Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jan 1881, p. 1

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Ti£ WHITSiur iOHUONIOLE II taSD A Y 19. a NI4U, At hi@ PriatIng Butablidueni, BROOK BT"EET, wHITBy-. Term8 -81 50, pop Annum. ADYEflTIMB 8. - AU Âdvertie. £1.b inu. usard aNoupaxiel, sud irg et thei.rate.of 8 conte, parL»n, iam niertion, gSad 0 cents, per lInet esoh dubl.- 8pei0ao0rate mde. tadvertf sera 6y Ti ear, or otherwiuu. SOrdraito discontinue adyertismeoua tnu.! b. lunuwrit*Lg. Business Dirootory, -014TARIO BANK, WHITBY BRANOH;* THOXAS DOW, FARtEWULL & RUTLEDGE, B ARRISTERSB TTORNETS, SOLI. olaora, Notaa4.as Public, and Oonvey. Office tirt door meuth of the. Royal notel, *hitby. 1 AMES RUTLEDQE, B. A. J. E.FAREWELL, L.L. B.,, Oouuty Orown Attorney. 48 MESSIIS BITCHIE & BILLINS *BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c W hiult )1>T C. H. RITCHIE, W. H; GLLNG8, Toronto. Whitby. O'SUYLLIVAX & PERDUE, BARIRS ATTUNBY, SOLIO. OFPIOEI - 72 Tonge Street, voeit the. Dominbion ak. snd Corner Ring as Yonge Utreeta, Toronto. 0. -A. O'8UWVAN. W. E. PERDUE. October lrd, 18M0.ly-45 B SolaitoraC Oincery, No. 4Tont atreet, Toronto. ilECTOS CAMEIIO, "'O, R. S. APPELS£, P. mcPHILUPS. (ly.45> JA»lBi KZETH CORDON, IABIUBTR A ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solilor in Ciiancery, Ceuvyacr frýtry Public, &o. Offie-Dunda St., fiut door vest ef Armstrong'@ Helel. lioney tb Loan-Private fund-at low JOHN A. EcGILLIVRAY, (Sncceauor to B. -M. Hoveli.) BARRISTER & ATTORNEY.AT.LAW, Notx Public, &o. Solicitor for the Dominion Bank 0Offie.-Next door te Mlansion Boue, Uxbridge, Ont. .26 CHSARLES C. KELLER, A ,TTOBNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR lE L. T. BARCL.AY# ATTORNRY - AT-LAW, SOLICITOR Alu Chtuoeiy aiS Iuîôolvenoy. Couvey. Anoeri &c., te.,: LYRAN ENGLISIE, L L. 8., 1>ARRISTER AT LAW, BOLICITORÏ IN' i-Caceueyueh.h.Sim- coee tel ma DAVID oRMlVroN, B. A-, ATTORNE!-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN AICiau"ceq, Convoyancer, &a. Orrano-he i016Ofice-South of the Pout Olffie, in MoMBim'sa Block, Brook Stao.t Whltby. -ly.10 JOflN BALL DOIV, B RIUSTBR-AT-LAW, SOLICiTOII lu Ciiauoer, Conveyamce, &o. Ofiace-Deverill'a Block, Breck Sîreet, Whitby. MONET TO LRND-Private Fandu inusums up bta0#M, at a 1ev rate cfsu tercet. (y8 ROBINSON &KEMT, (LdAYE Duooan & RoSENmos.) BARRISTERS-ÂT-LAW, ATTOUN. Beys.. Solicitori, Colaveyancers, &c. OFFIC.-In Victoria Chambea, No. 9, Victoria Strict. ;.G. Rouiseu . . AHsEsEsTA. E. u B ABRISTERý-AT-L&W. SOLICITOR lu Ciiusdlum etveüInoluey Convoy. mmarho Odm -.ve laBo o Bc- treeL, Wlalbby, Ont. G. YOUNG A SEigTHi, LLk. a., :an. 22,1878.(t- J. yk"0* àjoi.(AEAt, Ea.U. Owwzo-Brack-St, Whluby, Ont., (tIare ;.J. GU,19,. Do, IUY's BOSfT xlmJosDP, ENO., Dit. DOGAUr, Phacs,8arpou, -Accoucher, h. o Whiiby, Sept. Bta, 1874. 