Whitby Chronicle, 2 Dec 1880, p. 5

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I Tite CaUWiEBR'Muet BwrTUU.-Tb rétSft eodue cf Chinifmsu fROM Iga Francisco turne out ta b. the reultco au order frcm the Ohipo G(ioeilmesnt ~tt bey ebould rethIi bme. :The Chtuse hve guR, ;nOYUturaede exprience iiý ..uhoaa building, and are oompetent to -aMt àasforemen for gangs c f labourers in the eocstructton cf road- bedà and the lying cf rails. Others who have cbeyed tlîeffimxons of thair Oceeroment bave iearùed iiow te use agrlooltural mscbinery, or,ý bave beei employed in factories, or baye becerue skilled in, cîber industrics, As the re- suit cf ibis exodus thora uilt!lie a change in thleindustfiai pursuite cf China, and nw industrie wîll bc bulit up by whiei tl'Chîneue iwtll be aib.le tnianufactue niany ibinga bey 00w inipcrt, -greatly te the iejury cf the agricultuçal interesa cf California, and the othar States tb.' bave bail thein for customnetu.' Petei tb. Great, was enabled le r tIolnl.ionize tbie industrie o f the Muscovite emipire because cf the information lhe Obtained while employed as8 a labourer in other countriet, and lieaw. have Ilîcusands cf Chinaman followiug je bit footetepa. Truly it bas been said (bat ihe import. ance cf Ilthe Chinoe.question" lias neyer been fliy realijzed by tbe people ,of this country. Half a century bouce hie enquîry nm.y be, oct "what flala] we ane wilh the Chinefic ?" but,'lwlîat will the teeuîing millions- of civiiized Chinese do with uas" Baie des Chaleur.s lobstera, te the ex- tent cf haîf a million pounds have been pli1'pedib is year by Windsor & Co., te Paris, flavre, and London, andi to On. ltiarind Mnitoba. The priee obtate. ed for canned labsters in British mark. ets is"àid te bc about £1 Big. ger bol et 48 14. The Chathum Sitar laya thé Rhipinents of premniuent dealers have bwec as under: Suîitb, Maun & Co... 800,000 1 lb. tina. Taylor & Mayo ...150,00à Roenge & Ce .......120,000 Messrs. Desbrsay.... 10,000 ~. iieop.......90,000 Jas. ]otitfler... 72,000 KILLiED ON Tux T5.Acit-ANOTREU1 VCTtu.-Saturday afternoon, as engin. No. 2 of tha Grand Jonction railway was backing into the weat end cf the ballast pit, seven miles frein ilaptinga, Wm. Weatson, who was acting as brak. asman foir lb. day (the regular brakes. ciao beibg ii),jumped off the rear end cf the lirat car for the purpcosecf tut-e- ing th. switcb whan ha slipped and fol], one truck wbeel passeu over him aund cutting off botb loge about tbe knots. Tîhe engins wasatolpped aImost in- stsutly, se ibat onse t the wboels was st on hlm wlien the train came te a stand-still. The unfortunate iman was remnoved te Hastings as seon as possible, where medicel aid was prccur.d. The dectors, howcvor, gave il as tbeir opini- on that the 1f. of the youog Man could net ho aaved, as the nerveus shocla iLad been te great for th. vicîim te undergo amputation cf th. injured limbe. The poor fellowsunk rapidly, and died at eevu o'ctocle lat eve'uig. A coroner wvaa notifloli, but under the circum- Ftances considered that au inquiet was -arinecesaary. No bltauw c au ha aéttaeh ed te the offieiaIs of Ile road, ns ibe yeoing man violate'd ilht es in juunp. irig froni the car before tha train Lad been aopd s D'nAic ii TTii Gài-Ni Ctous eaeccttt',s are r'îerle- turinig lte si virot-a tles otte we-st coas& cf Itelarnt <t itioua parts ootltaid. A fisî- tuccz VeCauel tfl Gne-noek capkzizet, bent tourct-mn wtt-e treuiied. The rive-re Clyde., Tay', ant Tweed vere in fluot, siutimauîy places irIjut-> 'ivas oc-4 tainati b>' soetalI)lut-ons, t.nd tome prope.t> vas düslroye-d. lnu ilaegov. wbere thce gale rrtged vitb terriufie fore. a lady anti boy weroie-el>' Inn, t a boise anti estt wvoeblovnoever ltie Inehimucu Bridge ici Dularton. At Longfort, Irelandt, a