- Love lsavesUus these; Neo =au prolouigu Lovo% Jay sMd posus. Sooner or lats AUl thioago hy: PassIons absto, pains aveudie.. & U seul5es at; No swet thblxq sa Death cornes t klesa. Bummer was fair IfI t wss deet, JCold now the air, Nahxgla sweet. Aotarunn came $soon HO isoWie ids waiicd lbeoje our June Hiaît airs prevailel. Falit isl te un Rose& are os Lingers not one, JusL for your head. Iieart-breaks and songs, Love, leBus those Loves% joy and peace. Addrecs ta Sleep. T'li, leauti rut Gate of Steel) le harred1 011, angel witil1u Th7Je paens of Pearl wth dismonds starred! <jîxi, lxîk no Sound t-o My freble kixrk1 1 hav~e utiicy hat wil ura te lock llowV long must I wit? 01>Iieveî.nore aud forevernore, Muât I1,stand at the lieautilul <Gate? MiY ga rteute are tiu-mï sandala wurn 1 , .cetC angel wthîu 1 Ii~îIcig th.xIlast, how harp the tixrix, Tfxi it ifs cleeres- the xwind is le xd Myb i cd heart soha like a plt ilchldi 'Mâ l ow long muât 1 watt? m ., ,vrmore andiiforeverîxtori, Muti sand u e iBieautiftii Gate ? i I *ère a qxeçn I'd gile îny crown *Oht angel wtlxn Or fxtred, ï<waelîi iy Ixly laurels down; Or rieli, Id yiîshd thee my troasured golîl Fur thy mweet slierz froin reiu ncl ehid Dow long mut I wait ? hevermore sud'forevermuore, Would 1 pas& titrnglithe loautitul <Gate 1 Thoy Patepwlth xciasP Of baud, Andl ki.ses, sud burnleg torcs. bTlsyflmet in a forelgo land, Aiter sine twsîty Yems Met as acquaiotimce weet Smilingiy, tranqutii.-eyed- Not even he, toast ittlusboat 0f th hoart opon sither sido They chatted of this aud Cht, TI,. iitlings that matie up tire luxe lu à Gainsborough bat, And ho. lu black foc hs ifet,, A h, whà t a comedy tit il Is1 Nvither wax hurt t appeals1 SIe had forgotten bis issae, Aud lie haitforgottomi hec temse. Let te wealathy sud great, RNi lu sphondotxr sud statu, I envy them net, I dectaro It. I estmy avu lamb, 1* Ml y wnde eanil i wesr il. 1 have lawns, I have bowors, 1 havs truits, I have fdowers, The lark isuxy morzxlug wsrner, Rn joily boys uow; lieres succeil Cu the. pior, I.ouq lirexild good Iuîk to the fariner. Virtue aînd Vice. Ilouer, hoîxeety, teuperauce, and tuodratiott are virtuel whiob, when practiced, whl afford happineesa lu gvery ircuîuitances of lile without auy relig. ious reex-aud ilt the eloeteto f ur * nattures pace ne occamionally iu ingular sud untried situeaonîs, let un bear lu tîxat alflxetlp ta produit a beautiful varioiy oa!@enta, whch laete ciarux stitiapce. of ife, Ouly ltnl old lest aur trith, -aud tlxougli unprincipoled mxenitrip musta a ur skhu, w. still have a peaseelansdcoatqnted mnid, the fruit of virtue, thaugli steeped in pav. - erty. Whoosituation, hou laete muâat desîrablo, 1h. inu who rides ip hrs caci by dishanest gains, witb au uuqqiçit mind though respeetedl for bis by the iguarant, yet pointed at sud sinued by the hoest-who w. s&y, enicyslb.he oeo f tbis lite's happy cencuases, this ma, or the mn wtao bas been bis dupe, sud yst holds fatta bis. intsgrity, ,sad wlxascoua- dueL je duly appreciateid by th. wige sud the virtnus ? Cau suy mnuboei. tato w iob oharacter taomoasea r wbieb tiîaraeter ta prefer P Certainly tiot. Naturd ovor tLut to bar nuvaryiue * priaipleoft attraction, folluws IL up Iu thie uoral wurid as well aen i thepby- sucai, and l ae mado vlî-tue alluriog * Cîah elatbed la raits, sud vices ld. liuTroau.tvuy vs. Oaruzop.