4 r * With calm Primted words, great thoughta, a 4untlring lidustËRyw a4 ate Poace, Pgremas,- Knpwlcdgc, Brètherhooa. VOL. xv. WJIITB; PROINO~ F ONTR O, TBURSDAY, JANtJARY O,1881.NOL C UMMErnUiAJ., ~VT5L anO 5TABLES, bd and 68 Jarviz-street, Toronto. 0JOHN McBeAS, . -. - PROPRBTO1I. (uocusbix os To JOHN LLY,> The boit S1.00 a Day Rougine l1.ity, Only 1,0 blecha from the Northern Depot.audcloa. to the. Market. The Rouse ha. been newly Vtted out sud evury-thlug 'rat-elami. ly47( ERS. WALKEYL4 TEMPE.RÂNGE HO USE, DUNDAS-STREET, WHITBY. Good accommodation at resuonable terms. Boarderi #2.60 per week. 45 R HOUS.-TORONTO, ONT. The. Palace Hôtel of Canada RoSîtteS, Eeturnued, sud CUrtymled. Nov Pa.aen- 0o Elevalor, ruuun lht e ay. ii oul 1 rica. Hali uLlua i bgnadu- au prices, vs 4, #2.501, aud $8 prday Mombers ot Club. sud othie, Sesmnn nooms, vitioni board, $ o rdy Feb. 27th, 878. Propnlaler. ROYAL BOTECL, WHT1By. The, above hotel hau been thoroughly renov"ane sd refurniahad, and te nov un. der the.management of1<PEU. MACRIE, (tormorly ot St. Lavrence Hall Port Hops. Every attention paid te guuusa. Eapeall go Sampla »ooms for Com. merciai traeig. THE WILSON HOUSE$ Â8HBURN, ONT., ALEX. BARCLAY, - - Proprictor. The Houa. fa of Brick large and c0M. modjous, anul*the interior la flÊtol up in a«. Cousu& t aila Thé. larder fa upplied with t he best- in the. umket. Thebot of Liquora and Stabling large andl roorny. GoodeaboUhe BEITIBE AIMERPOAU OTEL, R aY -8, (LATE bouton iLoui.) W H1T B Y,0ON TARB 10. Zouse newiy renovated and turamsied througiiout, and put lu Irat-olas order for the. reeption of gueula Au omnibus to and from a&U traina. Piud.olas teample rooma. S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, Co.Ring & York&a., Toronto, Ont. J.A. O'GRADY, - PROPRIR TOR. Ttamis, "1.50 as DAY. (ly-47) POST OFFICE 8AWOOÈ, ToDoNTo. Ur TEE 11131nACCONMODATION jo tuo neta. ly.4?) O STARIOIOTEL, »nOcr-STsET, WHITBY. (Late ecdtthe Nipisslag Hotel, Toronto.) Ogod Liguer. sudCigara. Commoleus Stabling PrllaaLivery Stable aud Billiar O BRAWA IBOUSE, £150 sYHNE?, O5estW. M. CHESTER, - - Proprietor. Thisthire.tory,lan sd commodions Boume l. refittted'sud 1ûniied te susthe vanta o e i.traellingpublie. Table aup- Lrt thple wa1h t iieeuon. Tiié Cd suplîedwiththe bort brande, liguera sud cigare. Bus te sdrud tras. tion. Ample mtableroom, careful hestiers 45-ly T IE QUEEN'S JIOTEL, Boz SIILET, WilrvnY. PHILT-P iMcCNN. - - Proprietor. Dent Liguersanad Cigara A velu pidtable. Airy bed.rooms. Comite =tcllg sud large yard rom. Charge. moderate. .