Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jan 1881, p. 2

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Meoiî~-Whtb sud BEset Wi~hbyÂgrealnra. Society. -O1.wUModicalCou. FA Ou io irtD ary. Compouis ai 8yu = sw . .itoberuon &àlBron. - J. obertson à Brou. 044etMhauks-EL Bryeo. dooî Aweomtit-?evu Of Whitby. butdOOk Blood:Bitte-T. Mlun -. Ob. apeo l, ci Dr.,.goede-R. 13. $ INso ot ai eeàb *[aug sale-J. B. Powell & Co. t Immense dock ai Dominion Ware. -roomee--J. B. Powell& Goc. 7 Pull stock of, groeries-J. B. Powell >NLY Si So PER ANNUM. Wilitby, Thursday, Jan, G 81 §UPPLXUtT.-A enppleMent, con. ti.suing thse 8yndlcate cotraot, wîi sntp atsdoxplauatory note.;' alae4Mr. UZLekenal.'. RDiwà%y Act, and:nîgiser in- lorn.eîlon L4iss tenaitili thie numi-or ni ils. CE1WosiOLs. It will bc o lo, val. ItAble for referenoe. 'Sitr ichard Coctrr'ibs.apeéch ai Wiitb$,b go thelargé audience wilo afflW.i is ai thse Town hall. ba.s oui. 4 0 c9oince tise "eeple 8o514 a m% oaita. ,vil #effete of thse -tsateo etra., Âvmsrrau.sor vue B&tLwa.-The Ostava Be/oruowr, enumeraiing $hc ad- Ymuita$-otUis owicis toOsawa, Ln- el ientally points ,it b o, Yhitby le boaieAWsdb.y ilsraillay. -l'U'ke," u"3m "é' omuempwtra#7 Atise liai af Wood. Ma as tttslc tam. ptchue.l at Wlitby e4lu-~dn ils, (ttaIl, vison so scarce lasqw,14 #a co &han ectisui ould be boughflérou ibis. Oalaa'va market, and bsd th. OItavisi een buill i hwonlal bava tusis delveridinlu Oahan at 75 0-124. a 40,pur, erd, visiol% is .raurc :iaau the *ier0 txUpayer will isevQ taps'y in iatlisttgib Al tis for thse bîilliaîg ofthtIe 'eau taarliet lay law anderweot a ategaaaimy aenîacot t an ipecial MVOt of aitise LTowna Cuoil, leld on 'eui5vdiaytyubtgisi der tise orliAén&l ty- law, only tovus consumera could pur- elias.; othar buyersaudnt îoau.lrmvsa peoltibtual btying lus thse market alto- WM .Tis u et oure, vws an over. fih.The Intentin infrmslng th. by-lau vu b prevont tise marketi being foassas.allad nal thiIs in vifv, chat dlur coutld col boy Up everring in blic tbélotnthe ta*nep.cpl had -a &Itnltqstgosufr«U Buinohourvau nuelaftel~r vhôth ie dealer oould ettr, the marktL Tiseameudelm*M iuvÏIteît4o remtcdy. Ton o'clook le uacaw isha i, before wviicith isess ats.pt!vilse; a'*er tisat hher the %2*It uf taidestcre and tail éthers. War à Blus tntir I5urox Ao. WIOJLUL $oa4str-Tise cari saeetlug .a tii.Wliaby & ast aWhltby 4Ju"uapultural BSociety imites puce it teGlaise oici, Brooaliîn, on Thura. "ay, Xlibinstmi, ait2,p.m., for thse pur- pflosaetrcsvlnmg ircunrers report, iutc., ci"a4«"goe t itreffce for thsa ansuing y.ur. TWevoccnioffiorand 'itreotoru asre qu.ut.dgoa aset inlthe forenoon At ton 6'6100k. V& .lPLuis à," TueS*Mài.."-Tbe Otaw p»ocal of the Mail gays t "MPlom bin elM. aernl a Otyle cf troly *Ohriatîniegatlallîy. wftcèelusitewtbe- tous, Thse üsan lti fer tir i we epn'u keep lt pp, N.I<w-year'a Day. Tias irbt d.sy of tii, New.yvar ets eîaoaliugly finea and favorable for thé 04abers. New year*iî vi.ite vere exicit. .sî'ny ia5rcaasa~d.New-yoar'a cail were cleo russie, in *Wîaî;î.y, sy seveal of our O'aaawas frieas, s, cluding Mr. 0Gleui,tM. P., Dr. I.ae, Mayor ai Ochala Mn. Canusicbaol, Mr'. Covan, &oc., "tc Several momemis of faa.hilieu bloning tae itovai, anul mployed ai a distancec, availcd tlscmselves of 'tiseoccasion le viiit lisir fmiend. lua Vhtby. Thse abstention from vine ai a largo numbér of tise callere vas quit., notlceable. À dance aitishe Town hall, on Now. .yoArIs ove, vau langely attundeal. Cal- vunby'm fin. Bandl enpplied tihe bout of' Thse memisurs of tise 84:is Battulios Baud ver. ont ie fulIl drecu, and l ocked remarkably Weil in iheir isandioine uniifornt. Tisey paid tibe nouai round af Visite cnd Jiacououcalexcellentannelitý. àAliooting scatch, at tise Grand Truckstation, attracteil a large erovil. Tise mateh wau botieen Mr. Lavlen and Mfr. Preston, for $100, and vae won by tise former. Whitby Cotiegmate Instituts. Frow. amionget th.e aADy flatt.ring ntices givenins btie preri of thse Col. logiato