- i. Né* 40rflu,9"$Ria -thi DRY Thse Rivoead Waterproof SSAt-4ohi saundeeagent. Stdck Ooeplete-4. Be Powell & Co. Tailonlng aud lthiug-J. B. Powell Dieu gooda and groories-Dominicr War'ous. Gjard-Tite Olverwell Médical Co. Wall PapreT*Martin. l yli~IdentMixture-S. W. Smith. To lady oustoers-J. S. Robaitmon t Br&s. Home sud Fireside Mgsn-.S Robertson & Bron. Canadien Mcntly. Littell's Living A ge. Cow trayeti or eto Ian-J. T. Jewell. The Medeasebon Quintette Club. Notis-Outeri Ladies' Collage. Cors for-otighse sud ho&raeese-s. W. B. Smith. q# Lazeras & Morneisà pectaclei-8. W. B. Smith. Servant Waasd, The UIréat Clothing Hloua-C. F. Stewart. Painting-T, Merlin. aewoiuyi Comiug. I3ryce'e Dres sud Menîe. Trimatinge sud Fringes-li. H. Bryce. IEîîgl.ipatcrackeryasd giasgware-J. 1B. 'ewoeilt& Ca. AUCTION SALES. Sale o!farta stock, ituptemente1, &C., an tIse premis, Lot Noý 8,in tihe 411i con. oi Reitel,, on TttesdI4S,, Oct. 22nd, 1880, et une o'c1o0k, p. rn--L. Fairbanks, Auctioneer. sale of faim stock, implarnoute, &c., thc prprty of Mr. Uriah J. Joucs, on lot 21. etroken Front, Pickering, on Wedmorday, Octaber 20thi 880, at une oclock, p. in.- L. Fairbanks% Auctionsar. 5141e of larinstock, implensouts, &C., tihe the property uf Mr. J. W. (ierke, at bis promises. Lot No. 4, iu thse itî conutiker- Ing ou Tuoeday, October 19tih L8W-Thso& Poucrier Suutioneer. lVsrm stock, imlr ents,&ou. proporty o Rugish ure, lot No. i1, broken front, Pic- kerwg. ,Thursday, lis$ Otber.-L. Fair- ONLY Si 5o PER ANNUM. W tltby, Thursday, Okt, 14, 1880. TO ADVER riSERS. 'lH ITt<CtOSlutLE crserltse viole Ga-au(iil ~t Town sud Ceunîy tan Ites-- titipip. An announoeansiine-Cie t"atsItsNLX rtaceis &Il claasees, ad ii ~uI.f you psay ualittla bigher, you gutt muai baller veina by adventieing in ite UNCltîîLE Iban in lis Chance -Cheep John'!ps-ue. 'rha regulas-. respocale newepapor ai etending-vitb s substiiption liet of 'l'outTaoUsAINe, anil ivig musea ss 'l'E'N TUOUSAND reauer,-sî,auie like uthe regnlarly qunlifued physicien, storee ail panagnapis quackes-y. Muai poney le' Ibremu esy hy asescisanîs, lu peytng toi epaca 0 is aI ay bh a aeil quanie edvastiîiii elteos. Resu lot advertisers gaI Cie apaca for eeseut ael a ps-cin itisa epiensosal lite sies, uliet lerbave edistributeil yrusi~,o noir materners ara gaino- eut feuers- alisare resoisoiltien hy Cthé regular nemapaper. lu lias beau tr ai sny yaare admîlteil ihat Tris WunrIey HNCnuîLa stands seconud. ta ne local nepper in Cana- dule ana adveraiig modumsu, or as a local journal iu any alliai respect.. At hem, sud ais-oaA tie CuaoNICe aiS net ouly regardeil as (Ibo Whilby papas-, bt ailie papes- of liaenuuîty ai Ontario. Il is in a mord tise paper liati s racd- viens annaunealente cf au kindsaran lookat foandut Ilsosighmicvla ai t i4g Auythiag WrthCi eling, ailvertise, aau rasaistIsa public. 'lie Indiana sud Ohio Eloctions. Tise Stele alactions lu Indiana sud Ohio baie place ou Tuesday, 12th lit., sud coutrary te expectationa, lise Ho. publicans are reportol la bave ceirieA bath Staes-Indiana by lise mait majoriîy aof18,000. Complote reteins lis t un e yet beau reeeived. leltze.-Siortly mier tvao 'etoek on Tuesday monsing, tisa alsrfrof fine vwa rung ouI. Th isaimea voes Ilcovareil ou the- trucke cf tise Whithy, P. P. & Lindsay railtmy, lu tisa usigbborhood ai lia Wiiby station. Tboy procoeoi. ocift rA ealoal aifcrîmoot ou îles tiack, sud tise fine, 111e sappaseil, vas causal by tho spenka fs-cm an englue. Tiee Ara steamer vas pramptiy ou th. spot andl 1800 fi fé basaldtran lise moWeilt Kitng Broc. tannery, ud l4e- fiames lingulisd. Mr.zà yor lBer- pas -on ofeue e i -atpraenta anA took an ati i n aputtiug ountlise fiansas. Tise limoly dlsodvry of lb. fis-e tresking i out eA vlit nsiglhb laeteprovaedà nsous conflagration bal thq fine reachol Mr. Gonmeek'sluniben piles. Little limage vai doue bayou1 tise partiel burnng et tise Wood. à ADaCAS& or DissT1WuTQ.-Mn Cames-on, (viIoq 01thtie late Da4el Caeron, an ox-ToU ouuolllaot of- WVituby,) vas essumltal for i al ýfaim ilsysa, i6'on tbs is cargeocf tisefirof breusà l, p ol aute, bttei sud aussI t rous Ihd promises cf h&'rou o6 el.; Attise lutarih aessions: eu Tuesey ase mab braulii belon. Hlm Honor Jndgs Barn. issusandlpla1i not gmity. Sise atal. and tIsai6ewa su st Who aljstin theaoisel5 os l *ÃTtsgf mlgit bave "thleIlbrobil, wliob -was f0and A lu pâs-y of Mr. -peutl. ho 4Ã& doub tel.ls.poe, n' ou gùile i the adimoherge.a lsaitsitr Tis ala a iiat i'f teDli oets A talo timxale tull t'ovn .oare plu4e e f l u alnp.wsit 1 - ng, thes ýe b t., ;ti Àb, M og hsfià noesit" fathlie -d"ptlut. dev *P& -tit3an l«e ist 'qais Au Mau à sod ~il~akdl Vîi a tî ordsblp Rt, Rov. Dîshopi 1 Iie lardslîup lit. Ri. ltislop '. ëMahousy vi8îîod Oiilîîw. AndI Wlithsy ,. on betuîruiay sud Stday lest fus the 1 'purps et f isesugtIhe l Sac- rament of Confirmation 4A bath plaeà sud (iC bleesing tiseos-ttc Il. C. cemoery cf Witiîyý Dr. O'ltialsny arrived at 08eboa-a by tIsa evening train frei tIse î-est. Hie lardesip whe wua ccem- pauloul by Rov. ChancelIer McCauu wee recelvoit et tihe' tation hy' Rov. Fathere McEntee andtI Kelly sud e large number of tihe prialtoncre. À tarcliliglit procession was aise fermail. hoaded by tihe Battaliani Baud ef Whit- by, sud lis lordrihip esoortauf ta tIse prebyiary enilaI every damoetra- Lion of A-aleorne. Tise sacrment of Coufirtiatien was adininistoeailte a large number of boys einilgirls ai Oshawae efler final mass lu the forenoon. Thie Bialsop, acecompan- iad hy Felîsors MoCanu andi MeEntoe, then <hotu ta Wlilby. -.i'lîere Father Kelly had elready seil oanty mass and adcinistered lsely communion te a large numbenu Aiter high m m seva. Fetisor Kelly celobrent tipwards sixty poesn, rmstly bayes ad girls, irere coufirmoil. lii Lorilship ex- praiseit )imielf mnis h Pleaseil iritIstIse correct snssvering af the boys sud girsl, irions l questioned sI leugtls, sud