% WHITIY HO US]E DUNDAS-BT, WRITBT. , Tii. uniertlguesi vouldintimai. te iii " pubi bii b ovepreniseshue beau uly bulIsu ile up hiobafor Ligusorus mSCigara. vHE UscAM of, CAwaAIP. - wau.z tq.aoa Musopure Ruine lae i. 144w, WiieI - " a" udRelsil. - :, Bourdons talon by lb. yod onumoder- at0 - terns. JOBEPIf A, BA1tBELL. I July, 4t*i 1 Col. yapueàh Osones u'Br., roEitTO ., ÂLP.BBD OXFPO»D, - P.EpPRIN2'OB. (Laie cf WfWagc ote944 Xakla4-- T.RI, 81.0 >PEU-A.n GooaS mialal tug for vea 800M osses.irxt.elama *boam. màdalioa for thuarsaSle travelingM TIHU CloYDE ROTEL,, - 168 ELge-Sm. BEAsyTORONTO. Tii. houes e vy rsusvaed fraototapg bottona. 2Evry poamupcfsilqafor tse lravelling-pubilo. ie vmy bast ofliguer and cigae, sud tho larderfia keplnglhu the. borttu tht clty. No bet=t&#aillg andSgood attentivojioales. (l& LIVERyI CH INA- HALL, IN 6U RANE. SION OF rUE BIo rue (nEOIsYKEED) 71 K/NO-BT. EAST TORONTO. ONTARIO PARMERS' PsuyBeatat udTe St. * MutuailInsuranceOo01 Psuoy Dînner and Dessert Sets. Fancy Bed-roona Sels. IIEAD OFFICE, BROOK-ST., wHITBy. Faucy ansd Teapots. SvePledKulves, Fonki and Spooni. rIIIS COMPANY inureu Farau BuES- Silver PisteS Cruels sud Butter Coolera. J ings, Country Chunches, School Silver Plated Cake Baskets. Heaum, sud themr Contenta, aI rates a. tov RoSgers' Knlveusud Forke. sB tiOo01s !ay velI-establised Compsay Tes Trayî sud Servera. iu canada. Ployer Shadem fer Lily'., & h o., Gîasuiare, aU descriptions. h. JUST LOSSES PROMLy PAID. Wite Soevrevery linS. Hotel sud Bar Goodu. J. B. BICELL, JOHN WILL18. GLOVER HARRISON, Presldcut. VicePrssldeut. importner.1 Dominion Wood Works, WHITBY. Geo Cýo-rmaok, Lr.UMBER RCANT & BUILDER. LUMUR vhoiesalo sud retafl, or by by lie car Io". Plaiiing, Mouldljpge of cvery descrup-i tion, iloornu,, beeting, Shelvieg, Ri. saavig, Sbaplag, Turoing. Seroli-wot% etc, jetc. Wilby, ont. lSuh, lm7. .-8 MOMET TO LEND. Tia.undersigusd-hi uya ou cu- eyioLiaS uon anaor ovuProperty, at uîtnuuly Loy aiesof lubemesi.ý Lomacma ha rupaid in uuzuatesuiboit. reves 1e rlinprvd araanS WilS aP fer waieohmsp luvaianntsmaS luMuncipal Deben. turas, B&SaB and ailier markettùbleBsto. F or furtiier pirticaulea apply te JAMES HOLDEU, Apni i1 lem1 ARCHIET CTUREf DRAWING AND SPESCIPKCAT[ON Promptly prepared vlUc, view te Eeonomy iu Construction. CâiRCII AND BCIOOL ARCHITECTURE A Correspondence Rcupeccfùlly SoliciteS. HR. B. BARBER, Archîtect, &c., Oshawa, ont. A. A. P'OST, (late with Langley, Lauglcy & Bute, Toronte.) A RCHITECT. Desiçuafer Churclies, Villas sud Cottages &= y rvuepeae for re- Orpacz, fer the preseul, at hua resideno. on Kingston Bord, Pickeriug. 