Whitby Chronicle, 25 Nov 1880, p. 2

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Grapas andiOa stnsiut1LSnaw Laisous Auns.i Qa»ge-.iiR Snow. Mort nWbokois, tlone. sausages &o.- Plu gosiur-B. Snow. pol%bool-Wmn. Brna Teo Csrlrs-Wm. Brume. Harprs Magaine, Hnarpers Weeklyi The taIrdi New orker. Situations Wanted. *Oyter Parer-Mns. Lugton. Portrait of ladton--.ýondon Advortii T-he AiLsa Line--QeGo. B. Yule, Afent. The lBut Paper-Scientilla American. Mortggesaeof lands-Famswell & a ugle Vsy=Gooduslilng choap-J. A. Dougli apeclal notes-J. A. Douglas.. St. Nioholas for December. (Jow ltrayesi. S ervant girl antesi. Dresa g $-B. H. Bryco. Pure-R H. Bryce. Mantie aioth-li. H. lhryae. Lonidon Weekly Fr.. Pre- Tho Mauhatan Food-T. G. WhLitfteld. Farm for sale. l3rinsineasl's eianoa-Spesiial. Cure for horsedlsoes-T. G. Whitflsic Speciai-J. S. liohartacu & Bros. Spesial-T. G. Wletûeld. AtTOTION SALES. Cisanoery sale of tise estote o! lati- Dennis Dnllea, aItishe Quee )'ilI Oshawa, on Satnrday Doceml 4th 1880. L. Fairbanks, Auctione Mortgage sale of village piuperty in On voa, o', Saturday 4th diiy of Deo., 188.- Faiîrbaenks, Anollosseer. Chsencory sale of first-clasa faita lu Township of Reach. at Ray'& hotel, Whsit on thse tt day of Deaombler, 1880- Fairbanks, Auctioneer. Sale cf f arm stock inmpiemenst, &o., R. l&5oe5,.ton, on lot' nïru àVvcn, Ptckenngon mond Nov. 29th 1580 L. Fairbanika, Auctioni ONLY Si Se PER ANNUN Whlîby, ThQrsday, Nov, 25, 188 A Great Paper-Clsnisîmas Stori.: Flfty-swo Colurmos. TftB WIITJiy CHRONICLU FOR Tr J5OLIDAYM WIru TWO-PAGE BUPPLB- 39UNTI A fuil Ivoýpage anpplement viii issuosi with tise CscsosuoLs during t isoidys-commencing Doit week. epeolal (sature wiilb. thse publicatt of intereating Christ 'ai atons. à vertisers requirin M re, space % rachoblige by han i g lu theira noUlâoemants as abri%, as poqsib Spocial terins cari b. made for aptes t ise holiday numbers of tise CnRosesa Tissis tise igit opportunily fer a vertisers. MUNICIPAL ELuETIvONSs.- àa. tra effort i. being inadeote induoe.Mr.1 H. el4lngs ta oome (orvar sas a e Aidis efor tise naoralty. 110 îhg oseghly uuderstands lb. asassin question *;lunows exaeiy boy tis@ 1 @'"merent ougist te b.eqsitably adju ed and tbe[pte of taxation levers ansd bits readfknowledg, in this resps lu wWall sof munîiipal mottera -go easlly, woold'provo ot great services tbe intersats of the corporation. Thse reliing Mayor, Mr. Harpsr, b certssioiy bean a greot a.quisitiou thse uorporation. Ha bas fil led aIH tl ~ositiûues of Cocnalon, Reeve, aI f aur, asd in ail discbarged the sinti witls osu Intelligence and an ictegnil eleservlng thea bigliest praise. Aithoue retiring (rom the civie board, il laig odlvsntage 'that tbe corporation wi sit bhave the beneofit of hie serviies1 a position for visicis b. le @misseusl wfill fiutsl. The Town clinot bave batler repsi caritatives btistheCousit>' Counil tisa Mossns. King and Gibson, if tisosoel tionsen agatn cone forvard for tisa erosent Positions cOf Reoeve aud Deput R~eeve. Rotonarehel s .h4Misesteoi in tise 0count>', sud hein opinions carr veigist asdare Ilatellesi 10 vilsrespeg on lh*. Boor of tise COUnty cout cisamber. They are Ivo ocilh. for, aslosl and bhastbusiness mon ta th ins mpspvansenl cli mit be Pc.t p oued. And it ts not' becausa lb., baPPOn 1 b. modsud 0paîd for il 188<> ,*OcenUsuil Ofthtie vPneseu cf& ld lbe *srgd itsatho ou Th9.00ou Atle but- (air le stshe pr-o-tis4 ii> osblis sonons r, h, I ex ei4ueà w$blu thiais ctrol. I *effý wththpiiig tise fileatpar talsplaw e4 e-the ocýoac ia yfOahawa sud thse .Rsllwsy iHtensioaa. f Protect 14*ore Manufactrs Our 041 s'.t sUr5.VIO5nir sup, Thse foilowing is tise- way linvisicli portst lisheexlvsc r'~n 0oSîu cuns.y tise OîsssWt Reformner t akes tisé Oshawa -R. 11siwsy, siasLf(l tc .di oi'eof Vsndicator teatuais for thse orookesi tise lratecîs Lu Uxsrsdgnf. Tise frieudiil. courpes of tise latter paper. boss meind ouliglisecsid liiesiity os>thelise uosr at issue we leok tise Vindi-. people of Oshawa, wlsicls thug s suds ex-.osifor tu Irak for sdvocatiug a duly an pren soscssepsci s cei-ceai, ansd ils oditer. ussabie to, onsere ansi asi ti our 5 , 1erLtss, ' je ,cretisl' oui article, tries