Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1881, p. 4

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fuà a", ,au QwUuhscnlhtd*i bouathrid tm~.oa umà1hth duwnl aez ; %%âs th ue u l is 'necluth acorownhy blls mosmi 100 swtu fféfor à worll 11h. this ringban s.Land &itver lfom slsdsrn for 1.orb.teddsIl lot M'as o t ongi.lî tsAr AnA Sewthé pullssuds thocir yé buave fr tm.s eassd y; And o Ituo u l. le; ne Dsng unsh. thon, in 8ouand¶&y 1 And join you, chiu.5 wth the rnarriffl nous.. WASSAIL: A Christmas Story. &Ab4 w*er@ wu Lily f ah 1 wbre wvs Lily? Tbe mlts off lbearlh,tlb.grost Priteotomses af praprlety, wonid bave blumlaed tla ces ber-Il,. Martineas would bave pitiod, porbapo loognred on ber. IlFlot f60 ILily V~'liTote ah. ost in the summor-honso vatta ber boad te*ite on the prodigai Toms sehouider, 1~jl ûgh loch, langling witb bis bual ihbah.rs, and he * ysilookiugpstats haim. "8l'shuntyc1 S >a.Lily VI lrabge te «&y, Lily ià a - uos sudcai la g i*ta, d ..ie lier own depravity. = *by ehaild ahc fuel shainesa? eldasn.4 laylcg ber head an doar old Irutliolde-old Tmom, wb6m chë bosi ioved aqa ohild. loved a& a ff Joved a WOzfn wlrnu éqelad '1ja tiautj~ii hrodgh an: to'be volt pioaaed vifitbeçpoàftion, sud vos mamang a litto $nrvitng uopisoet- ivoe .off extrema.satisfactian. *8S bq moe, b"-.,4 deaa', desr- ol loàt; lts kSIi Imu loii. coulé*bonja", Onedme ont; bits l0 sliulubiet,ï6s b.ing doar old Ton b* iiltl Wbosla*lssibe. 0(yoa, tbongh, ( isal uI pon us la dugulsjuisl lk. Ihi bt~iaua i hh.tby damne backok 0toir Utemy dlsglsw w more o &uaib.r bumseslsmp. 1lîbink, sud marse iti aa telllity'oI aliug quietUy lookiaag et Sb* damaigronp-otflookng et rwy L113 grovu lovelier lStantgvr-as Sb@te do oiifaîber beasulngwith hmrtiuess au isattiti "lA Bbc joint* and 1h.ecams- ïfilAet the dîàcibe oo acland thal laqlooked c 11111e PenOivoý 1"Y.., Tomteh. lacs pelumA a ,good dea t o#aseansd the fasboel too ot roftd agodoal; yanr roture yul bu Joy !&0,hises ;Opiseetoff sl thos's m Z I kno,' h4oproya nightly "- 1arMa s a lt le mg as; but you hkaWbur expol ydn lea ppeuar lu > te ebarcoler off a proýiqsçl, very foin. tûit ' oen anA, ïjenl.y& e . 1Wbsl au imupomer Xts laol A n thé ebagsolmroff. rel aoly- i Tom, look 1k. c pro-ligal 2 SLily tbougbî not. A4 mhoý lookiea ln ta hm tce .MWcv i oaigu tb@4etîi " living--of f bouMaith win*- A tu of-th.~mrle t4 plunsud faux- *ad honsy in lWta4A opon brov UdA lb. d.ep "bluqqo rng ave #lb. yil tof ndeàvonr Id thelia rin Up and mrong .160Wl. $o; Obe oisellla-1 alntlv.ly as deh#î 14 Im tIhhs bd fou»e bcok llft.151111 theb.Mre 0,14à; mt ,>shl braosoTom aU UNLly. I oaîl nover pau for a ppc, a- s-lminemunrcksu ont et boy ras.- Why, '. sgm sa Young lion, and. have hoaltb e oug% onst mock a '401149o0iegs01 hysiicus ,*1*1>. Trhse'. au cru, a prstty linig thalta pol croanilacgirl'@ vaint. ': Liy M aceslhngoêber soqaat'Der. coeigthé lnoôogily off snobaà'%prao'ed- p4usisllihyF, vol. alI doulaleul. I va. à 1'pàsitlti bu tllaited me %0 tbe nîmont. Tîtings, Itowver, vent vell vithi me ; Lny welks wax soon enleegeti là -,-my Ilcuake eulipliucd, ani my sbep- iterqu're11. uIl ente~. 