'e i PAir MO RN IN G, Athîs P:llting Eslihment, ,BOOK STREET, WHITB'Y. TmS -$1 50, pop Annun>. tDVE BTIShIMENTS. - Al l Atvertise- j monte measret iu Noupanuel, sait itargudlktItite rate ci ô conte, pur lies, finit aotion, aa 2ntius, per lineo e scibiite- uent insertion. SpoialReprtsofMeelungi, Finauds1 Stattriets o Bans, llway Cotuaaul, Iiaicu toCOUII)Ptttoast maltera 01 lire tlteripcti eeen lacet nuong News Bal- lerto cetslapur t tne. sjccileoutrtactlemate wvttbsdîerliaora ry liic Vftr, uro tierwisc, - Ordorao e ttcoallneoadvertseienli intnt bu lu wrting. Business Directory, W II T13Y 13 BA NOIl, TUIOMAS 1DOW, p'/5IEWErLL &RC'TLEDGE, xiiTT~iATTQRNUYS, SOJLI. 1) licce, Notârles 1lutlc, saitCenveY. hlloci, Iret tlent eccti th ie Rayai JAMEliS RUTLEDG-9, B. A. L,1ARWE . , . , Ccurtytirccw tlorney. 43 BARRISirERS & ATTORNEYS, AT LAW, SOLICITÃ"RS IN CHANCERY &C. u T31 t)ID C. H. RITCHIE, Toroto. W. H. BILLINGS, Wbitby. JAME14 KESII GORDON, a ARRISTEIL & ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, 1)Saitcilttm in Ctsucry, Cenveyamoer, NotaryPul'cic, &c, Office-Dnntai SI., trot tear avat o! Armtrotteelctte el. Moey le Laain-l't4tte fends-aI 1ev interest. JoIIN A. 3IcILLIVRAI', (Sacceeceur le I. M. liowcll.) T)ARIISTER t' ATTORNEY .AT-1,AW, i> Naay lublite. dc. Seoliciter fer the itorinicctt b anis. Office.-Neat donc bo mansion Bionne, Uxbnltge, Ont. -26 CHKARLES C. KELLER, A TTORNEY-AT-IAW. SOLICITORI lB fl. hancery, CoeV5yei,&'c.,C5=ing- c et., irock . W L.. T. A&ARCLAY, ATcTRNE-AT-LAW, SOLI(tT<tl in Ctanrery ont Insticrccy,lt.cy ancer, b, d. LYMIAN EN(.LISII, L L. B.,, 1)AUTISTE B AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN 13 Cbsn..cery, Co er5tr, &c. aSien- eeroc t ilrc.Oshawva. DxAVID> OllfIhtT<N, Il. N \ TT)RNE ATlAWSOLICIT0Il IN -Cbtîce'cy, &ttrcyî c. d ttjl' );-i cit t ' e in m't uthcePt s t I N hL L L lDOi 1.1i1lllI'LIl AT iAW', SOLIiCITORl tn etin4ýtc e 5fflxî. e> eaIttitraId d of n RIOBINSON & KIENT, 0B::1eo, In ctont itnbciS I, Vi'itcrim Sîrecri. Wlth caltu Prlited worda, grcat thoughts, snd untiring indumtry, we advocate Peaco, Progrees, lCuowledge, Brotherhood. VOL. XXIV. WHITBY. PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO, THIJRSDAY, OCTOBER 14 180 QRAND TRUNIt RAILWAY HOTBL, C H I N A H A LIL, (o pposite G. T. LSation,) WbIby. StON OP THE BIG inn (natoxertilEn) Wl!. O'NEILL - - PROPRIETÃ"R. 71 KING-ST. EAST TORONTO. Every accommodatiotn for gaeels, inclut' Fancy xBrsakfast Tes Sets. a ilu cetntertablc, stry bedrecel, Menua ai l Fancy Dîniter sut Dessert Sels. heuirs. nyBoitroex Satla. L-%- Tite Bar fmliv uppied vlth bet inf braid o LiuosWioes B3randies, C grs Fauey Jugsansd Teapoti. &c.r ve-l eeo!os r âiecir tTvm ilver Pialed Ketrea, Fanka sud Spoons. raivelîes. Slcer Pistailutak Bets. olm (l.hod Slsbling, encloeil yard, mut allen iti,gers keivests. tiv.' etîcr.-48 To Trnivsud erker. TFiowo n dteser Lls&.,c. ci OMMERlAL IIOTEL etc1 STA.BLES, rw. andse 516 Javinstreel, Tarante. JOHN McRÂE, . - - PROPIROR. ttU nseMM. TC JOnN. nrLLY.) Ttc test $1.00 a a sy BouBeInte ithy, 0017 1cr tîccile rotlte Nerthern.IItelcot,anltclse i)tal ttc Mrkt'l Th., Hects itas ccilimm-esi Fitmioutttiieercything F'rîltcrlaaei. (y-47( MILS. WALJIEY'S TEMPERJ4NCE HO USr, I)UNDAS-STRIEET, WUITI3Y. Goo3 cco mmoation ai ruiisonable lamai. lluaccrtt$S950 pecr wek. 45 ('lasswne, al deacntîtieui. ,wbhle Stone vans, every Slnd. - uoel set Bar ocde. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Works, W HI1 TBY. Geo. Çormack, VME ~ Mt~iME11CIANT A' IUILDER. ~-A tarteoau pply tf Bilditen, uitastc. log, etal tintc!ofTwtetd Midînge, Dens, Rasadsoitlinda. LU 31(ER vitoiceole sud rbtîsil, a:rtcy Ptantxtg, Mctldings ef evcry dcscnip- SOSSlN 1bOUSE.-TOBONTO. O)NT. tien, Ftearing, Sitectiug, Sbalving, Re- lue ojlaie-e l-ýtel ()! Canada IteSlt, awag. Sitaping, Turuing. Scrolt.work, itetarnlslte'i, and U Unvialeit. BNwiasico eic.. etc-. gem lelevattot, ruteîiugnigt andtday.Thc Whtby, Oct. 111h, 1878. -43 moins, witloul board, ýl to $2 uVer day , - Pcb. 2711, 878. l'repiter. Tht antierigued tu anieMunl01 Mon- 07 te Lent upen Farce et Tovn Praperty, aI unusumly Loy Rates c! luorest, iUYA 10EM T3Y. Leas n eau erepaidin lu saita mil ber- Tit hort, It otel bas bentaoraugily Seierali ttpnnved Parmi sut Wiit Lands reiovrLtoid andtcottittctbe, soit le îew nu- fon aie chesp. cier the Tuttageet01ailEu>.MAChIL, Investmenta e lu nMuLiri1 al Debsu. laortcîcly of 8i. Lawrncte iHall, Po<rt Hope. tares, Bank, sud otite: marstata l Stocka-. i.'