Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1881, p. 2

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ÂAYQTIOI( "LUS, ooImw;t?. a'i4-aethe'pomr~ lôt Né I»i itiii S 0i7. pf';Ùib"t W Z'b, imfUrsay, h20,181 -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 8 PvlnçtSd:! Syuicaie. The ýdlscuslomi.of thée Syitîcete rese. lullon tluMlltihé sbsorbtng question tb.. torai tise' Domiaion Parlament. Tisa iltbate la carniet on wvilsmuais spirit,- tut, w*0 regret t oice., vitisne amalil of perusi serlmuioey on boti sideà. Ttce piueanlation o! tise contraci ci lise nov syedicste (giveninlu tiser colnmns) rha,., ascr olal lime frient Mm. Pierson wccid &uay-'"ncnpluisee!' liseGovrm- - luent. .Tisey coeil il boguse'"à"apolilical dosdg . ,&st., sud aseert tisaI il se oly puta fomwerd for party purpemes. But ccuing tram tise gentleman cf utadiugý sud reoapeclabhîhty visoésne@s are et- Lieelseaedta Il, &assai thî lie substantiel dlslîit f t4iniuicumu an iaI a! ofdoll. ars osîgealse baki4 op, amieS mn offer te builsi tise lîvay cennet lie pooli. poolset or ligistIy reatesi. Tise gmte- Mena!flise mcv Syndicale, by lissir ac- tion., chscv tboir Smrfcîns. Tisey are al Cancllmuag, iWiîhsCanadien lotareste, andtI Itîshed vils Canadien sentimentu. 'l'iey are tborougisly rejremtive C,sad;ss, st te-suer aI - neis mn- thesoarpqe 04446 ',«b.0bave à alA aca. le naiselî.as,5ourse tisaI vwih mol b. acceep'tas aui argument or au asaar ts i sefavorable .WvAgipf bain . tender. ivih&klgtender ibufore tiaen, thie mrupayodg d u!the n mnes oatise - getsmsatjoten le iseé Syndîcale, - Ciscpee'pltise&buDomlglioq hnve'i sb- r = h *"sciIb ua«M»&aof poh.pobi»g, eseL desahfu, or ecbarIal Ubjeahloaus. iffn beluca Stter ou. \ ý li tba p-foranbt Slb Govrn- meu cssit a eune. Is abettur by seerlmlhcicfnmy sutsmal mnIlie aces ! lni..,kafor incezex eNppjeUO, e'a Popoly, 'sut lafroa fcfix onb ohujeooable caditious lu th. tender asupportet- Sp 15e Gererunent. On e faIm otialdsmallofetbotsa tenders (e tbie»inilene inu alng aacort. a , l tttes cf pmuieciantd cluum eu 'suce, ouhlsie a preferencu ia tise, Brett*#*nlem oser lie cffer,ef Sir %V.- P.;Hovlamit & C.. Tise miucisiel i.ta j pietsaa l .-iguit ression art fi ,ttaDà ha tumse'sfeelings «(i pi4jteuulircevayed elcogethet- for Itpo lsment Sp tise démon cf psrty. If I I> étpgescttives el lb. people cauld bars a bselsnsilueor# 'mentis attnt4i *fi ný tale er et n easentise setter,frqe frein lis- Inuihenamst vrr ut Otta*;tieir nvtAbiwoulu.1 h. gb-eu more lunacerA-. euie. priitise dictles c! rsaoutn aîMumon mieu", sut lu tise intereste e!f lise ceuntry. PFumedtuto approval amd support cf Ibeé00cm. cf tise Gossmn. mean& Sp tise omit ponhi- udr parîp aI. Ieaulaiie, tbey are moetteto e tisaI a proand mtvicislisey vilI ha iers- afu orrunumie te justify. ,No lies of party fibouîïd jqmee liein l litisarifice. No 'Minictin, lhoekl ateiefuture et bis 1',"-aboutiasi aet tise haudscf bis supporters Ilat tispy ebonît aiu, viaI onotsnbldly vil i se,,su fer se Ontaxioi le ooceesrned, fer most o! tsemu, - Ilasi ove pohlîloal deali-varrmnt. There.la, a uohiehauesslp dolug P4, lo verrant $be shipp lsteé,t0Ae PMe at la et, cf ths, ovs it lbava mors thon1 * = 047 ,Inerella u ousmnrahlng thinbergaîn, obna hat oceooaret £ abruuiu P~rcsnt~*s is be sA i u ao purtiva.toleretire.omfortabhp ced1 pheasaetly troua public, hie leasing lissir slnet oîhvey#o ltevsr @hui% fer ý theelp ês<,. Tison 'lave millons lu'tbis thhatcg(,r"analt tis reedy mnopoliste visa Are Alte'r lienoeuveli afford ho Rise1 avaay ou. orlvii; te accouiplisaIhuir4 piurpase. %W. bave lise-istairycf otiserr ritiîway ebeme. iser. us. Tise y vmne sarrisdtb ioaqisby yiriehe gaen$MOU.a tinutsubséquent ticc1cloînreas-aftsr tise corraupi verk liA jbeei dou'-llewed 1mfic for n.y teegmatsser. M.ryden as aR.praetetlve 8apa tiseé,eerOkýM: -"lu tisa louare cf Assmlijuarda; lie attresu vas MOret by r.1;Gibsen, cf Ham".l1s, t ead ececusîclb y Mr. Dryden, cf Seuls- Onitario, Theo latter speaker eertminhp a- thoctp edireîtcpon the luesacf wviiZ ie ia on.ecflishastonrepemutativessia tisa Hous. .Ifs a rcîisial*fermer oe - - lrivr suels an aJresu eMr. Dryden0 dîsî yeuterdmy, w. ehny venter visy tise Aratinltersusinle lia Province ,doss net 1 rei- uscre o! ýisova represeutatot 7", tise Leglàure." - Wî ha&péned tlobe u ntise portars' uaer y dnhng lise'4.Hlraryoft M. Dryden'sapehThe. priSca mocrtd Town Council, :M. SoOt OLTRUST"I. eliotecproent year wasihelt et tise toira hall, Wiiby, on' Mouiiay. Mie Wesiip Mayr Buihiuge, liarimg takea' Ibm asua i ,claiatious cf cifice andl ý uiîfiostion lister. Mr. BHuston, Town, 111r11, look tise chair as ohuv,-n 'clook. Tisa oiowing ntabsrscf tise- conne!l Iban inade. tissar délarations bofore tise Mayr ns tec'k tiseir'seis a- emaCa'mipisel!, Reere. Jerenlias eug, DepnlyRmeve. North Wra-harles Neurmo, Dr. B "Johin C. Wesley. Centre Wrd-Win. Dsunkley, John G. Relhey, W. H. Hanmam. Soulh Ward-Jobn Blov, Jas.