iUau 1 1, chu et o. >NDONDERI the Allan. Lina are « o e.sy Salurda'y 01 lb. train liavn, ry Fnldsy. «0enriI g laPosition rale ion elunu tlck. Ct. nd, I88., ref adeli, Lon tu.. q- l6natu d. wurd ..o aI sarporate lad for their frieade ws rates. .. - «IrTnormation appby ad Telegrapla i e .AXER îidâ, Maetr)15h astripe on Ibis roue. c?13 ud PareI Hcpq theSutaestg.and thiUi& nlic~hes st lthUnia lsttec. n 'Chacte,(Part ie ,Mnpt îuaulayo, Whmu a., fer- Cobourg sud s.,n wiUDm tifs itse slroute ta Boston, oal tol71 CRAWFORD aor E, Port ilops. 'N, Pain. Tai. Co., t,. Whiby. &SIGNV rR) id W RESTORRD. tioi-o Dr. Culver. iblsad Easay ou lb.' Ycapacity, Iaupedi.. s'esultlug frein ex- id oirelope, oly d6 t, lu liis admirable triton, mcm thlrty 'ice, that aamâtn rlcllIy cured ,itii- tinitergal uedicints e; pcalnîing out a Ps, certain sud .of.- khb every senflres, îald ho lu the bande mm afnthe ilad, st., NomwYYork. 48-fiin APHYO PERTY -dam cf BRUCE Mdasa Improve- ue bin g atm Ullaon of RANZERD LT THle CCIALT'- ý PHOTOS. branchse. -,- l enlargeai, su4 s- colour, lak, or- !18. SRiscli, menu- ruanta. Osdorsý tetco. ul u4occmsari. 1a a 0k, 3ô-I W#!tay OHRONIOLE ,gODAX ONN4 W N.HIQQIN8S ,à fiorij2luing Establishmeint, BjogSTRIELT, WHIITBY. rr'-$1 5o, par Annum. vMBTISMENTS All Adrertise- ,tai55moaseired lu Noupariel, sud bà rgdisttherate aif 8cets, Pen lino, irei uiloOn, a&P(l1igcntpur lino,,uicsubelse- H10 ueortni meetings, Financiai spil0te jiauko, itiilway Cemîîanies, tâteont$ oupalcii, su d tuattens oaitlke decriltien shea placed anaug News Mai- e 5 cOe per line. SpecialcoOtribcîo nLade mitis udrtîsers yti.yeà r, or auherirl#30 ()trder&o t disotinue advertisaints bcnsuW iti.nc BusineOss Dire ctory5 ONTARIIO IBANK, WUITBY BRANCU., -TIIOMAS DOW, s-RVlELgL & RUTTLEDGE, -13A&IIIISTEIIS, ATTORINEYS, SOLI. iTcitorg, Notaries Public, ad Conrey- office, flact donc outh ai the Royal litai, Wiitlay- JAMELS iUTLEDGE, B. A. Couuty Crowu Atorney. 41 U B IgIITOITIE :& IILLINGS JARRISTERE & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c C, H, RITCHIE, W. H. BILLW4GS, Toronto. Whilliy. B ABISTERS ATTORNEYS, SOLIO- ITOIRS, iiOTARIES, &cc., &c. OFFICES :- 72 Tonge Street, next the. DomnlionuBaianinsd Camner Ring sud Yengo Sdmets, To~rnto. 0. A, OULLIVAN, W. E. PERDUE. Otoben Olnd, 1880. 1-41 CAIIiIION, APPELDE & Msc- PNIiLLI PS, B IRRISTERS, Altoys-ai.w, sud 8ialelors in Cisuay, No. féToronto etroalTornto. HECTR CiMEROI, .., I. S. APPELlE, P. 9cPIILLPi. ly-48) JAMESI KEITH GORDON, 1ARRISTHiI &cATTOBETAT-LAW, .13 Soilcilar in Claancery, Cenreysucan, liotary Pubtil, d&. Offce-Duuilam St., tesat daor mest ai Armstong'# RoteI. Moucy ta Loan-Pnirale fund-atliom intenest. JOhIN A. NeIGILLIVRAY, .Succeesor dc H. M. Ilomeil.) I ARIIISTiIU d& ATTOINET.AT-LAW, B Notar PublIc. dc. Sclctor ion tiie Deom lao Tank. Office-NezI lcor .6e Mansien Raute, lUxbridge, Ont. -26 CIIAIRLEII C. KELLERt, tTTOIINET-AT-LAWN, SOLICITOR IN4 .X claîseory Couveyancer,kda., Cannlug- t, liîrok, a. W LT. BRICLAY, tTTOItNRY-AT -LAW, SOLICITOR in~ iii iauccry sud lusolveucy, Conray- LIT hAN ENGLISII, L L. De, RR AEISTEIt AT LAW, SOLICTORlIN1 ) 3lClasnr'ry, Conreyuuoen, dca., dcc.Slm- ',e Street, Oshawa. DAVID) OlilINTON, 169 À TTOIINEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITORIN 1 Chaaceny, Cauvoyancer, &c. -OrmrCE-Iu the Office sauth ni1lbhe post Offce, lu McMillan'a Block, Brock ELreet, Wbtby. iy-lO JOIN -ALL DOWi, B ARIISTERI-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR tu Chauceiy, Coveyaucer, &o. Oficet-DeverUil Block, Brock Strest, Wlitly. MONEIT TO LEND-Private Fustil,- inssumnup teuS$MOat at low rate ci lu.. tereet. (ly-59 ROINSON & KENT, (LýAs'iDuos.. Il RouixsoN.) B RIIISTERS-AT-LAW, AT TOREN - BsYs, Soicitore, Couvcyaicers, &o. OFFICE-In Victoria CharnIers, No. 9, Victoria SIrect. JTIO. G. KELLE Y, BARIISTER-AT - LAW, SOLICITOS B u Cianerysaad Iaiolveucy, couvey. sucer, &c. Offce-DevenAIs Bliach, Brock- Sdreet, Wiitby, ont. C». YOUNG SMIITH. L L. B., 1) RRISTEItt, &c., &r.