Dayncing eg uW. Oaivs Hall WbtonSle a'Gon -Wm- - n BAp4 u Fané> >ty,<oda4. k Auctiu Bale-LcfCarlmee Ctlm-, -M. OD otie-.Ivaier. n Spcitaneer>.'Rbtan B ro-LE «ls. ThecPin Baile aI GeuyDvis &Wn &e agtwrene. Use itafue--TIme Gra>' Meiaini C Faim > onIer-.H.ams. LtitinWeon l-. U.rbataki. nn iichal-B.ia-B, Hlo.Jasmn Bpa Ilas-,Y. i. bet-on B. »the l'si Killt--o Mr.y Das & n & Ihes8rSconc->, essonof-htbyuoHall. a-reta ov.ilrs-830.sH. ulamasca. ok Frt, L. Frobmtaks,.HioJnter. &o.,siaa Wrebtofae-r. &f. Jt)Dnan At ltuis -il. il aescu.y Bok i ai nthiNoesL H. aianks ATJCTtion ALES A te is î o it la, w c u n lerta nl , i l eetrsço cf sign ature 10te e Vafflbe' c tb. conuy, for t ibeptpcor etaaiiiig a apeailal ittgiif 5'tthe Gilît!y Coocil, Wtli-ii c onCewpltttcd r'tC!waytire. jebcla Duw occltpyieg hmtt'oluc ai.i'-etion tlu aenaeci,îi iuthlie bnit.hitîg ou:t it Oauadait>ifi l I.iîway ais'.! tihesPaeilit Junoi Lon-d4 tbe-effiYna put forvariitc uivaîrt traoi vsry point east uai] vest cf us, Iis la ima ihat i.he Conut>' mi Onlarlo-tite nalural highway, and tic, sborteit from w<alert te wataï, should roua. itslf t Lte importance of the oc- casion. Hamilton, Torontto, Port Hlope, BJelleville, Kingston, arc au! intercaistin thauselveu in pmjeotud linos ta coansci tbrongi thLe Pacifie Jancîlo vit thtis Canada P.afile Bail va>. Supremeeof fortsau.m beiug put fou-t b these icoali- tie tesoeuars a portion cf this greai aud imortantt-ml,. 'T.e Ceuni.y etOn- tari-.. v. bavo jus. rsmarked -- flî natuirel bigbway, in dbing uotbing. Thte pieple appear, le bc sleu le lte commbrcial aoiivity engagead in every otitu dir-ctîn. Andtît iey aili avake tueflad, sbatitofore, lte trpAe, properi>' and naauraily itslouging le diem <iverted lu a différent direction, Thte misavishe bretaketa np Lie ques- tien ef extensiontliroungi t1là cont>' ad vio feaoee lihe greal future realuta of continatio vils Ibhe Canada Pacifie are geing te wemk pruaaically andi are Lise cal>' moua vite plifar L to uepre- bod te slîuîien. Titi viohe oetity ls Isopi>' inîareaîcd leasamalter _of fp mait importacco, ait lot Ils bopo Ibal ils a-.preseutatives viii have. beadtb cf, viev anti publiaepirit eneugh tobuprovo tliemeeîves vertb>' of tieir position. T'he Refomrnatomy, uat Penetangulaitene. nt Ine bbtaf ntice cfOr laiebrip tei f Milanti Ã"ity ans) Peactangaiithett, ve ipromisel oui- reauers a taiftts-ies- par.- tielcasabout the Reformatorsy ab tIi -latter place. U :,The Befenatioiy, as Mpsl, peceie are S ï-e tone for 'the redlbmatiosif ô 'beys. Tishtulingsarat- ituabed ou a exuiieview c Ponetanuiab ene:ils>. c. triglit bIais «Pause oetaet-s, Ibicit. Iy uoed hillp and unduating shores~. -th lotbltybeig cte fo , tsgreat naleral beanties ag veà ilas sa itelial summîer resort. Titc discîpilnary t-eatmeul oi tUe Iu- mates Of the ofetrmatory lias forilis bai. ti. ran prpeilasetkindus, maulintert-s, canlJence-and self-te. sPet,«. Eterytbing tlitIvîilteumi tede- volope vilbit ieboyoa.tee2rineipi4a.1 la caret ally .satngitiatr ve-an deavnnspr tv~4o remoyv a sfar as possible fst-cmtheir minIs lte ide&- (bat Lheo>'as-c prisuueu. inue LIsp Ppinîment citti psessaI Bupsrlnl.ud. <tnt, ai it ai8asters0e thLe pisenanma ths gaoh have ibeau remavel., Tisele bave been ,palles) Icyn, sud ia Ibeirt sIsal ae lad brigiti air>', vel yenti" à t eti doioinis. Tise reecît eof Si& theugistful, kindi>' rcatmeut ib et eue. appareci u intsebrigisl cuîcerticl expres- aiea f et bo ys vitîer ai v tork r play'. h vfte iodeed i maLter et pieusa i ag surpris. te us and Lueur fellev visit- era ge observe t.e alautrît> aud mcdiaes dinplayed by Ihiem wvien at vork. Andg no bitter evitieuc clild e givet ot carefal, intllîgent lîandliug tisan to ose Ibis boys as we s5v thioto, wtlliiug Intel- Bie Da Btow osà à xnaicc. thoirOAtioteil dtes .vsiait th, ÇJaaemry sale of the s"tafthef i ANBoi e JMoIE-.institution with the preeonceivit "l>De ss ala, et the Queen's Big Dan drives a tbans for Mr. Pediar, notion that vo wouid ieda prison botl, Oshawa, on Baturday December of Qsiava-a friend of Sir Lonaril and tijerein prjsoners. dogged ô 4ilt 18W. L. Fairbanks, Actioneer. Tlisy's, engagsd in tb. rai; andl tin mien a"d witb fMaturea ozpressiî business. Big Dan foand his way to,0' diseonteat andi turbulence. Tbi Ibo ran Trnk tatin a Whtbyon Verse vas Lt.ecs". Jnstead i nI 1 Gand 'l run t ain at Whzty on agloonay prison, wvo lad an induîrl ______________ .flnsshilareoler.and bserful boy@; istssad cé,f reftot, OIq..V SIs o PER A.NNUM. people waiting at the station, and ia the Yet tb. supernatoadant je co a" ti Grand 'Truck hotel bar-room-and fl; hie alto is to reaeb ahlgbarplsxî wà ktby, Thursdy, Nov, i18W. teo, litenad death sud destruction ait Sil>ot cuteaeed vitlivl w ba b W.