Whitby Chronicle, 14 Oct 1880, p. 4

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mis$ panny Pamoil, aiter of the Lo4 Lea8ue agîtator, bis written a poollo addroe o te .Irish tenant farixi ors, Tle 'following verses, show the' vigor of lte sitem pt lu Mirup the ex- oitable triah hearg : .. 1. Oh, b y tbe God wiio mode us ml-tii. seignlor and the sort- Bise up 1 and ivoar tutu day te hold your own green Irish turf, Bise upl and plant your feet like mon viiore Aunov you crawl asustavos Admals your hurvoot aietda jour camps, or mals of them jour graves. The birdi al prey are iiovering 'round, thse vulturea whieel snd woop- TIhoy corne, the curonoed gisouls! witii drum.-beat and with troop- Tbey coins, to fatten cn yejs.r icol,, yonr chljdrenas, and ycnr vives' ; te dio but onco-hotd tant your lande, and, * il ye can, your 1v.. Tbree huedred jeara your crops have oprung -by murdored oorpaes led- Your butcbered ires, jour lamisiicd sires, fur ghaatly compost sprsad ; Their boues bave lertitized yeur fields, their btood bas lall'a tiko ramn; The d ied tbat ye mlght est and Ji ve-God1 ZLbvo ihoy dzed iu vanu? But God la ou lise peasautte nids, the God tisat loves the. pour, Flit anuet stand witb fleming oworde ou ever*y mount and moor, Tbey guard tbe pourmns' fluettesud bords -thoy guard bis ripening grain, Tise rouber si beceatb thbir ourse boide tise ilI-got gain. But yOur own lhaude upraised ta guard ebal draw the anewer dowis, Anîd bld and itemn the deeds muet bu tIsai oatis and prayer ehait crown ; Go0 oui y fiuts for tisem wbu fight-uow bust]tthe usceos moau1 And set y aur lices ai a fint, and ovoar to Hold Tour Owu 1 Ballade of Çteoparai Needle. Te giani ehade ot Ra aud Tomn, Ye goda of ghosi Egypt1an Il murmuraout uer planet oumo To exiles iunlthe precuui wao Wbere, lellah, or Olympian, To help or haresne more je liat, Look down, Il look je may, and secau Thismonuementin uLondon mit 1 Bebold, tiie iyeroglyphî aredumb Tbat once vers roa ut bues hat rau Whoun seiatron, cymbal, tramp sud drum Witd ceaie ot the Bull began; Whoue threegii the. ciiuting priently ci» Watked Ramoes, sud tii. iigii sun kiis'd Th. ctoue, wltb beasung aorid sud bn- Thie monument of London mist. Theiatone enduroethougii goda be demis Thuugh hucsu effort, plot sud plan Be sizted, drit.d, 1ke the sm 0f sanda lu vaites Arabian. What king May deec ira momre than man, Wbat priant isays a stii cau Time reala Whie eh,, endures lu mark tiicir pan- This monument in London miet ? iauvux. Prince, thse tonesi bade on your divan Fali; it la longer tIssu y6 â It preactiei, asa Tme'i gnomon eau, Til monument lu London mislt1 - -Bllades in Blue Chine. WONDPREUL SWraaomi' OF à SOoTC11 Gsî.-Tbeyvouug lady who bas ebowu tlis iwondorfui endurance in water inaa Misa Lizzis (low, viso ovausfroinsDon. Don to the Slech Ligbthonio, and vas iii 0hu vater one hour sud fifty-lzrec mnutes. Sho je ouly 10 yoa of *#a, sud viion It waa known tbat she Iu- teuded 10 mwim lthe clasonei, sgent..