theukodthtIe clergyman and teecisars for thoir nereful preparation ofe t h ildien. Afijur irhis lie deliv. ferei an taruegtisud admiralte dis- penrees nlIse sanolifyiug graea of tise Sacrement cf Confirmationsilu coufins- ing ihe faitliscf lIse alihîttreo f 1he Cisurcli, sud on thesecfl7iacy of tIesa sc- raente as a insane cf gracu. Iu tic afieerni, hie lerdship, et- tondail by Revit. Fatisers MoCani,4 Beansaug, Kelly, and liciiotee, pro- ceeded tCe ie uw cemeiry-a mile enit a haif nortit of tIse town - which was tien bîesei-Fathar Me- Canu delss'orîsg an laquant sermon. Tisane was s vos-y large concourse.cf people aseembld, inoluding mauy promineal protestante, anA et hîgh mess alao mauy protestanits wel-e piss- ent. Thse foltowing aidresB Was presenteid Biehop O'Mahouy et thsa cisticl. Te Hi# Lorilship) the let. Brc. Bishaop O'Mahoity : May it plasma your Lartiehsîit 'The Cathlieof Wai Witby satenA ta yens- LardaiS a maoe cordial weleome. TIsey leg ta congratulais yotur Lordship a r n yuur appaintinueta to a Immportanut diarase audito expraBs, their gratificaution at tisa isicaetfita Giere tihe Archiistp havisg talion en sa0e-minent aud illustri- ons eolâefthetsaChers-h. Tbey have mach Patissaction iun ut-ng alite tea esso your Lorilohip of tise attalisect ai tisa peopla ta their hli7feu itl i-r et- tentson tot isir rligions duties. ualus-eticel Cathlois; hir liîbrality in cottribut.tsg ni thiulicited messes tte thasupport of thoir risurci, sud tisa steeily growns oi csiisnlicity in Chie co'nmuuiiy, hrouglu the bieeiug ut AirigltyGOu. andf Vie un- tiring zeal ai theic beloveuf pitstu -the maltitude liera presaut jtise nmers ps-e- pareil tareceive the isly sacrement aifCo i n smatiun ;tihe uatuesa tuofte sâces--l cl- fcc a isr.-hib w ire arow siemliod mu tisa cemstery mifs-isyen ara cillei Opotu ta blase to-day are Visible instances ai tise gol was-k tisaibas beau, done. Ieartily wiebiug yens- Lartiship the su- Cayuit ai lang ynarstf isealtis. pence and isppinesin theadsttinistratinu ai yeur sacreit office -begging oai auanietiue 7sainê ime ta canvt'y ta Il 1eGrAe,, andotiol 1seau- tinsautsn&ni laveanadtirespect, an uiu uuibiv cravtag yor Lardihipe biemseituira cr,-- mais, ,&c. Hie Lardehip repled in very cossupli- mantes-y termes, tlsauking pnies sud1 people, sud extenuing te tisonstise epis- copal hlasetng. ONe TUE TeAt-i 0F A Iliste-TiHXEF.- About a fortuiglit ago Chiîf Brycti, cf Wlîitby, receiveil asp-itîth rous Mr. Jolin Jackson, af Orouo, uescribing e hsorseta taid hoeu stoleu frew in m. Tic chiet, as lia acte in aIl sualis nai- tors, we nt promptiy aroani te tise dif- ferenC inhala, sut quelsil îl te entiers,1"ad tihe Ontarilo hottul stables tenuil hat a man iii a hes-sa ansuar- ing tis description, Led been lisera and Ad Isetat gaing West. Wataijipg the monning trais tb. chie! lad alec aligisl- et n ananotlienuman gcttiag off ils s Sadd it on tis as-us, sud aincesil las transpis-ed thett Iis latter vas t#.iief Numbar Tira. 'Ihe amer #rs-" taegraphlat'oa.as mas aIe isba chiai ai police cf Toroula, Igivtng tise latter a drecription ai tle lors.e eut rides-, sudinfemming litnstisaI tissy mare ou ihair ay Wost. Tise maunmiso braught tise borse ta Wlitby mas 'tapahe" sud ralnrning by. thea mitda y taieasî, mas ars-asted.-near Bowmanvilte. Ha tus-oaut lobDe an att p.uitentieny bis-I. Tha thief viCis tisa boans, ialusnel -noîll et tise Bougo luItaeidirecihon ai Maîkisausand tise constabloesaean tise tnack. PAssim> E "MeTIwrONSs. - Me-serg. Joisn Bunting aud Asssewst Seplieuson, lata of tisa Whitby Higle Scisoul, bave pissaI excmlnatîpns at Toronto Uni venOity. The*tas-mer tn as-caltés, tisa latter fté es AhIyo.- , Un. Pss-ayBlsanchard. of Winaecr' Nova 8009 sa pupil o! tise WhibiS Ilih Shmâ bii-ýustpaseeath ie $%iti Tears' azamlnation aet MeoGltIs untvoerý sil1u, flerseby aating oeeyeam inhiis cous-s. Ho bas aIea 1used tis a mSÃ"- eisly'e -examlnaion Nova Sotis,. but lise reaullee not yet knov». PAisTrNie, AtNI) vn uuce&Ts cracking aud fading cf puinsas ugfniel vas-lana causes. 1'irst, lu su unskiil&Ãe nuixtaroo! tisa pigmuent, ails, &C, tisaI faim the paint ; secellyi,iu theé-modo et applying il, aud llmsdly, mien intoni.: or stock, la usi. Poseong stiserouigis lmamlidiça cf tise mixture anA application et patte, T. Uà siu le enablel lw de mark hat mUt stand fer, yeurs. This lis mark. manas!p hec prael an eau hbé peintelâ Out lu lunumouable cases, ubicis shonît reoomuiend hie l ai s-qumsing tlles- mos-k liaroagisy doue. BE MENYZ, Tffl'i HALL, WHIITBY- OCTOBER C7ru. Tas IInhoRTMtLZ Btrvai> WâÂ'r- me'orcms ob and soea, s0I(1lty -Mn. John. Sautns, le aameugst ' the novaIt ;Inveoles nlutisaI line..l. SaunIons bà à ";Oompicte stock for*lad. les sud goeuletsse we- am, andtI -w i.ae SPiacu.-Th e Oaaoueîzla à roquestei t etael ' ' J.. Ro4ertao&ne. Total----------------....72 aaoeuonAm. J. Suiea, e W. 13. Non, b Waod-....2 L. l4ackey, c Wood, b Homas -S..... R. Green, bh Haines------------------e... Me. Gleeson, b Renes----------------..O B. Fs-sel. hb VOM .....................s M. C.. Lintan b .oii ......--------6 Dr. Fs-est, c Wood,. b lif ames-----------..i K. Vas-non, r Ptillipe, b Wood. 2 .-- J. Leusean, b Hommes----------------...12 W. Mnegrove, sun out.............9 A D. Meilies, nat eut------------...e Total.-.-............ -- Na mies- oies-ens bomleul iy Cliege-i7s. Noimer a! atatsboisled by Brougham- :M. NM'ouugulusey luatied cspitally for ie Cigd Houas tka AMuegu--uve olrlitv-cl an the spot. PRaSeTIoesr M TGss In utSSDOmuALuSes- -Misa Donaitteon, sirganiet ouit . An- trou's chus-cii, vas presantod i ii sa isandesma. ielI filleul purse 5y tisa maes-es etfttsa chus-cIi iureco-gnmtiond et le- services on WVelnaodsy. The compliment mas as cs-editablfe, s er ara sus-o, il mawuhel itues-vel. The Rose Boltoril Canadien Monthly tfs- Octobe- uSSa. Onur National Magazine, tise Ca madui- au Moat hiy, for Qatolirorapona miti au histoninal pape- et mnis inCas-est ou Annapelis Royal Expatriation cf tise Acadiens,' fs-oastisa peu cf Mr. Arthur Hiarvey cf Tos-onto. Tii ofiser papens of imprtanuce inth ie numbe- are Ms-. TIses. Hedgiusn Dissertation on 'Tise Preurogaleofethe Crowu la Colonial Logiatatian ;' M-. MngaîCea article an- tillitd 'what is souey ? , sud Mi. E. Lufleuseonquiry inSus "Thes Priuciple of Capy-igi.' Tie-e papasa mici bes-m tla iank boue of tisenusissi, sa variadinlutIsai-laIes-ast anA tiseugltfu lu lIeu trealmaut. Qi lightlerartidle, Cie tua starsos, «"Cîlukon.' and In ~tise Slalom ai Desîl,' vihI lafound exoald. ingly néadabta, wviie theo papier ou 'Ec- cents-illtes of a Boss-ding Hause' mli aia b. fantd autorleningandamuan. Tie -eumaiuing pspes rincauo e toufou% strieo f tisenepoart etflis, meetings of *Tho Toronto Girls' Coterie,' sud au er- fiala on 'Tise Muerv otaf Soiaubiflo Logiti,'îhe latter a cheter ars-aigumeul oi tisa so-calla trimuphae ni -Maimrnsteie Evoîntion. Tise pastical t pm-tmesst cf tie Magazine, ai s uel, lanvOUtmain- talueil. Illomambe- me.' 'Tise relu- of Aphsrodite. & 'A LoveInyl,' *Thse Lcg- sud cf 8t. Hilda'a Bello,' and 'Tise liaua-ama'-Lsul,' being ail maniaos-bu proituctions. 'Round tisa Table' gaeap oftà venmeîy of mattas-(ot gtntqgl ler- est, mitilo te Critcal, dopartnuV ut'i smni admirable retvusa of book-the iauly source iiu Ceuani tesi-anl :rblch onitiolam. la doue just'o l. IsIt- nsayNotes, sud. 'Broa-s-e'atso s&pitat ssumtnof the Maguaelsc es-s of- Thsa Livin A.>or thIe meeke andlng cles- 1er dOlb s-espoctivoly, cuanth ie fontwvInstto ala., andA, AColomaio Setch, Ninded"MIs Constury: Tise Uoity af ifetuteo,Ooea- tfl rr;Moutl saoFr, nig yu; I4e-as-ySucoss ]goire ýTear Ag400 $eoo' ,Lqs# IDU 3mnoor,McsUa;nlo-o'4 froux Us" lnllt Asdr en."pI. Bar.;Au -ÀAntuanis lu tishe.4d'On, Frseor ; T-ara amge, <Jrif È Quie al "D boav isu'the 0Whlto etos- if lIse Arali a,4eds ~s* ,ris.vît4uity oet Humai, sud Whsa le Loaok <o,ai na Hldy.uSooetr >ntegrCotcfring et Hoaopl% psof. bs'.;Tie ulltaia c PreLanswd and -Wcter . Naturel HIiogLy pofi - Rerring.,Sooesaa lhcnssaloa of "'The Portrait of a pelutai~ bylm,. *ll," anA "Bush Lite in Qaeeuslend9II uts thes erocuiI'euu l'pust il 0f poolry' --Feu iity-tme numbora ai mxty-ýoar Pea 9pe.gs aois(or mpomos-o tiss 1,10pgea a yezr), ti a ssi n , i Itrs (88Y itawnlefors-#10.5Q the Aruiqricom 84, manthies or-- veoiès1 iths TheaLiinag Age, for sar. ip- Inoding tisée Ire nuibgse'ofthe.Petot s-Oti psa hlisos-c. ]à iî - . m 5 lu, --I -e e I çi a a ~1 I I I s -BiownasWhhtbje farveatez A ýHà 1Ay T IransOr BuesulsýAt tisa Merkham feu lest week lbth '11s-tithy Hervoosber" vas rulai ouI rnouomititionu au th. quibble tisaI tbe machinaeiras brouglit, teelate on thé graunti. Tihe ralt of the pgtgr4ul- taraI sociaty, il la trac, protide tIsaI iuseehlcsiy for othiblîlts s hall haon thé giousde au tIse iret iday ai tisacx-. iitlon. This mas made kuown rd fi lirowns, wlsio on ie s firtjà t !sarkisem Cisc firai day, Joflud hatthebIseliarves. toi' hautnet arivet fs-enstIse Hsmilton exhibition. Ile a msinformeil, hQwever., Chlat'tJisanepere iroulit net lia judgodý until tise second day, sud -acting on Chie. ha elegraphed ta bave lIse "Han- vesea" sent on, wiehmi ias aooorOingly doue. IUs arrivai ou the ground iras the cause- cf no titîle Cammotion emongvt lieresiteil exhibitats. And Cioss, lakiug tbe adrentap o f tise rnIs mientiouadb enterad s ýrotezt agant tIse Brown aid Petterson macine -on tise ground tisaI thbise braquling il be b. on tise ground th isa Ansay bad aoC been eomplied with. Tise 3udges-seot the director#-Ciseteupon nuleil ont tise ,Wlilby Ilarvaster.' Il vas a shebby huIs lpheoetbusineesssud oonclusitoly proves tint tise axhibitore who entered tIse prateet, mare ais-aid te lace honese, o p an napetiiion. But tIse "Wiby tiarveses, whioh lias obteinati se mauy fiss prizes, enu ufenfliutteiug lupublia estimation snter suai quibbling cir. iaumstauces. Ail who eaw it on bisa gronuda prononedit it mplsatibèally lIse hast neaper-the hast roaper exhibiteit. Cricket- PiCIOESINO OLO.V. Rti la ue in inge matchs play'ed ou tise Collage groutnuf slest Satuidey aster- sioou, batwean tise aboya clubs;, tIse Collage won by 181 runs. The teUawing l te ie core t- PICKERINGa C05.5EUE. Wm. Montgomnery, 1) Shes----------...96 W. Raid, c sud b Muave---------...O W. Rt. Nazes, b Musgrove-------------..4 J. W. Baubsfry, c sud b Muagnovo-....9 W . H . Hotas, b Ries---------------...O B. J. Oril,b Masgrva------------... W. C. Naxon, a B. Freal, b Muegnoe. . . B. W. Wood, inn oui----------------..6 H. C. Phililpa, b Shea-----------........ C. H. Camaeran. ni oui-..- -- .- -- --- F. Whiting, s- Sues, b Musgrove-....O Ehtus-------------------...,19 lu repty te Mr. C. A. Smmpaou'a let- tar, danyiug his advaécy cf a systons cf illes l i ssrmon, us mould jasl aay. lisat me mare edeibiy infarmol liat in Ibis sos-mou Mr. Simpson, rhuia speaking au tise Jouis sye- tans of liChes, oeil Chat lie Cbnletain religion did t -ellsuve mankiat trous thé peymanl cf titîsa, but tisat avsry paseau as sos-elIy sud s-ligionsly hennI ta psy one-teulli ai hie incarna ta tIse chas-ci; nel aill10 ans peitianlar chu-ai, but liaIeaci individuel siold hava tIse nigist toelealon uliechurcli te whicis ho ireulil pretar,,o psy lis tithes. Nom ire prasame, nctmihhstauding miet Ms-. Simpson neya, liaI frons sncb Ian- gusage Chas-o ma sntnong greunulfores-a ferring tIsaIts-r. Siupean mas ailvocai- ing tise catablisisment ai e tory compi- natal systons oofCuIses. Tthe leulli as clammot, aud miethar that dlaim mas ta lia autososA ley moral, religions, as- legal means is vcry imusatenial. Hoir- ever. Mn. Simpson kuava hie cm la-. tentionsboaansd if ho bua beau mis- undentood au miss-psesate, e are v e s-y saisy for ih, aud veulil he gleilCa make suy réparation possible. Iu re- gard te Mr. Simpson's cosend muit - ing peraonaiities, Iioy areabsaheelay isansatis notice, aul retèenne ta theus la neefut ouly as letes-mining tisoalasa anti intotlletual statfutelb.ritSer.