Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jan 1881, p. 7

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Pres-ents. WB OFFER A MOST COMPLETE STOCK 0FP NEW AND1) (IOICE Dress Goods, Shawls, Squares, Laces, &c. DURING TRIS MONTH WE WILL CONTINUE TO OFFER YOU -, SWEEPING REPUCTIONS" IN EVEBY DEPABTMIENT. Clothing and Gent's Furnishings ~- AT LOW EST PRICES!1 Note.-We can not ho undersold. Corne and see the bargainsw r foi No. 1 DEVERELL'S BIýOCK, BROCK-STREET, WHITBY.1 GREAT CLEARIING SALE 0F DRY GrOODS, MILLINERY, FIRS, CLOTHING, &c, At DOMINION WAREROOMS! An Immense stock of Dreas Goods, at greatly reduced prices. 15 per cent. discotunt off ail Furs. A large stock of Satins, Laces, Ribbons, &c. We stili have a large lot of Dress Goods at Haif-price. Shawls and Manties at great reduction. Fine Dress a.nd Trining Silks, froni 6Oc. to $2 per yard. Cornwaâ -Cottons, at 6c, 7c, 8c, De, lOc and l2jo. Cornwall Blankets, at 10 per cent. discount. CARPETS-Brussels, Tapestry, Wool, Hernp, Union and Stair-lesa than importing prices. An immense stock of Tweeds and Coatings, very cheap. Shirts and Drawers, at a great reduction. .Hosiery and Gloves, very cheap. Tailoring to order by flrst-class workmen. OVERCOATS. frorn $5.00 up. A FULL STOCK 0F GROCERIES, AT BOTTOM PRICES! A large Crockery and Glassware importation, direct from factory, very cheap. Buffalo ]Robes, at present wholesale prices. Millinery at a sacrifice. Dress and Mantie making to order. Fine Factory Yarns, at 65 cents. Whitby, January, 1881. SUsman"a FFc.-A oas lu wich the emouti fees te ho alloeed sa ber- iff lu lieu of poundago was ira question, vis decidedyoesýrdsy lu Chambers by Mr. Justice oaler. T hoeeme came b.. fore bisl Lordsiiip by way -)f appasl fromu Mr. Dalton, Q. C., who frxed the. 5O iM-o $600ase the amount to b.slliovod the. Sherif for the. county of Ontario lu ai pe t fthePo udago clalmed oc four ezecuti'ons placey lu hi. hande oiaejat ,te Massiou Msnufaturiug Company, sudunudar paver of' whicli ho hall seizeS omeof the 5550*0 of the.comu- pauy. The iberiff vas requàestod to vithdraw Itoni posession by th. plain- tiff, Whio retased to do go, Unlisa hie full féea vers paiS. Ha elaunod 82.780. ai which t2,620 vas for *pouidage. Tise pliltîl! tho sp p lied under the. Esme. taon Ac to Mr. Dalton tae fixthe-propor sum, te b. allovodilieouof poundago, Wvh"clallovauce of 860 vau madoeau abovs tated, Theo ahriff thon sppeal- eS te Mr. Jupttice 0,1er 1 o nreasse the amousit, sud 4h. argument vas heard ]est veekansd judgmant reacrvoS. Mr. Alyworth appeared for th. ahariff sud Mr. Basf for tiie applicant. Hi. Lerdship gave judgznant yepterday, ai lowing' $150, without ocas, as lha thoughltii.he rif migbt havs avoided tise .trouble iluthb. Brai instance. Tii, balance af tii. fee@ orer -8140 are aub. j.01 te taxation by th. tauing affuer af the. court.-Mail, Tuesday. LiLrrîaL' xvsoAos.-Tlie nunbers o! Tii, Livi[ngage for the veeka endlng De- cember Il Usand l8thl containthie following anong allier lutaee«tiug anS raluable ar- ticles :-Natur ansd Law, by Dr. Win. B. Carpenter ModemBfevees; Marie Autoin- ette sand hobespterre, translated for tha Lseinng e; The. Proca'dureai Deliherate Bde,àosi.mon*ry Remua ;A Religtons Mm af the lie)nth Oatul ry, r1 fPoli.