Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jan 1881, p. 4

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ü en ta thlÀk Day. Lit Chureis. -Towns Hall. .1"Wisîy sud East li MeeCl eCu. lirosilary. dyrup. -ligua à [Iras. on &i bras. -9.2. Bryco. -Tovu cf Wialtlsy. Bilts-T. Milinurîso Drois good-R. H. s~a Soo -hi.H. .is-J. B.-.Powell &t Uo. at Dominsioni Ware. -Powell 't(Co. -sorete-J. B. Powell suit g!asswaru imper- 3.Powell & &o. sPER ANNUM, ay, jai, ,1-1 -A supplemei, Colis ditu 4cantmaci, witil las-y uotus; ai) Ns- vway Act, antI.gtiilem ils- ast w'thm tisse nulo'r s <I vili bho elaiosiVal- ltwigh's 'speech at ovsce audience viici e Tow alIal. has se-v. eýui'soo e epeoplesoa t &is e vii ersots ofthtie les. v ratR.eutovas.-Tha r, tousmoruaing tise ad- Whlcis ho Oshava, ilu caonI haw 'ihiîly lu ralaj. 'Tako,'ayo Y% "ths eiai w nodl. pâtahase.1 ai Whitby alu11, wio 0 ecarce i isi tinan it .ouuuisi bc -Odlao'vss ismarkiet, an- pet 1 t isslt Eh isai avc Osslawas ut 75 e-uts i iS ascisg otas leassa njio )s i.stne Ie huiusthe 'r thbi tlliî1iilli.o! the haie unsterusest a 'ituLit't 1 tasîscial 'anti Cao-a-cil, lield ai j/scies- aineoriginal hby- iuue's-s coullpure ors 55! laters vure r in thé usas-sel alto. mottes, ivas an oves-- clati iu frsessg lVie 'ývt thse markettibiog usl thualas viOv, tisa )uy np everysinsg tu tevuspeaplu isaf s oit, Balsna isour vas ioh tie dealer eculci t, Tise eamenes selly- Tan o'clok t. tr visici tie ctisens %ftér tisai hour tise tisaor. andl ahibieoa. :tic.- Tisa annual ilatby & East Whithy 1 8iity tas placre Brookuin, on Thusre ~2 pau., ton tise pus-- lremoiser's report, etc., I r or tas-Lensning l offlua3manil hireaarq sl;e lu tins' ononoon l ise -Ma il mys t s-tl Mlr. Casuenon lu 4itly feeliugs auin tisatary soeoîu at îgaethe. tisusgeutle- wsd not ta[leienl Iis-wbit, lii., tonen woold is-5'e-enhiy Igrena WILr Coress- seoored ho lecturo lu ry luth, indor -tise llttîy Meehasca' lau- tbits dougistes, Mr@. are expeohet! home 10-1l"74 ieehh, vs no u.Ibeen Ilupm-vd (17 raukas ans!Mon., site.,i 6faoealoua ans- au! vs-lIsta, incestise 'oleoIn. Titoasan 11s litae sor"ie is hoCoali*& sep '90e alitiop. seIsetoit Wsslseu Nuw-ycar's Day. This il y ofthie New.yoar wé.s exieîfiigyI111.io 1111Jtaeorabhl., for' tL. QU !erS.'5.Ncwe .rîViJtk,1ivwoeo aln. -is-Iy îîe-..i,~d N.ý-%w ysar's callus saure al4o id.. m iiit-y, Iay everai ut ounr 0utîssas frssss.so4, acltsdiug NMr. Gloas, l' Dr. lise, Miàyor o! Oshawa, Mr. Carssioisaa, Mr. Cowan, &on., &oe. Soveral ososabers o! ftniios blouging 10 the townl, andi esuphoyesi aI a distance,. svailod tioneaselves o! tise ocasion ta viait tiseir friensinlaWViitsy. Tihe abstention train wine of a large number o! thno calier. vas quis ouotiueaisie. A dancue jbt tise Town bâtal, on New. Year's eoe, Was larg.hly ateuded. Cal- verlys tins Band! sopplioci tie boat o! inuilic. 0 1Tise siemisers of tise 81:1ji lattalion Baud wero outinisulml dreseâ, aai.! iuuked raiuarkabily wv'hl in tlier hIasalosu usifori. l'sey paîdt!hue u.sîsjl r.su-sd ai Visté ad Jiasins'settlooslens st 'c A shsoutlig 1sclcin, t tise'irati Trissastsîioisi atri*i'-i a mlar rî 'rIs mîels was betîveen Mr. Lsl' an.! Mr. 'rtàgîo.n, for 1 i Il, ais! w w.'rr by the formser. Vhiy Collcgiasc lîsaîiîîîo- i'rofi: ituasingot tIseiisail). flatlering soiu, ogivonilsnthe rees oh the, Col.lgîi ssutt- tt iisi' n'u 0îsI s'es a 1place tlu tit-se oltîli - 'Vise lhuart of Wlhiy rejuicEss, fhi, li& ligin lScholsof ut tue owss ias beîî 1.UiVateiul ta tisa diguimy ut as Collegisule Imusîlîte, ln an agit gissn a etip ex- tuaseogattioasurs ou tise chsampions of slie miracle, !etî uaot Omit ho gkvu ils,- iutelielluai latiletes ah leilst Lhei ues. Tine redit ot tis e y-on ouhneur wu it chroasiclo asure timos!iately bolongu ho Linse prenaontssaiolas-!>'principal of lise school, D4. Goo. H. 'lRobinson, M.A., vinofa isisasiruusants asd grat estatn s( ut alith tiauase o! asivanoosiedasca. ies bave suaisiedt!hie trustoeo of tisa Institution la dlaim place for il lanlise bigisaigrade cf the taisools o! tise Pra- vînco. las lis m uceas.,Principal -Bob- - tassa, andhab masters who are Ioyaily - ameias! v ils hlm are'te bue cangratu lt&Tisose vina bave precoledthissa intesanté ork are aosiied tIsa la -ilivur meut! ut praissi. For a uumber of yeas-s bock tise Wlithiy scinool bis hus rpusismtg ta tise front, and IL1h as tl 0thaI tise tim o visit!soon came vlîeîî tise bîooums an! eurioilinnats of a Col- lt'iatsi 1 nulitusie wasuld! le wiiain ber oettdi grtsip. Plusy ire aow lions. S'u.! îileo oieaesio i "ss lwl 1I iluI'ý 1,-s rn-i :.4a s t ir lo 10 .i tuni- s" o Yi t ilVr o cat.i. it' cliihut..'r, , g -' -.3 - u 1,1 .i . i l ý i. tNe 'ri., 1 ISîta'r r -i-t î t-it al , ui.'ii -e'. I l' su'-i-' l