-Tlte folietiag is au illustration eofp1en*u- cistionansd spolig inte nue of vroug varda 'vîicli hava tb. saine pronneis. tien aes te ulgItI vade,, %nd vbich, pr or aed voulai souud ighl -A auit 011 buny, the sun ef a grate ker. net, vitb a rougit about bis nèci, fluo uptcraodia sift s eh dçar. Alter-a a Chyme ho ste ,Pp.,, aI a Sud bouse Sud wrung Lb. hello. His tov hnrt bymu sud ho kaoaded vrest. Ie vas tva tireec te raze bis face peil face. A feint mown ai pans rows from bis lip. The mai&s&e on1.lb.thebell 'vas about-te pair a pare, but- six.throagh iL downu and rau vill aIl, ber mît., for Isubar gueasdod tiual it.Batt, wha &ho sav lbs lits .mon, tiersslaod ionn ber oyos att lit a1W.- * Ewe pr deer t Why dus ,yev tîe earl PArsyeV dyo h.ag l""Knav,4ho sad, ,"Eye n sgtfen tva Lb. corps."' Sbe beau bymat tua bar r auxusale us au g lit vea cocas vixere ho mita be quisl, gava hlm huetf audeti g, hela centu der bis,- kaoos, ied bts ehalîr, ropped lilas wsram lY. gave .suas suite duseobas irot a vail, tilt *aait p tint <outh;& hall as &Young, boarso, RIseîyîs aboya, lisetial vas as rosai asna flour,ss oambleW a la Mostme,"< - tirQS- te death,"Ps u oe.' Sayau'I &ay 5se à t on uas.mare bsforo yoedis. 1-1 bad uat a viak ci slaupý &Il #1 bgt,,' @ayaa-sathe. And yel your b ofiwlihara yot lnmors mauy iase; would.t dttôtaul tha-be l" sa a a tiud, -and 70* yen bave 'don. il aud many %blsrgs neasqually 'a- bail À,sà itasad .gia. - 'Wo voue sup tas car Ioisa l u ma."i g-aya, a ,fouaËile-,bn *you )wow very viii-tira mud wvuanet ovor. pou - sImca..Ail Ibtislua foras af 'lylog5 aus bÃd for thb, moral tabacs.. toc qf-on. lndulglag lin . - - A.youeg matu, amart-loohilg Slooo eloa',muaq puva meohait il« i; uiata I M I Dr. Rmoleeable New E Rai aI lhe bouse of a slek artshtoner. 'It *as n place fer s dispute. It vas no place for auy unnhcoitmj fsmiiiariîy wth the. minielor. It vas ne place la ta qitre tCiao of i tlimiaitîr, eepec. liiy vwill a nv lInt-tCof eîxanging blm han cit gtîcti' ; unit aheve aIl, wbeuo tite qixoratt wa ton tlegi. oal for auy logîcal diecUmseon. But the abrupt qttieiîn of t i mileist wuas "Mr. Emunoîxe;, tîw ai are yen P'" "Sixty, el; u;nd lxow oui are yeu P" As nid anecrealioli," vas te trinumph. cnt riponse. "Tlitrayen are of the saine age with Adent cnd Eve ?" "Ccc. tainîr ;I1was l in he aden wlxealhey veo." 1"i have ciwaye iteaud tiare vasr a third party lu tie grdoa vith tixom, but I nover knew befare hat il vas yen.- A youag lady vas speakiug teaa friand wbeitad caited upon beu regard. te trait ebaraseoistie af ber mother, Who alwcya hsd a good word Ce aay to' evory one. Wmy, site ssid I baliove if satan were under discussion acotltor wauid bave s good waud te say for hlm. JusL titan tae mothar aotaued, andi waa iafarmed wt thCie daughter itad said, wlereupon sîle qiiielly re piieîl, Woll, mv ideux, I tbiuk we miglit ail imitai e satcu'a-persererat!cit. Lord Broxugham once, wben ba vas lu s facetious mond, being asbed ta de- fine a lawyor, suxud :"A iawyer is s learued gentleman, vue recrues yonr ostato freux your enenties and keeps il bianeoif." Kansias sciool Cacher :"WVteu, dos aur grain gotCe?"' ' mb Cite bop. per." ii«Vhat hoppor ?x' .Omsop- per," triumphantety ebouted a aioisr. "BIut, yen tuow, p," eaia Cle brin- orsa dauglitter, wbcil lieospolie La heu about Ctxe cddree c f lis niglibors sou, "-yolx buow Pa, ttîat me vante me ta msrry a mati cf ctultre." 