- -cal golunambuliiu, Maciian;isJomutol, Morosuend vandemme ýFoa'ighily : The Worms ofitSIc Penry +ayîor, Niseteenth Conïiury met Oonsarratiam, Spetfator; Science for Pabos, 8atw Bo";Uni e rEs- mus Dnarvin, Tomple ar;A 8uocaslui African expoition, Nature ; togtber waUs instalmeîte of two sorials, and te u&uai &Monut 1c ooes paery, etc. The nov *lum*, ogl, j;UàXJalotmai tg nov dubsuibera reminitlPg'ore thon, loir 1881, 9afls.ronlig Auîuore are seut sueskéci tirore thisi8,800Pages ~ ie anhsrpt M ise( taloy' sny oi o0the, '44 l.IJRog OI bti poutp>sd& àtthuIEU, 5 O.,Rton are The i ohvtàhg littl.- epsgtta IelTh« t e of nolima ïsproved a ?uls bit for th. Chtitmlk4e*itber0e!11Ceiolai. ItlaI .ally gou-ec Uta:1liti ae. asu provos ,aedUbtfLt e setlMont, adptea e toab£57s$aon 01 the 7éër. in aUm anditao& Unzge adi"Iàul Mui ve rittes fr thirao r-four cf tis reoitations ,wb" S oau nr * Co. wvlU Ron ta tIbm 'tîlýci b#lnngiontthle Ieatta.nàiS- ls~u"aane maeit 040 XdiêM$rs ci St. Nitcholas in to ubt asueS<r Iboi na Omah hiot, wliêlab" travetlng tbrougw é te , dStu iteélaut two peari=Zr th jWrWtOtiObof citva afber JdnsasiSe., -nu" amsethéeconscimnceîof J. B. POWELL & Co., -' DO MINION WAREROOMS. ÀvoUices of inthe, Marniagea, and Decil,. char-ged 60 conte miao. MA.RRIED. LAWRIE - DEVEBELL.-At the residencs of the bride, Whitby, on the ôth lit., by the Bovd. Ma. Fidler, Mr. James Lawrie. of Morris, Manitoba, to Emma, sooud danghter of Thonla Déverst, Eq., builder. DEATHS. LENG,-Ât hi. realdenee. Kingston B.oad, Pickering, on Januaq lote 1881, George Long, sped 58 pas. WBITBY MA RKRfTS. poil Wheat ............ Il00 @Oil 10 Spring Wbest ..........0 94@ 110, Barley.........006 1,00, Flou,, per et.....2 75 00O Bye ................... 070 O0 85 pès.................. 000w 40 66 Pesa, blc-eyed .......... 085 *0O90 luePoe ................. 085* 100 Oste .................50 0 080 Ray.......... ....800 t 900 Apple, per bu*.........c 25 *060 Potatees ............... 025 @080 Igge................018 @020 Butter ................. 0 18 020 Cheese.................. 0 12 0~ 15 Wood........ .... .....4 60 500 Sheopakins .............O090 1 0 Rlides ................. 700* 750 Pork, per owb........ .. 000 O 0 Tomate, per buts....000e000 Turnips............. 008 @0 10 cars~2l, 0ht..... 12 aO 0 Cel.par dos ..... . 080 0401 Chlocumispéïpair. 080 *O50 DUC u .Por.........08...0i 06Q Gees perlb ............ 007 OÃ"00 Turkoy,per lb .......... 008 010 wadhed ........... 000 *on Bacate, Fermteru......006 0 00 Ra'ma, ...... 010 @01 il rhoaz ufforluJ from -th emors weù, uus.ndusretiocs aityouth uervious wulmeu. early o ef imoanood,&o. Lil vOsoud a rede euth t cm cur o, FEUB 0F ORAUGEe Thisga esi rom wsa ditaaoodby a mltonry ta Sout Bmerca. Bond saeoIf.ddroaaodoVolog te tl. a. bosemi T. Kamxat 4imp Bible Houa.,Nas YorkOM#. NEW ÂDVEEISE NEl, "Ni p 1Tuoýk" AT TRI t0W1i ALl,, MONDA Y EVOE., ANt 0lt/i.- HARRY WEBBER,-. TUe GueatI aguait (foada.