Whitby Chronicle, 21 Oct 1880, p. 2

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NaAdy.%Iumnld)tt<s nDey. oaf f Lands for Taxes-Wm. Laing, p Vlio, Troau. Ulortgule. bale - Beatty, Citadwick, 1Blagar & Tbomson, soirs. B.ep etrayd-John DitHlart. P.ectorla for Cogh-S. W. B. Smith. Jimoulc Syrup-T. 0. Whtlold. Farm i fsae-W. H. Builugs, soir. Harper'a Young People.- ObecI Proector-S. W. B. 8miti. Sevant girl Wated.- Eogilish Sat-Tlios. Lawlmr. Harpr'. Magaine.- À lleliable Medicine.- caution- scribner's Monthly. Olîancmry notice-W. H. Biilings soir. AMction sales-L. Fairbanks. Htr>e arayed-Francia Waring. Bristls Saeseparila-Perry Davis & 8on & Lawrence. Vainablo tarn for sanl-Eti. Duniap. Gennine Fiorida Water-Murray & Lauman. Special-Tife Jo.. Hall blanfg. Go. Clticîery nofie-G, Y. Smith, soir. 8peial-J. S. Boherteon & Bros. 'me iitliridge Chuaney-T. 0. Whit. feld. 14oxing loves- J. S. Rlobertson & Brou. Piure Drug-T. G. Wbitfll. Ilemnion 27th. AUCTION BALES. Sateoaifarmn stock, imiptoments, &m., on thit premie, Lut No. 8, in the 4th cou. af ]Rèa,lî, ailTuosday, Oct. 22ud, 18MJet une o'clock, 1). m.-L. F'airbanks, 'Auctionoer. Fartn stock, ituplemnonts, &c. property 01 Iitirh Muera, lot No. i1, brokon front, i'c- kering, Thuiretday, 2itt (ctoler.-L. Fair. baiks saUtionoer. 'Sale of farin stock, implements, &o., thp proporty of Mr. Thounas Day, on lot No. 6l, ini the 9th co. Pickering, on Friiay, Ocober '29th, 18W0. L. -Fair- batiko, Audtioneer. ONLY Si Sc PER ANNUM. Wlilhby, Thursday, Oct, 21, lÎ38O. Town Mattera. Our Town- Fater. do flot ippoar to hbe over-bardonlng their weighty minde witli the cama of the corporation. No mneeting touk place Monday evenîng for want of a quorum. In Ibis, the litter pîart of the. montb of October, no rae lias 701 licou &truck or &naucial nIae.. meuh proented. la no allier town tn Canada, w. veuluro ta @&y, ha@s . ilir deiay taken place. The. subisision of the. financiai statemont sud te ftrik. ing of the. rate comprimes the. mont im. portant business 0<lte year. Inded, upou this aIl lite rost hinges ;-it i. the big wheel that put. aIl the littîle wbeels in înptiou. luacaconnting for tuse de- lay, we _wers told that 'the BSehoal B3oard bed flot sent ini their etimetes, anti on Ibis account the annuai budget could not be made. up. Titi schouldi2 ot lie te case. andi if the. Sclaool B3oard have be neglectful of their dnty they. sitoulil share the. biarne. Thi.ernount requireil for sebool pur- poses tthe ensuing year will be, we ibre iîîlortued, $5.544, andI the total amount wlîîcl wil ho requirod ta ho raiaed for ali porpomes nom. $28000. Tp total atsaiasd value t. $87t,70-ont of which liere are exemptions, $20.000 for tho Ladies' Ooliege, and $6,500 exemptions of clergymen and others. Net amount ou which the taxes for the ensuing year are to li. rcised #,884.q30, or orne $80,. 000 les han leist year. This reduced assemeecl valu. means pu increame in the rate. 19 amounted to a4î miiie in the dollar met year, aud 1k will 001 urjso1 us if il us op ta 20 milleithe. peseut year. Bach aaahale of hbings ins quit. preposterous, and is anytbing but giving te îowu fair play. With the number of new buildings that bave gone up, it is boyond our ken ta understand how the. ausessed valu. hould bae falien off. Speaking t0 tbe asscor upon the. euh. jeot , ie aUeges liaI il is not bis fenît; but taI t th Court of 1.vleou redue,, anti lt.e County Judge rýduces, alter bis esoessment i. made, and that it ta tuis interference . s'itb his roll that taies. ilown tihe essessmenî and bringe up the rate. Somethtng muet b. dono-moîne stand taken for a m'irn equitable assena- mont. It was promisedl by tbéfÇmem. hors of tie Court of 1Bovison, but> neyer a word have wu heard about il ince lte aittlng of -he court. A fair value- tieon should carry thn assesseil value ta over a million of dollars, and tlisi of course would lessen lie raIe and nave Whitby rom the name of betng a high- iy taxed towu. Ilte p otorious liaI many perlons are inadeqfately assesseil -cet only on roal estate, but aiso an peronai properly and income. Every metober of the Concil knows Ibie. TeIk ta *ny -ou. cf hem and he will admit andl deplor. il. And ysl, altbough having tin luhbeir power b rmine lb. value and compel a fair retumn of per. onal property and inoput, n otng -ta dons. Tii.resuit is tint tbe woneyed mon andtiho weli.to-do, whule shari.ng in ail th. benefits And improvenients, escape pmytug their just proportion, and taI tbe beavy burden of taxation ja borne b7 lth.e omparatlvely poor and lbe intiastrions cund struggllng portion of our townspeople ; aud in addition ta Ibis injustice, the. lovu gels a bad Dame ontuld e A&,Pl"@e cf hgh ta»&s - Lattera Reéelved. tt w.rha Zo Ieahv -: itby Ilerbor. The Ph. graini mvrival I lb. bai elonate êlsllvesb hîgli is ms aie beliag presieti-iti s. , - : - ffin4 t. ý - l aieCause la rua a part -wh4ily A Through County Raillwray. The article copied buiowe tram the Qetava Rofosmenovers mncli of the gratnnilieroimîîome tetken ini lies. a. unavin Il aver of 1tîîilwitji xtenidon nrth. %W have gm-pt vîîýL-aere in e- prititing it. hti t enc,ýrnaing teAn~d Our Otaaa cîtitetporary, siol only a o-inhorer, but., intahttproenalinstance, laking the initintive lu aîîvoating a county raiîway. Tho extension cati- templatea voulda undonliladly prove cf untolti bondit t. tie. oontY Of -Ou- tario. [t voulti hinil nortit tudI sauti tagetier ; have t.he effeel of lessening oounty expomises, and