.vry attention paidtot guelts. Fer funlter p&rU'l*tai apply' tc Emeil odsainple Racine for CoinmJMSHLE,1 THE WILSON HOUSE - AIIIIBUILN, ONT., ALEX BARCLAY, --Preprictor. The Houe le etitBrick, large ant cOn o.,,dtcuc, sliteinlertor ta Iitted it.) in el. relient style. Thrlel e l attîi splie itt ii tt- et I. te market.Thce -t o ai Lqtccce so Stabliog, large ant raamy. tirade ls i B iIITISII AMEIIICAN UOTEL. R A Y-S. (LATS BSOteNettisIÃŽ - baumno iew1y rtnovat-t tnt furtihttd tllcgliit a nd tput ite SueI.claeîs otite':far ttc c a,ý-1titttt Of goetsAn omnbsttoi ,i, lrt-tti atl trains. i>lraîclanes sple Ceoins S IIIAKESPcEAllE 11OT17L__ - _- Cor. KitLr, &York -ebe., Toiranto, Ont. HI J..l .1 t(1l.41)l', - 1ROPRIETOR. Aa - ElCT TEItijse 3150 PLIt Dtt (ly47) DRAWING AND SPECIFICATION p OST OFFICE SALOO'N, TOIlaNTe. B U 1 L 1) I N4' M. Mt'CONNPELL, P-. ROP'JIETOII Pnemplly prc1cared i wtt, c'lcvte Ecouomy tu Cenaitructien. l..'e TitI itFST~ CuM<IIIN. CHURCH AND SCHOOL ARCHITECTURE A lot 1lIt, 't (y-47) PCIL - -- - - - -- ým f.tlllvS.1it d i i l,At,,tl. e. lIedT A. E.NTl. 1 JAME.KS 1T. .7E lbELL, Iroprcdor. AlIISTEII.AT-1,AW, SOLICITORi itCliattat d si selvency. (Cof% aidcrr, tIr' t ,live-cDeverill'silîlouis liraik Street.\'ititlit, Onit. t. IIN.sMtTi.L, La.. B., & xttST~',,..,d'a. -Moity toLuma' lmil it Marnttccage Liceltieet (id o-c rDScit.cct mBaik, Wtittay. Jan. 22, IH78(1- ('AMIlERON APAIIsLBE, j PîLUIiSTE lii, Attortitrym tlLate, andt htîtîcitiit.m t iiitetry, No. 4 Toronto ILlE itîttROX, QC. ti R.IS APPELBE. t>' ft. Nipi.iog Hiatl, l'tart.îctor i .,tiqitirors ait.1 Cigaci. Cu.MMOdialu l,i-et 11iilî,teIivery'SItt' et IlilliantI PtrXcctt atiaitetl. 1).'li Hi. CIIESTER, - Proprieter. Titis trce-ctury, lanrge aea ceutmeiîus liote- h ndiittcel andti uruibteh uit athet vaut, a!oftmtr lavelling pubtitc. Table îup- 1 l..jitii ttI e o l-itttdf te sceýun. Titi ttdr suplIet te it tude best brande, lid uons ouý i îtat. Blugste andifrei ms- IUltGtttN TU TIE d:hirTY QAOL, BrnStreet, WhiItyL {iUY'S HOIe)Ti'AL, LONDION, ENO., te eye I.L -. .., Oshava, Onta.ste c ARI1). -r DitI. IBOGART, Ittysiuiau, Scucgeotn, ttccctctlîcr, &C, J) WIiiby, Sept. 30h, 1874. 4 W. ADALMS, RPOOMBS OVER Ul. H. JAMESONS GtUccer y Store, DandaBsel, Wtttby. Oiffice heurs f rein 9 aielafta,,2suitndfroin 1.810 te I, p. utl. Rsiitcnce-Cor. o! Byron motdtGilbet etreela. C, N. VARS. L. t>. m. ~ ETH insertetl an aIl the JI"" Iletsprinciphea efthlle art, adltes 5ttee> tiipttl, tt. as toctd os te t.et. 'Foaîî. illed i wttîod iinutiSiRvet. Teet atrt dt eitottpain, liy predîninC local anmathesta. Dental Rous-lit Con- au s nv block, oar tAkleson'i Deug Store, Ring Sret, Oiitca. 88 JOHN IIOIINSON's 1JAIR DRESSING AND SILAVING LH.Sloon, Brock St., Whllby. 301N IVOLFENDEN, AGENT FOU TUE CELEBRATED AScelihaite.eAt Mambla Worki ofJoenatan Wolteiie1,In,Dunas tae.,Wititby. LFAIRUANKS, OFiFICiAL ASSIG-NEE. ie'. OFFICE OPPIOSITE TEE ROYAL Hotli, Brack.8t., Wltltby. « 'Whitl, Mareh Oth, 1879. PUBU-BRBID COTSWOLD 8IMB-0 ADBuItEISHIRE PICS. r- Eche.Bauk Ysrm, Oarsme$P?-a., Ontaoc Drasiter suit Im >pora:cficlevôlit shoap a'si pare - bred llrkîbter Plg.-Sloc bougits aitdoit on ocemal*s<i OMNIBUSES I.13. IBARBER, Architect, &C., Oshawas, Ont. A. A. tPOST, (tale ct-it Lsugley, Lauglsy-c&' unko, A R C H I T E C T - itealgua ton Citunches, Villas suitçottagei ace alty. Dravinjita prepareci for re- nm..lilng czletug stmtcturts. tFiE, fonrteeenl, utIiii eidenci on Rie galon Itoud, Pickernag- t fîrP. O. BOX 202 WIUTcns THE TORONTO Turkish & Vapor Baths. 45IY Thene hais arc ectafuin ho teamatiffm, Noonal1 ',conlhi0Couda, cnesation, - BructiisSera0. sSki, Dlaasa, ltIe- iIIOWN- ItJTEL, COLUIMBUS. larmatiens. Bitisieus, Forera uttfor Y - Sailoa y purn"s. J. l>AULI)IN(;5 Thé riper bâths ane partluliuly îsçlie&- ilse a! filie "' Oulane," Astîntan, tariug bile ai&USkie disaaseeespcillyphî. urcliaseet ttc abuve nelI-knowu prentusea, t Itaenvowuuîrersaltyconceiteitthal both liciti a catnuuneeof patronage frein hie te ýFulrkisisbait Vmpom Bath. ire the hast erecrvuo friends. presenrlives o!iitealt-vlthie the reset et A1 good Hostlen in atendianc. meitical experts ait la compunallea viit -- nedieai treatreent tse patient in mors rap. l<ly eut uccesatauly trealet. IE QUEEN'S HOTEL, Patronlzeit threugbout the vomît froxu r royally devu le the poorsil mati. Thesa lieudCt STRsEET, Wueuîax. Turtdit battis are the enty unes in lte City c111LIP MCN - - o ceir f Tomue'0e. M1C.4NNQuelatiaum sut reaommeuitatiouts are <len Bcii Ltquens apd Cigara. A veil sap- train ltse lest aiicit sut sanilsry intiteni. lied table. Atry boit-tomes. ComortrLle tics lu ail countries. lîablil nditlamge yard rout. Charges HOURS-Gentlcman 7 le .30 .a., 9310 noitemale. -881 9 p.m. Satnritsy anti il- p.m. Ladies, 10 - am. to .80 P.nM. LACK HiIoRNE BTEL, PRICES-Turis aitlths, oeeticket, $; B 1TL, 2 tickets. *$Io. Vaper Bathe, &OC osait; 12 COtU. FRcO-T & GEOiRoE STs., TORONTO. tickets. $5. 