Whitby Chronicle, 4 Nov 1880, p. 4

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Theel u on' IIIg the ËfAfy- Oaa tonme whas be atays ' ges au erld. od.feuhleuParty, yag-theboussai insu Who pays Uvery dollar b. may 0'r., Kosping up te .god nid wae Thatoîoy seely kssow. If. lî'givoa lis wuoil of promise "£le a bon~d as god as~ god; lif b.holdsa apont of bonor, Not a trust isi over soid D3y tse bosent man wiso pays .bv<ry diobt ho May itecur, Yioldlug toeseis a jutit rowarcl, Ana ne grndging or demur, Amidl'in tld tiis0111iParty Lives within lhieilnaomAb-.won DJy threirant squarest eealing % &Obe ben.atb th. sus- Aad theb ssnt esWhopays AlwaYg holda Its good andl rigist, For th rie cl obI e the1.neady 'j Whou b. hnes are tough andi tiglit. Caugbs ut Laut. Ss rend sU tise bZof sciance, Htr flnger. were coverod wiCh tluit She boc0tetiaItishe marriage alliance liet aikeal of the miseing lin.k. Sbe quoted savant asud preachere 01 greaeer asndi bas renawu- Platonlo of ail ber tentures, she got aaheal an àcizcu clown. A CURmous FÂT.-Bands ef inuai' are furbedden to play on Most of Lise large bridge@ in the werld. A constant succe8rion of Roundiwavem, *speciailly sueh aus Core froen th. piaying of the band, will excite Chae wires to vibration. At. tiret tise vibraijon& are very aligist, bui ebey will incoases as Lise sound waves continue Lu corne. Tisaprincipal rease wby bande ara not allowed to play w4n croesinfg cestanbirid-gon, te iipeaiiiota bridge ait Niagara for in. stance. in tlia. if foelad by processions cffauy kînfil hey wil kaep seep witb the ojusie, snd elia regular istep will causa h. wrea Le vibrage.. Ais uspen- Sion bridges enilitatry cortpanies are net aiicwed to march acrose in regular s,, but break ranka. The rouilar troetiug g it cf a large alog acreis a sus- petasion brîidge lu more daugerous than a isssvily Ioaded wagon- drawn by a teamof o! .vy horses. AN AYxrîaISuÂra Srsf-rr-- W' semetetuei miel wibh mon Wbu se4ým 1*ý think Ihat uayindulkeuce l in'e àuffcc lienate feeling is weaknens. -Tbey will returu (rom aà jous-ney anti greet Cisir lamblies witis a diseaut digiCty, anti woe. among Licir chilitren witls thu col anti lefey eplendor o! an iceberg stîrs-uudeti oy lsbroetafragments. Thuere is bardiy a moe.nnuLtural igist un csrtb ebian any eue ci hoseifamilliea' wiehoue a boire. Wiso hut hua exper- lence th ie joye ef frieudship, anti kaaw Lies Worthi ef sympatby sud affection, wasuld net ratser loe.&Il LhaC is bean- iful lu naure% scenery than to be rab- bedot te hldden reasursofshit biheart Who woulal net raliser tollow bis wife te th. grae.tîsan entomb lhiu parental affection 1? Cherisb, thon, yonr heure'. berne ,affection. lIndulge lu tise warnS gusbiig eoueionF of tilil, parental and fraternel love. Think t IL110 a wemk- une . Love everybody ansd eves-yehing lovly; ,leacis your cillei eolove- 10 love Lise rosle, tise robin ; ta love eLLir parent.; Ce leve tleir-Oot. Let ie b. Lb. etudied ouj-.et outhIr doas- Ciececuleure Le give tlem Warmn huarts, ardtent affections. IReligion is love- ]ove teotio, love te ail miea. - - a Jînii Lyon who wss killed in a bar- roouai flietas Millerti, Nebrueika, was tunuel ta b. clat inlaa octupiacte Ciongis peneeraisie suit et armor. 