hie % great iigh- vay for the. trato of thie Norti-west ta the front. But ve viilot the Reform- er argue Ilie aivanteges of Ilie line iu ts avu vey. Our eontemporery Bays:. Pie iatest information ho bo obtainoil ai Ottaa ittilcetes tiatthie Oovern- meut, lu tieferencetlathoetiomanil af the Opposition, have tieterminodta hoaben-- don lie imimeditato construction of lhe Canada Pacifia Raiiway fromn Nipinsing ta Selkirk, kavu slte Lake Superiar section. but ta puni forvarîl et once tho Canadien centrai roa t tathe. safit Ste. Marie, thome ta conneeat iti lie Americeti systetuof ratllrs, andi s lino of steainms turing thi e saon of navigation. Wiehlter tiie Laite Superi or section in procemdod vititet once or not, Lake Nipisicin hecomes a very urn' portant place in Ontatrioasa t Iliat point vo shall tep lie enortnuti traffie fromn the North and Nortit-vent whjch viii seek titisvalet- et Montreai. Iî viii aiea lie Ourimont tdirect eneta aud -fromn Manitoba anti our *reat Noîli-veet, noltotly titring Ilie a~ ason of navigation lut titrotaglîcutlthe ear. Dy hie extenoneoi th. Port Wlsftby & Port Perry Iiailway from Manille direct to Oravenhamt-a distance of 47 miles -lier. conneeting wilhthe isOntario & Pacifie Junehion Railvay. ave-r wliich il viii have runuing pow.ers, lie short- ont eut mont direct route te obtatuel from Laite Nbpising ta Laite Ontario. To soeur. the cocrlrutihio f hies short sectiontinleof lhe nîrost importance ta Ontario Connty The front townships are obligedt ta prehase thir supplies of lumber rom the North, andthie exten- sion oftlia rosiV apenta them lhe moent direct route ta thie beel lumber district in Ontario. Tii. nortiemti tawnships terir. a more direct route ta market titan lhey nov njoy, aeuthîe coanstruction ai tItis section givom it la thein. The diatance freminchihy f0 South tlat Bey, on Lake Niptcsing, te very uearly 200 mile@. Laite Nîpiaaing ta about 190 mile. long, go liaI viiihte ea'istructian af thii section Wliitly vont-I have a ledit country orf neanly 800 miles dini.clly tribntnry ta it. The distance frcm, Nipistsing ta Toronto,. y the way of Whitby,- ta leu titan frein Nipis4iînu, via the Noîthemu Ilailvny. ho Toronto. Tii. distance imatu Nipiesoirtg to WiiIy is 86 miles le-us lin rom Nipissing. via thie Nortiieru Htailway, la Toronto, so thaI aIl froighil ieetinoil for lte Arn'-rican stuc vaulil naturally se-ek an oulltettaWbitby, andthei. cormons lumber traffie rom liaI nection would nndouhtodhy came Ovor tlea Wiitliy andl Port Perry lltway. Tins fer oui couinty, ase econniy. lias donc nolhing for railweyn. Thero is mîaw an appar- Lunihy ta soecurethie mont important rmiiway connoction in Oatario h7 tn comparalivcly amaI aay of monoy, sud lte people of tie county elionîti ual hositae ta vote tie amnoual aecstary ho caese timunetiite construction. Manitoba unO.olteilly is ta lief» On- lailansdthie Kastera Provinces viat tho great %Vogt han been anti is ta the. New Engiat States. It ta, lterefore, of tie very higbest impartoace liaI early amnI direct communication ahaulti lie aecumetita Manttobae anti aur great Northh-West, anti an ve are on lie muet direct route vo shouitib hehafiret ta move la the. nieller anti securo lie trade in ils infancy. We loliove if lie people are prop.rly appe-aleti ta they yull nol hesitete ta grant te Poil Whitby, Poart Perry anti Lindsay Rail- way a reasanaile banue, if lie7 vili at once extond ticir line ta Gravonlînmst, andl have it eomploted as poon ne tthe Ontaia anti Pacifia Junetion vililinc openeti ta Laite Nipiasing. lied lhe Pari Whumliy andl Port l'erry Rlilway been buil ta GeLrgtan Bey 25 yeern &goi Wlîitby wonîti undouhtedly have beau " large andflourishaing iow,î. It vas a serian mictoite lion ual ta have taken lie ativice of saine ai lie more enterprisicg antisnguine citiseus anti have bl theti road. Theré is nov, admissiolaheiogroundsn andt h. pub- lie genrally are invited ha attendi. Let tie vhaie lowu turu out eut ehare Ibm holiday. -- PROGRAMOME. -1. 100 yts. deasi, open la ail pupils lu -toua, 15 years age anti under. 2. 100 yde. demi, open ta, pupils of *Higli Schcoî, 8. Tbre.legged race, open ta pupis of Hlgii scema. 4. 100 yds tai, open toa al corners 5- Welktag race, haîf mnile, open ta, Hligb scia ai pupise. 6. Haif mile raes, open la puptîn of Hilit scboi. ' 7. Bulnuing bigb Jump, Open ta pupils- of Higb Scbaai. 8. Mile race, apen ta ai romers. P. Hurie race, 220 ytis, 4 idites, opnn tla aIlpupain la lv. 10. Bx.ýpu11i cee-220 yds. - 11 Oainpion race 40 yds.,,opeatoe Uigli.&bco1 ppfla 12. Tug a0 var--Pupila Henry St. , anti Separate acbool, -spainal Motel nebool anti JahnsSi. achool. 2L Botvn teiom>e-th le Higli Sobool. -- 18. ot al amtc-Htg i Seho Tie 11ev. Mi. Aikinnon ai 3Euntkill- en, preacteil in lte Pieshytertan churci bore leut Suudey aiternoon, lu obedieuce ta a neclution aifie Generai Ae-semhly bis licme vas Wtat iuter- est as-e the yamaug people of the congre- galion haktng in the vomit of lie chutci.' Pie Canada Mthioits, are holding epecial servtces in thioir clinîci ler. overy oseuiug except Satiay eveaing. Pie aunerons frientis anti acquaint- encet, of Mr. C. A. Alînins, tho ancieul *3raokitn miunr iyl libe ied ta hen.r thâit ho relut-ned- homes on Sahurday evening lest fally moiercdetinromii long ilinens. Lizrsaaa AxeDt.ueAI-aaeSocE-ry.