n 111, i s isi u 'ii li istsurs h las. sinsii ' li ha'll Iai -ii"lue, r-l sit ,stutlc-i' sui)lopsrio! il,. tivneps'opi". On s k- %v'iii-r ohject coulsi a5 tomutîiliy> spesnsl ils cîlsrte ?1'r'ise inahihuts' i, lwtrtsy tof tire peqopîs, and thtie opejit worhiv of thme instituhot. iutsy issthi *constiaue ta faourhais1 Manitoba Items, Mrai. Nathasiel Ray, o!f VIilby, vina mloue hiesrr>vst lait veei, isas nat,we s-. gras, laoaeu joyisig goot! isoaltis, inlentis m-ahosnng s oos seabit iseaithnJe e- îtabîishoed. Reu sPeak@is lgowiugl tes-m. o!flise novcounstry. [Bis boys have soins 500 acres ublins îgist miles of litpici City,vises- e isàagroving andl iinsifiy lava. Land J. verts train 85, la $20 pet' acre'. Ha gises us tire followiusg ps-lcs t'-whcat, $1,211; esge, 8l,-potahoes Si-or fa0 t. par lushel,- la he dug ia tisa fi. A yalse ot axas, #15sa; mis hcow, $50 ; goond tarin hors. 6150. Tii. native isanîsaoa iac h bsglis ah frourillut a $70, isut iesys tiney are littie Wortih. 'ifer theo scoul plIoughlhg, tIse land si i -sii>' ssonisd, but betome tîstil ies ahi! anît isese>. 'fo ine 3/oii> vf siat. lCàiiu8Iiùsi sp,'r sebei, sîsuilsrn4o, m11(, illiilel sr acre. Cssws;givo a grueusabliilne fit!iili,. <a, accouas ah tise ae'sllei-i îînuîliL..-'W 1.tisa gratin.TIse great tc'ai a iî ia st tIse ieent lvu mou tlii,'stiiens Roiog sun. Mit a.1u1is hawasn-,wltc lias bs-el sipsn'dsar te îmituiasi lilaye amugminlu ts ris-ais in Wuh îîore- portsai'emy favorably of ti, etoelon ia a-iii ltus laais' Sm,' Is-sesi,'l. %I. Luisnie sud [ig brotîhestisse-..vn 11 acnîsofexscellent ]andl, lusan le Sov0u ut lloris-10 tles solistif innse asid 211milesasomalsof Emesrson. Tisey haeghal at a dollar aLn acre, a tile s-r two yoars &go, thse landl i. uaiW-Worts 820 an acre, ansi tiey canisi [lot ho in- cinceil in sel! ai hinsifigure. A tbasao! Isortees'hings 8110, covs 48511and 840 ; vhssut oisi 072o ;- eals, 451 Q 0, po- iaIsses 60 @ 70 ce@per huchai. fflip and Tuck." <rom thse Huil.) A lar-go audienceAttheadédesills por. farnianca issi nigisi of tise -ecumedy- os-aas Nip snd Tuali," hy Ms-. Hais-y WVebber andi bia eonipaay. I'Nip ansd Tuck," rta.ua iy,'e la IsaI igit ha hcres- ei ery stmang ia plot, tise tva cinarauettims cf "Nip andîlTacis" leing a Ilmîn of privato detSectivs swio are tirovu ouu oppositecaies o! a grout suicder se, ansi al l hl'ougl tih, piece vos-k ilooi aginsi sradis "lsr, unh:îslown eailsla biilpastus r Isîstil tpfe deusoe. Met, l'O diieaiisù lît uricsil-ài tise plot, aîdhis -stuÉslu> ' es s o- baste, woislsiIsue sisorii'pie'- tisais ws' have ah commauîi fn1t ssi e I al5y, ta.t VOL.uosmr-Orera.--At rmuellag et Eaateh-uStrL~AU * L. O. Oe., Jan. 4th, tis folIos loi re s 8% As&e Iby Bi Dfl .. ...m.fl Municipal Elections. ToWf 0F WHlIât. Noi unstiîai excitoment maricesitisa tuuiuipal elactions ls WhsiLby tii year. Tioat abey were altogucisor fre frosus politicîsî bi4s was tise hast fuiture of tine couhei3t. Below wo give tise W. 11-. hiiiings, Mayor, l'y acciais. F r Reave - Jas- Catssph>oi. J. H. Grarnw, For Doputy 1 J. Il.lOnk", G. Y. Smniths For Cran William Di J. G. K-11# W. H. liq H. %V. A r Tinos. lie Ni. 0'Du J. S'. Iisi l'or C Join s13 C. 1' \V. \V1. (t. l I,'r lii the ' els Quito Brook, iVas ibot- aise mecs Amey, tases lis Mn. lb o close s muines Is gzoosî mu frientis boldosths long ans 13 isasu Depsi>', i u ii hiepl'ty James 'b' h II - i ell; I i Case I f iut is se,N Forejsîte e Jo. J. LUxecistiý CoîNciitlt, sion ai secr utma Itear Iuech,.m Picering- lei se--ai Th'sIîh i Mbl,-u-' -, '.'*,'~'I' '~- ~ i" -~ I I ____________ Mr. O'Day's Correspondance. Town Coueil. MiSte-messEDITIIIJCALUoa larEIsso. I aun't fuel a mity Tnesday evening, Jan. 4Lh cle ini tise umu for tacksllin. Pin lSesont, His Worsinip Lise Mayor (lu r0 1;00n afttisr tiso Holiday 80aYsou tise chair), Dr. Bogart, Messirs. Cor- 'The plseuumasav tino Festive Boord sr' mack, Dnnkley, Fox, Gibsors, Hnggaril, nutl atin', aun',astise Pool ez-The 1 Long, Smith, andi %Vesley. Absent lave a reck inoiinsi1iTIhe fuel wurds Messrs. Bamnes aid King. tIse Noble "Muskis soc! 10 me., ýafHisr OJC FNEI inopin' h bcd injieci myseif, an' tisaiaJC F ETSO Miathsrage fl'i'i , 0-'*.. 5. -5.. ...,.