'Shsieldis for lias liaie antifront werv tmatie ut beavy lesebas- patdoti wieh an lis c f Cotton bettibu, anti speuded auder hie cloLli- ing by tsînaps oves- hie shouiders. This prolo etion lad long given iim tb. courage Co igus-e as e buily. IL ele o'w claime thaist teiepboues arm nuw lurouu le tie ear. Tisey ouglit to le Ctirte man who tulk saway tiown in hiie tiss-et, -au-d tlsaays "Hey ?" A enter Christian is likir sour milk. both were luteudtisa Weesweet, bnt stswetiing has lurne th iem anti ufler beiug urned (ey ts6t beecome wec"W~ les. Eastern [len vîsitlg tise îtooky Meuntains gene-ally naderesitimao7bise sCa'eug tbanti (erocity e« cinuamon heurs of LChat reglon. andi lives are Irequently lest la censequence. A reosut instance, %vas tht etf Ibgue amateur buneers nes- deadwood. They fM6iaiy tiroas' abig isoar bta a cerner, sansetofIlium wai îustangly bas-n te ples.. Lemooel Moe, an bis waY te vos-k in Vicksbsnrgsaid tO hieà apein m'a dtry, anti I u stin' et cu; but I'm going tL a hae uome hiskey il 1. dis for it." He led theons buta Samunel Hawtisor's amOnD, wvisee ey hadth ie drinks, anal MoGes announ'ee<l th"aIho oouldn'tpuy. Tisen h. titi"due forItL', Hawtbor-se killed i hm t once wiiis bt4 plebol. Travelling by stage coach Inb Nevada bu eliveneti ts-quenîiy h y incidente. For exemple, Freidi anti Mloaty sutl bu tise samn etet ofa Oso w>edu oab ouo Che. Bodie Lino,. 'alauriily auid $1îaL Freid vas taking mare titan * fuir sisre of Lb. spolo e W, bon. sp Pre-e pîbe t Cisal lie ehnti:aove auy fn4hçr coelly âaba l. "1- mavet Cake ha nansens.." ho ronSaskd, a.s-rid floti tiea;deni"' b tis re*sît - s v t a dtelu 'rom lthu bot eîd tbld Lbe mnr- deWrtegit%* A lait-istusdj "d ver. 'tih.driver jeîanpd ou h. liseul, 6s!iZed Mood4y Iy tise collas-, dragýed hlm -ont thrbolghtLhé wbuder, andi t4i,,him to< b grulilsa loreibly' en en blped to wilb a *rape,. s-al he w 9Wli. wIhh ie iid, éon tia furnIde. love tê sud al't ,TJuse ne Brookla citizen -cufloti bis 1 Vbree-sr*ld pou let te obouge, ehe 70 M) ebiier l*.a hy )trnnte gtv ths o )i . l, lt lîîe, sad he -srail1tebie fAtier, "whela aà boy hies ,veo like thtîa SE OUR S'TOCK. YeD muet ulwuys strike *back," i"oh ~ A Erutiglisent 'urial, becbg efa-M CHN th. Point -<fdat.opened lis coWe, d" bedaielaiuiy eeais.d *leJut1 Jî moi), if 3ou are DUOSttot t~i n wibh eusp," sud inetiutvcprif. HTO BOIHB. L Mai. DuuupAwf'lly RitîIl dowui L~~-:~ liee, ish's lb, Mi alis ? lM] 8ss Maria - <~~-t k -Dot yen tlîînk sen? \Wlày do't yon:- go, then? Ycu're as icier, ainedhave Bos&CookiD ng endHeating 8toyes. cos, on~yoqsef ~ plaFe. M j, Duu O 3TB . la ediz t~crp 0"a toad I" i O oi f er There i. a liveiy tiemanilti eLWilkees . Prlces 16 suit Ils. limes. as thoug barreý, Psq., 'for plastor (rom Kuock R ATOH h BROTE. of outtù chapal jtipao Katie M 4o,wJd ùisall0z- mkn lier i he i s'tpTt,"!,7; Isers;eIl cared in a -sitirleiise hby -A ewllepq nàI ing ber atiiformed -foot with tte &aoîu. A ew eet ',e. hDBa,. mi Lady LLtonliasewrilbteuî sud pub kâ,é ,ciltwýt î4 rs siï, IisiseJ a bock ia whutlî cie calle tise laite t ija. îsm.g Lord a leatiasoe brute, tfis probent HA TCH df BROTHER selec f oue a me houad, Chare Dickens a Importer. of Hardware, hO., ceipt of ivulgar blackgaard, andthetsa Queen worse .