Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1880, p. 6

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sot ont to ketp r.à'elsra lug heysi'fj attebd ste(swapa ebit lieldl#as 0tta*e suoit wceek, to illitociis .tise lut-. .7"' aelligenco. lisbeau receirea (rîîsqu Itnlu tbtaaIR lshâave bet;ia alow; -011 tO t e la i..i PrivyvîCoqucite la-tue. lo,4lrAue casas 'ireeatIy Iriai befctý Tia4Iaead Lo estaàre bevi (oial tusé 0»sayco btinlug precemi go soaefn1 witii obaions i Îvêlil t.'éet artex4cjiau i qoposef tg tt 'eoîpeIiîg auslaoller. frinera. poil. làrèt, sud véa Orruen o ajoîn the Le.altles, anal wli li m td~m lat fefy ocgras te helil ontui l a inj. à terrible figlit betweeu two Ravaes 4isàr-poriiJtehlie atalion placenesar the Aiir Lins deo ai a-yltuer, Ont.,, euuie aadyma àgo. Thse combat te tosse, cled &4liaviug boec of s-' mous, brumbl- nature, casoe Is cibiatsi aai bhi tuîl badly cliewed by-lis oppon. * eut. Mir' 1E. tfîîrriti, ef llriilaewater, .> , ies îlî fv-îlear tast vilge a, 'ik -4 li i t itaa îiît ~i riia. l'ar is I ii . nj, , .ti t w 'I,a,v 4 î~ i ' . Ùt1, b e:saj . an i i woo ïiutia'l; w ias.re tritma, a wi&lr c0 .1ni les 11a1411il ramccuaae r malu 1t-r of the aaîsaadtbw; twe bore yel. luw oktitlîae, (ergot mo-nnt* ansd watr cross ta brieg ta mid file rieulos., anud two lied on tbetn whites s»aipink water liliius, butt aatifeliage, lu bouctur of itu inai 8r Robert Paol'm etroasGQoveru. lmuat of 1841 hare Worm tiare sScotch. trau:. AI onu titue Scotienil sent Mie. aunbey, (sp ,Humsenal Foi Meule f teu ilti Lieulse aical Oenen. New, ex.I ce.îîlt Mr. GOaiitiue, the auly conîtingent oi'lvblitical intelligence wbacb Sotant, wali ise dominut Liberaîietn; centa1b- votit i theIblaiteleotion wum Messrs. J're velyau, Grant Diff, esud Dr. Play- fair. Mr. JohnauDaljd. au extensive dealer ilao orous e iaNew York, veiz ucl cn Tiluardsy -cigltau osa drwaiIaragh * Montuéal, sud callarg si, everid aa- Wu*sa, ho wau fically talion go Liai ceu- trilpolice station in aa atâte cf unoon- aoieaamw*ae. On sotuhag te- bis ausese hé Ibumati bauel!micnum s a alale od waticiî sud a diamndctpin vlctia StlO.'!lisclairuies jbs w.droggsd luin tlie lutsa5looniiho viitod. Milline sdeonet flourisiaIn SSait Lake city 'twibtarnching iliait iiee aree ts liaîsîy wivee tiserai. Ilit.ssuair.-The limasient thmng on reioril, ecym the Ottawa Fret a ai, le tIii griaaat oit100> relie oflandt teMr. i;riî,i#-3'. Mr. iBk lako+eaoribod thliabr. a.liltî xiclli-wlueu la.'Raiil vtae 1L) arnt.-s oftaif tlud mot in ratura Young tir aeaey, tor whaîa aid l3rassy gai lIai g rUi t1 rii.AaPPar Execetr TiitarF.