Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jan 1881, p. 3

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pai. 41iil l -sillitig tii t recuise tion witl .,ugli the , tantreci ut, with go éolley. pe, Bave but bu cgethe re, lu the 'e0pe, mie- our res- grecsb for 1 rc aîîil o re'-c The News. Itresirtu iii vory mush exoiten va auti.Jcwi@h oxoitenient. lThe boat toi*g inu that ciy are occuplod by Jews, and 0191Y are tho iLmarturet people lu th plate, taking the leaid lu busine4s, MIr. Tiiemas Cook, of tolUias# lame Ilfs liet bis ouly dauigliter, Who, ho' save, 'vas roally thé pioner 0(cf «a travelling moment, anti ad JOUleyed with lus n.arly the wide world Oye?. 5h. was drowncedinliiber own bath at homne. A special clause bas bosi userta l the desci of sale of the vill& HUgi, aï, Biasrritz, whicb -bindu lb, puftbag. ender hoavy penalties, to 4elebrato me. morial massesinluthb.privâile ebâpl etn the villa ou the afliversarles -Of the detattîs of Loîîis Napoleon anud bis mn. .TepîSeligman. the New York bau.ie,r gîî'<e away $62tt000 on Chist. vns aii)i cdi tepublic charlîlea, A >tîcligan fariner inveuteci a trck w"Illîac11l"tit' it. 1ie colrolle of but. i-r îles) aboil melehollow, fillce itit uts-tiir sud truzîto solid. Mr bf i'alîl lais son, a farinesr in 5 lii ii' LauiIr I, ciiiity, lind., selo dîed lanit QrtI' j1r- 11k. la l%i I î-03%iglit dûy.On dtario i iiti.ltit iii' recoive any soi dietutis u ii d-il u t a criteetl tIasow. A îîli.l- hî -i liimtu cun frein Boston, î 1î 1i-u thioinîi huai blondes irus ii iri în i tiîiici.Young mnnWho rtreekng ut-rt- ioiihi ioutigu marry thon will nfifac Uow lia-e plent> otie for repentance. ospitalile iî'rîiWinVtwrtb, the heir to the f elÎ" thIi' larlîloîîî et Lovelace, antd tiseson cf îdly %seil- .'itcI', ron, selle datîgliter of the poet'a raux bilm lbouse autîlihein, Îe use emarrie] short. vors lisse y tu aàtlanghte'r of 1gb: Hou. Jaimes r- would Stuart W ort sy. .g covetTe culivstipu of te& lu ludia lias ry -.cit . grettly iereaseti devingt lb )&easi fiteen e, town1c. years. lu 1864 tihe total production ttiug ti-ewas alt bove 9,000,000 Pound&i, wile , as' of this year a ccop cf 40,O00000 t. 45,- dîlne.. f )iO.1 tlPoun&is laspetet. if tire te Two of the elde»ý barocetoies in Scot- T'h. sol. land, that of Hsy of slystonn, cresteti anI the lu 16M, sud that etfN spur cf Napier, create] lu 1627, are about to bi connso- Boxas tea lu the inarclage of àMisa Napier, usauon ef dangluteo f SicrJRobert Napier, to Cap. It a tain John lIay, con snd hair of Sir Det ftgha Ilobert Hay. of! Esysîcen, by bis wifo, rast known MisseIDuncan, oet 'cçvidenee, R. I. ýýhot8 sud Titis LiFE OF AtN EDroIL-If AU bd- usntiug ;itor ouits anyihing hiela laay. If lhe sbopr aInti penko of tîtîngc as ,thoy ara peopule get res an]dtsngry. i ie losses.os-ar or suscotha ty ;iliat dltwn t' lrough poi4ts ho le briboti. If tou t nua, ho calîs ibinga by thair proper namea rotir forces îsle i tnlit for the position f au ditor. e I 3oerti' Ilh i ' doeî; not furnielu roaders wîtlî nithat <f y'k*-s vsce îanutidiot. If ho dosa, lie l i n tI,- rittl,'lît-cîi, lac-iiug stabilily. If lie iii' 11ite toiil tnuiii- iii ,!wrotitng lie is a good fol- e, I,1a luttu li"i Ut i-zlic tîlerretin. If ho bIco fro"ît 'ewr'ImîitZ II1ii-iuij(uien go uîîuntionetl .1ey ut' '-nut-s'ît.Ilflie- exposes apjiblie uit it t t î- i utelîpîn. î'(r lîlongaIoethie .ý1cl'Urn If Lehlit- îlug. s ii personalilies le i t oil i i XîuIllitii u's nothfie --î-pntiii ji tjiprty ci ilitiiDomtinion tuO' cil T Iil, 1I itimn-lu si am ii> itae -0 r tIis ýî i- les V Ir-lic îi ,-e,e-d twe'ntv million Pound@ ti t- itîit-suit ef the South Atglsau ont. bOlle- breaks. 1lý <ays of lf s Boîer -N ewssuAciR li as joined tho r-moka off étiesle'a hue Ontario towro, and on Satur-day tb ti yuighit iboe cluonse ltia banquet te ibody et clebrato tIse oveut. lin ta tho, or if the Takc nos hi-as rouestod ail the coniuîci- Catlto lic jeu ruals at Hone te subtuit o f peater- ticir articles ou the tate of Irelanti arme] ce Ioe ihe Vaticanl, se as le avoid i usirep- g<înitt be>xseentalien. -Pretonits, ALm. I'ioxRe for debt in Scotîsu] oe of greis wl-rt' litlîratoîl et the stroke otfnidniight -y fg n irl timulhuis;flotltilt., under the provisiona of s-a-1-i filue Aet pus iualet the lait seséion et lr 5' litt Li 'rit. Citýi oxraforces baspicnb- Ieo (if t ltetith suuoi t ti-tai--m a ignal thefat on teTwioi ant rt, ri lc.lii tighty, weundiog tien utId îi l-unc-îîtheuu üeg litihu- or,"*fi, 4 fi;eeh'- atii tiv iu ,I ÉIep I -'\- i\il is F i uctint-] e ili a 'et.Iii r iutljl, ()et- crseëo irs ai l'rra i n- ii. --i i l I îas s ,-Fipplmî il iIL, fieiN m il l - - l ,iii- 1 -1-"[)tt <fi' ulis- Bînîsuug ri, l-s-luit ii a ou t ,0 0 li lu- II1\iie thie rtegretfor tIse deatl o f itauil t Iq rletLi fElhiot us taviîereal, i i 1 ,ensc- tin oni hi lll~ ttlier sie tifthe lharvet1t at s u.$ilm e i-l bt- e i cabinet odîtion cf ber -1aIl- usi ii îu) fui oi tiaien, sud an t'diars dou lItoni A 1,,*,, iftt ttal," ilestrated ly bic îoug bis li Ltîu e ~ighton, avhie degus are î'eauty. linascte c-accordl with >tho ds@ ot thie taa fisitr tovel as Cruicklîank's culs are withi Rendllicu tueit f"Oliver Twist." ho cat lmssMut sOF PAcUAXsuu.-Par. ;,fi lule hînîni,ut tou Tiiosday. Thore was tImnm ouly a Ihin bouseansd ne business et out lti timportance brougbî tforwsrd. l'h. L the i 'b- fouse adjourus to.day (Wodnêsay> te te wu$a aIîiday-ih lcf tthe Epîbail taI). te te tIme iug on Thurs ay. -'IThba lk of the ngwVilounibers wil net ba lu attenîlancebe- 9duarY fore nuit wssk. certain -ains A liANts -OF- FOOaai, Ccn.istiug of uiemibers out hslf.a.doten sxtionalitieca, who