Whitby Chronicle, 25 Nov 1880, p. 4

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Youn fairo eovneatwho lulove. ht The greatoat nutzmeg evr known met wlth Cen anythlug Ihat li. heu bhoe &blosa- lng ? Yen, e haie fllioaicoticin. ."Loasofa eChine iiaeketehlp 11, exclaiined an abS lady. "Na wiîider, %ithen iran ciiol areu't always sale 1" elephnt fo atéif 1I cai i llouver the key-hoie ta his lruuk i" A querrel an the Parie boulevard termain- ated thus one dey recently, ta the amus- pesi of laughton, "Menaïent, ?I mnot, I am a moinher ai thie Society for Proiecting Apilmala." A kbnd.heeniod but illilterata livery stable keepor, who conid notlxbrnto ecteaebors. in- treaied, uxeS ta Ray, vitia perfectsBinoerfty and, as ho beltevoîl with perfect accuracy, "yhosstilibty to thora as abusezsass har bta me, sud cames as usturla as preathin'." UaNIND.-Boraeee aeys a NewYork Peaer we tentureS lust veek ta Introduoe a lw Latin varda bta a paregneph, jusita malte a litho s1how aifl.novledge, s Cantemponry quotes Latin et us ilua mont foroabona man' uer. It sîys, "'Nihil fit." Who ia Nihil, wha Sf5 ho fight, sud iuhat diS lie fight for. An 'embuent Amerbcan geullemen, vue wes villeS ou by e nomliuting camaittce et bis rosidouce toa sertil if ho would se- AIlli tleitke a dx'caer. itdan't goemo irue 1.usccc.-vc.prumpxy i nie amfirmative. asbeo Fat r u& oue an moherlef, yn Ba, cIt qualilied by "baong texpeinee." On tho l'aiiervieaix, et nothr lif , Yii 00, cmiilie 'viabing la know hie expoene - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ te 'l or-atltlcNoeaSni ,,7 informeS tha i&i-Commencod an Ail UV aemong lhe gloamy rails vo trcw- bis wodding-Say, and liaI bis vmiedaiehot Lutked lîu full ait, bost wcshould vancicrant<arereruueheeprnaheg Wîtla uutiing but a croît ' bruidtetaoit, liai ai ileo ut. seprine e Wu4il nLei.ithur-chevmd for pour folk klouzo bt tSeueat aboîut Fortunes lienS, oaym e paverly.atrlaken tIr soil cheixiluddse ail enlefreitreet ta wx'ilig-cnîstar, fa remankabic for ie heei'y Y tî ' tCdown-simakee. YePersan, titre vas pleîsnte fresb anSd skopprsysIe a i h faim,AYakepprsy htntate To mltethe imepas hepllyup tior- pris etc an for vomens trightî, but the me- Ao stembhet geaîglso a ppiu thorliSe, rîty are lu fer marmiixge rites. A pigeon llglîiiig ai tue rouf lose by, Sane people lave ciblera ne nxoch botter 'i lie .-parrows toahing littho ane ta Ay, thaientliimnolvee, thai they are veetly niant 'lue sînîl white muvcug cloudS. btuouo- concerneS shout Ibeir neigbbours' affaire pied, ibma bout theoirau. finSt lliaughi whene living ln the bit oai eky- A Ponune-lelipr ini New Orleans udtenlise s' laetalike ibese lt ga eeNdtiet ahe viii 'foretell the past anS presceut. taulee; siti-n ss>. eil ase thefuture"i lier paitranasdeire AnS Iion we loved osectesi, ai a er od u l«'eenag, petlering cpon thb. tues, There bu a gentleman out West vlîo iL n AndS I vaswu&id te au e hi lbi 500v alliug, tender-heinied, h