Inetitui.p. the follotwing, troim tis Canada Educational Monthly, de- serves a place in tise. ecelam tiF: TliTcebeant oif Viitby rejoices, tor tise Iiigis Sciool ai tise ovn u son eloosâtoa ta tise dlgnity of a Cotîegiate lsaeiîtute. Ins an &go giron ta iseasp o- ta'avagabt honounu on tise chsampione of tise muscle, lot us Dot omit to give tise inteâllecînaLi atisletes ai taut udor duse. Tise coedit of tise véli-von isonour ve chroeni ocro lmmudisaly bel% onut tise preuaut .scbrly rincipl ttis sohool, Mn. Gao. H.Lisbinuon, M.A.,ý visom higisatiainniontu.ad gréai autsa às Insatahiscaue aiadvauscled a . dion have cutbla tise trauteeu i olise inutitution toe daîm place for le' lantise higisesi grade oaithUsebciscof et te Pro. vineslu tis u mceuPrincipal Bob. iuansed thse maatèesvisanareloyally meseelateal vus bisa arc to bo congrain- lateda kTiscue visebhave prooued Uiens lu Us. same varIa are outitel usata ihoir mmcd ni praisa. For a number ai yec bcit thse Vhiby ocelool hie bes puu'ii!rg ta tise front, and la vas ft tisat tise lime vonbd smoon coma wisen thse ioncurs and cmoltimenta ef a Col- bagiate Ilostittite v.auld be vitsin iber covoteds racp. 'risc7are nov horm, alnS Clia possession of tisetn wilSobt laeo rý1 as a pui t so i.istrust Oc cOcac witact.ca-Ic cnîisa tIo&ruiiaevae~ thîsitew a[iese ClSnmpoighèa~ar eiaizan. AR C- a aà1ra vui aattall:.cîaaillifi, V'iitb%. (ileaitlpatar eounpanasivelyaialIlmn'pu! ati-at. !iaio cialà ri herecor3. Tlse deiî'iicunfera-it tipota tisa l1i: .!a lti t n Iil.qri, of! lise mntol ec:t2i îs.cail> o! tii' 0C -1.1acaîity'. It aIBOfesi tt!pii1', lin e-sua 1 I iumntitaîtaou, wtaac-1a, l'a cillasisithe. lsoctotr' t las veall, ItaiFa havte litS %Il" lib-ral and enllliteiictï support ai the townopeople. On wisasa vortîli-n aj-ct entldaISa oaosancîity spenal ils etfort P Tise instituite se wortiay of tise people, and tise je.j.le worîis oi tise instItut-o. May bath continue te flounli t" Manitoba Items. Mfr. Nathasiel lBay, oai Wisltby, visa 0"cc isarrlvallaetveok,baunoî,ve re* «rut, ioson Jeying i«oaS Iseaithi oiudu returuslngae.@bon A& is bealti luaré-ou- labllalse.Sae peake lu glovxeg teczi of thse site country. liaby bave saie 0M0 ceres vitiia egl9mie af Bapial City, 'bure lia grcvlug «sud thsnfty lava. Labd lu Worths frétan$6, te 1820 lias acre. Ke Rires us tise followissg prices :-vlscmi,#1,25 ; cala, t1,-Potaioas S-ar 50 ets per bubel, te lio dug ia tise field. A yak.e ot xn, $150 ; taui cv, $50 ; «caS larsa haras $150.Tise native ponîcu eau bu bougbt ni irom 020 te$70, but ho ayusoye are lilile vortis. Afler tiésé econdl *Plcegilsng, tis andsoSlaeseuily -vonitua, buit.before tîat it la tifasusd iscmvy. is yieàofld e w t. 85 huaois per ace.-tu 0-erae ---sae -p--are Ma. J Aiea: Laa-a, wvisa asberne epeadiag the iChtiattusas Iaa.dSys amougat hic iienuls in Whiby. alaso re- ports tory favonuhly afi ale section in vIsîi i su fmmliy ana lecateel. Mn. Levnie asd isabrothonu usev ave 800 mecu 'sof excellent land$ noir theaa te ai Mannl-fO miles mentis oi winîohpg, a*cd U1mifee' nonS ai Enmerson. Titey heugut aI a dollar aut acre a litie aven $20 an are,asthey'nd netobute. vbési lolo e 46ç10,"Po. taicea W 07TOclapet buImiel. (Prose s.Mi&). A lrgeeulsn steuedaltise par f '10Msssé l iJgti of tUs e oomody. dminapsa Nip-aseiTeck,," by m. Harny Weblieud U Ià -.owpany 'IN* p cal Tait, me'"a'sgy la-às1i24a='.t 'ie, NueS va Iryet-ceg lula it, tIse Ivo, elusuetera of "Nlp anal. lcis" bcbng a filisi etpsri. edétectives viaho r -ibraau o opp sIt ideesoai4% «nemi anuirta"@, sud ail thu-ougis tIeipae vortaitema aisist cats alosnknavn eaili te lits patria--alî ladraue. moi. ,Tc dSeoiba tise inînlaies of tise plot, antl:,tlte saty t;oinaucfexs lânet, wouîd taesMOTO apasc .tliau ae' bave ci cormual:'suhice f14te gay,iliu play ls feu, -étdÉbanati tionral anal ahoatain useneatoinu Otsaenai ing 'ns ueiorous uhlînatiessa, a-talai lase 'l 'e hifev. Mr lVeibir's '"psléiin saIS <f sumour, atîýan'«eiif ciuetrsddialect ias! oti tp prwAftlÃ"u <ut' big' vervdiftiout «a.. Trowiw'or vnirt. Nu onusual uxcitoment manteS tk e year. Tisai Cisoy voeealtegotlisr trs frous palitical bisa vas Aise boit mature of tise conta8i, Belo'r vu givo the neanli: W. fI. Bibliogs, Mayor, by Acclasaha lion. '. FnRBeeve - N.WarS. C.W. 8.W. Jas. Campbell, 187 98 69 804 J. H. Grecuveod, 80 68 Il 149 For Deuty Bera- J.H. Long, 180 76 87 24 G. Y. Smsith, 90 76 41 207 For Couacillers, Centre War-- Williamn Duntiey................... 