- Sithl setl C. FOx. Atter lis aallug cf tise roll, tise gayor, befere buoinest vas procsedo-t vilsdsit ilafforded i m gréaI plemmure te meet tisa repréentuative* o! tise town, sud te ceegraluhals lieux aIl ujpon tis, tiseir BireI meeting. R1e only isepesi tisll is te course cf Ilie yocr andi dar- ing tisoir term ofo! clce, lisey voulsi aIl, lu cemmon witis huma,!!, demerve Ch. confidencep lacet in tisei by lise elec- tors. Machs ychtld e expecteil front' thoras upon lise preper management o! lise financial affaire cf tise teve, wbicis he iseped i vantav e tieir boat atten- lion. Due caré, Se aIse tmustoal, would lie beteetn p outise improvement cf tise streetm andA lie expendtiure o! :the appropriations; mnt lest, but met least tise malter cf tise tovu tares vas one le vueS lhe (ait suiro tioir boat cousit- eraticu vomît be dirocted. Tise town expeotat e jus& eud équitableasseau- muent aItisheir Sanda, andi the fair oqmal- satiou cfliseéassssinent raIl, il vas tu be isopat, vouit recels. du. attention. To tise latter mubjeet hoe b.d giron seaprsonal attention, andse homub.- leno.dette î ay beore tisa conucil bis vaw, et suetier meeigise seouls net et prebt eulalrge open il. Tise greelçr part of lis. idn wvas t pros,. ,otpIp4"d pon lise vroug sisoulders, i ev.m.hifmde4juullcq. dtet cul. A fire-proof eaf. vasiba4Y vantad lu lis Town , Cqrk'a oëÏ(e;' itw vas eat usglelupon tic part cf Ibm cefi- 1 erunsinal nDegleat lie aisonît eln"t *&.Y 1 luwunu ielv rocorsîs uprovited »e long vili a Place cf saey. An- - ell e y. mp oran uat<r fer- the lestaIatiin, vas tise timbilty cft petllloalniste Gevarnetle maie th. lovu a herber o! refuge. Thé dis- asters ou tise Lake 1utIfaI muae ers o! vesmels sud marinersa ails. to e m uecestity, sutdlseqy onit Dov have their.aitano.. Ho adhvies tise ap- polutintulof a spécial qenmile lte pétition lise aGuseument upontise anis- ject. e vlentA aeltorocotmentl te the consil lh. aidnlsaiity 0I petition- ing tise Local Légisasture mcv in ses- sion, praying foir lia abolition cf ex- esuuhiune frein taxms. Cîher cerpo. lices vers toing me and lue Ibeugil Il a preper an lject for the corporation o! lise towu cf Wiby te mova lu. AncLiier matter vîuiel ha foltboanu te maticeva teu s tah o! Mm. Sheriff Rteynoldsa, aui oItcitizen, vise liad losi ainoat tîenu for e quartar cf e emsery *W d hoee hees a- veule! ra- gret. âhtise rigbs tlima it moult Sa pmeper for (lie counchil teou s msolu. lice et caurdohenoes wjth ise vidqi~ u famîly. la cOnoleeiýnrhb. pU~4 -1e coucîl vnîw o miold eioly~tr lug thse year, eut &ti viaI thedit 1 voisib. fer ilie beefit cf ait classas in lise lova. . ras erasaziro OmNItES. Ou mnotion cf Mr. Centp bel!, second- at by Dr-. Bogart a mssohntlon paat appoiutlug a select commitatée aMie4 Tise Mayor asot e sure.Iurs ant Blow sculaes Mr. Cam ba:uhmgteillbthcamea oi Mr. Kelly for thsa_ cfMr. Blow, ap Mn.' B1e vu aslikely te S s u, important, mins on th. commîlle., beho esd,, secondesby Dr. liogart, -tisaithli' acrutisura b. Mesura. Rk.ly",.mut, Notimue. Cred. Thse, beflel Sing takoff, retacil aeoro cf Measas 111evLong#' BORart,, Dnkloy and Fai.- Ou moitions tise Mayor lefitIhe chair te Rive tise coiute au <plounitrn cf brsmging lenlisa-ir repart. Çqnnpil resemeul. Mm. Long nrpmted efrom héselect commutte, tise fcjlaviu etsnAfcg cons- Finance and <acaea. oeu Ulov- Canophaîl.Lonsg, Neuras ansi, Kelhey. Streaxfs.-Mos.ms. Duukley. Bosgart, sud Smxiths. go appoetsa Ullegicti istituts 'I!us- tob. ty.fiwy'resd lisen4eauiynumb- er o!flltte-è.snd- pamsei, r-e.pPclntlng Indue DerWail, ka vhomeaefficiecy the. asover eut uccopder ant otbeg'- membi. Gà min of 1(r' Caanbsl,'he ilàyor- ati MesantBlov, -aunnit, Bogart eudthlie moer vere tkppoint*d gp*x aptfimnsisttee te drft a mpmmorl', Ai tu 1ise Goreruer Geaesl' uiniil pra3ing tisI Wiitsy fHamber b. mate àa barber o! refuge, lise momerial te bc fervardet mp con u»,possible. -- In brion pp is motion Mr. Campil bsae!Sedi:oaIh0 s a date ou mocenntoftPakflamantbollsg4a Reao,-1e raterrod.tat- Ilsc 1 utpropcrty, and eupcnîly te tise houa of tise- Boll. Sh4sas n, viicismigist bar. been savad bile!Wbiîby boon ae barber o! reloge. Ho aIereferredt ho thse efforsnaeonou iba!! o! Port He a ne! conteudat tisaI Wiitby' Herr-tad adrauhages mot possssd hyanDyltisher on lise Lakhelore. Mm. ;bng, secudet iy Dnklcy,, meovedt tJoisn Riceolie appalutatl tevu atiditen là audit tiese cecunte cf 1880. Mr. Neoirse, soondet by Mr. . >lhy, moved ln amentuxant lise name cf Roe Johngtou. Dm. Bogart moein lususodmeul lie naine cf Ge. T. Hall. Tise latter ameudmuent sud lihs original malioe vero sildcviimutandMr. Joisten ap- rit .Tise Mayor appeimitettMr. on Fairbanks lise second anditer. PwUý"ox TeiitUE POT MASTER GENESL. - -lb. Nacre, seconted by Mr. Wegley, mIno tst thie counci! pétition tise Posimaster Gencarrl "kiing fer a mail on Momday momnings on thIe local trea batveen Bellille sut Torontoe; tisaI copyuf tt-et-o-h ate ta he -dtf. tlersait mulalptlitie b.eea Toronto sud Belléele, lncludiug botS, aukiug for Ibair co-eperetion. %(r. Blow -dimppro-set cf the coqucil -hsklug action inlu snb iattars. Tise -people lied net asied lisai te do su. it vas suc part. . tiibu inéses c! tsa r crpratbu !