- -. .. .. . . THE CONTRACT, WTIHi itfrmhe h. ofWinnipeg lvestward op ta EXPLÂNÂTORY NOTES. tIse bandso! tise autracta)r, endt!his expenses sinue incurred by theisaOncmsent je tise vomi Tise controol andI agreement made. botweenof canstmntluun, bsat ssl lisae tise rigist 1 i- Rer Maj*aty tIie Qnaen, Acting ta respetcti saune Lise said wrvariea sy ine ansi complote tise Dominion o! Canwandcieroi eresont- t4O le550. pVing tise c n .t 0onosstructison tg ed anti acting by tise Hoiourable Sir Charnes aforusii, so tam ns tisa enîne 8isal! tison hav'e Ttipper, K.C. MG., MLnister o! Railways ansi houa arcurred by tIse <.ivrament- Canais, andI 5.evrge Ste pheuaansi Daucan blIe- Tise Govemament couît hava coinoils andi tntyru, ot Montreil, in Canada; John S. Kon- îse(vo! NeYomrk, il) tise State o! Nov Yomit equippes tise 100 miles in qustion for ait mouet ichiard Il. Aîsgss ansi James J. Hill. af St. 8,300,30 acuonting ta Mc. Flemings esti- Pauli, inth ie StiSe of Minnesta - Morton, Ros. rtue.Thse Coespany vil!repeivo for thse vois il Co.,- of Lorittoi. Eisciaiu, ansi Rois RainAcis et construction alaise $10,033per mile andt & (:t. ofss!Paris. Frasne. 1000sr*c ad r8000prml.tu :t ssu.s-Tlsut tise parties isreto have 00mreo!ud.t8300prnistsu ,-r'îte'ti and a2res i tis aucin otisur a.foi. gltting 83,030.003 fom vonkt Liat coaIt!ld av4 i 11:11taii.-lv :-ît' uepeato itss benn sone for leu tisaisiaîf Lise money. 1.Fl te earitise bio f hi on . Ul'sesprevented )ay tise et o! (;id, tise trctfic.,rler-ite slec-hsred tisat tise porcuan of Qocen'sersenste, inteistine disturbaus eopîes' raslns*v isc eiosîater calles tise Eu.tern Saoui :,.-sllaahi.tor ociser causes uaeLvoýnd toc citriof ihlal cotmpris' choc pacs o! tise Cansihian Paciiie tisa 0-aemument. tise Gocecnnmt shall casnzLu Ralecsy tai iee cnstructeti. aatendang tran tisa be cocnplete. tise saisi Laike Superior Section tsy \'î'-ri i tercinsso! tise Canada Central tise dacesi iaed by tisa eîitiný countructi for Raiulwaii, tesr tise East.ern and of Lakte tise constcuctsau iseroof ; anîl sîs-sil alu4n c-suis Nil îsmisz. kioiwnail CalIander Station, tu be coosphuet t parcuon af the gi t Western to Ia pjoin tiofjusstio with Liat Pr* 'Sectioin aw unuser coatract, nasieiy,frsKam.- tfie it teisesu,!Canadian Pacifie Ratil. loopq to Yale. se'tlssn Lise p-cmuo I isell'y tise say nsîw lus cotîrie o! constriution oxtendinsg coutoucte theorrra, nainely, bv tLhe tiirtietis frounu Laite liapecior Lu Ssirk an tise east side day o!fJâmîe, 13F);ausI shil! al4a casse t,) ba uf It-. Riverc, wsiei latter portion is ierein- campleted, on or infsre thsa fisst day of May. aterc culsîsitise Laite ilupnor Section. Tisattise 1891, tiso rem iising prtionaofthcIaoaisi Weitomn portaon o! aaud rauhway nov parhaly ini courme of Ssctioajs, yng sotwQesuYale a&si Porlt oody. enisatrctien, extondiug assisSelkirk tneuius- vtiials»luishons0treead i!or asa~us Is)o s, is iserinaiter ua!ted thée Central $*bit n q uety in -ery pt _i =U bo aitltise' portion ofsit urullway nwtotrwb b iwfrteiý O111ie os! constriution, Osteellhg fronutEes 14$s» efr ,Ad e s le e r tien, t - Pacifia Huilwsy, "are istensld to sau"tt»*. é, bei tb pdfitooj tire rtiîway, as desaribut insath is 31 i- ftemiè*tedr;xè na torsu, amp. 14. The anshlvtdes artie i et* o -ýw lt @*ýQÀc yteG tri liereiafler deuesae'bc s ah. ,da a iir oýxOmr tisa Gaverament o! Canada slie chu Goverument.bi t n Tise Act 37tis Vie., os> 14. della«.s tiseu wr ,pmwui ePti Canuadian Pacifia Rtealvy aXcoesi ofthag <h tise main lins, togetiier vus li0e-Pem" eaped ture # lo Brac a n ths ie Georgisa114y lUstb. Tuùe Geargian Biy Brancbo as es asaten sî - . by tise pressauit Qover'mmsatÂ. A rom.alwte b MU Section 16 atise bsaebiersasst« er ý>p adiss, vili show tisatishe "OaasdiauaP«Ai ,3,à 1 pr lihway ',isuDovmadsto coaalsbtte sMalian hunce andi albranche@sMassîttoagIsus l *a- Jq bc at anytiae ai1tQcpsuisame Cbsy Co in 9 piny. This defiallo isu m pa utýbs* ' 4eý mug an otler lanisao! heabs w*to, aispMb veil) b. oxpwane inlu noe ta lieuelau& iïes1.1i g 2. Tise ontcioss meiIeyéfo.* urganizatian of tise &ae Ot wtb tise Goversaufint ,000,Motwip Ml, b o i p.'ovot sacuitles, 4 ofs they<c8oeph. io o! tise railvay Ieriy ceetrpoa lti. aven ta tise ue enuytise aO « Mk'es b on tsretcash psiislt te te 0 fl sli ý cha. perorance o! ese4 oera tiste i.pst alb aqs isfriet0 tis e sllwa, IleRo- -, Tise qoernaaosa anseoe~aaeorI 10e and for. i'.vesi forui theanre -etiothe odpwf4 sesmesIl. .-1 .apIla 1 rletimasofotse cr mpletlon o!these - seton, la vas altees owe e «&Pl Thisee 5arc ty -kouse ea issun fbl& V» ge ',i umbo l h 0s tis 1e inpuyvl eav8S0G aêo.