-iLuuey tc Loa B.. Isuer a1 Marriege Licenses. Orici-Over Dominion Banki, Wlaiby. Ian. 22,1878. 11-i- J. E. GALBRAITHI, B.D., GRADUATE nf Oueet'm sud Victoria G Ual eraities, laeuiber o ai Clig 0i l'bysicilaria Surgeaus, Otro Orsiz-Brook-St., Wbtby, Ont., (tire, dbers souti cilIRoyal liotel>. ly-46 a. J. 013NMWI. B., URGEON TO TRE COUNTY GAOL I.-Byron Street, Whitlby. OL Wm. McBRIEPN, M.'., M.R.C,S., G UY' IIOSPITÂL LONDON, ENG., (iA RD. DR. IOcJART, PhyoicIan, Surgeon, Accoucer, &o., dcc, WitbY, Sept. lti, 187t. do -W. ADAMS, i T>aOlts OVîiII R. iH. JAMESOl'lS IlGrc i nStore, Dndum.a., Wls tby. Ã118icsie rassoi, asm i 12 ., sud fimu IMi tu 6, P. r. Iteaildeuce-Cor. cf Byron sud OCl-llhastreets. Ç, N.- VA R-4q, L. D, 14 ýMrIIEETH sr uateaIon ail lis i..Che laitest principles cf Itue art, anr"segoc autis Teetbezate it ionu an, by producn local ingSube sîs Oni R O*Ing0,W ana&s lew lg:"A retùwRon rSto e, King Striesî, 0 Dug Store, HA NT OR,5IN ATUEAIN AQ 4otishGrahe.At W ble Waka, AmeIllIt- ?A lu WIth calm Printed words, great tboughts, snd untiring industry, w. advocate Peut., Progrens, Kuowledge, Brotherhood.- VOL.V. WIJITBY, PROVINCE 0F ONTIR10, TIIIJISDAY, NOVEMBEJ 2.5. 1880. OMMEUCLAL HOTEL sud STABLES, 8s.. 4 sud 58 Jaris-sîreat, Toronto. JOHN McRAB, . - - P1iOPR1XTOB. Tise beat$100 saOs Houa.elinlse. lI. cly tire blocksm mcm tise %orhennuDebtetandcleee ta the Market. The. Boume has eunemîr Ftof oul,-sd eveny-diing F'rot-eIame. (iy.47< NUS. WALXEY'F TEMPERSNCE HO USE, DUNDAS-STREERT, WHITBY. Goed accommodation aI naseonabie tomra. B3aundore $2.50 per yack. 45 R085114 HOUSE.-TOBONTO, ONT. Tise Palace IbId aif Canada Refîtted, Refurniabeed, sud Unryivaled. New Passen. ger Elevutar, ruuaeluq niqit sud day. Tii. .uy lirui.clasm Rotalin uCanada miti grain. aded prlcem, vie :-f2, $2.50, sud 83 par.day. Membene of Clubs aud othere, desnnng roornn, milicut board, $l1 to$2eer dug, Feb. il7thh 878. Proprietor. RO 1AL HOTEL, WHITBY. The aboya liotil lias been liencugbly enorated and refurnished, sud le eem un- der tiie management of 0110. MACKIE, (farmerly of St. Lawrence HeIl, Port Hope. Hvery attention p&id ta ges. Especîaily0goc ampie R corne fer Com- mencial traellýers. C HI.N A HA L L, SION OP TRI BIG JUG (unRErruniaZ) 71 K/NO-ST, EAST TORONTO. Fancy Breakfast sud Tes Sets. Fsucy Dinnan and Dessert Sels. Fsucy Bed-rocm Sets. Faucy Jugs sud Toupets. Silver Plstatoi ules, Fomks sud Spoonm. SiivrnPbated Cruels sud Butter Colera, eilver Pluled Cake Bakets. Rcodgern' Kires sud Fanke. Tea ra andSerers. Flowr RdesforLily's, d&o., &e., Glasamare, aIl descriptions. White Stan. mare, eerny kfind. RloteI sud Bar Goode. GLOVER HARRISON, Importor. Dominion Wood Works, WH ITBYr. Geo. Cormack, Tr tWEBE MEECHANT d-IIUILDER. Ai -A iange auiy oaiBuidere' Furnieii- legs, sud aIl kin s ai Twisled Moldinga, IJoane, Bausu d BîluaIs. LUIEBER miiobsale and retail, on by by lie car beaI. Plaulng, Moiuldinge of erery dcscrp- tien, Flooring, Shcetiug, Sbelving, Ro- savwin, Sheping. Turning. Icrol-work, etc, etc. Whiliby, Oct. it, 1878. .48 THE WILSON HOUSE, j,,%oNzy TO LEND. Alikt±UIII, ONT., ALE.X. BARCLAY, - - Proprietor. Tihe Hanse is of Brick, large and cern. modiaus, and the. interior lis fitted up in ex- cellent style. The larder in supplied w*th th .bast iu the market. The bet ofi lquùormsud CiZars. tabli.ng, large sud roomy. Qoods sheds. B RITISH AMEUXCAN HOTEL, R A Y'-8, (LT sOSmoN Bouma.) WHITBY, ONTARIO0. lionne ncwly reuovated and f urnimiied throughout, sud put in frat-elamm order for lhe reception i guesîs. An omnibus to and fromn ailtrains. Plrst-clase ampîr rollis. S HAKESPEARE ROTE L, Cor. King & York-ste., Toronto, Ont. J. A.&OGRADY, . PROPRIE TOR. Ticnle, $150 Pmn DAY. (y-7 POST OFFICE SALOON; TortoNTO. M. MrCONNELL,- .PIWPIIETOR. tau, TIXE DEST ACCOkMODATION i ei for Ouesits. (ly-47) (NTAIO ISOTEL, 0 BOCR-STUIiET, WHITI3Y. JAMES T. JE Tt ELL, Propric for. (Late of the Nipleaiug Ilotel, Toronto.) Gond Liquars sud Cigars. Cornmîliaus Stablîngý First-clasi Llver Stable and Billiard larlour attscbcd. lyli6 0 SHÀWA OUE KINGO15TIUtT, OSHIAWA. H. CH-ESTER, - - Proprirtor. .This thr ee-eitory, large sud comniodious House r itttcd sud furrishcd to suit the wauta of th. travelling publie. Table sup- d ih the cliaiceti the season. Tii. 