1 ~OyourtIdiots beago atel ai the o1-1 '<man'e tegining tw Pine andi fret about me, anti of bis loogingi for ey rotura. Tla~hpugbt bauauhtdume. Ever I a 1 bibois me lb.hesraid raufdr 'plM ibuduilspirib.d. Themensory-of the ohio Sboas-ltaud&cli &round iî gr,-w etrauger anAdmia-nge. ; utitil I caul ti ik off Do* ha besiles. ,Nov, lo, angreal Afgu liet i pou me. I Sogen ta feel thstithe love et ganas growing vitit. lu 1se, and 1I fearoàul loatheésurs. off gaId should eatî mb rny liart. You, know boy I nlway@.taedndered u a i' c fatalcuanboy ow nagsd tu tslk .Ovor the mlsery. anti boy thuit. d futher use t egay ltta colt as-.t andi gnesp- i ng band *ore the greatee t stea Ihdh c aliefal c man. Se I resolv- edhoIgr O p ore il gslned 10e firiia i -footitolt ant ihed beaooae my magler.' I foiutIl ibeti Jane enougla ta prove myslf-eonong t tashow unyseli capable' off scbieving a purpoe--oapuble off lu- dopendonl action. Timoeoougb,, toc, j hati elapeeti for the little estrangeunent belt uescuti the dear aid father ta pas way, anti for the aid love to te- et ur. I bied grava visor, Lou, caul Oe 1mev that I conula maL.e a Niioen '~futare for hîru. go, after thiuiing it n ven for a uight or tw.., my nmmd wne et ruade up-I voni tu renome. Noi't &day I isiantei for the Ilaupeo of a pro. r, psoor et orne distane, whose brother y 1 knv *Aa lboking out eageriy for an iinvestusant. Tiie bargaiuwas eaon O urac 'Twas an easy oon'nmy aide, > On my return I vas ovesteken by on. F* off lteterrifie starine mo common in that *country. Tho rein bliuated nme, thb ilguet aI vindAI rove my horealmosut ofl ebis lea dte tades- andI liglata- ,iâbingddi wsalce ira averyliuub ; go' - T vs. obligedtit et loffsuanales tihe. O 4e0soo iou.t aur vey, and ti mabloi Ï bouî outil ah. huait grev llîicker anu' thieker ,iA tbel- e sýMord no patta or vay out whatever. Ai ledit, hover, I aitausd.nly onau snortoff clecring, d ibere. an the madulle as it, staond e bether sort off ahepîtertie hut, tbougb 'Ivai a àpoor placer a(ter aIL. 4fter L a0 Wc kuooketi soveral SiAmes', a vrotcitd 'a cresiore, rsggaal, dushevelleti, cati ho agrammot vilh tit, caine tle thedont.c ;ohvital are yo awaîntiau n 'libc1 polntiug 1to tbe ky ; vy, eler for Smymelf and oe."hiue 2i~a ir bonh ycl final il ina the sedrul oner;t asud ye'J Lttor elay viii yen lisores, he'll b. bttter coepany 5lia uhenie 11 lisie;&t-re'4WM vor11nor7lte Ililinier sdllghbong Lofe.' Powithstanuling Ibis n'araing, 1i eluruel, ati afteî -making a haîtffancîble eutry, foqati ey- s ef icoide. 'Twas certaioly a misr- able places quatld vlt dis-t and menu- vusm.'Te anly funitore vs. a' few rlcikeiy caatss and a coas-se deal able ;'t sous.e abespokine loy sbunt lu corners,i -anti a fev sticks vos-e harnng' on ah. be:rll,, oves- vlicla a tin pot ,ins situa flc-amsa nti powtier-boims, but tiu-y nov yea:iiy:and oegipct( cll plate; but ye'il b. repictiniga&fore long. ȈntI iug yerselff outade the <lourd &gin. Ochi, 5hare, i toulti Yb no. Atu *tat moment oe feas-ful y.11 coame fraun& ile..lar s-com, followeul by mos't lion- r*lca-onroeoand bilaaaAemy: 'Gond Goif' A tala *'bsiothai '-Oeb,F sa,"salu t h.ebêepherl, lunconcerieul- yy the olylia unsaes-; ius4, jPltitb lIm a(or idvile îtucotn.-'ýDIileia' I iak-*ýOh Yi., alitl; ho'. uMiigbuy diathlb.day, andti hinke viactn lie S wolg-, 4*1 here*e a pack off dia-ils' coeit IdÃ"rusibt andi car hlm off. 