Whitby Chronicle, 21 Oct 1880, p. 4

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WMihltIo lawyst, lbn-wuD, "a bats nfely. 'XDiIrxtêwlth -wat.# Os,,. QbÏ Z felb ulealnthatourangfngs hait ne a 'loth s# obr abw 1,ý *e amrit 1 .usina, several eleaxa eithwlif v.ry Mnek r1at WU h-o disouraga yen, but thon 1 soflloi. A fe'w diops in a batlir watr, cuéo5R' sses, eopejally if bard,refroe, saud puridus. To beeri yon, ese d hbey te do, and pay tlbagkroae tilt4 ans youc 1oe en Ilan le varýe ifu andova, in t, '<Yoa'ra gel a luty met ' llmbs, snd erdin- taItes np thre grpape spota Irom the 517 li55d, floors I1t ls gond for a stimulant tp, Adyou war. meant hy cammun bell te e"ru your dai17 breauibougie planta ,eletousisoonfol ne But lhrivlng faim snd ploasat home vIre gallon of watt r once a week. Put à fae main snd vile ae, a-era drops in a basin cf waber, wash your Blut any eue-horme lawyrsa luek a a shaîr.brusre in il. -and se whist il is fir es 70 u mee. -geod for. It la good for cattarîhal cold, "If you'd beau hem with talent, John you'da ad gtinge cOf inseets.- Inhale for eold1, langaego ha silown sud apply to affécebed part in stings. That Yeu lied gifl, ha stealing oit, te 5St FmUsdp-is etrefindvn abooks 1aL rue FUNSI.GV etefin h Nov, if yOD vs aver read a boak, 1 r1ally bas thre saie love fote me always, who don% kuow whon la reaédy to "stpeak up" for me in tIre Thotagî, coure te thin,! blievo yau slilg a tidat of eneniies, and repeat whst lhe soanavbat legal pen considers My vireces as an offséet te the "lBe vise, my boy, the legal rauksan more faiinugs tbey May rehearsa, and who than erowdsd nov, vili hold fast to bis faith lu My trnth Aud bell of thaux who arre thercin, werc and gooduceslun pite of dofmation. cnt ant for ahe plow, StucI friends May be soarce, but whqný But they mtatook pure latines. for talnt, found are priceless treasurr. A nn pdaut a bg pywer hr wus ne demaud. "Are they not educated P Yes. but ber. let me axplan, TIret Bond tIrt'a sovu in ahady silI, bringe forth but littia grainl Aud tib igher educatian le an ordinary mina Muanthatu blind. - - ailotber botel they aIl seorried. "TIrera's n prouder place th"an ivxI bbe Phd you ever know a mnu ise ho hailles of tire pîov naily 1.11. alIhe knows, Who did (Thougli, turnpy landselhas humbled use et everlatingly repoat biaisai!? rimues 1 inust liovi. Abd sB for bornais groatuess, I shonld Ijink Did l'on ever know a man vIra t I hait ny ahare, od nencl of hrinrelf who did nctl hai If I coulsi taesthe prie for bogs atour nex peur mUbjeet for their converasation counny fat, Disi yc U evu r knov a foui who "1JUiîensuiete yonr sire, îny John, sud juat avare tIret Irevas A feol ? You'Il lire ta hie rospectesi, tiiongb perbape Phd you ever ehink, that yen milgIr Yeunwonn t hsiegreat. thus oblivions as te yourself ? But enter law. sud five short years viiil--* cean Yeout ontabait, IT wAB RER Tuas No.