>t al ______________________ bo daredtoppou, bina.Tisechef an* ÃŽsadY»Cà lieved-w-fh EZcelaio fSt-h stablo, vas sent for, and responded weieo-bedesireste crele nov sl. The Question of the Hour. promptiy te the caei; but whils on bis- ing5 vithin sae .el - vay down the vxpross(wliiob Wt" an ted go ansiain themnili thear future b.qusestion, of th. boar let, and wiii bour laie) came %long ai. cleven c'elock career in life. To that end ne, oppor- be, op tu, lte meeting cf Parliameut, and Big Dan $nmped on board and tobah utnxy li. la i strivung te eniti_ Sir Jobu Mècilecald'e coa nc.. lcreat. bis departure west"-rJ. A telegrani vats ebeir.rn<ral seauibllitie and stita. ing afrooe chef Bryan secum-sd thbe nabbing- aI.c them na icbeaithy action, Hoe iega yndicais fer the building of the, of Big Dan la Toronto, ou the arit-l 'à l gitn t tunt s a guiing star, an- Canada Pocifie ýailvAy',.116 lias ld of te traie, As Toronto hoa tgainti is bition, pur. andi laudablie j, ai nel. ns, in hi. aftsr.dincer op".sha i ~en onducted hitoscîf and was trought b.- sated, in order liai.tbey reay exoel<in treal tliti lb.lino wuva bu e bi by & fore tIt. Folie Maistrate on Tasbday al tiingthat go Le inaitefrnture good $Yudleat. cf capitaliste, ahI.tW son- m gorming and a fine of $160 or i.Iree citzcas. -The daiiy distributignof acatits imposed. The chiet «f Wbitby labos in whicb 1thé beys are eagagei siruc$ vwely Paclfie Railweys. loet bail proenred a warrant of fi'rm wiii te fonibd îatersating, end wu ns hoe. LititbLs.vil provo t. liq. th@ fayor Harper and foilowed bis eman genta uns as follova case, asra Prelimlna1y te tsé details of $0 *e Qusen Cty. This warrant vas ........ . Wui.bat-gai. . If ih la, and lte bargalu ndosilb beTrol . . ada Sehup ..................13 a têtrou*fo Ctado li aboud b & l te coniplelion of bis T0oVôs en ctence Titilora .................... 14 a r oeor pCaniveâ1osbeof- bpat BigDan in lo ho liatdel over W 3tbe Turttbng .................. prodilctions And e an a thoriies atWbitb . ............ ý)Pet......................... 1 v Po iata trtt is mising and als a iâgmatho ar.....>....... .8 midi.akeu if ir John dose. n uai atocf $2M0 B. D. acolsctcl. .............4 ts meeting cf Parîlaineni Refoeuitote-.uo ami....................0 prisetatives as rsady as Conservadveï Ta CADt..T Cunatos.-Mr. Cilap. Cleaacrs. .................. 8 ftib hi apo e o arn t -enilbou e. that &fier ailliasu no&enierod the Do_ Garden ..................7 fi& th whol county, eru thoüh tba '.6aG ate.................... .1 bargain happenste b.homade by Bir miinCabinet, . basudeci<ied 10 re. Suaerintendnbant' ose..i. Jolin A. -Macdonald. But -what about talinit.eiroersbip ef Quebea. The Buratr's...................1 thu voice.of tbe people in tsé mater ? p&lacsOf M. Maison end M. Baby lhachri a5 ad......... .... 4 'rte WRITUY CaoucLs andi oar frieudl bave Dow besa 1usld by Veutrg. Caron du oe..........2 Mr uODay vga-e tie. Irai W urge andi Monasexui.» îî'comseq 13<îckt iuoy....... ........i . thai lite peoples sboualabu consul&ed Preident of the Coancilad M. Caron la hostpiwa. tAt buta cas coua. Wieme ltoe, as e toditai stako Minaister of Militio. An etchzâng of lécit .................. ô WV. have cald Ibat mca-vite *ers eleet- cilices betvsen othvr motobere of the Hokqp" atttidant ........... 1 rd by a linke on lb. N. P cry, ver. -netDomnilon Cabiuet lbas talcs» place. la PUIIJSufl"Iit....... 2 couspetal represeuataivcs cf lbe PO. Bir Alvaasder Campbtell Ittoonns Pool- Toali ii pie ta deoide ajson ibis quoion. W. master General again ; Hoz. John 0'. rtm1<. Lvi .osrelta &&y aose atili. Andi nov v. land oui'Connor lakes Lb. position cf secretary btFa reont t ile boy., nd ise fi tait opistion on tis iq ead bacesd np by tbe cf Stats andi Ron. Mr. Aikicta Miniater overyCare ila' iken te protide tbat they îluependeut p risaeofthLteountry. w. <Of Ieisnd pRevenue. alalloi retun» ta ety-ftm hieb wert ,faâiu &P ielieve tht inch veulIl. b. the pmostion a lasa aby th. Globe-. TaBi'ca op sarugarty brguAN,» thew were for a tnseivdvîîn p y bcng pouseserdof t'b. means et etin- ault vs mpet i ili. But gs ert-te BONDÂT bas produacoe a udaud pieutîl-lg nhnei lvn.?Vh oe Globe bas hsec rallier remnisesin mk u r O nhns iig ahmr Iag tbis, as w. thiaisut ituai niai tefui pof t ilrs. &Il alongth Le mlght bd. eid on Ibis proline subjeel, urand issue. The contr-at wilb b. e a sores essbava bobuc dlsabied, fouit apace aliow. Sorne otbsr urne tlyndioats 'bould be matie vii tbtheand mnay totally wrecked. Tb--c-ir. we nnay etura to lb, wvit ime may elleîtise appt-val etfLits people nf Bermuda vent auitore nar pearm.thn it fh. cbtang ie infmcialtin Cauats, affai not by lb.Gonveromont 8h. bas goee 10pieces. The crew wse r it cf rcc6eivtin teriù nfora ato visit. Wo have protorlsd Mt. McCenss. happening fur Lb. lime heing to congrel savud. Sbc bat atoull laad ait harley,inta eh, mbteteopru. al uiaiemiîy -in Parliamen Th iie Inter- owned. by Mr. Lavîs-, cf W'huuby, l97,adv a e ibvracpessingoppotun. est@ invoiv.d-tia olbefuture cf t vblwhdb je a total losa.Tho statam as ysdaepbivr psigini. country lu tat-are tee grat sd __ te voratItai can b. rbemnbet-siVor 'l;n for Ibat purpos.. ter eabieg sae loft lu Lb. sl. bandaentany yes. Sate refuge fer Voetu# et Lbe Minixter cf ithe day happening vwus feuni in thte Weil shelteati arber Pickering Agrfi.