lu s md, fixai lierefues le hlaltiu the houatapu white for miles au isie mik because he vouS bu Sepriviug miles, thi nnocent caltes nfi i. And catchila aeur lite banda lu play, Ami laugli ta (oui fi meit sd slip eva-y i Sinlttng a hoast va deemed l'y e Yankee liut i vas six, anS Ned vas auiy clirce, jury tkeht iciaeainceenlr. And tiuuer, wvaesto, veaier gtxan me ; Aul une colSday, mw inter ifixe, Whou E Y1 ourselves by nnskbug luothue aa uaiiasosdve .1L j Moucy vben a golden' Hll clîoo fanwermLi'theDoan d WeS * I E Lvayu chace i effered tIlereley bu lse fr rtadcdde n laakeepink povonty fratniyoun Soar, lie her îubsbalabScaomyite Thuse vie ilveyo taeeadvataeof et liîx enjuglts ta leajba n vouldnot'sure oaSchanoes fur macing mouey t bai are libi, . ffereci, gooerally become veellby, vhfle But oteSquit aisuiesud id; tone vhado imt imirove sncb chances re- But ookd qiteetr&izeandoldmain in pavanly. We vsut many men, AÀalii an Ialxouklt xix "sudilhiai, spolie vamen, beys and girls te vont for usn ight. e soieS, aSgnvsecl ibeir avu loculibies. The business viii ien mIl vandmgbtee0 d luScie ui ynS more tibm ton limes ordlinj 1 hi Thon1 w& frghtnedsudcrie ou, an aiurnbsh inoexpnav.e uil &ln noueb U tn neodfiae. Ne ont vhe engagas flsu Cudlbeux me ; vhiio I est sud flurzed isla enone vetry rapidly. Tou cen Sa- Wecun bevxieedwvovtvle h e >'onr Wvoa eime ta the vark on ocly WateiFihe hiteed indw, wiletheyour spire moments. FullIinraiti on l'eeped la upon bis face sud miSlefi re, andailIthulanueed sont firee. Address Al 1 hegen ta seb-itib mther came, STNBsaslà Ca., Puitne, Maine. 45 Kuxoît davu, sud acresmeil, sud named the goend Goasname, ,The Americari Peopie. AnS telS me beovas deuil. AnS vboa sble put ia nlgtgev où, sud No petapie bu thewvanS anfler sanch veepuîîg, '-Wthb Dipepeia s Ameicans. Albhongb lbceS hlm ainang the rage upon hb i, yeums ai oxpenbence il uemdicine bus faitSd I iluaghit thug brather Nod vai auiy leep. go ascaampish a cerselu and sure renieS7 iug. for Ibis Sis.-aee anS ils cftc:,,, sichx me Saur A niltaulebhsa utile band, anS lei no o r.Stancb, HMoitihurn, Wier.irash, Sida îBut wheux the paco groe, gray, anS coliS Heedaclie, Castifyees, Papiîtation ai the ad iS reur, Hoîrt, Liter cumplainî, cuning np ai lie Anîl tic rouiS mnoan aven the roais came fouS, 10v spiriti, x-cienei Sî-blits, etc., 3y"i creepilig, ance lthelinroductîin faitiExues AcaîRer ,id Put là,"ailver ebade FLOWEIt e vbêtiie tie",i.. àou ase ai DyB. Ali rniiie îtcbilly lord vhre lie vas latid, pOhîcie tîcet cannai ho i:uinediuxîi.iy reliceda. i viil, &tiil waâciraiS. 