Te, eà Pnt »f 8 e= a .a n e t o c * s e m 't a n d i m r e a e t o l n Somsa *» te seot, nti ne*an too long 8=0s*areaymodand seales waymiss ba 1*5e. atm $oo 50*4, and smaneame 00btI; Somain are too pa«qa u an~ ate,4ad Snumozqmte~ Soen.pretom> thse mre mermon agalu nti Soma sPit of wbaever 0the arum nMay gay, la the midt of their moi moemn Mmom iklnme, çswà 'er pluei th. tact. tls.y reosem, -And uble te mmii.andi lookgrave %maa Somaeolci ;ir bumiuomi traatlona ar &oMe ea;%t kemp à lsfr tomper, but go ito Sol utoo higis, andti me are too low, Aud us theIr firmO 0mosmn 0tell.&Hthmy kssow, Somu are 0*0 humble. andtnmre armtS m"roatiidom Buti I neier blof aone tisai b.d noue. 4Yon cen 00111 bciut zbusPzesgp gesriimsu,"s'.sda nan on a55 mîosrorel bliget1. "butrt srssi..se u kutsw My feus nonu look citelis y')tve ne I)tisioseo la ~Wise do uu di ,¶5ur is>ek 'etoli ?" i ' asure throcr every flip, end no Maus "ao. mi eit 1. "Woi t a I o sl b1.,rsj 2?" oskesd a mans iooking up froina o aine ofirulilairo "If e mean ia wreOiiug wth trieoIse'ss liable te get fi,",rotrred theise erson the meekerel barrei, î*and if lieocaurs r- member 1, Ire'. go mach ehead." "Wisat'lI lor rantle for?2" iuqa iresl tise n4îa hwbo .arviug.hbis.Daeisa. ho &lb4ap hlbit1Qffe."Imaile roruti o' eCorfort for tser crowdasy temptiois lia yer?2 "'l'Il go onse for tise gang," rejoizsed tise Wfzemtlr. "Cola«r aud albow. atrip. Remnas'isble Mamonito Incident. Thau isauss it rarltind 1m'and fWO,ê1.4ed HTON kBROTHER. droppd bmnd is wipcd rop thse gour The eri Masmine furserai tisai ever moUd k uoçk ed over tht! miove 'andi broke IBÂDY CAREZAGES. tuokir pacee laCahlfcsrs;aocçnrred lustise furnuture wilb Iira.Bancofursckt doepIe. yt.a r 184U, and waaperfor etiovée ;htse'"Look ksîti didnt s'îcmur tsi work Blnc for okaIrded rem bodîy of a brother fouisti trowrsed ir the it V" dryiy eaked ies main witilstihe HA TCH à i BROTHER Bay of $ern Francisco. An accouaI af cerd& e, 'Iatwts î0ý1-du'&l, te it Ispoator4,oS Hardware, 1., tise ceremony tat.omlsat on the body wben you put it on.":'lyroe& sM't, WEMMY. of tise cleoo d wu. fouail a ilver marX "S'eUl rigisi gentilemn," panted tihe__________________________ of a Mauon. upon which was orsraved- wrostier. 'I maoePo ornplaizst.e;. tise initialae ofhie.ame. A titi e fur t. U'mtise boit catci i he tsaitees, tisai tirer insveatigaioin revcal.d ta tise be- look catch, ouiy 1 resikosi Ive tampor- ~ h~ ( lsolders tise mcml miaguias' exhibition of eiiyot lthe combsnsatiors. Whssî'ilU SE O L W Maionioe susisbona tsa ever drawr. c-saet marsa le Tlr.Tire is aothing in thse I never hav oenu a fuit ratewiie hisîory or traditions cf Fr.. Ma.cnry Thwacus d iyhu mehaîrile CAS Fl(-I OEâ efiarason.resauud OIned muk bi weol. Deverell's Block, has beeome a Household W rasth