p T A T Iattentiqn is called NTIi~ CI ~URS,~CtMvA luJut A b sortment -of'Drye Goods'-for the .'Fl-'aII ùd 1911u N AJ~ .YL..~. ~-- troble Winter Trà det Co o asd the aa'rmn proc Piand ' pDIRESS O D -Alag stock to selectfom Se or_______ sý 1t cteanlear nG 9b largee o a.prdrcOfaThe> sale Tweed uiinsat 16o. C~ -denbt>d sinon 1 ~aactn taUUPVELVETS .-A1l colors in Plain, Embossed and Corded. ~vt muot igle re- . 01 a ailuro to > ( t >rti>M' (i>1 f L 'Vntt l. .lIw>sý*bubc ) asEt 1 ý5,O ykLl Io 7.uta. CASIIMERiE,.--vVe offer the very best -goocis at special 6 k UJ o Tz t R~un ouea prices. see olir 306. -Black Cashmere. Q NEW ADVERTISEMIENTS. MANILES.» AND SHitLLS.--We hâve the best styles, and A Township of Whitby! MILLINEIRY.--We so h tfshinbegos In EVerything -New MiFine Dress Gos motdti -SALE 0Of- Ontario. Our'Trimmed Hâats and Bonnets cannot be equalled. season, to be seen at BRYCE'S, at wonderfulyLwfgrs h ietasr-~ \TALABL FARM. CLOTHâING.Our stock of Tweeds and Overcoatings is ment of Brocades aisad Silks, ob enl hty DINB VIRT17IC011TUIE large,an offered at the very lowest prices.TT .. o'a d l nte B to B poe1o3 u eoutaincd ina artalf an ldltrclotae wihllePro- A 0ole ti nDressb aceu s>tiend lace out aak), there The Lar-r-i .-g-cti:nil o WUl baofedfr vblk auctifon, At 1Z.-.K' - ....D .L..rg in the cotuty f Outârio, onl NO. i DEVERELL'S BLOCK, BROCK-STREET, WIIITBY. in town. A magnificient stock ot Liglit and BIakMateCoh of !)'ccmbr, I " S(, a - - - a »s tbhe ur of TWO l0<LOCK in the>Th THE ONTARIO' BAN K. gC-Ten per cent., dis'coun to e nalfr atrth ae c ttrnon by Mu. La>'> FAIIuoÀcK, Aur- T hM A HT N e d An thobvainabit>forru propirty tormt>ry Fe d, DIVIDEND No. 47. ~ B E H> I E~ O R oteWollos eate, nuw orrupîed t* ereMedlard. B __prtofA_____ 5S ON BRNT ,W8lumeur . nd 2, an part o heIO5CODMET Notice ia hareby glven that a dividend e 0fw w 'lg)oi frrn ewet snmes Thrat> par cent. upon tbé capital stock of eu nt h th rum r lo n of the tom Pthi institution ba <it a ay been declart>d of itbrm orra r itabnta. ude u e P ev u i n o h r v i in o h nrn al er n httes ,hw çelam therota g.o u.- viilhbc payable a.b the Bonk a.nd.itbbachea tc rame dwelling houge, E>Izc)c)'JrIc'. on aud alt0r Ube itsab les, aheda, and otht> ont- wwllngga arpIy aufficimt lt tht> vanta cf TezhfrBosw ecoafo iétrm-a. goa wattlcd vator a.tb*bliehuse, Theh t a h ovembi h e l ost>dfc ~~ Spavin Cure aystilusivote.IOhNvebrnzbt THERE 18 MONEY IN ITP" IgdrdWraned. The oil l oagood D IiEt ON FT E M S M OaA TDS O E I OFT I G .OtoB rark cfertht> T. OUNG ENWho w l te acqure a G R E A T S A L E 0 F f K CD I E S G( D W@apoperty lima o tegrvi ui Toroutn, Oct. 27th, 