~~ ~>6isWard batl 9i le sr W lnà cf tBm standing 1cintte.. llke. as oéàrq*,ay bat sait, cuttiug 11111e sars oeu f hlb eqs Mr. -Nonnae replied tIbal pmr[ia4& Jrhitof thisemnu and4 stars Ad i ht' sisine l is.theSiutu Wart. (A. aegb.) Tisere isat besu bîreatys petifien saut' by tise ratepaysrs cf Ils.he ôvu te ths Peulmaster Geral upon tise snhject. Il wasusaulleas for bim teay 5ev neesum"myammail voulsi b. on Mouday - muemninmce freun tise eut te business =nen,.amI liectiia net sesboy tise stop- tien cf snob e pétition voulal interfère. vilS suy committees A uties. fHe isopedthtisamalter voulsi mot be eioed te Blcow orer. (Ainetrlherticgis) Mr. camphel hi isugliatishe pouitheus veuld e! no cisum, aeutChat business men vould ble ascommodated, andal is il was tise dmIy e! tise coucil tô ne thoir influence for Cthe beneit sof il-e people wluc autet vuthout beiig asket. Dr. Bogart vas in laver cf tise poli. iens. Mro. Wesley aRasiad tsbe censpiaint o!ý oat f a mail Mouday inemnioga vas geal saoeoget business musc sut su lrtmalthesmotion fer tb. petition.r Th Myef vas av*si cf' e pelitien bn ma* iËa"de*d dy1iWîtiidt sqon tise 'UFbjei.ml«'l&ai Ms. Lac g approea 0GIfW lat îufleerstise expenas e eofdnahloi depiqe crth lietitiea Ceonther planê t. *S~Aa a5Mi'rttem, bel atihl-IlvasoqoandWr apippef1--té oays* -On snohieê0( 1fr, NllA aoded! S ,,Ipd seconder vare appointat s- spaclal peunnaitmoe ledraft-a resolulei of au ,ý3paoo lis eSiserid's fesity sund ne- ,,?r cit meeting cf coumicil. "M. Fox anulossedt liaI hbut giren nmicecf aenutlg theo tg by. 'lav Ktet ial e bg cf tise cU coton- 'bu ; be ashe t t ilb. ahioved teý stand t nazIt meeting. Ont motion cf Mu. Osmuplial, met. tugon J40 0iIlia 15.ecaculattend 15. te me na& te aaawige t of rsilaTeniplOyeu amd hopùblie ' ablUý forprotecting the public inteesti n sireamu madrivers vithin the legielative anthority cof t. -ýprovince -$,a blIl-glvlng erad ttalility teMutuel Insurance iompanlis; sud ane dealing with the question of market lees, vhich blave- long been a source of ~cezplaint by the farmers of the province. h vlew of the mauy extensive snd bee. ficili sprovemenis in our laws effected muscs the pýrovince obtainedthirten yeare ,age, ountrol of las local affaire, and of the fuither legielation which vil engage your ýattention during thq presant session, 1 com- rJend ho your serions considereien- the question vhetber the trne hes nul corne vhen the public interest maey be euffiiently protecied, snd et the saine terne a conolder-. able avng of expeuce boe efected, by com. ftming future legisiation, te everyF alternats annuel session, exospi in cases ot specisi ho p~ublicecomants cf recelp!z; snd ex- penditure for the peut year, snd the esti- mates of mrnoeys requlred for the services ef Che ourrent yesr will be laid betore yen. The estimates Mae been prepared villi every reçsrd fer economny consnstent villi the public intereet. I tcnst that the labors ef the session nov comntenclng rnay, when broughiteo a close, refleci freeli boueur on the viodorn snd pairiotlam of aur lgilaosudan prove permianently beneficial te al,. classes cf our people. His Honour then lait t he Chamber afi returned, te Qovernient House. BUSINESS PEELflcIiAEES. THE NEW SYNDICATS. tehie Goverument. AND» LANO BUBW=O-ANifis Oums- SION Or ossusAi M POurAN ixs îdRfUs i r ra T»OCAT Thée follcvlug l isueuheooopyeof tLe tender 'put inu Piday aI Otva -fer tise soutruction, maintenance, sud vûolg ôcibCe -oauadfauPaifeRail- cptLI î,,ebrwltb ýt"lis t 1of ment si Toiento sut O-&ta*s*' "aniluey ed -Ceais for-' s.Do. miniong f csoeOutivea:- , --Sîa,-Tiendershgnod, who for thé purpose bhocinaf tes seoneu, eaIthons. "Iîves tiseCoempauy, ha"a the boueur te subinit tise follovlng proposition tomb lb.h construction sut oporatien cf h. canadiensuzacido aUwy:- 1. For tis. beller Iuterpretation boe- of, it l isemsnby sleclar t tiaItishe portion cf railway isereinetter caUled lise Eat- cru section sahal comprime tisaI part o'! thse Canashian Pacifie Bsilway te be ceuotrnctoA extending frein lb. western termiuscf tise Canada Central Rail- vuy, near tise eset end cf Labo Nipis- uimsg, koown ap Ollauder Station, to a point of jonction iwith 'tbaI portion of Che sahl Canadian Pacifia Raîlway nov lu tise courise cf construction extemidi* fromu Lake Superior te, Selkirk ou tise est aide cf 1Red River; viic latter ~o rtioion eereinafler called the Lake uperior section. Tisat 1h. portion cf said railvav, nov partlally lu course cf construction, .xtending frein Selkirke te Kamlooppe le bereluafier cahot tise Cen. traI section ; sutdise portion cfRaid railvay, now iu Courseoet construction, -exteodiug front Kamloops te Port Moody, lu icereinatar cafle thtisaWest- éu section. Andt laia héwcme 1a. nadian Pacifie Rslvay" ara inltee te, mean thse entimrs llvs,* se deuib- ed in lise Act 874b Violonsé, osap.IL Tise ludividuti, parties wvis ial? siga Ibis cITer arC heeWnsfter deseihèas lise Comspany, aBd th. Govemrunuofe 1 Tise Contractore, lnsmsdiately afler tho Organsation cf ii.