scott. Fiat Berlin wool-lot Mca. G. B. Veuzaut, Sot Mrc. Hayes, Ont .Misa Rats Jobeeton. >. Onnamental neadîs wok-lct Miss A. Johustan, Sut Mns. J. L. Smith, Ont Mrs. C. F.J. Allison. Silver wire tiows-lst Misa I. Jobinston, SnU in. S. R. Vauzaut. l>aper lo wers-lst Miss B. Turner. 1- Berlin ilowscs-lst Mca. J. L. Smithe, Sut Mci. Hayes. Zephyn lowas-lct Mrs. Hayee, Sud bics. P. Smith. - Feather tibwers-lct Mnc. Hayes, Sud 7-Mise R. Johuelou. Fana y basket-Ist Mcc. Hapeilton, Sud Mr. P. Hotiga. r. Fairy basket-latIbMic S. Young, Sut J. - . Vauzant. Coene wokist bine. Hayes, Sud bics E. Turner. Leatbe work-lst G. IL Vanzeut. Ms ax Ù,wcn-lat Mis. Vsuzaut, Sut Mca. e8 Hayes. NaturaI flowers-lai Mca. Hamiton, 2ut Mca. Decier. White shirt-jest Mrs. Fleming, Sud .biinnic Hopper. e White shirt, band made-lst «Minois Hop- ). pen, Sut - Scott. Flaunel sirt-lst Mrs. Vsnzsut, Sut Un Branle. Fanmer's wnath- lai Mos. Yonng, Sud The social warfae in Irelauti growg in iuteusity. Thainurter cf Viscount Monumornis indicaîs thc preseucA ef thle worst Passions sud the likehjîoti ef a serions revoit ameng the disccfbantd peaeautry. Lord Mouubmornîe waesA poor, unknown nobleman, nupoputar Ag lautilont, magstrate, sud 'eighbonr. The motive ef murder le a Subjeet cf general discussion. Everybotiy in Eeg. land tienounes the anime as agraniaus, sud miany cati fer coecire meesures. The Irish organe dedlans ihat it waslu ne way connectcd with the land agita. tien, and urge bbchevrnment Ie resiaf the demaud for repreesion. The us. tienat papers arc extremeiy Veolent. Oue et thetu rails At the uealignsnt blooti guiltineset those who Inaintain the "satanea systetu as e gapiug gale cf bell in the land." The Cabinet came te ne tiecision ou Irish matters etthUe receut nmeeting: IL is possible that tie Eaetern sud the Irish questions uMay nender neccssany a speciai session cr Parliament lu Nerember. Imatant wili be given respite titi then. The Lord. Lieutenant lias issued a ciroulan wbicb indicates that although the Libsîsi Goverument is, te que O'Donnell, 'SA frieudly administration," il lias thd mou baud of law anti enter beesth the eiiken glane of conciliation. A powerful party lu the Cabinet are opposedtet any coercive legielation; but shoulti-the lend leaguers continue thein wld speeches sud the peaeautry commit more outrages, the cry for coeeuion tbrougliut Englanti aud tUe nonili cf Irelaut will overcome ail thé> conciliai. ory teudeucies cf tUe Gladstone Gov. enumaut. Rev. Mn. liane's counter. agitation bas causeti good-buenoured curiosily. T he lasi heard frote the revereuti minister et peace was s pro. position te arm 200,000 Pretestants sud march ou Dublin. GREAT MEETING IN8 CORK. The Panell demeustration a0u Cork on Sunday wetUe largest ever ecen in that section cf Ireiaudaince the days cf Daniel O'Ceuneil. Mr. Panelt, who tnaveilet (nom Thunles by the Aneerican mail train, sieppeti off At Bieruey, aix- miles froue Cork. He was accompanieti theuce by a la 'rge escort of tcuunnt fane. ers ou hereebaak. Aunetitirse cf wsi. corne wae presenteti, sanau eorment procession, with bandesud bannera, preceedet te Cork. At Wellingtou bridge Mn. Parnait was met by tle Mayor sud corporation, wbe presenteti hlm with an attiregs. A aepy ef a poctu, writteu by Mise Fanny Parnelil, wes preseuteti by the Typographical Soiety. Bouquet. were sbewened on the Party, incluting eOne froue the daugliters cf the farmers cf Cork. The trates ef the aity figuneti largely in the procession tbuths park, wbere speeches were deiveneti. lb ie statedti bsithes tnatie-societies neyer turnat out