i___________________________ n ta -tiel ea .W. î4. HI-OQINS, Iie aprintifS liatabilmentn ]i0OK STREET, WHITBY. Terras . $1 50, per Annum. AD VIITISEMENTS- - Ail Adierti- Iiotznaured nn Nonparlel, andI hcrgd etthorateqDlcents, per lino, iret urînind 2 cents, perlinoeaebsubie- usertiont , ari I Statoinufl lI1anis t lwey 00C aillaxes, InînuanCeCompaieunandmttare of like delicripnl)lf vxî laceni aifafg New@ Mat- ter ton lents 1111r lne. wltiadvertiaeri -evory Fvldcy. Aocordngto ot 84, teerg51t1Io 2rd' ci aré forvanderi hoJ -GeentI'f or tei C low rates. "tier inormnille B.YULE. tai 'TelegraphOm 0O ROCIIESTC lXà EÀMEiI l, Maerj - ri-d4f,, -ni . vlll finI hua tthé ro ute t4e. Bogtoi ia, apply tb Portfloao Ont. (ui :S, Doc.Tel. Ce. LEIOFI, .~SIGN FE R i~ STRIEET. OTICE el Couteil of tieo vt iltlîy uin. er next, ut the nthe aeunl Tow. .belixt loti 82 J., beowti, -0loIs w4 anti 35, i ARItISON, ~irsIClerk. >]C,4RTY of IIRUC]z j alie cina Lthat lie ban t ililulrest 0et -sud Framiug Ion hytLne mil;rove. slnt P1-'.RD 'Hi? rLTY...- fOTQS. r&rd, anti ýr lnk, or, b, mnu. W.- Ordera ta- tcilagesao iore, AND Business Directory. tONTAIIIiO IANI<, WHilIT13 Y IUBA NCUIl TIIOMAS 1DOW, FAIt1fw'V1 & RULEDiE Ai > IîSTIeR.B3. ArToIiNEYEý SOLI- I)ltr,>Ntrll t ubln'andI Convey-- i:tfle fir-il door ,,ath af the Rayai an, %1.wItbY-jbF Couiit3 Crown Attorneiy. 43 M ESSilS IIITllE &, lîîLî.ING;s BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c. 1 it I) 3r. .H.RITCHIE. W. H. BILLINGS, Toronto. Whiiby. O,81'LLIVAN & PEiIIIU-if Al'JISTEI8,ATONYS OLIC- B ITOIIS, WtTARIES, & OFFICES -72 Tonge SIMct, nexi lie D)ominioni liant, au lCornetfKing snd Venge trweel, Toronto- DA. OSULLIV>,N. W. E. PERDUE. Ontber tiri 188W. Iy-45 JAMES J<EITII GOSIDON, J AlRTSTBR & ATRE-TLW la çtr nChacery, Couveyancer, NalanT Public, &o. Offie-Dlnedas St., lest door wust Of Amstronga@ Hatl. Mauney 10 Loae-Plvate fand-at mvw JOtHN A. !IcCILLIVRAY, (sucesoaor to Il. M. Howell.) B3 ARRISTERL & ATTO0RNEY-AT-LAW. Ntarv Public. &vr. SîlIvtor for tie I)OminiaofBank. Offe-N-xtIdoor b Manaion louse, ux&lîrndgçe, Ont. -26 CHARLES C. KELLER, A TTORtNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN4 Cao Couv»eyarncer.&c.,Canniitm- -ot, Brock. 1C. W. L. '1' IAiCLAY, ATTO1NEY -AT -LtW M 1ITt in Chanceory &nd lnniolr.iuey, Connnty- murier, &.1 &,c. LYMAN ENGIANI. L L. nl., B >AIMTE A lfIlAT LAW, SOIC TO Il IN -,,e streot, Oelîawa. STTORNET :AT-LAW, SOLICITOIZ IN i.Ciancrry, Conrtyauicer. .1-r 0,-ru(F- -lathet 0111,-o s-îu t ni b-'Pomt Offire, un McMillaîuî lBlocit, raik Stret, NVhtby.2 ly lu JOHIN HALL 1100, B ARIISTERi- AT-I.s.VI, SOLICITORf un Cauîery. ,îu îi- nue, 1 OfSEn-Devuili',q lok, Brook Street, wlithy. MONEY lTO LENI) rivate Fui.- iinun suîur la 5 800, lit a laierate ,(fjuin- leretia.( ROBIINSON & KENT, LîATE I)00U &inînsnI hiOaNi.) BARIISTEItS.AT-LAW, ATTOIIN- B eye. sîlicitr,,(ouveyatnctrs. l'c. OFFICE.-In Virlîîis Ciain, No. vi'ctona titreet. J-. i(tNxuu,m.au. LRxaaer A. E. KNr. JIN). (G. KELLEN-, 1 ARIIISTER-AT. .AW, SOLICITOR in Chani'ery anîd lusolveiiry. Cou ve . aurîr, dii. 01,- l>îr ll, itBrock- Sreet, Whittîy, Ont. G. YOUNG StIT I. L L. Il., B AlRin-ER., i. c-Maney ta Lace L>Issuer 01t liaeaLiceneî. OrrnCE-Over Dominion Bank, Whliy. Tan. 22, 1878.(t- ')ARIISTEliS, Attarucys at-Lcw, antd .5>Sallotors nu Claneery, Nüa Tarante btreet, Toronta. J. B. (.ALBRAITU,B., G ADUATE aif Quie' aed Victoria Unvirsiîiea, 1etubir of thie Collego ctibPlysittans and Surgeona, Ontario. Oouc-BroCt-St., Wbitbv, Ont., (tire, iluora souili ai lloya latal>. ly-18 R. J. GUNN, St. . S1RG3EON TO THE COUNTT GAOL.. V 1 Byran Street, Whlhby. G YSIIOSPITÂL, LONDON 1ENG. A IIR D. OR-B OGART, Phytten, Surgeon, Accucher, d., dc. Whllhy, Sept. lth, 1874. 