- i bd$lin imta roIo. 8UPPORTED DY A Fif8T-CLA88 COMPANY,. LoeIsProvince of bttrio llrctoy TO BE PUBLIoHE»gD I-N Wn,1881,, Mý LLOVELL, et the requea* el &achnt.mi aImlesfthe Ppov N EW ADVERTISESMENTS. THlE ANNUAL TEA MEETING --OP TEIf- BAPTIS d CONTINqUING'. BRYC'S GEAT ISCOZTNTSALE, That has given such, entire satis- faction to the huncirecis- of buyers during the past three weeks, will. be'continued during-Janury ~ Special Sale of D ress ,aoods and Trimmings now going on',' t ROBERT _H, BRYCE, Odd Fellows' Hall. 1) A -DV E ltri'1S EM EN TS The only Medicine tha, sucoenftlypuifies, *0 Blood, act upon -the Liver, Bowels, 8km and KIdnoYa while et the "mre Ume it "IlYs ]NervOu rfal - and strengtens the Debitatd Byutezn, e MtIad s peedîly cnring Billouinaam JaundioeDY'uppmia, Oonst- jpation, Headache uialm, DropyNfll u-~ eral Debility, Fernale Complais 0àftla4Eý_ pla Sait Ebeurn, and every pocies or' Chromeo Diss. miumas fhm Disordered Liver, Ldn Stomach, Bow.ls or Elod.- THE 8EST 81009 PURIFYINCTONJO IN TU! WOIiJ>. D=l obile. 10r. T. MuURNa&Co., Bau £8A=1,TmUDI xgsml me, $Le@ Xx. rremaaes Worm fP.wder , s ~a ue, madd e" di*&uc( .1 oeuMmcInm aukL6 PrS oes oroefor $L Fir.VemmWansNew Domseaflc »Ma Mpuibu ilaM"roayla..TS b hlangud dsml.kay tIey bave Do eqe.oL P-A15 .cces, Per bpaae. BUG GI1ES, 2a 2 Si si BUGGIES AND CUTTERSII FOU1 SALE AT TUB FOLLOWING PRICES DU=INeTUB NUIT 80 DAY8. iano Box Buggies &t - . *75 1 PlatformuBring Grcr *d. a 10 extra fiulahed 65 2 SOCOniUd algle bugfles,2 210 'with Brewster baud Dexuocru£4 Wagons-*- do spring sud aide bar - - 7e Boit pâtonted rubbor topa for above it4o Box Buggy with pat, aide comploe - - - 20 the bestand Scheapestin uuse - 75 S Piano Box CuIter, - 1. 25to50 ~u7d0s6k3'1geIl., - 6 0 Portland ftrnts80 t*85 ingl Pbeo, îchUl,', Beat 8 Cankadfis Pt. front Cuitera - 55145 tr-i-Me!wihleer, net mcl- e Phssons Il-4to to 60 talion * - 125 6 Douible sei4 Cu#=r- - 80 tu 6 ingle Phitan ith rollig scat, du. 136 1 Second-band Ivo seat Soemocrst Iair SpringMarket Wggun, loigli .- .1 wihpnnlbx - 10 0 6econd-bonS Cut6e- - ltol N EW A DV EttliS LMEIIIS. JUST IECEIVED FOUI? GRADES OATMEAL, James.on, ITALIAN STOVES T CIlU RCHjiý- A Il11the above ncw work made of tise bast material and guaraneji WHITBY, IREPAIRING ATTErNDEDT ?flASUgriceA.t FIIIDA Y Eveninq, Jan. 7I\1881. Meaa vl! . gronduriug Use qreulug. Obsîr ta ho takan by 10O1N DUYDEN, Rmq., . M.PP. MRA PROM ô TO S, P. M. TICKETS,.............CENTS. DUNDAS STREET, - - HIBY N TÂEIO; LUMBER.! LUMBER C.JORUSN,80 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. LUMBER MEROHANT, E8tate of the Reverend Michael T/m/mn, of Cotiourg, deceased, OT0-IcE 12 HEREBY GIVEN THIAT, N riathe litaitlseel statutes of etanCbsp. 107, Sec. 34, lte CUEDrtitO0F THE BEYEREND MICHAEL TIML1N, Liteofi th6Towu of Cobourg, in Utaepnty ai Nortiuinbarland vito Siad on or about lte 28rd of 'Msy, Â. 87 ro rbfr the ,,TUB REVEREND JOHN QUIRK, î HAB 111GBP. 0.,, ,te@dThe Beverencr 3MiaeTimlun, WR i1TB Y, Ea- on hanS a larige anpply of al uaai B& amiberBoa,,ds, sudai&U eoasa Building Ltu e.Fencing. Savu Timbr sud Scsutling, a large quntity on banS LaIW rge cteror Long 91ROiSlD, f611. mri Mill£ aM short notice. Doors, Babes snd Blinda always on hanS. Witby, May 7à. 1877. ly.90 VOIM, HO iA JSENROESAÀ M "SýYRUP :RED,» CoOUNTY1mF ONTAIO. SWUINS OF THE DIVSION COURT8FOR 1881 Nhty4a8Pb. 1, mat. 1, Ap. Il11., 2, L nci, 3513,gosept. 1. <)t. teNov. 