99 J. G. Kelley; ...................... 92 W.. H annam ...................84, H. W. Aues-----------------.......78 Tisos. Daveroîl----------------.......69 M. O'Donos-an .................... 61 J. SB.IRobertson (retired)------------...6 Fon Councuhlors, Sonts Wari- Icisu Blov ........................79 JoisnSusitis.......................68 C. Fox ............................. 54 W. Wicks .......................... 50 For Courmeiiions, Norths Ward- Chas. Nourso----------------.......158 Da. Boagart ....................... 182 Joba We-siey-----------------......119 Mattiscu-Collins---------------......1101 .......iu..................x lu 'rierouta, Mr. Close, visa permutted iiusoli an Ice ale s political candidate, fon the Mayiraity, vas defeated by n vorýt hacvy tnieiy. Tisevote @tond: meMurrcus, 4119; (ilose,2-144; l3nitton, OSH5AWMA. Tise coutii-st for the firet deputy- rfevesîsp bet'reen Dr. Mollnlss sud Mn. 0.. Pediar, résultad in Lor ai tise latter. Dao=01 Quit. a Chan hbu takan place in Brookt. Tise oabIotmsea, Mr. Gillespie, van aleteateal by Mr. Cunningsamsfan Use neeveship,_anal Mr. Bratbisn ly Mr. Amey,tfe rairutdepuiy. Mr. s'ya taiete cplace of 2ud Sepaîy. Mr; Biakeîl, -tisé aI van bone," bas! a clouSiao, En as! te tac. a eter- mines! velI oranuued apposition,,anal a gOo Simn in Mn. McTaggamt. But his friands U riea round biai s udI hostili hboldo tiseat, i hicli ho bau ued- no long eus! no creditahly. BRmOOK.- lierae, Ceniegisan; lit Deputy, Amey ; 2n5 Depnty, Bryau. Councullors, St. Jobh naluda"rd. Cascscsnorua.- Bers-o, J. Sharp. eon- cillais, W. Birandon, J. Nfasbtill. W. MoPlacrsat, W. Donald. Osstiv;'.sC..*cscn. - Malyor, la,. lUas Etauve, J. S. b'mroe ; lot Depuby lIs-ve, Georvho f1l , Pa-ir ; 2cd' Dspnty Itaita, J,.(C. Ss.itIs.OC un- cillors -- s.aahm . - est Winr,3. J. S. Steui,,. Ilica'. 'l'tî.Moi rica ; mnifflà s'a, ast, jcr J J- 1, M. Qziuvjav. .7. A. Gu-a.. ' %va- ar.;. 3.J. ' lei Iai's, IlIL , ' a c,th aa M.u' al-\Vte'e-î -,' 1 Naal, i--a Wr.i, M. 1P. W&aîrraa' G. X. Mauaco, .1. IL la.u&iau Cosu.-aiIlr.ar, t4lemsuà, Luady, McNnlty, auJ O'Cuanei'. Reset;.-1-e-as', Peler Chnisti.; Itsi Depnty iceve, Joalina Dobeun; 2od Daputy fleuve, Ln Barett. Caunoillere. Jatue. MeFanlaqe andi lamas Halman, Uxutsassa. - Usas-e, L. J. Geuld. CoueillersB. C. Csampbiell, J. Ssum- mervilia, Michael Viean, *cd William Craviord. Watns Couiocîa.-Reure, J. B. Bloka- eh; ý Depnty fiacre. J. L Bmîth. Ceusa. cillera, J. IL Mutiseeon. J. DanSean, sud ]EL fickue. Pmcxais.-U.veMillorn; li.' De- pa0ty Réeva, Hooven ; sii Depssty Use. Matisons; SsriDepuiy-"cave. Formaster. Ctcclo-Miteis-l. Reeica-Geo. Sualtis, e olected ; De- pcty Iteve-RC-est Roloandl. Cocu. cilluans-Geango Thompusen, James Qasig. ley, B. S. Waisoler. Becs-a- G. F. Brnce, hy acclausatian. Depuly lftc-ove - Cltas. Thm"pin, Sp ecclsmustinu. Coneil!est--tV. NWos. cati J. J. Dc.nalats anSdPAlai, llae. F.CUGOe. Il-n-aGrlasam. Coucollors, W. itatessas, lPeter Wvillicanc, John -Platteus, anS Patihck Sveetms.ia. elecec -i MuSTnIzrn EDITUUBI dale n theumo'fùr lacklint tie Pin, so oo s a muscs'tise olixday gaymnn. Thie plac es as v tisaFetie Boosrd Wr net lCtin, au', as tise Pes e mou-Th.y tlaea t" iciined I rie test. 'eura tise Noble 0Markus' mcd ta 'sac, aftter isopin' I bcd injied myseli, an'tUsai Miatàiu s OD&ysu a' tise childisrc vii veli,) vus- Il An' se yez Sas! ibi Humora e' oluamongitl lthcir amueemintc o'&lsc Holidays.,playe parla ?