-Thc regular meeting ai tbe Brookîtu Liter- an>' anti Deîaing 01aI, wvas i niio Msouday eveuing hast, viten lie quest- ion of lie "National Poliey*" vas de- beied. Pie affirmative va. mainlain- cd. Alter a iveiy ant i iteresting de- liste, il van tedideti that the questian far tiebsee ethie nexI meeting fahoulti ho, Resolveti "Tiat a countr-y liaI im- porte maie gondse u t exporte is Lie woallhien fan il." Tirs DitrmeoasCiîuNm.-Fi-rnlte tuaity compiatts mate of thé Lime Glass Chimuney nov lugeacral osa, lbel etisfiet tint if tht.publia c.Uld obtaint s gooti ie- hiable chimate; ai a modersto cost, lhie vantle bctlItng ta paya fair pie. Aller tosting tie different tinta rnannaclnmed,- we have corne t hle conclusion chat lie toast-serviceable chnmey tla h iat tà moulonate Con in one mode 01o!lead ozrflint glace, properly anneatteti, santofa unifonni tîictcan. lu order laenpply line vata bave;nurc.iand te DrraieniosCnuxtsa, a fieFitSoeCirney, fanish inetil I. Eveîy cilmney vil lie hablan t vl a label brn iel-d mark ai tia Company, as a gntato tiathy are vii t hey are f eret v e la t h . or h i i i n ey ta - le t Thot il lin iatia of thie best latd or flial glass nf unifarnu liickns. ud Theglsa beiog a perfechly clear enylatgives lin best posiable igit. tnt Thal il viii hatst a toast tire. limes as long under lieane conditions, as a lime or rommon einmney, vile onlai castilng a Imitle more. Fei cale by T.IG. %tVintfelti Scuibnem'a Manîll> celebraten ile lenti birthday vith apermanent change af rover, anti viti a numbon (for No- vsmabnr) vhteh lie contuctars haie doue alinlutitspover ta make ane cf exceptianai beàuty, intereat, anti velue an il ins nlectie largeet numbar of Scmlbnem nînriisuet. Soibnnm'rn oins han tumnoti front violet tla areinbrouta aot inl themeigna>lte aim han been Aitittnes, impicity andi sàmi dec- arativa efleet. Miilels mont famons picture, '*Thestouet," engravetCdjIlol, foraimshebfrantapiece, -sutda :g ta pr n cipa r istie fe u r e t ' bm U i ir are a ilnlktug portrait ai *Giattone,4 pinodlit Ie boy i lteé magasine, but vîitoul h.pe eibher -ou Ibq am:n page or outhie baek cf4Ibmpage. - -Tosoro vs mit Suxaîooxs.-Tbe match foi lb. nbsutpioinhip cf the Do- minion, bnlween thte Sla=wokofta -Moolmeel, andtheb.ToianIa club,- va» playet et Torauto as Satumday *ad me- auhastinla svlctamyfir 1b. Toostôs. Plier. vore abolïit O0people ou lb. grauntia. Tié Shamroeka won lie irai gameflu lvc-ntiates. The Toronlos von lie second gaminaine'S inutesi lihýbirîLin la tmy-flve minutée,; lie Shanurcks the fourti gaine in4es min- littes, eut-lie T'oou-tha dhli gaine endthle match ta a- itIle over - lîlty iend eut subsciber, BMm. A. 'Von Bus- -»e -c,'f BSaffve,, osn&foatuy: -Von l'ocheaImants ble anti leerty, lac wiegit i ta flad, à@ h.e e quarter o a century mgo. Ani ve vere -aio éî- 1 tlb.e word. an Ibhe hune SavIlie Foxilie au aav Shat desala Town Couasilor injo t biuvhin le. aà= th. reiht 4cm lite o -itas v the $cwn. Ti. erw legrovin 2 long, go I mualit Yer thrue frlud, RaàitWWhhby CouncWi 2 The vn Hall, Coltus, Oct.he 1 ture of Iheir parlnlionmas le ametnI ho seof sacrifice. I remembor on. parish,mauy mies la extcnt, lu vici lthe people have been cipungeti front belng e lot o! hail-ntarv- et iIgnorant deshertun te lie condition of thrifty faîmora, with se-reral gondi nehools, vitere qply one poor one exinletibaeoraei presoot priesl came ho il. A novel fMature lu e sail town the SI. Lawrence in the immense boet-loads of bey, whieli vo met making thm way up againe- the cuiront. AI every village a large uum- ber o! lie villageis came down ta 500 the boat. Sorel ls 45 miles below Moutreel ; il la pîeaoantly situaeetoa a higi ground aet lie jonction <ai tic Richelieu. Fornierîy e largoeinilitary force vas eltualet here. Shîolling lirbughitilanti guossing frcm lihe sign boards anthe conversation Zou migit voit tiink yen voie in Nofmandy. 1 arn talti these people keep accerae records af their deneent, anti by correspondance kept np vith France, cen trace heur relations in Normanty anti Briltany 10tthis day. Nothing eau ho phesantor titan e sait up lthe Richelieu on a sumnmer aflernoomi. Many descendants nf oIt famailles lice &long tie hanks-peoplevione aucestars in aid Franc. weso meo ark, anti vioc. amea are lntimately ronnectet vili lie settloment cf Canada. Al &long titis river there wer. liveIy limon lu 1887 anti '88. At lthe villages of St. Charles anti SI. Donnas, batîlos voie fougil hetwesn lie patriote anthe goverumout Iroope. At St Dennis lie former were suceesaful anti moderato. Aller lier vbctary et St. Charles the lueur. genta voie routet, anti it à.maid, ton muci iasncess anti cruelty voe useti. Il may veil ho argemot latI Leexcuse of harsituens anti ornelhy, vioi, I suppose, bu plein Etiglisît moans lie killing af people, ais uneful methite cf putting tovu a rebeilion in the nIait. And titore are so many gfod arguments ta sbov tiatl le is eavedby puttisndv a rebeilion at ils commence- m en.t, i t i a1question viotior it van not vort trying te exporimoul on men vitt arm a ntbi atinde. J. E. FARtEWELL. Peachers' Association. A DANIEL COitE ro JUOttittNT. N N Tii. pople of Ottawa appreciâte the. roidend4'ýof sbu a mn n anfq , . -MeDougali amanRsat emi. - en -enea. day nigit ho was preeti witj;a handsome tasaand dimmner net, valier1 at $500 . The .presontatton we ipide in the. presence cf a host of Clite honorable genîleman'is frlen.li &ua weill-winhors, includiog a *humiior of ladies. lu tliaiing the peopli of Othewa for their expression of goed-will, Mr. MoDongaUl eaiti: I holdthalt IOttawa i. boundti tabe. come a great centre-of poliical