-Tmo tiliptit *part trade ijoeansliawlicb 0cr truit growerms aid fartere miglt direct arire) attantlion, wtlî profit bath Wa îiuiovcAsandti Chir coarntry. t 'as Utaslfyiiag, lisiwovsr, tue knuw that tise irakl ts i year lias jiot eaboutî donleit. Ul, tii the, as>ld le of Nraaamlser 128.6833 hi o-roli d b a bsn siippedti taEnglanti the lasportcf Moutree l sIesagainsi 76,f4l harrels last year, ile tiese îip- uil ira Hailes, 14. b., Now York, -ais1I Boston liâve greatly iccreeed. 'T'iaewjfum ni the late Prosideut Thiers 'lietlîraiParis on Sslnray qelabai ter e lrgrrgillmees.. 'leB..iiasmane slamePamed e liireairra rotestante, uatnrabîsted lireigosire. asta freedma.u eligible ta sit ru i-nlie CiijaLnier ou' Daputies. A proposiix laoot ati ondon, Oui. iliate tIr uililary endl lb. Promu enter- Pisn Mtr. AraaitaldFiarises orahie. viitt otrre car'ls ltitiatest. Mir. Josepb Eflisoit, 'mie'ri mna- ge~ar oft hie rand TmPrî a~k ilvay, bas roitiril i hmfetmonn Engijti . ceai yl toilaibe entertsitie-ait a publie diues lîy (ie aiions etfMaralucal. A aoing matc i qpreraiset inl En glaratisisortly of more "w enusuel iralarreet, Dr. Carver isaving cheflkngeti p liat OUl. ATCEL BROTHERU. HATCH &BBOTHIEB. R ATOH A BROTHER. Lrêstock cf both Sbal.f and Heavy. - ePuices.to Bsai the urnes. HATCH & BROTEIER. * CROQUJET. ""A fewnmesleft. FIÂýOH & BROTHER. BAIBY (ARA~ ."BWImne of aur stock ai redncid Prime. IIA4TCH d BROJWEII Brook Street, WHITBY. TALlAI WAJI T'A LIAN WA REN I TA LIA N WAREHiI I TA L IAN WAR Ca t liogardes le a contelt t ahouai raa agtefor £03i0 a elle and the arlia arpiorlip of tht Ivaria. Carver - usl lloga,'riî are aliloohtedly ths tva gruaVtis expvrti îvî0i tîhe gun tise werbd 1l10ii4hapartist nemberi or thse lerenoli Chambeèrs of!,Detaullshave da'of thw tiiailils of the 15.pôr5eçmo, ITAL lA N e: llnet3*, antiaaonmig thse Repeblia et Jeiiting tieliuberty et tisa suljeat by sxpoling tise religiona ordora. The doc. '11bitai acc ompased by a mianitesto WA RZ Bis tht sit e tlëct igaird by ail the tsi'iiudars of-.tle s bisupanig granp. .n s.litcm heu às ttis noplow aaly tix montismoll.nct the e utile seplae aailesib tIitit vnil i'P gooam t tlmtm to e irasteafrflujateti joftse a snbsîu. iati expression af ibeir eyuiathy ; se .leY tontraoted with -. :O,. sculpter ei . f oeae Thé desîgu timosot k t aIo fi ~HOU8. - UST BEOEBIVI:NG A FULL, RESH STOC0K!1 CONSIST 0F TUE 'FOLLoWNG FRUITS.-let&Raisins, al off stalk. Loeupa1Bjtanas, London Layers, Black Basket, e Basket BI kCowut choice table Raisins. fOUSE. #j. Currantà-Patrass efinegt. Leinon, Citron, Orange Peels. Canned -Rings for' Scotchi hortbread. OrAnges, Lemons, Grapes, 'Dates, Fige pr si Metz Crystalized French Fruits, Rowintres, Chocol also Chocolate Creams in boxes. A fui!linhu of Englis osatcquapt JLJQJORS.--Port - nd Sherries ini a vaîlof choîce hrrids, iti bot e aîid w-ooil. A flule ght SpùhWille, $3.00 per galj., "()c pel. bottle Nttv 'W'it. $2ooper gail., 40ù- per- b tie. Grahaiiuî's Port, $1 {pil bîttle, lîiglily rècournerided. Coboîîrue's ïhî ort, lu htck. BRANDIES-Marteli anld Jules Robin, in a-o nd boittie. Cooking Brand3 $3 per gali., 50c per OUSE. botde.IGi,lRed and Gircen Seal.