- (Company, will doposit vftb <lis Governmeul $1,000,- 000 ln u oas rmapproved sacoigtes as a s.euryfor LBm Construction cf the. Iriilway. ?is. Géfsfsrïit@hal le tbe Company lutea*rIboù dapesitea I he raté cf four pet cent. par anuun, haf-yearly, And shah psay crer te tbe Comnpany lbp inteecme-. ceiveA uPOn securlîles depositet 'the -vbise ouati defagit lu the performance cf tisa conditioïsbsec thé l»Bmre. paymnt ot tbm dtipesil, -And misai!e- t1cm thé Asposit, te COompany @albe compltion e01tio ilway, acoerdissg te Ch. terme beref, vitls acy inireal socruesi tiorsoni. B. Tishemnpaoy vil ay cOute ocu- cf ruci, andi eq t hie saisi Esterni sec- Choc. and the ,as Central Section of a uniform gufe o f 4,feet 8î,inclues, -andi lu orsir or etetablishx au approximato standard vbsreby tise qnalihy asd charsotor of Chue ralvay »a'o f tise materials cacA iu tise conutioni thereof, sud o! ths equipinent tisereof. May b. regalawte. h. Uion Pacifie IRalîway Or tisa "United Statas, as -Ise sain. vas ln 1878, su hèreby selectet sud fixe.a su snob standiard. And if thé jOovars adthsd ie Coupauy abonit Ib. 'u~le teagréé se te. viseho" or Ints.ny verS don. or mat.rWis fuii. 'tSgroinu'faimrosfemmily wfith sncb oImh rdeAse lesuy isUies ulon Of tact, epoludiugquestions of hv, lise oneclfds0 pa n al eion ohi te opray, lc»,bthénls h re o!te. eee oaet isen swah haeese hpg evréerneut os. by Ui.< 94. uy, p if ouckb tue Ivo pteros o ba er, apnmsuS r4 Ate isanhc$eos.ts e B .Prty byo. vthin 0erp b9erqU9bbeitéS i alde. ea ha hah!ha apointsi or cf lbe nîjorsti Qcf tiiem, sh ieh ,-Th 4.««.ku eofemm4oisoa&hall b. îIli. SamIeAi titisnatnél sà uniRis .5.1,seensatbyMr. Fox,; thi-'Içéar &Mwos'e Dul Pflq ftOb mfty aa.s« Ï7 foreer effieely malulsin, werk, sud u lise Canadien Pacifiai Raflway. orusnt-f- bposaaulonr cf aeh cf the rSspectivo portion. cf ho Canasdien Pïi0 blvay,the _Company sisal! sqiteans.in »D orntity vtiwls stabudbifiestahiset, and shall éhoealeî- milutahnu d, efUieully op- erate sis 9. lu Ã"onsdershio' cf tise premises, tise,,Govàeneulhai grant t te s Company, asuubuidy lu mouey cf $22,- 000,000, aut lu ]sud cf 22,000,000 acre, for visieis suissidies tb. couslrne- tien eft he Canadien Paefic Baîlway simiLi.eonspl#Matdsdtisame, shai! b. equhpp-,malualetrant operated, -tbesalt aubsities, respectiely, ho be- pale! aud grantetl as lie work'of cou- @tÏuphlan shah! proeees,in smnusa 'and u poà tise ecudtions felevhugn, thàtt la a. Tise rid mnbmldy in mcueylai isereby titidît snd apprepriat as Ifollovu, naMsly : CENTRAL sIXOTON. 111ucu ie, et 87558.55 1stod lmles, et *i7iAU petran mile..........460M EASTERN SECION. Assumef ai 850 mlles, subsisiy equal te midisl Per miue-----------......oacea Andthlb. alt uub.idy luiatlandie rs- by ivisict aut appropriatet' as foîhovu, ubjecit tiste roeorve iseresfter provid- ed for :ý CENTRAL SECTION. laC 501 miles et laic acres pr m. eoca» 25usL-450 mile. -aeth00 sous lPer m6.,7510,000 - 15,750M EAS5TERN SEcCTION. Âssumed et 660 Muis., subidy equa te 9.613 es.aper rns- 0,,00 b. Upon tise conutrucion o! amy por- lion of tise rilvey mot leuabtia twenly miles in lengli, -anAdtise completion th M.r ose aste admit cf the munning cf rèEgu trais heon, logeCher vitis snCb sqzpmsnt lereof as sah! llb. re- quireifr tise.pr iet ; tIsCompany having lspien=cf reeilng inlieu et cf esas, termnable eo tshIe ,Gev- erumauot bols"ueh rat, ai latent fer encb periot and nominal am»ontlas maày be arrtugede sud wvisiu&my ho equivaent sofordlug te actuarisl calen- laton tle s orrespoudin o caissy- ment, lie GQovernnons ilhwiog four, p«o ent lulpaeton, moneys doeellet with heva. . -1 1C. If et amy tÉ inte sCompany shah cause te b. dolivered ou or mear tise lins o!flise sdait elvsy, at a place mat- lsfaotory te thoe Gevemumeul, steel railsad aholg b le sed lu tise qoutmutln no!lie aa buty nhin ut- Vauce o! the. requiummeuls for snob cou- simutiou, lb.AIoverumman tos hle se- quimitien of'tlle' compaiy, bs !h pcn sobl torsýiut centitionsa as*sial! b., daemmined by lise Ocorumn, ad-! vaauce tiscreon ire-for,hisso!tle sahut thereef ahtisbe phace of Aeivery. And a proportion o! tise annt mensslvsnoed olsaîl b. detucet aecerding te -suob terme sud conditicon* frens lie subsîdy to b htioeator psid, epon tiese mtthe- ment cf cacis section ol 20 miles of rail- wey, wvicSproportion shall corres- pond wviStisaheproportion of sueis malle adt fasieutug 8 viieh have iseen usesinl tise constacehlon cf suci semacions, ef lotit tise doiet day cf Janmary, j582, lia Couspenoy omisal bave tise op- lion, iuunt.ad o! imuiug laund grant bonds au limeimafier provited, cf snbaitntiug the payuxenî by tics Goveoment cf lise interest (or part o! tise imterest) on boudesoftlsOempany, nortgaglng "i rashvaJy "dteii.lmAstcb. granteil by the Gcvtasment, unuing over mucli term f ysartas may be approesd by ,the* ôosertil Ccuzeil lu lien of tise lessi ss*eidY te Segmu n th le Con- span, or a" part thertof ander listb termt tiemeu h #no Spymentso! inter-, est t~ o esetas lgo te cC-. ana asanlta.e lie]-orre apoudig Jour da,.Ilrp nzo e ,d pela"" sdie lb.