*s puy. Tb* '$8 ay iu l W ouitanedsi 8theS0*,alo t"othtes. Th.iee.esa e*.ij cac ismna etity for Cutano s 10butte tnadhrmetbseitntise qiam 3.te -ise C.iMays »4 #n, A-'i~,~ tsat~so!r autsn nielueai prt ('entrai Secin %utma uita pgeo! 4 feet ILarssment gre. tiant tise Cnau a tiLtandard0»,00)srplby tie nhiy Otas d- ,0puy0&hacrqipesfominin suimasi t ise on d tlîseci!tisfe raiinty a i-ofUe9Xtte theIstatendao! tisa C asbe acfor Itselvay ina micueais tise cstcth e reot. a n8cf.tisa thof ao plte'. gn ishe saisse sisa lau equd elopset tsarof.niu b raniaeti tie sinaoînoiausiuati, tdeienaisi nistxe i. rsoe Pcifie asiwhaay ot etuttuasthe ---e.seyt bepî!ttgatssts oi 01lii sawaison I-t on Setrisadtua sieby a coutssial! naete eiss nantnt!ov asleu.Itptectsion fixeas uis s Tdr, 'f asi î enpcs e ndtiogrns fooheng. tnut a suby tu ies anissnn dt! taiun aicul bu n,Tse assiofs8b1013.0un and nsUnhreyd o- maestadagdnuerçtae iie o sity votnd t!the 2 i,30»Jprs orate susi n falo the au ou- d-use nt termi. tmsuiesi salte cothe at nau-I P pme&tesi aode are suo Paci m a ofmtyhvmUssis tdards, aoreseci EVyto e pai suit ga055 s h w thame wu ay Walsie U1,eston o!tcti, i erlud ofsg Astruaio tJ5i îsihS l umne n îuscs.tso nd cf latues ihsano!dird.AnIf nt tse cndtins- . . ,thtistesa shaeornsmet ateCm anyerroilise a . dThi e sas sdy npuraelah bdi sesnato ras to efer o eeany okv dad a! visom mile . - . 6ow.03,03) l tise Corupaneiasi rnsisy thuner ti otrete s actR<5Et artyinyfis ons rtiseexpnsecsnob etdrde - or asitnaibudny ter . Atnf tsastv xa aforeosmndtieaid sMutils-l uhn!h hrlt hIt shonashit b.s fIe tae agre t of m Iisage mteea, antilaepu....eod ... olo......c.ta..e esr ho ial bu po intei t i-e rinsetane o tese- ndisafS tileDrsIastoMr puewties-eof ste' ootica te one aofer, y 0citAlCSC'iO thue Cisiet Justic e b etis rsoufr ai C a.iJ.-50i06 ieL 1,60 csI oasis. Ausi t e in a!oassaireere as--a- -iaoso tis mjois cftion ssa! h fna, rs pu mile, _w ce Tise Union Pacifie Ruilwva>'" hesltratou- stroctesi," vas a vus-v infarior s-cati, vîti ateep grades iarp ourses, iran rails, catas- vo.! ties, voodei briges, sud frozu eeu-bi for isa.&st. It is said chat tise Comupauny il t a-as-ee te accept bise Union Pacifia cf 1873 s the standard fan cunstru'tiun. Tcu hia emtsu ta siacisau agnoeuantot ivlI bu aecessar>' ta alter classs3& Theisa ia Pacifie a! 1873 vas a roai vas-y'muc i iseio te tbIs a Omadi» a P- cifle se projectet! b>'Mr. Fleming. Tise ap- paintmoent o! ocie ruîfeuree byus'alical isfluence, a second b>' tue Company', und tise tisire b>' tise twaoSiters vuiharusdl> ismue tise coatrio- trisn of a gaod roati. ChargS an fmlgisb cma nover ho reducSd tg a 1ev rase on as u isior lino. 4. Tise os-k o! construction sIsal! bucomm mences iat tuieeat'rn extraînit>'eo! the Elateru Section not Imb-rtne iet L ay o! JuIy neat, ansiUse vas-t upon lise Cositrab Ses-lIon, @isal! b homnmonalb>'tise Couopay aI sais Vouitttounsur. tia at1 e s-sOM at ises-soi1os l p.'-tsou i oftise lins now ussaes- ,oimetoùon a shili bu fdanislconivenmlb uda al! lie té 'p- iaos'es b>'-tise oeversain 1 t -4 #atue sot later titutah. lut 3May nût, towork apos tise Etera ansi Central sections sisal!bb ate o!1auas! prags-ess on eais section as *isall aiable tisa Caipass- tVulpbete sud eqmip the sanie sd e«Ch o1 n a ; sua u gs4t-p Ir bufore tise fis-tt4jIayo!Ma>, IR 91,w Bb date tise Otuatapan>' o.by aSree ta cotepltt unit e<uip lise sisN ucilas » lSsfOttSt e$ this courct, unîssa piovealeat b>' -&Ob -d (loti, tihe Queeu'4somen t uitsl 4 W anasu, 1e icsas, iefior yoCnfi tise C P&hasl«--tii cas ettis its,-s-aplesor absita ~ niask of coustrbiwloasfront &UV of *0 suid causes, tisa asfune i-lot' a$eostMh ratlway sbýIsaU-is tenil4kfsitt' w Tisaps-ais-le divlsiosa of the CailStéatog cias ho halls in tiares y - ,the gt«lidlléati latter v ýery sto0 t 0 =6 1031l. Isethe itiut4bs wéii4is 55y iseompletd, uÙd a.proft*Q0 siss)e b>' ils eaU4MC#90Lsc ee C n1a> the "Mu b f«OPu Tise table atscaa na th>ii ie map shows tmt tisa division ai tise suhsiti lacsaab tat tise payuoah efor tie oaoeomum oê oftahe- UnI 90 miles or prairie division o! thsa Central Section vilI b U 9.800Q.000 in-excesoattiseceMt oulat section. A substantiel Company' bave oifes-os to aiuîf tise South.Easles- Raillye>, shows on thse map', an condition e! r.ceîving a sîeifi>' cfo â,84&oseasa M Ilse, for wvlsleltcie ocalpey#l. tg as-e. TIatIConspmy 'vsud psy -t*eM".v ertmeMt 3,=5,OOfor tise priilegoibuilding, a ça i rusng'930 iles of-iaeno ci'alia te ah. 933 miles cf lino for wvl h ie Pacifia Raiiway Çuunay vil ev <6),Upsa tise 0coo.stoaof . s,! tt'portion of 3au es le, a th ae copits tisrea seu tstsuioftise rulnmgol se2nsr. trais there togetlses- 'iti suscb .euip-tuents ;'~-~!ASs ba ,,qired for thse tý New-yearsa Address of tise Carrier of tise *Wlitby Chronicle," f8li. A.uoher yesr bas puead away, Andi still anotlaer New Yenre Day Cornus round, witinout a stop or flaw; Suchis ithinouniversallaw : Sisuce first tino sun upan us shione, A year succeesis tise yeur Lbat's gono. Adlieu Old Year, bf joy snd sorrow, That uaany a fond i easýt disi iarrow oîl'eRnu.s. =ý - \...lq . - tsetîlesuenstaosaisehdisîlisi 6 tseaty' #or" - ralî>' iicS prapjntiQu ehsisl coV1P5P wihiu tfe épmmto-tonot suli ailas4 viieshas- sne a ist ter*stasla, sO suais sections. Tise Comspanun>'ey tai aeVtuuhage 10' -prlca9suansitya>riâtterial ' rk s or.waes mas.