4-tf) P. 0. Box W02 Wsrn, T BIS PAPER May bha tonduSn île at Gao. P. Roveli & Co's Neffapaper Ad- ,vertÀsing Bureau (10 Sprueet.), Ïvhens aS- vertlsmg contracta may b. made for îil w MONEY TO, LOAN!i ON BEL E8T&TE EUBIY Applyio, - - KG BBOTMB&o - W4ITB31Y, "owTkiOei m. BELTINO M: AX>KTO 0, SOTNOTICE. moby,1uni.. THOS. SLEIGIH HOTJSB &-'si( PAINTER,- -Oa mie,1wPue onnd.atah ils Blop C. NOUIIfI, SEcasYTAnr. Witby, Apnil oDlm 17. -4 p RRNIX YI=RINSUBANCE en. Lombard St. asudharlg Orouia, Londoii. L9Y45 lai x 1782. GILLEBPIE, IMOFÂTT'& 00., Agouta for Cema.1 IL.W. mNR A GBXGT ST&bI.TSHED, NN& PuD Mu 1era!. isute fprtalun-« WbltbyÂpriltia,1mt 18 AXMC INCOR RTE S. y. A. ir4L, Iomracea eflecéed et the lowteurrent rata o Bildngs Mramalip dfadother rerhyeglisor amag byfrem C .- KouII Agont, WMibhy. Whltby, April ODl. l78a1 NOTIV.--Thoe cfourreradesining N teady sud profitable eudploymeul, or valuable reàdlng' malter, hMdfer 1881 oilnd Rend 156 chu. b lie Vý LELIâ PUBLISHING CO 16-Dé-ySt, New York. for s complete Beabtaei publiations sud Ilutrated Catal ¶ teonilziai tof re mmum., &c.or 81. tor= 'llee aet outTit of 12'beautiful Cromosud our Pre.- mlumn Book of Valuable Inormation, con. tsiniug over 5W< pages; also Dr. Kendalis emineut Trastia. on tbe Horse sud ic is-I euses, vlhh sample copies cf al aur publics. iens, &c. Au active agent vsuled in every tawn-tvenly 1tiitirty dollars a eauhomade voekly. Their Ilustrated Publleabionswiîh theur ne, Premiumi, takeet ai ght. Do no& delay if y on vii oeur. mreyonr berrîtory. Addresu PausE LESLIE Pun»I.SMse Ce., 15 Dey St., New York. The Great Blood 'fPrfiers I EIUFubi OW O ria oRev. sinmua* anUS à"- lseseaar ooleu ybd ~oralbysl nIE fr PeraytàvsSl&arne teksh aki th8oi T of-ala ribeu a~lepUm A Gem ton Every Munth. .;uLNs.nx. Byba ioin lIis mouti va. bon Noe Gem save gamuets shoeld be vere; Tiey yl lusure ber coetaucy, Truc friendslaip, anuS idelitIy. Siucentyud pene ot mnn d, Freedona tram pa.mleu aud freincane, Il tiey lie Aueliyist viii wsr. Who ou bhia vend et ours ticir oye. iu March inat open shalbe vire; Iu dasîoetperil firm and brave, AnS vear a bioisheone le tiser grave. She vho mena April dates ien ycarm Diamondusiehuld vesr, Ici, bitter tsar For vain repentanceflow ;ItbiasteWne EBmbleun et innocence is kasovu. Wie farmt beluolds the ligit et day Ana veers an eanerald ail ber lite ShaU b. -a loveS sud happy vife. Who cornes v iiiùmmer lia bIis earth, &nfaiawesto Jiue ber day et biti, Wihligtgte ou ber lbaud, Osu ~ ~ ~ ' ,oiljvsh e log lite cormmsd. Th6 glvl¶nuly sioulsdor Th vh wumJalýare boru; Tkaevil lwybeexempt sud tree T«e Aiuut rum i onuthuis atone. Tlaim usM live auoVed sud loue, Bu A mO bo in buAnt ae Ared hopt wué lu Setoe wrds tbres 1who TSEPRR' ~ ato 1011lis pualealmmr rp- Bii cobauanu4urlgMou owi i),d suoceuly ftr*e&d B an tVarflng4mom Ofon-d 1 atroulsed lihouiotheb. omIradrm and <no. Ii Pommeeuam lipovers d huee royalty Soya te u oratmn b vauaîs ruis bulbt- isaus nSTurkisla balus amre .ol m uhSl uvoptooas Irace e o =ysakasesunesan teyCityriico <atienevnavseu 1fqb condition 0jeTheruto the body. ud ocngmnt of thi eeraiQoatouareomusaoargvnTe Iteisi iy Ifrein the.bort MMU09cm andatsry anthoni-lc -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ----------Ihi l ilconurfslnlea. T)!PI'HWsQUININE n 1TomeXO I OURS-Gealorea, 7 t8.8M s.m., 9Ste p7 streaugllass is.he uronemasimusolar I9P.u. Sluruay until nlj).