lune, been flooding Europe wimls ferged tionsbai been broken op by ge Is-e lte itulanlnous arrealet i s sober. uuun> li Ne York an] Milan. t tui Viur bctwcsn Turkss- and Grete noie uilthearc te bu onas-idable. The arbi- rity.trulisu aches. haas proveti a faillite, li htilii ileiconly qtîîîsiou that nowiernsaita ici lt ie iiidtîl î e shther btuocitimies chah t, Utit, 1)t91 gi tediattly or bha îtsponued un- loi 'i, r IIlI n It. h usconidrel probable tîuiaIL It- St ut ot the Orsi-ke gettiug i - i t - h i' iliut Fralntice, Italy, Il~ ol-:,i, . tiîcwul~llenpd ber s hik;~il id Lîoe âhve publisheti à i - - il, hIt-l 1î fîîr satdouble. i i -- 'Ir o tr 11,00 a elîle. uî, 1~ i iI î, tii ulti L]orthi L-icois. j-ilî h~- iiîîiui- Ilat ihe Duko cof ilttu ii,7 itulîtî,it tî-îds ceslgnlug flic offie feil t cI ortul IituniIdol .m'chieofilu faveur-of the un tlustî ukeolfCounanghîs. sutî,,t itGvurnt Wolseley Whl b. sent te Diiïlhluche ua n a fcw namitha te ceorganisloe rlitr't,, Inthisut arnsy, wboae exponse lsc00. M"tîleçl tîîînslhy grosing, whiihe Its efficiaucy in th. eonnsautly dinmulabiung. IL le sridi that Mr. Ksvaeagb sud the Eeg- ouuor Dounareataigvdaue on Lier- '~c ftain pinlts ithi heir calflausaof the. b1.th aud Commislsion.4-Lod - ll<ebooagb te1i, Baro o i n M.Saw-sud Ibi y bee -the.>careunible W conur lu a joint ce- Poellec pot%. sh4et The Princesas Loise lbat beeu vecy mu-. bnsy witls ber- Lauile' Wlr Society lu lt Who- Slcancs.reeî, pr-piriug the Clir-îmas wa Ilié ibo if work. The eIi-oes w as lu w - I argulscarittendauce a iltie eomcslttep ,,-- smetinga, boimsg particulorly luleresied- -oLOlufi mistiochcutractor cfthbm noeeile. 19lfg C e t o Bqsa-A lady of our lse. *ik a qtsiotiIre ho iasîa urett baud, la, ll,i wore Ilîîle-t1ilu coowon to "bleu ce hfir lingens'* if tboy ie laper pises. luCa tIott eibut gel have 54Vibed ber futtIlt ilsîsy, b t aaitit ut lî, F -f tcng catleàltnPo:î stid- <put Ina a-,(ek çpk o, vm àn.]hs'uu.fiut ele diW6' i - , îîziý fî fa:liD .~qnI~ utit -îau î-tvirtu . Lisulihule la o d ti-iiititot i i y - h iless tdGm t'c 6llu i ' . e ciritîrlut, 0 L-asY cnythizsg Oetit-. 11 Aitvo hsshssî~ 1)~IyIon, , lf, Useful Ma Sli O1Il Present's. Canailizu Padilo and CANADIAN PACIFIO- OTHER RAILWAYS@ BOUNDARY LUNES. County Liquor TrnTWrTTT~Tr1 o~er R~~~sCou l'leudor abut -i lobe Eoll~llotei Sectiop.. to be wuntructed by cO-overnenlt il conpan ,y ]Exis±Ilngie Incore.f oitutp2 nug a- 4M. M,- -M-men Boel KING STREET, OSHAWA. tîst received for Christmias and the New Year, 'A stock of WVINES and LIQUORS, direct importat comprising Port auud Sherry Wines, Brandiej Gin, Rurn, Scotch and Irish Whiskeyào Bags'ý-1 Ale, and Guiinness and Blood's Porter. Gi,nilirluam & Wort's celebrated O01(l R-e andl Malt Wliiokf-i, the bel Tuylor & Bates' an-i Cosgrave & Sors' canadlinn A!4 s and Porter, an pfr ondraft ci lunbottie. - T!