188W. 198toh e ,hltby, Por thare ina et- We make the sartling>eouncnmet that &IÊNDALL'S Spovin Cure wUl curet BUSItNE EDUCATION Vhty otParty & Ltudsoy Donc spartnesand cooeplebely remove the> eniargement, deo t be en hos> islwny. Tisfrcatinae o cd sBe tê f man cannot ell bhuât tht> horst> ever b.d o SpoVfin. W.maka ibis statemenb, and 1.j C) mite tI Meurs. writedte Meurs. TERRI h aalivatin, and bu long beau ccwc euone> 't fih hAXTONtrave cpr stoemaxof lb t f th e> m o nt d oalrable i te . C on y o t g îve ts im ni ale rom per saus W o b ve u ne d , top ro e o r. a e e ât r P U B L IC axa heraby ca ettonadP T , pr p l ex et ii c - Quart. excentfo rîmi unt ural elare.mac<a ony kind. It doseacot blister _t aant ta.king or ueirotlatlcn thiat> Ttii ha de conditions are aaonabl, and l c e y oe t a oûq aIoO Tk oweg for spovin, aplint, ring-. >xmissry notes, ted at D iiu'C epLOKtII COMMEIIIK COLLIGE, W 'e a re se llin g o u r L a rg e S t c t> Fc y l )r s G o d 'a sMb ia e onat im talonorcon bon@. ourb, calîcua apru, nweltinga, gallo, lameneaa froan Whatever causes aund r 20th 18Wr cnmade b7 uE ptteu rs. lo P IC E :Uaint endor'. Solicitors. lu 1f1&letargemecta oftht>jointe, or in any port of the body orlimbo, and tis Bo g00d a.nd pcyobîte< the> celer cf tev. A Schust- tiAiU lama e ntic&'n ._pl.leute t " .u for cuba, scratches, woundn, etc. *CtDo nin okWhbyeeI adI1AI.Lx 10obaedo apictont teRu-three yearsalater date, lreapecttvt>ly. .-hlrh __________ ileer, or te For man, t lu a cosaptete renitdy for Corna., Prcst-Dites, or mmiv Brutat>, Cut notas were lest In tht> ctty cf Bellevllte onH PAXRWRVLL &h RUTLRDGe, or Lomenesa. the> 2nolday ot November. GL8MT 8 HLL,- Vendor'. Solicitors, W Wp have rocently publiahed o NEW HIOlSE BOOK. A reatise an tha horst> A. SHUSTER, B. C. mînttr, 'JJ-"'" govambr tu ha isasa.Abut50.00 av= ,rss-bec aal e .short lime ni the 47-ie Box 72, Beleville. -low prie. of 15 cents, or i% copies $2, And 0evry one Who sees il pronounees il LABOG]z and vrid Teek 0'bicf bi grà a WNE 1 tha st bock ever published for the> price. and may cloim itilta b. Worth morte am frSl r oRn. ba,îcgoe .edersoe oand, . f [tlWey W ANTED the foaleiohrhoy hae pato bà vd 10 goain e t e aednil, wibeAL adies i nk nday A OO O CEER LSERVANT GIRL. thocks o . c ho aepi $ n 1.faued aaisfacory.. nea ie 'M nk a i e t Ca s B a an uis7 N.A BON R. W. SMITH &Co>., Proprietors, Montreal. ACRE S, becbg roxponed of part cf WhtbNo. itb K18 . W. -BROWN. 112 > lots 7. I tht> lot Con.,oad atcf Q U .&' Rn rr . .