* )Id Tomn Gin. Jamie- JUO~. json's and J3urke's Irish Whi*skey, Se tch Encore Whiskey, and Stuart's Jarnaica Rlinnu. ALES - -hi botties- -Ba S, bottled by Hfibbert, pints and quar-ts. Labatti of ondon, sole agent -for Whitby, one of the fineat .Canadian L ndrfi eight-gall. packages and i botules, just baud. PORTE R..--Guinness's S4ut, Inipts. and quarts.t Peter's Cherry Cordial, Bb4 k Ham- ?EHOUBE, burg Cherry Brandy, lied tiracoas. RYE 5 VEARS OLDI Eureka ]Rye, best brand. Wa1kîýr and G ooderhama's 'Malt and liye. pickles and, Sauces, Mis' rs 'EHOUSE. Pfil5 Iu-6 andWhuiê. "-O b~-~i A ]HO0USEH.OLU -WO*RD. .The CASH GROÇ~R MOÏM I»eveîe11's' Block, has'becone a Househgid,,Wg;d, as the, bet and cheapçst place for fresh,,TtAe andgen.erai-' (ilOCERI-Es New eanTes4t2c,36ad60c worth 4Oe_,,Oo -and SUO, ~3I~~ rei 50tC e~2cpar pouud. -AUJgraüdes of Siugar -t re&b~o.r~s -Louise Baking Powder, cneé goods ue'pbspr White Grnite' handaled T«« -00 OOpef Dozein white Granite Tes Setsb $2.75 ; White Graz4teà Cb>mbev Sets, 2.60; Elegai DneradTes Sets complet4, $ (~R~iCiaTes a s ~ ê ui aertment of GLASSWABE, LAMPS, et. Lamp godds very Cheap ; aise a largo stock of Gem Frit Jarsli pinte, quarts and half- gallons, M t prios that defy c m eiin Butter, EgFÀ'ioec. à eùi x4éxhàiiýe. WANTED.-5-,00 Tubs ohoiée iDairy Butter;, DgvEngp.r's BLocx, . -Biocx STXËZT. WHIITBY, ONTÀRIO. FREt .ç3 Tis nbIics-e carutimsed 21Meinit a. cmem ilies l is-M% r nre riamuoPIaîe aecars ara vineaise a -tI fPnitia-! ilis'r. jlse-v ,iisei-niv iiç '-' I'r tint 5 re- i 'i'e c:is )I.T ti rcjc i'. i' t a ç îii~. lrtob.ccrftîuis i<terl ic i% tnsriZ.t. Iltbec .sab.stihtz!tira mde!n r1 cas tie ps- teu r~ao ratisn or i1r aa4'te: er AM '.arsode4ir tr iis t v W-s' T-e b" P*,s-&i tx1 is "tut uarr eO at ac m arett c ~ O . ~r _y *i i Fo iILRAl<RIS.CAIS 2- 0- ~sa'aj. F b±L JJ' egetahle food, éop>1wheainrid S H O P .wbjc . ehê oan besald -in its Lvou eur the potaw IW& it J ever, Yery dmuoi wiâ Ibe Iainêed; -ths eréiâd of maturfty, Andthe mail la ~J 8 wlaich h je grawn. That kind slÏdild - ý be preferred whiah, becoujes mesly on Doig. hi. jent material in reference te neuriebment whether -the potates 8I?. O C ~ K ~ s II.. ~ ~ E ~ I B Y , are b iled or rassed. 1n P int eOf ec en" amny sud- cauyenienae, .hewever, it bas ÎW Next Dor.Suth, ta ames dohnstans "Gldsmiths Hll" ben fend better te bil than t roasî to;for while the lame8 la *eiling * cia.patud of patatees scaraely (~~' 'Ras opened, business ini the above premises and is nlow asede half unounce, that in,,anf 'rnnning in full blàst, whero everything pertiing to Tini carefal roast.i:g1 je twe aunoe'oç Sheet, or Galvanized Iron is nianufactured ini a workrnan- aOk therula their skîlae, nnd te peel