- m a &a eesayed to socoruptiahtheii ferai. tie sasn vigorouply for about a idu, wlicu lie won forcsd to take refuge lu a boat completely benumnised. Be. fui'e îsîd'channel waî roachiel Mie Oow's hIstude wtere teîînmb.d, and mise turtieilu ber asck nud chafed tisonsa few moments. ftcfresbed by thse mut, iue iguin proceetded ou her way. At ttis point Oe. was joiued by lier brother froes one of tise bonite foiioving lier, vso i. sa splendid evimmer sud diver, but lie alpo bi oati lu menbfter boiug biaf an iîoer ie the vwator. Left atone sbe foltowei tise lesdiug boata vith sn. douritablo courage, andi graduuit7 near- ca tise shore. The currout waa nov, unfortuuately, very strong againîl ber, sud ber faitiug îlrengtb vas unable to fsgbî ageinet tiie tide, sudmehe matie fitte or no progreosa. NWheu wlhin fiy yards of théesaoesite oomplained of oramp, ait ber friand.s adviaed ber lu louve thse veter. 85e oomplied, re . lutantly, aud, after eitering lise boat, waseoarefully ïtteuded le. Afler Far. taklug of refreabmueuts and remting au huer as reternesi lu Dunoon, noue tise vorits for ber tiaring siic. Tii. e Autqsar Say& tisa& tise largeet uak -tu Engiseiltht iIlethe paruis à- cf Gevthrope, vomI idiug of Y orkmhire. Il lu lslolo, ands ame f9ty mon centS stand wlthIn IisIrunk. It la believeit te ho about 1,500 yeas d. Thse Ccv- Ibompeosk, wbloh stands on lise landt of Aumrev Montagnes, a greatprorie. or, le larger tha. h eeda"lsc ea Welbeek,. A 1ev jeau &go lise bougiu ezteude&sitty feelt rou tise treak. A pair utfblovea etSanFrancico culat linduete .County <lien lu givoe em a marriageliteonse, bosume -their sgeî vas cnly 18 ud 15, ansi hir Parents b oeud, b4 g 3evlah on uns sida and si omaOtboît. outhlb.other. ýTherefure lb. boy andsi grl gatisereit & ptY uf thsfr friendu s wltngisee, Joined t Shah ovu'bauds, aculiorn±aIly deolaresi thatervus tsubaad antd vif.. Tise question' vb the l. .remonmy vas eald lu ob. teste in lecourt. Bon Zeroeer vos cidy son, andi ie ftlarovsd unthe -lest fIme intioulmO* ounty, West Virginia. Tise elitman vas ut 80. Deug esT&Mral jean i h..lhm4 dsollne, asditIl vas uppoa.d Ibc b.wozïld spieeddy aite. Bon vwu se cofident cf hos ath beustobuy istock-for the farmad sud ie, otbagP'Ofûtt'*s l tale pcmoaesi: thaï-Uic Pr0perYi - But lt e tuueàdncl aMswcia... À Br.eoov Roux Mav.-Il vas lb. ti14o!a euItfirSu adtheie lq1gi4 A man, carrying Ivu round buendies .esrefuuly tied up, knookoit et tbe door af n inn andi amked for a mruc. Tbey Coll lit hat tho bemlt theycau giv'lsim le s roues villitva ie, u.ne of wbioh te mlready ocoupiel. Under thb. eir- cutnnteîc ho jo bllgcd i tasccept the vacant bed. Tue ucoopaut of thse other le fast aslep aud noriug toedly vison h. eulera tis ecijamtcr.tint the akes bise by tise isoulder, wakeoies ui p rudely, endi aska "Are tiser. auj rats or imice bore ? 861 slieve net ,i. "IAil the botter for tisey gusweavery- lising tisey eau finit. Now, 1 bave ibere," added tise nowcouser, painting ta the round bundies, ~'helioadsofuttvo persona visoru I expouted Ibis esorniez, tIsatI I ses aking to Paris, sud 70e un- derotsnit if hero vere auj ratesud "Ruoade o1 persans, ait the otiser turuiug pale. Fiveesuinutes after, the pommer of u Ibose horrible tropisies vas alun n lu he chamber, vbere hbelept comfortably tilt esorntug. Tise buniles wee mtnrelylwomelonL%. "Yo,"roaid Mr. Pofundtty, "ilht is e silent forcos ini nature tisa& are tise mosi potoul. Il is theo suent mreuglis cf gravity Ibot bleds hu vorîsi togotker ; il la tise siteut power of liglit thalgives lite aud bosuly ho al Ibinge ;il la tiie allant tream hat la deepest ; itls--" Ilt le .still sow thbt Rets tbe postt sii"," Mm. P. pot iu, seeiug ber liego lord hait got to the endt of bis repe of simîle. 