40 W. ADAMS, OMS OVEII . ILH. JÂMpIISON'g la c hur. Y4 . m.ta l12 n., cnd froin ,30 t86,P teuiene-Cor. ai Byron ad Gilbert atreelus. TE TI uierted on ail tb. iceet priaciples o!f1the art, à s cheaî Uthe ubeowpesî, &td cs gac th le héat. -xeslh ibed vitioid nd alSilr,,r. Teeli exlrâutal lithontpn , bj' produclug asu 'New bloek, airer Allinsna Drug Store, King Bt ScatOia. JOHN ROBINsoPP AQEWI POÉ TU M £3-ScatAg GruDt. & JIbleWSk NNZ&I With calm Printed words, great thoughte, and untllng induetry, we advocate Peace, Progres, Knowledge, Brotl>erhood. VO0L. XXIV. WHITBY, PROVINCE. 0F ONTARIO,' TIURSD)AY., NOVEMBER ill,1880.N04. c OMMERC1AL HOTEL andi STABLES, 64 andl868Jarvîs-atreet, Toronto. JOHN MCR.4E, .--PJOPR1RTOR.' laucozaaoc TO 1014KELY The beut 01.00 a Day Eaun» la th. lty, only -wo blooka froti thé N orthern Deland.loe ta tie Markt. Théeuonese i ein newlir Filted out, cnt everytnixng Frit-cia.. ly.41î MRS. WALKEY'$ TEMPEIL4NCE HO USE,' DUNDAS-STREET, WVI11TBY. Gond accommodation ai rea,.îuablo terme. Boarders 62blilpner watt. 45- CH I NA H AL L, SIOW OF TUS BIG JU0 (laEoISTICMD) 71 KING-8T. EAST TORONTO. Fanoy Breakfast and Tac Sota. "aey Diner and Dessert Sos. Fy Bed-reom Sets. Fanoy Juge ced Teapots. flver Pisa d Entes, Forks cund Spoons. silver Piaelod Cruets ana Butter Cocleri. Silvn-r PlaId Cake Baskets. Honigere' Knlveî cnd Perla. Tee Trcys and Servre. Flonrer Siades for Lily'a, n&o., &oe., Glanawar,, ail description. Whîite, Stone ware, erery kinti. Hôtel ced Bar Gools. GLOVER HAIRRISON,. OSNHOUSE.-TOIIONT0, ONT. Importer. Tht Palace lotti Di Canada Ilefittea. ltefuniint. Ianrd Utrivalleni. Nov Passif om no W o W rs gi-r Blevlator, ruiininý niglnt and dtIy. The D m no o dW rs only yrt-claaa Uaiel ini tailaîn i wti gradu. WH1B % aloI rwt, vieZ-$2, 52.60, and 63 par nlay. oebr f 3Clubs and tI hare, d ienn rourna, wihut ohard, il ta S2 per day. Geo. Cormack, - MAux tN.- 111181, Petb. iitli, 878. Proprieler. LUMBER IIEICHANT & BUILDER. legs, A1crasu lyaof Beflder' Furetis. inoad al iîSfe'é o! TelatelMoldinga, IljoyAL HOTEL, WIIIT. f-Dori, Basad Bîlnda. Tihi ahovo bolol asiau holorougily LU14BER violsacle and relcil, or iy renan~tad cul rçtuunisben d in no0w un- thlbcar bcd. nier thé management otf13h1. MACKIE, Pluomng. Motldingî o! every deccip- (tormorly of Si, Lawronco Hall, Fort Rope. dIon, Floorcmg, Sheetlug, Sielving, Re- Evary attention jain togpeea. sawlng. Siapieg, Tureieg. Scroll-work, Ita"eiafly 5oldSemple Booma fer Com. etc., etc. metrcial triers. Wiitby, Oct. 101h, 1878. 4 THE WILSON HOUSE. 'wNBx TO LEND. ALEX BARCLAY,- - Proprictor. Tii Hoeua. la aiBrick, large cod coin- motlioe, andth ie interior in iltîsil up in ix- illent etyle. Tic larder insupplieni witthe ibes inu lie markt. Tic -best af Lîquar. ced Cngars. Stablig, large and roomy. Gouashabeda. B ITS AMBRICAN IJOTBL, RA Y-S , (LAT% SORSON HOUE.) 13H ITB Y, 0ON T AR 10 blouse nowly renovîntni cal fureishol lirougiaul, ced plut in frt-clcs acer for tie rroeplionuci gueule Anomons l tancd1 fromU altrains. Vi'rt-clansasatuple roims. s i AREs pE A R E i0T EL, k>Cor. Kingt. York-u3tnî., Toronto, Ont. J. A. O'GRA 1),1. - PRORIft TORI POSIT OFFICE SALOON, Totoroo. t-l Tilt; DEST ACCtOMMODIATIO>N i lor tî:'i (11-47i The undtr.lgued ha. an y amount of Mon- ey to Leul upoin Farte or Ton Property, cI unuuuay Loy liai.. oh Interest. Locua cen b. repai l-n u mm teomit ber- rowers. Soeral Improyed Farte. ced Wilt Lads fer sale checp. InirOstments madie lu Municipal Deben- tres, Bak,ald olier marletatable Stocks. Fer furiier particulars apply ta JAMES HOLDEN. Apri b, 1872. 35 J.