'upplied wtii the. hst brande lquors and igarii. Bus to and i rom sta.- tion. Ample stablecooiu, careful hostlers. 46-17 c IIOWN HOTEL,COUBS J1. FAULDINO, Laf.e ait<the"Ontario," Ashburn, haring purchased tthe abuve weli-known promises, solicite a cenituuance ai patronage from is nuruerous fiaonds. A good Hostler in attendance. T iE QUEBN'S iOTEL, Bitaca STICEET, WJUMTi pHILIP MeCCNN. - - Prorietor. Bot Liquaresu-d Cigare. A meli sur- plle4 table. Ajry bed-rooms. Comortah e stabllng sud large yard room. ChIarges moderate. .8 WHITBY HOUSE DUNDAS.8T, WHITBY. Tht, undersigned moulaI IntimaI.ta lie'h public liai the aboya premises have bin newly mut sud fitaed up tlirughOp*lfor the. accommodation cif gueste. Boit Wlues Lîquoresud Cigare. -THE OIIEAM 0F'CANADe" WAL.Z LACE&. Alec pure Bina Wi.. Lage, Whee- sale sud BetaiL Boardere îakeu lay ibel weak on moder- 308EPE A. BAUDELL. July, 2à uh 1880.82 B LACK 'IIURUE HTO COS. Fnoirr &'Gîaoa ise., T0R0NTP., ALFRRD OXFOliD, - PBOPRIBTOB. (Late of Wellington Hotal, Mnrkham.) TBRMS, #1.00 PER D)AY. Gocd etaii. lug for airer 800 homes. Pirsi-elesa accomn- madatiou for fermersansd the travelliig public in generel. -1y T IIE'CLYDE IIOTBL. 168 Ls.O-ST. Banr, TOPONTO. The bouste nnewly renerat&Wfroitop la botoin. Erer accommodtion for tiie travelling public. Thei. r oubt of lquoro sud ciar, On celarder le ln-keeplu miJa thse bet ,u the cil. No bottereislng1 sud gond attentive hasileus. (7 The undersigue.) laisu ny amount ci Mop- ey te Leud upen Farus or Town Pnaponhy, ai unueuilly Low Rat51e afInlereal. Lomus eau bc nopaid i l mista anti ber- SavraI Improred Farme sud Wild Lande for elcezep ,.luit=ne. made ilunMnIcIpal Deben. un, iusdochier uurktatable Stocks. For furdiien particulare upply te JAMES HOLDEN, Apri h, 18M .15 A RCHIE'! COTURE!l DRAWI?4G AND SPECIFICATION OF BUILDING-S Proanptly prpared willa, dem te Ecanomy au Construction. CHURCII AND 8011001 ARCHITECTUREA SPECIALTI. 1 Corrrspondence Reapectsully Salicited. OùMbav, 0utý A. A6 PUOIT, laie with Laugley, liaugley dc Burke. Toronto.) A RC HI TEBC T Desiçus farObmcieVillassud Cttages s. eaialty. Draminge propared for re- mrnoeling exlitng structures. Omeîc, for the presoul, atIdehiemoe ou Kingston Road, Pickering. 4-tf)P. O.TBoz 202 WMrav. rPHis PArER City beicundon Oie at ... Ge.P. Bovali d-Clcm Nevmpaper Ad- vertmiing Bureau: (10 Ipruce St.), mbhere adi- venliscng centralte may lie made for la xx IVONEY TO LOAN! $100,000 FOR IIESTXENT. O14 REAL ESTÂTE SEOUMPI!.' At lomesI living ratas cf1fInèessl IN SURANCE. ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutuali n8uFanco Co'y. HEM'AbOPpICRB0C-z , WMTBY. as those et muy wenitbiizadCompany iu cana"a. JUST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. J. B. BICKELL., JOHIN WILLIS, Presidexat. Vce-Prescle. C. NOURlSE, SECnauà zv. Wla.tby. April 9th, 1878. -16 PHREIX PIREEINSUP.ÂNCE 00. Lombad St. sud Charing Çruse,Loudon. COAULIMU» Dr 1"2. GILLE8Pig, MOFFÂTT & <O., Agents for Canada. R.W. TTUE, Manager, Montreal. AGENOT ESTABLISHED IN CANA- À LDA un1804. Uulimitud llabity of &Ui the. Stockholdors, sud lA&M Ber" Funda. Moderato rates of pre iur. C. NOUBSE, Agent, Whltby. Whltby, April Oth, 1878 la B RITISIE MÀEIA A 88uraflce Company, INCORPORATED z833. A 8S BTS8, 11,101,«78 94. F. A. DÂLL. Man""e. Insumanes effected at the loirest aunet rates on Buildings, Merchandise, sund othLer proporty, againatloas or danage bliream Agent, Wbltby. Whtby, April 9th, 187. P EPPEWS BQUIXMP À. m ON 11WTONTO coutains an unvarylng ^mnunt of cqune snd fron. Tt rosesswail tii. powersoo these valuable ote n ubaniabiug dlaeasesand sy.nptmins traceable to weaknese, a 1ev state 61 the cerrons sptem, enlnebled condition of thI. andy sd derangeinent of the. gecralM beath. -I- PEPPEIL'SQ1trrFMF, aN11MON TONIC P trengtlieue tthe nervons