îe lirgit and] hes assorted stock of CIGAEIS in the, coimnty 1 l'art anduilSherry Wiues, of superior qiiality. ut $5.00, 64.00, $8.00 ai r Inipi'rial Gallon. Nalie Port aud Sherry, b1.75 per Gallon. Marteti, JunX-s Roiin and Hennrssy Brandies, lu wooîl andi bottle. A firtcti icFrindy foor rooking- purposcep, aI 2.75 per Gallon. lb-il anl Gren sui Oh] Tain and Gollanio Gin. Juine>oni-, liurk'r, Dins-ille end Stuarî's Scuitlti and] Insu Whîskeysi. rv ou-r ceoeratod Toddy Whiskev. the finest Whisb the market. S2epcr gall. or $5 pvir case of one dczs Bottles. Finiesl qnality of idi]Jarnaica Ronm. Lass AIe, hiotiled y lwihhert aud Foster& Sons, in Quarts and Pinta. Cosrave & Son (Toionto), Taylor & ïate (St. Catharines) AIe on da and 15 Gallon Kegs, and lu Batile lu cases ef eue dozen quarts and tw uls, at 61.25 per case. LAGER BEER FOR WINTER USIE, Two dozen bettles at $1.25 per case. Guinness sud Blood'c Ertout-in quarts and pinta. C-osgrave & Sou's celehrated Stont, at $1.50 per dozen quarts, and,75 im zen pinte.- 00 - Afc-w cf the atuples of Cigare oonstantly on baud. &hlsl *EA~- n Id Cure Kinge, ,drogyneus, st l5c Cigar, eun of the Turf, i;,Edge, Y ilion's Montreai-Ginger AIe, Lemonade-, Pottaise Water, Selz& uble Soda Wtter, Lenson Soda, Sariaparila, Cider i'n quart ti punis îsz-gc or amail quautitieas upplied, sud delis-creti froc of charge io&iu Wbitby andi viciuity. 3otts returnable when net charged for. Pnincesa Totto, lent;' %Clay, Trusapetess, Maplo Lest, M. P. 0., Flor-del.Famfir, La Caroines, Flor de Aima,* Windsor, Grand Ducheas, Ckiekettr, Ne Pins Ultra, Vieioria, La Catolica, c. llith, 1880. Tithlp nf lelanceeç 4o~n ~dor lmn' slae. - -. -,--Subsidies as divlded boteeii- Sectionsundertaken by Companv. FUM t 1 zt - Petiu <-'-r m WVes ig be conipleteti by Governunnt. To b. eaustructot by =iW Lemagtli. Coat. Lo<Cut Mes.miles. oent ýScttii allisuieer loii mt-ar Fort William»......... ... 650 82 0,00,0 ýe Stloitrt-i-mt i FarWilliam W Schkirk or Wiinîjaýg .... 406 $17,000,000 .. ....... bina brancli t-Slkirk t', Enîrn--------------------------83 1,750,000 ... itraI SectitI 'SStliirk t.,, ...itus1,335 28,500,0000 t-nii Sùti -n -haniliiqta te I'n m M ed.N .... ....... 21513,600,000 ................ Totals-------------------------------------704 P32,250,000 1,985 J,00 . Totaîl Direct Exenditure uîdertakest by Goveruntent for Ralway te le Ulven to the Company. Conîstruction of (vrîîeî~tn.................................2oo Suîrveys not i.seuiln in îuiîstruetim-......u.î ................................. ....... ........... ...... ......... 3,119,000 Caâh iu ho paid .....îîn~ .. ................................... 25,W000 r..ciund Grat tu Counpaii> 25,000,M00 nemesat 82...........................0,00,0000 Mvr. Fleing>s m tim i îe cf tt:l cust of rmai]...... .................................................................. 