'But 9mutrely' 1'gaia, *yau aboula seni for e doolor and lesgymn.-,Disclhr, la 1Il?1 auti-vitabro Waldi ye finit nu., JO co~su1ad 1naybe lsave a hottU.- "wauneaIbis heaal1, atid u asrfiea prcine, becat heti sooner bave lte, aiv1is'-.'Cau 1 go acdutiseeif I- c4a be ýo'ai t ýlu Och. ye takyý cmon; tbut ye're botter vhaere yoirF airs., rus jiel goinzc twca ite tiae, d.irnk.'goo Oioveil lto a noue if possible moto vretchud îhan Lrie otites-; aud thire, inlute cas-net, on at rude ýpalliet,îùl it ty ug ce-aibsleouly cav- ormea, lay a one bowling itow, antib geaieiî'ln viîtail hie mnigbî. H vW" a fearful, a piteonasgaiti. Iii long baro ayunsu,lyingoatmiit WhiriÏg, vos-e vain down lu boue andl muzaeo; itsi long 'hait ive matted ad tanglei, b anti bang tiown ovor bis face. lIç wae Ipric. aeked vas )iigh, sud t.e astdid uatlooak quît. traiancdiho so talA the [fls'tieler rcteupon ItAv oathy Unfailing test of f foslînum. "*I se hbsy saoea-et, butac fithat bas been deeti,,a veek vould bIait toarthb.pria. yen A ~ G à1 vst on ýD " 4 M îd ' h k tailot, Poulh.moi thelb.artisi vito buill tIbo panhs*-uu"ALook ber. I aau'n1s vmlk M i 4i*.' .l growlsd4taii talor, "If you donI gel la hie any :tigbter tIb e b.pomt-'Yqu van'I figti auy trouble An', WaIkiD."1-Galv#6fb 1: One off 'bo Most ffbialable ladies lu Gaivoston doans alt end lb. papea-t enah. uThe ffsmily tu ver>' wealthy. cuti pulacolaloàtioff style, âud thèlte atbing gararl nongaho n lvestoÃŽ fat fortheb lady reffedti t, The allier day eitd pînked iup a nova p spo anti lanunidi>' p9ruseti au arl- about a said, i, va nyava ; P.oploecia boese nt in France, doo' t ay ?Il "lYcc, I behhove Pu." "'1ý'by s'O P' -I vnu reading, jtosu nov, about tIie 4iw i-ece, antià i stheUtstockis iere 5,000 irae. Grs-oh Ase a heap in Galel- ton."-Oaveston News. Il ta uucierlod:ja-ft Rar Couiwper -onate no "ste rign ntn li. Lorul 'Lieu-. tenancy off Itolanti. .A conteponary droItures ltai gravit>' je u niaioreileace af wisdoua lteane pape- colla- le off a shirt. Why iste .ler il venyunfortu- Date ? feccuso At be alwaye in troubîlo, ning off riat anti ro, sud is nos-os fonnullupcace, Innocence or love. Companiane in ss-es-Twinsi. Nolbiag sg o vide asmrniesk.-tveeu a vulgar andi a noble coul s the respect anti revorentiai love off vasu.A tuen vho in lu ays omueeiing autworna ia genenaliy a corsse profligate os- a career bigot. Goal isRDOCas-ce taRomie pareso01 the Weslt tat Young people oag7.g4in coaîrling have Io sit il a col ter-ý'aês ta keep vsrm.-Philidelphia Obrorfc- le.' 1 Whi' a e oa mnseptope-sty As put undes- the hbmersns, tube asale off tocte ; but vheraa nieRets scaaick Ihe effecta off esail.-Btinorîc e-r-6ot aarday. STTJIO2fl ý iiBOOKSELLER, BÉROOIK STMRET WHITBY, Làfer ?aý'p'èr, Blotting Paâpers, 'Note 2ae~, Pens, - En#eQpesInks, -Seribbling Books, ,D;'afýçng Bqoks, Scool1Crayons, Slates, Pencis, Sehool Bags. OFFICE JOURNALS FOR 1881. SWhitby, Novembor lotit, 1880. .GEO. B.- YULE.1 ITALIAN WAREHOUSE! I arn daily i n- rceipt of FRESH OYSTERS (best brands), and keep constantly on hand C)OZ'STrrM ER.,S, M- CI: M J.REL,- ' FIN 'AN ADDIES, A FULL ASSOMTMENT OF 'CBIRISTIE'S BISCUITS, MOIIVS MARMALADE (New Stock), PURE PIT AtI À WE~k.