like'imanner, on SHOIRT NOTICE and Zt reasonable rates. them itnmedintely before tbey are ECTRO-PLÂTED GOODS6f SUPERIOR QIJALITY. AUl kinds of Japaned Tin, and Sh ot-Ir n ware constantly kept in stock. a rd y k d T a , a r ed w h bi' ing off tiiecar Of J. Carpenter,.was RE-PIRjING done cheaply and neatlY. Uwr ur rub eoeteplc aitass anteed atiAil workorgouar-.Oshawa, and-was ammitted-r f tral ta. Amorican a.nd CaJiadian COAL OTh. Lamp Chimn eys, tecut ala hty -W iacke, Buz nos, &o .. The New Scal J. W. B RN'~ ~. of the World's Dispensary mdicaA, c Whitby, Feby. 24th, 1879 ta pre falen, ofmteinget D ree e onelp-us., tee Father of Medicine$ surmount il, thsa globe, fltly symbolises, the worla "Il%.de Putatiqn gained by the patnil PIANO S TUNE D. LIVERPOOL, LONQQNDUn Y, MedbcDe oDr. Pienae omauatl G EU. T. GUD P iIE T, luw-r GLASGOW . a ope t h te world. Witham aîm u Iýr M ssrs.Mas*n & #ate Tor ntoment, 112e W ord'm Disepanary an for c n hiya bou. the & isrh e o ta,.Invafid's H ôtel in Buffalo'and a c rres ond iid be ira1whity ats e niddbeytuMs. 5 mingly large branai s etablishmient in LoLîden 1'aotleswlehng lîei Piaos rspely trtei A an m i ~ tintAssociation make mediines for h wtll, please eaeae ther ordexe iti Mesera. Awble'wrl-nt niitsa i ttheer LYnon' Blck RUPEiot orwera, W mil, OF ROYAL MAIL STEÂMSEIP$. senallT examine and treet îth speciai laie A" o M e ssrsk W .b y- r d r b ai ,ne d i .n e B th o u sa n d a o f ca e es. A so n g t ie 'adrssdteMeer asOn & Rso4, Tor'on- reost cebebràterl of tre proprietar or family t6, W'ill reeive prompt 'Ittetion. y.iti WINTE R SERVICE viât BOSTON AND medicinesaxae Dr.' Pierc i's Golden Medica HALIFAX. Dtecovery-îiae greatbo-eraye ald -~ T D r. P ierce's Nias n t P u ig tive p llets SARM IJANDS. SHORTEST, SEA PASSAGE! (ltlpU)-n r ires mon Si p ions,, oownldf ain lul attacis, ascolie, ,17RSLE BPRT'CONTRACT The Steamshipe *of the, Alen Ltne ame neuxelioan sd reueim-aao~~ i2~1iso±hftv !lo N.29. and-the i!ptehtxl frein Boston every Tbursday, arstionftsrntehez rief froIeiva .ale err Sout is e! f the N orthli of lot.N o. 80, If] th e O *g t Rlif x on F rtiday, and w i il b v -ness aid k ndr d afe ai e L U e td y ' s:h~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~11J cocesinettieTooaipe Wity HliaBeeOSTtrdyO dNggs ONTARIO ILOAN & AVINGS CO. CI, nt4lIAz. Cabin, #'63 anqs $00 1, #91 eccording to, 29tui April 1550. 15-tf Oshawia. positien Caf statesoOm. "Levier raes for ce turn tickets. IuLermedlate, $48. Steeras.. atlowesi rates. C- Co DATES F A tINO. 0 ci bd w PoIY in an fro eBostoa , Dc.' 2 d, frm rla nau .4 Mvain frein Boston, De-. Otisr g,LnHit., Z Ctia rom oston, Dec. 28r& ftrom]Hall- 1 fa. Tx, Dec. 251h. 5f g'~ Sardin lan rom Boston, Doc. 5ooth, fro ur HIal- fat x, Jan. lit. Steerage peesengers are ferwerdedte zon- mecldonderryBL faeGiagavi, WueetoUS M *c:5 ý f ,4Bristol, Cardliff, eniLenidonat smee0t 9 C: s te Liverpaool.' ZÉ -Parties wrshing to-moud for'thasir fritnlý c- Ms < -nl an abtain ticketam lirw rat, 0 Pa Fr tickets sua further information appl y W h itby- - W isiti>18m ,S aie pe ple w ould rath er ho hu m bugge dr Wisiiy, Nv.22n, 180. t-tisn taget' Vale recived"for tiejx oney.