- OHnue REPÂtus.-Tbe M. È.abs-ais in Chie piecp is uudcs-goixtg repaire, Iu lie meaulime tise congregatian hall their usuel ser-vicos in lise Preshytenian chus-oh. Txamusn DAnurioesQaoTSTais Tamssmnp--. James Cuttil, prnuter. lireateus tise corporaion of bise town- ship et Whllby, vils a suit et 1ev for breacis of cantct fer prnsing. , , Anraevazrnoit vos BIBmÂL.-Tha concil ai the oahip of 'Wiitby han approprietel $40 la b. exponuled lu build ing aide walk dii foot, on tise saut aideoaiChus-chet., sentisoetQuoen], Tisera la nov s vonry fai- four >foot silo matkinlugood ropsir, -on lhe place miser. lise neonee la te b. buli. APP,. Àuun.-azms-sluib tis viotlty are busyil;ik1lug sud paeking their 'appt... , o ca'Cmp cn f tiso pnloiug very loir. Tas Bu».Dit. Uovexoà MU4 of Toron- te; eqooplod the pul$ut iu Et» Thonis tburein u ihe uaorcuig *ad ovouaug ser- V".5 Su*4sy ý lus, IIÀmoraiing AW"eaurqie vs 'ay," lie et- disco ' " 8g en Obiallaeýty sad à Scout mili bo itWtMs-' Herbert enida" OVMn1ugfor tise bousefil oet Ohbi.- W. bmepak - good *tý4q&4 4kâOe' aud fCýýOsn IsW ou: k»u .sapi. ltality etfMUn. anAdispngsata. -Te-moxzm Btigeo Btn floxtstr.,à OhupC s 8eBuste Soelà y, *e Konday a us-ent'eas. b oi-,ldo!s ês*cnA l,.g.t as.. - . :L OPENINU Or SUNDAY S5OUÃ"OLaBUILDIItG The -fiue echool building 1n conneetion ,with the OhuÙreh cf Egai, Oshawa, was oponed on Mond&e eie*g. Thera Wà Ra - latté 1Iisobe of ciel ash tem t. Meidji . M r.on Soarboro; BRey, Mr. ltaeyPort ?êrty hIev. Mr. 3a'vldson, Ùxbrldge, and Be . ?I(r. Ploehbr. Thore AsW aB 4eat nnm- Da of the congregation and: tawnspea- pIe of Oshawa. An excellent programme was gone througb with in a menner -whicb gave satisfaction ta the audience. ' llu pro- gramme contaioed solos by luis. Bredon ~of Whithy, Mra. Dr. Martin, M4ise Cars- well, Mie Grierson, and Mr. Carowell. Instrumnental mugie hy Mie MareBeail and Miss Perry. Iteadlnos b' lgr. J. rs. 10arowelI. Au eabalent Rupper wua ftcrnlshbed by«the ladies. Mr. Glen, M. P., Mr. Carmichasi,.the Mesgrs. Cowan, g~r. Âtkhà son, à d-Mar prominent eutlemià , ably assisted the ladies in thi. paît o'fthe entertaiament. Mr. C. A. Joues, barriater, lu a short and pltby speech, stated the. coat cf the building and gronda to b. about 82,100, of which about $700 is still due. Mr. -Tous» paid a well deserved tribut. go Mis. Frank Glibbs, to wbose seat, and euergy the building cf this finescshool was due, se having b y ber exertions ralsed about one-third of the 8ost The architecturalicdesign ln neat and very appropriate îôr a cbnrch sehool, It would b. bard to find outslde the cities a prettior or more suitable edifice for snob woîk. Thea-sitting capaoity le larger thau that of the chùreh. At the south end is a fine tained- goswindow, proented by the yonug laies cf the Sunday scbool. The tata Colonel Fairbanks was aux- ions &bat just snobhà building should ha eredtsd, saà bas ow beeu complet.ed mainly through the oxeonesof bis daugliter, Mie. F. Gibbs. Messis. Jones, Atkinsan and Western -tbe building eommlttee-bave done tboir work lu a znanner bighly satisfe- tory to the Bey. Mr. Middietou, tb. in- combent, if the expression cf deligbt wbicb beamod over bis face eau ha taken a a oriterio% A good.lookiug, veucrable clergyman, like Mr. Middle- ton, la al#aS's an lnterestlng slght;- but wben you se. snob a gentleman partie. nlarly well pleused. aud particularly happy, aud not toc bashfut ta let peoplo kuow thà t ho ia happy, and tory bappy at that, yan have a sigbt weil wartb seinR. 1fr. Middleton basgood resson ta ho happy snd proûd that no fine a cburcb building -bas beau eommene3 sud completed within tb. first yean cf bis iucumbenoy. Brookiu. Boss-ilociEducatton. Whltby, Fniday Evenhag, tb Octahe-, 1880. A special mneeting cf the boa-il ma haIdt tiis evsning. Memisers ps-os- ent, Ms-. Os-uiston fin the chais-i, Ms-. J. E. Farewell, %Ir. J. B. Dom, Ms-. R. H. Jausesan, Ms-. Thea. Leirler, MrIs. G. Y. Smsith, Julge Daes-moansdtMr. J. B. Powelîl. Minutas et lust meeting rend asud epprovail. M-. Ors-smIn anueuncul Chat lia useeting of lie boas-t haitliseeu cahot ta appoint a toacluai in tIsa place of M-. Huaitoai, whmieldreaigueil, sud fs- any ailier business requi-sug lia attention cf thse boas-d. atEPeaT OF COI5MITTIC SON SC5IOOL sAN- AO5M5itT. Ms-. Fisrwll brougit lu lis report cf tIse noumitte Un eciool maunage- ment. whici sielaîl tisI siace liaellut meeting of tise boa- inl accordence mith a rasolutian tIson passaI, Mn. Suselie liaI boon communicated mili offes-tug linstIse position, bol hla a s-splieul Chat he couli net saccepltise situsatioa. Thsee pasaitae=hathon silvartiau la tIse Globe and Mail for s tasciar, sel lad rpeceite elovan appli- cations, trousm wnis uhay recomusend Oea. T. Lamsoui ut Landau, et a saieny cf #"r0 s yeî. Tha, commlte ac renommeal that a testimonial ho given Mr. Huston by tbe hoard ssttiug forth tise sisfaetony uscnoer la uhicis ho bail Aiiscrged bis dulies. Thot tisa naeaesry stop epa a len Sebave tisa Hig Seiooul cisangel loa aColiegiato Inelituta. Tise repart wma ilptoil. 55M1511aLING OUceCOLLSGIATE tIceTI- TUTIL Julge Doxtnell ecoudeil by Mn. G. Y. Smtith mrovad tisI tise aiarnian be his-atal ta proBant a momonlal te lb. Minlater cf Elucaticu, praying fOr th. chauging of lis Higis Sehal tan eà Callegiabe instituts. Ces-s-ed. Mr. Fas-amlaI nnousced te the boardl tist hé bail boen msking anquiries mbt lise working oftisahall time systout in lu tisa junior-division of tbe public sscols. InOsawa, wvias-otia e e nov lnyig il, es fer slà e ocauldtems-n 0ise were Very mchai fedvwils It cilnene toon4ju irtire fhn noite "--1u~sd if ooù7vlo0 et le bolui ï -Mm.