- ouoponsl -rernuaitiag t on n ausuaS bonds aàbaîl b. gauatbyl. Gthe Qimumont 1teMt -ot et ueSeqàivaleut. .Lutd ofe trhed e issalae ,osncbbomesc, le lie ext eut cf net more lisan 121,000, 000, saI! he o pWtlithlioeGovern- meant, andthlb.balance 'e!- .proceeds »hsall ho placesi eeviere >by h. Cern- pany, to e bostlmdtq.au enter lise excluive coutreLoiethtisaGoverument, falhing vh "laIcondtlion lise bond.i lu exessu-ef lies colt ebail romuain-.lu cachuide ofsny branoh lino or linoof -rsllvsy to e bacateit by lhs Chmpany, SU& to, baesiown - ou.n es~o:.plaun- thsreef depcatïd with 1he. Minister ef Itailwaym; or cf auy common treutliii, or lin..agee upon belweeu tise. Gev- thee Cudlb ompany, the, con- ditions benein beforestaft e t t lands not fairly fit for s inent te o- s p- plioublo'to auy sneb additions! ,graiuts. snd ths e mpauy -, vuitithecou- sent cf the Qoveràu sel mlet- luathe North-Wost lerriteries suy tract or tracts cf land noi lakin Uop as a means ofaup:pl'ing or, partlally supplying snch défi clacls. But inob grant. ahali b. ade only frein làndi rerminlug vested 2, -i.Govrameu&shaH axingnis lb. Indien tilles mftecllg. lthe lands iisnspproprlaled, andt le hahors. iu irait@ Inu aid of lb. railiray.. 18la.Tii. Oompany sh lah e th. rigist, subjocl ho lise aprorval cf -the Goveruor in counuil, l y onut dlo- cage the lino cf rmilway iieroby con- tiactd, for s tiseymay os..fit, pro- servin b.folleving terminal pointa, n el: frei nsdabar Station tle lb. pet et ijnction vithh e Lake Super1. or section!. and front Selkirk te lb.e jonction vilb ths Western Section Ah Kamloops by vsy cf lb. Ysllowhoad Paus- 14. Thé. Company ehali have th. rigisl frei lns i me le " tolsy eut, cou- sImdc, equip, maintain, sud *w'ork braneh lines cf railway frein any point or points wihin tise iarritery et thse Dominion. Provided always tiaI, b. foe ocomeucing auy branch, lhey shal firidaposit A unansd plan cf snob bramais in th. Departinnt cf Bailwaya. And the Goveruxueut @hal grant te Company lbe lands req 4r ed for lb. roadbed cf snohb ranchis, abope, yards. and cther apporteu&Mue requisite for lth, efficient construction~ and woking of sneh branches, in &e far s snob lands ara vssted lu tise Goveru- 15. Thse Company ohal hbcauatioriz- etd b y hoir Ad cof incorporation te, issus bons, secnred upon lb. land' grautet aud to bc graote othse Company, con- tainieg provisions for the use of snob bonds lu th. acquisition of lando, and sneh cthar cnditiona s s. heompany ahall saé fil ; zncb isuse te be. for 825,- 000,000, aut abonld the Company make snob issu. cf land grant bonds, theu thay shahdepouit thesu iu thée bauds ci Ch. Govermne; sud the Goveroment sisall retaiu sud hoît oeefiM ofs c nob bonds as .eunity for tise due perform- ance cf the proeat coutaot lu respect et IW*' maintenaince sud continuons werklng cf tise - allvsy y tise'Cent. pany, as lierein meutîened, for tan 7e»r after lbe cempletion tisereof, aud thse reaaiug 820,000,00 cf snob boude >isal! b. deali vith As hereinatter pr& Vidsd. AnaAsto the salA ons-fift ic tb. said bonds, se long as ne defauît shalicoeur lu th. maintenance and wodkig efthle raid Oanatilp Pacifie Railway, lb. Goverumul misail net presaI or -deant payuient. cf tise coupons of suci bonds, uer reqluire pay- uent et amy interest Iberéon. And it- aey-,t sncb boudaesulo ha etanoodby th. Govemument eslh. bepaid cff lu th. mauner te ha providol1 fer the extinct- ion ofthevwhele thulbg ef, ice0c- oernent$i a dt4iimount receir- et i la psunt hereofà%saonrty for tise saine purpoces as tise boude se paid ofl paylug interest ticereon ai leur per cent. per annuin se loug sefaultinle nt made by Ch. Comîpany in tise perform- ace cf tiseondiions bere!f. AnA at tise andcf tise salA periedotfn.uyears frein th. completion cf tise sad railvay, if ne defauît saah thon bave oceurreit ln uc ciimaintenance sud vcrking Fîberèçtof, b.alt bonda. or il - smy'ýof th e, thoibn lb aebeéa pe 90f,&0 re=miderof sAlït bonds sud lib. mouey lot, v. oeaPAU tcZ itti acouea4 lnerstsall ha ,daliveret laek byhics; hiiecupona ttchsa e sncb boudyihAt 'Bot' If cS dfaulsabuoai- ceeus, tie paietf iioo e theo'bouts ,se 2Jld udsa nfot lie obliga. -te con tinelopay iresl uho erp. ritenllug-boub