900(K) J Sun cliilait i-er ithouiiî csý bi.ui..iix, iud,oo pori xgia-' àlai o1a#i lie il,& i-u4erbisêS j I n uZOti', culier oa e's during Sbe yot tktLttte ue îibl..rs bave be V10dtuiu lu'thle lar ely volumue lu tsvuukliant,., itaS ni nue asliserotofore. t u it cicrulation,. Loy report e gain ai 10-000 in Ibtoeaverage o monhly edît- lOue a01 1880 amer 1879. Thio announce. LI.uuil. bar 11jo coaing year incluSe s e'spiîîàl tend 51cm-iy fur boys, fuît cf oac;ing atlvauture, -lu Nature's Woud. onlatnu," or, Aclve D'woe8 -in thie Ameri- oaa l'ropics; titeries cf Arttsud Artiate by Mrin. Claras Eraklne Clument, s failli. ltontline eti Cehas iory of Ecaropea ait, vith a ua>'illustrations; "Piaseica Rtogers -a ' sdligbifai sud humerons senrial by Itositer Joheson I;"Mysîety in a Manabon," s SIX MOU us' sril ; 'Ibe Treasuto.lBox ci Lilenature, direct- iaig and euaouragia Younug people bu ltme heat resciog ; The Agassiz Ausoci- stbon, fully expisinead la dis Notomlear unuber ; "Tva Euglish Queesa" b>' Mnà. Olipiat ; The Land of NoS," ea - blidreiaIl operoîla, with tonde ,ffnlî of charmingLisblax i1aceffictai,À Aserbes of beautifolly illOatrated Ballis for Young Fek, beguuuhog wi" x ths christ. nia nuluher ; A spo"a u to Fait>'Stoties b y Frank R,. Sioeca 01i 1hdru cof whlciiI.leIi - MNovembor number ; Au Indien 51r>' b>'-'Bright LEYeu,' th@ Pouce Indien maiSon ; a splendid holiday stoîy, «A Chritma vitbth i.e u iitseMusa," b>' Wash. ington ' Glaidean. Open air Peaet., stonles cff aporte, suS gaines, yl ha coliiboued, wth ail ths popoler dupant. - - m~s~0111 begbnnlng illa the Nvatêinori ssuie wIII boludAe&the wouS. t erfui Chriatma u nher," oc ixicla the edte ibbu 5,000 lu Etgisud asc 100000buAi rlo> ,The, pries cf ibis nuanhet, ta b. in sus soot Novemberj 801h, Wu k 0,ns Itegular prie@ 1J4, Ya eur; 26 eqenid a numntir. - t ieO<as, nlebportptions -uevsby &Aldeeleuor th-é publish. oarS Sribair l le'& 8 r4.wy New York. issCaid that when iRas, n u »n [ets 4o ba a wfetor amoe bé«fpa b>ei4nuredaîsti8 $il e. là~ ners<tjy libe is-he rad isie ry dravin ut 01pur~i~ amé ladies dlpthg s ewbtie I&'Ws ouly equ vaset t bultehln, lb. U_ TOU album, nlo nl SS0uItt iluiS gi-ia Sucupoçuî toiti fuît lù ei-c-c,, si t ur3iTt Twîm oses,"w-iuin.- "Fembaar i theJr bouths as Hotise- hold Wo>rd," So wrnie Shaei sîî'r. It ids universally admit ted Ihet ibis gros eûticius han wnieni about aimosi overythlug Id ouchî.d e subject almply ta aorn eitl wauld ai. muat sacra wlîn ho wro t U) eabove vardA ho bad ii bis olnds oye Scati & l3rown's Paieîable CuWtr ail, for 00w it la one af the geatest requisiten of every weli reguletei bs10od. Good hanseevies keep it as a prme nacessîîy, children love lie taise of Ît, axudin wthewhoid roîbr of maaria modi. ce there is nalta mare usefulpbiysio. prile 25 eta. Fer sale by T. G. Whbitfloid, Widt. Preerdent Hayes. The validity of Mr. lhayes' tll'jemaya5,. vsys queaîioned. and bis sdmiràtrtîî1an cri îicied, but tho payuxent of ans dollar giveaa svlid tille ta ane baille of Dr. Pierce'à Goaideon Medical Discovery, and ils adinuf, tratian enunover hoieiin luses cf coughs colds, incipient consomption and genrde! bti ifor bading phyaicla'us cf ai1 Schocis endarse the Discovsransd pre. abrihe Iltii their practicc. SolSby druggiat. Buclenla Arnica Salve. The