Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jan 1881, p. 3

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C. F'. c 0F NEW ADVERTiasEMENTB. CORPORATION Ail are invited, S TEWART NEW ADVERrISEM.EN frtS. TOWN 0F WHITBy Ilj LUST RECEl VED FOUI? GRADES OA TMEAL. TOWN COTJNCILI 1881. T HFIBBT MEETING 0F THE T'TOWN COUNOIL cf#1881, iU ho huhi ai <ho TOWN JLL, biby, on MONDA Y. JANYUARY 179h, 1881, At thé hour of Eleven oclock iulb. fora.- mooli. THOS. HUSTON, Town Clark. Tavu Clrk'. aRc. Wbiby, Jeu. 121h, 8Il. f 1n CENTRAL PRISON INDUSTRIES. Thurea.Iq. f A OhJanuary, hast., For fiione huudred corda of pine, bemlock, and ,ix.d sofiWood, la eql qusutitis, (500 corda An be-ary), An b. delivored lu tho Central Prixon Drickyard, Toronto, On or btloro the 151h May nont. J. W. LÂNGMUIR, Office if thé Inspector. Inspotor cf Prisons dniPubliac haritlos, P?«"faot Bufidinçu, Toronto, 11h Jey. 1881. lin-t whiatly Pair, and over il comçet4tors si tb. Groat DoxicnonEmbibition Montroal1, la 1«0.- EVary porion ehouâ s ue im boaoPurobaaiigmay olber, sas tey ous 13o mm#osundgivo btter satisfaction, Evsrymachine varraned Adaress c. TUPPRI Port Perr. or A. J.ELLIOTT, Brooklu. AUCTION SALE !.- '-: 0 P ~Cutters «and'SIeigh8 ! W;THOUT RBRE m ESSES TONS & NfEWPOItT havira; dotraliAn sooilbhebalance -ftheir eiock of Cutera nd 51.gba et any WEDNEBDA Y, AAN. l8th, 1881, TEE FOLLOWING, VIL: Tva Phion Cutter; 8 Canadien Patent Front Cuter; 8 Piano Box Cutters; 1 Piano Box Cuttor, villa leaibor daili; 1 Dauat 51.1gb, pancy; i1iRolling Seat Blelgh; Thio Square Front Portland Box Cutters!; lV utter vith Chil'. Seaul; 2 Sot U.gb#,Bobs; 8 S«ocnd Baud Patonted Yret ~Cuters; 2 Second und Square Box Citera. - SALT AT ON£ P. M. TEItMS.-Nliao monthu crodît vill b. givon tu parties. urrabing approved notes. E4lbt par cent. per aunuan f r cash. Wbltby jeu. 111h, 1881. 4 OOUNTY "COUNCIL tu Consee ab.Corpoataionuae th. CIOUNTY 0P ONTIO, WIII um", paat Anstaut*, et tb. cs om u tr. Tevu at Wbftby., aei ioàtc 1p. am. o T'utdsy, 25th of January, Imat Ail aeomatto bo &c.*&-on inrlngthe 94WM a muMl a th %--bausfaith.eOMark oon or béoorothe SUai it. ÏJORN GElER O.nt lerka ofilco, Couy Clerk. Wty, Jais. loth,18IL e4lin 1 undifl. mnt groting, wlhut Y"a prauporo Msd bappyNsvw 1, thé unioraguaido hsb«ê' give notice thatlv WI onsuJl ta46U m ansd aid euh- boa O Lflovin; sgele a ibis "dathe lb.raidoaoMsca81 pa:t fise, tala ues. < ho Oouu*y 'Oumr Homast. 1raids Magain.." Wit<hl2suporCbrosta orlO5monthe - WIth six Ola0p îe fo moallas, "9M HQUUKlOLDOBZ'L. Wigtf14f h Obgut,~4 subi Crayons for Ar r 0'5i14 1500 »auaa Fm O sib.#a.. vzý .flu.ç.. Q o Q o Q 14 ce Q Q las Jameson, ITAL IA N WA REHO USE. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.1 Estate of the Reverend Michael Timlin, of Cobourg, deceased. NTOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVETHAT iNueat te the Revieed Statt.. ci Oniarlo.n Chap. 107, Sec. 84, the CRBDITORS 0F THE RBVEBN MICHAEL TIMLIN. Laie of ihe Towna cf Cobourg, in lb. County of Northumaberland vbo disi on or about th. 28rd ci May, Zýb., 187, aro, on or boore D2b al of Febîuary, AI Dit 1l1, Te send h p= t repaidite theueri. ta ictera, at'IorruIoort TEE BEYERERD JORN UtTR,. Exocutor cf <ho luit Witt sud Testament of <ho uald Thea Bori Mchael TinaUn, dace«"o, <hou Chrsi» arafma, niSur- nana.., adireeas udidescriptions, tlé Iful Prnitulars ci <holr claiaus, atomonia cf aili Rcons, sud tho nature of iho-socur- it.,if auy, heu by <hemns < hs ai ndn arte th sad IMdaydayditFobruary; 1881, the «»t 01 e ai ,d ieoalod VRlb. dlstribuisi emong the parteaentiImeitso- An, under the terof-set tii.Wet.o the aetd Reversuai Michael Tîmlln, baving regrd. oniy An the ciaane cf suncl oreilrocf which dus notico'ahall have botu rocoivoi. Anad