ds it -ma su vbU.the Qo6vtentut bal retalu Ch. right te: h.ld ths aïd portion cf .lie -sald haud rai bouds, other m.onrlli.s shsat toi blb the verr.snnt ' mtiitedi for-themby tCo hmpssny by agreement wltthlie Gov'rn"'suon. .6 If ltheOupu hhfniuc essgcrxadigu enttau.hl b. rensin- lut 820.,0000of th'lsud graul bonde, or aagrpron-isrelisailb.' preertoa cfeu-doasfor escs- srs: ef hané thimne4 by lb.ebJorep"y. sîructiefiofothepsait Western section by lie GoresÏlent, this proposât ssal! stad got mi!b. bindùiig u pon, tRio 2 uls oent o! tise Govermoent dpsiig te poilpene or vitbdrav frein otetmuctinhytheCompsnybemenuer lt 1*éoterly portion cf liE ContraiBe- tieb sai matrahay, Seing tise veaterly 450 miles thereof, as mentionet lunlis. gtS colamse efthIis- proposat, tise Coin- pany offerï,to retnoe liseeisebity e- moue y sut haut by tise amonut appter- ticudt te sait westonly 450 miles o!, lihe Central Section, modem tise sait 9th clamae hereof-tisat lu te eay. $5,400,000 and 6,750,00OOacres cf len nt-md l is e erent cf muais poetponmsnt or vili- drawal by tisa Geverumeeofthcelb.sait, vestemhy 450 mils o!tisa Central Sec- tion, tisei lts - proposa! sisal! stand lu ahi otiar respects, mut lu mc fer as lie rama shah m ot exclnsively relate ho tise cemstruclîmg, eqaîpinent, or operatiug cf sait 450,miles. ,W. At àny lima aflor tise completicu of tise Camedian Pacitho Raihway, or-of lie parla thooeo t lial are te iso cons- pleted isoreuter, tise Govrmmeul ssmll b. enligledtoteacquire lise same aut ali tise propery am u seso! tise Coin- pany, payimg tismero sncb compen- sation aaxuay lie agreet upen ; or in caseofo!disegreemont, smcclicompensat. ion saIh le oeetled by fihe teoision of tise majority o!flisree arlihiaters, oee l bi'cisosen by tise Govemumeul, oee ly lise Company, anuthtis iird isy tise Ive so appeintesi. 24. Tise Compauy te lie inoorporated vitis smQxcient povere 10 enahîblie or te carry ont tise foregoing offer, andi this proposâal shah onhy lie hindin ,'inthse eveut of an Act o! incorp ..Lt.on lie b.ing gatedt th ie Company, ssion- 411lY as sot eut iu Soisetule A isereto. /25. Tise Raihvay Act of 1879. in so far stise provisions cf thoe sme are aplicable te tiseunudcrtsking reforred. te in tisis proposaI, ant iu so for as iliey. are net inconsistant iserewitis or incoea, sioment vils or cnlrmry te tise provie- Ion o!flis, Adct fincorporalon te 'bo - granted te tise Comnpany, eaiî appty le, tise Canadien Pacifia Raîlvay. W. P. HOWLAI0D, Toronto. A. R. HMÂSTER, Tarante. H. H. COOl. Toronte. PELEG HOWLýAND. Turonto. Wx- HENDRIE Hamilten. 30H24 PROCTOii, Hamilton- JORN STUARCT, Haxmiten. A. T. WOOD Hamilton. ILLAN GILIdoHIC, Ottawa, JAMES MàcL5REN, Ottave. JOHN WALKEC, JLondon. D. MoFIE, Landau. i P. sL STEVENBON, icuntreaL JOHN CARRTTERS, Kingeton- G. A. COI, Peterboro'. A.. . osa, Wini .lpg PLARKIN, St. Cahaines. IL CHISEOLM Brampton. ALEZ. ti;BBOI! Fredrietin. WMf. D. LOVITl & CO., Yarmouthi. BARNET & HoAY, itsufrew. Legialature cf Onsie. T"E SPEEcU. Tise second session of tise tennis liegis5latssre af Ontario openesi aibTarante ou rhuraday viib the usal tormelities. There vas a large ettendauce on Ch. fleor et the Hlieeans inautheogalieries. At Cuire. o'cleci bis houer tise Lieutenant Governor, leit, Goverumeni Houe escortesi bv the, Governor-Genaral'a Body. Guanil. Aîth fou etrance te Parlsamnent Buildings ise was receivesi by a guard et houer suppliesi hy the Queen'e evu, Ch. aune o etilhd Battery fuing a sainte, and thse baud ofthie Q. 0. R. piaying the National anibeux. Hic Honour attendet isy hie A. D. C., Ceptain Geddss, ansi precoeds by tise Sereaist arme sud thse speaker, ct once pseion ta Ch. Chamber and teck hie seat. - SPEECH PICOlàTHE THEONE. Hia houer Chen adtreseitChe Hanse as tolliuve Mr. Speaker cnd Ogenflenrof thse Logiski- - tise AsseeshsluJ 7- hI affoadis emclpleasurs, ou ts:the dint occasion ainoe my a'pointmeitt as Lient. Goomnor, te muet te represenha- liresolet ua itive province, sud te vel- -corne ibuntg te ls etsinate .discbsrgs ci ehor loglalative dutoes. Icongratulate ypon uheborevival of com- mercIa presperity, the resolt cf tise aisu-. AmI savet t h.pst year, et tes et ersd brat, sud tChe increbmed de- metfrlinsr,Ch. receipte f rein vli, -sn ,am ha ppy te gay; have- cenialder: -al x dthe estimatea et hast sessien. n- Itsu bc regretted tâ tlls.Dom. -tatonou Ga euenhave laken neo hs tet ebtali, m& dhars> bilherte sisevuneointen- --toxn of sieingte àobtatu, freontisethéParla- ' vent et Canadalgllaticu conenming tise -a irrd d e rm i in g. h e no rth erty an d w*estelly boundanles et Ontario, made uvo yeare aggp h res most disîlugniabet ar- i utraieris cisesen isy lb. lwo Goverumneuts ; sudwvbubail hoies henuclheh.evidence obtaiuahis frein Ch.einualdifigent me. mamcS bebth lu Ameies and Europe. or 1isrongbite liglil during the many discern. louas seariug unthisubjecitisabave takesu place