-A Danhi Teu bavhe no recoilectlon of thiatsqlait re5 yonng man offended - eue of tIrelm mes]Yeu ad. l kri lua ianey gouda store at a p Life toty.a feu' eveuings ago. A day or t Life Ston,.haler e sul to the store sudi tleven ya f cildboed' suad p quiresaIf mli. had «gentleuran's tioc" Severi years et schaei frein day te day, eanwrd."e, v1 aut te Seveu-ysars et c tmae or college lite, a pair,",ha seid. "Who are dbey foi Ssueriyeaners e nd a homeé cnd a vil, heacaked, loohing bine slraigbl ln i sev>n resnte pIsesurs' eUlas gi van, eyes. "Wy,-for-me," ha gaspi Davon yeaarsbhbusiness hardly d01ivon, trigsaltudr niuto Severi yaara for sarneas vlId gooso ches, trigsaltudrh niuto Saven yasm for veaith e bootless race, ber inquiry. Savoni yeara te hoardlng fer yor heir, - -- Saveomee of veaknusaspent iu care, -Tata ENGiuss COLONT 0F ]UBYa.- Thon dis sud go-bise Lord kaya vIrera. The Ejnglib olilouy of Rugby, fonda by Thomas Hfughes, in Tennessee, wi A gWARI!or Brass. dedioated en thre 5th inst, with appt B patient, B prayerful, B humble, B milsi; riate cermounies. Iu bis addreas, Ma B vise as Solen,-B mesk usa child Hugesa aunouuoad thet there isi B sîndbaus, B thonghtln, B Ievlug, B kind; exe[univig ebereeter ettecheit te tIra ne Bar mata mattorsnbserviettlemiuid, Ilsaireres, B prudent, B tssiaut, B rus, sîettiement. A churcis, scblool, tow Bl temperale in argument, pleture ni',ihall anti court houas vil ie Iraectedi Bcarefut af cenduct, of mouey, of tias, once. Dwvelling biouse of a nov ai Bcltearful, B gratuful, B ho alip B lirus, moude plan ciii ba buili. aud ec auts IB pcoi bnvlet lllgte leu a Il seatiersar e lat free bu follov the: B _"raeauseBgentliB liberal, B jut, E ssplrlug, B bbohcanse thea art duet; inclinations as te occupation, vitiî tI Bpeniteut, circumopotsouninlisthe fsith, exception thal no trafflo in lutoxicatir B active, deveted, B faltlrful 1111 death, liquors wiii be perrmltted- B iîonest,' B holy, transparent sud pure ; B depeudent, B vrtuos, adyoulBseenre. Feusua GoLzn l'iNDs.-Advltoea frai - ~ - '- --- Victoria show tirat gbd r muugio nisi Tu& Boy WHO viseLEST-At a labo proviug, and LUnis valuabie finDda beyi heur Friday night tIrs policemnufound receutîvireen niade vIi' bava ca&use( a boy about ten êgearsoid siting On censidarable axcitement, e&pociali tIrestops of thea <lty Hall, sud when those by souis Cbnainen, vIre bavr lie Irait beau tirreit np h. ezplaiàed : beau picking srp nuggets et Port Dat "&Mynaina is Jobnuy Stewart, and 1 vin, the heavist veighing 19 poundi lve nr Grass Lake. Thea folke vent Withmn in a iew veekes tIr Chine8s homo lest niiglît auà lait me on tIre Fair have claared £'30,000. Tise average grounide %ithout t- cent. TIrts juet earaugs pcr tinu in Victoria tihe psEl ,Ira kiud of a muan dad bq. If vs don't year hava bicou £76, a décreare uon kepiglitte b bÉ Ieels al bti ie lise'lItIre averaige et Lau yeurr, wihîcbwwab bcave u in a trenge tevu easd braIte." £89. TIre greater part of the gold il "Anti nov viraL will yen do ?"' derivoit frein quartz ;but uin a ne o "l'Il me stIre oeuminusick." Lira frieds opiniou le diviuleit Bveet "11ev ?" vcrkiug quartz sud deep alluvial Iode. ".Neyer yuîn mndt . egel a plan id Le dix hlm for. going beel on tue." TUE FAsciNAVIrNO SARA BEnLNuART'b IIls vaket dovu te lIre Central stat- WiAtRDsoBE.