<I en ' S at a -d D o s i n C p , tg For ale n Witbyb o 5, in thRiiud Con. cf the> Townshp.cf Q ALITY "~ZTP'I~LI~.Brock..St.rWhltby. Beach; gond Clay oxeailtai;ioge ESTRAY - T. Qu ~~~~~~~~~dont>, acd six acres ocf t.l heat In tht>e nj s05 psptfu Bcsi n rnhKd<lv ES II1 END FOiR VALUABLE CIRCULARZ .±2 roudThee>are gond bous, bor,1110 b LIMIGOO-JEWtlnlU 1tbtssesfncrOd o >c os~. hU ou boc, livIg str and f otehr, md go eihlot, N, OLDISII 00W, vlth whlta atrcak living___________of_________and_____________ Au onerrihe r-elono.10th con.iîer fthg e W D L TS7 M N B ise 10ocras, lot No. 9, lu tht> th cou- came e-ItN. 0 8ho.Pckhap e rin EW cfRTIOhEN cfwNl e ach , eahigh state of ultirOtiocU six &bout two wacks ogo. Tht> owner ta. a~KlGo' rmwuIB crea of tai uhet i, aned ail the> fou BROOCilE9a E tRUROVS i IIL4%TTI~ TIMNS qucatmd Ocu proveo perty, palv expensfes E _1_TU__ Z.ptonghinf done ; gond honmebarnsable> 1CARF PIJix, UTUDSa , Wholo Skins at i88lles fl vyuO10ae8e rCO.1an aid take ber svoy ; 0otherisea llbt>ii a tVÇST ER A RLO<~R. rivn eraec otrau LOOKETS, &c.. &c. aoid tu due course cf tgv. Wei' ~AA vl. No. iii> ~ JOHN RIDEN. LUT 'SOcr tro For fult portirular ap te tha ove, 18-CARET WEDDING Rixs, ~ ~ 40. MUS. ~ ~~~~~~on lot 7,1in lit Con., itch- 4IUHGL-PAE IWLEY Siuto aie. reinorad tu MAItEET Er LO" * <(.bb Yr oetPulication) 48flini Ashburc, P. 0. SPECTACLES, CLOCKS. ALreSoko i ns tl nhn n o~h fiseto. - SiutinW"ned rt loor ucrth. ALageStckof&I___e, Oytes evd pi very Stye. n NIALDFRTEEXTENT. Y aANexorenec mn wo -dr-Cigactonr, &O UPERORT ANo REUJADIUTY 0F 'l OOO B A.G S Electro - Plated Goods, teANd&xprlruci mn hewb o f drr-EN& boencattea.rdti n wil <ho teiiic-ctiby ov. 23 ___ T49-0.Ir erlen tib ,TA L RI G EPUM È T O r st ck himsecit georally neeful. AddreRm, H mnta"an oE » rRfl fth PATIM 49-ti J. 1P., Ciîutoaoccs Office. 'aaaLY >R&ics PaCUMUI % tEpNI aR xvzs, FOREsSmouNs, &c, o.mJVLCl5ALG - - 310811 Bmiel eprts iea ' ueteeeWEDDINO FPRESENTT8IN GREAT and Tweeds iti the la.rgest ever offere. Ovrot n utsgtu ite1w~ A r7 1% «n,,.,__ f- 1,VA IETY. LADIR8' GOLD WATUK-E8 flrnrtflfl. - ftm sIVBD. ;BNS'1tT1)rCe anTi -hebet syl b afst HÂRPFR'S MAGAZINE. IZLLCS 1L4 TED Cnala u tteai Bottes Item. ILLUSTII.4TED. su IFre ea Thia1coîuhir prodiw lla prt)-cttà lnoitlY o iDivaUid PeIMO5tmau iSoew Artie .'tiiiccyllutz tht> ouhlitclcit and c> roin, n lt.diOcr theThrn estern Neya h eer >cccmp d ccd Vtc, lccaion 1)cotlLt e .umlitoIrofidet- EveryNu, il, ccr lurniai,,c tir loti'ct iufc>rnc- ;ecuiaciag ntamenid reSr,of'thcr alc-t duict- bIct whloh, tabac altuigoetî r ail0lm of t<eliond.in0regairdl t i Icoic ltu tdrcet onu cr,e vti Amiranmd cthem lice>l cc,,-llci>en,m. ic. mat service Ou <lie largobe nuuuttr-l long cgo li>i<iiithc'udi'et ailcd Ulict acuiiea c'i 'ttc-rum. mih W.st>OMCorrcap>ndeUM.c-c.» cc- --cilc-"ld'(4i t 1 if0,1 I ouIl -O udt Que crk c-it) .