dnrlng thé 1luI century. Tise remîlt at .heluctimietib# Duin4n.bvnu ancee No'uv vusstse saIsUes s villiusg1 tego lo a commonm Il î lu evident ha-etnlohte r& te rèiain there bayent e ýcer lime. Thii is hoayvr a -r Clou ; Ilise a ýceus4V ucis machi agitti6n ii'I(imne partic b.i he Goeame.. - 1 tba i 5 Mâlit sos-étblnt Moes"IMMndncsury. Accerdingly ai id.lest sesson hey aaked the consent cfibis Housfor the apen. . b. tetuuq.ri jute io. verlus branhes of agriculture,- and froindifferentsourceggcol- iet information vhich mlght be cf service or sdvantaisg upromnoting thse intersbs And altheugh.in lucOmmen vith- Othons, vas net very sanguine ef ius service, yqe nov site; mnch oftite verk hue been maýdiv public, I csu meut hesrtlly congrati thl"- Goveruiment Isud Ch. Houge upon itsap- - porntment. The Governrnent vaesnet vîthol precedeut lu the underskinr.A simuler verk had been undertaken in %ng- land ai differeutt ue in tfie puti, sud in diflerent waye, cnlminating iu the leut ap- pointment of what la called The Royal Agricultural Cern., vhose dutisanar very extensive sud Who mre clothéd with ver great power. Soanemeanteeu or elghteen yeare ega Ibis verk vas deemed ci su£ci- eut importance t alfrteappeinmeni Of a committe.t Olfeuh es ftethen Parliament et Canada. This Ciommittee perforned ranch cf Ilisir verk, and vers I tbink, appoinited at another seesin, but lu gtshome, peitical changes vhich teck paeeetymter, ne report ever camé te liglit, sud 911 remiLtIwss Chathovever valu. able the vork vas, se fer as tiie pblic vers cencernea It vas entitelyv lest. Na-wvhile these tacts shew the importance of ibis verk, they alue sbewboy futile in the effort te do what bas heen suggested by sorne; undertake ibis von byea cornittee cf thia Houe. I cannet sec, Bir, suy advantage vhich wopld becgsined, which bas net been more than gainetib the prssent course, sud I tbink, hou. gentlemen, vil ese numer- eue disadvsuiagee vhich veuld ai eonce erin undertakin by a Coniritieofibis House.It vas hiuted lu this Houe, sud it vas epenly duclared outeide cf ih, that ibis Commissien vas te b. appointed for politi- cal purposees.hitvas rsaideueetoflis chiat mues wîsnld ne dout bt teenquire iet the evil warkings cf the National Policy, (as if, Mr. ilpeake», suy snob enquiry ver. ai ail neceseady). These etatemnts vers made, noiwl*iiuanding the plain declara- tien lu ibis Houie ofthe Bon. Th. Miiisser cf Agrlcnliurethstno' sîcli thing vas in,. tended, ue rMid-it- lie- allowed. I think, Sir, it l mieriRds xa tio hai the vhele verk bau be3n-undertaken sud coin- pleied vitheut regaligby4r toe ither peliticialpenrty. Th eievexlmesSin choos- mg the members of t.> Commiusisdid net make thse choice beseof et' kllal leaninga, but bteaume eL-p otsccs. itties M personal knovledge oatone sir ]nmnç4e.Ma branches et euquiry. Th.eas.slO&va-- tatt thé comnmission vas feoîd .nmpr)oeaiete practical-min, it may te cf diff.zemishadè&s cf yelitics, but vWho vers villing to e ly Chos sde for the time tisaitbey muiglit,%Gerkte." gether for lii.gocit f&ai. We faund pn- the Commission, men cf a »rese.teveý oharater, ameug them the honored P:ei-- dent of the Butomoligical Boci.y cf %,'he- Province; hevice-President cf lb Aga.'-- culturel mIt-L Arts Association; the Presi. dent of the Dominion Grange. Ârnong 'themw vrs teund net merly-practical men, but men et science as vell, who' verseto very great servce lu the presecution efthis verk. UpOn someai1tisse men the Gev- ernent had ne dlaim vhatever, yei et con- siderable sacrifice and incenvenience te themasives the7 entersd heariily inte the vare, diéteirmined te spire ne paina te bring ilte.o a succsful issue. I arn sure ever honï. member vill endorse tbat clause in tise speech visicis declares tisaIithe country in brought under obligation tu Choe men, eepeclally vhen i la remembered Chat they bave given, thair services froc, receiv- iin oti"g theretar except thair legiti- matsnd-#prer epenaes.- Anotherplesa- sut tbingmou tiesceunectien vas tb. tact thai uevhere ver tise Oomnmisiouers made moes elcome, novhere vere ihey zmore gls.d.y-recived or ably aided lu their en- deiveur te calcot information tbsu in some. of the courtes, vhich have beauen suSare notoriouelsepee pl oiaiyte .pres- eut oeauret. Bl icanotiser 'thing vonthyufnotice vas "ibis ibdas the meet- in4e vere elveyâ public,'à cordial invitation beoug extended te al vho might bave the deire te lieten tte hi -ie uce taau n d inembers cf lb h re ave.ual fui avai., bmeee ftis aprîilege, sud vwith ecsroely. eny exception ver. feund Willing te iaid udsseis %h. commissien in the pfrosecution, cf i-heir ardseon vare, If is-inded refresblingin Chose day.s re«=Ê sud bitter plarty cenfict, vises there are fflmefeioud vie' desire t, terag ime yPoli ticesud n Ap tyýuirit uvrhee5 uC eVeryhi' ,te ad 8a number oet meuti l ,~sn;bej~ln bis cungcounry tOe' l bnnii Prvicl ChAt position vWb"c, in thse eçuesf onnlb hadesirabla 04 jnto enqle Sue; but it Yll-be folsula1q cntais ai t ,i ould 'b Ie dr-- taken and broaghlte osuccesiflcmllix- lit the limlteit Bm. at tbe dispossl of lb.