-uiiu. urSelety va.. tecna-iaPuitaneary mntaity. of Wititby. Lne Tiie quzsiiu otte heur, v. say, la- -- Saail speople bave à VOCO ID 1 ÃŽt J COUS o AD &VEaTIS[Se. -IL j note Tbe folovicg'l iasé,teaite b .ju- ai-ieuporiîcî matter, Reforniers shoul sot th, ti.merebanîs vho bave regu. atient lu te abocsee.allusion to, rge tluitsud l Ir iJohe dent& hs. ay ae thir ancunoementa lbreub '14640.tio asbogbt ,r'v j rigils Wte epeope, lot itlie a alide ail vTe vs "tiaen uncbr îst .t issus. , paiut aumljgb cf -w. quoe . b bil&bite CaîsONUU h ave mniainod their huai. back fron thLiedefndant 821 peld .1 1,rla ii s be f,$ ytana&meil. nus ansoadded îargeîy ioýtibsir cusbont- im for prizes Won ais tetowuîilp de endent voie.:-ers. on lte ether bondt, ies.vit shows lu 1879, on bbe groajd th as hai ro mon eau doabi bhealS8r- ;cli~ n sg dta uy b~st.Wa nost a zteixber cfi. oei ocoty fer' Medonaîl lida aekiliU ggl ao r ae geIe btdt t hmel bat year. Thte latterf.Wu, not tat ho l"asdous bis bhuain th agebave iî»tabî>' failed, tîbim r s tr~ ditputed, undi Lt teudn t* c oLildrS le titO Pscage dropped off,huilae..dwtndlud aacivite-I a eesr ia t frelva ngtiatien ; lte peeple Iere* uansocks t-un se loy as net tbeouaouid boyha eisn mnferbf fosbave oves7 'Wagonn for giving aeu al ekn t sa mu. MoLL is rre dl cnsdealonteth tmeh t hLe sure indexfat lb. Wiîtby bouse cf ercsb lb t at effetsla.NotOeau IL b. lmnaffled tat businoesvrbdîin the Prime Kîisuatr really intenatu Worh.hAgiipîturai stihAtt 4,0k lopriva lia. counitry cf perfect fr.emom - te05on Mineutb ight 1l 1vole for ot dotlibet'stlosi %vhtie 'itexpr F OoTBÂtL.-The Higb Bebo bave ie s " (he meuibessa <tr tw lorasibu May lia"e a nt hé u h ofuiade arrangemient* for a nmatch viit ePouaecîvoy«, ove L ole ou aa 5e- tÉI"lunh.Taklcg ' icýd.g-nî nofLias Tor-ente Univrsity Poothail Cini# t, Lon oc cban., &it 110e1000£u Jth '1 "tayfv iltsc es o toLeh. play.d la Wbitby e To da d&q ql4S usie-M ta*t Lb lVOI 5anb1ole ale, ,nexI. Titis year's-adiier-iîy beam la Lie f Liis '44j te a eub&idY cf iwetn2î l uz.Tiya' nvriytsuî thmlii-So yhikWr .ro d loues cf doltars, andi roals abt-eady con- oeuatdemcd to te beggbrtever broaglil duas, siIo tw tickt#th* ü sttm ette iaco tti týý lrtbl onhîîo oregllsince te iLroîlactianor te gronnad&. Thtu om iai~ y oaâm euP, 660o g lo1k. a bon. asecistieuntinluCltnada-bavin set a ihbai»tii'lp*4. drd &04 twutY Mllions cof publie dafeatel bath lb. champion cîli et p*-p&ymfau *b ehi., sug féces or 4011M ad wenty milii- lait Year andtihbtsyeoiîm preone. If réquisaies tegisth8 iýhof bi ebu13b cf4 oit enparedul lh be . -may Sme.m tptain oc muait luwadio-prlses. T#, df* 4èaa"." eg 'ega tb cf Eng[aid. WlitLng. thpae tacrack teata cf TorotoI, baiut nailitdvs-aeazi .KIu4le(wceed lreaup t de &Mba a te taminedt i e îte iveP mOey, wUItIiot441y -swo . . iu bisob.Il u ouee is atc hmsir n~ nie tquiîy. TJI poîlisJ3fu4er- ,s etbi Onautia. feld. Tiasy vil h. ,sasit Ou i &hlo orLiasdreuq~uîry. -Th*rse QI h *~ ~suy Lte it ittHuthonUa or prao"leemight liste bienu 944 Ofatre1-0I nar.Pa merteth, (Messrs.w orÃŽo vetriias uuuof h a aïI.~ a neu.Pimr i i nversiîy team,) but ~ isvtl ol iiotse~lLei *éqp~efLi, natiput tler~rscn%# tg wili elcte oPlay v tit - i club. I bave exininnded icraie, Oft gvrai cf vit eust>lucf i fi 'Prruêc lay vilii bogin ai 8.84>, a S n ocietie. Iluad te provincial »o *b. faban <~en, q t ie te detbitete vil b. a large Attendance.. îiuexpil,-rgne e OC, -------.Ti~ i- an ea4trance feu oet 81' The- 8oth à fmraleitPoe cla ? l- oy <Banas (uÂto fir . w .Outarlo49e e Aglutrl eiî,Uth lia.$ pleislt, S~DJWb 4 b lelie se tnvorably kan nt o~.ptoenor, abory it â foe thiecountry M hLie O Itfe s ec.-t he eplfWhitby sauce ito ecou%>eqnril LcG Lti;* te ptissDu parlafntul asel. ume neel buainesç vibt h r seultinh ie b. i'pi tt > eotsd onuhL i ~of L. i e ég îerié, le bout t-9movl,îg te T7ormate. 8ociety, protide fer u4îérap D Aellay saud'Ai. th*pYa&Àa1 Ouleomuêécfelobas dlsjpoaâed of hie iatercat toX et-oder to confer the rfg f otTý. e à plebbiaIsnoe, 1kes. W use 4s4 Howse, à younggenîemu hovi tne G mcsr*legpradueJ*u oýoçt 4 ltron thst question, $epposo,:est. I iere vitit an ePeak' rpusUaOfrsn el~u (>opiio obc7ebi'ater mtà sà alis spera s Th e, likrscî titi zï,osa ~ b tbje tta col itscaLt~ esu eparuni f teabvys c bI. a Th a e ouaday ofet4donlai Lbe Dominion Paa'llameub Lh. Torol 1-'rfbitu itetsi'-lai Lte intpcxl pute vilnot he alewed bt e eopen É antiter ysâr4 Itle aof Lb. firet ilt portance thatt lat qusion aboutit b at oes d deflaitirely settil. 'Ùf tl awarted l tr:itgey la le, ooaflredt tits Province, te'sooner à iL l donc th battes ; sud if Lte-e4 vArslatô ho ae asile thte (sot abould b. mal. knowi wllbout deiay. IL la ntesirable t lave Ai No-Man's lanJ belveen Ontaa, sud Manitoba ; -th.extejil and characl er of ltee c0'nlryetveen tse La Provinces are--ual ancir as le justify il formnatin nJte a separate Province aud lise sei Lth iili lino i dravu helyoen bteént, aditou- bord.: asi- made contiRuase = rasegeegra jeicai spa oir -eonaderationâ rua inale il deuirabis, '(ithtut munit ru lipeil fer former Allsstlbounulary linos tb. beller - wil l h., net merehy for tit 9 neralIsymmetry, but alto tortia, geai loternanenf of lb» Dominion. 