>mrtive coacrtccleà tlei-'icîtutlimutlc m ilc) Oaxtendd rampsac obcieer> cacd pciuted ,itc tcc,î utitalIbe,> i uid mletarc>dî.c-t> rcotlal socurcesccm all <8 torceil'Oqemi%, ouci PRICI, $1.50 A >'hAR - POSTAGiE F510. furauire Jr !LTcc1ul "selcFi5t iia o lccicl ciil iocaîrlemlC. tcc w£5Sad l'caai Camd g«r Spaccmcc t. FRm' Es- Aiis. Jr, vc' eic) t.il. t tcrtiliil-â tus s td e c-' c, . ic-' uitiCattoutcure csudirut cctg therol te0f ane i"y ieYr --A FI A I? )eR R-.Ç DfUEE E SSt FRInli N TIane . CrriNitu WN, cNpie Ainsrle. mwilcl, uongczPmr(Iî'ucof.cie îutliib- er lis tîlci iîriiîtlîurcugily ronc-riot wth hp dis alc tic ;iubliai, alt,tu>'Win. âpars ouie ffort %e latity. HARPEr#BS PERIODIQ1LS. aitrftI'pm" 3. Iuiti, Ctcc"a-r . .... 84 tic lluii,L'c',m o.~ nt, i Vcr . 4 laxc Ileoi-.-0'm W'c-c:Iet. iice 1 iu.-or - . 4-- 4x) 'rbe Tenus ainià Lva.ablimatiouc,. Ocm ear te Ait)- Twaatoc-c.' îî ,ue t he a im . (X) ec nllrmrn 'iiiPepl'eu, O thie Yor . - ------- FRE PRS 1<1NSC0 onIOT iIaure~a MaOSINE, lue '<i-or - 54 tcjscctge IFree.-t-. &il tutiec-rtcc-rutc tiremUnitedi nlit i Wuc, mICX .Onet)c ,e 'cr . 4au ai tue--or Cccucilit. I>Atdî.st'N ]" . .t.(D4' <cic i4l) 'lTheîIcIuN RI alc,î I>-mttltrettOna. 1 Y(-r 1icc(X) Tbca 'Icllic-e cclofthe Jicror Ig ilii a tth<cmCO UL Aly'Pwo aooca actu.d, titi, Ymr...._. "d NIO' tnt N millier fue Jtt tucîr) Oîtif c -ar ie.Vim l{uni-,n Vqotc i 'accLE, titi, 1m.r.. 15 io'd'ici c,, t u it icet b e l iI-c' uU.lî-rktcic Il'oagaFeue tii al aubscî'îlcc-rntu <ie blultc <10tItci ),Mvrila'r wli'sk<eolficcic owh Statetior Concila. 011e Ntciior nît citetiltc--riirrýJlt ofl urilc. UCw ThemtAct EcirAii-uil Vcluuri f a clwir'o i MI * - The aclîîxîr, of lii->lcc'celc lc iî 'c-hOu < 13171o,,tir li eai uic-i-tObuld-inîiO.1a11il1cm-ut t,> uji i h ?Ncnii'r forcJiii,.- i1t iclic -ciîclci'r ocil cimii>',yur. ci ilccctcdgc- luii,, tr I> c-mirtt. '-fri. of ex.i- 'atîcti riao utcelm icicllid. t vc-l It t>c- occcîcci- eii».e t îrcc d.-tî- itc'-frc-îgtl cc iotueO î-î i-c tioli <thtice subcnite ,,ctr Otml ittiOi ti9rhrd.ccc .1- 7 tt c urrict Niic ccr, 'lclrc f or t, >c> cc.- iie titld. ocr B -c - A ('îîîce iet c ' sîî >-c -mcc.ci.vI - ccci, C à - bilitc.UV 0111 lie Men t' iit I.iiiil 'ccttic, ot irtccltîe CiVcclcia-4it lit -li t o t cc1(iîc i li recilcl ut $1i-etc. e soniut l'y eaprucat. 0.-c-gc.> . 1 -,,m lie r- i 1111117_iiclc ce mc- c ,iih11c clia . c, tail tt.>1c- ic Sc.cic,,sigie x:occy O itoicr or D .tic-uï.