tu avoici the question abl tuOurEtiitu tcn a âcttginl isatissue lsy uskiug an ettucis Opesi lhe ainsipieasing te tise peuples of Wlitby. ws.nacgsnstif tht, Josephs Hall Manu- 19 eiitils tise riglit spirit by wii acturing Company . *'eo onies upon er. clommonstios isaving ermul inleresta tise Pre#ssulsnt of tise Hall Comnpany sud shoulidlbu aaîuatod. NVP segret, isOw. ofered hini the use cof our coousnus for ever, tIsaI Oser enfrs'nss bose-uhl i Sd a ropiy, a lavor whiis ho pelitel>' de- sige canse fesnqtiatreling btistwoe-u (tisousevs itsced, sayicg tIsaI uotjsing liat the lnaa etiselituguage sleer ly essaIs in for. Editor of tise Vindicator could say warding tiese cheme. Tisere id ne nessi orad isi jturbhbitasi te eligisteat de- - for Ibis. Wiiîby oc00p06tise good viii grec -that lie wonid col condescend 10 cf bots n lulb. intdntiOn witbOnl O nepi>' ta eue visoinhe. aonaidared b.. tbougisl cf topping 10 wigb lise word. neatllieuanotice. He saisi *,No, icotlise iicistheisere cruaoose tu essiplo>'. paon fellow l'fine away, It amuses him and doeen't 1"Sent me." Aitisougis the IMPORTANT ARRIVAisa AT MAPLE SEÂnO manager cf tise Hall Company May be F&no.-Mr. stolsu Dryden M. PP., ar. indifferent te tise aluns and attaoka cf 1 ried hmerida moningfron Qu.Ibe Vindiontor, tise realdents Of lise i. nves hoe, Fisly mnnin, (om ui-tovu do not %Il fell as .ho cs. Tise busc, with sir beantifulsi iorîbornu, lotus. Hall Worku, &os i. e;l known, la the ly impantesi (rom Seotiausi. Tbey coup- oldeat, langeet andi moit important prise foui beifers and Ivo bus, froýrs manuîocturlng establishsment lu tise tise celebratesi Cruiksank bisrd. Tisêy Place-, h lias poisi ta neldents cf lb. ailsplndd aimas.cf oilntsy * owu alcne, sinee tise pre6eet manager tise are alcamedd nialhererec [-moeatisan tbree millions of su'a meti>', ansi epreseutatives cf tise bas lis t paid foat year, for laor tber of tisae fai,.ilhies from wiîcis snim ]é alone, fifteen or tveuty thonsausi dollars se. have been brougist te Ibis. country a d more thon siny otisen estahiisbrnent lu ha- a 1,0 n $,0.Tho tise love. Tise tovn connot afford te -L. oldat I,00 asi 1,20. iseo whave tise Visdicator oppcaing cur mcml importations wiil make n vluabie sa. important isdsestny. Ever sicce - tise tise sillon tu Mn. Drydeu's uow (ar nousepring cf 1876 tise Vindicator bas icel tb , isrd. -sec oppcrtuniîy (sd bas aveu gene oct ~- Fer mre lime pat tise sisontioru n- cf île-way) le puif tIse Toonto Reakper leresl voulsi appean te bo scrnew at & Moyen Cc., for tise express purpasa thse negleabed, or aI lost groving dull«in of aiding its agenta in obtainiug huai- qut artera. but vils Mn. D . cesltiste detriment cf lise Hall Cern. een n snob1 boasccl Ieen tîse case. It le ap1y. Oser attention bas be caliesi ta a goodsigigu t Bd. iutise face cf saie lb e foot ne peatedly, andi we have beau diffscullice, sa emiceut a breeder keep. asked ta cou tise Vinedaifor t accunt* ing up st.eady pregress. If le weliTiser. ilao lange funniture factony in #ove lisat Mr. Dnydens aite bas been Bovmauviile andi aise iu Toronto, but net le produite fane>' pedxecsl cattie, the Viedicater neyer (oued occasion ta but those hoast fitasi for Ike preducotion pufflthe"saconcerna. Tiser. are mai. l. of beef ,-"the grealeat qussutity of thse leable irnu onka in Montreal and __boat qoilIty" This was sow by tis a marilton, but visooven beard lise use- o succes usntis how ring. donlng lise bal dicalor aay anythitsg favorable cf lt'ese season, o animais bras! by hlm, whiois estabishmsents. There are manufacl- vs bava been cailesi upon ta obrouuuus. aniesacf agicuiturai impienienta in a- At oun ave cont>'exihiiton., vofludGananoque. l8t. Cathisneus andi Mont. eue beading bis closse andi anatisennmal, and yeî tise Iisdicator bas neyer comiug lu second. AI Pont Hope. tva foonsi c6sion tu speais velI cf tisem, 'ujg stans firaf andi second, lu a lange claos. let alone puffîthom. Tiscre are manufact. At tbe Industnial, Tononts>, anotiser cries cf general achiner>' ail oven tise (avuesi by Mosae. Watt> stoosi final lu Province of Ontario, but lise Vindi, hie cloas,, sud firet se beat bull cf an>' cator, if il is avare cf lb, neyer vent b. &ge. Tise &ame place vas avarsiesioct cf ils way tu recommens tbern. the bim aetbth Provincial, Hamilton. Thene are mauufacto-neeaof bay rakes and Aa Ans v finsi stil oilera necardesi as soesi drilla at varions places ini Canada, la"ng final prizea at local shows iu tise ansi yeî lise Viudicalcr la quite obliv- oouanty cf Huron. loes te e act. Tliere àre carniage k.d- lu tise animnale nov aecuned, andi makore even in tise tevu cf Whitby, wiIl skfely losigesi, ve ana plesaesst lebas-n5visosse înterns are dear ta tise Vzndi- aun- withont accident Of any kiss, nt Mapie oator ,and yet visa ever knrw-theVin- le. dence cf bis détermination te keep op Carniage Works. Wss are glasi le knov b5 Ise the Pttien cf tie lisardansi of luc- tisaitise Osisawa Nalleoisie on Cocu- Lxs. self as a sisothoru breeder. Tise ex-.pany ijesloiug a tisiving and prospencea ad peu'3e ansi isk cf imponuing sncb assi- b naineso. So long as we muet endouse mals, and tise expeose ansi isk incurr- tise N. P., v. are picasesi tonecoucf ed inle eing obligesi, unsier tihe presesit ise monopolies il oreatd is iocated iu quaruttine regciatious, of iseepinse our town. We liope this establishusess nIR thusm at Quebea far tisi nontise, are viii contiuîle tao presper, es-en tisongis W. of tisetselvea ne emalitemas, anivouldil, liussas sias-p compc-itice te comitenss an- b. sufllient to doter ioseasucsicsageour with as tise Hall Ce., ltse MoGUi lMenu. o-breedens frein emubankiu2g in tise bci. factcning Co., tise $tovo Co., and tise noeataI Iis tillte Mr. Dryden sees Massn Masnesfctrîeg <Jo. sut aiseaci cf him tise necopsety csf k.e[pint' Tise Maileaisie lion Works je ono cf as' thlise olutisoressep ta tlÈe ù2es ini sci Stise ran-ises ot' bisitiîer its ici tise1 lt. bri igg tthotsecocnutry tiseclos., of manager orfthe 11.11 Cmpaey isiores i oâd anSUIatm nov neqcired for rsiicsngthgue for s- Crs s)ers tb bseesstsbisiiàfs-c-1 so igisî kinsi cf stock to ilaet tise epont iu fuel 1le0Issin s-es ilItue n hlm tis tise en- demausi, ans iita ste bu isopt-d tîsatli-s works sire i wse. %V p leies-er aiiow- tu- ins-estruent vili prove ai rsmunenatss-e ei politicm e neerwihOrrot1 as bis enterpnise and stibtiic spirit (IL, mtrisc ili rsy of tise factonlee o! tise1 la erve. love. Il luseDot Messie tige cligîstest1 ta difféeneisco te u vlSher lte managers b.i Tien STRMOe F $ATURI)AY NIeUr antd vere E-fermera or Coisersaires ; vo asi Senda>' vas listi les@a severne liss tisaI bave endeavoued ta premote tise inter-1 na8 viic swaepl lise -Lakes tispêusesceaof ee-ne e visaIss cornieciouan ~>' ack.Ail res-ousmaufactung businesslivrus. If tbe 'ty wee. icuog tise Lake diessters are Vissdit-ai.r waesnabetle 0 snwen 0cm an repontesi. Tise scisn. Gseph wa8 article epesu ceai ansi voosiilisasi no i besie about a qucarter o! a mi)_- cast neaspon wlsatever ton attooking tise cn f tise plan, at Freuoismseus Bey. Sise managemsent o! tise Hall Ciompany.i vosw bounsi Irucu Osvego fer rTononto Tise Vindicator elseuisi issuabove suais ansd)loden vit)> 400 tons cf ceai ic«,Mn. 5a cournse, bnt, pocha pi, afien ail, stise re- P. Barnne, Tite Waveo Cre.! e aptain mnasager of! Ibis Hall Companeya,ilIt an Taylor, of Toronto, lies betweetis@ je au veilitu -jet tise ponr "lelcv fine M.&osaI tise acrutotscf Pickering isarisor. away, il ornuse@ hlm andI "dson't do a hois vaas laon vîti 8,50toua ut ceai, mucis barc." tromn Qevego, &Loc for Mn human. She wu v a ttlesi ansIpont of the. cargo taken ChanecryFall Sittinge. P cY ul, to Bave <lanages (nom porucicg an -Il >t tise boîloun. Otson veselis ver. ne rl Tise Clianei->'Fou 8Sittings viii apen0 ci amoeaon lesas darnoged, but ne ives l-morrcv (Fiday), butora Bis Lord-r e- venu l. Mn. Farewell, Count>' &b. aip Chancelier Spnagge. Tise (llov-0 se torney, vas called tle Fnecisan'a Boy i:ug ila aligl of the cacussbt be huard, !y mout nabihl làîn u2é- oft In li sabiisi'hasn unssr oat 1414rilliauttRPys fia4jinluaven>' dire. Hoasa DiTzn-ss.--1Te is sa Ocupalt j Stien. - wtsnmnhlfcil, Çeayslde e , -o aTOps,~ O E. c! m ensce rmeaneaIf n. ieal d Il ri ta ld nases FroscisMithell cf shao aompaned bm-litll oeaaof pulse; a le ad ame rrtlOO itI,,11,of shaaduschearge Inom thie joue oere y.; a cat vas céuvictesi of. Lks milralter ogiseaeero ;,aS dlcnuntteof*p frei poa-offa. lkingmail petite, ans)d .sIr""l ogi.