1h ceas kinsi ut ber, bet sorne- iiow il appitait the effecl ofisis disertat- Ion. TIse wool crop ie Chu world basIn-u crease i v. fimes ince 1880, wben iC vas about 820,000,000 pounds le veighî. le 1878- tise laIent year for wbiclî her. are complet. figresý-Europe produees 7400,000O River Piste 240, 0W0,000, UniCed States 208,000,000, -Australs 850,000,000 anit South Africa 48,M0,000 puende, makieg a total ot 1,560,000,000 peenits- Greal Brilin snd France consume oaeh about tise smre qeaetlty ot voot-880,000,000 a jear. Gennauy consumes about 165., 000,000, pounde ; Unitedi Statue, 2ô0,.. 000,000 poonitan sd Rusai. Auihris, suit otlier counîrlea, 400,000,000 pounde. Thse Âge 0f Miracles te pa sd Dr. Plereos Golden léedical Dia- coverywyUl nut raias tise deail. wllLot cuie you ifensu longs are baie wasted isy eoessm- Couor yuriyatem idinug undor caneroue sonne. Iniiowsever, uuoumueod bsitb se a pectoral anA salterative, and-il cure ubsti- ostoad isvere disessofuthLie Iîroâansd tangs,. oungli, -sudbrunchtal sl!octluna. By vistu. oita vouderfut ilterativo propeatesi eoase sud eariceï em iablors. thugseusing pimple., b te utiseansd eruptions, and osuming s!e ra atins uleerstO ema. ibid by "trÂALMO uON 'ri3aWîîeoa" iait Whîo bave mades ues of Dr. Wistar',1311.ea11 uf Wlld Cherryandbymsnoblsueo bue eumcd of cougia, cotls, brouctdtis, ore tisoat, inluuna or oonsimmjtàor. Theprudent vsu ll a k eep ilsis tasilard rosi y ty thssu. A M"Ksetu TIIsnzîrt.-Ou Monday tira brothers uamed Fahey, residitng lu Mark. lant, about two tule front lixcisond itHll, issd a quasi-el about property. The eider brother strucklise 'onunger vils a mug ou tise fnrebead, intkhg a terrible vouait, at Lise igist vwihe>,ti pour otd latîsor fell- dovu teail. Yuu Have No Excuse. Hecre you any excites' toi mnffori.ug vits Dycipepsiai or Liver Com plainit ? la Clore auj restun wisy yu u stlitgo ou truc day todayem lani sqtrth Sour Stoicaci. sick Ysadach, habituaI Costiveineas pal. pihatton ot tise Rosit lieart bumu, Vller brs., %swng asud honing pains ah lb. pit ofthe tor. Shom.i, Yetiov hlm, Coateit Tungue, sud dlsagreosisîs haste in tise moutis. Comlng up of food Alter eahlng, 1ev epialîs laNo 1 It à lepositively tour ove fal iyndo. OGo to yuur Druggpot, T. G. Wiifi ndudget a botte o0tGUsas 09 Atoues' Fî.ova tor 75 cents, jour cure ta certain, but Il jue doubt this, gbt a ample botte for 10 cents sud try ItL Tva doses 51.11 retieve joît. The Orcatcît Remedy Known. De. oasNzv Dîscavix ferr Clou- samption te cürhainly Ch.e8reattwl maiticai recody oves placus i vtisîisreach of mufierins iiumauity. Tiionsndi oe once oess ufferere, nov loudly proclam ther prase for t bic vonderfel Dlscoves-y ho thowe thisailves. NuL ouly dces IC.p:stsv: cure Conaumptian, but Congiia, Clss, Astisma, Bronclisa, Hay Fever, Roaienome sud ail affctions of the. Throat, Chest ansi Longs jistit at oOC te its von- detul cusrative povuri as if isy msglo. We thesetore earnestlpreqcesf y ou ho cal on your drnçh an sd geL a trial bottle for ton cents vich vitl envtnce tise Msokepti cal ut ita vundertul menits, sud shov jon visat a rogular one dollar idi. bottie yull dlo. For sale by T. G. WktIIld. Whlhby. Oilt-Edge Butter. There îs lvays au active diteusssi fr butter tiatiteup ho Che glt-esigo mtindr in quaiity and coior. Mach 'but ter hual ohorvige gouit selsa ah a reduction irons llsree ho, five cents a pousti ecauo delie- Cloor te i.lr~th ooTu Ceo1qa mpilou CqSda. Qm 'liq ebttsft grm AIE'1~5U~J wEÉ ' ËfACa&.RO#ER phautl. HTOH & BROTER. tý WholIeale sud rotail.