-Big moeinua, an' a gond limé, Eh.2" E sXlncy nsu tisrmenjuday ln.. tiseretcdlin ils.in DiKaMeeétlnu as' knows vsry veil th isa il. big gâthiscniat v e people. au'ithe trong Resaîtilans passeil preteetia' agin the Bad Bargin, hava c signifikance san a tnatynin' tisai ca't ise ibrateal vidisin. diffrince. He kuev ihat 8ir Richardma argymints vol makoa nasisusubn. At lisate I thînk son, for (bechun. eues) lise Noble Masrbis lookcd plazoil liSe wii I teuld hlm eav Sir Richard'@ grandl rayaepshun, au' 1 overhenad hlm tasy is C.a liasl-I kne'w h." I Son't thinle ha heer'il about Sir John aindin' for the iMtnhen for Souths Ou. tarie o ti I towilhlm, an' tlivii. a oy I described tise inelservue: Soit Sir Jolie to Glen-"aNcv. Sonny, Coin. count me ep thIs s nesy, aaI ans net tallis' .Iuney,-but sasyrinss, I detiae; 5 "I1 wan*t," sait ha, "taeshow ît, 1 TAntPd lot tise Minubers Snlb, aTist iaey anly po £5. thore wil ho cashs Sez Glon, thon-" Tht cansur- "Notwl-thgtandin Tuppair's yaan- ,Will cost aI dos la n-oeilliona af lund <tei !as o aillioans Mountea- "Millions on millions cauntea- "Shue millons von'l go round lt--nsi tise peoplSe viii bueiool'd le" "~«Look aitis egteauas, "Ctuula profaunsi siesaubun, "Kearp out of thrtlsboua, an' keep dama monopo-ly * #1Just lieton ta Maeloull, aaIn toune clear au a bugle, aa!o<,,dan't ra n ta tfule t"-Ses Wr Johu-MNb ll1 lOD 1" e ie Xlacyi alAI v mi -ulppn'Ln....doy* iiése te "- aldo, me Lord Karkia," mes 1; 1"4bu di1 & X issP-1le a pétilsiateo tise Hanse, yer 1. ,"ss ,"upon bise iulajft,a," n ea »d &4i lov. Ye minaci SugiicssLo, ofU eveny perslasio, Rîpreuinhln tli talie4n, 4 ai ua M u «tisai (kIt, iserI, and, Tory ThsuslinaxérepuatbMore 72&_ Aukin, le Uic aulne a of IM. Wn ulas", ta tie sd lasa Tise iovrtut do indicate Tisey bave gai a Syndicat. Tlir pnticy ta vteediaste, ana bleminge an ~u stiover;1 That, te hssilil Pari-11a, A&t fmalti ies tisey won't atiela, Evsen il iltu&is ulttinI-te isyl L tis teins ô! powe-r I This Il aster Cerporatten woe.Il swt los a tehole siation, Auc.i ruete' t'a l1 lctatiaci, Sor cvtr-azsd-s. Coulset a tocle-rcliec, 0 mh r.: 1'c--'rnmatior, WVau!cIle1.sagi t:5vctiuis, ladthie t-onntry !7iru'tre i i -eSt re Th,- thera'lva's do piùmul ai ta, PAcl Iliq aj' thee at sate ts iiis tdila -triansaGmion. PatNoteemu aualas t'a Fromcs ieikirk ta Tlsueor lisp, Amsi tison fur pusiblasa, twoarmillions, but a fraction; ParIts. CUnada (entril, Port Maus, KamicalsudapiYala, AUl su sedaitp, viii iame thie tule, far tises. 'arlousseeioue- lute o= uaffections- Tise dllerassata .rvdCsLts'ihaïva te finassée. fo; Shso"-tIsai l ereu n Framoé n axs ns" 5-.iacrui àpl 'Ba chu SI a c edmana, Andi tise <=2Lamat 0eauss, Tsaitise piaitofa ll thse lausi isU s. given te tise alilaU,' Pre, k ciitaatonV-. WorthisDu a valution- rad tia.usydelo iss nolit hsuabre Wecitldany peaple ÈAtUd Tisai tiss ir andceitisiiel Sbauid b. disat witisua oa-band--vctiout ap Cosuitatsoa? ::Tisepeople. hoyseaits!tandîit, "Wbstlsor or noUîy vnt it, 01a.Aln- v-Mil-nrsasa&t ht"'---uMy tis a- Town Cauncl. SPECIUL METINO. Taeuday evoning, Jan. 41h iýÈes"n,-Hlu WVonip tise Mayor (in tisé obair), Dr., Bog-brt, Mesure. Cor- mack,,flnkley, Foi, Gîbeon, Hugganal, Long, Smsiths, asdWesley. Absent Mesaure. Bennes add> King. OMM uxor itasrio, Mayor Hare ated t tisaibliel. calisêkthspecis! meeting for thcepor. ai tise mereiat for violating tls. by- iav ; teyhad betnop butor. iuxuan&l lise case adjeusuneal. Il vas toua tisai there vasno provision lu thé by-lav pamting ayoailers 'Ia 'boy lu' the maio xelconsumera. Under tise isy.lavChosevs asstcd te bey anS usd1 ageainver.complctely ssutantI. COn tibscOnt, altlsoegh Cisc by.Iav vas pcniectly goatl, a, in tise opinio ai tise Tovn solicitor, tise parties coutl ho field, still he knsw tisaiit wué'Dnt tise intention, ta eunt off lise mocants asd hoiteratram thse marktlalto. getier anS ai aIl hanru oi tise day, ion union tise sy.iav as it nov atood thliy ver. 50 axoluded. Hefiiasi thenéfere caîbei tise concil tegetisr or ntise pur- Pose eft eeding tise by lav. and for the purpoe of tranuting auy oisez business tisai mugbt b. bncught isfoe thora. Subsequentby, tisa Mayor alec siatea tise reeson th. meiter- lied soi bein lefite bo Seul ilSit by tise nov conucil vas tIsat, ou account of Nev Yens, lie lai' talan tise rsoubl ai giving Permission tistai al mighish allowad te puncasacter lau o'ocit, ced visised la have tusaiobligation car- aI cet efergetise In., made folre- utsllicg an inilictable offence, vielci 'ra4 net genenally ituova, andai IlWb$ under tisai, vithout à. by-law, tisai ceuris anSd aitae cel Mn. Gibuci uon «isugt l in s y-lcw am. aaiàing bY-lav 197. àaal a motion lise coulnoîl vent loto oansitise Ibern- Mr. Fox in tise chiar.