ý Po*hlt brouâgis ont tise epas-I o le ocumtte. on, finance s-eapnu 'iugpeyueul t ftIi.eaunt cf ÀA.O. Wilson 8300 .B atsu i aïBs-au,< Homý Dse5au.e e eordéd in-Cape - - Papoe. I w- s g- ... - o-o -thl Mr. O'Day'o Catrespôndence. MisTiXEn EDRUtrnat "1Prend I Am to renowom ui akwaintanoe, Misther O'Day;' seî tho Ltonblea Postmsther Ginorl, a I ws sh n mbhis nom- fortabte quarthors- afther me inohervu widh Sur John. "Always prou4 to So a oor-o.nnthry.man.-A Maan av Letthere, like messîf V'~ An hoe ahuclol- cd a litte et ibis cousidhe-rable witte- siom, au lookin kuowin et me, paused for a reply. Tzare attogether coufinad to th% Mates, Sur," I ansorod, "au tbere'e whsre yer umblo sarvint bas an advau- tage, for, I'm proCid taea s, me cornes- ponAiie la not altogathar unappreehi. ated ha the tindtierer six." "Ah, yee 1" au he dhrawted ont the words widh a si-"lyer tiudhber epiaes show whars the soft spot le but I'm aver ail that.-Ax Sur John, if tisn't six et wan an bell a dozon. av tother ta me, what six-whether Males oi Fay.Males.' "Sur John is kuon tob ha very grate admirer av the six an niver wae kuon ta bc indiffrint." "cQuito a lady's man," added the P. M. G. "Blit did de ivor hoar Sur JO hn's sanug, wldh te lins- "FPor wimeu are as varyious as the fiehes in the Say, Am Un tirnes more prikai-ries than the sun avea Wiuther'e 1ay 21, 1 had I ko wtdathat I ulver did, but that I kno hlmto tlsev Ooer given the beguilin ballad- --Aderesa and Pîseentatîcu. At lis. Higis Sehoal ou Fridy la Mont ptestslug pressilalion tank placeb Whou MMe. W. H. Huston iras maile the rediplont ofa e vale collection af books and tise !olowip- to 1Mr. William Hans-y Huston, u-. dergneduete cf the 4tis ycer, Toronto University, Assistant teachar Wiiby Htigi s <Iool. Dean ir,-We, Che pupite et tise Wisitby Hîigis Saisoc deaire, upon tlie termination cf yotii tabora 'iitisus-, te express oui deep regret et your dopant- u-re tram us and oui gratitude for yens- efforts lu aur behalf. W. are happyth feali Chai frôr tisa entimate foinIad pf y- by the B oas-Iet Educatiofi, iaheHig Saiool Inspatbore, your felloir betchors, sud lise public genaratty, tisatishe auspialous amens under vinis yau bagan yaun effiil dullea lu the sehool, efier a long ansd briliat careers a abudont lu lb, hbe no! proved dotuaoive, but that tise gocd opiniou outerlaissei cf ycu by Yonr friands bsa beau amply justifiaI ; vo nonsier ai layou have leborait annoas- iugiy for eus- impravemut sud iseppi- nase. W. beg lao ongretulate yeff"On)tho near appronli eoftisa ompiettan cf yonr University course, andti tassnure you that tise example effordeti by you. et ze inlutise puisait of knolatigean sd tise sCtIment cf Aedeusin distinction mutl not ha last upon us. W. désire alto ta express aur regret foi auy pain that oui usywartinean or heedlesaness as pupils mas et any ime have cosî Yeu. Permit us te hope tIsaI lu spile of eur feulte, me sisaîl met in atter yaars on lIse common grounit of friaudship. We offan yen ouriainoera mislies fer your Isappluesesud saaaees. WVe bag of yen leacacept thase senssl lekens etf eus- gratitude aud esteens, sud ask cf you ase oten as yen look upan il la - hink affetionalely of yens- olti sehool aud yoar old pupils misen me shaît ha separateil fun fncm il anti cne anotiser. The books mens prasénteut by Miss Annie Reynoldesud the address mas rea by Master J. A. Palmai. Mr. Huston was-mly tisaukei tise pupils for thein kiud testimonial, anui assursil lîseusthat lie mould l aimys bavet. Iru alfaise t beu. liomes muais effeaîail lu Csking leste oethle sebool. Amngt tiss.pissent, mare Massas. Farewrell, Ormisten, Mc{illiviay, Pilip. Robinson, aIl cf wisom spoke of Mr. Huston andI bis conuacticu its tise echeal lu bigisly autogialie terme. Mr. Huston tot on Saturdey te purano his Universit studis. And wie have only la add Chat i;@ misIshmiteail tise ahutd- anC succeu wihicis me féealsatiafied iei talent ae u idnstr iy lii e aura te nom- mnanil, sud wnmcis bave maikail bis car- asi tram eeîly boyisaod. -au tissus land ta*, ssun av i l istot Clusituu.3 4et lesy, Au Chat tIserewma n'l a fais- lady lu aIl Canada eund aay ha hail-sousomit- ever it mite ha midIstise Min-ulic ur aiayssylu boiltbtinge avt hlm Cirougli Inuy. '«I supposa Sun John ioula ye l about hou te aShtand i muthiaSinili- katto au tie Pacidick ?" axes lie P. M. 0. Ils a grand tIsing inîisely-lie maskin aethCiaConntisry - su theo Thi-unpi a e Cuve tsmini, 'itlichis l sunsthi, graler &if betthes-. . Yez Isev gai tise particltareP Tise Cisiflise Ililake e heap about ye, an I kno wudi git ern laye lu tait nonfidinne. Peuh-i net cenfidinnes ara nus-ns thinge, O'Day, isyllier linklis dometimos, an lisn'C sae te thrist em te iverybody. Widh yen, me kuo e iaara este, au tlsare4 causale nothin tram ya." WelI, bigounies, tisu't meseifthtII vail go hank upon those wmie lsat me. P'usnet tIseua te do tIsaI, ipon mue nshiuoe. An indeadi h le ualme purpase Ce report Ciaeisole avtblialong conveieasin atisiinehuei twieen tise P.M.G. an mesaIt, on isytisenmisaI iso set upon santiu politinkal pinte su ex- peolid chaniges in lIse Guvermint. Suffiiseut ta sey tisaIcas- discoorse. Imenils ils close linuee off Ce tise con- liisun av tia Quît Sol. HaeirasilIe- quint an marus-isrtel lun epakin et tise tisiaubles av paon Insel aua the Land agitasisun seat.'cgin on. "But," seit lue, -(an I egraed midIshlm)-" Wiila 1 misis ardintiy, au I hope pnîety for lie relief cf tise iiisrossattiste peopleaua for tise happinoaeoe the cotuthry otfuse feutere au kiudhs-ed, me juligeuint an conmbinea refusa Ca nounteance lhe presint gaine on. I nan't ipprove bIse nousin of sin's pssune tote aheltin ev hîoil. I einink troustIse consi- quincesavetVis poticy at tise. irise- cita Che hait spsrits of Ctse people le taestlie lestinto iheirn ande, mie tache eante I1k upon aIl landînruleas inimias, au Whe il Cthec Isdfeetia tenants midistIse tuolisi nohuns lhsat tisey ehuil psy no rent et aIl, but cisud- lionli thle lanittarde pnoperty as thein air au anoirisackedly ailvisa an nown- MI tîat if tIhe lanîleril slnd tdk ton hie rint blie sIsslb.e hot ans-Imus-liei. I lsuiltier allihe iday av ai techin. A stisruggîe fui Home Rule, siei as mc've gel lu thm blassid Canada ae ais, je aliniotia an cousmindebte, an for tisaItç uitgo Isandiusniandmidi, me counlirymin et ivery denonsins- alun. But il is net lthe ginerons fis-s at pathiiotiatn*tsat mus lIe liuzua ev Irishinin muia tisey eeek te evae the. paymiut a et ur lonist dots, ha taikin cf bad landt lais au ahoolin latedlords fat atm for tésu ir .