~ Boit Cookieg andi Heatng Steve. Large stock of both Sbelf sud Heavy. HATOH & BRIOTER. CROQUET. * 1 fov sel; ift. HA4TCH BROTEHER. Balance ofouer stock et reducesi pricea. HA TCH cd BROTHER Importer.t fHardware, be., IBrok Str« asWITBY. A HOUSEHOI4D WORD. The CASHâ GIIOCEIRY EMPOIL.Me .Deverell's Block, lia become -a Household Word, as the best and cheapest place 'foi freâh TEAS and general C*ROCERIES. New Season Teas at 25c, 85o and 60c, worth 40c, 50o und 80o. Englial BreakfMst Coffee, 2Uo per poumd. AÀl grades of Stigars at roc btom prces.Te Louise Bah-ing Fowder, canned gooda, pure Spices, pare Cream of Tartar, Brushes, Brooms, Pat. Pails, etc. Whit eGriwite Tik. Set8Iý $2 T f te 1 (lmber 's,5Ot" Bleganit liner sud Tes Sets compl, '$20.UO; IU0 xChinea St, 5 A full assortment of GLA$SWÂRE, LAMPS, etc. Lamp goode er ciaeap ; olso a largo stock of Gem Fruit Jars, in pits. qu"art sdhl- gallons, et prices that defy competition. ButWr, Eggs3 ,tc., taken in exchange., WAWPED.--.500 Tubs OIîoioG Da!zy Bter» SIMOIT Dr1vttuseBos ~R,Â~SE2R,' S. - 1~aocx Smar, PU Tipblec a cestiling a ouatons vhlcb lagilng ui cohnatous tf'làte isonZ a crtain cdan e(udiipeair~and lkbrcl$s: Wbe askcd for a bulte ofPainM.KIIer. thev aîuldeuly diacOveri t ihtare siki ut."but ave noher article justs puce1, if not iciter. " whici tby>'ilt uppiy nt thsen pia.TU PbieeLo<îiu decoj'm Tumre n ie substtuites ire made vuposei on tbeéMrw r-Oatof o tii. Pain. tlr; = einug compo,,e l hevîit aud chapcs degN are suhi Lthse dealer nt alxout h-aîf it >vae forthfcun.alKllr ~hc c'n4lsMMhlm herfervt rst ea fàw cnts Mre profit per ec:le ypnn thse imitation atide tsîn c can on thse roi CH oLSI'A IMORDUtS. CILAMPS. A» A". SUMMER OR, BOWEL COMPLAINTS I>R A VIS' PAIN-IJIILLER RT CURES ALMOST INSTANTLY. Thse PAIsî-K"..a apst tipisic. md Sec. bos. etaiit. FRBlRICK NEÂ-LE,2 LQ UOR STO-RE, W H O ESÂLE, AlýP 1,RETMIL KIN3ST EÃ", ËOHAWA. The undersigned, nmakng -the LIýQUOB- R T1ADE specialty to which lie ep#nsb uine s:4 's ýenabled to supply Famile s, lHotel-lcepeirs, nahe-raegenerely whgfnuieýIiiquors c 'giet ios. ' BfEST WINES., - ýw00 &idott1e. ean4Tom in, -, ." P>~iO~LO~I~TQLA "FOR JJIt9.ORQJ- TE LAGER L orge ~in in as iý;'ja DOUBLE teYeft- 8 1 N;: e.i- ,- É 'ÉILe " IPl 's SOMEHI.MEW 'BOOTS "and-"SHOES I Ki ~AT'HAYse 9:7=1JJNPER -CENT._OFFf!Ifl alaes are- now made, with a REDUCTION 0F TEN PRCENT. uLpon selling price, to- CASH pu.rchasersp, The Stock i8 the largest in the County, and em- braces everything in .Boots U and Shoes, for Ladies', Gentlemen, and (Jhildren'8 wear, Newest Styles and be8t quality of material and workman.slnp. PleameO aUlin time, The reduction wil fot laist long, as leather .aùd findings are goiug Up. An INSPECTION BESPECTFULLY INVITED. May 27, 18W0. W. Ji-. 