233 QUEENstST. WEST. ALFRED OXFORD, - PROPBIE2'OR. ilia sut attentive mile sut feà W@1 (LaIs cf Wellingten Hotel, Markiasr.i ittenatt. J. S. DIAMOND, Ml.D.< TERRil, 81.001 PER DAY. Got stabl' 89) Speiotm. lug f far e: 100terses. Firit-eluai.eeen' utedaien fu: tarmera sudthlit ravoîling public te generai. ly.4 8 NISPAPER uMay le feuatou Meisti J, Oe. P hoaU &Oo~.Novppr At. v erlis P.g Bure (1&Oros StN vhro it LU BT LTssnR 1 rertlsing contracte ttey bo macs for 1.11% N MnN i -T s As,'-1 LUMBER MERCHANT, WHITBY, Bar u Lmben Boards, sutdsU uaeaesury Building Lauuer. Fcuting, Sawu Tlutbtr, sud ilcanîlÃŽng, a large qaantity on tand. Large cratenio1r Long Bih Staff, filiai frein Milse aI short notice. Dooms, Saîshea sund Blindealsiays ou band. Wh.tby, May 7tb. 1877. iy4e0 CAILi> floowOOFOR INVESI5IENI'.W ON IBEAL ESTATE SECUM~.Y. Money secureit vithin 10 eà sy, et ap- Apl'o ,plcaion. .JJtd5 r.Jes5D.s.toJ' TOWN CLERK'S'OFFICE, --EMOVRD ,TO- of Beleville, bua ucceitotMx __m T E H I V.S., la the practiceecfhie proteselon. el (1)K ho at " Ilsiotol, Witby, eveky Tuçitsy in satni,freimIleoop.mn. - O o ors, 9 ho 12h Ianrdllty becemmeuit Mr. Fostpr teo e .'.,,tAe1 =y sustouters DantheIbl aiesuemafly lea O1aniemblio n.~ ~~ W w.. HIEMAN. ______ L IVE1 IR'~ G~E .Am 'à wITBY, i r - mporkieaDealersspid ~HELIVEuYusx1îzss iilfnture-Xii Caion byrme il'th? oldw hscs eATE~ oobi1 etl y O.Pitthe ph.à e1 h lotit 187. aotboe.. LA HE AN 3ounty of HaIibu t«cnSLI ýG CAM -ý INSURANCE. ONTARIO FARMERS' Mu tuai Insurance Co'y. HEAD OFFICE, BROCK-ST., WITBY. rpFUS COMPANY iluarea Farzn Bud' ,Lnga, Conntry Utaches, Sîbool basne, sendt.ItmCotes, tritel ai Lev as Ihoe ofet ny weIi-,.lited Comepany ie Canada. JUST LOSSES PROMIPTLY PMDf. J. B3. BICKELL, JOHN WILL1S, Presîdout. Vtae-Preettdent. C. NOURSE, SxCMErr.T Whbiyc Aprul t, 1876. - lat p HRNIX ÊTRE iINSVRANCE CO. IIOTABLISIFED IN 1782. GILLE SPIE, MOFFATT & C0., Ag l.tW.orTanada R.anager,ots. AENCY ESTÂILISHTED TN CANA' A A iAn 1804. Unliite li ibiily of Ii thjoSckitetts and largo Beurre Peati. Moderato rats nfpremlia. C.NOURSE. Agent, Witty. Whiltby, Apnil th, 1878. 1 B RII AMERICA A ssuranoe Company. INCORPORATED 1833. A SSE T S, $1,101,876 94. manager. losursucei eelloltaI lte lowest carrent rates au Buildings, Marchsudises, asuit eer property, aganit los or dtamage by irs. O. NOUBSE, Agent, Whth Whltby, Apnil M1. 1878. p lEI'P.I1s QvuIiNE AY, oNToNxc F cntaine ane unrarving arnount ef quinine au natrou. iltpossesfs.ail ltse peverscf lies. vainitte tontes in bantoblog dlasa"sansd ,ym-,.toma traceablte le .ckneaa a low selalo (if tic ervoe p velco. enfeetled condition ef theic .dy, saa derangeznent of the .general b,,sith. iy'5 P Eppnws'EtQ[-INrNE Arn lMON TONIC fitretzthenslte ncrýortnod zonseutar erisin, troproveA dlgrowion, animalesnlite ittritsq, riecruits lhe besiti. For debllttte«I bcAttb frin te. offect of hot cimasetht. tente fi Invaluable. y48 P EPiIs QUI1i1RE AmTi MON TONIC p rougean s o l cops the nrvna energlea. certebea lite blood. premoeu ,ietl0r. diapola Isenor mit d oprcssleu. fortiâth cli dige organe. 1% as poeintc rctitlv for ncnraltela. ane. lnudgc.tion, lterseo! ev.ery kin,.chant îlttfq'tlectan.ls 10 wstplîesacroffuiena teneeoien, &o. The wiott, traces ie rentlv lovbgt4l by1crPesgvsr'i Tente, lb.meutli f tcltiee , iicR e,.thc constitution err'atlv htrengtbeced. and a rctu,-n te cbunit Italtit cetain. ottt. 2oa, . ,.ataisle Çold ltyClccrnisasevervlero, Thenusne nf T.J cpr nilcforci Taborsle rv, L1eon iimst te on teilabel. Thcrc ine Tonte ecertain In, efft as e Ppper's Quinine .snel Iron. Tl ln strrcntiy rpcrninendadte 10resitlenta lInInii and te Colesi,suad §boulat aiwayi tie kept resdy for use iu overy case e! lever er feritnile condition. ly4S byJ. PeopprlLdonTicii@ flulti combntnsllo, atractoci fro ornileta rmce. la nom uait Insteait Ct lue VpTI sud cale' mect for lte cure of