11 9,000 Exeess of Gv.îis,.îixpeîîdture abosv utmîost oust of Road... ...............................................82,5,0 To be rutaitàed as seçurit; fori- maintenaniceo f nuad-Land Osiat Bdà...................85,00,00 li actual xcemi (f ayieiviîs ti a:cuunt f vstrutios wftherefore be........................2,000 Tlie Coniiany) will receivî' fromin"and, land sud nony.......................5,000 -A railway custing Canada............................................110,369,000 Total. . ..........................................15300 ID 1sTA. & IIT M i NO. 1--Motreal to Selkirk or Vinnpeg. Main Lino Canada Pacitnc, ria Sault and] Fort Wiflhmn, ia Sault Braxîcl, and Duluth, via Chicago and St. PaUIL AI] Rail. Rail and Wattst. AU Rail Ailil. -__ __ ___ Mu-M.iles. Pil U il.5 .NMu6tresi W Calender ...315 NMeiîtrial tu LCallander...1 315 Montreal tu Callander 315 Montrealt otHuo. 0 i3llander tes Selkirk ...1,055 Callauuder to &Sauit...... Callaiscer to SauRt... **290 Purt Huron tu Chicago .. 332 'SauR t Ft. Williassî(wiater) Z55 Sault Wu Duluth ........... 390 Chicago tu St. Pa)l...409 Fort William u WSoIkirk.. 406 Duluth to Cooktwn .... 234 St. Paul tu Winnlpeg.... 465 Cookstown tu Emerson.. - 911 Eimersonntu Winnipeg... 631 1(ontreal tu> Solkirk... 1,370 Montreal tu> Sellrk ...1,266 -Montreal tu Winnipeg. 1,3W3 MOntres teWinnpegi.. , NO. 2-.Portiand to Selkirk or Winnipeg. ria Montres) and Main Lino CP.IL.'t-iu Sault Bmnansd Ùuluthî, 1 ria Grand Trun k sud Chicago, Ail. Rail. Ail Rail. AU Rail. 10 Miles.mie PortlandcitW Montroal ...i297 Portlad uc W ontrqal . . 9 otat oMnra.. Montres) to, Selkirk ...,1370 àrontreal to Winmpei 1,383 Mestral W Winnipeg... 1,6g8 Portland tuW Selkirk ..1,667 Portlansl<o W n~J 1,6w Portland t W Wwnt g...1,m9 CET.LSOIviO.-1,335 MILE.~ Cash .. .............................................. 8 9,000,000 Landi, 11,260,000 acres, at U2..........a,So,oo Xot-NTAINOUs Dnvsio.tt-435 arm.u& CashL .............. 6,000,000 Landa, 7,600,00 ce, t$..............15,000,000 EÂýSTERN SECTION-650 MILES. CaBI ...........--------------------10,0000001 lasnd, 6,200,000 acres, at $2 ............. 12,500,000 831,500,000 821,000,0)0 M2,500, 000 Privileges Granted to the Company. Freedotu for ever frotu taxation of evozy kind on railwvay, capital*stock, service grouud, andi buildings of al Linde. Freedom frotu taxation Qfl ail landea retaineci by Coupanyjor twsnty years after grants are mnade Freedom u om Customns duties on îîearly ail material to beimportied for construction. Freedomto choos landea in any part of te fertile boit. Monopoly of building branch linos in North-W7est. Monopoly of steamboat andi elevator triade in North-West. 4baolute control of all routes leading to and fromtu he Ncrth-West. Liberty to builci a