gi-est teal ef boucahoit properu>' vas destroyed. At lPorladovu font- mon vere eogaged vorking upoo ma zinc roof, vhen il vas liftet t>' the wit aut threww 4 t b. omen la the gi-cunt. AUl vera injut-ed, an unte00 t net expacte tle recover. AI D . funfermnlino a chimue>' vas blowii dovu, vbictu crassledtIhrougi the roof et ae edjoiniog bosî,viich vas wurec- e't andt ha occupants narrowl>' cacapet. A nunituir et bouses vre trippet cif roofs sut cimney-pols, aet laiu e t carniet everyvbere, ett-ewing tho sti'ecta andI greaLI>' eutagsring the publie. SAD DuovaNiaGCmac.-On Salut-day et Lintea>', vbube two youug git-l, tiaugbiore oftr. M. -oltiorf, turnitnro doalal-, anti Mt-. M. SoIt-ar, paliner, aget çleven anti eigbt reapeclival>', vere eoasting towu lte- riv-et-bank rnoar squire McDouecls, YarIe treeI, b6tî baing an eCuioband leigh. Ihe>' rau oul loto the mitddle et' the river. Thoire bo- ing a eurrteut aI Ihat Point the -j'eevas nuite tim aut gave vs>', Ietting thon lne the rivet-. Mies lloltorf, however, managedtotacatch hicotfl.he ieanti kept np titI Dr. Coullor, :whoîe office àa noar b>', hoardt their cries sud burt-ted le tb. rascua, but eni>' le tinus ta aave MiessMolirof, Miss Slv.n bac-mng bcoe dat-t-ed unaetioneb. te. Suit-r LA. aaeBcisaz nu. A Scov SîiD»c.-Suîîy tabarers wve, Irutist in aa seev elideoan Ticurda>' near Claatk Creek, on the ICakeme axteusien cf bhe Diinver ant i IeG<rand t-asti, Tbey notbcol tIc. pin t-ea trembling, aid iu au instant thelice slito dcame viti a haut reur, learing up tb. truck for s quai-lt-eto a mile. John Dine vas killeti, fittoan mien batli>njut-e, aud elevan- ota sh aighthy. Thosild. cari-i. et tha track aven lie ieals cf lIb mon, mosmioecf vhase vounde vers Prýbâbly caused b>' tie irnaetriking Licou, 0~~KI imu jq I J ~ Iti) ~TCIT VVTrT - v «-i .ZLA. VV. fi e li th faE - lth kon tLTR. ïI. 'tu t ý th 10 la )f t. Isc an -foc *h.e "bu yat an 'rai Sai Th jus hIe- tani ai my i Ile lylu lb. Tbg -bu teet piI créa the ed4 lia bfai corc theu vas ibej ba.n' a tena-m er. Wb ètunud, be béa, s Doted à av siv OngUtae.u Tenf xoewea aecimg -.2g atghi-,tat fraie oey vern axrow, and hg gnaing cf tbath smin deio enzy'"; audthea waiiig ioan, aed hie was aucoeaded, by silen~ce. Heure. nay bave pssaed"n4y, -Ibougli the UmUof cfMy 6ewn eart prévéuaerl imy tetîig Lb. dcodu strike, Mueït have SE;Sad-but iheyseelhed -ages' tc me. cd -bew wara.ý they spant P -Hi1deous isiens passed- before th~e acIiiûoz a-veut bat I'dared not-elose; b4tw'hicb gsA.l ver loto, the elnmb- darkness whèieIV ly-ny draad companion Ibrougi the atalies cf tie.niglibt. L piciured ýIL lin verytbboirent formn.whieb ait axcitd, neCy eouid Ésomme n up ;, noLw as a kelaten, witlî hollow- eye.biea and rinuîug Ilesblasa jaws ; new as vai- ir,with livid face and bloatad forgé, nil dnipping ruouth *et witli blond. coul il itiner be Jigbtl IAni dyet, iaen day abould- dawn, -1- eheotid li -ced toesee It face Ï0'fa ,ce. I beel Bat tùat spectre aîd fenod tere coin- IIed te faJe -aq -morning brigLitéed, tL tht. areature, wbe. Itoc rO4aI' tee foui thi nu. 'èf ear.lî, t anbc eckee o I' 1 3boul.i sec it-the lorràtf-face fise I And Ilhon tha -celel pravailecl, id my teeîh cbatterod, andsbiveri.ngs c tbrough nme, sud yet there. *ait tbe mp o»_f gouiy on =y buraticg brew. )Me minaLmtrie inesaat t a lw! or cicae that iay c iat ithin- reacli, snd wrap .f1 rounn eue. eo mean was ranewed, andi thce chain It slirreti. Then IsankIe te apathy, £ au Indian at the sLke. iuv the ie- ma,<a of Lorture. Heordled by, atlil remainea ike* astatua 'of '-ica, rigid id mute. I evfpn slept,'for I. rainein. i that 1 àaatted la lSud the. cld RgreY i cf au early winter's day waa en yface, 'sud steallng araunti bt-e r ini batween. the heavy cntaina -of Lte ndcw-. 