intelli- gence and influence, and so far as 1 cen I shall exorcise whu.tevor influence 1 may posseso in advazicing the. interests ai thCit iy I have soifldnas My future homo. 1 took p niy residence in your iidt very quietly, ibncl>it affords me __Pgreatest pleasuro ta recoive tuis handsome andi unexVected 'testimonial of welcome from my Ottawa frienda. There may b. occasions wben I an lbe of service in furtherlng lhe develap. mnt of lie City, andi I have already talkod over withiyen, sir, tie means by which liaI developemoul may b.soecur- cd. ToIt may teiy upon me to rentier you at any time ail lhe assistance bu îny power. Althongh living a ittle outside lte city, I shail alwrays consid- or il my duty ta cou4ribute te the ail. vancemont of ils intemeste. I have, s îny friond the Mayor tolmi yeu, open inucli of public lifo, and I arn prend of the distinction of heiug a self-matie man. lu whatevor position 1 have occu- pied I have nover heen iny mnu's man. As a member of Parliament, and aise ns a mi-mber of the t3overnment, I nover heti a patron. nor -have t one ta- day. I have alweys exereined tny own jutigmont in diicussing lhe interesesof the conntry. WhonI fin-i that I do 00t fuI7y underatand a question, I cIndy it tn ail ils bearinge, and Ilion express mny opinion. oponly anti manfniiy, dis. oltargîng my own corscience as a Can. adian, no malter who may accnpy lhe Treasury bouches. I cm proudte l say I arn a Canadien, andi one who bas doue aIl in his power, ln office as Vil as ont of il, te nphoid Cenadian inter- mate. I lhink I may, wtthoul being ebargeti witb boacling, refer to the ac- tive part taiten by mymeif and athems associasd with me t ii acquisition of thie great Norti-Weeî. Borne of aur public meu haîl not thought il of 80 mucit importance. Bot for many years I ie.d bIt eti upon it as the. neat of a greal empire. SGCîÂ&L.-Mr. Hlerbort Speor's social lest Fritiay ovening was a gmeat enecees. It realizot $28,60. The sec- ond social for lte came purpose, wil b. held on nexl Friday ovenicg et Mr. William Briglit', near Raglan. E ast Whlithy. Queen's'Counsel. ÂPPOINTUENTS-OInDFR tOF PIIEIEDENOB. Mm. O'Day's Coriespoudue. B orra bit av Pace -ha"ve i hne 1got'bbck'>frornOtlaway. The bothereabun Ileat bas atttudeti Mn iverdo mincas uithin pant tellan. 'd yu spoketo Sui John, about bis promise ta nue lt." axes wan. -Sur John prom- tend me e coljecthorihip or eninthun ,-eae, wbeu lie wat, haroe t tbePick Nick. Arn1I gain tb gel it ?" axe.sa- ather. "iSur Johtt promisedl me a birti ai lin diollars a day anti thravelling ex- penses as a cotmmîshuner," mez e hhird. Sur John promised mn I his, andi Sur John promisoil me liat, and Sur John ramnisedi me t'other Thiog, andl Sur ahn prrnlsnd me Snmthln el8e. S"An diti lie pipake about it 20" «An diti ho tex. for me V" "And tiid y. mind him av mue cdem 2"- Thbee are only a amai sample av thi. quesituns I had to anser b4 I cu4 scarceiy tiiraw breth in me own bouse from lthe mulebiobudos Liat wayild me about tbnir conaeuaI Othawey. An Ibm 4hbare vas Misîbmesa O)'Day ta be ansereti, an bain suapichûs av me, dam.s durin me absince ber tia- pnr was by Doa manuor of mane the mveoteel. 5h. bagaun: ,,An ao y.bld ay wtdh Sur- John?2 Wan Lady Macdonaldti hare ? Whal hail sheonaber ? Hem close i y. BAY. A nice anser ta yer lawfully marriti wfe. It Doct elbripped yid expeet te see lier, yo blaggerd, is il ? Wiiat titi yo bring home?2 Yersdli 1 yin, au a purty bargin yer purty self ta. Y. brout snmthin 10 the chulture, is il?2 Candis ye wanlta pizen em witih the. painled thbmsh. NolI They'll oct have yer ilurty catidies. Howld me tung te il?2 That's nice lalk I If y. had mmnain.m in yod havît yerlnng. Tez wundn't b. gailivantin ilown ta Ottaway. tarin aroant an holinobbin widii yer Sur Jolins. A ring et lte dure. is Ihare ? Yer goiu ho opeu it bekase 70 e ta lady commn up thie sblps? Pao me eowkinn ye wan'î apen it titin. Jumit sit dowu whare y, are. l'Il aîtind ta tbm lady. Hadu't y. bnmbuggin ennif ici Otlaway widb yer sur Joins?2" An witii Ibis Minltresà O'Day dasbem it te hall an aiugs open th.etdure b4 ['i ecoverut froin hem ouit. lu Misther O'Day Cum .back from Ottavsy, Main y. @&y f Wallin tr oth lie ta. Diti h. git Sur Jobh l do any. tbing fur yer soun1? Wall Main, walk ta pluan uaxe iim. 1ibard him ay thère wus ta bs a gud mrany Laken in, ta whah hie caIleiheSinDikat., a a hlom av Maney an Land for Ihose ta b.e brout in. Bubtate me ativice au don't lot y.r By jine ln Loy Sin Dikate or any aiclisnful dous. If Sar John vanta ltidoanything for litaihe eau (do aumllita acer au daelater thon pittll hlm in Sncb au ondelîkate office. Pr.- cari, us al rom all kitids of- inful- noes. Whal is the vnrld comm ta wiu a Prime Miishhr"- But me tue y.dau't uutierstand- "4DOu'Iuntiheitanti, ton't I1P Do Yen vaut ta pnrgsade thie pour voman ta eot ber boy teku aSMu Dekate ? Oi tier 1 Mam, doI t t in puswade yo ho ih, but-"-ý At lisstage me lady frienti rose widit great dignity an gave me a Mont ocoamfortablo look. tMisilier 0'Day' sezshce, (widb prate eevarity) "How cuti ye ? Howcuti Sur John A. Mac- donald have tho face to olter me poor By go low a tiing as a Sin Dikate ? If we're poar ver. onist, Misher O'Day. An ye eau hell Sur John A. Macdonaldi frein me ltaIg no son of mine will iver bemans himanîf no much as toaekeipl e sititwayshnn av' that kiwi et hie bands." Wiilb lhis mlie flouteti ont av lie roIni au Misîbrée O'Day with lier. amiltu appraval at lie "iligaut cpnrit." as se mcd, sane be me lady visithar ilu mcml- tn siei a outrage as makin hum cou a Sin Di'iate. I won't say liatI*Iwasn't gla t l gel rit av' em hoti on aich chape terme.