<c ou,. cancof TO for ltiit. , Mcntasl'y iiil, )i;Oti)ai . Newt>îcuîccrt care Icît tccciii v <his adcertlee- 13Y1 itcc,,,jtticemcicioild bt. , Ici ,- n y Pet-Ohc runt wittuct the exresr-oirldr o ut Hro JUtiV re-tr -cr rait. U),acci-cclc-e oefiong. lirotiiars. A,i-rmat c--\ocroare uait tic ccil' ,, ci irtkoc,- OAltlt idi)iEO.MmYrk <lin i hi rt creuis dccc il le.t f I-ii ut --ilth -< icicTtiEaIi. AiIrt-coi--.8- IIAIOPE It & lltt'VHELIý tS, c"rw York. 1he best Paper- îry 11. incir -___________ - -- )EAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRÂTED.- LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, B8TU] BZ ~ ain, GLASGOW. The Soientiflc A'merioan, ~, A I Ia n I.. n CTas SCoxwrxumC AXU1AU Je a .large First- oweved A lla n in ie C Vt>eoklyNt>vpaperot Sixteen Pagelia, 0000 utintdtet>muai hemutifuit style, profils- »aod I 0F ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. y iltstrafad cith eplemdik «;gurcavigSi>P- Thci resaontlng the nemvst Inrentions sud tht> tomia mot rucent Adrncees te tht> ArtsaMaiWi, .WLNTER SERVICE vxA BOSTON AND Sciencea ; lectedteg -Nev and Icberetiig bush I nALIFAX. -ftcta bi Ai'culture, Hortleultura theT> e Huma, Ht>oit, Maedicai Pro@=r., â 'midi SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE 1 Science, Naturol Ilistor D 0Gcalogyi umy. The> mnt raluabla procticial paperO frc hy aminent wrltars l inùl ai!Paretl »0 Senth cThe> Staauuhips cf the Allan Lino aat> Science, jicllbe found in tht> ointldc Arnea0' diptrhbed from Boston every Wdueaday, ormosu. eg oabliîg at Halifax on Friday, sud wllt teave Terme, $3,20 por yaar, #1.60 hait YMa, cnT Ballaz evtry Btarday. vhleh Inludes pcstag>. Discount t'O ceas T10001OUHIUTEB ]PROU IT m- aIrr iâ ]BOSTON Agents. Singie.co ia, tan cents.-- dti y audh ona IULIJAX. ali Nevidealers. Eait by postal -aorder te bain Cabin, $63 and $688. 81, 691 &Ocrdieîg taMUNN 4 OO.,Publishers, 87 Park Bey,110ous1 maonion ci stterocin. Lover rate for re- New Yrk. - cnectci T c -~ ~~~>t>t>PATE"NTS. wj tht> Scieu- et loest rteai.tifia Amorican, Meuret. fun & CO.-e. pixa t AT55 Cu7 sAOLI4. Solicitora cf Azerica ansd ]1orlga Patntof."i i'olynmoss rom Bouton, Du. lut, fh-00Hall-bava had 85 years ex trit>nce udancveart> h fax. Dite. 4m. the> Icrgest »stahliahmcnt luIb oila. .iu~ luoruca-lon true Boston, Le. th, troci gOafai Polenteaore cbtalned an tht> hast tereti. À * Dec. lii. ,ý Scouiolise truie Boston, Don. l5tb, frOUL Hfall- apaciol notice,'s ciade iu tht> Scictifoc A=- mu fax, flac. 1ltbcaricon of 'al1 Inventions paUtethrt>diod Circlssîcitirie Boston. De. 221id, troam Hall' Ibis agt>ncyi iwith the> noms and as idrofgli e faxu, <te. 25%h. tht> Pateetet>. By tht> imense circulatiOui e Itrdînlan freinBo ston. Dec. 290h, fro Hlal- thusg ivan nubile attention Je