'Sbud derbug but ccrged by tha euliasÏtI"riveta Lhé gare of the bird- te Lb. suake, 1 turoodti'le cadie t-e f h ikgli. Yes, it waa .MI'ne I ured 1ranehallucination ofstck- se, ne ait-y pliantorn unable to face. 9dawm,. n: utihé ickiyliiglt rs;aw ji îg au theýbed, witb its-grimabeail cri epille'w. A' mcau-? 'Or a cerpe to rein iL. unhllewed grave, ,ail riting thebcdeLuon bbat animite- il ? iera it lay-S icant Zelautie lot-rC. n tics 1 ucees a ae fi-eo Xand1 ce $tr lu, ana rs, ic Bailwa>' building in Amireca sgQhcg cm ai a gi-eat raIe Ibis yeai- Theo MGil- road Gaz ifa et Noveunhet- î9bbgivos a total oetI11% miles o e cu iaihe-ati. The coustruction bina fart tilu ear ia 5,056 miles, agaluat 8,042 miles repatpte the saine lima in 1879, 1,840 miles in 1878, 1,802 miles in 1877, 1,970 miles in 1876, 1,150 mileso in 1875, 1,664 miles in 1874, 8,270 miles lu. 1878, ant 6_,202 miles iu 1872. Ilt ib ua coouicaltîho îcî-estnt i t le Ihe6tlyear since 1871. A Sucuzeerun SOCcîA,-A VsTry suc- oesofut social watt udçl t thtîeareiteoce cf Mr. Johin Ilovuon, Bus-it WIitiy, ce Thureela>' aveuiog last. rie oocta vite edt unoter tb&sauspliceiofset .Bt-oi-. lin sut Coînluuet congregatons ofthIe Chut-ch oet Boglant. Tic. sîlenultce was ver>' large, aIail &U ejoe'AI-henu- selu-es -tiononghbl>. Th pt-oce-ta, uvîicli go tcwarîl payiog one tIcse h ucIi udebt, amoutet te #8.-Reformer.- .Tsa Caîbolles ai'. the lamgst tenonu- inatlin in, thee Unitel S. tatos,;,bnit nev- or' yetltâ'a a CtIcetie se-t iu 'ice wblte Igouae, and from ts ,bittic fthesphlton Lui1 UcW oclv Ilra. 'CaUcolioue b2avo c-- A1so two Tons of good live Tuîrkeysm' Geese, Ducks ,and Chiekens wanteàd. "Before killing cail and see Whiîby China TeasStore. i 1833- -~~e Etbihd FURNITUTRe, -UNITU Cheaper'ti ever, at h-8ne w WJ:U'VBy, P]ROVINCE. 0F ONTARTO. fT1glÀ Q JL aLL.-I t iL J 1-A r-Là . LJ L - D - 1 À là z.eJ,. ~~~~,, - ~~~~~~~~~~H O R R O R. Heaisters-in.law ad not propose la geutiénien t-eoeenbered te a 1, stX". r1.>S avengàiu rcxtn&sicukshiti eoandina mprso klin Iaddetoyd has"> . ssnL ve-ompadorveyfîedmoe ndap ray llom~;~ -~~ 'ni u a saitt bisqna.tLas, und i nued lie cf Cas 0w a~g adoe adatag tbka nim avu yseiwuvr ean afteroiw -r-- - IN --1:- Iwas but ninetaený'ears cf age Whou feaethan hava beau lrauslated ta a 4if-in sheer wantanas#,soaoay dithrogb he. picture.gallery. I lad t-rnm slthoouotignun!wsL theiocident Occurt-ed wh!cb baslhrewn attaug e. The malter CaitedIle fmy -t ' te a inipsel Oef acbii aal navet- enlt-etiýthiapartmnentbycnie .se yl.fei ih Yti a MILLINERY and FANCY DRY asadwoet'mylf; ni hm! iR up ',My ..I lieda att-îange wetheu-. :My_,f4tber elaek, lifi- head, liglit Eefure, and- I wae etruck by the a se7eee of daneo htledeout n GOODS, lioW many a draary yaar bas dragged reluctancle ni4t 'Y gthe effet-, which IIbaveieard o e u aes, tac," lie gloomy erray cf'-the taI!'ýportraits, gea- frein siniuber epnanei hl r ' ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~btevd, Iwas in Ioth lng", patoIevil e coma P cattetay. Wa are 'lamptetit lln'taia ftma lozeee-paued or paietetiwindows, a larm ad 1 ow vn 0lc o BAB Y LINEN, ETC,f ETC. . Tbey said Ibat 1 was 'beautifol. elageya d adefully imade. It- uoknewn one i bsbi I wcr. hici nîtteul ta the ltast as ilet tbrawiug off îplieamuehy 96mit-r new releete a bagrd old m<ey havebeau. tAny rate, cnttThe teattu of a ôg'have beau busy, n oln b.Mn fbi ae okd aoes b hlsnu nttdt 5 DRESS AND) MANTLE TIRIMMINEGS of every descriltion. woman witli auenlips sud, face of titink' iL was any elfialu unwiliingnees doutut, bolttue poor. sbeep, bave be<cn>sterD, and very differeul finmtîcoir p rosat.'YottiuhIîtnditn FRILLING .AND LACE in ail the. New Colora. deadly palier. Bunt do net fancy thaI la maka an eid Ad infeti ad on citlte uei'yati nner sdyîgi xpeson uehea utj y n ont a udbe-xcpPb LADIE' .