15JS 1Watsýn's§ Block, Brock Street, Whitby.- GlO rO MýL4TTHEW COLLINS Deverell's Block, Brock-St. WJiitby, AND BEE THE LABGEST & BEST STOCK 0F -Whitby.IMA R-T IN FOR THE MOST DESIRABLE rInHE ANADI«~ Arn GA MACHNE. -GO0 T-O- D m, in Port igtig Prve Public Ri...,00.,rlsChurche. , - co -alua ep0 & .' Pisehe m neGah.rmachin aîr Toronto. 9-8te t iu. 8 I Sand for Clrcua u pîej April 29h, 1870. an ic-a. LI VERPOOL, LONDONDERyý GLA86OW, Allan Lilne OF ROYAL MAIL STiaAsMBRWB SUMMER SERVICE v SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE, The StesessisOf the Alisu Lino55 dispathed, trom Quebet every 8,ere shount9 a.us., on arrivai of tise train bsur- Whitby ah 8.26 a.m. every Friday. '11 GJabin, *81 sud 891, according tu poagen of stateroore. Lover rate for mehum j. eho. Intermediaho, $46. Sheersge st 'owe rates. Sarmatian ...... th s Peruviau ..............16b' *Polenysian .........." 23rd'- moravian ..........." Stt, Sheerage passengors are forwardledtelk donderry, Blelfast, Glagor entl, Bristol, Cardiff, sud Londnai asnez s ho Liverpool. Parties wîabing ho oend for their fdie, eau obtain tickets ah loy rates. For tickets sud tu-tiser iomtnse GRO. B. YULE. Express sud Telegraph OSes, Wh.lhby, lPay 29tii, 1880. DAILY ]UNE TO ROËHE8TE -Commencing Thuraday, 4p-il 1814, Will makeiser regular -trips on thistrut& LEAVING Cubonurg at 7.30, andi Port %uî ah 9.30 e-very momning (Sunday exceptei)m arrivai ot traina frues thse Est, West cad North, conssecting wih railvay lise, g Rochester for ail point, in the Unftesi 8hm RETUBNING-Lesvea GCharlotte (PeîCd Rochester) at 9p.=., except Batus-daya,wlîg oh. leavste, aI 8.45 p.a., for Cebourg iC Port Hope direct. Dealers lu Stock s&c., viii Sud tCshl ciseapeot sud moat direct route ho Be.tts, Albansy, snd New York.- For furtber l4aion, apply ho ÀePTAnrÂfiWFORD,e 0. F (IJLDERSLEREVE, Port Hept Kingston, Ont. (Elrdi E. STEPHENSON, Dom. Tel. Ce~ Ticket Agont, Whitby. THOS. SLÉIGHI .A INTE R, -Gan nov bu founi t a his Sbop,- TWO DOOBS WEST 0F ARMSTBONG'e HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET. tý Ail Ordere promptly attendesi h.e:a Whitby, April 14, 1880. 1 PHOTOGRAPHE. J. W. RUPERT, cf Whitby oCs na-uaCa oh establisment, Igtely-as-s-ied on by lis. Messrs. LYON BROTHERS, ise exCnsive sItes-alons end improvel me a Ch. 145e thes as-m ea il: a AOOESBOB=9.S & WARAMII ALL WOBK- GUABANTEED WALL A Large Stock, at Low Figures. A]B s M1T '1' la: GENERAL DRY GOODS, GROCEIES, BOOTS AND SHOE S, CROCKEIIY, GLASSWAIRE, ANeDrAyLAGE ASSOeprtment po0 neeF ladWARE, &oC S tieyGok D e p a rh The apcomplotse r inth o suteGey. B O S ANDI SHO Smetohi e ad fres. 0-Ts haethnei ieCut.R BOOTS.B.- SMT.R. RSHOEn 49 A. 'R. RMTTU Racle» IN TOWN.» 42 Ten, per-cent. di8COunt off for Ja8sh FOR OX#l MONTE. 0-o - - Custômers are sxreited te cati satd examine this stock, judge of tbe quality andi tae. a note uftheb prices, aud salafy ibemîssives as to where tii.Y oe get lthe beat Bargeini, for rv. ote arrpledte vir-Boots as obeap as lbey are goosi, WilIlan&vthd4 a tkj . or ladies, gents, sud g*rlhoe- 4. ote, nvir- Fit for city or tise vood , AnÀ ta aa' qbateaveM AU ihoulit have a pair Ibal cosisi, By lb. boss. Andi be ai rost. gErREIPAIRS NETLY DONE. Co orneà ditPublie, le&st, yeuz orders andi gel ca pair