ei tcudt. efauful otwld&onth hai esto aWord, tieccl otefao apaedalet bs adceapesta ce for fresh TEAS 'and general emWas of &bc*1Xatneredi U ) IYoursalyom by rnakingGR C T1Oc A&Pror b Sl'ibe e qaronY he aizldl RO ER 01ýw eason Teas at 250, -350 and 60c, ansi cona.mom lise wcntnceurinneo aiwae k.opeg by Worth,40o, 500 and 80e. Engliali Breakfst Coffee, 25o per gacage ana the oommae gpavot Thoera Tlsomwho alwaym takre &avntge.thtis ponnd. Ail grades of Sugars at rock bottom prices. The wero aia the Mae oporesset r.rEl- gcolu'm or saig mou -thýmLouie Daig odr 0-m 8k ue sentauion o1 tse g >ïda o of enwà i, geuermly 1ecome wg Powder, eeanned & dpr pcpr Sclomboul toempie, 1-1e to n»Wodsotmeteacholu"X! ra ,o-TAtr n ejovert. -e - w.so mens'me etc mhe urrone . %n5tlthO l 'cCream=fbeys and, Bruhes, t«-.Pat lforeac sta i te enre O te igt rm' wnloalTies.ie btrmiarem is ii C anti artificaily oxetetilanthesasaine is ypa'more t an tentirme.s srywom dehiablelisquitis, worm tire emblensar- s'. W0 n eIIr ulit ati aiOht White Qramte iaandled Tea, Sets $1.00 Dw.ps Iainiug te tise Flo, Oraft, vis.: thé e yOnnord4frfa l w. ye ngaedola s WieG ie' pBt4ý2*5 î 1« Itw*.e $tu. plumb, tise square andth ie i.,.l. Tire. r+0' oen~ WieGrnt e es .5 bt GaI,9me B&~8.0 téth wrk, or iily -Slegant Dnne-rwasI Ti. etsco00-;, Ê~ i hsa Tes ieke & were almo tise Ove cloronsrepremqting s'oir anae moments. F i'iI nformation Af asotea thcOeores farobiteture.iishe Toi. anmia &aItanneeti eu t free.A ne "fIl s tetof LTA Q*Wtfli'LÂMPS, etc. Lamp 8goà dU ey eau, bie, loide, Corluthian &ad osn. Strmoii & Co., Psrtland, Maine. 4s cheap ; also a large stock of Gem Fruit Jars, in pintit, quarte@ andI baue po4a1ie 1b galions, at priées that, defywîcompetition. tretnovirsg tise garment. from, lb. The American People. Wyd. tise trowoi prosontod t»If Switis utr gs eca«i xbne ctserative)~~~~as Nopeoplein tise world aubier ai eruchBteEgecb aeri xhne ail tise warklrsg toaiof orti a- îtIrDyopcpzia a. Ancnican Ai. uou#ls WANTED.--,500 Tubé ochoice-Dairy Bçtter. obsiy, bosides aIl tire emlorne pocuili' Yomcf er!perieusie 'tir rodisclre hau failes] ta tise degree cf Mauter ba. Con-toi aacotupnoîs a cerrinr andsi ure reznesiy t~r- apicocuely on bic bruait won tlhe ligists fta i.dimeame andi jV effecte, mach as -gonturR.A E .E , S of Maar ory Verjs1a blrr&O thse Stomacis, leart-bur, ,Water-brash, Ssik Seatiache, Oontiveness, palpitation cattse Dx Bncoe BcigLOCE Cdywe»thebiehi & r bo et îood, tow aprts, enero> iii Bioetc.ce, WHITBY, ONTARIO. eoastitteomil ardebà thedrotiSon. ince tbe introdluctionof aiGRtrssi AuusT sswcv, g1.uw~d olnttg '0*a eakd Ftowxa swm befieve tisera Smn5no case ci Dys- isearto; lb. il.Meiug oye, -thir b« pepsis tiralt snol se iedlately relievesi. ans. aistis her aose lie myt 1;,,Wr doç.f0icme oif laaî'year wMt one cama aiýak hehléRî,té« etfamnrerte rta o to your srsggist, A distinct and peculiar Combination. fot'Peveetls so. 00-cfEa*1id, th^e 9. W, iB.Srnit}s andsRotea sa2isnple uottie ' uW, moo n adstara, tiree ot, tl> for 10 cenrsin d Iry IL Twe dose, trit re-- thrre. atepaemtblematieà ~oi1oesn-,DA. leva you. Reguilsîr sue 75cents. 