BICsT SALVE ln the vanSd for Cota, Bples, Sores, Ulers, Sait Rbeum, Feter a.e, Tetler Chapood Rindi Chilblauua, Cora, uS ~iila0Asof Se BEmpions. This salve la guarenteed ta give perfect satisfaction in every case or mancy refonid. eS. Pnbce 25 cents par Box. For sale by T. The Greatest Rcmcdy iCnown. Da. KDMIOs Naw DIScoraîr fer con- somption i.certalol the greateaî medfcu rnmedy evhr rzthi-h Asch 1>1 IMferig homn4 Thonsanda of once topeleabs ullerers, 00W louily prociml thef r praia. for thle wonderlul J>scover'y t'p wblch thy w their lives. Not only loo» cura Cvý'4=, onsumption, but Cougis, CioId, Asthme, Bronc lis, Raîy Forer, ilcarsen2esa and ail alieCtcons of the Thraat, iheat ad L Ingsyid at aucto tis vOn- de iOurativâ povers aitf by magie. W. berefore 0areufly roqueat 700 to ciii on ou rgstud get a trial battis for ttn enawhvlcOuvince the mout akepti el 01tc odei menits, snd show ycu what arglrondollar aime bot>. vii d. o, aab T. G. Wbltûeld, Whitby. Git-Edgc Butter. There la aiwas su enàtlve deman( for bnatWr that isenp ta the gilt.edge standard, in qosal y sud;calor. Much butter tbat fa othorwi O96d ad elaet a reductian trn threa ta Ave censapoobcus e . enficor. Delryînn sheuld thon nse Welle, Riohardson h'k -,Pafeiad Btter 'çclor te gve hrlghî JUDOe cor. Ths c a t e hbrlghtest punit sud buat ma O.olS by diugglaso. Comsuftion C urcd. An old phydeïc; uretlsed frontprct, harkg It S j lace la, mprcis c j uEe, 1ndla îio8ery thu formula fza"sipe wvptabla trme orh tannent Ouroaôtf-ousu3niÉ,,,.e . a SEE OUR STO CK HATOH & BROTHER. Oastoaine. Stocks, Extra, Black 011, Ele-, pliant Oul. HATOR'& BRtOTâàR. COAL 01L, tàl' Wholeq4ie and 'retal. MME0H &aBBOTE. STOVEs# Bout Oookingud ans Ha to Sv.. 9ATOH & BROTHER. La6rge stock o'6ohSheif asdBaavy. Priosa ta suit the'tnïe. 13AT011 & BROTE. A lev lts lait. HATOH laBROTER. 10 BABY CAJLRu(;X&S Balanceef oui stock ati ra"àd ptuces. HA TCH 4 BROTHER Importer# of Hrudware, lac., A HOUBEHOLD WORD. The CASH[ GROCEIRY EMPOIRILJM, Deverell's Block, bas becoine a ]Iousebold Word, as the beet and cheap.est place for fresh TEAS and general GROCERIES New Season -Teas at 25o, ,86c and 60c, worth 40c, 50o and 80c. English Breakfast Coffee, 25ocper pound. Ail grades of Sugars at -rock bottorn prices. The Louise Baking Powder, canned goode, Pure 8pices, pure Cream of Tarta.r, Brushes, Brooms, Pst, Pails', etc. ~~1, 1 White Granite handled Tea Sets, $1.00 par Dozen!1 White Gr-anite Tee Sets, $2.75; Whit.e Granite Ohaunher 6Seta, 42-50; Elegaut Dipner and Tee Sets complote, $20-00; Rioh Chine Tee Sets, $5. A full assortmnt cf GLASSWARE, LAMPS, etc. Lamp goods vary cheap; aise a large stock of Gem Frnuit Jars, in- pinta, quarta and hall- Butter, Eggs, etc., taken in exchangg WANTED.