14So do 1. My ilear. cO <l0 I ; anxîltierea vo beC- Cr culture lu tîxe country titan agricul- ture." A iîttlo danghtor of a Connecticut clergyman vas 1.11 te "tend dear", and ebeyxug the summous of h. bell, &bo foud a gentleman ou the stepa Who wished ta ses hou iatber. "Father inu't- lu," said sIte, -but if it is anytlhata about your seul I eau attend to yen. I kuothle wbole plan of salvation.' "Dimples. yen kaow, cee u Cuete wrinkiee," aaid Switton Ca a dimplcd darlusg. IlTitt can't possihiy couceru yen, ar," abs reptied. "lHow ta tara wrtiids haLa dimpios vould ha mare tnteresting ta yeu, I sitouid tbink. And by thea vay, what a crop etimo persaus cauld taise, couldn't Cey?" She wost a four y.sr aid blonde, gen- erally quiet sud tractable, but mamnat bad prevaked ber. "I dent lova yen any mare, mamma 1"" V.ry weil, dear, yen needut.". Wei, I de't love ye.' "il right, dearie, mamuia wili Cuy ta pet aioug." "lWvil, I do love yeu; but I dent felimt like it aew." The Prince of Welee' twa cons are tomcwtîct lîvoly. Whillv on aceca voy- age thenCli, yenuger wac lboard tui excliin '*Conte, tiub, lune ixp your fddle sud gxva ns, 'Oil Savre Our aid graudmLothà er." 'It nover beppend tesaoy sinco the begiuuiug of te world, ner ever viii, te tiare ail ilings to liii desire, or to wbsom fortuneovas opposite or adverse. AitCIte marrhage cf an Alabarxa vitlower oeaof te a.rvutx was asled if bi master woîxhd tube c truduxi tour. "Dono salit; when old xiuisn's surie ha teck a 1addle tL e r ; donne -if Ila .à bridie te o iuew one or net." The lateat book out la eutitied "'Mly ,Sbip ah Se." It'wilhi evidenily bave a large sale. Wbho a à o.-rpet lhueà a asiboat 2- Whon it ha taeked. Wliea is itl bke a rioL ?-Whouhi t ià put detu. "Psareid- Inu Citilictite, 8optim- ber 1ilà , Hvrbort L. illingsloae, sud Emmwa J. Moes.' Tins does oua fa- mniliar proerit receivo s deatit biow. The GrcaestaRlemcay Kuowun. Dit. KING% sNzw Dagscovlor tcCou- sumaptioultecrtaatly te eesemedicat reinedy evor pve watliui the roav af sutierlvg humaxtity. Tiousauds ai once hopaleas ufferers, uîaw leud preclhn their iprase fr tc w onderfut Discveryte vtaich te yove their livea. Net OnlY dMe xt jîcetive y cure Censunaption, but Coughs, Colda, Asthme, ItBranchlits, igay Fevor, Hoarseasas sud ail affections efthle TItroal, Citeat and Lunga yield et enceta t pwon- derini curative povors s if by magie. We thoere e aruxestijref mest you Cta celi on, ymxr druggisC suget a trial Cottie for ton centsewviaIt iiiconvint. tir meut ekepti- cal uf t uc onderu nimerita, and shov you vItat a regmilar one dollar sire bottle viii do. For sale by T. 0. WiLttltd, Whilby. Giit-Edge Butter. There is always au active dvmnud fur butter Chat le up C-o Cthegilt-cilge standard lqoaatty sud celor. liucitbutter tat la olfxorwine