=-.-La&«e, 1Io myenaImro4etagetau, amte thie &. te 1»aj,P. Z. sa=uta eeruta ha ieslth. Por debWted1pîTMB healhi tram tbe effect of bot cn=Umatigo a' TaIrlIaliatas, coeticket, Il Tit iue Iosiavaluable 14 = #il Io1. Vapor Bahus, 0e esc;id s-lchos <lue bloodlrounotes la tpel-mdifess leaqi Irnu norsd dqanolo, fortfles tise -Igeslve organsg la a itigo enedy J B IItNR...liTo agase. n w l8I Supmluaudei- agi tendeneles h.-Tho wbelp ztraaua le atia *pu Tm,4*Oueu*Mm aeas-CONFORTABLE HOUSE AND moal îlem Se zz f eroi btsUa pat 8toe en-SearMty - 4.qq.ne. '~uiunu min coon. JU iu recotuIDenIeS ta seeldeai. fa mule theColoutea. sud qhopl3t slwiga bois.! 'raady forbse lu avcay ceas o! fevererfeoebrfl. condilion. 174 ali lifer lu motion, Vary tligb#ly selson Use bo-elsa glrlua ses. ef health ansi onfea vtu"slu 8boum. Illa thesetediciline. Tarexapsa sSd a'hvlnta a ffiSmade 'Redfrd Lbonaloay, Loodon, Wb- enaine lfae-oalabeL Reta. 2& ceL and 4&Se 0&i SMldbyU'bemiut... A raout valuablo sud oewemoui medicine for lu- tusa. Anitalak, tie Cape, sud Colonies geer- aily. 1"- atautaneous dye, and do" . 1 àjbeila sa. IMMrgebobblor5 la 5ls-lftken t e eguaie lise meutepoualve baitr rome, y tbbe1tr, miIng psy bant l aneIdS ftsestofngesnd a"4 snoursabg wu s bé tht of lms 0irai cores b liais orîd belo, h drear Rovomber*s f og aud euow, uld priz. the. Topas' amber hue- loin of iiieudsaýnd loverg true. )Id Occember gavey.ou ui- mouth of m>ow aud le and mirth- oyorhanS a turquols bine; ma vaIl bic., haz'oryou do. H OUSE 0F THE SEVEN GABLES. '0 in 'tbLe arcla(1 window, ah@ tcboe eym ýr.adIiD%, Pao, dira- gpt zirb 4 li -hé -faoe of do 1- irsrveÂuiid Laend p byer.tbroggii uiie 4noe grey pave. ýofoloua. Thoesàoe bbiugath.- 1a f é s87mbgià 9 reat-broOd. msaaoDf hum=n troibli, rdubti eon- o, an n i juS rsuao., betweaa batid the beter regiai2. Hes Lili tcoek ; th prayer lto hï&ait busUplfte. t fl' bock, a lump *d * nlW"4rt, ' 'Maniôo ber Un14 ly 58tI>-ObuSmIn asrgb Passri 54000. ter Smalng moorkitciie, ahoi oso, Ire PueS-Wrou 1 c! -rwm 'pnibru %d fanSsoit vahar, st&e Do #Àei aud ou uiigiThe iiop lat norny sud lu a goo4-uon for business,- oiem agone sud pertiaulars, sppil '.-ueslo, and MIL BD. ORMISTON, - igit eveep SoUicr .WhUiby, Co.