--500 Tubs choice Dairy Butter. SLmoiST- pEvxRLtLL's BLocK, 'SeC S» Beoca STEKI WHITBY, ONTÂIiIO. A distinct and peculiar Combination. ]FELLOVS' e n w o m S Y R MC O M P O U N D S Y R (JP 0 ' lnngsuistitiont tkeaozldtzinggtantssd tri lxi~~~~~~~ cobnla -u b.lmi~a gn bubrs ossithe munit cf ba. Mtg dlhtiyewltln, sand ispossla n scnefetsptablefcrnfasr Ils offets are umuUy vWis i -atwentyfu ersd amethesi b>ea u,. 2- ttOila ppalite, the digestin sd alm nsboneting dbretylnto tii eloltM;fi t oucthebs nrvis sud nsls;urtahelyeiocfisaoeue; islller diatluraIssnc a r nursIL y tira se t iofngud use sdMa ft. mai muit cf a high degie. oettgmewbi orti FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP 0F HYPOPHOSPRITES AnS %'Il nspehly lmproeîsth. e tieed "-Î-a -d sa c-gum cf the bOdy, iela depoed SE hM PERaY DAVIS & SON & LAWR~ENCE.. FREDERIOK NEALE,' 0 0OU 11,T M7 . WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL, KING-STREET, .- 6dHAWA. The undersigned, making the LIQUOIe TRADE a speoialty to whioh he confines; bis business, i8 enabled to supply Families, Hotel-keeper, and the Trade ýgenbrally with genuine Liquôrs, ai lQýweWtprices. BEST WINES, hM. wooDd and bottle, BEST RRAN.IE, ho ebrns BEST WHISKIES 7-eUranWood) (Wamted.) BESTU RIJfm, fine old Jamiaca BEST GINan Tod.Gng Mfol~ PRICES LOWER 7/IAN A8KED: FOR INFEM EL8EWHEIIE LAG ER,,BEEIin2%,and8 gwJon Lager Boer ini bottes-2 dozen< x ose the right ârtiole. SOLE Â4B W FS- WIL8N'S MOJ4TREJ GINGER ÂAL, , <iu Qu DOUBLE SODA WATEi; , ,."w i] f LEMON SD,'.BL~~ Â -qINIaERBALE lin.-Quarts, &ie fa re.' MILLINERY and FANCj" DRY 90ODS, LADIJ8' and CHILDiEN'8 (INDERCLOTHING, BABY-LINEN, ETC., .ETC. DRESS38 AND MANTIJE TRIMMINGS of every description. :P==T~~G AN] LÀCEin ali h. New (Jolors. LADIES' A]) MISSE'ASKULL MPROVERB,(Amorica Styles) VELVET, SATND, AN (LH SHIRT FINN IALI-AN vWA 1 amn daily in receipt of'F.REE and keepoonsditau O zSTr E Rle8 FIIN NZ A We manuTeture Ladies' and Children's gaments of evry style and description, and furnish th1e material when deaired. Partiesai a distance céan forwaý&ù' tei*r o'e,1ý wn naaaurementa, anftwecacn unake as perfect e fit as tliouh 1e oustomer -herseif wero 'present, by ont never-feilng method cf cutting, exeelWug eoverytlùng heretofore known in the art of Dress- inaking. CUTTIG AND) BASTING, A SPECIÂLTY. Garmente cf every descriptioncut frogu measurement, and basted throughout, "an elegantly drped# sp that thede cen be ne miststke itu-fln- is ig. In turniahing' materiel, semples IDBy bd sent te, and froin us te select from. Butterick a Patter»s-ef any germent sent free bymeo - ceipt of price. Mouithly Metropolitin Fahion Shoots, free.' 'Agents M~r B. A. Dyeing Co. M. S E. McINTYREe Brook-St,, E WIb MOLWIS -idMA-LA. PURE GO LD BAKING POWI BLUE, PRENOH vINeG ElYGLISH ýMALT HONEYO 15 oti 8PEC/AL A TTEN T/ON tu Mm Te fna ht~nhe' W O LF Spt. BE80 IALIANROBEUS LARÈÉHOUE TO niUtST ON Il:OYSTERS (best brands), -mdAgIReal Estate eI, liy on hand APply to CH1AS. NOVrESE, October Sti8hl8 uaxxe gent, Wliitby, LJ.RELMON-EY TO LO AN N HADDIlES, &o. ON ]EAST TEIMS. HRISTIE'S BISCUITS, W. H.