seoli- posiugly since 18 48. TUe procesaicu took thnee-quantens of on heur te paso a given peint. When the proceetings commuenced lu the park aven 50,000 -pensons were preseni, wbile many 0w- ing te the crush on tbc rendse bat te abandon the intention ef goiug te tUa meeting. The day wae fine sud the city wae a masseof flagesud- buutiug, aven the abipns in tUe Uarbeun anti river d9ying &il iheir colouns. The effeet is deecnibeti ,ao maguificeut. FENAII-ýS ON THE OLANK. A auieus incident occurneti turing bhc formation cf tbe procession at Blun. ney. A body of Fenians, armet witb revolvers, cempelleti two neembens cf the Lanti League, Cronin aud O'Brien, te leave the carniage anti kept ihem iu euebotiy tillthbbc roceetiinge were ocr. Thsy intendeti t0 anrest the presideut cf bhe League, bat, as Us wes Ln Parnell's cirriage, tbeyr couit net gsi at hlm. O'Brien aut Cronin- aitemptet Ioteenter tire different carniages, but wexe vie- tently ajecteti by thc Feulans, who 1ev- etiet revolvers ai bbce buexiens Leagu-, ars, with cries cf uuSe have battarmeu than Yeu te ait beside Parnnait." It ap- peers that tbc pure revelutiouiste cf Cork are willing te accede a measure of toienation te Parnell in recognition cf bis services duniIe lata distrass, but iUey ers net preparet te citent. a simi- ian faveur te bis follewers, wbo repudi- abs a recoure te arme8 for thc redres ef their grievances. Mn. Parnell in bis -speech dcctared îbthat tautilortiism, which was creabed fer meixtaining English rmeienlu ralauti, and for Uic interesa o f the lew againet rçk-t itaYnzsnt, 2at Mra. i Mr- stbn. C.,J. Alilso, 210 bru.cte-lat bine. VansaUtrSnd Mxi J - 1~ - -~ -9 À i ;~ $ - ~- -IWi ~F 'yoU WL- No.1D ingn iheis taka ths duty. impossible Wd tUs write si 13efcrc leeflii the lents ani but the tenue -ableo umbe&5 bbey badL-bee WAC snythcngc tha tic ianàtas vicient in li and hIc helien bave comknit pesos. Jutg -plicatecun, bul the writ¶IcO neaesncelm vers mnadel tihe-cireIBus A get Ram-let J. Thomu, Sut C. Barclay, Sheerliug rm-jet John Tiomi. Ram laub-lil J. Wilulou, Sut W. Major. S aget oers-lct aut Sut J. Wilson. S sbaarliug cweai-lit J. Wilson SutW Major. S sare Iambe--laI Jahni Wilson. Fat aheep-let %Wm. Coche-ans. Judges-G. Westtatee, W. Toung sud J D'ais. Wm. M. Milleco eali the prises in Chii Claus. evINE-LAeOE nnoEED. Aget boar-lît C. PillecY. Aget eow-lst eut Sud S. Adamsen. Suar uiI188-ist ont Sut C. Rlie Boan ditto-Ist F. Maithavs, 2J . 1 SadIen. SNA II uEn. Aget bear, laI J. 13. Satdjaer. Aset nov, lst Thou. Pugb, Set L. Wil- mer. Sua et 1880, lst R. Miller, Sud C. Lynts. -Boan titito, lot C. Lynde, Sut T. PugIe. Gae, let J. B. Stahie, Sud W. B. -Brearna. JSpanisi, litA. h W. Wright Sud Wrn rDorklng, lui & Sud W. B. Bruvue, Pectrit"e rochin, lii A. u&. W. Wniglel Sud W. Ït' Brovua. Bufi cachir., let Broum-uc ud Wright. Ligbt brslhms, lai Wrlil..- Dcci breimea letW ht 2ud Brneu. Hoan, l, 1 - - %e~d Wright.'- Leeghorn, lai Browne, Sut Wright. Bronza tunkey, J. 13. Stabtle.' L0g gesse, hit Brevne Sut Wrighet. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e Ciaga BonuBrosi uckeRbo Br <taIsNigleevan- Cammon -d=kOlce-Wright'. Oaotieu' c1I tavýlolt -BrovuaSu Wrihit. J'UfigsD.Woo, . hora, P. L. Bar-î nam 01 utei àinoDUne. - . be of ne si wl e' PC I. tefenîtet VîsarFa0 puinbet B* STArS cp .ed lu Ireleni apprehau.sien Mocteairiua cetet ns eano o Iaelu- witatopstlO IYnbiigu 'nsi ir hal TIithe Plu wi Ch thai cl Sic Cla nié Ty hePeu by Nlthe -- -re=ecl que bstiusl e receivetibe Panama ce lmas een e4 Fth.a war crty.

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