of Boots of tise right kindim rm your obliged sud humble servant, MATTHEW COLLINS. TO THE FABRME?8' 0f THE We offer you for the harvest of 1880f the flollowing first- class Farmimg Inaplements: BROWN'S WHITBY HIARVESTER, (Iinproved.) YOUJNG CANADA MOWER, (Iznproved.) CAYUGA JR MOWER, (Improved.) -0F wlai TB,- For Reliable Boot and Shoe. OU-= Foot Wear of ail kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by WILLIAM BUIRNS, Brook Street, Whitby. C U T TUE R Se AND'CAR RIAGES. The Largest and Best A ssortment in the County. GREAT BARGAIINS OFFERED IN CUTTERS. &c. in order to make room, as we intend to build a larger number of Carrnages and Buggies this wiuter than usuaL - TOMS & NEWPORT'S. DUNDAS STREET, R. SNOW, Tise ebove machines requiro no comment froan us, ale asnglitougisfnîriTnIr sue a herveet as tise lan sd csryug-oiï thc Golad eifor Cad, 18AKERI and uuNrrIIuftNE1l Wo aise natify ail pursibasers wlio went durable me»chixiery sud propose to pay C&SH UN DELIVERY, bo call et our office in Wihitby, before plàcing your orders elsewhere, as it la ont intention tc. edopt the CASH BYSTEM! As nerly as la practicable. sud theroby make eut price liut et lowest liv- mig prices. Give tus e eil. BROWN & PATTERSON -MN-FPG Gc.- Whitby, Jen. 2lst 1879._5 HIGHEST MARKET RICE PAI D FOR ---ANY QUANTITY 0F-. O-CC0D 8W:TBI~ -DELIR AT- WHITBY CHINA TEr£A sTroRE. Alo woTous. of, dlieTurkleys,- Geese, Ducks and Chiekens wanted. ~ Wtb~ObwTe Stor., c~k l~ - DUNDAS-ST., WH:ITBY. t tanks hia numerouefriende for uheis- kiiisoi ex patronage for il'. ast jear, aud 80-addrs-e a a contlnunance Of tie ase. 1 . ho, wu ieps coustautly ou hansi Canities ut mil- riptioni aloc )NFECTIO!iERY, iCo CAF;P'ASTRY, - &c1 &c, &. Th fores licita Ki deîc WBITBY, ONTABIO. GCB viiibb CRBISTMAS &xD CO NEW YEAR'S CAKES, C OYSTE.R PATTIES, SAUSAGE ROLLS, z LAYER MALAGA, MUSCATELRASINS, O LEMONS, DATES, FIGS, 0F TiEE NET QUALlTY. - OYSTERS 8TEWED,Eswyor Fnîed,- on the sisoreesi snotice. COLD RObT DUCE suit OHIOKENS,» alvaja on hanS. - w. HOT COFFEE. Iýe' (ive us à ca. Bru oaidlives-osidaily .sg4 ail ondes- promptly stendesi lu Planes-sand Suppr upp lied ai reaao- able rates. Fleur -a5: and 50 Ibo., bagi4 1Iêti) Dupndaa.twasLWhstby FLOUR &,FEED TORE, Z* EO. - T. GUXJPRCHT, Tuer-s for Meassr. Mason & Biacs, Toronto, oe iu vhitbj about th. misddle ut May. ien wisbing their Pianos propesiy tmsed tlease leave their ordere -eitb Meser. N & RUPERT, Photogyspes, Wil. m'a Blocit. Wisithy.- Orders by mail, ase h o Meos-a Mason & RisaIs, Toron. Ucivo prompt attention. . y-i6 ri ce ký -010 cm -nCC Dt- c-i oie:0 CDIC %0-CD 0 4 CN" vc. ceciq ce ,4c toae îem~ .0 o- e- ~1RN] sJl.u.tlJ.taLLc Broc GI VE US A GA LLI PAPERS! WHITIIY, ONTARIO.4 BUGG1IES 4- '-~~~1 15- 0 - - .- . . 1 l 1 e 9 . . ,+ ý,M l owofflo rTerm ý- A mnts med arges ah tthe nogertiotisand42~ ,luont ineton Stahecents 0O description Who ter- tortcentspX Specio.lcontra1 Oxderotod u.ushtbe in w ri -AREWEl -Office, first flotelWhitby. B3ARRISTE AT LÀ 0. k. RITCI4IE Tpe j A a EQS fiu doux vos ,Money lu Mansion Rot AhA sors5 ro, f mOffic5l - i %= olp t~ uaes-up e CALL 0 N- SI&I WMT13Y, ONTABIO. 1 PIANOS TUMD. i « . 1 & 1 1 1 1 ý 1 -.- - - - - - - - ý ý I-IOTJ-SE

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