third.class adsi Frec laud for roadway, stations, workshops, docks, and service grounci of all kinds. oi cix Ri = , V11,70,00 ê16,801,030 $2D,000,000 EXc~S os aumw~ I ~A~ov3 15~5U~G S 819,800,000 84,200,000 82,60é000 NEÂLE & DEÂNIS Wholcssle anti Ectai County IJqueý 'LLINERY and FANCY DRY GOODS, LADIES' and CHILDREN'8 UNDERCLOTHINO, BABY LINEN>' LTO< IESS AND MANTLE TILIMMGS of every description. È RILLING AND LACt % in all the New .-olora.. ýLADIES' AND MISSES-' SKIRT IMPROVERS, (American E VELVET, SATIN, AND' GLOTH1 SKM-TS. PST-UME AND MANTLE DEPARTM-E fe manufacture Ladies'-and Children' .g4jrmgnts of every sty eriptipu, and furniali the material vben desiredi.. Parties at -a ai ïfora us thefr own measuiemcnts,-nnd we-cau malte as perfèt ougli the oustomer herseif 4vere present, by <air neverdauinga 1utting, excellingýeeve-ythixig heretofere 'known inte art f CUTTIIVG«ANP. BASTI1' G, A SPECIALTY. arments of every',descripti.on cut 'from m-meest aa4 ughout, and elegZmtlydraped, so thiat there eau bp n iij.k I. kfurnislàng materiai, sample8 may be sent tW anai~fq et from Butterick's Patterns o! any garment sent free bymànii' , tof price. ,M onthly MetopolitanFahin eetyee.~' ;entsý for B. A. Dyeig Co. Brock-Si.i 'W ,NEWTINSIOP Next bDoa, ' outh ib dame 1sý - as opened -business i-the #et, or-Ga1vunizeda-IroniS" 'mauner., on SHORT NOTJ NO. 3-Bot<sto eWIin Rlpeg. _____ ria Mo ntres) snd BauttitBranch, v Sasuiot, anc' drandi riaHainilton, Callander, snd Toront, nci.Sanit Branch. iChcgad tt. Nilles& fMes _ ..ils Bo.on tW, Montrs]....326 Boston Wo Susp'n Bridge.; 5M, Boston W Sus p'n Bridge. 507 Bostonto ýSuwpn-Bru1kë. 5 07 Mourea W anu .1383Sup'n Bridge tW Toronto 82 8, Bridge Wo Hamilton. 43 S rde PriHrn 181 ToronWo to Mafandéer.. 2M1 iHansilton to CaU=ader . 251 Port HUron W ,Cicago 35 SCaIlander tW Winuipeg.î.. 1-068-1Ca»>indo WWinnipeg.'..1,068 Cicagotlo nnPeg ... 864 Boston to Winnipeg ....*1,79Boton to Winulpeg.;i 18 ~oston WWule .1î6 otuto 'ilpeg .. ,8 Deduet thirteen miles W find length Qf r oute l}yCalli;as>ead miIn .~ - NP4-~eiv York t W..... MAUU5 t 55U OSUW Danch ia. te Ir<snti Ne*n York ta Meniiaou- ...e.. > - y -y - s New York ito wim<iZ..-. r,773Ki-Tr, DC4udtbi i 4 esalio ünd TnÉth rout' tail6et dm sutüaut iBl1nc hriaM~îf by Winnipeg tW Montres).vis C .......m....................... ,L... . ,98'Wineg a4 WBhstou iisaullu Ba(o ad reaý Winnlpegtb.Portland do 1SR....- . . . . . . . . WinipgtoBoton do- >. ~.... ...................................................ci Winnipeg to New York do . ............. . .. .t k4 oruim iâ.. a-.8tia Plits, fùi» gPocad d ....... - ut - u i yeew 011 in thei naginal lu ita poyer. Mation. IL cueias U =Il8t*, Lame -icgd w (Uoutritteonxe Ol ezt-eroalans, - log 1- -&:B IL Im. . . . . 1 1. . .1 . . - 1 .,

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