4i'-I 9\XX " lssd ni g. t' xals *i F E 1. .. .)V wao a weepieg vrgwe, 8 csg '01 a '<Famnihiar in their Moutlr s.elieuse- iroken-à oonmu upon wbMeirlaylbthé k hridOIWord&," COMPOUND SYRIP Or" of conrstiutionm; le ber let baa . holti Worda"RU lht Li. pot of ineonme, tire emblemn cf So wrate Strek, pear. lb fi univensailîsor apa rt. rand'in ierbon pUfWod dlst adivuted tlistt Vii. get euga.uwrtten lvSIeII! liatra a pnIg cf aceacla,tIls. meiOcf about aîmo :thi au nsi t dis ttis Onl ýInesal- sbj.cb impîs'te o eusau. iwousi a Msel borsoatli t »& î.,j m@ mo inoem trievh r. r ssste tise axme warsio . .T coitsirs 0theelonrta emmetial ta tisaanimal -b 1y hoi. rebas] in hicus ia soye sott & Iirouns'a rasztotexdxnaetmat ots paltaleCuo i] fr OWi in ueofthe L obnto 4tv>-,ltgaentphospcornina, rPmleaoftéerit famW glus4 et hdm feot, ver remilà irdn misat ulho Lkeepp aof . ~n~i7viil ~ yforhu, nt r ail a rm. lier rSisaway. 6 T isa Mils. esi, chldre. ]Ove a nte o t" wnyfurb 'da.re a ba la Pnet! andi attensoatal fiageis cf 1h. dse . and intheisoiti malin --ifmatarias timdi. -ulatian cf thea aPPet.ite, tise digstio n antisimilation enteuing direetinouretihe Iroyenwere doifeteIs' loi jai1itlces t ae s ta M a eulp i. rie crrclatloni; it tus stir e rve"anti muvm; exirts a ismlths'act Onr tishe s-- ,tissu; Oier25 ew, FerrleagleT. G. tieWito- nefttier distitiba theoatorcnon injum sthe..stem nd«nndem ~ ~~:: ~0 eeeotil*~r f~, by 21. ie discoitixne s t arsy üniewtircnt inonvne. se rlnes ie ni th trniirg emblema cf mortîy and -le a Word, il pmmcasutise atinrislsntarsanc he ieatroei, tb ise to r0 etain inmrortaiy beeutifîirlly bleuded inon e I. Precîdait Jieym.It, but oneit orfa high dsogree. picarfa "rtLetaio.'Itwua pu- hevaidis' ucibtr. iIa>.-s'a' tleusas'al- s piicril epemuttiir I wm su. wY@ questtuesi. and " i.aslministrationFELOS'COMPOUND SYRUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES, Isole sucis as Masons nevor maw bofore, oniuds but tise pcyrueut oi oue dollar s'cuyAaeaaanvcrr anid, l ilHprcbabulity, misncmhis faî p.IS"Eaalit titeto ue bola oDr. aerc'm erily ii uever wrtnemm again. The, Goitin Metilcal Diseovery-. ana tiis adoinis. tî e"Coid mmJieehuta <Jo0 5,., ia1s'ae.à ; - 1tiema no,. irrollîer'm nos ewao net known.