-Sara Bernhsardt viliiLakte ion ains'orienluan crin chair there riltetuAmerica vîth lier LIrro. rudreit of tira nigit. At su sarly heur lu.tIrs pairs of Paris gioe o s oho Exress ofcwsasked t tsAm c u ad off lIre stage. Tis eceme t n im- Exprss ilic an a8kd :mense nunibar for oee oman te vear "Do you run te Grass Lake in luthe short time vInIe v iii s1p eui "Tho a m." eeC.0 D n tIre Uitat Staes, butaeh. declres "The slp m thoa CO.D.' tIret it laimpossible for bar teuo'it Ater a few inquirias lha vas acepted vitIr16us bhan bhree pairs doiJ sxlre I su dl7tggd, andi vben tIrwagoshau ne taith lu the glorcu aire ruiglitlire t haoarenly haudisit tean tilesabe to procure in Anenias, and la de- to e creull barâed.Te aninquirer errined to e hobhrcughly veli sup. at tlire depet Ire anovered- . pliati balore abs leaves Paria. Her "Da i le eennted lb. sharpeal man lu sutirs varitrebe isa xceelrugiy ricli sud onr eounty on a hersa traite, but 1 brilliant, anuithtIr duty whieh vii bo Ruons bu is'î a great weys abeait of leviait on it et tIra New Yor. Custerm me on tibis transaction." Heuse wiii Irerne amai item cf tIre ex. H ------ pense incident luths mpQtatiou mbt 1W OCoox à Hu5RAD.-TIre firet tIrs Unlted Statesof tIns expensive aud thiug te be doueailata ctcbhltrii 1veyvard blatnlonio star. Many Fi Roudl Irusbnd la spolludin luthe oooking. Soes ome keup Ibein cen. TIre Greatesi Rcmed'y Known. stanîiY le bot ucter, whlIe telbos Di. Riras Nrw DîacovzRv for Cet- freeze tbem wrtb conjugal -cehdues; surption scertamuîythe FlReteeb urda&l 8om. umother thein vhth contention, rsmedy avec Placeithutera o sud stili ethers koep thsu lu piekiu aIl sfferiDg humsuity. Thonsans sof once Ireir lilvosThoso vomen servi tIreurhop'deloa uffereranwlnIvPol' tiroir giclafor I"lo ondl m iroclat vith Longue sauce. Nov, it il net te lcih tIr.1 ove teir ive. ot o enu ru unppossd bhat Irus »antls viii bu ten. ltpoorîcc y ctre Conlumption, butzdonugisa, der anud'good if treled lu Ibis way ; Colts, Astbnra, Brorichitis, Bey Paver, tut they are, on thes contrsry, very Hoatrsenas caudt&Ili affections of thea Threaî, lileons vhen mauaged as fclovs :- Cirout sud Luurg ea & ncyuitsWu derfa uatv lnw if once e. e n Set a large jar, calleti the jar of eas, thre aI cuamtiv e eroa8fybu tema enW raineu - place yonr buaband ilu 11.lad yonr dn asn sd gel a triai bote for ton plises býtnear tli re of conjugal cent irLt"h il convince tire mont stepti- love ; lit theo Bm. bu praîty _bel, speel- cal utf Le vwonderful memits, andi show iou biylt lh clur; abovi .11 luttIbmvlitaareguleroeuedollar as botule vi 'ethU ostn~cvrblneq u de. Fer sale by T. G., Whitfield, Whithy. ffection gia'nhsh hm oves' a'th lIhé INet a sonnd