-l.'IS T. JE Il E,L, I'reprtelo. ARC HIE - C lu R'E L.nlî-f ic NilîaanKt 11î.-1,Toronto.) Goîd Lîî1uîre and i ('lil .uunnlu ' DRAWIIIG AND SPECIFICATION I-n.îL.iîcry Stabtle- ,nd Biliai-n Par1.ur atwc-bt. îyîc BUILDING S Promplly lrpeiwih, viev la Eccnemy ~ttNi trnEETOt>iWA. CHURCII ANDI SCUDOL ARCHITECTURE-k Hl. CII EST ER. - Popruelor. Corresponecec Reîpcctfully Solloted. Tii lr'-no>,large ai. t cýiîuundîo-, H. B. BARBER, ArohilecI, &c., ilia..,18 rt-il u-i l ilk Iiutiel to tnthe i- OacvcOnt. D'iijab ,..tùti t !Ilug public Tablo oîîp _____________ Ph"niL.' rt (4.1the- stagonl. Thte --_________ inri.î-.lri o iii, ,t ients rnd.A. A. iPOST, luor i rnd '-rs. 3buu,,nd ni rîma tiuni. Ample'irnabieru'îînnî, narelUl aillr.(lat wth Langley', Lcniglcy &Burke, 46-ly Toronto.) ROl1WN lIoTEL, CoLUMI3IS. LateoI f):,, ,"Abelrtr, having purchâhed the îiîî,î n ell-kilown prcînisea, moliciti rn a nnvtî aucn uofpatronago fron hi& nurneroin friernd, A go,i Uotl.r in tterviance. r jjIlE QrFF.NIS MOTEL, BROCn, STUEIEr, 1<XMTil. PH1IL IP cAX. - Prpictor. Boat Liqnnr and Cigare. A Woliuiiu- plnnrd table. Aîry ben-roome. Coufortabe stabinig snd largo yard rooma. Charge modmrât,. .-u WHITBY HOIUS]E DUJNDAS-ST, WEXTBY. The nuderuigneri onîri lntîsn1te to thé public that lie choir. promises have beau nowly built d ûtted up tiroughout. for the accommodation o! guesta.Boit WInes, Liquors andi Cigare. TH-E CREAN0F CANADA -WALZ LAGER. Aiea pure Uhine W... Leger, Whle. sale ad Retail. Boarders teken by the wec on mnoder- aetermes. JOSEPH A. BANXDEL. Jily, 28tb 1880. ]BLACl K HRS£ UIOTZgL, COUn. FBONT 090»3ue ST@e, TORONTO. ALFRED OXFORD, . PBOPBIBTOB, (Late of Weli.ngton IHotel, Markham=.> TELIMS, 61.00 PEU DAY. Goal tabi-' ing fur airer 110-ors.s. Plret.eu & ce=-i imodation for farmera and thelb. lii! public in 5eneral. 1- T slip, CLYDE UO'bElÈt 158 KIro.ST. E*UsT, TOBONTU. The house ilauewly zloii@YSIOeu ltop tu b)Ott.m, vr oqeoaln e b travelling public. Ti nybe f~tur and cigara, and ii srthe ae.lgwt 1he beat lu h. liy., o, beltr c«iu and good Mt tnve b'otlW~, Y LUMBER1 LIJMBER I1 C. JO Hiq Box., LUMBEIR .3RR w Hi!~ A 1<C HI TEC VT. Il vi'ii0isfor Cburrheu, Villuancd Collages a ' ,t-claly. ritingspreantfor ré- U1'n'CE, for thé p rosent, at bis redilence oun Kingetein Roal, tPickering. . 4-tf, P. 0. Box 202 WMcrnr. TH E TORONTO Turkish & t/apor Bath&' Ties. hatlanuare-ulefflinl lenitia N.uîralgla, Coîngit, Collaý, mootmn Bruuii., erfu.,Skia B eIM1s0, ail Iu am mations. Bilionums, Feyensastifor île tqp-ah Skia dh.e , 151 Syelli. Il ile nov mivrclycee l iltbobh tia Turklis ari Vapqv Batisar imth*esit presrraur'ien bah v11b4kpib* sEltoN0of mei xprsa4-in CQMnMapi* i ~tà .Ueic*l Ireelmenit the Zýatuibmenu rap. Ily dn aeffly trecteti. PctrnieritkmrougeauthleelSutomr, "eylldevn lo'he peasaiman..Tia Turlisi bath& are lie oply eoai ilu lb-a Q$y Quotatinanrcomï&itiîo n ie lies lna il'eountnle. ROURs-4entiemcn, 710 &80 Oamni, 3 le ~pau. ,Behuray natil ip.>M. lmsw, 1O aà .tO 1.80p.mu ticket.. 28 QJE?.S.WMIT. Oliltul uad atentive male sud- uuMsi1 o.g r ln à u'i T9 R ltpp rt B awuuaMI0a'a TÈiii W ]u Ji n ou SI INSURANCE. ONTARIO FARMERS' Mu tuai Insurance Co'y. HEAD OFFICE, DHOCK-8'r., wHiTBY. TM 118COMPAN!F meres Frm Boi- Jluige, Country Cinreimes, lichool Bouses, aund Ihelr Contents, 'et rates an Low as those et any wl-ecleelComipany lu canada. JUST LOSSE8 PROMPTLY PAID. J. B3. BICRILIL, JOHN WILLIS, FPraudent. Vico-Preaideut. C. NOt!hIS;E, SIcitRuETA. Whitby, April th, 1878. -18 p HhENIX FIllE INSUIlANCE CO. Lombartd St. anduhri clg Crota, London. EBTABLISWED IN u1782. GILLE.SPIE, MOPÂTT 2& C0., Agents for Canada. t. W. TYRE, Manager, Montréal A ONOTBSTBLIHBDIN QAXA- Puna. moderato rates cf preminni. C. NOVmSR, c Agent, Wblthy. Wbitby, April ahi 88.1 BRITISI!AMERICA Assurance Company. 