-Théo amendlng bessls edby ad« epas 12 Use folloin; : "Pgpvlded bovever, otiserosonliing ivio th é, is un plt thprce cfaiing agalu, sfic' ta.heur of fan e'clock, la tise cala nasit e n euhis nal .ervmsrketd*yP~ Mr. BitalUsi4a aiinded * Usnarkcl Use'lui1ev ariot Iys.Us oand- 'a over mass nuiuotsuh voulanl ao buadisable le discouruge Mm. (lîhuon explaincal 'tisIbu vwas amouget tise parties eutmmened; tisai e the fis Su-is ase. of byla thse marnket hasum-swero ftram savon to ibuce olelok, *aS tisa njIe.mercsate asd olisera bld Ue privUleeortbuying,, thse markiet ucelS hoa lailurmui d tise Money exp-sndod tisswusaw'my, *aS yet tIhe isylaso use lb pasw steed 'vas a prohi- bition algainél tny onst, but'onsnumera in tise Iowo isuylsgé;,n thse vas £ fieS 'sEtsr wiicldiers mmigit iboy. 11,e coueaimiru.d MtIs tIse cusedment, maitoit tise isour tu o'elack, mter whicis Seul- -ns culd ul y. 'muid answer., Ur. Cataui auin lufavor ai aa'ls«n tisp heur eleven o'clock.,:,, Mr. Huirgard endUs te aeosi- met ; it vas e ,Cisuse le.risal vanteS to have, insoertes!. ia eiperi- ece ase a l aver @t o lc*e éIuokasi, tdklig eUs., places, anal h. vés in tavor et elevrao'clokin vistet and tonina smmer. Mr. Giheo ontended t iitha bielot saneur, butter vonlal bu aslteallIl,.h Msarket, iltwd aM at aarly hour. su Uailususiarliemar"tt'oustit markethm tsaI say peopl.vent ta tise mbarlasi sudn rr oeji apauaoa- mnyiising ntil bl sawcm tedeamlers b i1oq.tudistlse litd hietuelfiadý Memeban merlaiste a sve' doise s Usoy 5aI paid for ih. Alts'mfévciaànae tam r. Bogart andl pasucl. Ou motion et - Mfr. Hugganil, tise irejassurcr 'wauiuted te procure tise necessary nusateer ci tajgs fordoge. Dr. fBogart, tram tise coratamittea ou Town prop-rty,,,reporteS in levour ai tisa follaving aconuts, 'mielsvere onalared al teh paï.i :-DenuisUcMCnoig- the 1' wnsîoy unmue,-- tfes. Assottier yuar boa pesmaal evy, AndSatili assotiser Ncv YeorgaDs Comas round, tun tutp 1ev ; SucSha is e niverse'lalw-:' Siece fBust héssua #on us iliaie, A yean suoceeda the year tisa'scoe. Adieu Olal Year, Si joy ced ucrrev, Tisai maay a fond heurt dit! iamro ; 014 '8, vbicli smv utnicke onv Cnda'fomomtass-George Brav- Tise mae-wha won a aiou's ciseens, Andalds!demili claimea enaticu's teani -The Casrior'u Iibuté lot me ps:y Te bisavbwh:él)y led Ushe vay hamany a sérbitte? igisi, 'Fan fro Opinion anal for Riglil. Bcd Oic! '8-year of daam- Be cff ta Tinte's remoruoleu tamis I WiUs voîcoma, joy. anal iopeini ceesr, LoI's bail Use cemnmg frsisNov Tear, ,Wbeu ail tiseisandaumne tiigs are sea, Andl carda sent eut, anal preuetsaimde, Anal tnieudu their visite cames to pey- Wlue anly cen cewo Year's Day. Tise Carnier mckeu bis Mev Teares "A hiappy Mev Tsar te pou al Il Tour g«t iliii et ehuoten avay Upon him-ou Ibis Nev Yean's Day. In colal anal vet -- thse long -yean round- ouget yeun paîpen sat. and oueS, Deliveneal et youn bouse, wvus cane, Conlamîingauji the noes meut rare. Tes,W wetier you vere in on eut, Thie Cuaorccrainaue roussi about Witb ail due regulrity As negulan suit caulalli- Bais veek, and fil'd, as you vil ove, Witis ail tise nevu aboultishe tevu. Whoc gave thse Ceunci's eoptions, Tiseir anguing anal disputaihns- Tiseir pereonalities and nove, Ana l egislation fer tise cove 2- "vau vos-Li, l'u sure, a Chrnistma box, To nes!visai feli fs-cm Mr. Fox 1 Tise markcets, prices, ced tise cropu; Tise wafl, gatisonings, anal bopu ; Thé gusp sariages,'uns!sport; 'Thé boyvbI1oa's!Ue girls court ; The bouses buili-otvcod anal bricks- Andl bo* tIseTuris vu as teres! yeld,; Again obiaineica lusseot pover. AndI sov, l uu.t'uf anbiélingot, Beacansfiéa eat ot--by Jingot- Andl snclia clsapgeandlordsvwrougbl, Tisat rente haise lunules!upuidé dovu, 'TMl hoflngs Mte iet ortis a orovi; Hcvvaîrs bave ragcd'sa disitant chusse wiilsoei mueSh ope at Setter timei ; NHov lise greai Syndiete wa&plasies!, To-take Caeaiagold axsnd C ; Anal alý tisai'.doue anal aU tbat's sais!, Youbeave tonnaidy Chronicte!.' Accunts- of mos, 'et paver anal pide- Tihse. vioahave lived ans! 