dureeteai te . je fax, Jan. lit. tht> menîte o the eew patent, aca mates or -t c- tearage paaieligers are forvardt>d <oLon- introducton oten easiy efeoteai. daudcrry Belfast, Gasgv, Quteutovli, .ny persoevwhobus madeoanev dlscvei Britol, ~ardiff, saaLondo Kc a me rate or invention, aco serWsn, fruof 034718 Tm as lu Liver1coli. <erted whethmr o patient con prahaib etane- Porïiap wshing tb send y biigQfu. i Cc e secu rau obtin tickets ob loy rates. frets ouir X:li-Bockk soott<ha PtetLava, tpo Par tickets and furthor information op.Ply Patents, Careals Trc-mà 5ûst ei loot, li an -sd hboy proccnreâ, vitizto esfor "'ln, lh GEO0. B. YULE. ailvancea ou inventions. Atidreas for tuét> hiru Expresa andi Telegraph Office, Papor, or oonosircig Patenes Whitbr. MUNN & 00,87P.rRw '> c' Whithy, Nov. 22ud, 1880. <-s rcliOfceüo. l t t 0 Wa.blngte, D.C à SIJONCRIDE FOR THE -ff onf «RURAL NÈW-YORKER, wk WW, aren -- For the> North, Southo, Bagi andl WOatSc This éilaodicelwlyIll ?- eussions tof tht> questioci Otht>dsyt as l!ARimsEIi,rRIUIT-GEtOWFRBS STOCIEN, , y tu metraon-vblel0sà Tepttped blml'N>Soli uà iAIl)EnEmais, DAILYMEN, 3FL0RIST1, lbout artiste-buai avbYexrtdamo tpoverc- Ms Yoom C&NNOT Â"FOUI) TO-DO - W and beoete = 0 ut>eim theu WViTHUT- IT. - ,in& Tewelto t nlenewl c SOODautiîfui tliuistratflona re "at red~9flent> - , THE FIRSI AMERIQAN RUSAI..AUT*IOrLT1 Il lins clOnhted fres aonon< 11 gtitxribers Ti he qep sema t the> mou% rlanb ve tiltof l'o plantal oltralo c% o N - - Vi VW Sead fer SpecalmeuonC u les wfchll post *e b8jcccc be frvardol ti ï Mato, orc c ésent rusuciandiPlant Dsrbto A S K T ~ O B ~b-H OT h e V ol Ta-crfmor tihute oarySt c a i 4 ilà pure inTon@$ c ~- - c Le 1 y CHANCERY!. 'LTIS -vs. HJiNDERSON. iSUA'NT TO AN OIIDEII FOR sais icL lu <is cause, tlem 0.111 e noid, c. 1>cubtof eorengLil. Dart.nali. c- &£îc.Miterof <bis Court,-at 'Y 'S HOT E L, -IN IrelI- Wc 0F WHITEY, r LEVI FAIRBANKS, Auctionoar, At TWO O'CLOCK, ou th> ht Day of Dec.a 1880, hbeaoternoocc, ît>e f otioviig laeds sud preiiesi,ibcee parcal: îg the Wen<t-balt sud the Sonth'"aa .r ut the Rst-half et Lot 2Sucber cen, in th> Secondi Concessin0cf1 tbe Dhi, of eah, exceptng cea igare blt tht North.vestonugieetheaatd&LoI. Di by Charles Payne, anti ans eîghth 09c or aituate ah th> Socitb-vetiipuet of Lot.- ire art> about Ont> Huntreil anoi Four- acres clearecl, "adluae god eta"sai- xâtion, and tan ocrea af god ha-id veal lnd. t> Lot la attete outhre 7084i IIg I .bytP« o0 n 0", dt> à of <ha VIllage of IMunchester, and- la of the beat vbtat gow'ing farcislathé be Loh is eiltencea i wth gcod stug, ir once, otereol vlb-tour gocti weWs ias, a tai femmehohse mada frat-class as ondl stbles vith poil ston> reel "M o gbt arin traiùt t>& - u aa dwg1 lbesolo ilsubj"ecitiio JAMES JOHN8TONe ONE DOLLAR PER BAG.