dy.pepsla. bllieuanoet, sud an OYI#Dlms a ioe ciase i te lrez, itieii amr tcoralr pain iensti thlb. bouldeis. bait-&cite, erowmea, n arpp<etite,,urreit Ittue.Usirealtla laite leulthe mnrani trliueat, tLturbance n!ibe îtexuach, sud ilIne f eu.cl 1depressiod. Il selsnlte aine. In, miierl ontion. very lgbtly aseson the elaglvina a ienne of itesiti sud couiot trithin 24 bouos, Il talths saleit meiticine. Taraxacuroaentd Poitpiylnteas a ini ade OaiY by 3. l'EPPEII . oid LaboratcSy. Leondon, vhae usine la onu vev label TBotlei 2s:,iÇd. sud 4a. Mo. Soit by tii Cbemits. À inneit Iufnie suit essntiel lusiictue for lu- tîtla, Austrabia, lb. Caps, sud- Coles sonar- aly. lyl8 ocxCiTcn'S SULP'RnlUr. AMREST03Rotl Il ~ udarken fy hmît, sud lu a fev davo coinpletoly tirng ck te usînral coleur. The ofed tnsupeir le litaI produce b y su Ita Rlantaneau, dye, and doesanet injuelte skin. Large boittes, le. 6d-Lekyse aoquaslu te mont exitensivO ihaïr realoer.t', y OCKYEIIt'8SLPHUB HAMIi 1UiTORE1 ta* tebbailfer reelorlaz grey bs4r t i former colonu. ît producés a perielim atural shbte.easd te absolutely bsnnlems.Reoin- acendeit fer dastroytug seur! sud euceuraghut OcKYRit'S SULýPHUII HAIii ESTOlIHI I -Sulpitur bl)nhglxiyprizeit for ita stmln.elcasi1g,teaitl1 tiun on tht strngly reocinede& t. i lent seresabi lu ue, sud tiovex taintaIl; actIon n li talbithaJbau en os.Naolliher bal dresslng la roquisite. Large oté.JM tld by Ceistelt,Eu*s*oluiti lu Loindau.the.Coatry, sand rng ut li venid. Lckysr'ite equal le any thellgc Wicsd preparatloni. y e, I Mreey. tnBrS MMBr xzx15litViE,8ol"M Dz, Mcrxs, Pnavxuuxcg. PAnsa svvs THU =u.nss BI) AcVexrT%ý uMMWMaxI' Acxzryr, IIAD'CE, Rz&wnvm, ut s ý uttaer sympltmietofdisardored ilver sut ty pepsi a, Acknowiidged bLyaamaxinent qai Mfe l a i st il5BMuldest Plus Io ovsry cousttatlea. InumoxetaIl& lit, 1W na Soit hy Cheiata ansd ' ael at Prpao h'Jas. Beks, Luonn W S 1T BY RH'q4]B DUZ4DAS-BT, WHITBY. The aunisgutea wU1,iieltulzalto-O publia litaI lit. ahowa 1relnles have bée tuw«y bulla t t:ei t& » o~et fc Liquoresud' Cigiae: THE ORF.AU 0F CANA! A' WAL.Z LAGI AIse purse Mine Wlaa. lAger, Witele. ýSà J ale ui tail. Boardera takan by te yack ou moite ste -terme. July, 2B1h lem.89 Autumu. Mellew bszes lovly toWinlg OerIe thet sutandmev, veillug Somabre ikies, wilb awïuie i aii.ug, 8mbloke, te urigu anta; Andth Ibo onh vint everliaptng Samuter'i briek, asa i oo.ilikseepiat Wreks nfraies ritre lte vespiug Wtllews sving ttekr itlpleu hiant¶. Flauntet bigb. tike oches fllnging Plaikes oe! ame aliembers, inagiag FPram tbe rate thé Irsosstand iwiaging in the moaulng atmuphbe; Wbihe lu dead'n.ug ila"e Ihelowieg of lte caIlle, istiter groviag, Pilla ltxe ens, le overflovlag Wïtlthelitetrnev uftheb.yoar. Pilds o! ragged elubItis, Isugleit Wit ranis veets, ant ibocisa et janeti Carne, vit cresîs lise vo lpumes angleit 0'er te tanvet'a batlle plain A nà th ie Rene vrr sut white oIf tle quai ltaI, 1k.a&miesile, Wizzes ove: Ihrn ansut tiisîle, And, a missise, ditaps&gain. Wbere ed riedblrd inîlepstsc l WIeuitiyheak dbirdee stopgik e 0! l bak btrnanth elietsp 0nithe m un mgtrap ;ie Andr a Sotun t ac t vinegiog, Climi- flahnltes iwu.tvine s fllging Pérplie cîanalers stae sini Pltrl eltne hesunseflahe Rieunias Ihe tthevendsud dlssb Rud the slteg ot sd apdîses I hr eot ing stand at o e ti mre o&ainât thenpahu Tl lb. epluealpof iliue, Like * ,iUew lest goeaisa»ili Dpwu lte silenoe soleaauiy. THE HOUSE 0F THE SEVEN GABLES. (Contiued.) witb disefanases o et disetliane. i8h. Laditdwaît tee mach ilone,-loe long 'ta Iho Pyneiecbuas,-unlil bar vsny Praie pvas impregnatvtal vit11thé dizy- o ttis tituboe. 811e eedéit a vaîk aieag the uoon.day Street, te kecp ber ipue. By the spahI cf contrant, Aixeller por- trait rose ap before bar, paixuls itlh Mor aring filary tha" su>'arliel voultt haie venlurait apon, but y.l 8e i s h c t I u e t b e 4 l b . l i k e a n e s e r e - maineil perfect. Milbone'l; miniature, taong g ram thebo ma originai, vas fax inforior te Hepzibsb'saiar.itrawu piatura, et wlich affection sud sorrowtul rom- embulance wroughl legeltaer. Sati, mildiy, sud cboerfully contemplative, vith full, rod lips, juil on the venge of s amielchtsea att e hald ity s gelekntigu ftheir orbe 1 Famlan ri tti t inseparably vith those ot the othor er I The mini- ature, likeviso, batIbis hast poculiarity; se that yen iaevitabîy thought of the orignal as resembling his moîber.. and s, S, loveiy mut loveahîs