-A. bihe0 'r- 1a-of baxe@# loft open b>' tise varmis, a 1ew namua asise dosesof d Isu-boisers, ansi senîenc*4si ot re Wiield'eEpîdemie Pcvden, viR epeedl>'tc st yéam n atise Paetaiguiabo-ne Referma. effeat a curer le tcry-'. lhe îbsft isas been going on fur - - corne liaI., tisthegreat aUnoynand G Seil.bi Mlo"e of ltsepensona s* ai-at Q.bas) been fileises),The lad vas cct. - nG~ermn Fait Boots long andSi shrt5 l bd edonbisow' gnfuinlto nsecti ot. Wu Buxs, Brook 9tneet, Witily. - -la ena.aspco To Cunnsa ui o tise.-Te enotice-.ad Ï,Jsisrecoiveil, Rubbor evaehboas -ý) nr'R '1f4e8tslaQ.p ii. Grapes, B. 8mv, -w- le vissa tise foiblàowes~vre inotalîeil A anialkeo egb>yeêq-E le -EOomp. ilibrenuan '-EIL COowp. P g n hîknýs ,put Z. ;EL Cicsn m il 17.Bu. ~ - ~* - ~ lmand a aiA.lif ,11.a,- - "Ruuniug a MuaSi," Tise edito cf lise Observer la nt fan' otra>',wviso ho describes tise recent ocînogeonueattacha 6f tise editor of the Sfan4dcs, os ernning -acuk." Here la how the Obserýcer petis thecee- "LIt ma>' b.eoshef vis>'all Ibis vii- ficol-Ion of, Mn, Nem 2 The cause la flot fan lô e meIs Neddy is cecf the nesieet of tise nets)> andi la evarlasting- [y slippieg orounsi bat linibandi, ansi iseartlus ments beggiug fur pop. Ms-. Natt got tiros if tfhsotorment cf Ibis "ieecbiy' give, give, ans i vtbdrew bis patronage allegethen, beuce oit Ibis molignoul abuse ; ans) tiese uibbien'a situ is tisa o*legal iare'"man gel tbe oppoinîmont. If Mn. Kaît. veul) chan- tisen vîis wipa tise "légal bore" min vauls cisastise lise pocisetu vith scorp- loua. The Whltby CiinocsLoLf a couple of veeks ago teck Naddy te o si for Idea eucnlasting visining aftar ibol> 1I ielp, andsisarplynebuked the ingrate for bsisfeulîngrlitas. e lismgénéronua bisuefactor, Ms-. Paiton,-Tse Caaosn- CLE's rebuke andsi vs couuai vere meant for Neddy's geosibt huie1 rosult shows t tih ie Ozuioliî hasilbeen Icostizsg hie peanha before, &a." for in isa lent issue Neddy sels hie sonlishier te abuaese hNOiLE iunmeauuretl tes-ms, calling hlm alupisi naines ansi preiendisg te osert -.Sisal the - Cas- OLE isnste mean ans) lime ses-vin; as Nosisi>'is. But he Secua-os fllyub- lime visestise CHunovicssu.Ebrings hlm op etanding before bis patron ansi bone- facIor, Mr-. Paxton, and) caf. is ild- bs-il 'luige" for hie- ingratitude. In ansver W lise rebuke Nesisi'vrases in- dignant andi nenslesis ingratitue stiil mcre diisgusting by pan>' tireaia." Wby lise chanesu are tisaI bnt fan the bonevolence of Mn. Paittourtse creature saigisî bay. heen sarniug bis breas) frocu door te sior-if sucb a mode of securnlug a living con ha called "can- lng."' Wien Neisi>' as expellesi, ne- moes-stfroin, arovded oul o! an bail le leave Uxtsnldge, Mn, Paxton caine to hie relief giving hlm $200 ln uasinsd ha- counlng respansible for titree noIes of $100 eas, ail cf visich ho eds)to psy, and) (uenlse- han Ibat Mn. Paxtons gave isic au office iu Port Penny rôtit free for same eigbl orlton years wviais vulsi ha equai W ,anatiser elgst hiundresi or a tisonuans dollars. Tis locha mach 11k. substantiel assistance andi parties vili bave no treuble le decidin g "iscv mcch Neilsibu basoeu i pecise" b>' lise transactiaon." Tisa International Regalta. z.àrcoox TRI vTNNxE-wALLAoxaROS SECOND. Tise final béat cf thbe-Intenational Regalta vas novas) on Sates-da>' an tise Tisames. Laycack van, Rosi second, Hosme- Ibis-s,. Smith wae ill and) dU not show tcosidvantnge. Hosmen baethie Surrey shore station, Rosi vos usaI, tison taycedk, vits Smuiths eusthe Middletsex aide. Tise weatsen vas cusor ansicals). Tise pnlzos are £500, £300, £160, auss £40. Raos ansi Laycock fosilesilaisave Chie- a-osEyî ock tison teck tis a os. Heao Col >won oce to Iut but won tise r0 huecomb.14.0eiy, b>' tven Ibuseglea, un 21; mie. 48 siec. Hlemer vos a geosi 110W TnUE RACE WA5 itOWsIsc.