&.D MISES' SIIIT MPROVRS, (mnrica Styes) ou are istening tea amereîy- uim.ngfortabla by a tri'ng -sacrifice. I was att-ange 'as'horrible ; thef hosrte, in tive, flcke i le iaseainedt timock f ' t m ut-uiftei-,tî rpiu 9amaADIES' n-tDefIL.SES'gSitRe fMyear pcSf eliy-beaiîh sudyles). laTtenespcILlehaee beauhe -n ont. eaftç lefImi., asdmy cantiThellMminas MyeCandiueo s dmterd ramznIeabars-Lb. tond, i tEVT AIAD LT KIT.tha bs brauglit me te Ibis wick -cf westlier w8.cet-oatd fer 4h. lime ef a iet pâ;ea oësif, , haI(Sntguasd.Aiea, in ail, the eyes, susue!witb artielio regular boatig cfuyenla iny fat-ner self ; hudil tbeen se, I coul sO5t- It wâà a dat-k cuisî Yue-nat -athe mon poteL bia tli tay found lb.portraitl~eemed ta follew niy Malioes Netwîllistantin bsslecb ô COSTU ME AN D MANTLE DEPAR'TM ENT. have berna îhi -lesa clierfulJy, Patient. sbowy ene, thongh enow bro-eiti ver- prit a- nta ket liomanffont in tbe oft ,vilb s séroiny asets inlareal lIhe mat-a iblition IInetli:Ih<iotbe Iy, as the Conilon lot ef at ; tuad in ktte g e. 1s. di4 muti oftle dîtoli, aud near il-Ibis." mtkt a-1.aatoi moaiiydeceivat byt ea.untficea Wo manufactur-e Ladies' and Chilti-on's gtu-ments of avec-y ttyle aud no nalurat pragneseof decey Whictubas makie thefet-ser W ,boaume <ne, I'm ehl up wt tèeamod a brolan cf theoaolier featores. I. fêît 111ut ag e It I*sOc lne aie.M description, snd furnisli thc caterial 'a'bou dosired. Parties ut s. distance robtueti nae fblooxr of youth, enappat, i ad wt ant4slb enee. v - eof,'a rusldirneai. any uoder thair stony gaze, thougli consolons-heattbeat o;c ucsr -o- oie eau feu-ward us theli- ewtumetcsureuients, sud WC eaun make sperfect a fit lb. licuk thal baund ny hturntt te an- lser aule toandi miide ajeat et were tueejaculalions cf Wonder- and hew alueurd wa-a My apprehoeneiaus ;graw ils- puIinsi' ir nseg ase though l Uc cstomai- heracif were pt-osent, by aurnevet--failig niethced etuer', sud deetne- me ta a loue clii My avident wisl in bprapitiate mny gaI. alam, anti msy anti shrewd tb. con- sud I callel np a emile i antf i auu- t ilt mter i r.ocbe hclak et ctlin, exellug e<'ortling brctefoie knwn i 1h.at- of rese ag.I tyatetuepatient, but niy cross nboibor. -81Sicai a fait-y gedmoîber, joctrs,. but noue seemet exactly le mitl, more as if acting a part-uder Andth lon I lcr asut ae ofcttnOxelkgeeYtl. liasSetbeen tueainy, surt myD bea.1t ta empetZBoa&," sait MiuqDieo;'"sud yen kuow luit thbebearings cfAlie case, &auth'Ibe yeofehuman *heimg, than.of t Ibir qoita .dîsibthieat f rn b antiwea-ysutI lng or ice tst&hao vas affrontea t Iyor crisloniug, Whoun my father went on te sey Ibat shýdolws on Lbe walI. I aven langed lattlicgfchid1Ivulte 0if >CUTTING AND) BASTING. A SPECIALTY. va ae esei.t ics h niwn wymî eg ance.tw< taM bset the aeavaluabte lreed cet cdnet ber.'Ne fh'latimy host ta te ilo. iw n Gaxmcnts ef every description cnt tram measurement, anai bated sdlly as iL liappanedth Ie avant la atpe cabi-icugla n tigifla-wiîlihaner" -ert- tbr a a previoualy, andti Iat bolîowst-meut- sud arobiog roof, and I euttains of t-ym, saoetcub ticrouglieut, snd clegautly draped, ea that ticeroe an be ne mistuliein 'l-b th yla. huhi curd1tonh iteo aySodbn n"te lowrefudmnidadcninelo ywyi]slnc.Igiùs f5 iahi-ng. lu furishing matai-l, samplos may ho sont teansd trom us ta maoy years agp, thora is ne Isart âct I lier possible golden gifla. I cure-adgraelainat, lb. amazeinent reaclia-have spoken ef tho armour. lItîteat, spot lu the ilarns.Tt ofra select freni Butteriok's Patterns of any gai-nent sent Lt-e by mail, an ri- aboutI have torgttan y cf the Minci- uetbing for lthe veniet-fal fortune in thce higlir pitoli. Olti Ladý Spetihurat thora was "a fine collection et plate eut tien etfruy