>' toa su>'extent. (a) Catit Uticut day ci Jtaiasy, 1882, Ilis Compan> sisal! have tise option, insteuci o! ie;suisrg landi grant bonds, as isoisater pro.a vities, of susitutisg bisa payment b>'tise Gos'.s-ussent Wf t#eu uIes-est toar part o! tisa intsesfl asonbo*mtof -thé OM -asly, tiu i~lg the rnilsu'as-andi tinolande te Cu.grsucedby tise Goveismeot, inssng os'es-sucisLaes ofa! r es as nsa? tbc appravevi iy tisa Goversor la (Jouai- cil, la Iseu o thtie cash sanisait!>'ierahy agreesi do be graîrteit! th ie Campais>'or un>' pas-I tisenoof t suris payments of interaut ta ha equialest accondisg ta actuariel calatlation W tIse corep'srding cash psy mont, tise Govemu- mient sllowing fauros- paipt Itt»b5apg#Ub depoitat! viti timons u ansItte couposre- aeaîîag tisa interest on sucS sontls shahli b. gussaateed ins-tise Gaverusenite tisa extelit o! saie eivcttut. ,Antl tbsp)r*uM spf tbesF o! sscis bonds ta tise exteisI a! not* more tiîan $250,003111 il! bide2t~,r'$ b,9vss iesst.t6obuha! MIêpaeS!uls phacueeeisero by' LieaCompianyu, l tise salIs- Icthiais nanoser tise exclsive contra! o! tise Gosnnet; faiing icis Ilut condition tisé troot-a S t t'ten .arinaennaUu55555Uatie buligyards, tsrd otiser appartenances re- qaireo th e convanteat and effectizai con- sirsitiona sai "MuL4oi terî!v, in su far e. sncb lanaisia!bvesteàia tiseeuves- mseit. Ats,4 ths ~ette QI sUt. shahaiseper4t tise adission tris 'ss' ilf aItbu teel-isilp fias plhztto and! otiser !aseoîgs, aphtes, halls sud afats, vire, timbehotsudiaahi mterial 1er bridges, ta ho usesi in tisa original construction o! meu ailway, sut! o! a t4egrapis lisse ita ton- neatis tierevitis, Mauss e ilaalqsaj*s o - tus roquinet! far the tiretboqiaipunnt cf susa telegrapuîsl ho. Ant! vil! con-e>' ta bise Ceas- auya alt piac. wsa-ilaes-est, ail rails sud niisrgshoigitlu on slnce thsa year i18», anIhe tisnosateiala for constr-uction in tise pue- seson a! os- pu-ciasaslb>' thoeGoers-ummui at a valuation ; uait ra is, laitoss a lma- tonials Dot being M sniras b> iLt To thse om- strueuon o! Use soit! aeSuperioranci Wot-.' es-n sectioisu. On; s maderute estinsa. etissa oncasaboa vsl! bu Worths 810.000,000 te Usa Company>. il. Tisa ranto! lanti hemeby agreoi obe, made Lu tise Compasy, sisal! ha do50 ul u ah. ternats sectons ai 6M0 acres eais, extesdsg bacit 24 mles deep. an oais aide o! tise rsiIvay, fram Wint t Jaspes-Routesnlu sarla-Ma 'nblniMba-ves-tadw'tiowumlmtns- tise Conspay s-civiag tisesections henring us-.- es-en aumners.But aisoulfi any'oa!suais soina' con"lain a asnmtes-lIdug ofeailandi nottiisl> fit for stteetut is4émss> obliges!ta reeive tem ai- part asti tisededalane>'tisorelsau cs y, f-Uster dofleSo>'viscisUS atlas th i- tiouafs, rivay, taooRupete a.ad~,0- 030 acrres, ortram itise p-vlnn-l aes ai vates-strutclbsslutishectos stt4thd laies sud Valeetrsetelha i a!stbé lsauspuê bdl ii isa taresageté filii aelbll)-bsl h matiesaptram oIson pwrtons la o solecteel hy tise conspmny la tise tract kuova as ahe fustile -is1t, at se Weoy 5hluasIYUia e at ' ailela 49& ast i nri b orse es-slutiludi os- elsewisera Lt thse option cf thse b>' tbe V'gnt~ br.s~1< teruate etion$ usxtmnda.$c a-et mileaitdeep on aut aeo! an>'bruntislin. or lines of ràniavat« be loca*4 by te podbes! ilS tiseXiisibr'f Rbvyor un>'y comun front line or linuo l beiveesa Iti". Quvg)iimâri the. conditlis iserein tautore sate$ s'tom sot-f tan>'lit!asfoitull4te-t>opd,-t thse Northi-West Termiloirlosny tetot or traota of l tanst taises op sais mosmtor dapph "nssg voe in tise Oesisaeit. fr t4i MMiseaw sw estb.. - a twei siaet.te î tie a -es-mant b, saluai East'Whitby Couiicil. Township Hall Colntnbus Duo. 24,18W., Th.e Counutl o! tise corparatiop. 01 tIse Tawsuiiof Est W1ltby Met tslsdfW' pursant ta its adjourumet-Kenlburs ae- isresent--Reuvu in tise ciair-bMinutus cf former umeeting read îcoonflrmnud. Gem- mjýpjcxtiona were rossi by tise <lerk from tisb Medical Snporintendurst cf tise Asylumi at Hamilton alsa frans the "Boy's Homo" Toronto ta wiaM -tise Clerk isadi written Thse War ln the Transvaal. IETRE8T7NU DYESCMIPTl0N 0F Tut nattas -HOW THIEY LIVE AND TIIEIS fGOE OF FsIaluTaso. Âutinority in tino Trsnsvaal is ,aow usnrpod by tino triumnvirate, leiih of. fers Brihain compensation for ber ex- penditure in tise Transvai, is wiliing ta retain the presont oflicials and receive tiê~ivi5W'srsna pits sai Um sre number o -olrsa'th zmber -et' Igitýlane tation ta tise point of junctiOn swroa i ft4o and subsgity sshjçh sIsal! thsaishave F"wits taie LaIteupçrior etions; and froua Sel' beu en eraiby tins, loto ongp.ll!t hèef, -kili tau !ip -iqîith teW towois s âin tisinla lasiy if thisoidâ à"s siiio4 par; but i5tK5 O~ fji tise Y4hI0Pead Pa4%I f theY aBrdetiaule"tisas 1sf, -eta dodue- On tise *o~4 6 ialwp ovn W *I o upsd lin