- An no atther consalin mesef for a whule widh cumhhin warm an comfartin an injcyiu me dutilien for a while I huit me way ta lie Town Hall. It wus Montiay evenin. Tiare waa 20couirla at lie IhalliIeveuta. The Towu Gowusil vas to performnbelav, an- ti. Mtadlm Sous Kinhet Club ho p1ayr above. An lis Rival performances wer. ta coiincobath at th. marne time. TIiey camnuncet, "'Ortiher I', bawlet tte Mare, "0a11 lie BoWl ?" The Clark vas proceedia. ta a dulcal voice., o eaU avur the. naines tav lin RavI ofinimbers su ba gaI as fer As the Damne av Fax, Whin liais v"an Most unairthly screccibard rom lh. flddles upsbtairs makin *lie Town Palliera jnmp in tliu àsae. Mistiier I I - Mr. Fartee.Lattera A mile h;elov Ceugitava. an Indien village ou lhe oppositeoBnde ai enier binuLachîne, lte czliient rnn veny cnvflly, an# in nme piacos Et neems ta clite tovu a iÜdtat aume vicihie: chan. nels ian et i tathle rocks. Tito otalfali ia about 4410et. Boeryars ega le go-rin. monthiaititese raplis.surveyed andtihlie tiepli o! tho vater evemyeve esue carelly. Il I romember rlghiy, tbey haël a heavy steat bargo, sn strongli uilt liaI 1h couiild o a masietite pleces i1111 dit otiU. ltse rocks q il vas provltet viti stieng anciaroaneutchaîna. the anchois ver. put clovn etlieeiboad of lte rapides, anti by maneenofaiintilases, spotmlly mut. the hoastvanlevereti tawii areainabout 9 foot at a lime. At overy atoppage large Iran tubes of greet veigit voie put dlovn by the aide of th. barge until liey tauchit holloni, lien e uneovan troppeti clovn the tube andtho exacltiepli of thie veer van founti. Pin y b. cul vta rmise lie tubes, eelk off anethmm 9 fnof cccli, anti saoan until ltevoit van dons. Titene ver. gays ou nopes attachedtthlinhnier.on oaci nids ho iteep lie barge andey.,. Thon the steatu van aippild. ta the vintilasses anatihle barge travnunp, siftit a ltle la one cite andte lisotndinge taken itatheieneo vy. untiilie viole curont vas mappet ont andt he-beat ehannel for steemboata faunti An Indien naxn.d Beptiate "vas lie pilot via baokthle fi-St samioat clonalte uetli andtihle lest ene. Ho bas ual miamet e day for 20 years in pioting lie Canadian Navigation Company steamers. Il lasame 40 yesrs since ho cammenced lte vont. Il vas nt ehove lie village of Lachineo ht Hanlan van Mn greal victary aver Court- ney. Il la et tis village ltaI v o tactli hoast ta inlhe rapitis. Whon vo vent on board,nme 2-3 Prenacthaboy s voeeonlie opper dock abnging. Pie ltte chape isti heen np the Ottawa river playing lacrasse. A livehior lot ai litle felavs it vomît ho bard la flot. Thov sang ituily, mehodiaus- ly anti heartiiy unlil jual as vo vere an tho otige ci lie aviftat part ai the rapids-just viet'e s misaee lu giving a comment ci a mistake lu exscuting It, vonît sen tlie hoast oah the rocks vitici ise protly noar lie surface, anti belveen vici theteaux- ent unse andt umbles lite lie vater in a4 boilung esultiron. JusI bore tiree mon vent up loto hehieie hanse ta ansintthe pilot.and: tvao ohers vont avay off ta lie tillter, for l ints riunnlng af rapide lier. are timo ven tiey have ta set pomptly, vinlhe rutider mag hoemovedt ltakea six men or mare ta do 1h. Sa just ici., lis ctainadieitht snglug on'hus w se count, h.sag oct siarphy ta lte boys ta t.P ueandthey ver. quiet accartiung. ly, Un vugo, aItrace-herse epee.th le cui- ront Ji 'vut lvamunt go mdaters han il, on else ve rua a pics chance ni being phlumped on a ocky letigo Ihatl ion stmaigit nonî front. Yon make up youi miaIa liaItanjust vialt inta lie toue, vienthie pilot, vito hanbeeu iootlug sharpiyaed g _e amap lng aI lbe vinel, anti avay il goos pîlnaag arounti, art mc do v.. AI anetier point, yonu es eite îers teap suudenly dow veir a rocky tMage, sut lu c moment yen feel tebhast anti 70cr gim. acdiantUi anti siagular yonr othar beredi- tamneiaanti appurlenances trop clown lie mane tedgn. RHe. gain tea ahadly mixeti- lot oatai ater, anti ve cant fcrm lie sligitest nation vici course aietead onîti ronue ta Oui pemna saiety. It te tucky ior n stIe have notbtng 1a do with il ; if velhoa!ive shoulti beasure lale tei vmomg eue, anti vhitc vo ver. lilutiag about it, vo abtoulai hu ginding anti crash- ing an toas rock. The pilat knews the vater in deep enouiin camne places, anti be knnvn lest viten anti vinin ta hut for il. 1Iv hae harc) people ay tiet lie maie timon liey go àoavuhonliasempid, thie mare lieyares impreccet i vti ihsadanger. I lest junt that a-ay myneti. Pie danger ins ual lnam wtvitaleme, but viat yon tio't@sea, anti viici, iartnnately. lie pilaItdocS. Hiandreof a Iliusata of people bave been tamint aafely clovwnIliese rapide, lirougi thie came anti ckil a! lie piloa. B ut nome day vica a mutder cI-aima break,, an break, ltey comnelimes vill,thomo vil b- "«Firgt a aiivei andtihtin e lirti.- Thea aometliîng tecidedly io a cpilL" one of lte Montreat bosta once etmce e rock l intese rapide. 