~retBr. ~ Y tran al l re pue togèthcr. I - An Impudent Pitue, Rtisat lut fer. Agente f werd by a tramp for robbiug a miser. "Blînre, your worsisip," said ho, "an', A .OUJSEHOLD WO]D. we're toulti in tise Bible elsat te.wsy for a man Ce gel te iseavea i. b s el al~ he lbas au' gise te. noty te the. uer;rs c au' tis mean old cratur 'ii neyer uave he CASH GR]FOCEIRY EMPOIRIUM, don. tLue cf hie etru accord. Se I juBt Deverell's Bloch, bas become a Household Word, as the lielped hiiton he, good rond anyseif, -n-f ýfeh T A n eea andi scetiàaIl I teck, an' gavée i onev best a-à eheapest place frfeh TA n eea U to thse poor accordingiy. Anyboe', 1 GROCEIES Nécw. Season Teas at 25c, 85o and 60cW. gave it te tnyeelf.yoece; an' fai, l'ru au pueraus a stfrved.cnî robin." Worth 40c, 50e and 80c. J9nglish Breakfast Ooffee, 25e .per Lot tiosesandereti takecoenfore ;itis Pound. Ail grades of Sugars at rock bottoin price.. The enlyut fruit res tisaItisieve isrow Louis. Baking Powder, canned goods, pure Spices, pure aCones. G ~ ream of Tartar, Brushes, rQ a ,JaI, etc. Bro "aI the OolouialGove-u.meaiî., The capital .t ?ital attackea Lh#ý whité residenté andtei ci tch'o ie oti "Aes W sÀ maineti faithflfai te . overnwcaî, burng buildings, illagilig, and out. ?uagiog wômen. Thss- mose harriti ut- trucitses are reporet. The inetirgene. are complet.enmastere of the situation, and, unies. reaforcemeuts aU s>reacis Ilium ut once, tIhe aîsieu af atChie liCCle sanul cf mcn commantld isyGoelooai Clark. le considoes-d hopaaiess. Ail comsmunication ieCwea D'Urbaiu anti Cape Celouy bas been cut off, eh. l3asu- toiisuving oLtbise wirées. Thosantie ot promiesag )youtlit, of Lotir maeeoa te u etnely grave,Irons geo ldebllity sad weaknss, aLto auiqlb bsaveai by fostiving their systeme with psupsared ex prs-i aunPly tisevitaliziul, eléueat, and is tir. u=y prepue-îain et iron tisat will et'aimilste et once triti tisa qlootl. "Familier ln tirir Mouths as blouse- hold Word."' So wrote Shakespear. IL i. nniverâaeUy sadittauni Llittis gruat geiieaits writsî-vu about .alusuet evei-ytlsing "àsto tueled a suijeet sisupt Lados-o ir. IL toutit al- inse raeem wlen ire wrot.-e ccatie sortit ite bat ilu bie aniudseyee Sc.'ut & 13ro,ao-z: Paîsîsuie Cas0tor oùl, for now i at le ci tbtis raest reqUiies of every ivil- regiltti oebl.Gout ldieeiyastep iL 5asLa priasie necesslity, e-iudrcss love the Laiste aof Kt, andsolltir= Iaod reanm t matca emdi. s tasebant a re nsef'slîriryabe. Price 25 cLu. For ale by T. G. %Viteleld, Wlsiif Preaideit Hayes. Thre vaLidity oif Ms-. ffoyeil ltie May i- ways gn.aîloneai, anti bis administration cries-eued, bel the paymeu t, O nedollar gîes aàs'alitille Le anc bot. etf!D. Pit-yeea Discoon - ,tLa &AMu'";s tration can neyes- bcecisecisoti iios-teesoa cougbe coitis, incipient cousnnptlon, andI ouea dbie, fsr leeing5plsyàlcban et &Il acheals endor-s»te- tiseovc-y