fear itnturrime ceip of ric. MolhlyMoîopollsuFashon Soot, ltce.est ctrcnmstanoes ; thsy ver. itampet tends tbhat,tmy gunta wiispered anti listenadti wîb aim intelligénl ttention, tuait, for my faîher was an enîhiusiastie mucb ýa t lsieuo .Iatoet COit f rin.MOthy otoplitn asiiilShet, rie.on my bt-sm tee qiearly sud buruingly, iiudd d1abount gomysta-iaaly. Bat, bot jained te non. at our sîptanatuona. anliqusry.,lunsp ecia tIbere wero two ct-y tlloutibutcolImtua-awrd M. & S. E, McINTY]ELE, 11k. thebrhtsudof a red bot froc. I sesaines thon, I bave veederet wbether At lengîli sie sait ta my lattet-, "Tty suitsof biattk armant-,etoct, anti sut-- Tîhe chalo ralta!aao m elm Ile iumwtten ile .wtinklea etfnMy bail I thon ahevu myseif peevistu torh- anti c-ecolleeb,;-bave yeu noeanemy inontati bylitelmets wiîh l iset visera, thé boisa vas btraIcarr o 'Agents for B. A. Dyeing Ce. Breck-St., Whitby bt-w, inu the osaiwhiloneof My hait- stinsae d I retnsed tu give, up ty.rooni iteng your neiglbeôrs ?" My fathat- wbicli sand se if twe nuailet champions Ibéogli I at-aatimyyetayco vhieb vras a gicsy ibrao" once, sud fer tha axpectet 'kiuswoetýe, il would àt '. a nsd kuil bis tnows.' "Net ana were guartiing the gallo 1i-y e t ll-os- ual penetralaaeburyth bau- >bas kuavu no graduaI change troa have alteratie whcle cf rMy lite ? Bout bhutI1klcew cf," lie replie; anti intstiut-es. I bat etien seen uhese, of cont-se, etdlic. cîber at fIeoab dat-k te gray,train gt-ay ta white, tas theLucy et- MinY veil bave effèed bewva a.pepla-mnansutàakinti Isuti.but navet- hy niglit, sud navet- vinmy wbeuca dame l.slo lnig n T~I '~Xr- itbthbose happy anas Who ware t e uy aleati, anti tuen esotificd ..àrat lot-t. 'The umore iuoky yen," -saiatheb. holo organizatien vs se evervt-ougbl moment éover~1 tsto risc xt~ Xy"\/ cocipanions et My gil-licoti, anti dc I S&Y -bellot- thtt lboir'ohchd eld dame, wvxl oesoet ler gim ances, anti trauns as il thon was. As L ticonghî. lilueyclrta-nise (i) N/M 51'17 E I I.> GT(3 >4N Eo:hnoetigWi oole hb ave talion as iL "-âdth An n bse il vas nov laIe, anti va cetrecfta t- estapproaciiedth e Black Kiictae, as wa Ibhod Iwinie toubcaepp- thud test-c eues.and Tâhe 'cicn.amber Io wbii t-rbataei.lonrg. Onehy eue tb. guasta bat tutbat then, savilul notion seizet h. iy Metalvse.Wsi But 1 Muet net. envy Ibain. I Ouly liait reinavet vas a dieu littia trianguier dreppoti off. 1 vas th. membor of tb. ou me tbal thefigures mavaîl, Ihat men robbtua.2 don'ii a ue-utr mii I .,*. ~meault tasay tîcat the uifficulty of My recu n tiche western wiug, sud vas famiiy salacledtota ecorl oit Lady ver.eucaabat d-in 'lthe Iîciow saastevisitant'? or vstIa imncae-e SEIC)E]S i 7~ tas bas 1uo connectiwithvn tol t u aht byfbravt-igheSpoldhurat ta lien noom--lhe t-oin 1 wbiclçbad ance beom burnein hatli.Atrikc,stit a uaWàsr«tst it B C )( TS na..4 v-I em nbbt taw.11. Pire gailet-y,or byMOjntiCg a litI. fVOCMiWin liaraVQUr. I diaDuoott01 e lddturiay. .Ikc:whe Ides was eomsnêthotghtlesprluloat n La A _bes, sayiy has aima, the olt si nabtu esfrmtelcvbrovsei atch cf a rapugnance te my godmother, but my alarm, aud tancieti I -ebsolutly beheld ouïs t-atlse n 2unan ds A Tl- A E Staiut<mess anti Harrer cames ovet- me- door Ithâ openet ite -tb. gat-don. .voitby suit. -inuiao ammcli iat I eoeglariug aop nua frein .