vcma, itI porfkssoacm besulilul iufirmily of eitaraelsr. tht mate it ali tae plais sner :to kuov. asut sier te lois har. "Y'fes," tîbeughl Hlopzibsh, vicia grief, of wtich il vms only the mure toeonble portion thast velotd up frutu ber beart la ber oyeidî, 1" they pereecutlis molleie:luhlm! H e never wvaaPyn. cheen l1" But bers the sbop-beli rang; il va lîltos aSoundt frei sremota disunes- 80 fair hait Hiepeibah deî,euditothe l sepulebnil daîîthm et ber reminiseousci. On entornag Ibhemiiep, ihe fouan u e in there, a humble resideat oet Pyl cheon-8treet, suit vhom, for a great rnSl7years pail h. hiait gfferatoleb a kinaiot etUà mfi t f tb bouse. He vas an l±nmamorlhpesnuage, -vIac 1seeoxed aîvayo te haie hLtadIa il >boad uit ruklés, suitnover te base possaiseet but a single tooth,. aidt lità ;bslftaeayait oie, au tbé front oethté npperjuv.Wali advranedi se H p balwyaiecoulat Dot remeaiber v b blaez 1UnceaVanna:,ase the neighbburboc cillait hlm, hai t lgoee up suit doc ÃŽ ho;sIroel, stoopiag s HUISlansd draavhc bi 6est beavily ove: tha grsvei or poilv 1menI. Bat t ahi'there a vasmmthilx agb sud vîgarcas about lin, thîl ao "oulfr kapt hlm ia dally breath, bal ai abled i tobinite îtasplicevbl.ch veuti I coséhaie beau vacant lu the apparoatl crovitd orit î. To go et erranits, vil e his slov sud ihuffliag <ait, vblcb mis 'yau doubt hbuvlibsuove:as te arrlî auyvhara ; te sav a amail hiaemold' 1foot or two of ftrevood, or knockL p- eansuelitbarrai, Oa 6p lt up s phn Sbaifor indtiag.zmgnf; in smi a té olîg the fév yards ei gardona greu ..appertalning le s lov-raiteatolnsmex, à sandshbue the pruduce of his labour ý 10 '%h. baliesa 1 in vînteri le 1ebovel iv'b "' thé seo frein l the -Ws * puo e pillaste tho wWç>ed t eilog4t clecthei; sncb vaers me e!f1h.é.sptue t- oèfcasi ih Uncla 'Vouieý Éprionsi 8 aion tigaIfflsat a qo:. cii" 'Wipin that drôle, bhoéilmed theuaUà iM t ofpniviloge, sand ptibabIyfti x- elà . Nol IbsI liad eliimlo lii bPlg ; ibt, s ninaI589 aOO ' 1- eince, hlie at Ide &Ãâi moel or" wgugaotheuherpéhsoft f fu tie ycner.#yo,.ifootfo ad tlIe iva sdiii tradWton lIa e-hohi r, basa, net Young, but,,youugez-lua Vpus ats ommouly. .rsgst4pod ?ratà lr deddont tba -elberwi» s l1 it te hoea.harges'by iwtsl31"t gt aula xsuocels as clottmou'Mena be b>' llcig ouhy lhat humrble à sî4 sxxde lo Pn i h neiuu R. i vere thal bis Ion eue. bal setupi n tmal r- s dfflyin, v Ugmei ýzfa i - selflîaauetb*rho~ma.~ No: 41&sbo mls.~ muet valuail fngland vpu leIerth, ae fortune, buti neamkskinds pesote con!b or4vo, he tende ait bui aes «otboth NO 43. Ta Hepz NO. 43.therefoa, Pb more cheerf *"Desr ceu té oslat the Reuas or. tbe Boyau will ho," @id laables. we May suit "Nu I-eh.e au stay enly oua uiighl," than Yeu oui Ãà id Hopzibah, unholling the do. "If *Youa area Cliffed wora te find bier boe, il mlghtl y, continuel #hteurb hlm 1" auy qeestial ahkes meL V. bue of Min . ~ MAY AND NOVEMXiEU. frayr the wiud su Ph obe Pyae o aoept, ou the aight lanitie garret éthber arrivaI, ila s camber that lookeitwue:îm ,14wo on the gsrdsu cf the eld houge.mahe Il troated loards the osaI, se thal aI a wbst I amn'- vsry ssonasehhur a glow cf crimon oîd womaa, iglit camaflooiting through the winitaw, oldt, Phoe and hatbsd thé iigy csiling sud pape:. afraid la naxý w saiit Ie wn hue. Ther oresipirite are as se1u taise Phoebe's boit ; asdrk,santique maka yanrli caupy ait ponldercue feîteuu2si of a cmach an s it4ff which bal basa rich. sud aven "yoe çill magnifiaent, lu ils lime; but wbicb nov bodty," ans' brôodod ove: the girl like a cloai, mak.' yet wtlh s i a uighî le that odb corner, while "sud I meau eliwhoe s ilws eginaieg te ho day. knew I ha' >Z morniug ligbt, however, sean stola ycen iothe aperture at the foot of lbtheitlaa Nv botwixt thosefadeit aurlainq. Fandiag "Ah I, Pb( .Iboý»sw ueit Ibere,-with s bleotu On iag,s"yen: I ,bii~sliko 111e iiorinag'ownaoit. for yon bha: a geatt éelle of departiug eimber ilalber ait thcngbl, limbi;, as when aneaerly breeeo movea. year yenn the feiage,-tbe dawn kiseed bier hrow. Ib!ot;e abesb t vas thé caro s whi h sacde w y tusid e-an f te: s m er -sncb sethés Dawa la. immrally- -sud ince gises.te ha: slleeping mste:, PsrlY ftm triklng-'1 tbe impulse ef irrostablo >foà nase, sud Il i my fid partly se a pretîy liaI thal il le lime cni decsy ci nuv ta uucloeho: sye.wlïà ioleeam 1 At the taucb eft Ibas ilPs uf lighî, " IThsre is Phoehe quletly svelte, sud, for à Mo- be lolesud meut, did nol racagaiso who:s iilie wss, "I shoula ki uer boy thuse beavy curtains chauced oerein la i te b. festoonot srond hor. Notbiag, e.AZj, e -indei, vas shsolutely plain le ho:,ex- Hepzibah,a cept thab il *as nov early morniag, miss lb. uj sud Ihat, wbataver migbht bappen next 'Whoabolha t ail vas proer, fire t aIl, te gel up sud lths aid Pyt -say bsr prayers. 