'ho bava Lnt.sr e dctrs naut ofps-sahos-. Schc>ol exhibitions, anal teacisens; Ans! isovj.utise race ot'lseeg - Whithy Schlmoebcamuea àCoilege. Reph weekaunfaldesi lu peur s-loy, I'uý'Sûrie, you'à laapa oai1ctfsig nsw; Airs! musaitl, tise leadiug pari Thse Cssae4zct tkeaps, front tisesrt Amnngat Use Press-no maties- viser- Wmrnv's Pi'zut's feremost tisone. Tiseýc NL antciupis th15e me Of Whihyana fer Wisitby's ae- WhuIe oisns alep, an plat ors- ciome, Maistainas-we mil be had ai Steun. Fer, Wisilbu issaveilbgu; Witis Bil-inltise c-é hoir, Wè,ee gtssaui" npright Mfay'r; A-us! Ic megise balis bis dus. Tiseehuau4u ia yt wusfl'tsaoo;- Wletliulays spreailng toila.esioris, AM Helden e«fariépol=sor#is To.uslibu.Our town 0e.ol 'lans! centre' Ottradle, fr AUitiae monds taenter; -.. Caýnitng ou tfltéaas-aiülm'.palear,.. llejoicinR alI ur béantu ansuls'; And hitbl inthisdawngSaur, oakdc eMs u&Ipover. Tes au il -au W CSn', an&,*O1I J ý'. Deduspait THRECfl1MNIChLB. Remedy for Irishi Gnlevancest, LiEr-niaracielmaG"au Afs rss fia Gruce. AciblisepLynch, bs adirsseu! elttto t tséprou ou lise "nIsinrublo#',> lu vhicis Seo States- Use Case anal resity au fetiové " "sý - Tisa etatbamoie ngoflan14dainnov raI.. ~ vi îisuseve 01At ts 'beigàih ai East wistby cosincsl,... The War ln tise Transvaal Ti'owesm isp Hall tuimbuP ' XITERESTING DESOiIPTIO'N 0F TEM e Lc. 4,180. -0W THEY LIVE AND THIES Tis ecniI o!tiste carpô'rtiojao h F IHIG Tossssalp a Bat Wilêiy ~t 'ltissSOFaiiiO punsumni te itu adjounssmnt-Meibr5 - urseast-R;eeve lan tise chis-Minut,05 cf .utbonityilu 'tise Transvaalsi formiermeeting reasi and, ccsfinsncd.Ocoin- uneurpedibytise triumvirats, wv munications 'er. rasa by tise Clark.'hrom fore Bntain compensation for1 Ch. Medical Supernendent of tise AsicInu eiuei ieTeoal s' ai Hamiltoabc rotrmtishe BoaHome" p enditueithTrnvas ' Toronto ta whôm i"tthe Clert. iedasitnit retain Use presont officieaIsdu auksogn visai terme îthèse institutions ad- a Briirnb Consul. Comunicatio mitieilparisu Use. Mr. L. H. Drevsa.-tise Transvaal as open ouly tissai drouset ie coassai! respectieg tise injuie orange Froe cts. Fiften Iii memiainea bp imai lust Jeiywviilut vorkt rop,àesugjig ob,,rg on tse Taopiabridge. -&,a oaacton-taissIrp aen iîi m'-, asig. 1 is raisrg P - ca. nonaSh eligie eog Tihe cenaiitee appalatesi ta pnrcisehi s eaddressathle.Cepe trootn cedan fan the use oe!tUse Muiclpality fon hetis e . oat muetî'bq- tppremeed.1 Yser 1881broughtinletiseir repart 'lacis prohibits reialîaiîon ansi chanti utstcal UsAIthisesd l6t tise cenutactOto op et-Mé-h h Jame. s aloy or tise surn i of vs toa22a4,e00'UaiUs Mn. Sit eSde y rnRm i- hongis uisled an« l ded, are,1 tsai Use report aifsethecial caommittoe la main,. s brave, isigis-pirited peej purcissuecéder tdr Chie Tovnship be adopi- tuaied by feelings entitlea to ou ed. Camnlid et rprtin r npo Mit. Maeoe seconsed sy iMr. Scoctthepolepaalientos are prag noveS Chat lames ackson ho p aid i value SsptletroutaIeCc of sesgpkilled by doge. Carriea. a repent caises tisai if neinioroe M* 'thli, soconded, by Mn. Rosa, move'l hicslnt &tise Dntcismee et tis tisai Betty Banker indigent b. puiCise sumnsStates vili make commun cane ai $4,00 por mentis unti furtiser notice, th. Boers. A iev garrni a Carried- btitani teTasalt Mn. Mak«nzie seconada by Mn. Rm, a eai uls Tcsall anaved tisai tishelowing ecceunte note pro- seultishe Britishs payer. ssnid bu accopteai ansi paid ansitisaitishe ON THE VELDiT. Reovis