good sella Mai sreduclicu iromi tre te yve conte a pouud bfcause delle- tant in celer. DairyVmen s;.oîId thoaniue Wells, Richardson &xCo's Perfeed Butter Color to a vbulgIt Jue 0019e. Tâle calcuInla te .brlgbtest, puroît andl Lest mxade. %Id by duugglots. Consuraptten Cured. An aila physicien, reliraS freux praetle% bavtug lsad placod in IMas bsid% 8Cai Iuda îuissflcxa Cleiformltlafa e s&iu vaoatabia romedy for the: apeedy »,ýts meanteriuO upt ou. E Lis, Ctliî, Ama, .14 arilIrpaaL .sud 'Lung Affcton, isuapoItvesu radical cure foýNeMousdeIly sud ail 1Norvous Corn- plainte, alter havisg estod il& vouderful cuirative peeslu txousud 1afcass, bas toitL is dà uty to mois iL lin ovpabus suffeeiug tellowsl. Actuateai by -,lsMbst,w d d as .ta rellevê umaWn suerxs% Ofnir.a charge, ta ail Who t.- IC bsrecipe, lu German, French, or Ex<4- ltwit ilafull directions for prvpaelng sud* aalug. Sent ixy mail by'a<idr îig ii stmsts Blo peper, W .8e 149) P À.r' lc, Rocse, N. Y., d - Envled Beauty. Wbat laIsndre haudaome Chou a nice beight,,Oleu, cmplsxin, shoviug the bosp. tl@sftparict beslth ? AXIc auenjcy these To v-à aaib nh,îag lactrit BitIo, li- p r. bloed,suasnd &Uaamsoflthe Stomach. LUvsr Cidueys sud 'Uripael Orgaue are spe.dlly cured. Fer neveueuess ma à ai stteudaat-siimeuts, they ara a neveu foin5 reIdyand s. postiveiy.cnre vbore ail oth- ora,*IL Tup L B.lectnie Ilitters aud b. convinced af Chair vonderful inIsît. Feu sale by T. G, Wtfeld> at fity cents ir. boChle. Ploveuty and-Distroe. coveuty vl4cb Is ucti o! Che i i produces lthe groalei D'meo but ai1h. bloo ies, it' bocoà asm e iu tourn a aaslr 3lvei Ibis icuditia UA maS oesgie: b "se lsadto ~pip~L~r- tIT BROTHER. Castoriue, eZtaBlkOIle pbsnî 011. - fA !H&BRU1E COAL OIL. Zýr Wbaeleud retbil. HAWIOX BROTMIER Best Cooking aud IHeattug Staves Lrestock af bath Shell sud lHesvy. Pricas ta suit the limes. HATOH & BROTER. CROQUET. Afaw *et# lat. H4TCH *B;aOTHER. HA TCH <à BROTHER luxporteof e Hadwar e0., Brook Street, WHITBY. A HOUSEHOLD WORD. V~ ie CASH GIROCERY EMPOItM, Deverell's Block, has become a Household Word, as the best and cheapest place for 'fresh 'TEÂiS and gel-s GROCERIE S. New Season Teae at 25c, 35o and 60c, woth 409,-509 and 80c. English Breakfast (Joffee, 25o er pound. Ail 'giaaes of Sugars at -r4ck b6tom.à ie8Te Louise Baking Powder, canned goods, pure Spices, pure Cream of Tartar, Brusheo, Brooma, FPat. Pails, etc. White Granits 2ýaul - T fwotioï,r L.-p Dogen L White Granite Teî. ~j jWit grali e, iO Elegant Dinner and Tes Sets cotuplete, $20.00; Rich Chîna Tes Setse, $5. AInUl assortment of GLÂSBWÀR.LMP.ec.j ,wsrr chesp ; also s largo stock of Gem Fruit Jars, iu pint,q4uarts sud half- gallons, at pricos that dofy ocuipetitiau. Butter, Eggs, e,',taken iu exobage WANTED.