- et2thtO.Prectic lWhiby No. ith 1S01DOMINION ' The only Sait fPt for use in - - curing Meat properly. N E . .b vu< F" I EMENF .- Kr C. C.OC THO%. LAWLER. OOsi-..and OHu Wbthy, Oct 2U"80. . BUGGIES, BUGGIE8 -AND OUVrERSIP LO B OT n , ~~ ~ FOR SALE AT TEE FOLLoWInG >PlumES DtmTfiGTE NIT 8 DAYS.: Deerlls lok Brock-St. Irc>u s.. ~PlaoBox Buggies oait 75 1s I Po seif Srlc Ge'to,., 16. $100 9extra foisheai bu Iî> eoonaii-band stin uesbgt>, 2 ld 1 «th Brewsterb Dcorotsag=st 5 4 Pigan d u'ide bar~ ad .J7LL.LV J. he be tl sd pei iuse - 73 i- Pano . C O t ~ l8 R ond ock Beggies - 75 lb ohotitoie Oa SgePhotions, vith cblldIs sbat 8 $ConécaiuiiPt. fronuit uterast 0 Infcrni customers that at tbe abo-ve establ trunciadvth Icather, not imi- 6 Ph tons à 4 . 4010600 1.110e - - - 190 6 Debie Seat ýCuttea-- 000féuand THTCt ltGEI8TBEBTc, ana FINEST Mss 1 Ilattorm iprmug Mrket Wggqn, .algb - .-.< - . vitb pnelbc-OM Scndatr~t - 25 0t Do n't be satisffed witb lookiDg at th<e dis s ejw.EIw be el c xamine suddaefor yaurelfî MAKE TU WEÀC IlOULI~ 11 te aoya ew or*Made of t4 best imate>rÃial aigurneede ory;than. tucan be'ealled for ini theoOt antd 8 RSPAIRXNG A TTUNDItD TO b- USBUAL. Misses, EGents &na dC1ildrcu's wear.. -- -- - - ~~Over $900? ururt/a a/ Ococrsees. ,TLQ1 eSSfMofI .43wPa0tîe Oef C> m a e MW M 'W Z.1b>90.1 T I Rubbwr$of supei*r qu«44 F-: - W#[TRYNo blow 1 bgOWe.uitu is sraitinfl'tI7 IOJ 150 100 au ,O1S_' boas g1o ç5 4has o av 5» 4. boci.anc STiATIONEIÉ- B JOOK g g g a 4 I i 4 - 1< *O8hawà and DarIinltlna - ,RUWPTO, À DR]IB AND order of tht> Court Of Chaceary, mode ie a cause et DULLEA -vs. DULLEUP4 jre wil ha e isla, witbtht> approbation cf <cceeryar»li, -Rsc'. Master ef tht> lurt>t LIscrýDa r aut, litby, nt-the' J1IEN'S î-ITE?,it TW r OSIAXWA, oce IT1URD)AY, the,>]FOURJiTf tY0 - UjILE BERA.D. 1880. tTvo o'lock te tht> alterupoc, by 411 irbonki, Auctionueer, the> tollowing rve- able proparbias, lu ah; pareeli: PAIOL 14 o. 1-10 IlttMted ponth> South ut cornar cf Albany oud 81=00eatroeas tht> Tovn cf Oshawa, and ba. à troutage n Abany atrt>et cf sevon ehAins sud thîrtY cit an ac frentoga on Bicoe itreet of- erme chains and sixty-fcur lunkean sd con- dai Five and cequartei' acrea, ciore.oi as onchtbtaparcellan n large twa.trOY rià x da'eliiug bouge vtth large iLtbnhldifge nd' à gon orcbord, batug tht> residauCtl cf ho> lata Bannis Dulles. pABCBL No. 2-Adjolna arem e. 1 on hit Soth> aide thareof. sud eu o frontege e Sîmce atreot1cftbre bchaeud fotty- ai linksaadaodeptb cýf savon