-RaSB gsss ti e st of lise ats-t, but wasalmo8t suisnediatel>' posseilhy t5rnitis, vbc, besaever, retaiussi osvantoge oui>' for a vs-r>' aisnt distance, Boas agolupasssing Isi, -ansi opparentl>' leasing eseil>'. B.foe HaàmuernmitbBridge vas roacises Layceck auss Eloamen bail bath passes)Smniths, visepassas) lisebridge bs Iengîb e noor c f lthe tbree clisens, visa weme aItisaI lime op a les-el, Bos, if esytbîng, honing asivanioge. At tise Dos-es, Rose qulakenies hi, pace ansi gainrd a&bout o bongti (nou sem-r, ache vos olscauatieg, and)loft La>'- cok alsiof a iongthb ieniusd. After pasa- ing tise ces-non Eayocis 5ev oupandI overisaulel Rosser ansi Bus. Xlvas a mageMeiaut rue.. e l. yot, abave wriicis o fout occunnes), Laycock paaed lionnes' bridge, lbree lengthu la fraut of lise ethera, Tise alleesianci vos large aussi lie voter quils ahi!. Lay- cck'a vicIer>', viice la entbusaalicall>' -eceivas i a ttribalesi ob isa apenier conditions. specia. Tise, Irlis Troubles. Th dily prose nf. bath- continents devote man>' oaiuruste tise dotaile o! tise Irishs Troubles, ansi le ail sorts cf publie ans) privaI. -gassip, inuixg lu-. numerable reporta e! outrages, speeches, anneau sana proaoile anesta, proaecuî- Ions, &a. Tise folloving la a sammar>' cf tise budget. Acoounto receives) (nom venions parts cf tisheunIsr>'b>' agents for prsspenty repreaent tisatishe country sa stili more diolurbasi ansi 'lcroralized. Tise cern- binotion agoinat lise payaieut cf nent extenda ie odistricts iitiscrtapeace- ahie, ansi tise erronlem vhiah follove aloeul>'lu lie vake of tishe ndiLeogue la ateadil>' bneaklng dowu Ibe opposit- ion cf lb. lav-ablding clama. Tenants visa de nel retend le ha unabie to Pal renaomeel the iandlarda defiantly, ansi refuse puy mars than Gnsffti'a valu- alion, on w s oinecases decline la pa>' aI ail, or demansi arbitrary aboIement. À policeman hou beau abot ansi vosusiesiaI Weslport, Causnty Clore. Tise formnera havs combluses)andsi vii prevent hunting thiÏ saason. Mlêbael fouîtt5 returuesifreintise tlcitcd States, bringa a tender cf 1h. Ireedan cf bthe cil>' mode b>' tbe munici- palit>' cf Chsicago ta Parnell. flavitt soys bie wos evenyvsene wvol receivoil. Tise publso opinion of Amenica vas nus- doubtodi>' fovottrohie btiste Iriis landi unovecusst. The ýAmreicans needesi eduscaien on th. miLbJect, ansi hence tise necossll>' of haviusg o epresentative of th. Leagne in Amenica. Tise Lands Leogue muet oulopele vitis bie lands- lors' a'gengocf Ihlansiand) Engians ius secciin tise vorable apinion of Amenleans. Tise landiords yees eed- ing copies aofliseir Journal» la Ameltican papae. Davitt al.êbe vouls i glu bis attention to eombaitleng tise efforts. -A good sisal cf vork bail je1 to -hodoue in Amerlos. He theugist accusptogres bas) beu made tiserta tatlie inteneat of tise movernt çeulsi vol suifer b>' his absence. Il vas important to-lise meve- ment tisaI Amonicausu siousisi hécon- vinces) tisaIlise Lans) League dis) net give tiseasigitsto enoneragemen$teb outrages. Tise Warkde cable -despalois as- Âpreisendiog tise selturae! pensons ;ans propent>' b>' tie Govsrnietst, tise members af lise Landi Leagne have su- vestes) tiein ene fonda lu foreigu se- lcunsîlea. Tise Observer in ils lcading asi- itonli aays: - As' Pnxliacuent ha&. not bMu n ummouesi teineet au Decembar 2nd fer tise despateis a! business ve ra>'assme -tisaI lie Cabinet are nudeoldes) negardie; lise questien o! au sari>' sssion. The polie>' of postpoung coeWnie if possible, util a modifieation cf lise présent ayslom. of Irtis baud teuare con bc tineil os a remedy- for lise prevailing agitation ansi disoontant ba ouleigseel,iluthue jndg-. ment cf tise Minisîr>', tb. argumentsi vîiis preseutei hemselves ius bebaîf1 cf immediale action. Tise ceunir>' vii ,not b. diapossel b cemplaluof tsde- cision. Tisa present conjoncture ln exceedingi>' favoarable fer dealing sith 1 lise landi question, and a coelatory, 1 polio>' ougist net te ho mres) b> a pro- codient suspeussion of civil libertieos. But visilo accepting tise Goversent'a decision as n-Isesudni saleamentike, wvo canriot icar> lisehope tisaI an>' baud1 refornu,howveen cmpeiusaive, ean poseibi>' ehvst-e tise es-cessait>' fer o- enclive égistatioru. Tisesiestines ansi as- pirsitiona cf theeIrisunational i 'r:Y eesus-sifitr s-yend an>' aîteriocn cf t),-, land lenusre. Thisluivoive dtemans t incoussissie-st vith&tise iutegrity o!the- Britisis Empire. Tise foot tiuot isese decuende are snaob os nreat, Bu-iis>) nover