-,-Itlu or te Mis U. M Py, But IHepzlb wuliby, Jua lati m iberense.thereoo erery eoLts MAJOR,,MILLS.seateo Tii. MIin ov lu wincomplote runlug iIfà:riUthI Soro, theb. Mac &Uyilnav,-the lutédsi mOud en aidSàmu' approvedlilaS. The. vbich vu t la doue pnornplly, in hue- tSiE et Jadge py BEST OSSfl~ NAN~Roluding hir AnS ivoouttre-ahisqetoa. Pale, grief-j cbul.ilike aspecthIe old.fasbioned s laaIn I' al snS -obliterated ail defi- garnits wlaich lae wone about the nitenoBe of tlionglit-usbo yialded with. boute ; às figure suc>, ai oui snc;uetiizne ont a question, and ou the instant, te imagince biself te ise, witb Lt.eivorli's the IlhehCifodexpnessed. Pot eye upon bin, ini a troubleS dreaiu. lieriaelf, ie abc &111ie a person in a This figure of her wrelcbeh mbollir dreaxu, ýrieu lhe wilI alwnys sleeps. vou go wandernug hhrougb lhe city, Oiffonal ordionrl]y se destitnle of Liii. ntlracting nil eyes, andi evenylmedy's faculty, bal found it lu bbe tonsion of woncr and repugnasuce, like a gbost, hie cniuis. the more lu be shuddered aI bécause 'Wu3Y4o Yen delay su V" crieS ho, vis.iblo I-IDnooaotil,-. To inctur tbc nidi aliarply. "Pnt onyjour eloak anal bond cule of the~ yotaaag.-r erowd, hlaat kucwv or wlîatever il pIonces yen te weun I him uo,-th" hiisrhier acoru saud indig No matter vint ;-you cancot lok nation of n few olil men, wbo anight beautiful non brIn iant, rny pour Hepzi- reosîl bis once familinr Test-ures 1 To hue bai ; Tale your purgo withi money lu lie sport of isèy@, wiio, wben cIa1 enoug iti, sud corne along 1" lu non about the streette, hava nu more flepzilab ubeyed bluese instructions, revorence for wbiat ils beautifal n'aS as if notiing else werc bu be doue or lioly, non pity for wbi a a,-no mure tionglat nf. Sic, began te-o vondèr, lb l.- seurse of asred wiseey, Fauel.ifying tlae truc, why 0tI islI bot vake up, 5t4ai buman abapeiu whieicblbembodiî-R wiutsb il.t more iniolea-able pitelaj ut iteeltliae if Sataun werc hla then oh tlizzy trouble lien spirit vouflilstrnggle, them alliGONZI-i-1by their moanta. hem ont (ifthîe mar. asl niase ber cun- Iond asill cajer, sud cruel lauIgbcr,- scions liat- uothiag cof aI l ise lid insuflte-i by tic fflth cf the, public wasya, act-nnlly hauppeucd. Oh0 e ourse, , as vhaielsibey wofuid flinuaa pud huima-or, ont real ; ne sLuols black, eateriy day ne it miglat vehi be, distrarted lay bbc as Ibis md-y4at begin bu te ; Jndge moere straugenese cf bis situation, Pyriuoon bil ul teked ith .lien tinugla nobotly siould affilaictbina vic ChiffonS lbil nutl lunglted, pointes;- o msinabauulleswor',-wbn beokoned liersy viLahl.4ynae wonder .if Glifford vere lu break îmb baS tuerely lagon aflicitetl--s louljy as anmue willi extravagance, vlieb. vue leQePenoio n-vt sget le f cortaintluba erenetedsa lnnacy 2 nïareaotnsblceiaaclry ny, lu &rnrlnt1 Tints Jndge Pynobeon's fiendishu sobeme drenaI - --1 "gulS las ireedy aceonaplialied oho its 'Nov- nw- lsl-i*pia~8 Thnllepzibnb reflotedliaI the htans) 4fro,< wsüjuing lshlitle -preparg- j bov vs lmatoornpletely valer- 1tie . '"I eau IJ s h n onger:i -1-1i girSleà. - -The whanf@ strebolied out te- muât vako uÙP 46W 1, I - wards lie centre of the isrbor,Ïsnd- ie ,RqtBPt.