adsud nnaular systein. inaproves digestion. eLnimates tbe 9PIri ta, rerrutste th heaith. For dobiltated bealihti, fheintieffort ai but limat.. ¶pis toteil leinvalnable. y-t p EP'PF's tTNINE AND 11101 rou»nn&devlfflthe. erveon enriehos the, blood. przoe. appot languor snd deproelon. fortifies lh. ocran. l a a specific remealy for1 une ntilewtioti. fevfr ai evrry ki aiffectione. and in u atlnu diseases,', tendeucles,. The'nu mioe irrie1 lnvlgnraed by lPop«ers o ,t fi&aculties brlgtee. the. cozetltuta Ptreuclluene sd a returm o terob Relil .bv luilte verywiier, Tii J. le n m tifmrA Laboratee. Lon, lh. on tii. laliot Thon. le ne Ironier lin effort esePopper unine sud Il strn<i:y rcenetdd ereents aud the. Colonies, sud sbculd abmay real for use lu every cause1cf«fverc condition.0 71'AnAxAcru &» iPODOPHYLI 1 are cl-r by J. Poppser, Loni comhîublatten. extracea t ion rcets.fi nov uned lntesa ifbIa inel for the cureof d a.Mo mal aymptoma 0c cf the mi besd-anbs, mee, no appeli tangu, disagroeable teste"ulia . stddlzina. laarbabce cf lb. tm. gihl1 er lu mo" Tovry algbly ac gIel ving a mseume o heelonm mIlain U honrs. IUles themafeet London.mhme n-aine41;on vg a 2t. ed. "utdsM.&80ô& bsou lCr th*Cae, mliiiCtea oomplely b" tbenalrl 0 dffect le superler te tha" prodneod1 sbtnaus e Msud doms not IJ41o 1. fa th.beut for rostcorlug grey1 formerclour. tlrckseeaaiseie ebsade,and ile abobletely albe mond.4 for deqtehiig mer i N TONIC la diaa9l, The Lucky Horacahoe. A farmer travelling with bia load Picked up a horseae in luthe roaît, An naila it faut ta bia hem door, That Luck mlghl.down.,upon him pour, Mlight crcwu bis homeesasd sud la i il, And neyer suy kiud cetbhrm Descend upon Ia growlne f mmm. But dire 1U1-fotuuèësoon began To riait the astounded mon. Hie liens delined ta 1ar' tbir eggs j Ie& bacon tumbled frolà thsepes And rat. devoured lb. felalegs=eg Hiecnthat neyer iailei before, Mild an sd rotted on the fon; Hie gres refused te end 4 bay; ie cattle died, or went aêtray ; In short, l moved lhe copkad way. Next aprng a greal drobiÃŽt baked the. sod, And roast.d every sin pda; Tii.bean decarebey, ccild nu t grOir So long asenature sfe mc0 Itedundant insecrar -ed cbrooit Tii etarre for 1ack of juIl The taves from barrol vent off ÂAllthey boidthehlm dgli, In short,, ltwaanô uste tr Whle aul the.land in s lu On. mcmn, demorallied witt ie f, Tiie former clamored for relief And pra7ed righl liard ta undedasd Whal vatcherait noir pommsse4 Ml ad;, Wliy bouse sud faromsum msev 'greir Blua e nailed up tisa.'lucky mssho. witîe lins dlemayed oer matinrs vrong An 014 man cbauced 10 trudge along, To visoi h o lId villa wormwood lears, Hov bie affaira vere lu arreas And *bat a desperate state cfttlg A ptckad-up horealice sometilulestbrilg. The. str arasked ta ses lthiebm, The. foamer brcngiint mviair; But when the dut man raleed bis hit, Ho laugbed oulmiglit, as u ikIy eado -No Wonder sies upon you iroWn- Yoiure naled the. horsesho apside domn I Juit turn il rounid, and »sooculb1 ses Hom YOU sud Fortune mil agnee.*, The fermer tunsugthuhbore.soemriund And ihovers bagau to e elibground; The msnhine launghed mmong hie grain, Bis caille dld as lhey more told ; Hie fruit troes needed turdy propi To hold the gadi ng a=10 rope, lms turnip sud potato Aeionlabedm n uby Liair ylbds; Fowkenover sair snob ains cieor As luhiesillisg bile ere borne; Hill barns more 91 fuil inlg btne- Hie mile presented inxm mii tmns; Ris neilibore mamveled more sud more To sas the increase in hie store. Aud'nowis ..mory farmner ings_ 1Tiiere are tiro wy fdig Lcg And wien for good lucis yon moulaipray, Naît up your hosesho. the right way." -Jimus T., FrELOn, in HarpW#~ Magossce for Deomero. THE GABLES. SEVEN1 adgsie Thoe inonkoy, meaumls4, mils le.csdtiick hall curling ont iInta prelaOstOroII prohîily frombnah ietrns fisk bists-* etaon shila tar'tns et aietuneda a rlnkled and saminable attig esls tIle visage to erery sa-.by, aud îo ie naine cfiahecircleof childran thst @moougatbereai idn ultround, sud la lTepibhiu sicp-doom, non. it