anti ps- sbnlheil luthoîs-pracetice. ScIaibydtrnggist Tise Buai a.vs lithe o w , osfr Cals, Bs-aisesais,"Ulers; ,SaIt Eheat, 0vu' 5Crns~e, ter, (aiapei asis'f)hb#b" (eusmudalkinde of Skia Eruptiona. Tise s .v t gneranteed La gise perfect saaifaction ini svury os" os- nîouey refend. Mt. Ps-j. 26 cunti per Boex. aût sale b7 T. G. Whitlieltl, Witb;y. The Os-etRemedy JCaowu. Dua. Kruo'e Nrw Disctesr s-Con- somption ia cerWWDInlt h. greateet usedicul -s-umesy ever placedwi.eiu tie reoiofe sufferiag hnnmnlîy. Thanssnds of Once hopelesu sufferers, ,sew outl7 proolaiu their prlao tushlie wentierful Dis6overy kg which qaey, ove Iliu lives. Net ouýytidea &Hruns aa miageneebmefthLie Tisoat, Qieslt dLangse4alut <onceat'ô its *on- 4ertsl curative poverus. if by magie, W. trebo-o kettsehsqtesf yenernt o ta caîl os> anat<,'tan et e tria bottle for ton co»Ons w ovine. tire most akopti. cSW otitetowontiesl seris-a, anti show yen wila reglatue dollar sju. ott. 'cil do. us aieby T. G. Wldt i, Wisltby. - Qilt-S dgc Butses-, - Thoeota alwaays an active deasant tus- butter Usatisteup Cit te giCt-etgo ustadardi las qnhsNant gelas-, Mus-h butler i5biW qthoi'pise gooti sellea at a realaition Irsaun tgis- o te sce apy9und, hecause dellt. lent in colos-. - ýmn sf4 lm,4 4# Wons, Ricbas-dio se~Cols Peri.oteat lut4 Culer le.ive btliot- matie. b2oa by ee 5Iaaiha 1 Cti Isoneuuantion C~i r,&&ramin hét.le-ule e0asimpe ýegetsblerean os- th eilyass-ipe- gnante ure las-Consmetios Bronelsibj, bCtirh, Aimu, and, Ail 't and Lun rizallye peverst lusb n aoaiss lias Oltiàt hi . tt bu anuit akseul flrngllova. A£ dMS Omnt aàtisire la rehlevobseman suITes-tmg I t.Willnti "O4z.t'àeefalisoss -s. - White Granite handled Tea Sets,, $1.00 per Dozen!1 Wiiite Graniite Tes S8oa, 2..76; W i ý* O ".>jâbe* ~~eaut 1ianrLno-q& TgýâSe 4o-e Laa A (tli ae'sortmeut of GLASSWÀÈEAÂMi , etc. La àd' lr ehcap ; also a largo stock of Gema Fruit Jars, in pinte, quarts and half. gallons, at prise thait dfy-.aompetitiùax Butter, Eggs, etc., taken in exehange. WANT]AD.-50oo ubàgo.hoice Daýiry 13u1ter. SLMQN~ SDy%-«'xuasBLioài, -- 1~- B'I?~&SEJE?, ' S, au BBTITIJTES! Bitocx Smum. ~rros segutc cmmnn of late anoni a c=rtn ces rg'if <Pt btter. whid thevwill muwîpv atte u;;me pýicc. Thre abject of titis deceution is trnzam2e7t. Thes -11 kînîe are made un o se on thre rea* rssrxmiusor 'V.- rain! 111r;anidbeinz cnouM.deof thevileçt and i ma"ot L are t 1w th e rw t i<Ut Jif îsl hat e av f~te renuie Pai-llier whch ,-bts1i,, :i rf"rcn rfalinas e f w cnts mte profit p~r b'n~le rr<as~ theim~tntinn &rticJe than ho cen <su the Fou CIrOLERA boilus. CIR.MPS. SUMMnýER -OR BOIEL -COlWlp iN'rs -PERRY DAVIS' P-AIN-1UIER, iIeai..a es tad 50 crim actver-4 a- i m se- ~theeask.