1 INCORPORATED 1833. A 8SSE T , S1,101,878 9DL 7.A. BALL, Innaiuraoeffect.4 et th. lowest ourret rates on Builvlingu, Marchandise. and other property, against bas. or aa&" by à re. 0. NOIMSE, Agent, WhItby. Whitby, April 91h. 187. 16 p EPPP~WS QTUCININE ,n> 1MON TONIO eoutas iau nuivtrylnsg amount otiquinin. *ai Irom. It jsssea aul thepoveru of thmo tsl,,be toutesllnbaniouIg disa... &bd itvoptami traccabi. to weaki.es, a 10w sade oif tbe nervous uitencfeebl.<d cnition of the, body. and doransement cf th. g.ner..I EPE 8QUIINE A" MfON TONIO Ir strenatbens 1the. ervoix. ced rtscular systesm, improvea digestion, anima.. the hoai1h froro the .itoct of hot climatt Iii toute le lnvaiuable. 174 rouxes nd devlopsthenervous enerffi., cm-lobes th blcod, promote. appetiti. -dispol. lancoor and depression. fornsthe.ii digeative orgsu..l a a .peoi0c roino<y for nouralgia, ame. IndIgestIon, fr,'ers of every klnd. chiai affections. ed 1inwtng dIgeseaa, scrofulou tondenclo., <&o. Tho whoe treaaIl greatly invuara.debvPoy ar Tonte. ho mental fa«I« brabteseilth.constitution groatlv drenflbenWtd. a aroture to rol>ut oaitb oe itotiss.o.m a. i.;. wU 1d by Cheurista o«eeryhere. Tii, name <if J. Popper, Bediford aboratorir London, muet be cm 1he label Thero lis ane¶11001 no eert@hi ln eftrct as Popp.ieîQuinneo. ad Trou. Tt la strneév rfomm.itd te1 rouldenta lu Ilu&a and the Coloil.u, and abImI alwae uho lent re,,dv for un. nb ary case of fever or f.rbril. Condition. y roeta, lu nov oeod lrete*d 4,f bUplu Mea" dhb. fiel for theO ume ot dyspop.Ic, 1penoa, i4 ail aysptoine of congeation Ofcf hà iir, wîblc arn gêeraflirpain beneatb thée buoiei beari-ache. drowatnea.. no appettt..furred tonom... dtsagr..able taite ltu ho nlg glddlnes, ,Lsurbanc. of he b. tozmecand feelIng cffgeneral doîrrestiori. Tt Ito'thd abig.' ~t lver aMottI4avon ulgt17 Acta arn bo 014Utu a eull be ctiti.deI Tara%*=end an<iohvIn la a' bld madie obly by J. Pif 8, wdSod ZxAtiortoe7, Londou,whom am aa a ngla cm0 el yI" Botte 2I. 0&4 ad 4 44. S ounby Cait bmIt À mont aluiable sad essentiel nedicine for In- di&a Australie, 1h. Cap@, andi Colonies geuur afly. - 1y4,; o=poWbriu cklth,natûraci olo"er. effect la sip.iior te that pro4uoed by a n il ia¶i ..at fi* ref brlng cgrcoy bahtu W t min.cril aslte %anPori.naurel-i grovi fo deo4utu eti Mdmr.e ii ...wiwmir.b IIK.s12M Be le Rarnect. Din le ernet, Christian toilera, Luie in net lie summer drean, 0f lte omeusichild liaI galbera Daimieson 0fheianoontidé beani 1 Il bath cooflict, it hai danger, Il bath sorrow, l andculstrifa; Tnot lhe weakal sone wtll f aller In tie baIlle eldoetie. Tiare çre *burdeus yen uuay tigituti, Toitirng, strugglin oru nMay citer, Tear dimmeni oyee ttaIyou may irigiton, Thorny patis tust yen ay clear- Errleg onea, dcapi:taodegleoted, Ton May berri ta lluy back,- ileacon ligitt e oorfelel, AU elong E fr'e crowped treet. Thora are wraugs thatamnt h. rlghled, Saored rigits ta ha ,nataiuîd. Trutba, tiongi lre'npled long and aligited, 'Mid the atrlfe 10 b. maintaiel; BEavbroedlng nilatB ta arater- emiat,0oignorance sud in- WalIN of clamant t abatcter, Thusta t let Go<Vi ainnlgit in. BounduslesinlhieldcMand fertile, Lot lie plougialxare deep ha driven, SO aI lEngtb lie plénteous har-eet Bualil ok imilirigmepo esvee 1 n'ý nn. ..pn ataonsu.nnq, Nr atorenwum .2jy bAud n Precious ruita 1h e erti adarulng, Shah aI lengIli arond liastandr. Be luineet. Cinistian ticlar, Lite la uotthe sommner dreemu Dalies Obtbenoiuttie-beinuf Lité hathbceefliot, loilcuti dagr,- I bath s0mv, PilaMd samiet- ToIt th. veak *Ionsa vifltber la lie battle-fl