-Ias. Cheie aie bail leuillonitut in Irelanit, su tisaIbise great usajority eavens, as ré cleas, desanve littIe smmpatby. But Irelan i la sitili sa ehriatiau au aivilizeil landi, ubere tleseshacdin et bbocil utusit bchororint, se il masht ha te tiswlemia.cîiized wsoril. Rillin an murîhein-.' mnt make thb. laeany botîhar, but on the conthnary wiît kaep bsck the goal liaI mite he dans ha pacefnl au iayaongbto maes. Yez wmît b. romimbenin Ithe pacafat Maximt cf the graeaOCcnneUl- 'Ille irisacomfi.sa crimengives strisigi ta tha inimy"ý- An I Baey nomthal e ho is cusmita tise alîroesi craima av mus-thon le an inimny av aociety, aud su iuimy avethis couostisy, au thet tise min mhoIslcoan- mgo hlm in alih *ikedueala more tissu hb. , asibov th e more teauases- for. At tis i sint mamint -fair - oen publiearenmonahtranca end nattfailteta oy ils effeel lu impretintthe eondjsisun 1sv tise bnin't bq inhaniet proceodius av~ ~ ~ ~~~it tsilnAaeessa bsayenit plan eronwaylayin, -a mu-dibriné,« - é'tenaiajia. asetMIU,. WMiliewasa Uxbrldge FaIt Show. The fait exhibition ufthlIe Township et Uxhnidge Agrianhnuînaî, Society, hait ai UJxbridgýe villugu, on Mouday ausul Tuesday ef lest steak, iras not sn decil- eti aesse as iras autiaipateil. Mou. day the nain kept meny swey sud aise pretentoi tise entries lu tisa different classes frm eibting as irait Allait as mitli favorable steathai tontl have heen the case. TVie change to fiua moathor ou Tnesdà y had e cing effent, andin l- daceil a goil attendanne. Ib is deuht- fuI if the expenmmeul rtf a tsvo-days fair is any gala, eiher te tIse sooioly os- tIe exhibitone. Tise folleving is Cie prize itie: The Couuty cf Ontario Teaéhers' As-ý sociation. To uhe ditor of thle Whithei Chroe- jce In viewr-aitCe approacliing semi- annuel conventian oaihCiaty o! Ontaioi Tosoiers' Association, it may serve somne usefal auraso ta examine Cia chas-acter sadworni the lest convention, whirh was haldAet Oshawa ha Jane. In soyea-si ays itresombleit the meetings ai ail pubîlibardse, huasmaci as it iras dis- tinguieheit for a great itesa fi ms-evant dis- cussion, csotehe3t-airinig, sud far-tise usuel exhibition of the self -suffi lancy and cani- picency efthtie bora, ta the neariy complete exclusion ai thelu matasai re ieleni andildig- nity o ai mnes- muishauid omiaeutiy charactenize Cia deliberatieus af gs earnait a boAdy as au Association oft 7oeclien'. Iu ceneiteration alibie rallier denlitîni stand- ing iu eaciaty acces-ted Ca teaclecrs as a rIes,, it la e a la tplored Chat ebe Presideut anti sanie ai the manibers wcro net mare gourdeil in thein remarke, as weli as iu tise nlunor ina ihlitbey -ersa oflorol. hiras not nalculated Ca sdv he iaPrafession in tIse geait apinion ai the public, for th chair- man ta eheu suo ailed testenas tea ccupy inlIy an-oans aithtise n t tsadisposai af Cieconuventian. in anunaiaiing hie viai in a vas-y dogmatie mannes- au every subject tisai came up lis- discussion. . Non gis bil beýter teste, an tisa part o f the ogenleman haiiug fron tisa nos-Ch, ta painiolly p ose as su anthunety an ati mette of wai in-anA mauy mura-tia convention toole cagnizauns. Mndttsty and goat menues-s are tbo greet desiderata in saity,-wanld net, tisereforo, bath inspectas-s aud teaoieneset wisely in eaowiug iliat Chsy hava Cie case aud bs-ced- iug ai gentlemen ? The wir-le i econvention iras scss-oeîy legs open ta critcei. The enlijeots saeec- ed,' >vsre natinha very casaeCthe bsCtet coulA have beau ohosen, aud lie reaiment whicli many ai ilium rucaiveuf irs anythiug l'ut instructive as- interestiug. l is itaio quitu tino tisai teacliens shauld be familier uthtise moChods of teacinig asitlinsetic, seadiuig anA Engliali grammes-? If a large part oi tisa ime ai conventions maeth a ue- vate taCotise isuseahan af aui subjecta, it; niey lie a'caiof uhut ntility as-e aur Nanrm- al aud Moisi Scheois uhero suuh mets-uc. tiane as-e nites-steoo ta lie giron ? Tt is iheis pouas ras-k, sud oves-y p ous-e umst allair ttisi lîy arceligt qailt ado il. As a ruile the metsaiofet tachhîg any enli- ject sisouIt blIc t ta lieActes-minèatetChas, sscli, but if eny exception le made, 1 sisauld say. let iC leienlafates- af listas-y os- English coimpasiion. Tise naive caufessi. an ot hnabiliiy on the purt ai the gentie. man mia uniterteook te disecuselialattes- subjeci et the Jua canvtuian, ta say eny. lhing Ithairoalu materialiy hep allieseta acquis- e acecomplisiment, as- indeait, te irrite cradilably himseal, iras, te say -the least, vos-y es-prsling. AnA tagatheraithll iii, isbas-ne i sind irlatwias salditnluciii- hicmofa Scinul-Inspectas-e' Reports by tise Mail, a feir meelus ega, nI thoe liglileet Oh- jectian miiiliac ofes-ad la having Ibis subjeci dr-aWn ufss yb nx fveyar With rs- sPectte i.t. -ytisegi-ogsignorance ai it, m ani esta t .ou aIl ccasi n , wm l l ju tif y t e special attention ulainieti fas- . As a s-nIe. tiion, il oulA lia iellinhacon- ets-scing ftlaisprogrammes t eaise-i mind, that unosaîjaci Cais letaloaiganarl icsest, ehoulit finit a place ou ibem. '«Tha Relation aiflise State la lie Schoai." tho subluci ai Ms-. McBriAe's papas-, may scerve- as a type. Ticseras mach complaint about Chu non-pays-ueui ai suliscriplians, auA Chu amati iIes-cal sho-iru lite teaebeâs inIlts- mafias-e af thseAssociation. Ih may ha ai service te enquine itiste ceuse af Chieun-: lieppy gtate of affaire. I bave bsAn tli Chat the Dus-hem Association