-Saem ra. oug«ald urpianticaasrd niofsi1,5sf *a"Vf à pp«ftr . meýntO Sfsrte Ccptoi Reporter. e gs a-ds n n os umpticiand a qainieromo. £-m.e ij.q fsemh ail Nasa mfoelsnvg beiiat01 Au M £uete1-- upoiaitr toi'B=too. * dPOPraAiet Nevadia là .aand oi f entions pbysc.Iabrb AMP-ET. piitiomena. Her riveracbave o sible ' PERE« DAvis & SON & LAwRiENcE, ontiet1 te e an. 5h. lias no lakea i nudi.n'aýam" .salve. cfý ae maiitue. Sitoe bas ciaO SFE OUR STOCK. NAiWjOILS. 4 STOVES. BotCooki# Wvo' RATON à BOTHE. Prloem 0* soit telise ro. HATOR & BROTHER. trtcIreS cf aikalildeset.. however, giaot give oveu-y îadieatîiou- cf isanng ismon the bed. p' boitiomes cf eltier ea or iak 0.Docssin Lineoln sounty Imaa prisg Of 100-001d Water lirai bubblem np over a rock andi diappeoeorstise othen ide, sanDo ne ubasm ever bien ahl. 0* fins] wisee tise wote goes. At eoctiar' Point ln tise asamecounty la a large mps4eg about twenty Seol square# tisat ja apparent y eighteeis s'or ty nis =ies lu, doptil, wlîh udy enihotouai. Th@o s Bandi eaus haplalnlyemess, but oir ooklng elomot itlà I m eeve t tira iis sond! lalu a porpetud Bilo es ot. No bottons hu aven benuSondtibtiss pring. Il is8sit Ãœ tiadanatet, on teachusg ibis $prlisg ont dtiy, deedived isy iim apparent ahaicwnesa, ecnelndod toc oak ou. of him wagcn wheels te> cure th. longeiaoftetr u etietr. lietisertoro tokit off.oui7 -rols tlto btie-osho Iiscnghl-msl.0 1*, wator. ne novea lait! lis eyem on0 that Wagon wbe.l oain. Tw. Keutsekaasbat! be atfpng ata i a .hotel. Ca00ocf timnwAS gerolytilsputing tire oori'etof etire bilhwlicis th@o els ha !just Pteeente gol, Je sen thse cthe look hrlmb tire aitnm WInt!c tolonel, noer forgot 1h yauar a Rontuekian. Kil thtie' =!nbt pay thebill", lé*teokol:saeNewts S ano'formir bua<,entrndevin Yea$ ns i t *alg tofinud 0- cwnover -TIre Baur SALVaE inlisee ecnîs]for n, ]Druims, SeiN, Uloer, ýSait Ilsm oe So1rea, tt Cisappeiaste, Gl tr, Coirr, and ait ýkietia cf1 Skie EmpIlons. Tis salve tu gisareteesjta give perfect satisfactionlu ovni-y Case Or norses' rftid- md. Prune 95 e<nte orbox. For ale byT. Q.Wiîfeli, Wisitby. TIeCrserRemedy Kecwa. flk tu; tfeYW Ds.ov for,'Co'- suaslioiacnt 'y .0tis Fratoot medicai reu mesevr placet vatiuu tise r»oais mnfalngir' nsisanty. Tisanbutifai nce hoagelema muffOerr, Dow bodi thei pro!..for tlit e nttdo ,wistcI tIre s'owo lsthelivec. Sotoui , C 't 10= cfur Compiopbut tlg;ra, Obistani Largi yil aEt ones te fi wm a. dorfol curative POWer as If by maeit. We Iisermforena,eafrequc cteillo ycur dru tan gmt a tlias boule for tsu ouwirîehwilîeo-nvice tise =ntalkpti- cat' inwute u nerilti abiovs'o 't a-boa n tolrmn otu.e wm h o. "t".byT .W~têl] My Gil-Ede Btte . 9 Thoe tg eloayo an active tiusaitifo utter tâ Usi ta sto VIre gu5t-esige stantarti nh Rusitsudatic0oe. Muais 'butter tiret la Oise Som.