i !lii. I THE HOUSE QV IHE 8EVt GABLES. Y.I, afler ail, are notet lsdertng in -excelleunti c tblbe Miu n Loket4 tbe julge nov Re Ha i ppurently con- mooud ofbha."iug en, etoc seget- ioally relgli'das! em'n- nefis onipersent unebla b eappreclate thora.HRe Wiin avait 1tiair betteri uMod, andhold bimsolf U-a tboss4- siel thorathonie, a t t"amoment. As ba dava batik frow tlie ber, ce cil- comprebeneive benignity -blazas fhem bit vaeIndietig-that b.habera Hepiba, 1111 P0eb, aca tei.Invis ibleCliferl, Il ire, t.gimher vili lh. whclé wonlti beaies, Intebis irm- monté heurt, atigls them ia wvarm bath W 1s LIa lio etou. "lYen do vo greal vreug. dear cousini Hepzibah u" sait ha, fret kinlly of- fernegber bise ad, cnd lien lravbng on bi loe pprcry te departuré- "Vary greal vrng 1 But I fergive it, anti vil lndy le makeyon thiuk botter of mes. Of ceuni%, ourpur Olitiorti beiug in ao uubappy e shahe cf mind, 1 cannot tiiato! urging an ihiterview et preseut. But 1 saa vswtcb over bis welfcre, as if lho ere My evu Lelovel bzelher ; nor do Ie Il cluar, My dear cousin, o! eouatrcining bolb bina and yen te aeknovladge your injustice. WVben liaI shalI beppen. 1 leair. ne other raveuge lice jour cceptance cf lie basl offloea lansmy power tu do yeu." Wiîb e boy tuespeubsb, andi s de- gree of! paternel benevosuece in bis parting ucdte t Pboebe, lhe juilge loft th., abopi, anti vent emillng along tLe elreet. KA La oucomcry voti tLe uldb vien îhey &mraI lite Loueurs e! a r. public' b.espologizoxei, wovre, t. lthe peocple, fornhis veaut, preapsrlty. antI elevatedtsation, by a freanti hearty =&uner tovw -iffh1e-obkuev hm,; pu a ! i lluity, ie. tino proiortion wlth ti.hebu Mb is. eýo tie ince viom hb. aiulaI, andti îherby = à , iuga ngiiy oeoelcousuess cf Lis alatge as lrrautoly nù if oed* maoelforth eele aalroo leckays ta clean lie Wvcy. On "ip- tioular ferenoon, se ezeessive vaui#. vcnabh o!fIctige' yim6'kld aspctthe lechat leaet,' *a* lii aspec-aot' bovu, extra ,pessig. of the vaten-carls vas fouel essaital, in orentIly lie dust1 ooaicati'dby go mach ext;ra sunelmine 1 I ;. No sooner bcd bli iappearel, l",i Hepsibab psy ido ly wvite,ad, Saogg goyard. PIRei., lai ber beati lait eue Ibm Young gidiisepldr. ,Oh, Phoeo1" mursanue st,' tbat r==sa&aubeen lie iirrer tof MY Mef I .Shi I even, noev, "Yi.thé telhtmà wbstoî e5" Ml . eVery, --výlekedX' cakei Piee Yet bis - offaesW méy anti witb effectiônou ogb, if tbal vere brothier. Tht. facial adtiation wâs ail, 1a do a' huhdreti- limes as muab t ci oecelCie eymptouu of perfect bealth,* Theré could isb.fw more tearful igbte,- aud itsebhetpreservative. -cudlEHeavon foi-give uo, if-'%e emile' A nature like PI'izoe lis eu invcriebly insiet 0o tinglingwith caur coneption il itodèifuene-, but it aeidomn regard- of il l-few sigbShtb!t truer pathos tne et with due Ãionor. Iteaspiritual fore., Ibemu, than Eeptbcb preseuted, ounlime however,'inay b. parttslly e'timated bY first aflernoon. tb. tact« iber Lsving fl c aphitce for Ho* pationtI M labo endeavour ta harâdîf, cmil& clrcumaotancea ao, store As wrab Clifford up ilulber great, wà rm thos. vitieh'aurroandeti the tuisîrsus of love, aed meke il al lb.hevoridt i m, lhb iuue ; mud sleo hy the effeet'wlob sa liaI iho abould1 relaie uno lotrlnieh.protinced on c charcter oi uo tupeh senne o! the colles and drearinees more tnas than lier own. For Libo witbonti ;ýHow pitiful; yet mageanin- gaula't; bony frame uecd limbe, of Hepzi- aen, thasy weOre t bcL-,'ce comparet i *th lime tiuy ligblb- Reeiebering hIe ecrly love o! poelry- someuesa o!PbSbe's figure, vere per- anti fiction, obhe unlooketi a bookcee,' bApe lu ome fit proportione yuL the cn ari ownloveaierel books