1, Brnlai iMay 8, Juiy 4. Bopt.9& DuffinaCrack IJan. 4, Msr.9% Noî. 2. Part P4j-Jn 8i.M rit,l-, 'Msyila, Jane17,11y2, 8at. 8 Oc ., 17 Dec. 28. Uxbidga.8eb.,Mt ,Ar 4 ac lona 2, Sept. S, Oct- il, Nov. 18, Dec. W. C"nliigou-Fob, ,M sr. 9 Au18, bMsy BoaVertn-Uirï. 10 Jimo23 Oct.1la, Di. 2L therly-Msr. 11, Jane 21, ôot.14i, Dec. 20. 1-'y - MO.erk o tU eLt" o Ct) ce o Q Pe WA REHO USE.1 S.TOVE-S! We have reduiced the prices ail ,our heating stov es, No-w is the, urne oto get first-elas , Stoves. lIý- Rem-neinher the place-- County- Lîquor 6tore, Wholesale and> Retail, KING STREET, OSI4AW-A; Just received for* Chriatna adthe New 'Year, <ý1arge stock of WINE S and LIQiJORS,. direct -importation, comprising Port and Sherry Wines,Br de, Gin, Rurn, Scotch and Irish Whiskeysi, Bus'l Ale, and Guinness aid Blood's Porter. Godclt!nlam & Wort'a ceiabrated 01<1 Byo and Malt Whla;kiy, tshebs~t ln *1,. Dominion. 4 Taylor & Bates'aund Coegrave & Sons' Osuiiin Aléàs 50< Porter, sud Lager Beer on dieft audinl botte. The Iergest aud best assaorted stock of cîGARS inufile eunLy I Port and Sherry Wines, ci superior quality. a& 15.00, 84.00, 18.00 aud 12.50 per Ituperial Gallon. Nati%,e Port aud Sherry, $1.75 per Gallou. Aliarteil, Jules Robin.and Heunessy Brandies, lu vood snd bottle. A firet ciscs Brandy foor cooking purpones, ut $2.75 per Gallon. Rod snd Green sprài Old Tom sud B.allsnds Giu. Jiime>on'iz, Burk'Et, Dunville aud Stusrt's Scotch aud Irish Whiskeys. Try our celebratod Toddy Whiskey. the finest Whiskey in the market. 82 per gai], or $5 p"er case of one dozen. Botties. Finest quality of <Bd Jamuica Ruen. Bassa Ale, hottled by Hibiiert aud Fosier & Sou,, in Quartsand Pinta. Cosgrave & Sou (Toronto), Taylor & Bate (St. Catharines) Aie on draft, lu 5, 10 suid 15 Galqu XRegs, and ini Bouti in-oases of one dozen» quarts sud two dosen pinte, at 81.25 per case. LAGER BEER ]FOR WINTER USE, Two dozen baIlles at 81.25 per caue. Guinness sud Bloodi's Stout in quartsansd pinta. Coégrave & Son'a celebrated Stout, at 81.50 par dôzen quarts, sua 75 onta per dozen pinte. A few of the osxulea afi 3lgar Flor insPrinneusTotto, Gôlâ Càro Rings, Trumupeteas, Audrogynous Maple Leaf, Best 50 Cigar, pa;sma-u Queeu> of thb Turf, M. P. 0.,, Glit Edge, - . Flir-del-Fumar,; Amraa........aCarolina, eouatantly ou baud. Fior de ÂIna, Windsor, Grsni-Duehoas, c*lok.ttors, No Flua-HUas, VIctoria, Lacom, La Catolios, - Amorloan Oeu4 Wilsou'a Matreal-Giuger, A@, Lemionade,i Pgt"sasWater, Sela Wslert Double Soda Water, Lomc'n Soa,'Ëaroseparle, Cideln7qnusMd' pint4. Large or small quautifies, eupplied;'and- dgelieod firs1.0teh rge bcuato-mort iu Whitby snd vioinJty.UVer0 Bottles returuable vheunopt ohargcd for.' O8Ha.Wà, OxTABIO. Dec. 151h, 1880.', MILLINER?' and FANCYA LADIES', and -011 IJRESS AND)MA2NTLE,?TBJ. FRILLING A&ND LACE;iu -L.&DIE S' ÂND MISSES. VËiLVET; SATIN,1 -COSTUM-E-AN-D.h )YGOOI?8 S~tock largeý; priées Iow. -- CUTLERY c1, J-4seph Rodgers& Sous,. and- 4e other niakers. PLATFI WR -0b,.cî.... '.. A ~5-- Oaeh ForGr&inI 2~se umiorolguod la piogerai ~RIGBE8i~ PEIO~ BABET. - ~1and~5pwjijg~ aN. B.- mgR theh mta ad 1Useful Dry Goods, Manties, 0Furs, K.id Mitts, Millinery, Wool Goods, Clouds, Gloves, c- s T EJm W mAXR... T,1 flnt" of the u f- bondantly on band, - -- - . . 1

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