tu andi upiard totesaarcisti vwindoir vhence Phoeansd CliffleraIvse look- orsna Ia o.Eer moment, alec, he ly.O tock off lia Hîghlanci bonnot, and per- fcrmed s bai andi a ues'po. Sea timusu, moreovore. heausde -- pasMouaiap- pUia&U±oa.,ta mpnwUV4l h olcliug oit hie 1 and «al0- amati black paie, sud otbermifo plinu ty algilylag is excessive deels'. for ehonbd8nI. misatevor filtiy lucraemigisihappen lg te, ft h lu i suybody'e pocoka. The manm suid 1cm, yot slrangéiy mo-libre e:- à h lu& l5-pression cf île mllteai ecurteuan- ethe hlb Plia pry nsd enafty pçul 45 M odime. miomeaihl ady..ta #0 *1; ,evsry misams-ibissive ag-oenorfuota ie bail (lccnommous ta be docantly eon- A eunudas-is gabardine), asud th. de drimif uuitire vItis il betakaisua- 117-6tako money ja ad h li0, lq 2= mage"=y lJ9,athe a00 f orppfelu bya a.love Of Lanoy. oîlir vuibOsoe&Dy; qul oth Psibilit cf aliflgtise eoveioum 1y4 ' derli, iba si htra viols luteor, ultcf conte, iie ik edailup iii ýjoyss s agem-ni osi iutst thonaover ta tis Itala ,foresrkep- anti îÀlmimeoly .omanleuilà . a esoerc pantousllue paitions formma. Doublies, mors thanae 1ew Zn«. marraI heir bannera ; s rouaiy beiug, Bul il mouid be ne fair plaIns'.-of th>n estraugeal Irou bis race, but nov feeling Clifford'a smâte of minai, were iva ho bek V hiueif mue. again, by virlue cf the ir- reprééent hlm ast continually os' prevuil. grGwj epreasible instinct liaI poaeessed hlm. lngly iretcheai. On liectrary,thie ,rprim HacI Clilfos'aiattaincai thew halconiy, ha vas neolliber uran l inte eîby, *9eare ,vii1 woulil psobablya -bave lesped luto the bol.) ho sifiri, "foso auoh se bail -hia sfà êria stret ; but miether impelledhy thie yeas, micenejoyeîl Bo mauy llg!hlsome- sudu speales ci terror tuat somelime urges anai gniefleas moments sasbimalf. fle thièrA ils violle over, heier~sy praciple miicibiel ne hurhhen cf cana upon hlm; tO&il1 ha olrinks Iroin, or by s natnreilnssg, tiare was noue ofl ,ioe questions'- sd fo*w'. nehisua, hendlng to*mards the gree hcen. coutingenciem viii lVa. future te be Bat- o aie ire cf bummsuity, i11mars ual easy ho 0ce- lied, wmmci vear Way asi othes'r ethe--a cida. Boti impulsas miglil bave sud rnuder lieus not-venhh hairing hyý-- bu 'ts wrougit ou hlm aeu ne. t-hie rary proiesa cf- providîng for theiîn Versa But bis oompauione, sffrightad by is support. In Ibis respect be vas a ailaIaimôs gaslre-vhicii mai lIat cf s man lins- -s cisild for tisa mioblentucf hile ex- 1. riait su4y ilu pite cf himmell-eizeal isteuce, b. it long on short. Iudeed, A 110e Cllfford's garmenlesud halaI hlm haak. bis ile seemeai te be standing stilil taI asel c Hepzibsis niirleked. Phohe, ta mionuspenleai littia lu advance of chillhdiecel, c al extravagauce iras ai hammam, buret and 10 cluster aIl hie neminiscencea tisan int sobe and leurs. , about liat epoch ; jutas, aito'er he "Cl1ifford, C2lifford I aine yen cnazy ?" t.orpom cf s hesvy - blar, lise sofféerma iôta- criati bis sgâter. - mvivng c.ouioouaess goos back te s sioki] d"dI hardly kueir, Hepziban, $# mai lhs, moment considarabiy beblidlie aie-. rlë il swaing s long iresti. I"Fesr notliiug aidanItiraI stupifled 'iM. RUE sema. >Ai .~-tsovr-nv-bui hadi -taken- 11 ni tm tù1dI Pliobe sud Hepzubaei bis, repis pimnge, sud urvived it, matinko il droame, unuhcà bcie iursiahy phayed ludbli moid have made me anohiar main 1"thie part of ai cila, os' 'a rery yong ed ri Possibiy5 l ine ause, lifford may man. Se vivid wera they, lu hîi ne.oceu hava beau rigil. Ho needad> atock ; lation of thoras , that he omac e edai dis' oea os' parbupu ha requireal le take a deep, pute miilsbis iar se te lie a-parllculur naini deep plunge ino thle océan- cf buman figure on print cf s chintz moning ing a lité, sud ta eluk dem u d b. aovemed drame. uwic be bail seen them malien tare, by île prolouinass, sud linon- ta amerge vear,iae.tn dreara cf tise pnecedsng or lise, -eobereoinrigoralea, reetoraëltoi l ebineugit. Hepzibsi piquing berselan saigopi verd nd d-l hfimesl. Periap, *gain, votman'm acouracy lu sncb