Ibat lbcdtmoral weiglx cudI subsance respective. beee excellent readieq lun heïr dey. ly, o! lb. wemcu cnd tbe girl. Thiere was a volume of Pope, wit b îLeToalime gues,-to Hepzibclu'e brother Rape of thi ôck le It, uanot oier o! --or Cousin Clifford, as Pboebe now the Taller, cnd cn odri one o! Dryden's began t.o cîllit-sme was eîpeclallyne-ý Miscellanies, cl witb laroiieetigilding cesacry. Nol limaI he coulai ever he on tboir envers, acut bouglits o! lareieh. said ta converse wilb ber, or often eti hrilliacoy iutiie. They Lad no sao- mucifeet, lu cny other very déficits- cees wiîh Ciifforti. Thiese, ced ail euob moile,bts sonne c! a ohartu in lier eo-' writerseto! mîoiety; wbotenev vorka ciety. Bat, if mime vere a long vimile. glow like th.erlola texture, aoi a, juet- ca i, be beotue pttîsb sed nervou woven carpet, muet b. 'content te re- ly réatleee, peoîeg lb. room te, ced fro, liuquiabi their efbart for every reader, wiîb tLe uucerlsiely limai characolrized after an cgeé or lwo -ced coulti hazdly ail bis movements ; or ese wourld oit b. supposedto bretain aey. portion o!ý broodingly in hie groat chair, reatieg it fors min& t lmaIbai' utterly fout ils -hi. beaiton hie boudé, aud evleoieg life estimati. of.-modes sud manters&- . fla-.oulyby an elecîrlo iparkle o!filt-bumor, sibah té IbenleupEsélaedAee whenèver Sepaibab attempletibaveuse ta rend of l.iwoi&##y clilointh , it1 -atin, -PlteesWa-pr«eece, ael the ou vague itleà ,.tbal séone secret Ã-ci à eca- 4lpily o! ber fréuh ife ta hie bligimIed lented ie Il!. b ere,,.berie-ebr cl ue i sr.aually a&H Ihat bo requireti. s~Leh lgb aIleer-euvOlleu&nl tiue4aUelî the b.natve guab cul lîsu4fIou4is cdy Bubt là . bp-. -piyc er spirit, Ihat ebc u liloma D~ tuctibled>:ber auditor, moreover,,bY y cab mre thcu s founlain ever ceases lanumerable sIs î o! ",ls, 'bide ta iluple sud vauble vithi lIa-flow. b.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~e »*Seit 4lc.v nyr-8.p seae imegft of gong,ati fereno. te the ,tnmxg,; Bor, >in, îface, tbatto, se. eatnrsliy, limaI yen would dil b. oppear le teks $nub noteet iii. as Utils thfek of01 lnuirlug wbeneshe 80112e o! wratsbte rectibut, a " hstyi- nià tgblil;,,or vbat',muater bcd feit 1h. todinai otlbe lecture. vithout, .4ingbi lier, uaîo! &skiaitlb.hem. eques- nb~rsIigris rfL Bs aatora vlastiou aboat a birdt la in ossuiai erain tac, nuuiy euAle,.h4adî lu thé- ocurse of muevsà gteglalimehéVo" s0cithb of heu seerue*ful ifethu, coatà celeal COrealttwe as ltlltly sla iwte londest kimiti of orosk, vbicbh, vhen itouoe gels aceceuti cfhie thunder. -Se long as it hie b. mince Iro*t, la ias iueucdin- Bliob.éngü, thon mugit- trUy et ber cable eaie..' lIboCh> sezel, ececectel.oveiii a bout the bouse. Clifford va aily. Iba 1f.-long crosk, eeoompény. ,cuà teùltw helbh« lb# aeet, airs' homne. ing esoh word tif joy or rorV. laone -Rusesof lber tones cme leva from tLe- o! tié iyanptome-of -sa stlei mutieln- upper ehambera, orclougtha Passage. cioly; an". viersveu il cours, tue vcwy froua the uhoju.or wvs pibleil whol, history off miafertne la ouvoyel ýthrough ths'folcue of tlie -rtreeý in- la ite aligbtes accent. Tha efleet is cm ward Ir»tù,-lîé gardei, v-iib -'44e if lhs veine adbeen dyed.,blsok 1. or.- tvlnkling suelteanle. 