- e eyelet- vitli sone raycfcofr ulsge- ag"t, andt he welI-t-amembhat-d lest- le Thora vas onemot-e t-aaion lice saieshenoulaingratisaemyseli tu ono e oIs vsrI pssaýidthem by, ealilalf. Thieewsafu ou e B rny stot-yh:tby. vas gfeal ceptacla fer brabsu furuiture, îbattsr.t but comply. The visiter hatubled ti he îXfiguras - vero taliaving wve vitli of' my fabblla',wco W5 uuty - - ~ t. ~---- - tuit-ca, Iheiive, lconb iie-ftîy tisIcs, tital Lb.:-mbrwliataviioa.s1h and aiatn taiesatoimbyrneugi, -tteîhy se.dathe hitt- -a alle cf b*iaireJy nilil n suenthuse. Nep [JZi' ¶LIIV I.ER .EN . o F fo th tac, bt seil as.My fattuar cmulate lu 'S',dCuntry 'boue. TIc. p-ep.0ad -on tuer ivery cruteli. Tic. stgel, causet, I arn sure, by sem ete luàe iniglil have rknbstn ! -TE 1E CE T.f t' b t gre t sessati a a- lu-n. <oin I valta inicahit for a févegueronnvrle ekaimr aitetvoatgs e ils.pn b al'i eyl u en ni aiglc bei-l elet hl. He Ire.danlitravas~ tpeSt-ybnu apt-Iisu, vtbupt-etly, vilh its bris i e, moadern fur- ai-y îrongb Lb. croi-absettlic, aId door imparfeolydsIhv uectl Al sales are new made with a RED1JCTION O'01 o1vomI ê 1uaymugotvr.tafaa g-eueu-lin t pie atl ntr, st b gy t-ai apranwidos st iliutemîatot araiep asu etea. beahtimo- PERCEN. penselin prce teCAS prchse-s, aba-eIc h-c es a amug Ibeufi.I BufCcnt-asting otil> vittu a nov car- tlie wallî. "A nice renini>'-dear, tItnao athe toar,eentidatifro>asbebt-Isitepalinc PER CNT. uon selingprice to C SH prchasy.s, ave aid. na trly, hat 1caredlitte et nd th briht frght- aggbt oftte andIhangt ngae cfch-OlieeantIY aougland ltaph.itma wetua bagligetthentasyforc have aitantitrul tht 0aet1îe et, wicihubat boon lui-net'- ""e.'for " '-sce.my matitleiob .euaicaptiltawbebngbaIanisteetlstuanm.lvs for Iiscire rinalance ; and, inmei 'oeites., 1 it- il, e i- eecoeial ronghth li t.vice ing oethlIe --il musebbi ig niIvsds Thc Stck isthc lrgest iri Ui Couny, and cm-was se ricb îlliea thcatand ti ehand The furniture vas hait oit, bull nov, î yurs," sait bon tdstyabp ;'"but 1&ain ouies. Thcnbeootns e n- rsig ysb-ueeey.Iesva bracesevcrylîing n Boos and hocsfor Laies',love, tba; I toit mysoif qîite indiffét-ont anti on the dressing.tble staond a vry pratty asure you repent yenc- genac-rity commd'n revutsion et feeling, I Obctace ecalt ta itt;Isrv.l la i Gentlemen, and Ckîldrcn's Ieaii-e f arb oîtnoerbvewet-udlsbt Siy IthnlesI-ebl eandk t sr1gebt nt wemaimss ti soit mi>'e am nly c-eu apprhnfn eesud ie best qui zty o materal ~ Neest Styes adte ail ctse. Thei possession cf ait th@ uitaa n-er i rm fback lbrme, afler &IItt tbse gbcst sboies, antiwenyaesa si-gtors, bluleaInu>' ncre--ap ueo, ebne1utas- bet ult fmtrak andi workmanslnp, madle op for wliaî1I lîcen hati-anil eau rtenember the ver>' chairs, the silu.o- blaunee "Imt aneci-bagaibltIbtbo ny i-"mvocnreTcnl.ch sakd Ploas eauiii tmo. ue rductin wi~iotif us lon, aslaid, as I ara about ta relate. 0f course àii o flice boatheb.figures cf lb. lap- I nptace ropi>' Theaoldlady archedtnes tOmy latae tramai-s. As I entai-ad nea-et-andinav ieldatp-on. leate ad fingm. Tre ing Up -wilnth og swe girls knevthuaI vs vere beit-esso.. etiy. Nay, I eau recoilect net ol euh>ieybrows. "Where liav« lte>'put my ehamber, I ticcugil 1 beard se- l1 I sa bîassta as ppa AN ISPETIO IISPECFULY UV1TI>.but 1 to net think Lucy sud P.inunythb~~a-e t r ftbires. I wore an bbat yen, t 2 ieaie;"n5,nibige- nIi aiceilmjrrn tec cranooub opst wero aey the pt-enter or tLo bappier ou ftalI veeiug, -bults stgmn t o ccekloof tthe btmt% ehsoi mi >I -vlicli vas telb. ni> oigbboring5P- aidete ta vereIva lin.Hv. ANINPCTONRSPCTULYIsiTE.thât ac ourt m for un>' nooeg- foer, afIe and mreascen cf ever>' Iumblco-room- a rggular gboaltrsp ? pai-Inint. But I vasdteortunedtilolngaite oaheu vt.erlejdt tuaid i i m evou t wt esrnet. l et-sp e an resio on* e -o, f aI1cen icsar yonr heert basting viîb have ne marePuies, anti resolotealunial Iliat Iieo11l elb aa May 27, ~ ~ ~ VV.