<cd mol"a a reatiton 'frein =ren O c entsia aPoundi, bacaume delle- munt iu aolor. Dairyrnon aIronut ite oaacm Wells, Elcisar<m.n S& Co" Peiteojat Batte ~Ootgve boght June oloi. ThI. se1l4ri 1. th's 1ebrigitelti Purent antibout Conusneption Coareti. -- il - moreiBegy r T. G. WHOLESA&LE AND RIL KIN -STR.EET; - O HAWA The underaigned, ang the LIQUOR aTRÂÈ spoialty ýto which hg ofnshe1u~nsi wsjdt suply ihles, Hoekepr;a the t*dgéeal BE8ST! B1ANmse>i bad 13EST RUM, finel, in~ 3E ST GIN, ine1udi~jodV4J PRWE8 LOWER" TH#U M 1f LAGER BEER, in 2,e~8~oIi 1Lagea' Beer in bottles-2 doien iuee WILSON"S MONTRE GINGER ALE , CIDE IN Qu DUUeLE 8OF&. WÂTERý, CIDRE IN PE LEMON -SODlA,-'Ii ELTZZB WAI SA.SAPBILA, GINGEIt'BEýE, ?OTA81 dINGER ALe, in Quarts, a new fleature. IJILL1NfEBY and FA14'ïCy DRY GOOD8, É47E8 ,1 I.RE' NERCLOTIIING BABY LINEN, ETC., ETC. DRESS AND) MArà TRIMmNGS of evezy- description. FBMILING AND) LACE in ail the 1Xew Colora. CO STUME AND MANILE DEPARTMENT. W Manufacture Ladies' and(hidensgamnts af every ity'Ie -and dcrptio,»-nsI fPrnis14 the material wlsenesed PateaIadtnc card ewsd u ther o~ neRsurûmen, andI we cn make as perfect a lit s thqugb tii. euetonlet"jsoself were present, byou never-fauing methcd o! TIN -N 13uttingG . Aln vrtig~brtfr nw i h r fDea *~~~ Ga a en, c e y des cp tion ut fr= m mea aurm entý andI bastea throuighot, ansIelegianty drpea, s.0 that tere can be no#mistLainL fin. iSI III . u f rn shi g ate ia , a sup es rnay be sen t te u n si fro us us to select from Butterick's Patteras ai any garaient sent fu ymio e c e i t o p r e . . M o n t h l y M e t r p e i t a n Pa s i o n h r n , r e i SOMETHING NEW M. NOE.MMVyE, AT HAYES.S, -'a ~-- 0323, TEX,, - - - -Or TE ]Jon TEN Elln R CEN-T . OFF 1! case Whibv Tit.- ýt44 a ~ t t/he Couniye and em- br and-R/to.., for Ladies, Genteme , a d Chldr n'; Wear, N elwest Styjles and b.d uali~ o m ge iaz and -. w or /cm an hip . ~vili not lut long. a& TO THE FA/IRME fS' 0F THEI Wto' Blck Boo ILsStrW'ty DOMI1NIO0N!1 We ffr onfo te ares, , o 180 te o:o000:ist BROWN'S W]HITBY HARVE STER, ' (Improved.y YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (Improved.) The. Above machines requir. uo comment frox u us, fterpassixrg tirrongli sucl a barvest uas OIe lasnd carrying off Ohe Golti Medal for Canada, w. .18e natif7 al ýpurubasera Who wnt durable maolrineryd propose* to pay CASH UX DELIVEY, tb eaU at, our O&M isnWlitby, before Placing your order elsewhere, as it is car intention to adopt tise CASH SYSTEMI uneanly as is prcticable, and lhereby make our prie list et lowest liv. mg prics. Oic' ns a cou. BRON &PATTERSON:MNFG Co. ITlrtb-,Jn i Mt 1879. -5 Il HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR -A Y QANIY F -4D EL I B T 1G B 'WHlTBY OCHINA TE,& STORE fl glra fvAeaw 3 o.....tif- ýýWOLFROBES, ZILU- RR] S UPE RIO0R QUâJA L OVERCOATINGS, Iest heavy and lteady-made, OVERC -:00:- - FURNISHINUS, CanadiansTweede. GE1NERAL DRY