'He 'vouli oit if ve m"u a eeMors moderais -maillaquieIly. viiha <snCbe. pIseur.glosai. -Ibhis miserablse aoak,=muntglough inw over bis fae, brigbter nov, cud sil lie variations of the volai,, 15 lke, s;nov a 1111e dinuneri as lb. sang- hop- blaek uikea thueaesion,,viiebIbe erj pou" Ioficî neor býlà rvsmr ttii' lisScf speech "0 e s 1ruug, ud uemotely he, b. lolasd i i e, vieuce >bey tske their - bue. Snob hvvr haasst~4slyfoot neicea Lave put on mouuulug for dead til at -Lis kuee. hope. acut tey ougit te die and b. h lu jepenbapa reuickabl*t, ecuid.rmng bure&dAlong vitla theim1I-lber temùperawtullthal' Phbebeofteeer Dîscerning lLatOllfford vas net g)ad- cIms. a raino! pcttioa ihan b-of gaietî'. loueti by heu efforts, Hepsibsi seerchi--But lb. young suit Iappy' ag, e »t 111 .4 &bout tlb. bons. for the means cf pleseeati e mper - tbeir .1f. vth -e more emhilircing paillane. ,&At.l e u tnsparent abailow. Thle deepest lime, ber e),.- ubanceil.to reat ou Alia, pathos_ o! PbSobe's'volce anti seog. Pydobeon's. harpçicherd. Il vas smer.iov.r, came siftédiliîrougb the moment, ofgùreat perd; fo.-tieSPilsgolden -textureoe! cheery spirit, sud, lime Iradiiionary eve ia hsil dgAîbr_ l c6 s dap.o Igtorfu»d ti vlïle over Ibis inatrunit cf muai., ath.é ucit s ajuiued1 lim Daio bect dirges wLicL spritual Sollers vire salI felî liebgi.niQr -havtig epi a4 bo Play on it-jh*. davowleilalerbad ilï. Broati mi.in luthesaered .pree - -eIoemn bU giOCe rumumln n O Ia't ence cf 'dark. enleforlune, q'oull bave ehordé orC.frasbineit, aud ce. j'arredbahably iti irisverently i,ýWÇU compaucnè Wî proracevth er tîi. solemu eBvmplbeny b-at reliaI iai voles.. roor Clifforni1 PmorEepribabI1 undertonè-treugb'flpzibah'a aidb'er Poor la4*olcbortil ýII tii.. vwouldl brother'. 1fr. Tiipr.fore, il wita vell hav« e' heai-misérable, togelimer. By> tLiPmoebe te often chose sari thema", 'ome pë tet gny-oallb li apamr.ll .. c.atdto e l barleil Aliê hurslf-lbe lhresteaing 'eopening habi tqteil t rceai. eleity ves avleti. pantpuship; cliffOrJ -reittilIy *imc 'ed 'tut tbe' *oret o! sl,-bbe bardesI boy cpable o imblbfgplaaitû stke'et fate fo eBpïibab't'be sidue, audgloais ofobscheufal ight fI om-i cdetL -#rC iftà Iht oô,-.ýwashic-la-'- -quarter. bit' nature "mut'lortginoll lïdeitct~u er' ap«rmibsv. beM Rà f";outlJfu4 .while Heu 1ecttlýi e ,éer-the' ai#l S' tble aeh.0uaatby liai. '-beniy,-eet pro. &Bd uiaeilustib icage outi ýgrièf 1 iel y rosi, evýen lils, eutrmosI mandas resentaient agalat the. vorld .fou hie - Vu1âd 1 ,pe!mvuld hlake saé;4ek1'r.eso ulitle pefr1I71ëtt. * watëhed lon#îoe isand fix upon hi&. be "* acer *È 66b 1i81î a£ acai,'- cv ud5~l8LWaSPI1 whcà bdü êu]8d thiwss toi' e. illeI besr li oUtiid'poclîldf ho TILQ ould soaumtIiai.*play, upou woman'a it¶s a llIi ila iface 1It did mol'. no gust ni L, aî6ùg#b tlbe znoutdi lban aiumW llt'"te ; itm brausfi'gred full M i,-ýibat théintintoive bie'vlth a, laver othé -I1à uttyilgas fjffj l- t umbw ùépwt he glb.lw "of -an, el. il. ai : h ltn: iïuli; t* r , 'âudtioýale ows.ýi-vthoir di iMübt'te record M f îIfinité, sorrov. Meply, ge tha aalîft4liir*«' 1, :1 ýkdowmeIul, but for quclities wbicb èiiigbt muake the happinesa of tbe rud- et haodioraftîmnao ce well au Ibat of thme ideal orafleauciothebspirit ? Be. abue, probcbly, al ite higbeet-elevation dIt poét meluno bunan luteroonree.; Ont ho line. ildreary t. deoeni, cuti ~a etrauger. Tliere *as someïing very boetifel ei tbe relation that grew up betweeu thie pair, eo olosely ced coeelcelly linketi togetuer, yet writh snob a waate of gloomjy and myalerot.a yeara froni bis bit tdsy,to bers. 0e Clifford'epcrî t: wcsthe feeling of a man naturally îctiowed *withî thé liveliesl eeeeibility to fémieine influenze, but etho lîad never qttà ffed the anp <of paselonalo love, anti kew limat it was now too laie. He knew il, with the initieciiva lollicaoy Ibat bcd eurvived hie intollée- tuât tiecey. Thue bis sentiments for Pbb. itiiont being paternal, was ni leui ohaste fLan if ahe bcd beén hie lagme.Ho was a mÀii, il lu true, and¶reogeized ber aa a wozuce. Bbc ua-u~oyr.praseetfLahve of wômath. id.1 lieck-ucligu1it~ cberm limai appertaluet teber sez,,ap4I îawi limaripeueee ai' ber lips. à ced*ihe- ,virginal develà pment of< ber boSom.