- 500 Tubs choice Dairy Butter. SLMXXN- Dsvuaxr.,i'a Bt.ecx, ~RASE.R,' S, WHITIYY. ONTABIO. Baoci 8mEv. oe~ DU5TTT! Mr The publcaeouloe eis utom - hkrl la powxngqiite casenq*ofaf tae asmeim a keccgumn clii» cf medicixie deaiere and wbiclxl h îs:Wheu akcd f(n a bcttle aof1>an.Kll>r, the: suen'lxl iecver ht themre Isl n. be aoamhr~tee3xta rid. if taI boter." whlch thev flI aoîxtty xete sanie puce. The Ojici of ibis deceris t la traTse" suhemtitutes Pru:e~t pl a Copntx*t-. nc tihe osîoiI#ailsu 'ass unddeS e s and ch!:eatroLs. are biuet blx hIe deaier xxi alw'ut bal( wbat ho ç =lW*ibe gesxtffmtPtulii.ff1ft, ',el cixtmîca hlm îherrtre raie s few cens more zoi ier bM*le vo atb.wttiiit stle hinMm hq an -Dit h ft~ ~q'Fos CiOLEPA IMORDlUS. CHAMPS. SYMRop, 3WEL , COMPLAINTS PERRY DAVIS' PAIN-eULLER (t IT CUREVS ALMiOST 1IYStA.qTLY. ~ The PswsKit4r s 5lsm ba, cols . " t.h m"a5ts M,.- F Rac-« mm ossR 10 p1mnK'7-tatNbeItr e lauesi 0O0 X 8V U. gmOiIE AE8. LI QUOR, STO RE WHOLESALE ANOD. RETMLI, KI NG-STREET, -- OeHAWA. The undersigned, making the LIqUOR TRA-DE a specialty to which lie confines hi'usns, 8eabld to supply Fauniles, Hlotol-kéepers, sud Iýthe Trade ugeneraufy with. gennine Liquors,. at lowest pricea. BIEST WINES,, in -WOOd and -bottie. B-EST BRANDIEeh">1e6 rands, ~ WarrWntÃ"d, B EST R fnî l amýîýiaca. e- and Tom G14,u LAGER BEERm^k2-4 ud 8-gallion paok~s the ~ ~ à k ~,~tatcI,4~ AGENT FOR DOBESODA W .BJ Wx, IEMO$ SODA, SELTZER WATEE, -I M METHN G- W 300TS and SHOEtSI IL AT HAYES'S, Brook-St;, - Whitbye U7i= T14N VER CENJi. OFF!!é=Co IAÂll "asaxe ndw made with a REDUCTION OF TEN Ç»R ON., upon seilin# price, to CASH purchasers, TUe Sttock is thte largest ibn the County, and emn- bhzce everytki'ng -in Boo0t8 U and Shoes, for Ladie8', beet quality of maieriali- and workman8hip. Please calUin time.- The reduction wiU net last long, as leather and ftndings'are goiug UP. AN INSPECTIONRSPECTPULLY InVITD. 1May 27, 1880. -W. J. 1ILAY-3lmeS Watson's Block, Breck Streot, Whlitby. GO0 TO ~MÂTTHEW COLLINS Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, AND SEE THE LAJIGEST & I3EST STOCK 0F BOOTS AND SHOES IN TOWN. STen per cent.- discount off for Cash FOR ONE MONTH. Custamers are iuvited le esil sud examine Ibis stock, jndge- ouf tý,e quslitY and take a note oftheb prieés, sud satisfy theiselvas as la where tbey eau go el bbot Bargaias, for Jtv.boots warrnit teweà - I Boots s ehesp se tho r good, WiUl stand witbout a tr r ldiagnsd grlod- APy w atbrywbre- Fit for eity or L.we à n that eau,' b. boat lsswber., Ail sbauld have a pair that couid, By tb. bout. 1And ho at rost. IS' REPAIR NEÂTLY DONE. <,ooee on dmr publie,, lea,. your arders snd get a pair of Boots of- the rlgÃt-Muft(om -yaur o'bliged-tud humble servant,' MATTHEW COLLINS. FOR TUE MOST DESIJLABLE Ip a-o IM A R T -1 N ALL WORK GUARANTEED WALL GIVE -US A GALLI PAPE RS! A Large Stock, at. Low Figures. GENERAL DRY GOODS, GROCERIE S, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKEIRY, GLASSWAIRE, AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, &C. The Dry Goods Departmcnt ie complote in every lino and the Grocery Stock ail new anai freeli. t>4 The clioapest houso in the (Jounty. Re-, mexuber the addros. 