vas hcerd et the festai Iboard usthue lnife Ibrougli tIe butter I as hurried, buai amthme b. oard. ers ail roarad aud feit cenfoundedly Iflurried. Thre butter vas te iere aud the kuife vas thore, and Ivant' about tIrat they vers worried, but vhen they- spuce of pisasantzy-, sud Ià you ssdkiaa. su and othsr oufuitoe.jlt thimu buse- eOmparaiud vibli a sPdent Portion of tiereeos, mlxed villi osce sud moit. eratleus. Tir. Ounulson NeuVOe larespensiblu fer, tb. foliovbug selry :g"Buvead yen" &SOAgona Whoirehait svurYthing but ii deg lesteak ap@culallons lu liew York, ea=*- WîaeeOmpalesiby theitg et course, After rnlulg areund l .,bislstout'--2"u saab, ad sorr n er oonoigned tire b Ofy et ilthfal frlid tenuotiaur usArtl maa -ugthe tspot villi a sîshu da4vèsr deep lite the esou. yart, roed by, bribesua ilulet tIre grual cabonstu e xeltespunteof leud4lll. The unfortu. cete ati obtugbsblm of 'thers lonel7 septiOhy>. ffPoerol4 1'ray i tilu fer àvoy e*bonpae f oste!Olorado. Ha cir 1 anud f60eith.,b> 't w~î~i~ pêspeoteir . atreué ptu a -lime A t -t4à t ts -"dobi dring ~'TG i nýwyltfng l uybad, in. siès," &&a4 s giusasirte ui iouada4t ..tobonasitbtler t vesse bote4r.". y x repted tho. -, te 'uethtbt f I Weéata . weý-Op1e 1wocld fi4don 8 Ï dut $mebemer'rjiguk Anà1 TIresi laiways arr active deme.A tfor butter Ihat la opte 1hthegilt-adga standardt lu qnaslîy cuit caler. Paucirbutter tiret la ethorvise gecitsesast a radtneila ias bIrre te dcae cents a pounit, hecans e dada- lent iu caler. D&biyraiboalsi tita us Wslà, eliatdsen. Coe.-4ereueted BLulerm Coi or to-gise brlgirî June celer. TIma celer la by feuthe Irighbesî, pureus snd hest mads. Soe y druggitst. Cousomptlon Cureit. hAn5oltIpirysiolan, retirait frou grisolles, InamWh& lssl t Mhbands 'abJan gast 'ndàM'&so" té fomula01sasimple 'Vegatable remedy for tirs sseity suit pr- manant cure for ConuiPt ion, Brfroen, IC&t&rrh, Asma, sud sU Thitan sd Lug Affections, aiz r#tpetivuesuddraica et fer Nurveua dablltysand asl Narvons0com. phdAmafter à«, teta swenderfui fait Itiis duty te maka kt kuevu It, iri sfrldkweIlea.ctuèted .by bris motive "l si ehre to" Iivahu WuBond fresscayg e sIr uman on l IliIs roof, i eian, Pmnchor Eng li, vitIrfnudfrcolnsfo rpatg ans uau.Setly mil qadosgvle staîipimng iz s tri . . herat 14 eeBIcok Ro fe, W Y. 4 - EnvIit Beauty.. Whist la l=Or6 handgoe5 than e nia. *tghtlesr cm tinbh eu .A vaatgesby n eI.clingté «_ pur blasi5isihlea io Ie, Bie- m Cover Kl<eYu ee&Ad Urlnary Orgea 10 iyour 4 or evuelanai ad and 4re.a never fàMug, ICLe BiE , Wee 'su b ~~ftIer o ndesfuî monitsFor Povirtantsd istrai. ' pot 'vs a Casorle, Stocke., Extra. Biak Oil, Ee- lahant Oii U . ,iBOT, , GOAL OILÇ 1:5rWhoiesaleLure4" l R&TOU a BBOTRER Beat 'Oooklag aaüd Heeag les HARDÙW&RE. Large stock of bc - t Shau sud Ké... Prie.. tesunit t4 t1hnss. HÂTGH &BROTHER. À fier seul lfI .1HkTI)H& BRQTHErma, BABY ,A2RRXAEs. Balanee of our atoi at dueedprime. IL4TOH itBROTHER A HOUSEHOLD WOfD. The CASH GIROCEIRy EMPOIRIIJM, Deverell's Block, lias becoino a Rousehold Word,' as the best and cheapest place for fresh TEAS and general GROCERIES. I'ew Season Teas at 25c, 350 and 6Oc, worth 40c, 60o and 80a. English Breakfast Ooffee, 25o per pound. Ail grades of Sugars at rock bottom pnices. The Louise Baking iPow der,' eanned goods, pure Spices, pure Oreaul of Tartar, Brushes, Brcîoms, Pat. Pails, etc. White Granite handled Tea 'sets,.