voalci costeasu 0acoýturisie1 comspulision consftttsDna eaaon vis> vo ghou-il net reine ny reat griet-- ances o!fvisiis àInelansi bas te complil,à but viseus vsbav-e daue &I tisatleuis-c lotioncona efell eol o nstt asaerî îlesà autisanit>' cf tise loy ansi the snpnemacy Il ai lise Union. TistaI ucaiaeticuseacon bo mode vitisoul a moeo or leua pre- t lengesi cuntatîment of lise libenties of th'e Iris)> ple kbue mre thae lisepast irene aloietete;pst. Tisa Observer is a modet'ats Liberal nevipoper. he Vatican orgiLn. Aunera cleniea lise sattennl âtih ie Irish Diahope pope, auss saya bisaI neitssuntise Pape non e th1e Blabopa aven tisougbt cfpr e. venîing tise people frein ommist ahieô legitimala satisfaction of Iheir ueeset4 provideI*lise>' do not doviaLtn frns jus. >l Tise folio-vtng ie the- iI o! a sertes <of lettesa son tise pou cf Mr. J. V. Hutî.-Hie bis-el>' descriptions ans) observations on visai ho sa derng hie travelaoviii ho ounsi ver>' interesting. Té thse Editoron /fiteeWhilby Olenon,- DsAÂa Sin s- Wisemieus- oldrbbue friens) Farewrel, sot on bis Xaatern tp tri nÎe Gnaose- mOLx, I tisosigisi 'dgive bis a goods) tari, an) bisnoue st myseif ansd meel hlm somevisere on tise ise- siâ. cf tise World ; but iso nover voabld make tise roues) triplus 80 daya. Wisy, lhota cul>aI omo vo>' station in Vos-mont afber veeke cf suces- saut troue!, if yen, 6oleve bis lellens, and! lise>' are nct supporte) b>' sidsavita. 15tanley vos a pretty goos) discoveren ans) thé Livingstone efoair asuifficuiltjob, atili ho isadms't beon tls)o! Farevell.. Se I giveonp tise ides o! eue- meetinglmtr, ans) taise tise uo 6ige %rsWest, wvus o tineugs ticket for FPrancisca, ans) tiat cita, vils mueaandsfperl, mat 025 a sla>'for lise moyn das-a. One is mate lu Iaking on>' nord tW Oma, visera lise'Union Pacifia Railva>' begina, andi vhene yen pa>' 1 centa a paon) for ail baggagoa over oe isunsresi. Ans) et has te ho pois) hoo, athe Itmunu ar efnlly volgse),ansi tise sl no use o! briilg a baggage-maates--not Ihat lise>' are aboie beiug sabsidize), but lu tis case iIs lwasted fonds. Tisen com- menaes thse longe tireacuce journe>' of 2,000 mlesa at tsarate et about 19 umiles an Sons- throngs a fiatnnterostin country, netS. lug tu releve tise dsin di ex panse o! prairie, ansi lie culys-cisange uste rantise grau oust ofthseBockie eage bass and) Alkali plaine 1111 yenolmis tise Sienrra Tise view cflthe Rochles la very disop- pcinting, sas sceth e rauai, tisai lh ise naorcel>' notices, andin foot yen see nctsing of tise Bochulea; es-on ai Sisar- mon, the isigist p int on the N. P., aome 8M0 feel mum, the a i 1s$>'locks undu- oalg ns)ce stores lu vaiu for tise issge moantainspiatu-esi sudtaughtintl h Tise noaniaisre ail limone, ansd if yon vautt e lsons, si àvoyage ason thlie pulafreinstise Misaouri. River inuàa prairie schooner as thsa isae aviidyvaggous are caieâ, la lise only satiefacter>' vay. , I Woubd fnel aduise tisaIttip, as bfr yen gelteto ansi lbnoisgb Califes-nia, meu- laina becomise eeful, tleiukly settlesi; (aie ?) ands) ometmsetiois lh the eantis h-a-'t ba esaped, tep quite se boviaisls. AI Ogden, lise Centrai Pacifie connecta, ans) Ibis ta tse gettina off place for Mes- nondon, ecapItal Suit Laise City, 80 miles vyasi vison yoa gel liseraansi ;etsrtia cf tiso Aikali du"t mca have been living lu, y yens ya re opones) relvide. Imagine a city almeut a Ihousanil miles tram an>'. vie-,vii sos) elpve) streeti, ans) a S-foot sttes ci cfrunneg vate- ou eaci aide, tees Iu gros# profusion, fine stores ans) canforlabie résidences, street cars, ans) aIl tise lseuseni conveiees aàsi n- forta of civilizatton, ans) ailtheme lenvisot van a fev years mgo a bowling vildernons of ali asd sage bruash chapparai holveen tse Wintos ansd Wasatchs Mountasins. B 'nigia ole and) hietslevling, ansi irrigati on, neeemos) lhe dose-t andi mode il Aimait a Saon rdon. By' accident b. dtsoovera itsa au>'tro luinto tisis voiles aud lmagining tisaI lits visereabonta vonld nover be diascovenod, or if so, Se vos wme fr fs-on liseStatea t ne onevoalsi eue- nobast bIm, dttnuete os-esate Sis klug dhom coaloîlui>'vththe lerdi,con Ibis eantt, thon andi thora. Ansi is dia, electing bis- self isigis