inattere, helai entird hie raguired uothing loue han lie greal Il ta be sighihy diflaruint fraus mat sud I final roms.Iy-tieath 1 Clifforcl desos'lod ; but, ps'cduciug the. ploye A Àsinsilar yearuiug 10 renai tisa vary gem Ifront an ola truk, il prove.) tisa E broken links cf broîberinoa ti i h o i0 ellenticas i viibis remembraoae cf etohe- kidt ommaimealicirsd itosfin l a mi, -il.HElaI Cifford, ev.ny lime liaithie mcli ertobrtu; an.) onco il vas matie besohifal margeai out cf dreama 80 iife-like, for at by bine religion, liaI iay evon daeper undergene lie fortns'. cf tranalorma- meoTM -ihsu ih@eh.lu In heincident nov te he lion frein a boy lula an eldan sd brolicu Phl akolobsod, lin?. reas a lcuchiug recogni-min, lié duily neourrauca of the sock ad, c tion, on Oliffos'd'a part, of Ged'e cane voulai have beau tac mucii lebheur.- It strat aud lare levards lale-tavards tuis moulaI hurecasai an sente agouy ta mnaiý poori loreaktil mat, Wlsc, if any mortalthbniti, frous tisa mmnlng tiiigit, ail Eî coulai, iigit have bemu pardaneti. for lb. day tinrongli, unt1 betima ;- and a ci: regamding himial as tisov als, fr-ee ieuhonmoulaI haro inugled à aduit, thol gallon, aud 1loft toho ithe sport of sorea Iseutable - pale, sud pallid hua af upor fedoa, wvice.playlulnesm vas aun ocstaaY mifortune, vith tino vieiousry bbeaui moe ai miacitf sud adolnne cf hie elumbar. Bui the mot Il mai tise Sabbsbla momung ; oua cf nigbbiy mousaiine interwove ilosîf siti tisais lices briglsl, osim Sahbatis, mith i lse morilng mist, sud euireloped hlm likd cmn baliometi atmospiiare,mwban Heavan as lu a robe, irbicihoehilgged about oni eome le diffuse ilseli over tq hQs bis îlersson, anal esidoi laes -alitleo ohe z facs iu a solemu imite, no leuoseeal pierde Ilirougi ; ha vas net olten quile dclic than soiemu. On snob a Sabbath mcm avare, but ebept cpen-eyado and par- prote -more vo pure euengb hto b.cie mmedium lisps fanceea limoalf moal dreliming n d le -me sanlho Secosoiouiolisf tli sbsarh'Ien. Jdeep, maturai morsiip sacnadlg tirougli aur Thug-, Iiugenibg slmayas o noar hoie t ey frauses, on viatavar sotlof ground *a chltrhiood, i.huid sympathies. miii d"', etcod. The cisumol-baub. itInvarions oclidrebj, isaI keptis beartihelina freea'ginlie tauias, bol ailunharmony. mare cailiiig thareby, like à rasarvoir lete mui aligh cut, and ropoudiug ho ci-e anothier- riviots mare poumlng, mol lsfsar nmtise butj Il lahis eSuhibati 1-Tie Sîbbiati 1-' lnutaiu-iaad, Tlugi pnevemtadl , hy 1Ti Yea ; lhe. SabbathS I"-aud aver tie s sobîhe euse of propnlely, from demis'.1 Pbo irbole city lise belle ecattered thie biaes.ing ho ussecate villa Ibeus, he bovetiinter ecI ound,uair elowiy,nav mili livlar ev îbimgs battes' tissuta look ontlcithie typis 1 oy, nov oua -b4l- alane. nom aUILiahearched i mnstove nsueo a ltile girl lirem halls tegelbiss,*yittg oarnsiSy-Il It is ds'lring hem hoep alcng lhe idevaik, or boon tine Salibal h 1' sud lingiug taahei ant. rechboysai a gausrc f- batil. Tharis' ait] aer off, ho malt mb ist h ais', "d airel- voieto *êrèaine vry pleasaint ho hum, cira* vade Id vitin tie boly mord. Tin sà a,,hoard e.t a istance, ail e*srmiug sud persc Inh <od'as sieeheot anti teuderest sun- Intermimgllug togothe', as fuesdoia'a sow shin. ln it, vsaloeeh for maukinul to vuui4 rôienà ,-unIi bmoiae iteus- boarl i sud sent iît Clîffuird moulai, douhhlees, have beau' a.nmî luth agailu eat thersuce cf 1l1'yas'i glati to sbire tisair pÃ"rlm. Onea aIes-- muta Clifford esa tei doir, mtifHep- fboofi, oemas eised itI a u irrealulabie moe. zibaIs, vstehing tino ualgýbourd as lbey depims to bicioeap-btibbhas ;anugamuse- lune shapped i lu t bes'erL MAil0cfthein, metlase epzibain talaIPhodbs,,Apant,, grou humeers unspirltnal ouoties' days.,more that ised beau a favourile oea mlh ler terne transfigured 1 by lie Sabbathiinfluence; brother, vheu îuey mère.bath chilairena- ISola mc that tlir vary garmant&o-miesr il Beboba hl, lies-alors,, ai the arcioti nat' ver. auaiod maun% doart ocwatt mou mdciv, vili san'baikÂ?lpfin b'is diste br;useedfor tisa thounuth ime r a i'smiaula.1,Behoiti île, witinM.grsy. 11590 illie boy!s firet ",.