obsineanmd irb linkosa andcaasTvoa sax.lenth &ores, more0 or leas. On Ibis -parce is ta a >ld ri-m deliig bouse sud large barue ind a oo orebard. PARCEL No. 8-Adjotne porcel No. 2 on the South aida thereof, and bu a. frontoga on Simecce street of fire ohaîneansd forty- fie linksu sud -sdeptb cf siensuchaînaeaftd Ibixty lich a udccntaiuâ .ttke.A -sOt u& nilcety-serein t>huudredths "cf on ocre', more or laUo. PARCEL No. 4-:&djoins porel-;-9. 8 on the SouthB ,ide therof, anda o a ontà >ge cn Simncok streat t ci fochains.5.5Ild forty- fore licha sed a depth' cf'seven cbaîne-sud tbirly links, sud cactalua Thrcm ocres sud'- ninety-seveui cneýhbeudtdaîhcf mu Lacre, mmt orlacas. SPAROXIL No. 5-Adjoina on th> But E arceta Nos.1,i2 2,band i sud lbhePisatsrly hmit of tbt>scuh-iVta teùýcr>s cf Uot Noà . lv, ini tt> Plït Conce5esi o f th.Tovc"Ioip of Rust Wbibby (nov itet>Tovn cflOëb- sa), asud 4ouud>d an tht>e cbby 'tht> Southiily Ilit cf Albany areet tlà Prospect street and frou Prospect.strest' by.<lhe Southarly licit cf tond'eavut>yadbytht> Uoc Cocipcy :,th:zabti t lof soid Lot No. 1 0 ch> telr e'hsid Firg Lai No. 91à MinaliConcessionl,'wid ce tht> Eut,- baline parseitai îih10tit>t seset, fore ,bs. a aterIy trom hheWesterl iraits aosaf Latl<a. 9 tu tht> front of thie sali Concession, sud on tht> South h.b~îe Bsa lineud tht> Nartbt>rly iett BI taaiScnth' veet in >acrei-aj mc oetis 5lÊly ocres, more oï,iean udComprises au t lie londe avned bY'-thé:ZEstOeof tht> latç Dencia 1Dulles nesid Lotst>xt>Pt parceis 1 %t aud 4. This parc e ubjecl ta tht> xlgbi (It .ny)aoto -open Proetppa tre Io ro>de v iat, underc-mans remecttrhlch viii 'bt ôdoeedl te lirescf sale, This a-pslt> Iwelfeel5O d a the> souoje - god, ad Je wt>1 situWinalluth Town cf Os. 1PARCEL 1!. 0~-(Compriit> ail thot part of Lot Ne, 85 ite uhe nd Coucea4sioli -of the 1 -Towiahlp af Daringt<mla ovned by lthe IRataIt> of tht> late, Denuia4 )GUe&Acandin boaie on thé North by 110 itoult>rl Ãœ" lof the là t>k runuulg tbrouagbl aid lti I Àdepuhet>WÙiO' ±yhe -,Vatoroy »tit cd Ssald tot, on the South, by lnds cf,%W Lkre. pouanunoetht> tat ;by-laund5 of C, %% sud coais ThrtY4the ansd cusei actes, more or legs, ta distant fromVsbsvw > lto sud one-hal inDes, and im ~baimiccuthb Kingston *o d the Bazeliuif Tht>&ai] is gcdelFkyio loa ;te fenees! a*e tood , th ilwelltbg bonteis grnll sud 01l the>ore Jlai a'ueer-laihui# areaci - bEackiparce tUillb a frt> Ter ialt>a a1b J ect toa aiservbi f o y-th satrm .-T hacadtinio-id-reth -Stn ier. vliu béo&>m tAn, The Veudx due or fursils eonces et til t 1 alla là tordmi the 0tuancgcol r A ctO an ý &"ýlw ýsne lýý çTow JLWýffw -et k't thou t Ni