'If ti quststion ho laken np ani- disp6sed o mas nitntlivl prote slatifaco- to taie Provinqe, viticitau Lb. casf stand s atLe oely on.eitavig adireec iniere8sl an ils setlemeut, Minu4tora vill bave enetiem4in leremotlng Lite lui, pression tbat tiasy bai been dahlylng wilb fis. hculary avard Le paulal Ontario foi- lthe ervielmlug Bot Nictory et Ja, -1879. Shenld bey negecuiL Lisir conluot viii be alto. goîber vititout rcasoable sicuse Lous of thé "Selle Sheridla" and Six cf the Cmewd. The. echtoner "BlleO Berilan," of Terouto, venl esitore on Weilet's Beacht, &bout s"o miles from, Conascen, on ltinday morning, and a&lon board vhtih oee*xception) perlshsd Tite rossai is a total vr4ckt mcatcahs-e tige of ber le&. Bot maata are gens. tha dock, vashied avsy,- nd; sie bas ftatteami"lbpo,-lt ei&mivvt jantes Me8bsa-ty, jr., vi-a'> ster ding. egn Loe b.iign ilabout, four deloceitAliktta ltaconmi socflug anw hanSe of boInjé~ssbnaLtla gote Waller, sud waa resceil by a boat fs-eralteershon su exbitael- ondilice.Il. baufubly iecvet.d icI giv.. Lthe fnioviugpartln-.- Tiih leftChi-ltte et 8 e'cbok aiua-70t mornling, bound for Tot-cute witi;t 800toscfcai terJ. B. Baley.i na vers volt on tIbsi a- a. Thte juali strucs tem but I.'0c"eok nt aftt frontL. tthe .mla ea 1ev unius.aller bte uqual amt ltent h. «rester par-tof bte c antasvas cas- cd away sud te man boom, -hi-n.n kd about 8 Wo'ok th. maintep maist as carrieil avsy. Tlsy trlud tetuait. resque lsie. but tailel, and gave cp 41 hop*, as the "vetevas ainat n. rageatis, anti .borly afterwards be vent&ailhers. Tht os ban reJas. Mc8iter-y, et., aplain ; Johan Hartnil. mate; Joitn eo8herry, Edward oïMc8iter-y. and 4masl Boysl, aiU 0'fToronto. Oaar, se tnurod pole e on-bthe besali nI esv ltbe poo- (ciowsdrcvü b, ire unable te arentier nny aueanmau. 'e allempsirot-e madie te se 4an ad once the boat capsise sud nearly ronoeil the meni, wvte ve eplucky onugi-to ventur.eout fiaI blior an a lfo-boalt or non» mens fer Wihtg bite oves>' ce -cf 5h. ct-ev"migit tes bet resca.d. 4.tsttttcAurNswuapuaAINUAL, 18M0. -Wo bave irit)frcm ltepubliait- a. N. W. Ayerkà 8Sn, te Amertca, aeipaper Asile-ul for1880. lb As a ry oesuallyz prepared worft- sud ,pbies a large autont cf' miselan- inrmabih ,besides bring iodùwspn- b.e te avertisèra. ts gites, aise, a lut, of la[neveipapeaa liabel in the United lsttu and tala vhic inter$si-iavertiantonts, rngeain eltua ty aeauul.s, vi4th$ia culabicu etf eaoit onsuad, Lb.des- htou and circulation of eobp«. Wh"vetlenuanlecef ebpl4 ai pto aeoft "--.Doucsud te t whik, à - lesituted, Steè t4e e Âïamsri et 4citeclte n o uniysl li. ~-s4ua 1oue Ver 5 Fe oif net St 1, lt as m a a Si aul n an, il ai M ei &an] pus Gan trà sas Icah 'hi ~.O'Day'a CorrespOuudepqý W O'Day, Bosel SJolies t-hm Le ni yiiisrdayb 11] vanî nime npjaI Toroato-tte> van' ~'kco a maibithude aut tinga - t] W311 vatotelai~n viat 1I bull yeî (la oc u& fidlnee),'aboue Ltha Rate Way Bargit bc tisy vant ta kaixw -aboit thte Ccl1 ho Ihorubip cf Toronto.-they vant l t'O wayoliuno, n var uel9uoîts malîberî ac te>' vat- (ui tank la Ibis Il et are siusaazu4)-tey vaut te sec1 rn Fizzy-Ogg i-nu, (baîbone us ittb to titinh the>' vaut a Big Bleount io SBiali I go?2" IL j pondlftred over te Lettiter, e 'n va«sitill poudhtrin, wviiuI msaved ta oligraf.- 0, l'Anset me tellitsr 2- Auset- is TeI ga-Montitreital Line--D. a. , n a t h rp p e o Dit h i . I v in t ite tt y e tt ea e, a .D H .-au teleg ri o. d- a) o "O1-Wiii aie," te An I rote. ,a Bar John, esz I. ia me Letih sa ltare'sne usc piactisin odelnsi fj Ptineiples mn>' longer. Yer geblin1 y be an euld Man-I'M udt Yenng ru eé self-(aud b.clte sasteko,-lve-air Il Lvinty yeat-s av te besavmvte Li il vas devotal te yei- artvice) an toua] i. spake above boelM. Gondolustiu g Pinciples vont go lova n>' ylongs là Tbsy voni avallov era. Yez musI die a np aiuthlulnette sud lasly-à n sniti vos-lb>' tbe greabesit Bottle Cook - -Witlbot îIsui?--of terepatashu cf Cauada's grateS Blalesman i 'Y neati nL say anyLting about lte oi lone Impire upon viic ite Sun aite site ;-an lave eut about Canada bei tebtgiteteLjevel in lte Britis f Crovu, an about-tlite PIaÀibal tBrave a Thousand yeas-. Ail hotu Hifaluti slntimeuls i laîysl ent-as lte Yaî Ikees su>. Tl'em n-un a omon sini 1 vat--tite Thriatli. If Ibero'ti a Mai liviu vit eacahiine lib iis il is yenu »Msit No awan ivor doutel ,a- taroseîy an ne van iver viiia long as yo tuaI Titrat mnau"or lte gi-aIci ttîmbui av yi- Baesauanahip. , Tell on tLit lte Raiivmy Barglniîs a Bari'a-n1 gol Bazign-an IIIIL nn mn'eiesoau meake a betteor Bat-gin ; an tl e n Kidl ate. ToUit t h e l.Part >is hëParty ltaI à muitbc kep inle-i irials vaut offiesan lel lit b vaut cffiaaa taI t e', a gool tint comim, me te beuld cgp; an IcI er£ tei-e'e a gmd,ftur t4stn Ltai vil bae lnaie, About,.putilu"tLb Coma ttro enWnealvice or tunu ie nddls vTe- rtotlalias n ha Misthuoe eDy leut,I uabýrua Lu hlmu, ti" bumeitn me pin as cocu TiolIid bhekuni psysifled. I reeiti me tépin., Ge, I1sa&Y agio, met7$bo yer PizZY-. Iu adîsitun te vwit I'V8a aviedoa thonremuait hobestimtbla seul about cou sulisia $tepoople a:à bout Lié rallvay btag'. The pîiopIo,. 