8h. vis mure inlucha comiug.", sa oi te dvtion, fecmtu h. griu aspèeof "Do YOD tIas cliambe: sud ils furaltureaspeiliby- askd Phot the t i, tiff ch ires;one out whiOh -110011 "juitgo close by ber bediede, suit lookod sasif cousin, ani saine olit.taebloneei pèreoxiageliait bsaa lb. Ibhrerl a iittiug Ibere aIl aighî, sud lait vanisbad paI hol Onyjue inusmaison t0e OS>podifcovery. 'hlni 1î eà whnPhobe vas <pilla dremssie 8h. Wou 'f psepsd ouI oft d iwnitov, sd a Vi à 1W rssdy dei raié.b a inla the g rd n. B ei pxg i va in a i : bla nt ll oas, &sude fittrutiouà groùi. tbhad witched i rf been preppait up.agiolet lb aide oft te wilh a ce:t ,rbouse, sud vis lilarally cuvored it it in 4laivh l rarre sud vcry heautlful spacie etwhite affacteit by ros. A large porti'oo f e tIhotu, S5 h e - H ow a girl aftrardo discovreit,baciait ht r, >Hpzibab. -mildw at their bearle ; but, vioeWeit a eg s b ïa fairditsace, the wbols rSe-bbih. pl Po rlookod sif il hait basa brou lit front sv.wet a a Edan thal very su me r, lt or lIh . g~ltet thé m e d l w hlch xl grav. Thé tiah ote M tl Ècbld *s sx p vas, aevertlieleQea, Ãhà t i ait bae ib-uy Splaated by Alice Pynobao,-shawu5 ards blu Phýcbe's groastgr-eatgranci.auutl;-ciaSl anything., i h ci, recko ig o ay Is culivailua i wie aîk e ci agden-pla, vas w tn lais vitla Who- le it a e a ry tw o ' lin ad i t d y ea a s f v e g ot a b le 4 se l i 'd iecay. G:owiag ai thay dit, hovvr, lhe: cousain ont of tha aid irtia, thé dewors,-atili C1flid i'p hsent 'sftreilasud eveet lins96Iulte Nar ithelr Orsotur;nuir coulat Il have.haon lb. legsepure sait scoeptsble, bacoause' cousa Pboebe' yeuug bresalb aixglai-ýlt i -And yel e, as the fra grac e f il itd pa t tlb' in - Dam ea of ni d c, nHsalonng, do ii dis creski g -fom m ym s u d im c a r p e ll o e e a ir c as e t, d i a 'J o u a it b e r h Io n t o as way ita t hegardsn, gathoerd.,somne, of. . W,81, nh 1Ia mest perfect ,ef' lb. ýrosas, ait bas 1" maii bl'aegbl Ibem te e ho; amber. l hagh a. ttePhb OwIae oneof Ihese per- you kno ta patriMny,tbe gftof paOlihlSirnge. onn aju. nl '1'e muriuage 14 Iblsableï thai'b faireitoc l>b0 g Oi il outI thé- biditon osrbiitias- eft tingu are vebt< af 5a': theà i; asud, ,'prtoÙal anchâa ai . -eas lok ot.-omfort suit b b r70 ho iableansis te any place, vhic, . . WI IIaIýt iahowver bief: perlitd. mY aPpo5PP61d, ât ssui busse it lomer ,vfi-b aof de:s hooalieb fl ~îlt TO oen, litIbninà s wu alie oit' araitu Wlibon thseamu 'iM bo',.-!or1 d il me Ils traits of the $rus Now Dmau,-which had impeflot nigilt be gaad, to ..cber P ooh s p a g p d r . der a uhiasl h ise recelve. -As one 'of ler rèd,ashe lad net sly be- 3eif to. Hepzibali,- withno iug herseif QU 'ber oousin.s but oaly for i visit of a week, ch might be indeflnitely ex- îlId il provo for the bappi-. pzibah'e blunt observation, boebe replied s&frankly and' rfully- - i 1« Dusin, 1 canuot oih t id s;ho; ,but 1 reslly :hiuk et ue. auotherrniuoh better .ppeeoe." s nics girl,-I tee' il plain- nd Hlepzibah ; *aud iin lano$ cie je butasiaelancholy place Persoulto bé ie Itileta in ad raia, sud- the. saow teo, etuad upper cliamber, in 3;but it- noyer lots ln the Andse for myssîf, you ses -_a dismal and louesome (for fbegiu to eaU myseif ,) whose temper, I am Me Of the best, sud whoss as¶.sd as cau be. I canuot lifs pleasant, neithor eau I ita givs yen bread to est." ,1 find me a cheerfu litil1e mered Pboebe, smiliug, sud a kiud of goutle dignity ; n ta eaj'u my brs. Yon be nul basa brought up a à girl learus uuany thiagi, Eugland Viliffo." oebe," said HspzIdah, .1gb- kuowledge would, ïo but 11111e" eis Audtsaiis, wretcb. bthat yon should ding'sWay gdays in a place like tbis. keh weuld not bs se rasy. inth or two. Looli Êt my faue! sd tis contrast wss very 'you ses, hdw pals 1 ami1 a that ths dust sund contin. of théss aid housse aia un- à for tlie lau'*gà ." as tbe galtdo,-thé flowers ta dars' ÃŽt," ôbsiÃved ,Phobe. eèp ,mà y'Sêlihealtb3tw'itI es- ho openlair." at.: ail,' o hild," exclaimed ,muddeuly rieing, slf te dis- îbjsct,-"itile Bot for me te.say boa -gusit or lubabitant- of ichsou.honse.I Ls master, je Imesu Jndge Pyncheon ' Bbej -insupie 0P>rncheo.u ý wered .lier 11 H will hardly cross aild wbule Iîlv.,!1 É, nau! i.e,,a yo h sesl. fthe, -uf îil i qlesI -of the miniattre escribed, and retunued witl it id. QIvi*g'ilto, Phoebe, as her feuures ýnafrà wly, sud ta 0 "alos stl lAs 'ýmodeé 'i g r w o nl show he rsaf, '-to yoult111. 