0f course e go-t marîyeoplew*ere sceretienunue mati va go batycscarodti laI he jumpet avertoard, I upps for ear lho voulti Wo trovned, 1atli oaydroieced. Tic nexl cime lho gne on 'ueapdeplon a ntoamt.oat he vîll doables nmembor ttulApaatie Pl'aI diriectiona ta neviagtars vien in dilffiull,4 anti "*aide inlie siip." Witcn vo roai theito cltwater bhoavtle rapid anti lotk back, the viole malter ai unnitig tov uotos y enougi, «M,. litho Iriman etliheFais vio board apont npcaktina veiy exelte s arain about lie tliausanda a tans ni vaer pouriug-over the rocks hehov, vq eec caustiaineilta <oki,--fSure- vhah's te hintiier il 2"ý As vo aveep away roundthie city, ve cante iu fult viev pi1atheo2Sipion r itg out aif the river Iv iSuport tin VictoDria Bridge, anti as v. atke ici he SPac be Ien ltae tv ouse, eveiy anc cashs an auxiona loat et lie mote steakanti tant eut vanter hav li.y ane ta bu gaI under lie bridge viiteul a a--h-i.The propai- tien ai lie bridige andthe piersa»are0oelina- menue anti go nlcoiy harmanizoti vihi oaci otien liaI vo forget thah ilt isnot au oral- ;aIl bridige, andt bt tiers te a distance ai MOIt ent ceen tho hathotofthie hube sud tVi ig tomses lie French, vilieut gorng Sincoe teceisian ai lhe Supmeme Court, that in tho Dominion Courts lbe bauieers appointei Q. C.'. by lie Pro- vincial Gavomnmenl coulti not lake pue- cadienco but nankot as arilinary bai. ristois, it vas oxpectadti laI action voulil ho haken by the Dominion Oov- tunent t settie the tmatter. Tiiet han ýe..beoi doue The following is tho PRtOVICEcsOF ONTARItO. Thomas M. Bonuo, Port Hopo; Francis MeKaîcan, Hamilton; William P. Mereditt, M.PP., Landau; James Bethuno, Toronto; W. H. Scatt, M.PP., Peterbaro'; Martin 0'- Gara, Ottava, Thomas Fergucan, Toronto; B. B. Osher, Hamilton ; James A. Miler, St. Caharinos ; John A. Boyd, Torontoa; Jamets F. Donuistoun, Peterboro'; George A. Kirkpstrick, M. P., Kmng stan ; Alfredi Heekin, Toronto ; Richard T. Walkeni, Kingston; John O'Donoine, Toronto. PROVtINCE OF quanse. George Macran, Mautreal; Etivard - F. Brooks M P. Sherbraoke ;Thon. L. O. Lai- anger, »àP. ohîmeat ; Honry G Maiiot, Three Rivers; Levi R. Church, M.PP., Ay- mer; B. Girouard, M.P., Montreal; A. Bl. Angers, Quehec; George B. Baker, M.P., Coveaville; Han. F. X. A. Prudel, Mont- roal * F. C. S. Langelier, Quebea; Nasaire L. Denoncourt, Tiree Riveras- Simon Pegnuelo, Mantreal : Robert N. Hall, Sher- brooke: Alexander Lacoste, Monîrcat: Jean G. P. Blanchet, Quehec: Chartes P. Daividoon, Montroal: Han. Wilfreà Laurier M.P., Arlhahaskaville: Michael Mathieu, M.PP., Sorel XVin. B. Ives, M.P.,Siter- brooke; Louis P. E. Crepen, Artiýabeka- ville: Han. W. 'W. Lynch,. M FF., Rno.l- tan; Wm. C . Cook, Quebea: Joseph Ahierie Ouimu-l, M.M., Mantreal: Jaseph M. Lorager, Monîreel. PRtOVINCEz 0F NOVA SCOTLA. Ebonezer F. Maira, Truro: James hm'ga, Piclon: Robert G. Hialiburton, Ottava: Win. F. McCoy, Hahifax: Hon. S. H. Holmes, Premier, Pietan. Murray Dotit Sydney, C. B : William H. Owen, Bridge. lova : Han. C. J. Townsetai, Execuhive Councitior, Amherst: James Wentvortt Bignay, Yarmouth : Aloozo J. Wite, Sydnuey, C. B. PRlOVINCE <OF NEW BRSWuaIaCK Allen A. Davitison, M. PP., Nevcastle: William Jack, St. Jahna; David Siant Kerr, SI. John. P-tOVINCE OF PRINCEr DWRuv ifISLANDa. Ran J. Fitzgerali, Chtarlotîttown RANK AND) PRECfEECE. Raik antiîrecedence are conierrei on tto ahanao gentlemen respectively f rom the date o! their epponîmenis (Octoher tIti, 188) lu ail C.ots esteblistot or ta ho estabihle undor the authorthy of auy Act allihe Peniemeulc of Canada, next alter lthe iollavlng persoa. nameîy: t . Tinso Jtersonn via, priai tae tel day o! July, 1867, receivet appoinîmeuls as Heu Majeaty's Counset leainot inuth.iaw vithin any allihe laIe Provinces ai Canada, Now Brunswsick, Nova Scolie, Prince Hi. vert Islandi, oruBritisht Colmia. S Those peinons via, stnca tic tnt day of Jnly, t867, vere eppaintut Heu Majecty's Counesel leained ianthe lav unticithe Great Sealtcfthe Dominion cf *Canade. Fnrtiormore, rant eut precedence are coleriei upan tht gentlemen aboya nameti tram the date cf their appoinhments inalt Courts in tic Province of lie Bar ai yiict liey are nov respectively or many home- lifter mespectiveiy hacome luembein, liait alter tic iollnncing poisons, nsmciy : t. Thono members ai suci Ber vito, pioi taithe ltJnly, 1867, receivet appoint mo,îta as item -Majesty's Couniel teerne i i tie 1ev.' S. Tiose memibers ef suait Bau via, cince the tat Jnly, 1867, voie appoinlei as Hem Ma »ntys Caunsel lbainet lu the law under Mts Greal Seatofithe Dominion ai Canada. 8. Thon. mombers ai Bci Bar, if aîay, s-to imay layfnly be entitlei ta iank lu precedence SIver tiche epctve gentlemen stuc, appointed. e'ie Josepht Hait Manufacturing Ca. Exiiit et the Landau Fair. (From thei.Lo.don Fr-ee Press) Oneofaithe fluecl exhibits ever macle in Ontario is tiat silown y the Joseph Hall Manufacturing Co., af Osheva. We are gladti laIth. Company ap- preiatos the benefits that are derivod from a good exhihit allihe Western Faim. ThitiCompany oxitibil Iheir singlo "Champion" rnavers,oapaa, anti eom- binedth le Oshawa reaper ; aiea tva undersiol claver mille (Coltina & Siat- tuck's patent),, tiroo separators, vide aIl dt4ven b; lthe Oshiawa engin. The aboya machines are tasltefuliy tarrangeil. lhe neapena andl moyen. aie ta motion an an olevaled _pîatfamrn, whici is cavoret itilia cnav-viit e canvas, tastefuily inttereti. For the year 1881 they yuil make camne litle changes. vie, âs fer se we enu fintiout viiiho as foilove : On thoir Ojiampian movor anti reaper the. ouiy change vill ho an improveti grain vicel lever. Their customens no doniL viiilin epleaseti e t Iis, fariner. tireat sa St.