> O ot b1 elt oitasaret. Me pravet il, vaguoly tisagreoshie nature. Others, tsar Ibis marnant. Yen si-s net ft I tt u>' yeas eaîi il t amt- etmy alaru. Btn eidn My2,18.W:îlsoliîaIBlocIe, Broc k Street, Whitby. beaven ho praiseti1 wbee lie sht-suk tOn, neticet ber c-srUtili_' et me, but slb tm. tldt aln ypiietnis ,avhic fi lig .uanua sue0 sv b ,uie fIh u-an ________________________________________________________ ram nu>'aite altertheIbochange. Vas, it dovu ast a meareeceentricit>' of a anti tsngh off lice accusation againet ural le il ; fer ieut-el>',beven ràb sut andtheelaslcetlat-nicn;u ce f'taIl oa mot ege, i biî tor ptsnaytelas re et vbsiîcai, ta ni>'corage, ait lie more, perbaps, vint, an oîd mener-bouse eoqaa em br lstynfan ttêistae ltusuifl tcat o dt nt kep bs wrdsaYbeottusa I fet it iltruib. 4"De you vant niglit needu ne spi-ites te tjslurh iL, a$o upe, suid*witb 0 -aeêig'bt-i ais sane vouît ba otudi o ovever, Ibis tiaagreoable sensation anylliing mare Ibal IIeau do for Vu,î'ntered in>"roonu u agfrii'gaciu iIlc cc a bt T O T H f F A 1?M E 1 O F T H E c1asp at the allai-a bandi ho batlearu- lIsalOlbuta tov luntutes. AttnbtteLdraeelirt2"Iiiei t- e mst.A tIs,I anedafr MYut and s, arc ili-atcegiit edt oteanti shutier ut, boesose il paU u>' m aunt took besr part in the ta teigo a ysvn oftsleapieas. The cl me, sut a mest -'onscountable repog- sambîsne ocf a bns a- hl; vas full of goît-much gotla IAt toast conversatioansd v. faut cunselves atn'ekeen eyes wai-e upou ina. Inana. ta ni>' lmpoai-ty alcoda cama Iciro-oeitaesit 0 hevl' iebtot D O M I N I1O N fha sparot me lhat- Anti 1 kuew taIcl iitening toa Vs ei-d lagenti wlici lIhe rallier ika yen, ni>' ear," aIe sait,' oeonin e pite etfmi>'efferts., I&*-,esida tülcheiasdlsIbelng ____________ vas tovei. aud lIce knavîetigo bas kapt aId lady toît elcaetinRty Wall. Oaad'sud 1- likad yout- mainnisWvol endugh -»mta eb icknof bna u e saart, in lirtg]euIa L-si- :aoo: m~~~~~~iefrtramgaing mati throgh man>'a tale led La anotha.-. EVet-oeu atbet~if - etetinie me shaineultoli' t e saknffw vii en. oeuter saineartsyils-v>'s2esewg'o veat->' day anti nigll, vWhcu nuy bol calletau lic lunta contnibuto ta lhe sabotlhe cliristening idinat. Now I cp cava. Anti,riel>'upon il, Lb. eeol- nn4 tol affrigicsd ik -b di We offer you for the harvest of 1880, the followming first- oyehili bal net- a tsart-lashced, sud-Public onterltnnieunt, anti star>' after knew yen at-e frighionol anti fearfal, tûe0 iie anIdsptelans ith çvltu 'rk'oâ ,Tbaevsnvn hgi chas Farucig îInplcmeiiîs: cen ta veep vas amu lxot->' enielnme star>', always relîting le deiaoulagy and if an eut abantt bot fip 700v vWi- vhauvregardi,_ ralts iglt, cet-tain laft, Licogl thet-dauer bgv1 Ont- bouse vas an old Tudori mansion, andti vioCrf%, siccceeulem. Il vau dcv tonigtut, lb migt drive yeu n iuo a.acu wattixplne 'ti&rdg1s, lktby oe BROWN' S WHITBY HAIIVIESTER, (Ixproved.) MIy fatbec. wu ver>' particular in keep. Christmas, Lbe sess.r4fer snob tales ; fila. Thora jsa ice ltte s> oadini cl usvittent u noet mPanpos(, 'w$t&lot«. i.eal~a YOUNG CA AL>A MO ER, (Im roved.)ing tics sinaîleat pgcultaritie. et bu is a 1h. aIt "cmni th lia dusky- vallu Iis tremuig-cboat-call yaur malt ta I;graut il la irratiocdnei-oe1 ancimal I îrot-aLepealu0owmmwll,'a YO N A A A M WE ,(mrvd)homeunualtereti- TinstLb.manypeaku ant i cotresu d v"euilo of,tt-utkgdn arranigeiît fer ycu, sud ye an s0 l~opi1ltiCt-_bulis noticnstinct Goille gifti, blp ; McY Maclc a ~ei.,n Jn MOWEIR, (Iuruproved.) ~~anti gables, Ilie numeran ustroeta, and tih ie ligict se graeatil', aenieti mai tere mugI>', undtitha aid vitiîe ti jounuadeisilIlab>-Igu'rfe aoey Icolnt CAYIIJGA ~~~~the. uunlined vuntiava vîLb their fîtete ieaffect ta seuaIlageuctir>' PanteD n, d-uthi lon no' gobtin dat-o inatinct-tha'ilt-aUd lunbitîboir fcien8uitat-a Cr>',au(,hd'dwieudbv oainî lozeege -panes st in leutre- lot-. Tii hgolas enacat«d bond lij.uft ei, a'ud nbry*iÈ Ieabli thlie fe tereece-LicaI thoy tiatin- learti ils, sladî sIc-pl o The tibove machines requit-e 11a conuent tram us, aiter psssixug through minjd