1h. facs. e" aked adms i-l e besatifU 1": hao, adruiriugly. "lU le -, au oes as a. rua'. au. nbe, oï- bs. Il lias eourotbing of s, ,rseloîi-and yet net child- y-enefoelà severy' kinaly té- 1, Re onght noer tosuife: Ona wotuld bea: nuch -for iftsr oil~ or sorreow. t Cusn Hesibali V' euc niisvesr, wblpored ' n n" iôards ha:.r'ô 9 uing 10 o yor ve;ie, Miss Hoepi- a:l bah!"a - IITlîaak yon, Uuele Vanne:,",sait tri Eepzibsb, smiiug ; for .11e alvsys toIt klitdly lovants th. simple and halkaîive roi oit manu. Hathoebeau su od vontaa, he eh. rigbl probsbly bava repelled thébs ne freaitoi wh"cltheisnov toak lu goo s Part. " ll 4rn. tm e f r m e te beg la vo k, PA indesiti Or,ta apeali the IrullhiI have foi juil began,' vbeu I eugbî le be giving Ila il ap." ae "O0h,never ssy lIaI, Mins 9spzibab," 1 aseore thIe oIt in. -'"You are w] a yonng voman yel. Wby, I haritly 1 Ibeugbt mymelf youuge: Ibsu I amn rit nov, il sema i o 111. hila &go aince 1I assi t le sasyon piaylig about théeitou: il, cf lits dtbouse, quit. a emal hilit1 v Oflees, Ibough, youen niait e hsittlug et at the Ibrasholit, suit ookiug gravely Mi intob te traser; for yen lhait slways à a i s grava klnd cf à ay witb yo,-a growa.ep air, whsa ycu uere ouly he P heigiat af my kuee. t soeets as ifI le civ yen nov ;suit your graudfathar hi vit bhis rail eiosk, sud bIs vwhite vag, wv aud hlm cockeit bat, ait bis oase, coin- tic iag out of the houses, sud ý»ppiug go he grxidly up the street 1I ,Th;ýos roi gentleamen ast grew ùp betore lishe R. -ph olution usi totepudt an granit aira. Ia SI îny youug dsys, the greal min 'ut the £ri leva vas cillaitKing; andlhie vifs, an nul Quaes, to ha sure, but Lâady. Now-. w m.assian vouait noldare to e ali. 4h anlusd ifbhoisetsimieaf above St éciairnafolkas, hli s ooIcpse, o a*fr tbe love: te Ibeai .1 met ye:fouroila, tit tb. jadge, tou mlnus age;-.ainlamy et elit tew .lotb IresiN, as yen mas, the Il juitge rsasdhis bat to e 1oIelve1 ni AI au: rate, thé juitge boveit and. et Yeu.,"isa i Hpzlbsb, vitb one. ut lhiag bitter st.sliunuavares lut. bar gi tons ; "my cousin Jaffray le thougbî am te havesa vcry pîsuanst amu. 1" Ià -Andt io be bas 1"raplisit Utcie Von- qi ner. "lAudt lalvsrallis:r ecwarkabhlu hn a Pynabaca ; for, bsgging your pardon, di Miss Hsepaibsbh, bey neyerbhathlb.th nais ut belnqgan easy sund agresahla il seet ffolks. are va Do geltinu chose h te Ibetu. Bul nov, Misa naepzibah, if # su oIt man me y be boit eaough ho sek, Il vhy itont mudga Pyncliea. vwillihie & real meas8, maeP lward, asuitelieis coin t: shahut P ber 11111e ishop Kil6e conce ? t'e toyour credtlto e hdioing a someiag ; but it'5sel tfa: thé juitgo's t Crofit llolet yoIn. OW o talk o! Ibis, if yen ploasea Unclé Vonnor," Walit enbah ooldly. e fe 'Iought le &&y hovever, ltaI$ if 1I e hoose toeeara bread or mysal tilaual t Ju3dge Pynobson'a fant. Nsilhervwill hoxi Ideserva the blame,*" attet as, moreà kludly, rernomberiag tacle Venner'î ii privihegaet age ait humble fsuniinty, t " 6if I ibontit by sud by,fiut il cenveulsut e ta relire vitb yen te yen: fsrm' .6udil la nobdt le , elîer,thast é 4tarinoffimine1»o" crià d lb. oit nu, cheenly, 9Aeif thora va sosrnslbing pos- c itively telightfal ia lh. prospécî ; "ne baad plice.is the greal brick tarin bonsi Sspecially for heu Who villfad à good maay ait croaithobra.se aivii ho my' r Iscse quila long to e among thotu,( souasîlmes, efth11e vinla: avainga ; fori il le balt ul business foraitoosieele-1 - ieriy mon, like mec, te be - aodting, by1 l b.the n g h u r o g th r, i li n o C em -i- epany but ansua alrght steve. Summari es or *inter, ltée.1.