<. PREDRf~~À~E LIQU STOE WH $EALE ANID RÈËrÂLI The undoisigned, maing thie LX91UO > ,T1RAIE specialty to 'Mhich - h eonfizies Iii bu'fl4à eaaed to supplý Famiiilies, iotel-keers ii e1~T~é~~rIy with genuine Liquoro, «4 lowesi przcea, ST i-t - -t:y S~ET RUM, fime LA4GEU BEER, ini2, 4 eiùË,g , .agpr Beer *lxi btla2& a.VI~ Sti C l g LLJ 1-NERY- and FAAI LADIES' andi 3w14e M {LE,TIýIMMlNGS of every description. UIê»L Cl in ai l e New Color. &DIES' AND ISSËS' SKIRT IMI?R0VEJtS, (Amerian Styles). VELVET, SATIN, AND CLOTH SEIRTS. ITUME AND MANILE DEPARIMENT nannfacttrê Ladiçs"'nd- 014lden'a garmenlte Of every style'and 1in 8n1dfa esh ii.naeia! *bwen desired. Parties at a distance Çad lZ h ýro" m' W _-i.jn ;s and we, ca make as perfect a fit ig the. cuetomer-hersC1f ere preàent, by Our nëver-failing method ing, êxc"lig everytbing heretofore known -in the art ýof Dress- CXY~rG AWD BATIGsA 81>ECIALTY. oète f eydsciiOU Out frOm measurement, and basted o int an l g n l rPea, so that there can b. no mistaeke ins fn. Ii urihing niaterial, samples niay be sent to and froni Us to ýom Butteriek's Patterne of any gprment sent freo by mail, on re- tprice. Msouthly Metropolitan Fashon Sheets, free. lC4' DRY 600DB, - WOI-F IRO13E.S, ZUJL-G ROBES -l 1CHILDREN'S UNDEROOTHING, U P E R I O E Q U A L I T Y )M-ETHJNG NEW BOOTS and SHOES 1I lL E& . E MeI1iTYRE, Aur jA~.,u-r%~~ 'ekSt, TE-,N PE.R CENT. F! ieaienow matie 'iI a REDUOflON 0F TEN Tite Stock ù ise ah e si in the (Jounty, and cm- brau t%~y1sz~gin1voty, and Si9oe8, for Ladies', Gentlemen, and (Jhiidren'a, wear, Newest Styles anti but guality of mate-ial - and workmnhipy. ~so~aIl~r -T1Ae-rdubion wiU net last long. as AN NBPfITQN ESPEOTZULLU INVITRD. TO -THE F4 fAtIEI?8' 0F THE DO0M iNIO0N!1 we off:000:) We ffr jtifor the harvest of 1880, the following first- dus Fparniing Impleinots: BIROWN'S WBITBY HARVESTERi, (hnaproved.) YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (mrvd. CAYIJGA Jia MOWEit, (lenproved..), The above znadbines req= uo lousietfre ei fter psasing tiopih suc£ a-barvest as -the ilut and oarying off the QoId Meu ifOàJxada, We yaon "tiy ra ho wtnut dwmlcr machinery nd prFOps VRRy,ý to cati at our office 1»izyîefi plcn or orer sewhere,as itisour inte"tin toa dot the. 0"A8N HýýSYSTEMIý A.mnMrlya&io practicable, and iheroby niak our price list at lowest liv- mg pries. Give us a cat. 'W.o' Bok BrookASYStre, t MHIGIIEST MARETPICE PAID FOR ~Y~QU~rflY 0F- -.DELIVEiRÈD- AT-,- WHITBy-CHINA TEA- SOreo OVEIRCO ATINGS,best heavy cloth, and Ready-made OVERGOATS. READY-MADE -0CLOTHING, & - CLOTHIN MDE O ODER AGpend tock Sept. 22, '80. Dundas Street, Whitby. a AaGL à Iv . GENEIIAL DRY GOODS, GIIOERIES, BOOTS AIND SHOES, CIROCKERY, GLASSWAIRE) AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F HARDWARE,* &C. Tie D>ry Goods Department is complete in every Unme and -the. Grôcery Stock ail new and fr esh. K:> The haet ou ite ut.Bc member the adeù,es. chaethueiteCony R- .49 A. ]B. SMITH, Raglan, ALL ON- W xILILIx.&ilu aiw la IV of UùgishNloHI nd«Scoc n Clanadia TWeeds -0F ts W and,-- ri Foot Wear of ail kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by. WILLIAM BURNS, BkStetIES AND CARRIAGES. The Largest and Best Assortment i the Coun7ty. GRIEAT BAIIGAINS OFFEIRD IN CUTTEIRS. &o., in order to neake roone, as we intend to buld ia larger number of C&iriages -and Buggies this winter t&anEWusual. TOMS RSNOW, DAKER and CONF[CJIONEIIf DUNDÂBST, WHIBY. Thanku hie nanes-ou friends for their former patronage fes- t)' pas& yens-, andI se. icitu a continunsnce of Use saei. Reepe cone n anCanc dicu o1 ll CAKES; PASTIRY, &c&c., & CHRISTMAS ADi NEW;YE AR'S CAKES,. -OYSTER PATTD$, LAYER - SAU8Â<3E ROLLS,t LAYLRAGA, MUS CAWEL RAISINS? LFMONi ,DATESi, & NEWPORT'S - - WIIITBY, ONTABIO. 