àsitîlbu maoletlwrtirobpc pondiisg ta tieuo ~t~e.8lkrkani Uaditn, 'iiôs.the ditpunkt at wilumch s slsae ol Assit ueis lansigrsin iiiald Ttàoii'¶u3"edta viii surioa!y injure tise pr.ssp2et3 oattisa oucis. th,, biy tise Goverument, subjeot ta tise charge ývomse_ ,way ansiduprjvu tisa settlçrs, wlw createti as sucurity for tise aiciland grant have takes up landi aloug tise main Une, o! rail- batid!. andsh ial! romain sabjeut tD suais ?barge *&Y faclilties. trll reiieved tiseroof in sucis mannur as shah hoe 14.Tis Cosan siall have tie right. sram f a#tmso!lsis'1 iiii r qtt ý 5rutOiip 19. Tise Campany sisali pay auy eipensus niuatain, anu îiwr sbrancish incsori 'I «"y wiicis $hall ho incurreul by the Govornmont ini irern wj point or pointa 1lpng chair i-in line ciîrying ont tise provasions of tise ta lut pro- o! railvay ta anv point or poiits witîsin tile cdig9asa bs tat " terri toryo!fLise Domninion. t>coiiiei always, T. that bu! are camnstucsnoe atsy lrarials tiirsai fs'us4wl avaadaialI flrst .lopas.j±asni n l&n o-Laîs sr.s"îi n Il mding sivestmunt for cash depositotiwith thw D*aéL  1i *YîL il tise (-c. tiens on caîl, thisa stisey engage ta puy four ernsont sisai gant Lu tisa Cospassy thse ianlî cnet. inturest on suscis sepo.ilts. qqsZaç e~ hiza~4oi~oaii s i 20. If theu Ca-mpauy ssosilfinot isue mois -~rl<saabtasaa 6 f's1fids.i-his l iad grant bonds, tison tihe Gavemamautsai! warssisp. yards, ans! acisr appreasa gurm u4apjqu requisito fer tise eficient ciscito ' c o et.iia Ifat etoie hry ftsilm s u-f.*soImm th~Auve'v.isbeuva{niat.hereby agreasi ta bueczantesl, suahis udi ta bu 15.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~8 Fo 0yasfos Iedcsimrrtioln retained as secorsNy for tise parposes. ansd '*ei'cai!b ts rtesîl h tien D"0:n fo r tieheagliso! tise ruentionet su succion Piiameýtn tta b. aafnstrssctud wsuthiofutltIeCu. eiiiteen isureot. Antd suaislandsia nay bu solsi adieus Pacifia R.%iiway, Irons auy poinît at or in uci sauner andi aI suais prices a ssial! bu near tis a usdian Pacsfiu Railway. euceptsacil ayeu.l npan isetween tise Goverunsont snd tise -- .. 1 - -L-- - '.1- .- - C omny, v.and in timatcase tise prce tisereof only~ ~~~~ gauaioits Company;b h and sci hrso a at . - ttarottnhoreanttf nfiithetias aic-n. 7This cornsi ny shgea a ue athe orid b sarsfo vleboafd re ivibyt. cu ai n tise hIa srino ndta bu granàtud n' npnsntexsiiosa titss c ira taic t i ty nspunv, co tn rossuans for tie r s ma 0 i 'cla far of hu on ortiao!c assd*~ other dandith e Cmpny » ArA. A sa ins iv oIlasdllrso!thaf shll .n. fit: achissue arta b. f or 8 33.0»UD. o i. apsay ad snb re . 'ui cb M..ia 17. ~ 1ddThe Co pany male suthzds ss s ftbrty por evatubndthe r plî ived b ea î- auî au a>d,'t nt! y ialds, tsnsthiseA fep ositwithtC'.>fisst ttisan tiaotZGprtiohamut nissue onds- Disn, uti oaknZ et %r Ior at vu.snsob rcSpho .rnUM .uth d graiantsoolan-ftso rïnsudais dseuriie snocni sa theBuo Drc é tg thh mpanocurotyifor Ïtpeodue operfornce oftors ho1,ni: , patpo h osdrto fci »- of assckatr ia-cL iii respe tot ilsandet. &avfo r in td sidd, t...l ootao elâllaMS e otsno ssue touhoofutsrai of thssa? e Cons ff iba otr% tisa'il" AMheWpp4lî te C*omSpIOsi. aLes' gi-u f'artypr a o Land gtat orhe they f. anld d ti reisn trnenti'ththe Mtà.1frd'Tbbme*ôomps I'U ihnt. o h sa ida 'si:and ! o.- D saîl- ion fa'eonm.oosoasafi s.ss lis examen ul t4an .mtsabaefide ofsud wrk-aIthritiatecd b tige= rm m t bsua in somi i-t d e ercfo rmuanceoftnii, te-ut an I i isa n th nsa sitisine ~~ o! ais "ne i r or thoo.As I rLurn l= pa*oetaQt go, 06rim ààfr, nIWl %mu UV Ïtier kU ts Givnmnth sisal! rea 6 tmnft ' o-lfftii" - abs of Mun.oa ons 4ai- , npî i-asie ..oLrepen'atodl4-nt» I .a = emipan ntieperfdoruAnsahe iseco th e sis(cioW4Q eiirl Ouel, .&nd at -tisem anti o! ah. ai th eadlia$m. aud, y tise cs mm îa o ye m d onaXmn acife alwat he exftls' nt a ndinYsss he im- a ner s il the'exi 4i sastim rall a ll not dufant ora ~emnI hae - ou- frofa.c traile ute t)s theouspas>u om t 44.iâ 0 iây âwéi thmo. An i Â' bf ractor 10b01K .haf>e bihoot olibf e rainder othetiser saL cue ta hepaJduy or bge * thda aud acht -i *this b n. tu ai ôt t' d o o dle I there the Goernet sha hb. si oteli»sthffl "-= lçh, veuffls.t otper -s u: o en. a*bts4 'p tsbnd ~d4ud ahil uenbuobtheaid ta *qijsa heScïtrofSai ..usr,, hmmA 0 1 sff an w ibs vuf .t 4ei..... .,lo - Tise News. ,Breslau iq VIr' annelaexeiten -Over ainti:Jewisb Oezciteunl. Tise best stores in tisat cily are ocoupiecl by Jews5 and tiney are the, nsartust poople in the~ place, laking tise lead in busi1ness..1 Mr. Thsomas Cook, of touri.st faine bas losI lais only dauther, who, hé, says, was reaiy lise Pioneer ofîithe.~ lut Precuding 9ectiOn ; the numer reoi ,v bu beruaftur altered fî'oîîîtme v, unanner. iluo vçc,tes for t:ieir eu", ii bý ballot. 