muck--muck ans)trouen- or, ox-coffsi reces-e- cf titis, sud as 5e made nc e tausa, lu the election lanage a! the States, ne ena ove- vont beis)tise retutua. Nor vasi l ade for au>' «Mos-mou te scake bec mon>' enqui-bu. or -allier hlm- self ai-eut tise Governusont. Bnigisau vas a one-mau pover c! about 10,000 hise- paver, and s)i tile bcd>' gaurdd"tse Dociles", obeyed os-sers aussiaiskes no questions. Soeu oucf lisefaitsf nI bgan te talk tee mmuci -cr made itmsolftee prominent, or oisicizes) affaira tac freel>', a le-v Daniles colle)ce- hlm sa-ring lise aitos-ucon ansi auggeateds)ihavas noewnte) in tisaI settlenent longe- thon Ivelve heurs mors, asid lue bas)boiter lbave a ste y vers aIs-aid seme oee osiid bus-thl.bien. o lt, sti as lise-e vas oly onie roai ag te join lise oeesan) tnotl, theu~somane Dauttes mnageal te meet his hoforoe s-esche) il, anti Lus-cri vis ees-e elti Brigiaissla s), asd the rail-cahsand) ins-oastisssthtie gentilis have broken op tiIs resrsion cf froce pecch. Aothas- poculia-it>' i the oonderful ulsseus c f theo air. Objecta miles ava' moute close aitSou-t Dut isorsesooe ta>' 1 want6d te ride ove- te Little Cottsn- voas) Canon, s-hore tise celubraiea Emusa Mine ta bcstesi,&aseaitilboois!te ho alhout 2 onrIlhoure ride, I ,coula) hard>' believo us>'frienda atatemenst t iilas nome 40 Milet aae>' Ft I coulasiasetise lices, sov waes)orevices lu tise Canon pleill>. I vas asteundel. Salt Laise, 18moiles avay, ta vonts seeiug it's almeal brn"-Sbas-rais of vote- evapo- rated pi<suslae. ean e cbarre! <of ualt. l'il not attempt tculdesconthe . aste -I foit s-o negleatmg tW aum u>'iottisvisn l've tinesi soinative drinks le atrange ceunis-i.., but comspulsos fl inles.tse rase sba ss xtunace Hoçve lu svaimig wovn£ ansi vaSed ont tilt the-ovsar vaaap teMy'ihi ,bhn sverrI tpplad sd thare 1-fiostw ~Ovin; coth 5e sit>'of ltha vaten evanything boots ans aisa yun muet."Asitbat's visai etrissa yoa fInt ly vimenhiid. unLaks. useso, o fev.sosdrýe&lmiles West, ou aven>'. bhing u ie tIsai lois. sins, sisingles, ~vnying goïa tae helltons. ate alt ïke ftér tti aa&sore, yet- aiS1eai themu ",for- a onit o!cisitaý calsovr ouans frs s-onethlie vilsi bhonghml cam ttussa bisla is te place Nausshmdssl sis attacs o!lepros>' asi cou'e cagistIl.JOHN. NEW AI)¶ER] N-EW- NORTHI STORE 0F CAMPBELL'B NIEW- BLOCK. VALU PIANOS FOR THE M19LBOURNE L ~ EXCIIBIThON4. - Tise chie! exiiites sof Britishs piaoet the forlhocnsing Melbourne Exhslbftton viii tse célebratos) Brin cf Mosans. John Brin. mord ans) Sons, vise, b>' tie wsay, ai tise ne- céub Sydine>' Ehibitien, gained tlie ibighst sans d as pecial montion ahove suisi onsinent drusai Sleinvaye. and) Chicua- neo! Amreica ; Erard Boyd, Conseil, asid Paslmg, of Parie; Ceoiselei>, Biathne, Gimihor, Asciserbeng Lipp, Sohiedmayar, Boisis, Nesimeyer, Nesfis), ansi Holing an) pongenberg, cf Germans'; oail Pch manu, Wornum, ans) Ciappeil, et lingoýn. Folloving tep tise sucoosses tise yhave gem- cd for out country in Sydney,Mitfer. §ah ninotameas) as)bons pro pose te evon lus- prove thein pianos, even if (beieg telis1>gh- est)te l>'cannaI..impreve liseir poaltien, for I4elbcmse.ÀA ev veea age tise>'gave apublic rocital ai Si. James' Hall -on tise piano fortes tise>' inten te sons) te Mei- bonne, Tisse piaos are net specioily mausufactunesi for lise occasion, Tisey are, ludossi, tehuen "Ioui o! stock," allisoughslie>' are doubtesa among tise beioutogasa. John Bninsmoa) andi Sens' ordina>' mas- facture ; suais,lus short, os are net expreasly made for exibitcion, bhas are sel) tes generai publia. Thso firsi piano is visai is colles) a "fiX- concert grand."' an) is, in foot, tse piano uses) for concerts. Ib is ln u a al case, ans) il bas varions patente) improvemonlaslic ve sisal precees te siescribe vils, as fan as ibe navoisiance cf teoisuicalities. 