-sud -IrSoi es- ,- es- ba n sd a van, umnel ajulle <uror Lhîm bei'J ishOti yesterday by lhiie ollseet nuisdiéecunlenance. vies-e olili ovarea i ai&ÂI~ -ied smevisaofai thé gqailty af as- beatiful gréa.. mnii ilimoorsteilly fcar ceusion, s-chia. wosth. 1hikovleu rous mt haveasckmoirladgad to a êplrlna iv&uýc the portâtcf hie olt houem, etappeti sud immortel. sinde ilbad si ervvdBos6se Pbcebe, pu#tmup hnuél<ssi t'long 1IBeobidhlm,- soatta4flg. amy.MȔt Osish, sud tlsilg iipwgmrd sà la s pheres arosaI, frombthe, Vmmdowi 110ae kir anaibroil f pmlgkiudueu ass hle the stroat hL Little impalpable monda bà 4a rsaw aille5. s dinia dai, olu bh e masth li s oap-bubbie, mih th. big 1 aspect tiers wui a famiuiar gladuaie"e morlti depiceea, lu hues brigibes lem- 12 . - suda sboliviense l you coulay mii sgiuehi6s, or-tise ua-lhlug 'cf their. ur. -h and yibslruW ii e-l$ uBII aï * ,fice. It-mue epridus tgIoo he lise Si», w tslihslla î a f red up ius *passeo#sby regardet i leasa ailhint tangue.,. Frash mes Plm.obe, molrovir- snd mae theadosi]- atimiphôre2tImagin- out suad a 1msut eeet ain sr4paae*, M alîfraburci-t em; 5ame ao dto thei -siiry s-ac..'deae4si Episodes cf a Law Office. - NO. 49à liat. Hepribab, tbnaugi h. abe i vabn"abie and redeemning traitsi, bada ev 1u, he sabusd cf lustic, b7 ini- oiilsg hersaîf o0 long iluoeeplae, îl doothen Comlpany han s 'siagbe - Be f lie-s, sui but oue affection,1 nae bittes' senae cf vreng. - Clifford eiadcr uay penias imagine, via nient ta eperule tuoraily ou.b.jsà lel1 ireStures, boweyer intimaI. on ex 1 iý thein relations mihlhm. But i syJmpetby br magnetisua among la poings le :mnose subtie andi uni- tl thsu va hhink . it ezists, indeeb, Sdifferent classes -of crgenized e muid vibratos freusoea neber. 1 mfer instance, as Piebé lier _i rhnIrved, alwsys began ta dreo ir4n Chifforde s band, or Hepzibsie a 3 iber ocm; suaiby lie saine cnverting icn whold-daily 11f. -ù jflev.r.;frsgrance fùr thèse tire ly-pitlebonig girl mue 'i il d ro cp a n sd fa d e wt ia n eii o o n es'r Qon & usyiu rau ePp ailtbes i laaiT no- -asd then r ged ' er hrisk iýapnleaï and breati- rdalsi na ssuburnhsu lk, an a-hez>aalong lha sliore'-had mionally seeadtIserimpule of Lrin New r lgand girl,, ivuttendi- a mnetaptsiialor «la.puiii e or viewing a -von-caile panorama sleuing Le ai eoncenî-iiad galne ýping aibout lieý eity, rsusacking re depots of aplanditl marchandise, briaglug home -a rlbbou-bý-ad eus. i rd, likowino5 a i itîL. lime tb read lBie in ber obtimber, sud bail an s 11111e more to thiîk cf hor rer sud lber native placo-nulces i gua moral medicinem as lie aboya, i RboulaI seon bave belda our peer ha go pa in , sud pot ou a blesch-, umoleeome aspect, and assume-, ,ge, siy msysi, prophétie cf old- îenblood aud a cheerleue future. 'en s il wss, a change greir visible; jage partly to bu regroited, al. - *b wbaiever ebsrm it srsfruued dwrvamepairad -by another,perlispt re pracimus.,Sine mWas. mat mBo cou. ily gay, but blad, ber- monde cf agbt, vbiolu-Clifford, on tha isola, h botter &Ian her fermer eplisse of ingled chlunbees ; iacame nov uderetood -hlm lietterar sud-more ately, aiad sômaimes aven inter- ted hum t1 hlieif. Hcr.eycesook-. ýarger, sud dsmkem, sud deoper,; se- P. aI some sirqut moments,2thst yeemed 11k. Àtanlen eln-bowai, r, luto liseindunite, Si. as a'lois& lah tisas wio env firat beisald lbesr, rîting froluthe omeshbue; legs ginlisis, more * wmuss. ""e on2lyontuhful mincI ihli vicb hae iansuopportuniîy of fmoquent. icourse iras thiat of lie ,dagnerrea- st. Inevllsbly, by îiiepreizsuba of secluelcan abotit theus, they had ibrongnt. mb habita cfo me Imil. ty. Hsd tha met ndner ,d.ifgaiult uîmmtaiuces, uehIbes cfthae» Young îue would bave beaý likalyho -ha. q,,momai thougnt.upozi the.othar ;- sen, iuadood,-tiair exirin.,losime yaeoulaI have proved a princal of Wii atraction. Bath, il la true, ae _obal'aotere propor ho New Eng-- - 11[e, andlaIpcssemsiug a common n.)', tbereore, lunltheir -more ex- ia deve1eopmauts ; but ibn. unlike lu rae"peetirp luieruors, aa if biair l ilsiadbéan-etaI momld-wd&, Monay securadthit l110 eiays cf ap- i dù pliosticu. ___* Apply ta JOÉN FARQUHARSON.p k tt Wliihby, Fehruany ldtl». -WHITBY, ONTAXIO, A Muas of 'gOlt LEA THER AND ýINDIN 8,81 M , O'BILTING mz ~TuOUODER aos THOS. SLEI GHi RLOUSE & SIGNT pAIN T ER, -Caowavba fondastIdils fop,- 140 DOR8 WST.OFÂAltUT4(ONWS UICUy RXOTELa, DPIWP&B TRBET. Eg'4li Osd5raps-oi4ptly b-ed to>Sa Whtby, April 14880 - M LUMWBER!