7. A inajority of th inodrecori ýhal! foai& quorum of the Bacarul, and Ulitil tlthris e vided by bl-law. directo'si,8inav t~ , .protcy. sich ryto bu i1 lya < oîîly ; but no director shall i,,ltý Procies, and no ieting of dItec.tr 1 coînpet.unt to transact busiîîes-i u Il nt tbree directors are prespent tii.eri' tin persii, the repaining nuniber of dl"rt>utoiri rj.'-j t ,forma q suorumn beiîîg represetîtedi,,1 8. Theo B(aril of bîrectors tn:îy ap on. t ont of their number an Executîce <(-'î ., composed of at least three directors, to-j, tistion of theo or.lînary bu',îîî' ýcf te g~ay. wvith uncinpowera ansd dut uuuaslilî 'bfxdythu 'y-laws; anîd the Piesî8deu- sisal! be e. q1Lio a snernbeîr ot sneh co luntteis 9. Theo duef place of bîs3inesi f t" pany smail bu at thse city of Moîr.x at lt Company oMay train tinso to tin v 'v,- 1wlm appoint and fic otisor places wîtîîn tir 1), ý) Abu inits of Canada at whzcii the nu of.2 -ti.e-tmpaziy may be traiviacteil, anai n tise directors or shareholders niay '-ts.e called. as sisail bu dleteriuied b hi le Iy-L.. Ansd thu Comnpany sisal! appoint anid lix iy b,,.. law at leait one place iii ouci Froc, lic of'Ier. ritory through whichs tIse ruilisayslsinl ptýt, wbere aervice 0f proceas sssay leie na le npon,, the Company, mn respaect of auv cause ot actonr "*Mi5~~g at Province Or Territory ;asd ,=Nera 'rs, fron time to tiine, chsange 04V nging ansy8uch-place,'d uly thn.ùý s eenprarideil, shall bu lo- ý-t4 uo iii'np n uthe office, ai tils a etôft the Province or Terri- t Wb* ç 4sy.awishau apiy of the u~a 4 'bgbetCourts. t civil juri > aiti Province or Territory. 'if an cause- of action »611l arise tbe ipimywithn any Priovince or it aîesDd ey*rit or- procà ese ussuî'd 1*héC6supàaWtbjren ontuetfauy Court açmOr Térrftory, service of sucts b~validly jusade tpou thse Coin- lrýl$oé itb*in __sncb Province or &pjoisuw 4à. imd fcl'ut if the UI ttfiisntand 8 ' suclitplace, or î. ýea'ena. belor. yrovided, thse by. -Wthst baisIaZ nèou sprocess Ina Owtsisi4o1metsr e!1 the eahane- eei ueÇOJ* Pq W% thtise ppxsintment 14ftwom 414]srizdon-usecoufi 'i'eîi- mdewxar,518nt te 4isipa1 office o! w e Iletii I;1and ht.e anututu 4<qfsl a bodgr, forAtie oe.e èw elo Is the "day unless Ir"1j* ab#=p W e by the * àw'ii e gi eaqte fsor ecobylh..sy-Ia - "- msotiSi -of te sare i .the êy4ava. Andt uxcept TViid~ce td'rIT8asr pro. led, aIt suais meetings sas&U bu el t ahie le! plue af business af ah. Company'. rl- M t. lM e betore tisa fis-st tannail g4 is, s% ao osîtih bls!, batore suais Meeting eau con- pil'e hhsslansd notice themeof gises ~~ ai~dtib>'this Act, as- ly the y-lava, or be are b-iavs in Lisah bhal! haro eefP ada. a placeother lissant tise Ilief?, fbuia isQtàeompan>' bMont.. ~tS-faIshng ! saisnieting elsahere m ut ýel*ù-farithie patemlteut ou fr t.4aiiaitue- o! directars or. uhamu- huessd nobt ot,b buielfiLt i6s. city of âudonti'Eng A tsa ate ir e I Iand V es rl» eveyta be tated ini thesnot4çS toiso ag~ tans seblg rsetît. Ansi Ot m -f a o1mts, rnysrl4ygiven !'i-als~5~Islfitôg-tse'ôrrlisIy sress cf i , ne é him l», attn mset-u> unlnd Stg, - And in thicaeafaisisetiug . . detts p ees tuii'- àét- ishull bu holitah.Vaud 2.11anisfmendi isbclbsdiug on atse Coipauy inaml resp.act,. erAtnin pronor b r o xv a Wnoîlt tant 4+sy- . prise y«oqIn.ethe>' thiaAet. àl eossm-hoMeholdinetaisponv5iab the or, Iasf tetarti '~her- 14. No call upouuaaid shapp1su1l ismade r mIore-'thtis- twenty pars- elitilm asuntsa M5 'The iCompanytfdiy la yont aonstmuat, aSait'a aaiO Me,,ain &, ,.t,..aa n,'in,. Usoful r- WB OFFER- A MOST COMPLETE si aso lu eaist, and l hoir lino bti-onspart of tise Coic siaril'avilie Raihscay. 16. 'fle Compauy mnay eonstrssct, snaintain, anh wsrk a Constismus t&-egrpis ino and tale- pisae luttes chrougîsout ansI aang tise visai huie o! tIse Canalian Pacifia Raiiwvay, or any pait clireuf, anilany aiso construet or acquire l' îi etac ase, or othieiwse. any other lins oIiilies ol telegrapis connecttsag vtis th ise n so to bu coxatristed alossg tise ise of tIs idI raîlN av, ant inmiN.itîertake ci.o trausmission of messages for tise public by any suais hue or litea of telouiapis -or telepisone. snd collect t'Iîs for So tloing t or may huas. inhe ar lines of telottrapi or telephane. or any porton tincruof; anai. If tIseY hiais proper- tg aniser- ca-ke the truitrs.i-ion of sessaees for hire, theay sha libe suuject co tise provisions o! tine fourteeritî, îiti-eiutli, andsi ssteenth sections o! çhtapter itixt *v'seceu of tIhe Coasoislatod Stat- clos ofCnIa Ansi tiey susay use any un- roveinent tluat msy isereatter bu inventesi toubject ta tise riglsti ot patuntues) for tete- grapîiing or teieplsoning, anti any otiser meus of coxmuication tlatc mass'bu deerneit xpedi. ent hv the Ctstapanv ut any tins, hureafter.