1.ellye botty, catit b. coontel ent. ]lave Peut-age se taka utainute yer conssaile, an yo'l ind litey vont prove ungraiefel fer teco- ýi ihno pi la em ea -I litaub't liai.te ssy ancre, wvi t ia chilI habgan crym &agi, an bMisîbriss O'Day nol yoi. auto baGb~li'to lu ina itut-uikg aao mv mieailckt Ilrobl, Mistit- ci- Edior, 5autanabt excue nmett a n- tii nexL. vesi. Ysm- tht-no frind -' TIM OIDAY. P. S.. -1Tel l ie Gorllhiiamn-Tom Mood>'thiet SurJohn unqui-eul for. U Sa*Cus. Tttprma,-Tho Ottawa Fs-ut Pru, t EMonds ayay Sit- Cita. Tappot'e digit toemiuiLoba la tas-olosy ctcounlel on : i boes a.em singular bitho bu ioullfind pie-oa ing ucel fer bis presaence a intep prairie province, at te vi-stIme viten lao abonil sok terep&i,i Is damiaged 1,rep* ubation Ibôoth iastpeelacourt, ciealel hy Mb oveu fiiel Bir. -John Mac- ateesî. We wviiontl u)uofrci ÃŽplure aud samy ts icke4 meanýei.itWben ne oeu pursà ut. but If -vo ia, tese vome baomatitiog ver>'appropniate. Dà xwcfteoCauâxa, enulur Ma-. Olvacy aýr 4 bodreupuat 'thlit.To", n Hali on $atwd*yg tlli al,, Mr a Qavry w0rtuIlelumuon buau wIays bbei à üpprei&ah. thL. pepl e Wt14 f I I r' rpi ÃŽ+~ No. à . ,bey i urý lau, vo r o e l t e te l ve and t theAabita s.ItlsuôunacmmntobsetIýa bM>' ai-feus generatious cf 1he. mre faanly Bit- ,o îng togetier authlie doors af theircoctages. t- Mr. Barcla>' sud I vemul cangitl in a ramn lea- stor ttaiLchine andi tak refuge natio the. lb rojecting i-col cf ana cf teir olti fashi. ans ue cottages. On ltae opposite Bide af thei s- t-cet wo .saw ai.lesia adore» af snb bey tamu!>' reunions, anl>' titi familles are unit- ni'ed mtways; yen caulti iardly se supis s sighamo ta Engish5 aingpeople, Chrismas laya. Thte resait cf ibis anenesa offejgbsbeeu te keep lte familles La- nI etiter andIogaete-ui-ms apeanuiur hape. a s Égnlte setliers - er. locatel on l river banku cor principal, i- cat isI. Whou b u th . pi ncera di el, t ie tands er s div ied 4 leugthwise amongst aillte oblduien, sud new hanse. were buill on bbc nevi>' pario. ai farm. Witn thse nov proprietorsf lac liedaiter. asua& "nov al," and lb. tanina1 af- er. divideti lengtitvsoagau.Tisturone - ces bas gone on nolil Lie at noav tank 11k."Ilanthguimd ave'etualongdrawn. ont." onuevail lin lasLiepeople avers Lnytnga la shape tbela- tariasose tas lllstrale aI Sr, geeomlcal lune, I"tength itiont hi-alt."c u Tho hases bain g bufitt ta close ý agether, tge Lt ravoiter gels Lie- iunreBsin.tha eà pssluaizthrn8li a long strggling village. Y Tc Riichelieu river allant a meais fora na s'hin Ltete Auncican markele lb. pro-a ÃŽÃ, esai of te rsas, whicb atnetch avaye ihti back roin te nos-tide f the St. La- ]S un re. The iimec- barges bses te pas up ut- hale Lae Champlain, sd thon b>' cns! âh ow t te udison River. To geL up laie I lan manso f te iackai.St. Ours. Our si-rival - aitoultiuk created quit.e ast. Ever>' man, rin oman anti cild q Ibis villa" soemed to yohaveassetblet i bisaîf, lhersai, anti itsif,0 alcag aide lte locit, anti ai ever>' ans cf lte i r-villaeru seemoti te knov sainseones ou the s St- boat, antiaansd siagniar cf theai improveci ' in theoccasionto have achaarith tbatacmeons. CI gh Tbe afficers at ma-a ai Liofte bit.asd lb. d lok- tenders aise cariedn a lvey cover- s ain, sud as evorybati>' pakin aFrenchait lter, vas canuideaetilo Lilcc 19Saie years ago Kuar, an Amenican %vrit-. h te er on stheuaiogy, alvauoMe t th bory tLia i. e Frencht colanisation la Aunerica vasa a w r- ailur ; ticul te aimamietfLeer Canada th as ualeta%e fr Frnobatn non French-. i Y, menfor tataIclimat.,Heerrng te Lbe ce hbitants., hoesait:. "Look -ai t tasrace, eu Itou- sotal Men, Omniblons«, amal al "cattle, stiti analien carte, da amallesi "fal al. ]Sad Le coma>' beeai eut oitesf "cnt oit fi-omStcrope fer a century on Ivo: 7" id tla ai>' be i f i. a t lb . far s a d the n21 bufal, andtihie Rol ludisn u, oli bave Di yasbedthebtsFrenctnmi aLa litthe St.. L awrence." lil As far s I cao iarn, te alitionsLteLthe yo Pi-sncb population by immuigration, ai-e net() atlicafubalesa yem itin, yet ey ho if su>, telanol aioers e! physiciat entr- n il ancs. Fîr sanding oexposa-e anti bard verk, e lte habiantbas ne supenier, asatho fan ex-. b 1the pana ofFr-ance -ir a l is aucestars gr flcame-ho bas beccino heogly acclitna-1t t tISQit-ite bas lesut noue cf ha* 'kng for i t h ]ian 0a I e t religion, or Ia l sv, sd b > nslileigraatlerfilm ou lte cessioe col et1Canadab te Britala. I knav smie sec- 11 ions nur te Amirican boundar>', toi-ter- th ly uncer ihngiistitcuenrl, viere tse Frenhaci Eare nav tdominant. Tr1ey bave itongitont te Eulsh speakhag sd Protestant ec- ti tin o nr ,o tiat te prevaling a: Dogtaelnw-Frenanad the religion g1t - Cattoito. Tantkof a 11olid sonth,' vien. o ever ibeir languagie, religion, ilnsLii.uLanism Psaisi laws g aîaai:lsae,lice French Marla- 6' vayesildenougit. 