49 A. B. SMITH, ]Raglan. -C AL L 0 N- WlLIM A la 1BuI]tNIV -0FriWHIII TBY,- For Reliable Boots and Shoes. .:0000: 00-i Foot Wear of ail kinidà sold Oheap for Cash, by WILLIAM BUIRNS, Braok Street, Wbitby. CT T E RS BUGGrESi AND CARRIAGES. TO TH E F A ME 1? W 0F TH ElThe Largest and Best As8ortment ini the County, DO0I9T1NI10NI1 000: We offer you for the harvest of 1880, the foilo'wing first- duog Farmig mlemets : BROWN'S WHITBY HARVESTER, (Improved.) YOUNG CANADA -MOWER, (Imaproved.) CAVUGA J». MOWER, (Improved.) Thre abo#o machines require no comment frein xx, aller psssing tlrough such à harvest as th. lat aud cex'ryixxg off Lhe Gold Modal for CJanadas, W. aise notify ail purchasers who wiitt durable macbi nsd propose te psy CASH LON DELIVERY, tb cal atuour office lu Whitby, bafore plokî.is your orderia clsewb.ore, as il ià % our intention te adopt the CASH SYSTEMI As necarty as is praeticable, and thieroby iath. our prie list aI lowcat liv- ng!prioes. Givem.ns caH. BROWN &PATTERSON MNF'GCo. Whltk7, .Iau. 2let 1879. -5 HIGH EST MARKET RICE PAL D FOR -ANY QUANTITY OF- -DELIVERED> AT- W . J. GISON,' S WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE. AlMso two TopS of good. live, Turkeys, 'Qeese, Ducksand hiokenswatd BeforekWIhig esil and see, TTURNITf Whitby China Tes mt. Established GREAT BARGAINS OFFERED -IN CUTTERS. &c. in order to inake room, as we intend to build a larger nuniber of Carrnages and Buggiès this winter tLan usual. TOMS & NEWPORT)'S DUNDAS STIRET, TORENT1 Lr OT NO 27, XI San CONCffSSION J Township ai Whit s ut outeldo Che c0rpration of Ch. Tcoi hy, Couuty ai ut&ri-2 aces-luoue or more par- cels výIth ail necesary dwelJg bocses sud ont bxtdingo, ihirtare inm gond condition,. or viii L put ofo uitabe tenant or teu- ants. Posesion 0aiSUilolt November, l,18, rigbîte enter sud piougb and ce pair aller proeut erop is removeai, vith accommoda- tion for inansd teains. For locality iight taxea, Fruit pi ail kinds, Good ater eud every ceuvenience. fer aklful sud profit- able huzbanduy, tItis tarin cannaot eyevoli- od. Theo SM'.Ot-oases, suitablo for brick syr f ed CMa inbe rexted as ansd inexhusb.e mnud eonvhnlent. Apply te Mas. M. S. PULLIZU, Ovuer ou promises, or te J. HAMUR GIEEIWOOD, solicitor, Whltby. WItitlav. Inn. 28,1880. 11.27 'B. SNOW, GAKER and COHFIC1ONEB, DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. Thanka bis nutuerous friends for their former ptonae aut)',a ysansd sw- licite a catun cef ieaso xK oopueitatlyen hqu andias cf aIl OONFE OTIONERY) CRIST*S Axt e OYýSTER ?ATýù=~ SAU&.&GEIBOLLS> LAYER MALAG*A,- MuSéATÈE BIINS, IEM01NSIDATES, TES TfllmmEM8TTQUALIT., TrO & WARAM! AI Gl 3A 8 MXACHINE. Titis macidue la forlixghting PravaIs gvlis, Miii., Factomèse, Churches, Public Halls' Hatels, &C.- Cal sud exanfine lb. machine Pt opera- Clan at JOSEp]à PHILLIPS, soie Manict', Plumber and asfteKn-t et Toronto.dGa-xxrin-tWe, Seud for Circixiar sud price-liat. April 29th, 1879.-1 LIVERPOOL, -LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, Allan Line OF ROYAL MAIL STRAMîIIP5. SUMMER SERVICE vu& QUEBEc SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE!I *The Steamships 01 the Allen Lise an diiçpatched turm.Quehec every Seturilay about 9 euei., ou arrivai af the train leavixtg Whitby at 8.28 a.rn. every Fri*dcy. rasonon BÂTES PROM nîraTy. Cabia, $8i aud#91, accordingtg C xoiîiou of etateraoma. Lower rate for returu tick.- ets. Inlermediate, 646. Steerege at lalwest rates. Circeelan .......Oct 2nd, 1880. Sarmatiasu..........fi 9tb, if Peruvisu .... 6 f Poienyvian ..... 