suce-citai in avasraomiit gsinitar diticultias. anAdc.icting tho irsoupportioallie teamhers ly iluruir tng open ail the afflues, fs-uni Ilat of thse Ps-chutons-y domumard. ta all manilers am- bitions af honorable ishtinction. Wanid it nat licirisa ta falloir Choisexem pte? Livcly contesta moulA tae place betircen rival caniteis, sud ery membas- ioulit exs-st hie isole hafinence lu mas-sblhing liii fiaonde ta hie owu support, oas- t haenpl- port ut otisors. The ns-st epproutching convenioniuu wubc matchs-t witli consitea-ahimes-est, anuS C i se luopoi tChat a mas-s fates-elle uatice may lic taken of it ilsai lfite lest. Vours, etc., OBSERVE R. Octabar, 7<1, 18,50. se--aA Bôttiii, ztO J. en Pair Black Spuinisi-isimti ait d. G. CPais- i'ilymanth Rocks-G. Marque, Cuit S. isrreil. Pai- Cumman. Ducks-S. Clangiten, Cuti Geo. Fieldt. Pair Largo Ducke-S. Claugiton. Dtearsiona-y PïirIe-S. Claagibau. uaauIX, seinsM ANDBOOT.S. Feul Whoat-Qeo. Fieldi. Spning Wheat-Gaa. Fieldi. Commun Baîley-J. Lernon, 2uA G. Fild Whuite Gaie-G. Fialt, InA J. BeIl Larg -ease-J. Breuola - Cas-n in Hais-T. Boully, Cul A. Skein. WhiteaBBosu-J. Sha, Ced S. Clangb.. tan. Timailiy Senti-G. Field. Tanna'e liy sviglt-A Pleank, OaAS.- .Meuge Wuitzsls-John Hantai, 2nd' A., lifeidà caîrats-À Pilkey, Sud G. Marquis Tablae arrts-A..Pilkay, 2InA B. Pazie. Bboo&.Baets-. Hutar, ad I. . Crosby.:i Onions-G. Web, uti A. Plank. Esnty Pctatoea.-A. Skain, nAd A. Hlarper. - Whnter Polstoees-A. Botian, Cuti J. S. Sisavar. - Beet coliection aiGrfG . Beid- ztte âýpeettaueuaz, -, Writpe ps-. ar, n.. FPstA,. Panr-!.O hsy Ja . sibi. Grapas-E. Stlts, SudM. A. Laord. Tc tà .e Iîe.JrannOAi 51 IranHamws..john Gallway. Faunmhig Muil-A. C. Brownu,luit Il. p. J t4~ne ieu Paterua Bsos., li Joln Hu-uttucoîuuGalaV, InitA. " -t Clins-...ieGrîuttan, 2nd G. Rend. ltaapes-johu Galloway, 2il Fetteruo Mae s-~John Gallauay, luit Pattesse Bras. SIareC ttee-Joliu Galloay, InA Pst- tson Bs-n. Sesit Dsill-juiiuMueti, n L io e-ing Machine--T. Ùsclrtt.., ladJe "ou- thi: -4- Itj I I If TownuHll, Sept ilth 1880. Connait met lo-alay, mmiesegoli prsecni, Rectae ite ciais-, tiintt et last imeeting raid aud con fis-soi. Pou- tition prosenhet o! JohnlIulasahsy Eeq-, aut otiene b have isantnies ot-rsoit esiablished frons Bridge eus-cet in Ath- anly nos-Il a ces-tain distance on Ramea s-ced. Juetitien laid oves- siIlnexl mneet- ingï OT counîul, st 'sufftYfItsëF 4nme- ioe iseate-mîtli e rmades. Mn. Madili tof Boavontoni appeaned on beaaf cf Mi. O'Lasy Cc have dlaimn setileel srising culntftise sileo acetns et Ms-. Q'Leary'e load Ni 9 con 8.) ton taxas. A Commniltbce iappejatel ta lu- vostîgoto uis case ncportedas fallows; Tîstu Iseiug talian tIsa matr inta conuidesalian lbey nausidos- Ms-. 'Leny jeetIy entitled tCa acompensation ai $50 pro't'ilug 1Mr. O'Leas-y give tisa cuneil s raceiptin fultocf aIl demande te date, tisais-roport being adoptaI a oiso4ua mas guanteil Ms-. 'Leary fanr8$50. Mn. O'Leeuy secontet by Mu. Bs-ue used that tise clark ha instircteî ta encept Jaunes Mahonay sud Henry Cobituéy sud sus-elles for tise collectas- ton 188o ton saeaisnoantas test yoan. Mr. Sslivau, seonlal by Mn. Thiompeois, moveal btisa îes-es ersa- appeaus ta isa scas.erof oritsiinlathat- cf Jamues Gonaghty misa bas 1 brougis soea eyes becouse qit l InA Cthathlie Reeva fartismitisenquira lie ta ecen- ditlaa eft Iis man anA 'it nacassary do wihat ho nasy euia e e r o .-tse reief e of adiuldCnid -Mr. Biualei sconlel b4 Mr. Lees-y, moeod laI lethenëk ho .'instrueted ta- nnÈéPs. R * ii.-..th.C ,,alsaalia eitîWees. 1 ý'THE 1880. P Withc scotch T'- Fine YOU WILL FINI aOur P The Sugar Beet h la neot gcuerally I us efforts ares3 iritpieniurnst nope af Cie sugan-bet agathas $400 bciag 0Co ostapar s os- acre. T l aa enail ta iask p th uet, antidasContre aec, in additiipî armaattemptati th' iaI neoaU oi thet et Cia prouct ian ans tteeiAve ans, sud Ciel the lin aisseta -4,4N1 o-cen etCiefaims t grpur acre. Thi as aiea ighr, ina ai g10 par cent. 'Th crease ithoe t A;thosa.puUihous. t.; in Sa bomber0 cîubes-, 8SW100 pet ACerfaCieryý te, aud aithonill *shed aud havaés-e t a cnet ai $100,000. Another -in*1aine otracted for 1,3001 A nearly smauh ndated liy cpf , among allier-sou sent year, tha Mi suy lias coutnatba par ton fora&U tthaï - inu S oavemliar. I is arn-curabnyt listitute,suL in Canada iera ai fecllitice, sud-l large nsnbor il0f r poriode ofAi a. e agrues tan -o! x .,baut t% e t oit i-at'Freeportlinoi iDroeutyear. Tbht l iterepasteit --machustery, sud ne -auges a ite bettir istaîai fpresses lu sigucd as,Clio cane Thora ara ibrea alifos. Oneis- ntywmhch, ut ut s-é8 t0 ons ofI-b ans peasdy- ys; it s bolen tLan ge1a eil Sa,-anTi -Y 1 SADDLE 0OR CAiiIUAiIIOrRSE. Stalioisu geui-tet W. B. MeGe-us, lad J. 1i. Fos-syth. Twa yoar at t Silion-isi John Cluougli. ton, luit Jas. linler. ' -Onu yeer olit Stafion-isi N. Cleuglen. Spring Caltas- Fily-iltT. TuilA, 2CuT. Claugitan. -Maea ith tesa oividanca-Ise T. Taed, - InA 3. .Clangiton. Tua yar nid Filiy os- Geldilig-J. Claugi- tan, luit J. W. Umphney. One year aid fly as- Gling-B. Mas-ta, nAd Alax. Skeiu. Spen carniage homes geldinge or mares- T. B. lilick. Single driver-A. J3. Weliti, luitJohu Galluusy. BasI Sauhilu Horse-Seth Ciaugiioss, lit A. C. Brown. Featesi Waiking Team-J. R. Foaeby. - atÂRAlUGT nasses. Bs-net Mare Canadien liri-Jlimite-, 2nd J. Grahami Oneua cîs nIA tailln-Johu Bs-antan- Mues-e utS test os-ovidencaý-J. Hunier. T-.wo yeas- aid Filiy us- Geliing-J. Moole, luit Earchsnau anA sou. Spîn Horse, geldinge or mase-Josepli Gregg, InA G. A. Smiths. SCalliou igua- Jas. Joues. Tira yuau aid Stallion-I. Wegg, luit J. Gregg.' Crue yes- aidt Saliin-J. Grahams. Spminig Colt or Filly-G. Sharp, InA G. Ws-egg. Mare silh bai as- aviitence-G. Sharp, la G. Wegg. Tira year aIt FitUy-J. Kaigit, 2Cuti o. Sharp. Oua yas ad Filiy-Geo. Sharp. Span Hersas, geidinge as- mas-s-James Evans jr., InA Jas. Mek. Prizee for Crown Prince', Colts, gitan liy S. Pagb-Spriug Flly-G. Sharp, Cati G. Wmgg. CATTLE-DUeHAsit. Thorougi-be& Bull-J. G. Mustaxd. One yeer aid Buli-Gea. Marquis. Coi in cati ai evideuce-J & G. Mustard, 2ad Ras-chman Bs-as. Tua year cIAHalles--A. Piikey. Oua yaar aidRelier-J. & G. Mutard, Ced Rerchmnin sd eau. Basi Reieor Cati-J. &. G. Mualard, Cuti Rarciman &. Sou. C&T.z-GADEu. Cowin ha astior evidence-Gen. Fielti. Tir ear aid Houfer-W. & J. Tliampson, Cnd G. Marquis. Oua yea ait Ieier--A. Ailkey. B@Bmai eifen Cati aI 1880-G. Marquis. 