--I1,00 per Dozen' I WhiI. Granite Tee Sets, $2.75; White, Grnfte3Irsnber ' *, 150, Elegant Dinuer and Tea Sets complaIs, $2000; Rieh China Tee Sae, $5. A full assertment of GLA.SSWÂRE, LÂI1PS, etc. Lamp goav2r cbeap ; also a large stock of Gem Fruit Jars, ru pinta,- quarts and ha! gallons, et prices tiret defy' compebilisn. Butter, Eggs, 'etc., 1taken in exohange. WANTED.--500 Tubs ehoice Dairy Butter.* EDEVRRELL'5 BLOOK, WRITBY, ONTARIO. BiROOK STREET. A r T ih e puohib aL" cau i one siag eLi t s cuto ns viic la IJr-viniz grime commun n ate am ncra iin ciscs of Medicine irsad vhicis is: iaa , ed or b ourle of Palo-liie'r. tsr"envi oer that tre-v are Ilasld on:ý." but baie anocher article bait as g-l. if nec Irettcr,'"ii theyzviii nuply ntthe amne p n ce . T h u o b je c f is d e c e p to n t rars ru q'- " . T he sa sub'sîitutes are mati ui) ta sdeus onthsegret rd>cratînocf ou hchpsî dmigu, a rceugt by tre ner e t nh"ut Ira it ce h e "foc thse gsnine Pain-Kller, vhsch enibles himi therefo're torir'niize eafc -Îcnt, M mer prfit, aU- i"greur , Brbc lmt.-itainn article e an n t te gerruine. .&» A" SUNIMER OR BOWEL COMpLMUNnr PERRY DAVIS' PAIN-JeILLER iaOK5xQttAUo. 17 CURLES AulIoST INSTAMrfY. The àtm-Ki m.s« is put ope t na nead e tSset l m . . 03 Riad 5 e, e tsiset,,-4&mu eatl ou iasa sis FREDERIÇK NEALE) 0 0«U qX r tT WHOLESAJJE AND RETAIL, KI NG-STREET, The undersigned,' naking the LIQUOR TRÂDE. a SpecialtY to which lie confines his business, 18 enabled to supply Familles, Hotel-keepers, and the Trade generally with genuine Liquors, at lowest in-ices. BEST WINES, in wood and bottle. BEST BRAN 8IES choice bi~à dë# ]BEST WHISI S, 7ya Tn od (Waated) WEST IRUM, LIne, old Jamiaca9 BEST GI N,, inaIudin 1d lands. PRICE8 LOWtR TRAN "A8KÉED FOR INFERIOR QUALITf E8 ELSEWHÉe LA G E R B E EU X , ~ a d g l o a k g s Lager Beer in, -bottles-2 dozen Iii caseat -$1.25;jt the rigit -article.T GINGER WALE, tN' N i~~L DOUBLE SODA W TE.R, OlDa E n PIN, LEMON SODA, SLTBIN PITO, 8AIIAPARIJTI, 'INGER BEBI , poT'48$ WATEB.O GINGER ALE in Quarts, a new feature. SBOTS and .SHOBS I-- EE7 TNPER CENT. OFFI! l Ail sales are now made with a REDUOTION 0F TEN P=R CENT. upori sellmng price, te CASH Ipurohasers, Thse Stock i8 the targeat in thse County, and em- brace8 oeMiehJ1ity ine Boots. and Sioe8, for Ladies', Gentlemen, and (Jlildren'-s wear, Newest Styles and best quali4,î of material 1 w and workmanskip. Please cal l ime The reduction will ot last long, as leather and findings are going up. "W. cJ. IA~ 1May 27, 1880. Wataon'a Bkck, Brook Street, Whitl