GOODS, GIROERIE8, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKÂERY, GLASSWA.RK. AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F HARDWARE, &C. ,Tire Dry Good Deparemient is complote in avery linoe andI the rocery- Sockaine anIfel. . Tia cheapeat house in the Connty. Re- member tise addres. -49 A. B. SMIH, Baglan. ALL ON-. w I MLx la ma m w laIffNU, GENTS' A-pt spldid8toc IMM CANADIAZN BE S! ham -r J' ! Puliclia Ho. actcS tion et JOSEpIR paTT...-. lmbranti Gam.ftter"ý ' cloh, Seni for Ci=crlar anti pâceio April 29th, 1879. 'ýOATS- LIVERPOOL, LONDON GLA8GOw. ORDER. Allan Li 0F ROYAL MAil1 TEAaM SUMMEB SERVICE VIA Ûotoh and( SHORTEST SEA pASI Thse Steamps imof thse Al >ro Pueec ver Oabn, 81 nti501 acords, 1v a Of araterocus. Lo-werrie r-"é lretp' ÃŽ7 ets. lntermetiate, 56 Steeraget-î' -rates. PeruvMIar............" 11tha -.2ienrsiaxs.........." 23ez M&oravian ..........."mOb i Steeragepasmengers are forwartieti, tiontios, ÊBaam, Giaigow, quecrsmdà 4 Briatal, artiflfantiLti .t,, as tocLiverpool. o r.sii Pariez wiising tOsenti foi their iIl cars citalin tickets at lnw-rate. For ticket. mand frsrther irformeatieuq Expresa an& Telegrapis Sm Whitlrs, BMay noir, 18Mg. D AILY UNE TOROCJ3wmI£j, l'an STEmaME olo nstei -il (mak li wos iier ,)el et ly80 every momieg u&a W%' F o r Bo o ts n d S h e s Ur>' Foot Wear of ail kinds sold Oheap for Cash, by WILLIAM BURINS, Brook Street, .Whftby. CJJTTERSY, BJJGGIE Sy T h e a r e s t a n d e s t A s o r t m n t n t e , c Irt sapB . S T E Nti m -caDtim .e T e l . C o .; GRA AN GAIFRRDIGS CUTTES. sy, anti ient, ork.y i n r d e t m a e o o m a s w e i n t n d t o u i l ao r e rT n b r o rm a to, a p pI y O nurnher of Carniages and Buggies this winterTHSSLGH cti e lt" Fl ir m i ~ , IAEî to, D ariva-cftai."ce is * Nawek ilAwtT D.U14MAS blSLTEET, . - WHITBY, ONTARIO.- IR. SNOW,' PIANOS TIJNED. S.AK[D and *tONFE CJION[R Ibc)ýibaI 1 00fc DUNDAS-ST., WH:ITBY. 'wupes evlerod'= = Tisanks a .nnrerou. frienia for thor irsacu'. Plocci Wly. Ordeïs. W rnmilý torner Patrng for U-e slyar, andi go- addrautitMem Mns.~ Toran- Keea orsstantly crs hauti Canies cf 'kil deacriliousaimei 'A ,:,eec CHRISTMkA A»o-mum- NEW YEAB'S CAKES -o ~ '~i~ OYSTEB PATTIES, '-=4 SAUSAGE IROLLS, z 1-1 si LAYER MAI4,GÀ, MUSCATEL RAISINS, Oa SLEMOIIS,-D)ATES, ' - sa COCtS DC n CIKN, ;4, on and. ea IULU- BOT COIPBIÉ,- ta- ive-usa -4- i'AIN TER, -CRU now ha foonti t Iris Bip- TWO DOORS WEST OF ARMSTRORG' HOTEL, DUNDAS -STfflET. IAIOrtiers promptis' attenie to. «E WWtiiss, April 14, 18M0. HOW LOST. HOW RESTORED. bi~a av em;uut Smcnoy to ,tio ATTORIE ,arscer,,kn.,A LYNAI D mca --s' .'11L-: <- u1~u ble, f i t 1 oren ceu ea - *0 [L'ut bain $en' . ci AT LAM~ -w. HIE 1 MAbE- TO Agents for B. A. Dyeing Co. Whitbv. --0 P H I T B Y,--ý- For Boots and Shoes. gay 27, 18W. 11 CLOTHING Reliable