- !R~ ou es t is h t s c is persan e mun eter tisie and tiset prrrtended cre for catarris, forget-, g b t i og t i a i D r . S a g ' s C a t a r r i s Ee r e d v l a s e- .~ poitivelu it offettiat its forreir pro- prUir terttsaitiLfer yeare tisrocghout lis e uited ieus nder a positive goara.' tee, ûffering $500 revierd for Ai incurable c. ase and Nvas nover celled upon ta pmy titis rewaideexce t intirecases. This rened, ha curTsuch a lame that abranzl of iclliias been estabHasisd in Londen, Eeg- ladt s l te oeindereand for it*.' Stop that Caugis. * If yoe are sufferifg wtth a congis, cold, Asibrea, Broncisetie,isay te'ver.censnmptiou. bas et blood,' ticlrling iratise tismoat, or any: affection efthtie tismoat or lunge, -use Dr.:' ~ GRET 1IEEDY ~ K ng's Noew Discoverv for venscreption.. T esîetstra rreody tisaï; e ascusug ço,, Cm c c l ih exLtereent isy its 'venderfailcsres,- nuu-ui-u uuiuu aring tisousands-ot hopelessa cases; Qver-' ~.UV IhI~IV U 1000000 isotties et Dr., Ricn<'sNew 'Diký aovery have iseèo-asedwjithia irelsÎ1àt yeàLË" w lnch eau be cured by -,. sd ha-essivoff prfeat uati eMmir n çey;;, timrly i-esort, to this stand- foreWa2i.ahstaig1.y~ iiî-d preparation, as has ,been ani l nn& kaffens -aM auci pOCdbyth hinded o â,ud it a (1.- al1' aluê eta'fi ýZ proYd bythe il»â ds 'oi eiaents or àe' rtgclar --l'à testirnonlis receive'd by the odiy'. tâdeWll pl-rî-etOrs. Iti aekiowl's ToSarxo'upns edgod by "finy proxuhent -- fteeisve*eLjta-i L. z ICD z c ci LIQ R' S T-U KING-ST 05HT' Man!P Nabet Werk. This ie n age cit great wçrkeansd wen- dertel inventions. Steam , lectricity, viater, air, al] are m2aîde te serve rein, bet' nnquetcnably tise greateet inventions are those vihicis preserve mnf's bealfb and Pro- long bHie t, sud etc sng the greatest oi tisese te Dr. Ring'e nea dcevryM for on.~ sureption. Itiseets a.- truly widedful sud iundreds are happy tw day, ho once booked tczvard te an sariy grave. PFri Cougis, Colde, Bronchitis, Asthme, leosef votas, Hay 'Fever, Iloargeeae, Croup,-.Or eny affeaction vibstefer eithtie Thrat, Chient or Lungo, ]Da, Xrae'is Ew Drscev. mv willjositively cure,. We cen hesrfully recermnena ih to aailnsd tanunnhesitating- ly Bey il le!lise oniy sure cala..for T'Plat. sud Lung Affections. Trial Iott1 lU Se, fi ed, Wiuby. 3 t; War6ftouse. ~ 4111 d eo8e St, ]J AKND É. - MackereBli, Feh a u ' mgslae TFiftw tst . r Cfj GEO. B. YULF,. ExPress and Telegraph ofrice, en NKW-Y-EAR' à.ýîieL =ý..d 1 1 À ai

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