lver>' nouas-, t uus Wbaunwitb glcviog vat-mtbaicebcd-c-e vieer, or- quiyen fôr boing- Sfrtlt," gtaîwith gn.ueb t.v eh acse>'bo t-ry hanib r,vi elvngie~t~- such a b arNoît as the la4axud ca-ryiug off lice Gald odel for Canneas, tht-ce ceunturies bock. Ovar aud save gl&aofet i.Yole lag fiasiel on lite How lit e t Inew' whaî bang lanL.th en-Ititone vice liki. hhema anti'lasd lIepelsegslr oIe1 n4a W'e aise îotify ail purchasers wba vaut durable machiner> 'pro te thquauin leancluet>' etont- dvellimg, faces cf lice listenorantnetrcs batage et my refusai or saccptance cf vaal la1rsuihl hm oée ndyteaict a oe'-bi o&4j i ta pt.y CASh uON DELI'VERY, ta cali ut oui- office in Whihby, befare w b he detep vends cf iba pari suàthebapostraits,, sdud Lb~yv-tblIa rva reYnIMlI v i ) c tdhIe sainea;'-ttuey vitl iàfav aOne piercing sth cud-eiàn:1 placuucg your ret-ots elseviora, us il is aur intention te adepl the utpevae-aetliaetoeu-abutthietamsaudhu mprgutii 'b l$arabei hfilfo ooflitntonttsulbanaun-sar'theôi u. ib apri2iue' aiét'wibti wtuI neiglhericca vas Ililul> poopbat snd damei *ecr antiqualv4 droi dt rbek- bot lIrai voitŽiimpoeterabe aur o»efi tuaivhowcea manvwhom lr e fi-bvodurawnste vies +ni u As ' C A S H S Y S T E Mpt-miiivo. sud the people rond us at*, lireoeeof lice crigaas ofthle Pic. gaze. 'Yet, pst-bepo, gisal a sglIips and doggeahrinkfromi, sud l viii bs hjuhabeanu &"haî, f 1llti C A H YST M Ivera ignorant, anti tet-is oa t eint tut-O!stepp.1 rtrm licouvnas te' joinofet lima visîjbeyonds eha vicomatIe yen a'fàlse, ba4 lman-lies os hie dps aimnLjWho Asncarly as is practicable, snd theroby unako aur price.list at Iawast liv. idesandI traditions. Tiens Il vasie Out- ait-le.- IL licow a. 4ulcfnimeulng- thé offer ; for-vjceieI decliblé, vilIanad uert1seà.Nolt ing pricoci. Give usan euh. superstitions atmouplier ltaI vo chil- lustre ofan omimnOlytmia'lnU u ou auffeoted alligc. u 4ltshnlI din"e2tll cà-.N;tl'sonse 'nýeos eaîa icap*tu4X drt-au era rearat in, u«d vs heurt,,the aakeraicanels. 2Nowocîer tbathehait abitractil -cu'annërý4WHwl r te-ioiigà.iia iiy~i h rtb BROWN &PATTERSON MNFGbo.ero en-sant gimute«taes f 1hcf ndjobitstrite d »wzea. ee s. al ab Ou rwi-aîtnoug wenthelin rouha tt t*c luetrar, soea 'cn.wsfables ulcub"ia - Na vanderbttebl a f th'encre' lite. Go a-ntgbtchilI - plespsnt iti L.stluan-Iea*p.ibe4dycwat1 ebLersleeod u da-kteos t lceibiIlgi-v blU eel i utl îthar eatiuî"P' ,And.si. y, cle e s$ables-frôma4ar; and low in teor --bIycy àdç ,na~ le!'cu - ldetolimas, exuggsistet b>'creclity> ileab erelad abeir heurts boat lrreg- .doer. ,AstI uld im,-.)OOIc 4 >'crnnî t ds' ta ter. oBrl anti tle love o1 lice murvellelis. Oui- iilkly,,anl hels . pe farflhlnie ava -nover atlrfr4jurleu~ b ro e pray igaIc' mothon bat tiol vtuenîvo vers young, civr1- iait iolertu,fie dlidoe i orîo teteni a '1< iii. I felt licha asi-4-on ?ha m yli4 lveega s sn u nt atise-pàStIbeing, lhongh a' o ihimnezosi , a n ptliaIrug1h.a là&eoatiac-muj4eâ --he O R . ail Wlaooengheril -ate, __d HIGH EST MARKET-PRICE PÂID FOR efatheiluchiolibsoe nafiufairesof à id tey boleld soma imàpianIa a aaeo ýy y n;hô - 'It m -"a'dI bl*h>0,-~b&Jew -ANY QUÂNTITY 0F- - eéettounvlboeine atreau cf a.B-!è I0en a~~ 14 JI-oc.%~ , , , - h vere visibl' hIelv-oan .,n s mallgesut gi-i-; ru.uin, sud Iicere werl ring the br ov. lgonù i s viisl as -sring cf ii s abacliet sleav>' but.-i têo chais' I badhbéai aciel No. cliainisunat hmas au rt-eu cli tire. "a ut t-8o lue sJIthabt pau Coceastcn oethlI vi el by tIl ail Thllea, and c by tbo Soutien Cç ltog ath lands ci C. %Watti s-ed sude<-thli tant froun Os"a nt la beuvrean th tue lire. Tise nue aa *. ;th, adt eîd;ieoe sel for- sein cul Iy lho Muteri. «i i5ttsC 5 lva unas N, Gent' -mý Ad W-A 3EM

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