5HtEP-LEIICSIE5i. Sieas-hug Ram-I s suitCati H. Tiffin. Remb Lemb-lsl antiCuti H. Tifflu. Tua Eues mihevideuco-let anA InA H. Tiffin. Tua Sicasliug ENvei-lal sud InA H. Tiffiuu. Tira Eme Linilie-Gesge Field, ýnd HI. Tiffin. AgeA ]Ram-W. & J. Thompn, Cati N. Wegg. Shess-ting Ram-W. & J- Thampaun, 2lnd N. WVagg. ' Bamn Liml-lst anti Cui W. & J. Tinmp- Tira Ries isti artiouce-lestnA ndW. &J. Tiempuon. Tire Siearlhag itt-eës-1?st sud Catido. Tire Eue Lamib -lttsi and n l. Tira fat Sieep-Gao. Sharp, 2iid C. D. Buar ageil emali bs-eil-A. Ptlkay. Breeoiing luw, enisl bred-G. Wlses, lut Soth laughiou. Boas- Pig lfflU, las-go bs-eA-G. Fialt. Sui 1~ 880, les-go breat-eto. 1os s 880, email breai-lat anti Cat learcliman & Sou. Saw Pig 1880, emnatilis-sel lot & luid du. Pais- Houdans-. G. Crosby. Pui-Bsaimas--do.- M.UIFÇTURES. Sole LGather-,'ý Pattrson Upper Leaaher-k. Pattese0u Caiekin, dressed-. Petteon. Collection Bots &' Shouo-9Ri >l. Gentlemanes Suit,-WIN'. Ceoili Htorse Shocs-Chau. Steivart. Steve and Furuiînre-G. itccd, 2sd T. MeGrattan. Collection of Tiuwe-T. McGretteî, 2nd G. Reod. Discrtina-y hy L D. flsucnum, luighly recemrned. The Biddulpb Trial. ISÀGREEMENT 0F ME Ry TIse-jury iu the case Of Jamues Carroll have disagreed. This is what we gen. es-ally expecbod. The trial ofthes other priuere lies bien poetponed. The iollowiug le tIse muet important portion of the Judge's charge, that reicrriog to .Tohuuy O'Counores evideuce: It would ha advisasle te sas what thet Iaw laid duwn in regard te the evidenice e! chiliren. Leadin.- juriste were of. the opinion thà t the ovideuce ai chjîdren %v" nmorsali Lely bc correct than that ai grîwn persans, bocanse the brain wes youugcr aud the impression made upon ht was more iestiug. Thé jury had ie donht naticad that aId p opie iways talked a great duel about whek- happeued 3yhcu they %vere élWtdren, whtie they furgot rpidly whRt uc- rerred ie their aider deys. Muet peuple wenld ramaember circumetances wbich heti oocnurred while they were_ children, while they forgatoathar the more tmportant avents happening when they were thirty or thirty-five. This was boeause ini yor-th the pason erlt stroeig, sud the motives of malice, epite, sud salf-interet were wsnlItiu Menauwonld caeinta the wit- naeCx and by roeau a f malice towards their noiglibors, swear ta what was uniras. A lad sucli as O'Connor liasno u u o ativ- ces as that. A lad suai as lie would net lie likely ta bicorne a mamber of a vigilance committee. He wanld net attend the meet- toeai the Coder Swemp echaulionse, ucîthr sranid projudice lie likoiy ta bise hie narrative. Anather roeauo wby- tsa erideuce ai s chuid was more te ha reliad upon tha-n ai a man ws, thet if a child seu telling what wae untrue, it was net wazy enougs te stand crase-examinatian. A man kuewe wbat a consel te driviug et, snd gives sucli auswers te hie cross exeminatien as wfl, lu hie view support the story li t teiliug. Thse boy bas inat the saeascnte- neria. Whiat metive coula a boy hiave baed in goiog te Wlenuasasd teiling thora tsa lio euw Carroll ? Spito, malice, seif-lutereet coula îîot have dirtatea te hirn a story thss te impticate the prisanor. Wes it Ilisely that the boy contA hew invauted such a etory as thie? lie-seuidCarroll came andis- guieed, anA an ondeavor wus made te show Chiir was e preai -of hie uareiiability ; but the utA mn h lied aran hie room, sud ucoull it bie reesouable ta supposebs e i anA lie soun-usulA bave persnttted tisse mou ta have outered the lieuse et iliat time ai nigit; bail tiey net coma aetousiîy oa peà ceeble mission ? \as it liuieîy tisat the aid mn and hie ean would have gat np sud dressedl, oi which thero s confirmation by the buttons, kuife sud usici faiund au their badies, in ebedionco te the demand ai disguiecd men ? Was it probable that a strangar comiag thoreand nat ermed witi a process ai iaw-canild have got thezn p ta dreess? The men, eccording te tseboy, oalleAhther up taelie arrested, talA tiey lied a warrant for tisomnisd arrested thom. Tsa boy certainlysaid lie.lied nat licard ai e warrantair hendeuffa balais, butifsuana n lied beau eduoatiug hirm te tell the story weuld lie nat have tanglit hlm ta say lic kuew what haudouffs sud warrante wore ? Thiomas askcd the warrants te bo rosa, andi the isne- repliait :- Thorainteirnes cnugi for that. T3hat is ail the boy hears util tha hamrnering was goiug an. Tisas. was'seau by hlm ruuuiug ut the iront duor Hie us caiglit sud brauglit in sud boston. The bey hoard sare ne n cati far a spedu Was Chat su laveetian2 The bey did net ses the spado, but it wsfaund noar tse boyfTam=next rnurniug. -tVaa it ikely anua 'patae lin sigbteen minces £rom.s ste Ruses cor- toudeil iar by the daience, ai wauld. i nat have becu ilie ondine-y ceeifnrtheo ae tu goadwn stars with apail ta briag up a iew patatocs ion -dinnen ? Watt. the spa-f wua thora, the btoad was thora, sud the Cracks were thora. lb is said. t-at hadC Camail beau thoreabd lied ha seau the boq, s thse lia eged, O'onnor~ wout& bavie suswerfd for it with.his Iii. M6 odonlt if- the mon liedtrrnemliorod that thse boy wu- -thora ho would bave been iuea. Bsit-tia oay dtAnetsaý thâtthéieprisonïer'diA see tin,byascapa etouhthôaiýThough did mot know hdo 'Sthere .; but Ibis ns canbes' a,thst'uiie.a'es out cf tma who 0 hrd *-- a 1k.t was casm- mit a, orePao mss -laitwhoreby iths Chatt 'J"nom l