23rd. f Mora'rian ..............otItg dcteergeasener are forwardrd ta Lau. donerr, Cfas1,Glasgow, Quecuetaieu, Bristol-, Cardiff, sud London at Berne rate as; te Liver1xcoi. Parties wxahing tasernd for their irirude eau obtain tickets aI low rates. For ticketesud further information appty ta- GBO. B. TULE. Express sud Telegraph Office, Whitby. Wbitby, May 29t1x, 1880. ti.48 D AILY LIME TO ROCRIESTERp THE STRAXEIC W C> MIL MM dL, (Ma. C.won.Mao, Commeixcirug Thur8day, .April 151h, WiU umake lier reguier trips on Ibis route. LEAVING Cobourg at 7.80 snd Part Hope ai 9.80 every morulng (SunLay ezcepted) on arrivai of trains frora the East,-West sud, North, conueeting with rsiiws;y limes aI Rcetrfor al i a in the United States. RE TURING-1.aves Charlotte (Port of Bochestor) at 9p.m., except gaturdsys, wbeu she leaves at- 8.45 p.=i., foir Cobourg and Part Hope direct. Dealers in Stock &c., wiii dind titis the cheapest sud moet direct routa Le Boston, Albany, sud New-York. For further information, apply ta CAPTAIN CRAWFORD, or, C. F GILDKRSLEEVE, Port Hlope. Kingston, Ont. (Eu.16 E. STEPHENSON, Dam. TeL-Ca., Ticket Agent, Whitby. »1H08. SLEIGH, flOUSIE & SIG-N PAINTER., PIANOS TUNED. GEBO. T. CIMPICTlue viii ho lu whutby about the Middle cf Maxy. Parties vicbing Che Pianos properliyuned viti pleasa leave their otders vith Mesar. LYON & RIUPERT, Pbotopsaphers, Wil. kiuson's Biocki. Wbitby. Quiers by mail, sddresed ta MUses à Msau & Biach, Toran- to, wil receive prompt attention. ly-16 jcr5 Q -2 z e s- Ci', ~ o I~z ~ LL.m o- E 0< z H (g, OqC G-O t- -to C i 40 cma le~ TWO DOOlIS WEST 0F ARMSTIIONGIS HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET. 9e' Ail Orders promptly attended ta.-_eg Whitby, Aifril 14, 188. -16 PI{O"rTOGRAPHY. J. W.RUPERT, tr~ he veil-kuovu dra of BRUCE FnCO. raconte,4 Pitoqoraphers, Tias pIbleaue in luformlng -Lthecillaes oft hly sdSouth Ontario, ltath hbasl parclaseal te enCire .right eand lutereoitef Chat weil-kuovu Photographiosand Prsmatlg estabsim.sent, l" aCelyoud en o by thes Messrs. LYON BROTHERe, The extensive altérationsaniud mprovo- nent bythe Iate ldram.ara bs1i alili seetbthe additiono .AM WORK G'UARANTBE D FrBsT-OL.4ssAi! THE- LQWESTBT ATEI -CHILDRRN A SPECIALTY.- See Our' TABLETTE PHOTO&St q AI1WTINO~! * IrSb5 BaJe, a ïrang~ lote ;~ beaes. tu s-t -1 $1300pR K VERTISEMENTS. - A A.ments measured lu Ni uohargeal at tha rate oai8 cen nsrtxon, sud 2 ctnts,pe ain quant insiertion.. - -: speeili epetqaof Meetini statements oLBttks, Rei1iaY Inetiraxco tompanivand sud i description witan- Vlac & mo ter tru ovnis pouline. Specialontats made WWt bx y the yeo.r, or otitorw. -1Ordare to erooutmnO musC bain writing. _ Bus ineW68P o1TARIO Wl WIITBY-BIEI AILRISTIES, ATTOR B0iters, Notariels ?uh Ofieûetace o sik JAMESBlaI * ounty oCedWu I ~EsSS tITOmE à BARRISTERS & AT AT LAW, SOLII 0. H. RITCHIE, Taronto. J Anxà KEITH BARISTER k ATITOI Saljicitar i lu Canc Paau ublie, &c. -001 fit &= doe t of ArmilutS Mouey to Loaxt-.. lutereat. BAttRISTER k. A3T Dominion tIaù. fLe Mausionu Bouse, tJmzbiCd ix h andi &nsuer, &.<O * LYMAN ENCLIg coceStreet Dsbaw3- DAVIDJ oMi 0 iCy.- . MASTS~T Offic De: W5 D ~~.1 -ý 1 ýl ..à ,- WIIITBY, ONTARIO. 1 - . 7. -Cau now be founa at his Shop,-