- BILLnýGSj ýDE (New Stock), 10tiUrOffice aven Ontario Balk, DER, RIECKILLS ]PARIS _Wb~ >AR, 'M' Demijohins, F4.H.TO hiT M GA .Counin 0 cres, beixxg lat No 5 VINEGAR. ib~te 4Ë=8Cnces2onTonlxpoPfk ion ou LitNovraberd, velu pir spEURK lb.#jýe6t godluldjngan a - The Infinite 'Unknawi Oh, vorid enkuowu; that round &bout u HadJlbgs uau,& Uke sange of rythmfc imbera Hove'er il lBat. Toub4 Lur liveayetn:ever te beholdfug, Yague sud impalpable, yet1 eer enfldug- Yel e'er unkuavu, What gloq igteth op tlxy streetaîmnîortal NYO may nDot Se, Or aorrow witéth et the hidden portat, To be let Iree.. W. are-w. shafi be--oniy Ibis ia certain; Mil aise lu doubt. "~Whtber'" and "whence" in hiddeu hy tbe contaun, The <resI Wihout. oîowhere' Dame wey, Gads ltendur love unfeilng, Sh flore wll we reat, ai ie e l unsveug- àk AU l oueunlînoa lLe,Wlîa.âerwsare, bas givtaàio sveat Iureknowing, et This roc 0 a o 19l it unaou fhi ur comug ngd our golng IrguldeLh Lent. Litlie'Ned. lOISiT BUtCHANAN, Si BOTHIanG NEW AT HAYES'S, - - WhN. FFit. Ail sai a e n v m de w ith a RED IJOTION 0F, Thse Stock is thse largest in Mie (ounty, and em- braces evertjthing in.BootsU and Shoes, for Ladies', G3eniemen, and Oltildren's iwear, Newest Styles and ,e8t quality ca maal - and workmansisip. Please c*ai in time. The. redpction will flot ast long; as rl. I SUPEflIOR QUALITY! OVERCOATINGS, 'best.heavy cl'othi. and LTHNG &ed-aeOECAS GENTS AN BNP O I N E E5PECT PULLy INV T D. £ay2?, 1880. Watsou's Bleok, Brook Street, Whitby. Wo offer you for the bar-yogI of 1880, the following flirt- dsa Fernn$Implexueuts: BIIOWN'S WHITBY IIAIVESTER, (Improyod.) YOUNýG CàNADA MOWER, (hnproved.) 8] The aboyé machiiea requrono comment froon us, after peeing thrugh sucl a harvest as the at andi carrying off the Gels Medal for Canadax, We aloc otify al purebas e wànti durable micinery and propose te, pay CASH UN DELIVERY, te cei t 'car office in Whitby, before pleoing your orders elxievhere, nail is our intention te edopt the Asnarya i rCtiala HerSYSTaEMorpicehtn otlv Asg prcry s Gpoiebse aU dt uyiaeorpic ite oetlv ingOW pricos. 01v, ne Ca. HIGHEST MARKET PRiC£E-PAID FOFDR BROWN & PATTERSON MNF'G Co. -ANY QU4r<TI rrOP- -DLV1:BID AT- Ve WHITBY CHIINA TEA STORE. 'e Ge~s, u kg and, Iefore kilhiig -eali a CLOTHING MADE Se-Pt. 22, '80. Dindes Street, Wily AND A LARGE -ASSORTMENT 0F HARDWARE, &C. The Dry Geods Departinent e iplts' veyln n 11 rcr stock' ail nov mnd fresh. 0:>~ The cheapest house in the Ceiuity.. Be- meuiber the addres. 49 A. B. SMITH, Raglan._ ofEnlih ^ lThsadotcRDEnd Canadin Twees. 1 BY virtue ofaI xWarrant ander Ibe huaS aoflie Wirden end the Sisi cf the Corporation Boa the Couuty af Ontario, Saeod lhe Fourteonîth Day of October, 1880, coaminmding me tl lt> upoithbe lands mtntionod ini the failavfng liai for arreene af. tic thereon, anS coats, as horein sot ionih,-I iereby gir. notie ihat unleas sucb erreursasd coitae "qcner paid, I uhali, in oompiiance vith the Assesment Act, proassil t elb>' Public Ancion the selS bauds, or Sa mùuci thencof es mîy be uecessiry far iL. taxes, ai theýCaurl ut-l Taxes.