5 i t s m g t b x - e g ' t bi l oo k y e a u * b a t.' a g i ç scceeas oubirci>' French u asou lb. oud ta ity Naruusudy, froin viici theisancestors et lte& peopleucamte 250 ycare a". Nearby aIl th. Levansd villages vitici arn nametili L afterasilebean the amesoflsmoine e [ ne -mor elet ithe, flreL 1%aucliregulai- regimnconu ors wiitai came ta Canaeda. c!a Tite steuaioat stoppaI for the nigit ai.120 IJelcail as bbe passage titraugi thLe nazrow lii sud savifi citenuel unuler tse G.T.R. swing bridge vitich crosses lita river bere s Ltdtfl- ta cui. Whle slsppiug aI Lice bridge * lte ciel folewlucg day, t vaé amused t sthbIcgreaL or effort.s mao y t,' semabargonieu te guteL iit- < boatit mi- tb. citaunolti, L,>'miutei sude worket i bue Ti-ojuls te geL lu, and ton y' ýitey id a relarse. 'lh. ensrgy cf illfleno 01 Aatlthe pirocee:%of? sViù itbageaw oibi Lb carrent la a Tuty sdmate alnuat ascj lIl stontierate Manaar, alltaugla jazat viee h teè oui-i-etvas runut s t m sa aifl.' Preent>'lia "itmls came oto on iti beur ratutu it tbe Capitiaueinat Liem ic gh l'rench, an& licaltol that tacsaouilitdrap lt-c lave striant sud teL tbilit rongit. The Du, bargecu ewrs e ghiansd, couniioct'mes ilt Thcscaptaiandsitmates tae d nd df" t, andt Us>'repiie luliagooti Saxen-told wh th. captain tu go op st-san;or = boitre. 1Gi Wbllui.the tax or verts vas reging, an tIl arileriilait te ps-wi ote s talion agant) fl ta go dcvii streaindt ati à Lsieenboabt ni toge up tabas e s as gaLag ta close t b. br i ge lW k tesai m i au L t; i t lt t ics la niI ran i eut u Ce i-. lTl.heaatand aI ierY coi-ner fi-m hicb i te>'*aver The Prince cr Wales and Ris Debts. visible. Wo gat an early atari for Portlaund inextiti, sd sean aler ers rapidi>' nisng LjfqiLnote i t i fr o ng t hb i t s G i - e n M o n t a i t n s . O i - t r a i n * - J . . t i l t S u - t ip b i i r L n o n t folleva te cannse f a river, vndng ux- tho New York World as foleve : tsg, tw isti ug sud v i th in g ro u n d t u é » " lh .e sa e r ne n t lu m a de , a n di b i s precipices, c ia vlit gan ti crias ng ve n de p ca ue l a ticide d se sa taion in at iti c da ravine s on Itigli anti acky Inu tles ; Ito n d . - o ia l n oi i a , t a r l enng thrugb deep rock cutigs, bnal-a.atn 1 sdpoiia-ria"n Gai vays ciimbingupLie eiite.Toiob s bois raqueststib>' the Qasen tse vtdings f a river, va laiid ouisolves te apply te Parliarent t ie frlîtoi- attai hait attors-li, itiin a quartr oà ig esseca foi- a g-rant o! £40,000 te a nmisetof itene avi startel, bol 2 or 3 huni- îelp the Prince o!fXVuies le puy off raneti u e theL.grado. Tite river lias min- such ef is debte us are considereti age ta tefinit a vaythroug t tieseaitunain, Pesn nlfra diinc 1, anid a s ontsins are tutiorn facto in r 9sn , n fr acadtin ii£0- engineering and rock utting, aimd tunnels, 000 a yeas- b is Roal f.ihnes'a l ticideuly expesive, man &iavre bis mens.e owance-£4t,000 e yer, b>' fohlowiug Up tlitbed offIbis river frotu cf tus. nel revenues cf tla Duci>'of tti plain. The-ceatduetors anti brakesmsn bornaaui(uviil amount te near>' w ere atten tiv e an d p olit , contt n tly poit,- £ 1 0 y a ) a t ! li e P i o e ' i og o t t h eitsn o e ul m o ti ta ans tc h s c Ja >' '10 0 0 0 sa ar Ltn f t e P i c a Peak," and "Mount IMansfied,' vitcitton'-. 10:00. I s a t e tatet at r ab at. u . E vnu t .e ne vebe>' pauss ita , i_ M . GLADSTONE DEOLIN-E O bis rounds tle oint cul soisme uuntain "ropectul btfiyteomy f aitîc i toe ermotis are prou. t i. fisbtfi'"boml f o i - u n u l e f o r t b e s e p o p l e th a i t t i s > ' a r e v i l s t h e n q e s t , a l h i g i ai g t i . l n > ' p nou d ai t e s, iille, fo r t ie > h a v e l it . sitese S o ct g ra n t o nr itic r e as e u a llo w a n a s vw e r . ta bs rond of. Yau dnti man>' VermoLe-s iequi'ed il mieulti liemadie b>'Ltse satldlu iCanada, anti e4tss-travelling 5Qesa snsî-îa8e roilthe short liais threugb Veruiohit Lise otal>' a.l public parue. The star>', wviiseraus si-i te y "0i>' a mio>of its people sl'tI er.. eb L ik e th e in lisiita n ts o f o lle n m au at o luîan s t e v e r >' * , , .a ll b e li ev e , i-c s douaIrieslthe>'have slae>'bue»ta daning upan tlima anîlrit>' cf Mr. Bovies'- and i da-suturout peopl. Dnithe rae. VanitJ Fair. If il be tra., Mn. Glati- ltin Lts>' vere ofien tao litai>' for the mlene's course caunol fiail to huai-use Britimht op ; hioces th hie- ,8pOplarit>'Ya-iîuîin'lse eacaed, e h wti nspremtonfidencefr wi.. ny dse and aise viten sud vitere ta st-ike lthe spet te lthe Prince cf Waliss-tmma-9 snimy. Tite peple of te simen StaL, JOriItY ettie nation voilti cerainl>'i New Hamshire, mucit resemle tem, bold! limaI Iis te ne