grant his erder ou tise troanrer for Tio.hvInghe agu tise asonunta viz -Teehv on et-in VVm. Sasiths, relief te Botty Danser, mdai- Transvaal that lise Bors tes gent, lu advence 64,00; Thosca Vipanai, coeding ini open van. Tise 1ta R, & B, J250 ; Wm. Smith, indigent boy tise Pretoriai anal Middellburg, i Tiosonn, 2,00; Samuel Holsean, relief bave on yoebndsrt y ta Mn,. Schofieid, 4.2O aPhilli Harer ., n h«nRoe oerolb & B 12,0; ee. eig, RS>io î~ ~ ultivators, visa have made their Glhas, indigent. $7,00; n Hamilton, R, tb a higis voldi, wisenothése inha & 13, $2,00; J. Diaikoon. indigent, 89-80; mimglt beet be rallied. iTise dnied B. MoLanglisile B & B, $250; Committee keow U a biibong, 'rbicV fora- puhcseg cedar four 1881, $8,00,, James Baer's chiot tood ess fsghting, on tr Jackson, i valu. for alieep killed by doge, expoSitions, bisu beeu, buily 'Mal Mn. Roa, eseuded by Mn. Scaott, meved luneS attse tara i hanses. He64 for louve toi inirodace a bp-iv te a pportion Dutcissiu, vwieusdte .raeSL- tisa suin of $5,00 amenget tiseevra Subool Englisis traveller wvi'ac (ndlY Sections ai ahi Towushipfo ane sF181,couse, Wae of laIe turneS *- rm and tisaitishe saue hoe nte recai a 9:rt Cime. Louve graniadt -by-.lav ,tutroslncea- rosi vils aversion. Sbrswd observera iri. seondl ans irinas *ansi p&neea.' been pnodiotîngtisi lieflocre Tise Clark neparteiisaving pelS tise'either go loto luager ou twiseisà Tresure thtie faolng amountu reedvod anal âge a guseilia w'rnfare on oc fracs lobe Perinan paili master for 1880 zait a 421-61 ; Tise cuc cai aerlingtauferventands'&malpartisorut 57 ou ioim Une, $18,00; Wm. Tisampeon, genemal plan of atiack it. a-thé padegel'ref onr1 M, 00); Pair ,.at Tisuplan #as te conisitt cf">tip" ot-Tov U all eu ouêitBrou., 12,(»; iynigist oeior ti' ou se, i Prom r.&D- Paver, pondage rotura for tison nehyiag on is h-icivu reaia 1581but refusadeclby Clorai, $1,00. Tetal an BagueS ga'rnin us arne ai -".81. tumnout puaIgivo esistaiso - ANxw VoLux.-LuoIe Licin# iagalrs ihim s i: sa Age entera upon ite ane hsasdred wd camp tis apid fort g..ilsh volume ini janulry. 11 Tas ATTÂOKSN ram ornasI Frcuga penicail' isterature cm- Vii. ta rushlu n »a ate-'poacu bracee more Usoraaghly every pear thsa tisé camp. »»s it. .1 verk ai Us. foremos4 vritere li &Ude-ticistsa ly.'us! sa prrtnmealu cffitenature, séence, politi09 si' ala l .vy fine. Ih v i anal art ; analThseLiving <ge, eh liUsItis t o " -iýiïedéllnt aboli gises ha coaremieni ion Uste béatlofpractiieitfrom cluildiscoalilabu: ihia literatae, eau lisereforo Isrly tail tbAttbey are enderng of'iabui ta beoeo aimore andl mono valu.eisanduiî sud analôh.ow cvery'1 sires eveny ,year te ibu readers. rock snd vmlluy lt'e tie' ountey TisefinI vetlynumaber cf tise nvîc iéeuicrc s:ifil yaar anS nev volumue-a good one wltis hersa e nal rigis furin a Sangeres vidis tc begin aensbecription-satise of meranding cn'valrY'. -Tise': fnliaving table ai contents :-Village mdode a is u ifforen)t kztis - Lue in New Eugtanal,',by a Non-rosi- enyçcher ceivilittal commqsps" dent Amenicen, Oosfemporaraj Reaasew; vertS. TiseY oVe te' liîè isià Thq larcqhal Duke ai Satînanlia, taniso ,0 nt1,0ari Qucrterly Rciew; Lymne Bogie:. A faeacsehl'n.S~t Spiasten ni PotrifleS Htistory, (Jorahil; haves aa1se"eae .'TIh lily Holiday.in Jealica, Charnliir',q bandly auy 'vanta. Tisey live o JournalTise Pliotophoiio, Spicetior; produca i isof eusansi' aic Gil andS Ondiaihor, TempL Bar; limes cariy' 'tisais-,surplus p'rcdi Sir Aleaxander Cooltbus'n, Spectator; hanter t vt ysià iè orê0--to .&' Jowiala Succesansd Failune, Spectalqr; They,,lu eatmed aw a, or- jsi anS n. varieiy cf select peeiry. Fer fiity gavernusent, beïaie'tiséy lima tvo nimibeni aisixty-fonn lange pageai paîniirèail copmîuiiîy'ý-wëe sani(an macro tisas 8,31)0 pages a peur), isnily lat self', snfllcient. Thoy. tise subaription pnice (48) i iow-, isile b. leis- ...nÇa' fer $10 50 tise publisisa cffr tai Ceui ' - i aay oeefethtie American $4 mont hlies m E8VR1j. lxD.