- Caste Total Anit. - Bemaarte. 21 40 2 54 28 94 PatenteS 2 56 207 462 PatenteS 7 25 2*18 94- Pcot -1018 828 101. Ptenla 'l12 2'08 815 PatentéS 01 28 814 -Patsnted- 6801 16 8 46 Uxpatented 50 -.22 1072 PatenteS &Z2, 214 7 69 -PatenteS 840 2 09 5 49 Ptn 840 209 5491 Patonited 2 04 2 05 409 Patented 10 92 2 28 180 Paixe Pari Lot MoHaitis, Pht j 18 16 N S Sfimcoe-sl, Pt v la1 Pari 9 V. L. 22, Leidlev-st pI, 21 Ptsva win i anaPte euSdcai w à of n 9 OsumnnPlan, Qneen-st. voit, Pt 14 Sorhi 2 2 Part 8 Pa"rith1 j 4 Panl Nortih j -10. Part Noïtuxi 6 lTathj i. TftORa Acres Ai 80' BROC S20 MIARA.. 100 '1896, 00 81 58 82. 481 5 89 100 8 do 280 1959 100) 1596 100 2557j' 100 25 57 25 ô 04 25 -504 80 15 T. G. WH=IUMx Chemiet 4hitby. 50OitAîtsent fre.taou ,vhow t. l J~egae in th.emonf tlut sudnao u,/-fiteb cbusiness lkuovu. Eeyui no.capital net roquonS. . - VI fi nieli yoe ery.lhlng. f110 a dCay la iadOy miSe vithout stayiu aeveyýfrc m e avec night. -No rs lfu t ve Msuy no vorter van ted At once. syan miltiug fortunes ai the business. lAdiles malte r4 much as =en - nd'Y'ung9grlsasd be Malte <rosI pey. 0onee, vhofai ig te eokau sta male mo re moneu eoy- a etcloymenî,Those vh 0en aet once allfn a short roai taleone.ASSri H. à;r~a, CO., Pniu an. 4 PIANOS TUNED.,- (BO. ýT. GUIIPRICHT, -I'uuer for oesEra. Masn & %esh Toronto vMin .l hutby about tho miaâfeof Mai, Parties vishingutherpuanoa-propeîîun1 vIl boisýa leave their e rderg vltbMosans. LYON&h BUPERT, Phogrape, ,,Wil* kînson' Biocok, Whitb,. orderg _ley mai% addrea sed ta Mesare. Muson & %eih, Toron., ta, vill eccive prompt attention. ly-i6 F AnuM LANDS.'- OR SALEB Y PEIVATE CONTEACT Ithe South li c otN 29. sud iLs - South à ef the North j af logE.80, la th" SiL concession oi the Tovnship -af Whiiby, w- eaT AUsTISnW GiBusn ffbic,lf Mrl . ÂK TOLET" Tva stores lu-th Whftby Markot Biock,-ý erbunce. Apply ta THOMÂS EISTON, l> 28, 18W. -82-ti Town Clark COOFORTA StE NOLtSL 'AND 'Store Toé et-~.rtI ni. . '..-. s, 8888 WR UALI-TIEB 'AP PI August 71h 1880. The iGreat Blood Purifiers i 4stablished lt83L Guarsteed ta b. an infallibîs curelfe scrotsila bil is-worst ternisstubbcni deep-seated Ulcers. myphilis, pniýMu secondiùy sud tertlary; Tpanors, Pouf zIupLIons, -OlSsorea, Raheuaateu'-i eailldinsaisan soes odcAb4 blocS or hittîxois CI=E ALL LIVE-zu m.pl4AInT For sale by all Drufgieand D'eegr lù Medic.nes. Perry Davis & Son & Lawren6, Wto' J. E, roo YStre, hty DELIVERED. AT- -:00: v CLOTH 1 NG 'MADE TO THE FARM£RS' OF THÉ 0 R . a i. 1 ÏE 1 --- 1 1 1 1 1- Brock-St, 1 11 m 1-- 1 1 1 - 9 1 VaLL MV rm-vu à mkel 1 Whitbf, Sept. 28,180. IIALIAN WxREHouqE 1 ý Ir-. Whitby. 1 - «- q/ 1 à READY-MADE TES 1 TO ORDER.-J WEUTBY, ONTAËIO. 27, 1880. 1 ou April 1880.. 18-tf Oshawa. 1 .9- ST 0 R E -ANY QU*NTITY OF--ý--

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