- In lie hast itenue ai lie CaaoasmCLr ap- poarlil an article <nom ",Observer" ro- flectitg on tie Ontaria Tesehoin tagon- oral anti Mr. MeBrien, tho inspecter ln parliamilar. Thin self-couitituted critic bat oltion a very oeoveniont memomy ai else lithie regard fan the truti ; sa allie chose ai thet Joa session of the Peaciers' As- sociation thal gentleman atidreaset hi, teeciera present, eomplimenting thein an thoir administrative abiltties, gea- tlimanly deporîmout asudtehating pav. ers, vit i a 'fiuency of expression anti cendon ai speech ibat loti us innocent «nhlibte teachers ta believe ve hati fount an 'lIeraehitts lu hom tiene vas Do guile." The tuplicity of "iOberver"~ is lu per- ecet sympatiy yith lic genertil ciarac- tan allihe men formnlng lie olique iav- iug ils meaticentre in the "Deserleti village" aethle cuti- "Oonsitlncy lion art e jovel" Ph. abjeel afi*"Observer" te plein, but nouse legsancantemptihle. Tien. e e a leughing tievil' in hie enoers etthie cliaratitar anti voit of <aur association liaI unmisîtkaby shovs bis loy broedinu<, eut v. treat them viti. th. cantempt lhey se jaehly monit. lint:cîan ne1 ielp rrerkingthe mental calibre of a inan via charges allions viti conducl of vih lie iimself is go -grossly guiity. Thoreareo certain passages in Oisemv- o aletter wv a cnt eilov taeppasun- ciallenget : Thte chaerge liaI aur Presitienl, or liy lie way, 'eiiairman," occupies futiy one-fourti cf the lime in dogniatioalîy euuncieting is viows, is as <alse as it is senselees, yeh fully accords with tic varions alici charges made against lie inspectai liy tiat cl iquei of vire-puilens chove mentianeil, 1- wili tehl yau, Mu. Edih-or, liav oui discussions are coaductid andi aliaw you ta jutigis of l'Observers venacity. We eliav ono iour for tic discussion of Pcc suiject on tie programme ; one itaîf of lia allottedti ime blhoags e thli biody cf gentlemen tntroducing the culi- jedt, ths athier baif islte proponly of tie association. Ph. panty tatrodncing a tapi. gen- erally occupies nons tien bis prol$en lime, but.vien hoe baves lie subjoott ho memberu af- lb.etassoctation leke ilain band. Phe prenidout, wlia, hy lie vey i. an electot officer, andl happens, et lîresent ta b. aur vartiy inspeetor, offere no me- marks untbl ail -via .may 50 desire, bave epoken, andti talnlen ven, if the hoUr bc expinod. Nav, Mr. "Observer," cen your fer- tile brain connect any serions abjection toIbem *'modu8 operan&u V" Whio bas a boîter iit. 8ir, ta clan. a dohale lia hiepreuitieut, lot lira b. vhain he may, anra o, ombut lte ta- apector, abouldtihie teacherslotk for e tiecison on ail cautroverleti points liaI arise during sncb discussion ? "'Observer" cheactenisedthela.snb- jecln tdiscussea ti tOur meetings as un- interestiug anti uninetructive. Tioy niay beto himvwho eaugilti a pilon drive a lanco, but hoi te temebere of Ontario viao ocnapy a doubtful position lu saciety, eut lack tie ease anti breet- fiag ai gentlemnen, liey are of Vihhl importance. 14 erod bcnpresurnpluaus fci us vie gravel lte llaer vilk ofaiéueanti "*bemean uoievon by. lhanestlyhoiing for our-beW',to allenspltitdiscunssion ai thon. grand, minti sauoblin 9 neim' apirlag-thomea vli iol ih )bnerver" mut bis pomee mareso famihiar. But bal un koa va ha daislinied critie vas promeel, 1, <oaone, would hae inlg. at lu iieoratowical flourtal for bts anéiai1l,beasflt. andi1 ainmure litonrs ail North Ontario Agrlcultural PalI ex- hibition. The faîl exhibition of the Nanti On- laria Agrieultnral Sdeiety, ilil et Port Ferry, on Tueeilay anti Wednesilay of lent wvei, vas lie - mosl nuceseful faim icîti by lie aioeicty for many yoars. Thora was a throngel altondance, and, wilh the exception afi'mportet sstcki, the. difféerent classes vero velI fillot. Beîovwow give the prize lisI. Steihion-let Francis RUjiott, Sud J. B. Fousytt. S-yar itStailion-J. Claugiton. Mýare,iti boal et int--lt J. Claugitton, Sut S. H. Byeis. Tva year olti Filhy-J. B. Forsyti. One yeer otti Filly-lst G. H. Byors, Sot J. B. Forsytit. Spring Filly-îl G. H. Byers, Sud J. Claugiton. SADDLE ORt calmIAEi. Statlion-W. B. McGaw. 2-yeaî olti Slallon-J. Claugiton. 1-yéar nid Stsliian-J. J. Joinston. Spring Colt-E. Major. G iR.' ihfol - .M ajor Sud W . Me- 2-year nl id Py-J. HazzlowOod, Sud J. Wi. Umpirey. l-yeai olti Fiily-W. Caimichaol, Sud 4,ivi Parrieli. Spaing FiDy-E. Walker, Sud J. Claugi- ton. Saddlo Horse-A. Sticknoy, Sud A. C. Brown. Speu-Nnah Baelo nSd T. B. Hilînet. Single Driving Horse, 15 hautin or over- B. McQnay, Sud J. Blong. FlagIe Driving Horse, 15 itantis or untier -A. J. Wells, Sud-C. Mceozie. CAtifAIt DRUCOT. St ' llion-J. MoFerlanie, Sud W. Tiomp- son. d 1-year nid Stallion-J. Burton. Ma re0, ithic al at tootý-Adams & Wat- son, Sud T. Hollitay. 9..y.sr old FPitiy--J. Manie. StA. Rosa. 1-year olt iully-Isl anti Sot J. I. Davit- son. Spring FilIy-Adams & Waison, Sud J. Coates. S p n Geldings or Mares-H. Giogg, Sud J. Kechen, Srd A. Lease. asEsitÂL PUISPOBB. Slàllion-J. Joues, Sud Wm. O'Bryant. =-ea old ti lliion-C. MePitaden, Sud 1-yeaî ct llion-J. Viceory, Sud John Coa 1s Spiing Colt-Josepli Wilson, ÀGnclAaron Titompeon. Mre, vili foal ut foot-J. Coates, Sud A. Leask. Syeatr olti Fiily, Richard Harper, Sud J. 1-year aid Fiily-W. Thampion. Spring Fily-Richati Haupor, Sud Oea. Real. SpanGOeldinge or Mares-J. Evans, Snd J. Mook, Siti W.« Cates. Titorougit-bie Baul - J. Watson, Sud Adams & Watson, Brd T. Cates. 2-year QI Bull-John Ralpi. - -year nid Bull-Robt. Dobson. Bull Cçàli, untier ne yeai-John Berie, Sud anti Sud Win. Sitier. Cov in ceii-Earchman & Son, Sud Jas. Bayant, Bit E. Dohean. 