à agrett doilto10 hosait À infavor of aytfarai. And, taire i ina 2thé autunan, wbil eau ho pleasauter iî taa lu seéd avbctst ay on the sunuy le sideef.a-6b"Mraor , oot-ple.5, Cehatting la wllb sotnebmd ase oa it asiat or OparbapsiannI lime, the t a te aursbo sljet-n b nw a'Yankee* noer :hav, fouet ont boy leo e a hum la suy nue 1-lpon My word, a btisHpzlba, I-doulit *belhsr l'ya 3nae enso ocortla.bl,, I.mas te has M vo:klieea., Bel ouyou n a syeuug g9 venainyere"ypu ileaarneusd bha Ihejs ,a Sometblng .1111 betta: viii hum p e: gyen. rm amr of Il 1" Hépsui W faap tt iathlbor a' s omalbing pe etwlu is* nveébi., frlend'siook 'ast$one;luouo I eh* , kWý ~llolasface vith onsltsable d e' r n st i ae s4 , e n d o iv o ri u i g tO i s c o v a n r.: lc:king uls whiose ai. tofair ave roébilapu tffly eprt cria i nIv"rili ksep betu- 41 salvesa alie villihopas, se muchu the or sures nrily imigifitla l s 1laéy'bà ré uda thlifn ofilsô' -ate th bé Pt, lut ves î-' a ud lit whmi aurliel, e a 1a*a144tô n a '3 NTARIO IIOTEL, STMA r. tio Ilotoe, if yen dip it iu a Rou<i warm, nuy Omill, wil go off' batte: Ibsu a rsh one that you'va soowlod upou." To Ibis laspothegm poor Hepzibali espoudod wiîlr as .gb, so deep, sud aavy It Il itaiot raetleçl Uuols Van. r; quit. away, like, a witbered leaf- aho wadr.-bëfà re su aulumusi gale. tecovariug bitmaitf. lowevar, ha haut Irwardau4 wth a god deal of féot- g1 l e h I e s i s" u t v i s a g e , b o k o n e d h a : sarsr te hlM. ',WMon do yaa expiaI hlm home?2" rhispered ha. "Wbom do you meau ?'sesd ep. ibah, turuing pale. ": A h ! y o u d o u t l o v a 1 0 t l k a b . a It "iaid Uuncle Veuner. "-Well, welll1 r'il 88Y uo mors, tbough lbsre's Word fià all over to-wa. 1 remember hlm,: leas HLepzibah, bafore ha could rua lue 1" During the rîmainder aof lb. d&Y, Sor Hlepzibah scquitted hberself sveu se craditable, ai sliopkeeper, Ibsu n ie: sarlier efforts. )She appeared te hi valking lnas dreatu; or. mors trtaly, e vivid tifs aud rsalily saeumed - by t:r emoliens enade aIt autwsrd accu:-7 ,ages unubeastial,_ikl , ls*n âaisasofea hatf.cou ionas iiumber. lis et ili respouded mechanioally la, the rquent îummaus of thé sbop hall, ad, i the demaud of ber cuetomar, sunt pryiag with vague o ye. about the hop, profforing thoinsonea-article aftér kothe:, sud Ibrustlng aelde-pervrooe- y, as mostpi theuuupoîed-tbe idea' ical tbiag Iboy sek d for. Thora is id coufuiona, ndeed, wheu thesepirit ,us Iits swsy lint the patit, or ialo the mura awful flutai'a, -pr lu suy mauner qeps acrosthse psôsîseubouudrsy be. twlxI its own ragloan sd tbe actual. world ; where the body romains le guide 111.11 as best il inay, with 11111e îare Ihan ths mschauiern oftanial1 fe. LIs elika deatb, wltbout, desth'a eia eprivilege-litg esdot rom nia ai rs. Woret etfin, hien tb. Sc 'ua autisi arae omprised in snobi patty de- taile as no-w vsxsd thé broodfin9gseal Of bhi ltgeaîlew6mau. As lb. simoin tyoffawould have it, thors was a grsst influx of custom ln the coure o tha aterdoôn. Hapzibeli blubdered ta ad fro sboua e aU place of bai errorei: new mtiblglng ap Ivelve, and Dow seven tallow.candlee, lustesd ol aon to the panit; selling giager foi Scotch sauf, pids for . neodces, snd ieedlei for pins.; imisrekoniug hox change, aometinies tW Ihe public detri- msaI, sud mach oflsuor te lier owu stait Ibe he weuî ou, doiug lber ut- nost te huring chags bsck agala, until, at the close of th.%Iay's labour, t hal inexplicable astoalkment, abe ton th1e moneytdrswer almost deetituta ci coin. Aftt.: &ll hor paiaful traffle, lb( wbols proceeda vexe perbieps hall.i dorea copvere, sud a qatieushîs aine poue, wbxch uiîlimtely proved ta bd ciepper likswie. .At thie prie, o:raM .whatsver prica sho rejolcod. Ibat the day hait roachei ils sud. Neyer hafore bai! e.bai mach a mania oft the laleolerabîs leugt] ofim asthaî-craesebotWoou d'Wn asu sunee,and of lb' miierable irlisOmi ueess ot haviugsaugl l do, sud oi- ti botter wilcSemhaît it weuld hc o, ri aowu st eues,;in sullan recoagi: sud 1o1 lits, sud ils tbilsand vexation' Iramplo over oue'e prostrate body a they May 1I Hepzibab'a dusi operali Was wuhlh sl 11e devourer oft Ji Orov sud ths elophaut, Who -now pr podt st a el.oiIigber bowildei inetb h&ofkedhlm Aret âa wOedî ,drsgôon, sud nextshsaùdful of marbîs ueitber oftwhicb being adapte4 te h aIe aoivorani8 tppallle, Ibo. lisl hasla onI, bat- liole; rsmaiig qrstocki ntaral 'bistory lagmgerbreuâ, ai liuddlod: Û1e ealcstmroIoft I *hup;,> She thon mufmsd the bell ini0 unf[iased5. tbkilR, aa ptut pî oà keii-bu a dssIa or. ,ptiligtheaterpros on oc b"s Dae: a'teas stano-still unité:1, t branchai et an u lI;re. apzibali . ,obrt.vai !a ha: niecth. Remoesdis &dk,asd vltb no suaineonu-ail Il ,alriain 5- . as Ib*â tat rag!on Me at hts le h Oniyguest mij b. #pud to arv i aaes 986bmbk, at &U i ventI, 1Was P"e ýfreinthb. Irthet mterior of- thecmi lus towiide ts outrance. -A.gant] rw e »ickid-a .-î.t, wab ualv to cf ro