ý Ali ber11, itlbwomanly w"YB, bnddlfikg out o! ber like bloaomi -on ,à c yoehig- rrut-ree hdibiraffect oùhituî edý somelimet oauaed bis"very beart 4o,: lingle wit thîe keeneet Ibrhilî,: cf pleasure. At auob momente,.-fr lue effrout vas aeltii oed m:jom e juiullea-, long. iileiiêbarp if feullofkmond. vLawhn th6i cuouiia f ers eep ýýoroes l..L But., eftor.a&l, it seemeti ratber-ý,,c per-, o«ptiou, or acsympathy., then c&senti.' ment belongimg tb himuself a& an di17 lue), .--Ut rendl Pboee, as ha would a mvaet-aud elumiple sloty ; beatfeuilt. ýbr, as ef ah. were.&,»Yera.o! bPu.e'olêIc poetry, whicb Qod, 1w rquit,othi,* ï4spck cud dismal lot, bid& pe>r»!Utle somq ange), tck >oWi tie41b1m,.-le warkl. lhrongýb lb.0boue. BSue, vs- Dot au actuel fsct for 5hie>, but th~e lu.. terpretion of ail thokt he bcd 1eked un ecrtb, brougbt warmiy bomîp4te li or leli pioture, -,beri -4loal ta couifort of r.clily. -affi, ezcept- for Pcbe.s mor, have yielded tb the torpor which lied cre1t throngh &Il bis, modes cf buing,- ait m i imorngebav irlieonie But th. girl e.Idom faldie propose a ramoval to ths, gad»n. vee nl Venor ,and the- idaguerreoty'pi' e bal madie ench.repaire on tbe roof -of- the ruinoue arbour, or aunmrr.bôoe. Ibat it wcs now-a eufficient ebelter froin nahine and caucal ehowers.7 The ' hiopirine, loo, bcd bogue 10 -grow lux- uriantly ovcr tbe Rlies of thei. uttle etil- flot, and made, au interior. of, verdauLn seelusion, with ineumerable peeps andi~h glinipues m bCthéWidor eclilude of the Here, pnetimes, in &bis, gr..e'plà y- plesce or flicikring ligL,, Phb-o ed to Olifford. Rer ecciotance, Iiith. a.riiat, wbo aVpezed-L0 bave a. fitérary ture, bcd supplied ber witb work. o! flotion, in pamaphlet-form, and ac ew, volumes oli poetry, iu altogether c difereat style cuti teste froni.-tho.. _which Hepzibab seleoleti for his. omusemect. Smell theoke were due to-tbgboi)o, blowever, if the girl'%rad 'in r~luany degre.. more auoooeeeul than beëreldefly oonuins. Pbobe'i -oio. bil tIwcd b c retÃŽty vauviofu it~led ool érberenliven- 01iford -bytt: sparkle anofai<yof toue, îorotbe him b y"& orçrjPiïued 110w of pot.bly inntbrook-liko oanlabç.', -- but the fitione---luwbn icb Ibte country- ,girl,, nsedti t.worke o!flimaInature. ofteil beoctue4 rply abeob.-iuere&sl- ed lier utrange cuditor very Ait lé, or, Dot' aI il. PiotureS.'Qf Aife, sceeea of pceeioe or sentimuent, wit, humour, cnd pathos, pere. 011 throwu awcy, or worse tIliu thnbwu 1 gBe&- -emotiqas - omid-wllsad linPbrbe broke, jut. c pea1 of merry ii~iuuloq ifen ar-c, mal în'g k*GP Pgo oPmrn la±ob j page. à ý k igrilyÉ=moioned ber t7e cllé.. the 'wbîd aenongliu nuieearneat, ~lbU tkjüg r#à lstlgo ofI11eck.- LWith potry,~Wa.rtq eq~~- H. delight.dip tlimee vrel can eub8fd. [ëïWd oftbe-r~bIn. aes6d tl1 4iPfy Bu i ve airive lu -vain te Vut the into vordi. ~e-aéut xr il; impresosaneus is; ttiublé'-' being, made only for' hcppineas, ierelofom W semtserbly fdn iappy-Ll 'teudeacla se filleï tbvwarted, thai, - some O ttw ace, _ !a-urly. or, ' nbUlec s&tioeg,hil <ivW -way, and Le-wui ieibeile.r-îti poor. forlorn. 'vo; froint4e ialcuilsof tbeBleit, inu baurk, os bepetc a ?b hs fling, by teli oul wv obig,ÃŽwreà k,*late a quiet herber. -A as- hele&y ze»ore. tbn ha 'If ifé1esa4 gtraud liethé ragrance eofa as rosebi ba4came te sla nosl4ý ai odouris.vill,1iet'i immonedup isca-unces our'Vicions of acf) - t1 ceùd brectbing beiuty,ýmtiil.- wbiè Rhould bave bcd blihmme,-'lWit ON~ RÉAÂL 3STÂAH. ,E At loeoalilig angr4eaci Ps<ney secunoti ithia 10 Aplt. JOHN FI" wiblyFPbrniny lm, em88 1