- iL4m'e ulla wakconlpý bia inoléentl eather, vere deatrteal mouti- W'oe1a~t v~we by tie, rdinary - tirnof emrerois.îtp,, mat bofure tlxey ll ft lb.lusei Cligffo labonners, 'eea.fsring men ; <asciiwharf aloilabil te, parIom doprd - ",a mails',î a solit-ude, vihu:lie veusels -moored parbing ubelseanco th~le soie cacUpnh oemens-bS ternsalong ie uaisty lengel,. ,of lIhe nona,- . SilulS ber bnotber's ainulea.i foot:îbepe "Whist au sbaure :ý4gure tis ,l.-fc. atiray.-hihenvard, aud lie but bend, one loy enta nov i' - wbuspered bhoto-HeQp-ý mornent, over the deep, black ide, zibai. 'Js inh aoidlebt vonîd lie uaL bethiol lîirnself tint bleo m compleiely udr is brb vas tic sure refnge vithin is rench, Comae,couma ; Malte hasèteI orbehyo sud tuat, wilh- a, elugle sbep, or the start up, IihoGianh Despair Au punsuitli lgiteet ovenbahance of bis body, ho uf Christian sud Hepeful, anS çsatoh uaý nigit b. forever beond iei kinaman'a ye t gipe ? Oh, the temptablun I Teu mule As tbey passeS loto tlue sîreet,ý011<-À ut lais penderons sorruv a secnrity 1 To lord direceod Hepzibsh's asltniob te -1 siol, vithitil leailen veigit upl)n hibu, sumetbing ou one of tiie poste cf ,;t 1 andI neyer trie ag-nIfront door. If vas rnerely -he nitiais il Tic borner et tua les8t conception cf bis uvu naoms,' vioi, vih soea Was tnu muai for Hepzialu. Even waialof hise cbaraoteniobio grace .abot Jaffrey Pynceen muat help huer n0w 1 Lie foras of tic lettere, lic liad cetl Sule inehuaned S ovo thue saircaee, bhiere, whieasboy. Tic brother .suidi ejaieking-nabcsle vet. sieher tîepnîcd, aSdloftJndge ,pyn.1 "C0ilIonS Ja gene 1" aie crieS. 11oceneilting. lu hue -old borne of!- bis1 osunot fiuS my brother I H.-hp 1 Juif Tociathiers, ail- by bimslf;tsu oý e&vy, rey Pyncholen 1 ome banna will bnp- audlincpisi tintwoe au ikeu iim boý. Pen le bltn 1" otig beter han - on efunaiglutz E bbc îlarew openthie parler sinon. nasre, aclilcbaWi perisbin thLb. ntiSm1 Buti-,çisaI vitlah li dse utftbranches efils wickednoai, sud lefI it la bby- acrsthbbc iudewganul ticetanùke- corpse pulie breast -of tlie - tarmenntedS ilaokoned oilling, sud thie dar& ual- urse,- b&cgturiS a!ofaasià migla 1 paneliug cet hbg walls, tiiore wae banrd-. . lys naci'Sayigi lutic rooca btai1114J. Hopzia i uerfect sigli couLacI . TE»,G? JO'I curaèteLy Sistlngusiliti jdge's figure. Smnra lva leos in s et Blic as cetainhovo e h tia m i SW poor HéibiÙIsfvoniIs st bleue 4jttin4n fieancestral oair, us-ar iAt&eiuin1uot. begaJ.iq as 1, tPllê' wndt tic centre ofthie lloer, .vitilluslaface OhÎf(ofeàdit,,Goeer way ne5F i smnewbahaverled, anS lookingla/n-et 'wsd'lo Pynebeon, titliei bbaS i ùrps - ai,,"~-qJartae-alhub-ieid&A netImore &han ooe inber sîsantr s but, iwis h4rtl;comesnre fbs-tn-5p ,<g'sav)ai 1tlhF65 ~penoanh aitaisd-. ie .ostio mort aol*-ensîtien,.