- Thtis ilaîsse pcuctically giceà thinomupany powe'r to cuistrol the telegrapîs andl telepins lines o! tise North-.West. Reqniring mach lises for their own business thuey may discrim- incite agaimiat branchus establisiesl y issiepen- dent parties. POWcER. it shosdd not Wbe bei ag already .a transf ortrns effectei shal' boseui, tie.i. veto suai tssi theraafter and uiti saisi rasiway sudisîo suais persan slsallu sinarehoîdor luin .' sharéeiolder, or-bi &isal! reusau uje stsare«solder in'th's corsiecrei ndlou a Bot any fir là Con~a~ tsyta suais fiarutt aiready a- tàe isueswithont"b And in tise eveuit6d a note ciai! isot*lk Mission Go vctaed i condei in tise bdok compotiôss of ithe sauL But nalil su ,or tranimissiofLtiOý rigis, nom have kinsi whate%érl*st - 23. Sub-suctiott- Lion and dutiéWf tvuntyor rela sub-secLion3--flve eigist, eaiut lion unoty-seei 17. " -Tîte Cinsoliîtated wIasway Art, 1879.' f heCo in ta tac as tIse provisions o!fis aueae î, ap- ia h ci plinuisie ta tise tidetakisaautia-iain.hy dbis crort charter, ansi in sa fan as they aent uf sst ncroa eut nutis or contras-y ta Lise provisi ons hereof j 24. Theu ansi suce an.! except as ierinaîtr psovidods isho efîsiiý inerehy incorporatesi ieressith. IRailsVmy t 18. As respecta tisesard railvay. tise seventis completus set-tiars o! -The Causoisatut! Raiiv-uy Act aida 1M7,'" ehatiisg ta Paones, aind tise- eisht se- CnraI tuou Liseffreruatiisg ta Plans ont! urve>'; fs-ýar Use sinall bu subject ta tise falaving pravispus :- iaI use,an soitheliabeacis andiland ihoovhiai*-truts, au, waten surkitun an>' streans, laite, naviegasu aidmO m water, crut! on sea iau Safan as lise samu isal! toronn ar be restadinjuthle éraya and saitnul ho s-e- of Usae t! qireol la>'thieCrowvi;stLa sucisextent aisishal! ofttrsffic;i beresjuirod b h ie Company fer ils safilay aXy Ot5Ct andi otîser wormes. and si a t!bu exiiituil b>'àzet0 a mmap on plan tisereoi deposites u inteoffice oeta asmtl Fs tise NIîtiter of Railwayu. But tisa ovsioàvhicis'slu oh tis sub-section sisall net apply te any su>' es- ùù beauin on land! hsiug cet of Laite Pipssing. ex-- ny amû cept with tise approssal of tiseGovirô nors u o 'suunil, attise cli i.. St maIl bu unificient tisat tisa sap or pianand vlthst auss book a! rufarenua for lanypor-tion ai' tise * .a lise oi tise rasixas', sot heirag vitiian>' di. obretis cnect or corsmtv foc wisicis tiere is a Clerit of oftSuch:x- tiePae, buc deposilet! un theo office o! tise omn Miistem ut RiIailsai oCOanada, andi any ' cm-iýI- sisa, iris-tateinent, anor raneolis descriptionai tma an'lande tiseuina>' luebstorruateti iy tisa=b ti ampuny, with tise consent o! tise Iinistur, th dcýý ansi certilleil by"itim ;.andthetii. Ça 0s .y~ tison suie tise nush1srxin accordauce vuth certifleit correcti. ralv- c. Tise eloealis suis-sectsoi of tise sard aigistis - say-Cfos section o! tise Iailva>' Act ssalnet apply to eufl RaUi au>' portion o!fLise rasîva>'passinaroveraun- Muleag&» graistoit landsa of tisaCravu, or landisualt imi o" sil an>' survoyet! townsiin l- suy Provisce; sd, =4 lu sucis plaes, dèt-iaou net exctedilave i~iig miles !rom tisa liss a sisoan tise nap orpls Wi'ye ..ér as afos-ssaid, cieposituti b>'theso Cmpais>, =sa"isIt ho allavasi, vithont suy foral S aretioui or .thisssA cestiiote ; ansi an>' fus-tise devistions t ay>thse richt1 bu fouafi expestiena ma>' b. anthiss-iss yesxer ai lana, e of tise Gossarnos-in Concal, asid tise OnC îan>pvy .~ -mu>' tison maieteiais- raahvay -isacces-fiance 'a. - vils sucauthos-izet! davialion, si.6 Shoulsi any iusiepondent camunpispttu, Cdii bail a bs-tais linu purafleî sud ajacet ta lixeaei q! tise Compaisy'sbrauglaiuu saeiq- usapu tise occupas>' sa>' change -tbmir locationL _14 sud erowd ont tlýe infiependeut, campSny. îî The'Maposua ý1ndok!eeenit auce sati tim ss saiisis sieliasrvl-s Govoruor in Ççu ~o4ouysuOm - - t->~ Capais>'1U respect-ot ns-braithtiseSP'pxavloi:«m tise 0(4osemr W us1býuiisssslobescnrr~ sisat-a«ailas if ustudu andidep)Sits 3 r lire e'aby thea said i usO'bde*ia ~ IA 4 1M,," for aIl 15e lruu ofo!the'*' d actssd Li~ ofc thsis Act ; ans! au>' où of.ý ogr exut a'é.s-s,- n trt, aItIMlalter or-, bis 4è-Compan shv n a da.' taL5év 6di »àqPt F_ sial! ualie vllasuan> cosa> a as,trsit st- Ce - ~ ~ ~ P" - theSs-c uivv Fsasa> tbkI-udi*'adiaceutta10orI'us.r- f cessas-vr 4fo'rithué'lAs- t he. Alptù3l issîli snv iciýRaim~ ited.. lites -,t6 i opaw- ta 'o iPuii eruilwa'i [y, aud i mdotisr ir a t ~the àse verany'.pa tsi ail gi ms a ' 't ýeaid-.iu bteadtii sucS 5~ -saliduted~Rolls testlskomriis' a - Qowenisniestus d~pceited'wiUs ::-i'iie'censpatl i i 1 1 -t f

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