timc for iaareucsing Thissu strugglcs with starnis sud rock>' bis or any-iallowauce, sspecially la viswC felds, liave maise ter patient, courageoas .cf lthe and self reliant O)n or -.a>' hogithlitsmoanaini e OGREAT t'uiIATE FORTUNE raa Iuany ouItsaw.rîtîu, -thes usefuuss of pousesseil hy lhs Qusisa, and of ftic aibiri lisegone-for Vermsout', aua panle f1hs-fo ia-t iePic fWls im b i i il lulik i ta certain on titu cnc >in f r h r fl t t a q h r n e o a e Ontaio, f wich it, HRibruan rprisenta- ba& iu rel teba il is beatuse teé tive said inluparliaunsn-Thorea s- net eaiteir apparent has been aomnpeilel tb stick cf pino nmle- in m> constituen>' litcarge'duliss snd assume expenses thich tem Iulirmun oid PoL eut and lti aednr'crusacavnt Carr>' awy laent>' yas aga.," tailt iseiai-e cfirota nceul Peritaps iL awuion. of these taw-naills vreg. i bhat erieral Stark lati.tlecomndtia i-gi- a proposai coulti oct fail ta endolnew t meaI duaring thse Ievolutlon. jusi at Lthe futel La lite Radical fire, aul it is, I commnnemaent ofthIe batgls of Ilnuingt-on siti-evl>' fsncy, te matis a speacit-not a ver>' leng eue ; 390T IPcxA'au.&tu-fi aI an.lthe Vermont peopib etilI i-afai-ta i t p r i d e . H a a i . it- i B o y e v o m u a ls t b a i . S ti l i l a s l i s a u m u d se v i t ith e P i n c e 's t the Britissh to-dt> or Mollie Slarke slsiepe a 'sancrtion. I sitoulti naticor w i d o , - a n t h bd lieu e t t e n . c e s i e r th e a a t e m e a l l a - sa lit > ' a i e a i nt J. E. TARLEWBLL. lisinly-t'iai&esablacit upon lis BRai --------esHighnces, especial>' as I inlorstainl M r- H o vîcu it tap I>' 10 M t G uy . tIbis m o rnidg liaI ithe publication . lsa a o the EUor o!muait remetet by hie frienlu."O I tam toi-r>' lehavs te Liespass ou t- tee- ut F o u r v a l u a b l e s p a s a a i t î m c r ap 1 > ' - L e M a - t b i s c e any'a long lotter o! lat vok. ,avijl, lthe Lord lMay lowveer, endeavon te nait. ocrm at, nti vie: unniathn a i brie ! as possible. Englan it u u s Mr. GU>' atent b>' alriting tat f tem pôlicy a L ilth ie mles f tie Sciety, ' oredst fi imovnng bis stock froin lie exhibition "ipi>'to- the' ' r o u n d , a a y > ' b e to m e Lt a s p r o p e r i i s n i s , a l -0 t hoexcuses bmmîsf bh aoyigthat tet aee I se diia sabeauso ha ceulà aut adI se-.MIetere bt tu m n e t i . . o i m f o r l i e mul n t i e g r o u a td s . i i -e s t ats tseavri of tie secretar>' ter coaition ofEIl at yar tbat Mm. GU>'conula ants f Irela; [ tie accontmotatieu necessai->' but casiers tu bel] a t lii w s t o o ig g a -l l > ' t e p uy t i e ve r e i n s f fi c a 'malt charge for tstals-om, Lie ams t. peopislte is o l i i e e x i i b i o r . . - T i ar e v e r s n e c a i i o u P a r u s ,i itPetiore la hie lasa, anti liche mu fre't lu a spiit nî lie g o l b is iui e tick e ts ho , mar ai. 1U c n ti nu d I' h1.1OP-blieoOff te gmà cnd, aithont aat wves-in :v ng visit r a tt e L a air Le opp rtn a- s ce f p ubli c- t' et seiing Ien-sci -as le>' avers beore lits îc A s lu sriking te A y naire . fron tth e T hose wvie .i il, I lae ol>' tueae-miu my o-- fIms ai-o bst ai- stateulea2t. The Boardl cf direct imtao, crita sE knew of el>' une exhibitr lu tiai. of tie iguistac tes" andi ouequeuy tiere could h. tbuga ie Goý i cormpetition. Titabbing th e t%- premOts impr e>' fit itidduaL ada-scse t isid- law, yù eai ri g9 -ft uperien st or boeafil lIe &0. alLiere, Lihe ety 1Puttium MOnOY YearatLr yar lus for the parp'ta no mn'spéekt.Mi-.toup tu> ienaincumboni ,as; ain csiitio-o lis Ayrsbrs ever>' vOr>'citizen il ear frint 18o5, ha failel lc mpressanti propri.,1 iier that hic, stock tua as vluablce astain cirur» isiralf blevot. Notgtor ougîci.pellet basit fi ) u esm acIl O f t ir v a lu e , u r va ro athe s-e p o e w r . B u t eç , a u - c jm s e l l i n d u o s t i l e e n u i s a k i n t u c l A a O n t i ag i ce.dU9 Osucsnc tuock. Thes du-acterashaah net mirin id sot fe tomailicosves varrated in devolving lper ti n g â u t a v a ' s l a r g e a a o u i t l i e a I e s r i n g t e amie atlthai-ï e.s 11-sait. & Ma-,GlAticlone u irn g li a p r e v i en s y e a n rs M u. G U >' g o t j u s tl >' ta te l l ns $800f e tSociety's fisas. anti as casied oni aI a t es -s Lho a o sh o w tr i ? iMr. ficia, an d t h &a a>' bron2gttbis catilis aiga alistit freinth( 1 titi P r L- aik in g c eris as is di. t ea l e a n oui. te Iýfun leIItae ting no eti tu upiold-blib û1blthdu-'llhc e t-"n'uithe e si-s isue s c o r e c f e x h i b i lo r a i n i t  a c a% t i cs l us à v t t n l i i rv e i t i with Lese as large -coinpe itin -viihTnt-ls>'i in ileit li breedea-e as e as tie Tc juttit ti tpeul publie -tck an .loerest. oceser>, iy Ma'bteqit. ri.pit la cracking Up 1national utligal Ayrubires ; iho cerîanly exitibitg-uo dtin" Oto' m-vis o!f woeestl>' lanmaking se oet laeiubyequ Ur ceiiam s tudo iô--im.lUtas ~I m- I S lssayeb ie a umm -h a sysî ýfuIl.' ttc».