11chseek-repeater- action" allaw escs note te bee soundeil ai rapiil>'as lb.elus.a blest pianiat con play IL TLe scatenente scxudsng-boantl" aliovs tise isiole soues)- booms) te ho uses i nsica) cf only a o eali portion cf il, ans) il great>' improves tise sestaieing ans)oion pavpones of loue. Tise "aOouesi-osataielug peds' allovs on. on more notes, or coisns, toise sounsses) for a minute on more, tiseisammers ansi dampers belctg bels) froc u cb notes, visile tise oIson notes cen lb. acundel iniepondenlly. Olissn pianostlbe sent to -Melbour-ne are a grand, suiteble for draving-room nae,wih tise eonnd sustainieg pedal bofone desonibeit, ans) vils bridges cf revenbertilon ; a short iron grand plane, a grand oblique piano, tse strings cf visics are pinces) obliqeel>' ansi vbih) havie g obtainei a modal ai Pi odelpisia, is caties) lie "Coenapiat Oblique' an oves-strung grand oblique piano -wits bisa nevt>' invente) ton. nenovator, -visics vo shah1 pneaeniiy deascribe ; ansi on aprigist trous grand. Ail lisese pianos have a rom- piete trou frano viics makes tise piano asot a lite-time, ans), tisey have ai tise "ses- lenenia scnndng-boa-s" ans) lie paIent "check-repeater action" alrea)>' dscribei. Tise spocial Invention t o leexzibite) ai Melbourn lu, iscveven, tse patent tone con- pensator amis renovobor by visic tise pi. anoforte, visicis as hisierla ooen aI a dis- asivantage as compa-es ths Io t ingei instr-uments. ma>' be 10 uoduleted s) ite preserve o defimiae ans) equal qeehit>' of tons visics san eau>' b e n wed ai su>' lime. Lt asoulsi ho rema-kes tisaI vison, for le- sancme, tisE loue cf a viohin deteniorates tsmougs a g , or fron, otiser causes visics have uotising tW do vis lise original soumis- nos sad perfection cf tise instrument, lise sslgshave la obcaitjnste) W a dfferent frorn the boi' cf tise instrument b>' means cf a nev ié' s!freter iseigil. A sioilr eoUed laàpM cides b>'tise compensa- tiug rneoisonim l i ueopianos ; tse stng puis oven tise top cf tise comapenating bon ansi tisen on Wtisth bridge cf lise sounding board, ans) o saries o! serovo roguhaloteh position of tise bans as mo>'lbe requi-es)fer thse purpose 01 secsinug or nesonug com- plote nit>' ans) futteaa cf tos, tise as)- îuating pressure bar me aoalrolling tise pressure cf tlis trings ounlise bridgesa sla inunese or dinsinisisntahce. Il ts oul s diffiuit teo ttacs bo mach Importance te tlsa invention, espeolil>' il eau ho a-'- pl)equal>' v, olTte s.overstnnng obliquàe ansi upnight as aila liste horizontal grand Pianoe. An equal>' valuabte conaislesation s, tise foot tisot alter n y' eaoncf ser-vice a piano conatruate) on this principecon lu o fev minutes lbe neebores! ho lia original pnnt r pover cf tene. We mss Iy 0'alec.s)d tisai Messns JohnuBs-ins- oas) ans) laisf have, oving Wtiste lange in- os-s-ocf ISoer business, bren oligosi te c.,mueucetise building cf an extra andi longe <acter>' ai Kentias love. Thie nov fertar- will bave tive flpore, l40ft long by 35 l fet vice, dis-ide) mb Bff tcen vors-Isiopo. Tse ira!fvill forus oaucaguiticeut flattleo- slnylng timber, Ibis s-oct being bcing serve) by a lcyQrouhli lift capable cf lifting or boy- crsug ivo tons of voos). Figaro, Sept. lot, 111150. - Ns-v Dominccos Mcsrnccs.-Hon. Mn, Car-on andi Moussean vere ro-eiecte) on Saturda>' vithout opposition. Tise report cornus lu-m. Paris cf anothen attenspt aitithe Czar's lIfe, even norne main- tainitut hobas beau kUiedl. Sir Alexander Cookisure, Lor) Ciif Jus- tice cf tise Esigliss Cous-t cf (juoos'e fencs, dcs) ands)enly ou Saturda>' cvening. Msount Veuvias continses in active erup- tion. La-go arsofetlava a-o flovcng dowe ils aides teorde Naples. .81. -John, N 13. subanbal 2SO ls iof lise ssuflerers cf tse -Staîharlon mi1ne e xplô- sien, asd Mont-ual 52,8W.0,ILutise latter Vtlie sabsoniptions as-e expeatei W oisac el 00Ibehote tiseliste are close). - Lt is aasenied tisaiaItlise comiisg session 0f Cengresa a coustituticeal omeedieent vil! hoe suimiltosi uakiusg lisepresidential tens six lustéasl oftfour yeana. Ameeting o! the Impoial cabinet vas fu--er-po-ogue) tihitise So)àcf-Dcember jbe Gleho Hobail ~ tuIbeOo~ Wedns~sdaY, tl I ~- o/Dl BUY ANYTHING IN THE LINE 0F -DRY GOODS, CLOTRING,ýl IIATS,- CAPS, FURS5 &Col WITHOUT FI1RST EXAMINII'qG AND? KNOWING THE PIRICES 0F THE ENTIREL Y NEW 8TOCK 5 z Q ~ s- ~ ~Appy tu- about t*eosw queste to Pra sud tilt. ber ai Box ! in due cour Nrov. 21h, 18eu situ a TYANsei is mordes) 1< smady-loA Tea- nees La co»rs ou ynapfl f ISEMEN"S STOREý t L 's t Please Don't

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