- Commission, admo teb.ameunt cf meney, set ap&c*by, hsi.& Legilaaurs for tisaI pur. pos&0,-3Ybü li^ve um o -- aiofascertain- lb. he eact ec.l et tbp Comnilnicn wvison it!ix rememb.red lb.eamot r Chat lis beeu doue, iseimmss .ameulnt cf -à.idenet-ea k, ned ba s4bpfl-ed h àsqP 1,Obmqvbat Ch. Limit prescnlJsd by his'kiiie. But go pcpilaroi bis mDr adse z tan ! it nov seen te b., -hbalvan. a*e u wtovoles muma f menaI fu i tunc e bsv vulitasM, wUlIus4 m t, j -'v a e g a te 4 fi n Il e o n o a n A a 1< -ci ai -SI oh ci 5h Il f 51 xc ns Si -fi ai tii v tir ai as J,' km Ps mc da -lu Se ires pn il; cf lb il -ci cf aI ni M be Tise - Hanee having iseou cleeret, Mn. Speaker entendetCh. Chemiser, sud haring taken hie seat offenesi up prayers. Mn. Mevet ma-sethtie usuel formai mo- lions relative te -the administration ai catis et office te pensons eppeinted as justices of tise peace, ansi provlding fer Ch. iaieing thé speech ino conuideratium te-day et B p. m., for lthe eppeintment oi standing commit- tees, &c, &c., -whlis vwere canniesi. Mn. 8peaker prsentes iebisrepurt ou the etete e h bey Tise Houe adjourned et 4 p. m. Fritay, Jeu. 11. Ailen tise présentation ai e number of petiions f or ameudmentste th ie Municipal Aoc reepecting market tees, sud the présent- ation efthtie annuel -report ofthtie commis- shouer oi Public Wuks- Mn. Gibeon (Hamilton) movet the asidrese lu reply te Clhe speech. H. cea'grmtlated -tise ieutenantrGoveruar upon hMa appoint- ment, epoke uf tise évidences et returning Fproerity fonvisich tise N. P. vas nulte ho tisukeel, blamesi Ch. Dominion Govsrn- ment for tiser negleot ith ie malter cf tise benndory« avard, prelse tChe. Atorney- General .for the lnlroduotiuof lis. Jadica Cure Bull, alludodtle Ch. subsidy vetedtot the Pacifie Junàctin, 'te- li-Agricultural Comumissionu sut nov Panlamn uldings, asid vas glasi Chat tise Gaverumneul untent- esi ta doal viti tise vexet question ,-t market eée. He ou ensda n lb.thquestion et alternatesiort sessions," sut .11 Cfh at-lt a sssving oi teniy or fitty Choneant dollars a year canlif us thoreby offectedt 1 as vel vortis their conaideretion, but expreasesi bis pussent opinion saenfavorabie te biennal sessions. Sorne gentlemen oni Che othor site af the flouse hat goesosefar as te de- clare in faerfet bulising Che Hanse mlte- g ether asd ta say Chat tisey migst as vell begovenniet frumOttava, beltlie trustesi that Ch. lime vas far distant vison Public epinion vanîi djuetiy her. n u su nerung tise eetenamy cf tiseir Province,-tise expen. suture cf their owu mouis, or tise eujuy- men t fsuy cf lb. nigiits sud privileges visicis tbey -Moc pos"ses. (AppIanse)ý Mr. Dryden, vise cn riing te serondthlie asisrese, veareceivesi vith epphenie, saisi, Mn. Speaker-Iun lîing te second the motion cf tise hon. nienben for Hamilton, 1Imkow ot viil net lie neoeasary for me te refer et leng te-rn1u of tise tapies sngrgestet lu tise ap'eco unstsr considération. bel betore speakîng ai enyofaIliee1Idesire tecçongra- Culai, yen, Siraeut the membieru oi ibis oane on lise tataiter the lapes oi e year we are permiatted te reiunu iib um- broken renis-no change visateverhas been niait. in tise represcnlsatou9a y conetitu-> ency. 1 sj>eak subjeot te correctien,-but I believe ibis is tise lirat ieturehis lias coeur- rosin luthe isstory cethis P rovince,, eu t i l ai unfrequeut occurence lu tise btstory et tisa Panlienient famy country. -Thdis cu ibing visicismanrs ur congratulation ith tsi respect la thé tact tisai oeuito. gentleman las o senlouely I bat ih -is fcren hievil nolise abls te b. pressut ati. TheSpeecli muni the Ibronetdoe net coutain se mauy_ tapios foriegislation . av àe béeepsoenfte en.0e soeccasions; but it dSc neertsa ceulmin a number cf mry cunaidlrabte ha- portance. Amengst thse mev legsdation proposeS nona vlltgre tee tdvihlmore- esates c n by aoplrg Ie f the cummuniby, tisu 1tisvial irérne' te meriet ioa; l l- 1ta thiinS Iltbt iscili lisafermer andi thé resase7n f 4 o teu naiâike beneffitiet te a certali xet b y the locetioos otai market as, a caininon phlac for imesti. Sret i ile vldo'ufîun lise -actio'n - as by, a- nesr. ai-tevua nC1romot'tblu Province, as vell i maly utha atain ln soinse the rural diricts, t publiai upinion points -te Ch. fatc Chat the limebarcome vhen lb. farmner eboulsi o longer b. fazed igfrihe pnivlgeet binng bish grain te tise m=wc etlet f o!lih'Fro- viise ; hai hé isuli n ln e hacos pullesite remmnlidylCh miesu vhsu ne ceatemer preseutot bhinsehi b. Somïpelled le -take,-hbie produeshomo Oor aataoerday's fortune, vison hi may ha Ch.esmnéproduca soIult efly bave Seau- dianeu iM6f t ide, h l mret.: if ha wves

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