- --A.te,6thé lei impisîs Lie publie th theS- dil al tiinit I [e, iis Arhirerb axy>bci.1)O- laul 10ae upa nrlîuvc an>' Ie. aued.Leprcntc crete un ltereati-i lte loaiiyelgrmufrein Lb ?armes-tnul breedors fidth, taI ho bas gool a l l a m g i a d e a a u c ha i t e s - m i l k W r : l > o o t n a 1 b u lLte r-m a k e r . -sn d *a m a ch b a& t bk , n e y e l l ib e r u er fr th1th nîlm.-.Aitblngi the Zu . r . O u v i n d s f4 4 .4 ' i ý th i e p n i z e s a o i c s t r U g g h s is oui lon's Banquet. toar>' banquet givea by 'or et Lobtion on lihe 5th me ltse Primo Ministeru cf Il>' give a fcresitadeviag, r-ý . Mr. Gladse, e -tur& Uova:-Mi-. Glalistone lin toast cf -Hon Mcjeuly's id lthaIt. abulant bar-, 'erlunsie cia-ometancu fcr woubd thLe, dat>ofethe Scaretul>' exuamine Lte meé a mwtilthregardle Lite sud, aud ift lie>'tonloc- licvetoa bitai provisions eni -fo- LtWe appluesa et y vouli neoaouruple te- aientý la dem i tL lt.e tai. t o. equity 'sud justice. :-Ii41legitimatc Influences :crIer is:tebe ouaitie- mproveentfth e Icand, slsli Leo onpy ci-bled ioutel hy nmenues, mimai- s, andtihie itatningemeaî if - fte citizcusbip. 'Ai. ovisnameui are_ auxirtus te )revemnauina-the landu Acoganize us a dut>' abote dat>' of snforaiug Ibs lat s of ertier. One chilga-' nt upon usa lu Laprotec. in ltse onjoyment cfIlife' anti IL mt>'be Ltai. nler astances avismu>' bo cpm. for- mc sttain iacrsase o!- re is yul uen uicipato sucy, yet if-il ansesw mnIc tram the Obligations i Lte Eastern question. g sal :-The laiýe -mir h#L il liseTioai>'offBerlin I it iL vould b. - éy licé'ite b Sefnd aul venldoc- le obligations otfite iaI>' c i intaower te tietermin. f e Ircat>'W. den>' liat t gs~~tpLTinltey~- -bieY Lord Roiseb8srry Wfts O»aUr ooo odRector Of Edinga 'erj 3versity by a flajority nE 89. ghU A team wbaier arrived at petrapau, lovski reports on the aiitharit, Of Dat - ives that the Jea"etee5j Be whaiers were crushed in th iost, wtth ail handa',an The Knrds made flfotber UrUMiali, but vers repu ttaek an 1o90. England, at the nt.,O-pr sia, bas requeeted the Porte ta place a guardl on the Persian frontiner, so ",a> prevent incursions -by the Rurds. On the 6L1I instant the Irisl aburer in Suirey, Engand, bcm at ~be ehibtionof ffigies Of Parnell andHealy, which had, been substita for ibose of Guy Fawkes. Serions ro., ocaurrein i cone'equence, and the ber.ý ers of the obOiOs Czv"wer- À special meeting cf the Pacifio Rai. -waY Commission was held on Satnrdy when CoI.,âimith, of Brooklyn, N. yj4 whos aWis so familiar-in oonnectia5 willi the Section B cantract, WUaie. amixted. Hia moast intsresting stats. tuent was titat Mr. Onderdank'a paid bis( Smxith'sfirm the Baum cf A greal Landi Lea*gus meeting <via ssiI ab Attiene,-'at Ith ocf course, tho Egilis Gavsrumen aL va. bueuuc ul la no etle tsi-ms. Seme 2o0,to usn wore pi-osant. Du-ung Lie pra. selings lthe plafes-n feli, but no oes- tas tiungeneualy burt. -A dospatti Baya that oeeof Lthe supports vas Sen thougat. Thme returns e! lie cities of Ontaio fi thebal! ysar ending J'une laat ebpv - te death rate in- Toi-e, 04v,.. isgseu ha têe '22. per titonsanti, 18,80 à Hamnilton, 25 in Loaon, '20 la Bt. alliles-unI Beilseille,%unit 1840> in Banstford. l'h. raIe la Guelpht la gitaen It 18, baltiite a-ltinasare evideutLy lu. 3ompebe. Application yul te mals aLlthe aes-t seien of-Ltse Ùtaio Leglulalonre fcr an Act ssparaliug lthe mnlipaiity cf. lnh by wilbbi-awing licerefreailthe tvntsils o wsmrds'cf iBlake, Cracks Psrdee, MçKeiIar,-Ncebiug, Paipeocege, aut Imiaul yards,, in lhe Disîs-of AI qoms, anttefoi-m Ltesaine in à atep. A New York gentleman' visiting la à oztrerffthe Lite henla>' vas leep>' in- Lrestinlasaueestali cuita-en twhose- pparauco inicatel exts-eme poter>'. 'bey Lol i mlice-e vas ne. breal lu '11 bouse uI o yd u'ne couL Eis big" hîcart mytupathizel <vwitlthe 111e aoeg, santi wie'hbc 'litibumit a iw lmesamoug hitou. atient ocf At a , le benuperance meeting Ila Kinca-dina Bey. Mi-. HIs lt.rotes-el a a gentleman vmo Lts previoua Banda>' Sud effaraI ho gel un>'cne,_wbd oua psy about $150 fer 'iL, a medicuis luit' vanldeffectually cure drunkeuneoa.' Mi-. HI tail hoe bal a cbesper reti>' le suggeui., and on. tbak.valdb *e qaite as certain in ils effectu. Il traie 408ok an sel in«avilelte>', anti ait sixard nd- miait lasliqoil te lie patient. Tito oui>' liffcnlty l im te va>' cf usiug tLis mueicine vus lthe uonailliagneat 'ofthie tiriakeri- tepartukeocf it. Ha liat kumav inatances, hoavever, avbirie vives bail- tioludel ibeir iusbsubs lutolakuugit, anti altbougli il bia prevel cse lu i ils eperatian, -il bati atvayB Most effeet- nal>' deatroyed lthe latine for liquct. A tes-rible accident eccun-cI aI lits li. *Antisev G. Mai-riLa aimi>', crsFrila>' mos-nlug, thaloCaus- id te ius.ani.anaetu dealt- cf Mi-s. blair.- Il appears tlitI. Mrs. Mmm a eou mail - &en cut eh.icmîig on, Weditetday, anti reLanned ani J.efI b-da alt ton lodl Tc'ltenlei b go ont aguition BraInil>' ,B sma ficdu a-n, aut nd o bte ycungcrocf iah bs-ee acas.abont,161 aacs tif une sues a E I a g a la -t, a -T Il E Il fu t j ii~ 1 V k- Lond DEka Sin.-- lit