_LIMER il~ LUMBEB MEIRCHb25I,. Ha, on limud a&argesupply of aIl 4 les Bas- LamberBoa-de oit f IllT -- -sâ BIlduigLlamrg .ae qntj ebi sud cantluga ledit Wlsltl ti A pbasuly,ýeltten arileI. uaumithi aico hoain-.appeaed in a late ulzmber nf liahe MeStlv. As th fel.ci dents aud.peraona,ýes are doubtles not un- ismiliar to manycf otar-reedero, wme xtract the. foliouing ..- 1- ,u nannwer ta my 'Oc1e n,, alu;' u about forty-.aIiî yars 14;of common Place appelrauce sud lucongrnmy ,drees. ail in weïedesuad raloura, madoe r'eutmy into my oilice. Hem huebanil bail A&éyý died vitheut avi, anaiae. sud' Ivo U-' tienubai hen sppointed la admin star. tha atate. They,uoseeierpreeenta,-bail- been rabbin g ber sud the estata,; -sud lb.e lawyer elia dialready enpboyed bailalec% rabad lber. I had' beard sncb -.-tonsies <4o miiolsale robbery belon., and 'mas not aI ail orerpowered by' lb. rteis)cf ber irronge ; yet althougb 1 undenusok, the.in-, vestigation cf ber affeira, I irs ot -aiver sanguine ci falliug among thier.aa. I neyer befare had Bse uch tnbie mlii s clientls I istd vilber. Han lîu4band had bees a miser, sud diedr a mise-fabie deatli frmn a aunfoil af green vegetabies;P- nd sbs was equaUly avarlioiué- This, couple ia ignrance sud suspicidof leveryscY, reu- Éenred ber anythiug but sun angel. I s oftan deluged with Instructions, informa, lion ail1SUBe cuicfmouey sud sicunites 'vbicb badno exitence lu lad> uwhich i.ad been abstracicil, suds I frequely psid no atiqutic to ball tisaI vas said, as eon several occasions tcld, me mii. Lad lost confa- lence iu me, yod althougb I sougbdta ish eellevedl I could not pet nid ai lier, sud vas oi involred in lb. suit ual I coulda Ion e- tire froin il mitiiout causing iser ions. A suit in Chanceny, bowver, vas tac mucb for, ber sud she susacumbeid-ta Il sud jauný- lice. By;hervili seeendearonned ta dco n. good actian n upriding for tb.e etblivb- mnt ai a fçee Iibrary lu her native, tamu. Out of Ahi. aroenu extéjbsire. leligation, ilustrttive cfoeefcihe. iny anomalies caf lai. Because aeh. had ne pemsoual 'prapo'r. t' excepl-a montgage an tealetale, sud >ecauelie bequest entafied the. =eeessitY amusnq ncient Sux alu,-Coittlu-,a suit -minch abai cobrougit ou bebasiLf sen estata. lb. bail lent'money ta a vomnu ulicut notes: wsre taktenfol teamount. 'o necoveër.lie anounticf hse lici ezecu- :rsuanilthe.defeudatputIn as net-af - inalle up of services reudIeredý aitandances during ier illuese, ata , ail ci idi ere cbarged ai au, exorbilSut rate.- Doning -lise nriai h lienntu'e caucal vas caeld.Out of Cauni'to go inta tise crimin'al'Court for a moment., Tii. defendaul, ,Who'- wu'."s wSan, haîtjuil gene int e ii. imus'box, aud nolier coniel' uked Mm. B., ..another sounsl, ta goacu mih'the case ion a 1ev- miasules, aethe nMme lime puutt'it ebisa bande lie stalemeut cf lie set-off. -Kncm.- ,lsg. very 11111e about tii.caeMn., B. Ihoughlieb.wvasta reprementtise plaintiff aud bo rS.examine lisbe "defepdant -s ler accaunt.,sud, afler wruningis oee aven il sud observ*ngtlisexcessive chnrges. ha preparedi, n . ball. Ha bagou bv ask- lu g liern'a ssarO e- 'toe:' "Pray -snho belfpeut yuenta makenpteu .. Ce-acelit r tovijw ssish emereil lW> a-ampsar sire noe, !No eue.' Aiter-, mrà g-to, be ba thle âoisnges mare ourgclle began 19exami ne 'ber smerel.y upos tle Iseeei ilaiiî. - ThU roisil ic er tom- pa- na site- pitcheaintemdc ;un sd vie rsa. The,-byslaudre, and 'judga,- mie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~B thve-leerr .-msIlm a-' -