MATHEGOOLIS Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, B O AND SEETELBES ETSOCK 0 g.,j- Ten per cent. discount off for Cash Cutoer ae ntF O O l nd MO aNTH. s tc, ug of the quahty and "aeoà note of the priS, a"d satiafy themasîvesa s b where they eau get the hast Bargains, for il"' boots warranted go wea- Boots s eheap as they are good, MUl stand withoutî à b'ar For ladies, gents, and girlhood- Âny wesather, antyvher....Fit for aity or the wood ; And airat ea't b. beat elsewharo, -ANl should bave a pair that eould, By thbu et.' Â nd bs at zest. ffleREPÂIRS NEÂTLY »oNE. Corne on dear publie, banve ýour ordure and get a pair of Boots of the right kind froin yoar obliged and humble servant, Boobeter)et 9 in.,exapb ourd on,e ANDTTUEW COSLLINappli . absleast 8.45 wu pm.,tu P GILJRSTIE R S ,or. THIE F A 1M E S' 0F TH EThe Largest and Bost Assa-rtment in the County. E. 8TEPHNgstuONDtL (on6 GREAT BAIGAINS OFFEREj) IN CUTTERS. - &o. Tticket Agent, Whitby." D_0_MN_0_N _ in order to Make rO'OM, as we intend to build a larger H S . L I ; nuruber of- Carrnages and Buggies tifis winterTOSSEIH fer you for the harvest of 1880, the follo*n'gfrst- T EWPORT H5fOUSE & SIGIN ang m p lem e ts:T 0 M S & ' OW P 0 R T S-P A I N T E R VNSWITYHRE5E,(mrvd) DUNDAS STREET, - - WHITBY, ONTARO. ~ AINTER VGNADA WHITBY ilAIEST veR(mrvd. _____________________-Cen nov Ire founi t ehiis Sirop,- IGA CAND MOWER, (Improved.) IR. sNowe PIANOS TUNED. TWO DOOBsi WEST 0F ÂRMSTEONG'S G A J1 M O ER, Jmpr ved. , OTEL, DUNDAS STREET. 'e machines require ne comment from us, afler paesing iuhfrMsr.Msn& icTrno -AlOdrspopl teddt._f est as t b. let an d c rrying off th e G old M odal for C ana da , I ~ R a n d UCI N R , 2 1 b *w hifor o u hesn iddle To n t tUl A U e spr onrt1y etai8i8ta0. Parties vsring thir Pans propery tuneti u o iy a pu rc l s a w o w a n î d u r a b l e m c h i n e r y s u r p s U D A : T m B i ii le s s le v e t h ir o r d e r a it h M e u s . Hn y>~ DEL 11Y, te cal et or office in Whitby, before ' LO UETPoorpsa l r reseswee si eoritnin baotIeTIrns hIis numerons fricuits for their kinaon's Block, Wbitb. Orders hy mail, LSror b reas t s o r itetio teadpt hefermner patronage for Vie paet yeer, aud so- aitireisei to Messras.ufdson & futur, Toron. C A H '~'s T E Mlicita a Contauuance tr a of ailRa e.te, Wii recoive prompt attention. ly-16 a s pracicable, snd therob 7 c ur ri P-U B LIÇ N O TIC E d&c ptoB lg male cr picelis etlowst iv- dcCorp0on aie 0' Ir ereby given, iMiat' tire Cannail ofthe Give us a oen. CONFECTIONE -u'cncq'v-a q 0,ciroration af tire Towuship of Wltby, in- J.I4L,. ..