2-yoer olt IlHouer-J. Bryant, Sud Tins. Cates, Srt C. Marali. t.yeai oit Heiloi-J. Bryant, Sut Earci- man & San, titi R Dabson. Houoer eal, under ana yosr-A. Rerci- mian & Son, Sut & Brd T. Coatea. Frdr Thorougit-bret Celtle-Earitman & Son, Sud T. Contes. Otituz.' Oow iu cati-R. Roberts, Sud T. Coates. 2-yoar nid ieiler-lst anti StitiT. 'oates. t-year oit houfer-G. Jack3on, Sud Citas. Rogers. Houfer cati, tinter one year-RI. Witdea, Soti T. Coatos. Yake voiking Oxon-G. Marta, Sud E. Wiliams. Fat Ox Steer, Cow or Rettor-Jun. Hoeard, Sud T. Coates. SttEEP-LEItCE.TEIis. Ageti Ram-John Dix. Sitearîing Ram-lit anti Sud H. Tiffin. Ram Lam6-1IItaud Snd H. Tiflu. S Ewes;-Join Dix, Sud Henry Tiffin. S Soearling Ewcsg-H. TiSai, Sud John DIX. S Eve Lambs-ll. & ?nt H. Tiffin. COTSvOLD. Ageti ram-W. & J. Tiompeon. Siearllug rama-W. &J. Tjiompaen, Sud Aaron Tiampsnn. Ram Lamb-W. & J. Thompson, Sud Aaron Tiompson. Two Ewes--W. & J. Tiompson, Sud Jan. Grtaam. Tva EvBe -Lamhs-ý1st anti. Sut W. & J. Tbompn. Twa Ewea-lal & Snt H. H. Spencer. Ram Ltamb-H H. Spencer, Sud Chaules Peu of Shoctp-W. & J. Thornpaou, Sud -Jas. Grahamn, Boaî-A. Bongard, Sudl A. Pilkey. Bro.sding Bowy-N. Chaugitan, 2ud J. B. ta b, matie w4li H.Noumseni" > Collection Gartien Vegetabbea-A. Hrarper Bouquet Ployais-W. H. Hayes, 2SaUni. -M. Cur-i Squaeshea..4- ot& PrimPkiiis-E Williass2nd J. Iodman. Collection Of Pruits-J'MDjÏ 2. C. Sharrard * ysoaii St .Collection cf Wiuler Apple., net lois tien SIX verietias andd ivelve of ah- c Donald, 2ta R. Scott, SedUR. Logg. DOirrSTIC MÂiiUFACT zES- oME ittZ. Fuileti Clotti-A. Diekeon, 2nd j. -BDwî mani. w White Flannel-J. Bowsrmsu 2,di Jool Shaw. Colorod Flenuoi-J. Bou ermuln, 2nd J-W. Holtby. Wooiofl Blenkt-do., 2nd A. Dickson.- Coverlt-J. Bowerman, Sud F. Ros Knitting Yarn-Mra. fi. N.Sthertou Sud Mis. J. Shaw. WooieO Mitîs-Mrs. Eexchman, Su2 Lrp Willcox.LUY Wooieu Gloves-lel anti Sud tho Misses Stricklenti. Woolen Sock-Mrs. J. Shaw, 2ud Mis, M. Holmen. Woollen Slockitigs-E. BSmith, 2ud Mu. J. Shaw. Eeg Bung Woollon Work-Mrs. A.B Smith, 2ud R. Johnson. Rag Carpol, Cotton Work-Mrs. A. pet- terson, 2nd Mis. C. Sharrerd. Gent's Plsid--R. Widden. Assortment of Faetary-mado WOOli Goods-J. Bowermaan. Spinning Wheel-J. Jury. LADIES' OSPAUTTBItET. Cbild's Drees-Mis. Squelait, -Sud Mrt McRonzie- Gent. hent-mado Shirt-J. Scott 2md MrB. W. Sqieeich. Gcnl's machine-matie shirt-j. secU, 2ud -Miss Stricklend. Lady'à Bonnoîl-Rale Johanstan, Sud Else oSmitht Piece work Qnil-Lucy wiilcox, 2nti Mise BongeriL Topsewed Qnilt- Lucy Willcex, Sud R. J. Kiglil. Pufl Quiit-Mis. DBof, 2nd J. Scott. Kitit Bod Caver-MisasStricklaud, 2nd Lucy Wiltcox. Crochet werk Qult-Mits Halman. Sitk qut-L.Wilcox, Sud J. Scont. Lady's dress-Elsie Smniit, Snd Lucy Wilcox. Collection ladies' underclothing-Mre. Pattorson Sud Mies McX0uzie- Dispiay of mlinuery-Etsie Smtit. Faney kuitting- Miss Slrieklauit, Sud Mis. MoDona!d. Crochet -work-Misa Striekianti, Snd LiW rie Emmott. Talling-MiSS Slricklasfd, 2Sud Rate Joint clou. Applique vork-Kate Jahuston, 2Sud Milen. Strieklati. Rmhroideryon mnsiin-lnl anti Sud <ha Misses. Strieklauti. Lace embsoider-Miss Striekient. Si1k embraidery-Miss Striekianti Embroiclory on voistet-Ist Miss Striait. ]andi, Sud Rate Jolinstan. Embroltery on cotton- Miss Stricidanti, 2nt Rate Johuston. Ratnt berlin wool vori-Mss. Squelrit, Sut Mis.- Hayes. Fiat bouta vwool work-Miss Stricland Sud Mis. Situeleli. * German raisoti vork-Mra. Duff, Sud Jane Scott. Guipure vore-Misa Shricklanti, Sud Mis. Cumniings. Chonite vont-Miss Strickianti, Sud Lis. rie Eminett. Mexican neetile voîk-L. 'Emmot Sd Rate Joinston. Ornemental needle-L. ErmoIl, Rats Jobtaston. Specmenbraflig-lt oad thlie Miss- Spocimuen beed work-Miss Slrickiand, Sud L. Emmett. Specimon lace work-Rato Johuston, Sud Miss Strickland. Point lace vork-Miss Bongerd, Sud Rate Joituston. Worked slippers-Miss Moeezie, Sud R. Sohuston. Sofa Pillow-Miss MeClarecu, Sud Mis. Wm. Beoian. Toiot set-Mrs. Hayes, Sud'Mis. Wtu. Eerahmeit. ColtotiTidy-Mies Strilkltd, Sud Miss Minnie Holman. Woolen tidy-Miss Stricklasit, Sud Miss Wilcox. Braideti tidy-Miss Stricitiauti, Sud L. Wilcox. ottoman-Mise M. A. Palterson, 2nd Miss McCteren. Wax fruit-Mrm. W. H. Hayes, Sot Mis. Wm Sqdieleh. Colored vax fowers-Mus. Squolcla, Snd Mis. Hayes. Wax vator hues-Mus. Hayes, Sud Mis. Squelch. Par floyers-Miss J. Scot,Sud Mca. Wm. Squolch. 1 Hair floyers-Mis. Emmott, Sud'Miss R- Johuston. Borlinvool flowers-ist Jane SeuIl, Sud Mis. Hayon. Postier flovois-Miss L. Wilcox, Sud .Mis. Squolci.. el 1pyr dvrs-Mus. R_- Robertson, Sud B iddon. Faney basket--Miss Lucy Wilcox, Mie. Wall basket-J.St S ud Z! Wileo Grellan lamp-Mrn. W. Squeich, Sn udMs L. Willcox. Lamp mal-Mise Moeezie, SudM M. A. PattersoiL, Faney table mat-Mis. -M. curzie, Sud Miss Stricklanti; Fancy leathor vonk-Mx. Squnîch., EnsIe vozk-Miss J. ScaIt, Sud Mis. W. i 1~ Portrait paiuting--let anti Sud Misses. Stricklant. Fruit painting-ltMis Rate Jainqlen, Sud Misas Biiela.- Oi pin!ný1tana 2aSuthelin sse hÈave increa 'USE Pu~ A Contes on Titurusd sovcrIilcin~ tives. Font brako5st ing. sau=e0-: annual mes AlliecPa Ht' faut USEF lie fim imoot P pmoeg -lTee wh.gon) cc-rr i. USE Oshaw ant yae - Thme wee. bey. t 1- Bo Wnn. Painting in valer colam-lat anti Wuthe Vélvet painting-WmissEni Rose, 2Su lfsSII ing-ltate-JohvMsln, Sud Pencil ra-uiag-4ch Mis elcin, Sud lia Letcier. 1oriùmcàascae&wg-let anti 2ud 21ayone Msm wlnikl=a ieMse 0 =wiO4lenti. - the- M -

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