- 'ILDEES or we&lles vlUs Thea Lis-lu9 .ge for na .Wise pu itict becOwaa inu lb yenbath potpaid. Llo mtCo., degreqO.Orowded ,a nàmber of Boston, ae thise ublisn. ov'avay moi, -.srtisaar, :OMemigano Bers. InutUsai. Sale of Ansedcasaand Uranta. ïais Sus$b flnu epubuic,' i Mr. Ponr, tise mplen af bh e "Bail- couitii ýeëUarg.-uhat elicited the ntsd Manisl," iesrnorvarded to'-Mn. .p of biiis frn$cS,.naume P.,W.,èGe6aaUxtacten ise~ tu. 'Boer0 ,&otld b 'i lWa aromiug volumesai tise Manuel fori- 191. triLnd,q*c aotIe -qpt; Ths¶.otredt iliava lliq Cot1 nemburet Yabluea -apauÏse . bresatuftlea -coi acres sols! by 4he Amenctscompanls, ingriltise0 Boct pedoIi ofg 4he nueiben salaIdusicgi llai yjear, 'all-icen-sei Use nsusee andI tise ptiec.pd'-pur- sèes oisainedt srübnétranee vanlal ho mad6.tem .lut yean. Intheesso ofot o pîe :Paniamé utof the peplte rt_,Jl re étIeiÏfommtiss brongisi 'don Tlisir sentimental l~l<.~ te Jaiie. 1,IO u uana eLuthi.e tbelisnt-o -doptis aed ahaconlty. Tiey Decesabar 1879. . Téie-"dluovmnit ne-. tsraselveqia a nations.. Whpy col mankablu state ol affainu a àseve:-tisaitishey gaines a tnational exi siios r# se teoary. 'thronglifsirdi;hip ans! uitffeiï2gZ -Total DuretSriug Pr t hsy4linasvoff thsE.Usgli6la-'yak. ArsL Ar Çàu "e .Cl y'Thfeii«& Sautlier n nesot.. ;e 75 tliivie" sof :civlisd an( HSannibal anuSlit. Jo... 512,50am 7711w'.J!lisfliu'r:ewM 'certin: "taoa Iiunllngrtundand Me.Ë. 1841,515514,0e OSP. and iSioux City_. su-sao Sa.ea 665 dpcn rtsfivnestsaU Central Pacf ......755 9 1,270 35'iistal. -" KaunsasCiy, Fort Sentt, etc----------...-. 441708 82'700. 4 i2iPO ES AUD 3ASUT05 Haussas lipv. Lâw- ._ý ý1_1 ai. S isOEEB is nov biais of- ,ber ex- villiisg to receive aon vils ugs tse lunures! 44, With aColley, M, say* gou tise bBoers, )pie, co- un nos- 'ess for se, but aemants se Froc se wîth- are aIl repro. Se pro- >y tiseir .r vay abitants d moéat àpitablâ sa have vou-&- ovas. t a moe ore hie Bol- su- nu anSd r;tisi a:Ur lera' Chat ci Wnthe Ic!lfor 'le in ' "c-iae I5k. to Brelanle erymueS oleitesi 'ven àuiisoSm exitumet. Tise besi stores 'l Ctoiy AresaCoupies! by Jevu, anal t8iise is uanoi people hi.tise Place, tâiath 1e Isai labusiness. Mn. Tisomes Cook, of tanisi mm.e lbas tout hue oalY daugister, visa, hi seya, v«zUe ly lihe pionuar or thegreai. travelling moint, 'ans! ias!jomlaeyed villi hum nserly ibu vwide vorlal aven. sevas drovisoalin. Set avus h ata AM sp clal e c bau b a.éinsertes inl tsdsethe salé" ofthUe Villa Engais, ai Biants, vhueis li"IstUsépurehacer, nder heavy pealties, to elehraa aie. maaIauuaite éprirsie Cisapel cf tisa villa, ou Use annivensaniesof Chu deatiuet ofUis Napoloon anal bis sas. Josephs Seligman, Use NovwTYork bânken, gave evay 52W,000 on Chlisit- masi-l000 acS Cc public- eburities, euS $500 ecisW thinhy. A Micigan tanner inventés! a trick vilS a.,isole in i. Ha sali relis of but- ter tisai bac! been madSc bay, files! vi.tb vaten anS frozen soliS. Mn. Obaihi Dawson, a (armner in Lapontecoeunty, led., visa aieS lest veek, bei limeS sixty-eighiî'isys on alose, heiog-unahle tCceire anp solial loeSs because ofia cancarnath istaus. A !Veiy sal item cames tram Boulon, it Seing not.hisg lois tisas Ilat blendes are ont of fiabios. Young men visa vero baollis osiongi te usas-ny lbm 'ilI eov have plenty ofitiai, for repentance. .Lerd Weisl.ortls, iis Sir toelo EbIa A' ovulsce, 'and thtison ci Ada Byron, sale Sanglier efthtie pet's lions. anal ieanti liebumarriedshortan. lf. la à alseibtén cf Bigbt Han. James aTise enitivatian .of tes in Indta bau gresiiy i:taiiMddùriag lh* lest Otesu yer.-a.84,, -te total production "ras net above 8,0 0000Pound&, 'hile thie ycuirv clf *- It...4A0,00ta45r- T of theô oldeut baranef'eiéin Sbut- f 1a, tÈai et Ray etfHallï __'=, eeateal )te 163i,6aas44b i iye.c fair ~dangbiar'Of SirEobbari Napier, ta Csp- tain John '1ýýso dn Mad..bir of Bit ]W= ~nom, -, ef - Braidmeeg; ILL i tes' ex finl.~u4i an os!- anvUsîne liais :lusv." If ha Il Gantta. Mae- -ela p"O',ary Pot ornft ont ltc)b" ü l-ma 5-" t.

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