-toIn a exzuebu. h bad ou tira BROWN &PATTERSON MNFG Co. CAKES, PASTRY, . "o fiaMonda rin te as a by-eJtIr s. 2 iat 1879. Itclose Ur and se811the- i eet i tal C H R I S T M A S A I . n O. -'a u m n c -9 h ip 0 fW litb y . , a n b s r i t y s CHRISTMAS oe, 1. e 01evauâce for w'd hetvxt lotsa82 NEW YEAII'S CAKE S, a 5n118, and betixtlots84 and 86, lith o o 'o~0~ -,~ . ru t1 C o n c e s s io n, MU STER AI S, .0. "'n' :Th aiiovance for xoed-betiem slots LEON,-ATST MAKTPRC D R 2 - 1 an 81,luairthConsin SÀG , r Ax IaE uar. - ' -- -4-i T ROL , 9 cie 9 15o - r4 . S lokI n c es' - n p ot -1O1D iO T4Dand sud iHIthENS, concession. J. G--B O Ns swasnha-&V' 0"0 H1TB CHNA TA SORE, HOTOFE. l GDATE I i B. TWR RUPER, promptiD Y atERte Ed r , ;PrP I Dinurssud ~ ~rasoisc >qoeks e snr hilnOG ~ tra cl y .an aiNe ,berreI oroevt.ouferi , " 1.w. S O . j tw Tusofgod iv Trkys ia 8OWs en muinafhtahr erag kROTgcllad e -COMINtS» IO4n acal. .-te- 'îon = 1BRC Bred einra Bn aGGIES ,drs E- -~~~ ~~~. - FL~~~pompiJR& Ened ) tE . _k-tssy o 'i mrv TOi We off clase Fanm CAYU The abov sueh e bars tb psy CAS' placing yccr le ucarly ai mng prices. HIGHi ac wl AlSO Geese, Before éDU - 0 -a /AIR GA 8 MACHINE. )LFROBES ZIJLIJ]ROBE S! DThi o" ihigP PubicHals dtb, RngS",Wst RCOATJNGS, best heavy cloth, SenfrcOie,,"rcIa April 29th, 1879. and Ready-made OVE-RCOATS. LÎVERPOO04 LONDONDERRY, Y-MADE 'CLOTHING, & GLA89ow. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. AllanLUne "lNTS' FUBNI&HINGS &c. 0?]OALIATAMSHIps. SUMMER SERVIcE VIAQUEBEC. tdid stock of English Cloths and Scotch -and SHTSTEAPSG! CaadanTwed.The Steamchips of the AUlln Lins 1ane d Isle frone Qnebeceovery Sao7 a.±,on arriva a te rs wiby et 8.2b a.m e yPrdy '8.Dndas Street, Whitby. Wl=uOUoR RATES muWTy .,,,Cabte, #81 and 891, aecordrng bopsto af stateroone. Lover rate for retum, tick. ets. Intermediate, 840. St;ersge et loeg~ Circassian .......ot » l'lnsa.......... di 23rd. Gb ra a I.MPravian ........... fit 16' ýAI DRY GOODS, GIROERIES, Steerage assengers are owre or dondemr, e .1, Glaagv neentv )TS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bitl ANCEO S I O K R , L S W I E .~ ardiff, anuieu at 5ue ret )TS ND IIO S, C OCK R Y, GL SS W RE, Parties vrshing to ond for their frieuf, LSARGE ASSORTMEN T 0F HARDWARE, &C. Partickets and rth ifomation ple Goods Department is comPlote lu every lUno and the GroceryGOB UE ew and fre8h. 0U- The cheapest house in the County. Be- Erss Bd. elr pio mce e addres.Re Prsan eerpOc, A. B. SMITHE, Raglan. Whilby, May 295h, 188W. Whby Whtb.suOE 1-T -A L L O N- D cin AILpUNlT151hsEJ Comm00esc ring hteraday .p,-l onh arrivaI cf trains fruànthe Eail, West sud Norths, cennactiisg vilb raia ive sr Eochester for ail peints in thea Uniled-Btate, FoIRlLJAble SFoot Wear of aiL kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by WILLIAM BUIRNS, READ7 A pei~ 171Vie Sep.22 SepA.2 G-ENER aOC MNAI The Dry atck ail ne tomber the ( I [i Bk tret Witby desripit te ten e specwa ty the ye utat be-i Buis1 L, 11 BJ -B DoS M()a inK ,Z833-, wi Apri 26th,'a t- -I ai c a lu s -l byý 1- l' ýl( READI j Brock-St. ý ýy 1 - FOR ONE MONýrIl. --o- - -OF WHITBY,- . - - - - 1 - . Bôots and Shoes. 1 simoiv 'J'U TER Sý Gilt-P-dge Butter. s u HAYESYSý 1 - ' -- IN TOWN. x Ira Ira x J& lu 13 Ir IN w mi, se à . . . OSHAWA.

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