0OYSTERS STlBWEDEatw or ri(esi COXoD-.RO8T IDUOK ati CHIOKENS, slways an hanti. B~O1~ COFRE. .~ Gi.veu ai cau. rinlTtexâi là - ï GBO. T. <IUIIPRICHT, -Tuner for Messrs. Maison &r Riscit, Toronto, Le»AUI Orties promptly attentie t1.. will hotun whitby about Use midle ut May. Wlsitby, April 14, 1880. Partios wishing titeir Piunes ps-opus-rytueti will please teave.Ihoir ores Mors - LYON & RUPERT, Pbutograph il. klnuon'u Blocik, VWitby. Os-dore by mail, atitressedti t Mesure Maeen &Bioch, Toron- te, wil reaselve pronmpt attention. 17.36 --.PUBLIC. NOT"ICE - curobnfl the Townshipr.Wilthy, tendu, *bità iexI metsg, tb buchi-ont l isaI Mantiy in' Novomber ne, STownshiip li, Brookln, la pes aa b. D -~~ oergc - o1close-", and uf-he nnieumentjosed, -a Cacct-ac" ý,hiby O j~~~~at<toort. ~ I The àUoeainueefor roatitixlj s-i- ~ '2Tin mlawnce-r--belwesn ilots 7th ncesison.hCnosinx S" 2SThe a1Rowace or roa btweàlot ,-aetce ~ ad 1in he 1wChcesiron,1.~l ci oQ3.Thsooram orrnd _ -enI Z _ qu là 24 na 25 ana e ;t . .HIoa :-R34 ana 3, CQ >rakiOiý t &owssii4l 0 n_ ia thCocesin 'Go8 OD 4 ThePHTn orGroapflyteen- VANADIA.N O A 8_MkCIIZ Deu or00 ana April 2mII, lmi. LdPie1h LIVERPOOL, ODNEPy GLASGOW. -UMMER SERVICE VIAn~ SHORTEST SEA PASSAGRI1 The Stsintisofute.Allen Liusai dispatcbed truan Quebea every Le8eiir about 9 a.ns., on asrivai oI the-tra-in Wiiby et 865.2am. every Fs-iday7 OStit15 *TH5tO UGERTEROU !WMITBy. Cabin, $81 anaI 891, acces-ding to poslti« cf stateroom. Lcwer rate fo-rere tittI etu. .[ntermaediate, $6 teaea O r-ates. teue tlws Circasjanl.......oct. 2ndl Sarmatiau ...... Peravian .............9lo th Polenysian ........< 23s-d.#t Moravimn........." lOtiala' Bristol, Cardiff, analLondon et uei4e cam obtain tickets ait low rates.- For tickets antifnrbherWtorsicn GEO.B.YiyB. Express andi TeIegrapis Officée Whitby, May Rth, 188M. D )AILY UINE TO ROCHESTER, To TEM (Ms. Cs&wpoBn, Master,) C- C Mmace-n Theersdy, Api* 151h, WilI maltelher regniar tbWpu on Ibis rc& LEAVING Ccobonzg et 7.. andi Part E at 9.80 every morLig <Sunl!ay »exce )c arrival ef trains frorn the as, u nd" North, onnecting wsth raslyay I=lna i. RE TURltiG-evez Charlotte <Port aif Rochester) at 9 p.M., re s abe leaves aI ,-8.45 pa., fr8aiyurIyalâ- Port Hope direct. P o uosgui Dealers -in Stock. &0., wiil dind tibt6~ cheapeslt n ait direct route W iBcuteD, Albany, andi New York. - For farther information, apply te CAPTAIN -CRAWFOBD, ~- C. F GILDERSLEEVE, Port Hspet .Xingston, Ont. . (en-16 E. STEPHENSON, Dom. Tel Ce.,: Ticket Agent, Whitby. 1H08. SLEIGH'J H1OUSE & SJGN PA DOS EiNTFERSEON -C Ow bat iUNtiaq tnie ho, t; td LSON'i by t-ho i 5 O-be I. -k' k Il 'j." 1' %X-riENTSY for B. A. Dyoing Co. )ck-St, ý For Shoe's. WHITgyt ONT May 27, 18W. for'rhèýQw le me **dmtdý"dm,* qw(*ft which -.0 lis PIANOS TUNED. Whithy. Reliable CU T-TE B S y KING-STRE-gTe

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