ibe sali itoetor WtUInett ho hable for <ht useets se distributed, or any part thurceuf, te Parsons wbouo cleime aha I1tact have 'been r«eov*d ho lb. Bascuter or bis soliciiora at the titie ft et h<itributlocf theseaid omuets, ci- part thercof, as die case ,zay bo. Any porion, or poisons, iniebiod An the atate oi the sasidecosssd -are bsrsby noti- ifi te pay et oce e ho aet iof thoir in- dobtees to the Jixecuior, or to the under. ulgneâ ai their offices, 72 Tangoe tresi, Terceto.. O'SULLIVAN & PERDUE, Sclici,.oru for th. Bey. John Qulrk, Execuor oet<he WilI of the laie Roveri Michael Timailo, Cobcurg. Datai De@. 101, 1880.tdni" Goldsmith's 1Hall SELLING OFF! Having determined oh giving UP' business on the expiration oi louse. The whole' stock Of TO LETI1 Two stores lu th Wbitby Market Block,- 8 or 65 feara Les... Suiaibie for grocey ,and provisions, or auy other buaineue-good chance. Apply tlo THIOM.S HUSTON, July 28, 189e 89-if To. n lerk LUMBER!_ LUMBER 1 LUMBER MEILOHÂNT, W IH 1 T B Y, Bsrn Luzuber Hor iei *Iln------ Building Lunalar. Ponra, GavaTmbr sud Sintlit, alip d Do=n, Sahl Ab.. sud Binisulnym baud. Wbàiiby. May 70<. 1877.,17-1» 00 oi7égH.COLD$8 Â8Tý" BROYOHiTleLo 10.Or0 VOICE HOAR8RNRBB4ffD -THR062 ' ÀFPECT.ION'& GRAYS da ssatL.q.ss a te mm.dWe5, . .NgeduSYRUP SRED-a r SPRUCE: - m ,sae la mï E/ectro-Piated - Goôs. Ijzbrtdge-Pabg , Êa'O Jimao2. sept. 8, oct. 1, Winl b. oforod st rniah lom, $hmaa ConnIng*o-1eb.8, lss, 19, Juné 22, Sert 7 OLil - JM5JOURNSTON, P PractIsa Walchmaea. 1-l ,IA HO - J0stFiGa, c~jŽzrn CA RPETS, 5 PER CENT. DISCOIUNT 10ci- c 15 LLc 2Ã"0it DUNDAS A Large Stock Whitby, January -13th, 1881. CONTINUING BRYCE'S. GREÂËT DISCOTINT SALE>- That has- given suoh entre ati~s- faction to the hundred of * buyerig during the past three:w4ekswl be oontinued-du.ring, Jeuary. Sre fpecial Sale of Dress aoods and Trimmings m.zo on n ROBERT -He. BRYCOE, -Odd Fellows' Hlall. - wblle st theuneUne ft say "eepodily @Uisl 3mo sg sa, audl< pation, eadacho, Ehuralùrn, Dro -eral Dobflity, Peu" (e ornpWujtu. Dbuodorod MLtrr, idznen tmuiach. Bowol M iIE 8EST ILOOtI UItTIC I I sa e ute. lot., T. MMUI&O18.nu31Amlm1 IThe ifARU R<f1R MP d,qr»»Ou. "Luj OoutyLiuor âeYtMW in ~I ,li 07,iirhl _fôr- o %leNew -Y ,aImg atcpk6f.WX$~ LQUOBdirai imporaiou,- ~èI&~l~ Prtand Sherry Wmnes, Brandiie,- Gui, RtUIIs&otOII *nd Irish Whiskeys, Baas' Ale, aud Guiiùneus and'-BIood'& Porter. GoodorbaneàhWWdowa els<d Om " d ut u, naaa, lbbom inth- Bs..u Jue on rat n andtleànm m.Ï.awd"lbue Nine PoàuBrdy horc ti.?5pupalonM. 8m an led sid'OrMuMOn 01Toan d DIeLmnda 1 n. Try our celebratd Toddy Whiskîy. Itb. tusùat Wb9'ik.i Pinemi Bs.. A O~ra~ - mil N»aW eue ev memee a au pwm alea *y lm.. r ito , w tbsty<1,7 hveno eqMI .P"ioeas 0co-in mkucmi -W BUGGIES, BUGGI-ES ANDOuYTER 1Imp OISALE AT TEE POLLOWMG PuCESDUEIO TEE «= 0 DIATL IaInb . 10"ID nIoo,~. i~~~~~~~ Ibievlhrllqsss PL3 So.a&ante A aa CarAU du -aboutmwv o* *mode/LiMeat,.g M4qte&,4ý IEPASUtINO £1Tg«<DID To 4OAL  ýwjTÉf MC rt!' Office >0 if With the view of r educing Our stili very large etoçl<,,have noyQW made very great reductions in pries u eerydepartment. Special attentiion is 4irected to Fancy Gooda, Velvets, Manieès, Sht nw1 lfl -.ryand Fancy Wool Goods, al of'which wili be sold at sweeping reduetions. Our stock of Fine Furs we will elear at special qunotations. Ali Ooods are, being BoId . aa t -Redution! 1 aPPoa~TTx2srITr FLOOR OIL-CLOTIIS, DRESS GOODS, ~ro BTTY SILKS, SATIS TWED1sÀAND JLOTIN Ge FMICY 'DRY' - GOODS, WINTZBE CASH PURCHASES OVER $1.00. OFF ALL COTTONSe Sugars, AND CORNWALL of Groceries. GOODS. BUFFALO ]ROBES. F1JRS. at6c, 8c, 9c, 100, extra value. 12 ce nmit. je BlbO~UIB&O~ - I - - A& LE ~T~L . - -, M;ý-- ý, ý ý

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