-uagls tefvÈLl - vtii chde~ tn&liowena.- pbîe~ysioat,,6ifJ.s-,aauehco 'I cl l.1yota, lnffrey,": cried Hcpîibait,-sithe - cre lu.prf ixsusbs)yTi ilrpatienthy, aushae hurood fro flie c~ lebpS-,u tepi~-vh parlnhurtloôr. tesearoh otiep rrus, ail-go osirrss* si~e&g "May brtier 'la bnt in hi l inubeni1 the.nprsoina @uvty. Tou mustaci-olp me tosAuek b l,' Imp-ession -_lfi-iaiiIs 11e Èr f *But ,Tudgc Pyuclaeon a êa nt the fit viw-- tise - warinbsi.tida--fleeu rstyle. the %s B iar. te.leot oin ro fd aboie hri sud go, til- bier ban)da. vabairtlypalpabc1sle tLbth bnuch of iheotlier. Anyoranyo4 have been peeal e_,wtbls Bue vhispered ta berself, ugain ma RRa*ail-i *,Am I awake 2Aniivk -m sonietimes expoied lber'"ace lethi,-chili ipatter--of thceS, lý.oirth, uke UUàli rude anjturance thats e. s, Wletheu. il va. OMifrd'u pnrpouc,or qply hobsac hiad lad them Iltixer, they nMov "fonpd lure of psy atone. ,WiLlaii, there vat a spacloos breadth, ami anea!fry hei from - floor 10 roof, nov partiesly fihIed vîi, niokt sud -teanaf, whioh eSSIoS voluminiously npward, a.ýd- formüeda Iuirnio olonîl-rogion, orpr hein ýéeadu' n trhin of cars was jmat neady,,for a etant ; lie locomotive waa frettiog\ aui fnniing, like n steed impatient-i fr.a, beadlonir rush ; and <lie bell rang out in hasty peal, Po veli exýressiug ýhe brief sumimona which life vouchéies la ne lu its hborneS caneer. Withoui question or ileby-with the irreisible decision, if not ratlior te be oalled, reok. lesenes, wbicb liad su sirangcly taki-n possession of hlainsd tbrongb bina of Hepz!bah - ChffonS iwipelled lier lu- wards the cars, anS nesisited .ber ta enter.Tbe signal was givn-tic englue pufled forth ilSt short, quick breab- tlbe train hegan iLsuovement-and, nlong witla a lndred cther pasengers, these Cwo uuwouted t.ravèIeliresVes onù- tven! hlike-tho wind. At lat, tberefore,-aud -afler Po0'lon esîragneuetî rom everytbing liai lb. wvnîSacteS or enjoyed, liey liaS been drawvu ,lothegreat curreut of itnoau hf. sud vwere swept, nvsy itia it, à'a by, Btili iannt.d vill lie ides- ibel uot one of the past incident., -oucelualve O*r Jadge Pynobeon'a visil,. conld - b. rosI, .the recluse ofthbe -aaeven .gabsles- ma'r- tnneS in ber-byther's 0&11- b1ifrd'Fflff~f iiiot liis a R-& i~,é tibash1" epeàWèdlia cantrary, 1I ieeýO* bht we before 1" ffilage h iéçi n up *oudÙhhem-e-à a lewbràths ror.,ý andfitlmS venlals' e8,,as if, ewallowed by-s, arllaquake. The uopiresos f ehn-oeasm sot adàifi tom lhasbir" foun daliôua; tËq fir'ad-ba.eS 1bills gliâéd'i*ay. -Evîorye" tbiengws a uzd frons tàsuoln rosi. and moving at-. viiid _pe.ius4 mien rouly nationa 4 LNs E N. #Choa*s ýbpeis aident r, lic 'iii a 9UPar "le b] i, sussesà otlsisa 1 . - --- ---------

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