~L' Âs ENGLISH MAeLT VINEGAR. * ' , HONEY, 15 ctsper lb. 8PECIA 4TTÈ1~I<Wtao ér,'£UREKAIiY" lý The finest that can ho got 1 .C -~~~~~i r -C Tnecp. Git-Etige Butter. .s- ' - There ina lways an active ti5sua" fwu Cgîter thatid b a th me gt-esîei st&i.da lit qua.ity andi coaoi. Muct-bubtter ibsu le oîborniegî'od solleau e areducion fs-on lhs-ee ta fis-e cettesa poonti, iciaute defie- lent in colo-. »51t)'oen mhoutd tien use WVells, IRichardison &.i-' s i'er-IeudBitter Color ta gis-c bsighi Jue oceui. Tht colo-i ta 3 athe lo-tglta.eeî, purea iut est matis. SON-J ly ds-uggislo. Povcs-ty andi Diats-esa. Titat pivest-lywlicb j.rod'tces <he grocu >ont Aislnie s s t iti iepurebut of thle bilug Depui-caof it3 i uchoccs it becornesaa4i anti wates-y, a condiiont tos-xnd an*dÃŽÃŽia medicea ws-rirîngs. GUts-cth 1,1,cg uiülun andi scrofutlo. swelling aund sos-e$, anA neyiona debitity, lnosa fiB-s a ,> petite. veak 'bongs. tbs-out dise8adeutcon- m arpuoe-e sng lie r'ornon resuîts. 'ihcetfiorcII, if yoentas- a staffs--r rtbm i, porrblonal, do n-t Itesitate. but ezopjoy Goaden Medittil)Discos--ry wbitlt crics-b tb. blond and rsadically cure& Ithos &ffec- tionabs.j Islkitthcmrà1 a", remoug ths cause, FPamilier In itrir slutsasHo si- bhut Worda" about aimntues-eýthing antd tous-id a subjecl siniply tu &drn it - v ouit sl- Montl seent Whou ho vrie lthe Iabve vos hoe haul àuabistmudseoye Scoil A Brovns PslsaleoCasto i,.for nov ilteinon.eaofihe greciesu s-equitos Cof vory vs-ll rognalateti bogstcbeld. Goond bousewiven, seep jit ca primne necesaiiy, Clnldten love the manie of idtit; dithe violi nêclan ni eri-a tedi- taia- is nul a uncse'àaseftal pbysio. l's-ce 25 s-t&. Fer sale by 7, G. Witfisldo Wblt- by. ~ -24.- ChucagoZIAbead. Ail tbe vas-I 1w loch'p ta Obicago ÃŽ te* greýal western Metceuohîs eoAf n binug fanrciiebd 0tafl ouinemting Cits; bu aorte lic les6ea"ini its-I in lu Rlo DIite rda: Prom thïre Luniair valno lbh bave advenceatl h. tlu, sud are nov fio absei ofn amuuor re dspom ilivily tan. thont i as ub. cWvinsed. Pot sala by a e.WhltlBeld, at iftyIpesuteper baIlle.1 The N V 'ti ti11. World's DlspeiUy mlulicai A utiono ofBuffgo, of Wb tDrz Ie. Y- Fient, )icovehey-begral ybltithefyor Mi >n!û Pierc o WCeassu bPy thvu-4mlW Meit of ,-nADr. ro erce'm. u fcuzesd, - - --'IZ4Li-4 EOtS ý,WOLF. ROB-LS, ZULIJ ROBES!1 0;ERCOTIGS, best heavy cloth, ad Rady -made OVERCOATS. READY-MADE OLOTHING, & CLOTHING MADE aBN7~S' FURNISHINUS, ~p1endid stock of English Clotha and Scotch ,~nd ýC~adiuTweeds. Sept. 22, '80. , Dundce Stirco, whitby. Ïl AMdc and pecufiar Cémibifation. i1e ciunuati phopharu, h mesit f b... ~~istiosttsoiyan lt MacsSuinjea a off tes-,-ia; il, sali k c-a~ - * Te- MANHilATTAN Feedi, A NUTRITIOUS CONDIMENT. A ure' Prevention of the .Prevailing SEaIzOo¶Jr ONE 0F TRE ýM09TIMOBTANT DISCOVEBXES 0P THIS GE. W. mak. lb. tartling aunonoemonîth"t KiINDALL'S Spavin (Jure vili cure Bons SpavinesuanAoompletody removo thoienlargemont, ma ltaI lthe boml bora.- mn canno)-1.11llth ha ro. ever bcd a Spavin. W. makaiisstatemenl, and gave testimoniacle frous poisons who bave âsed i, tw provo aur satlements. Il il excellent for reauoving unnatural enlargemenls off any kind. Il doem ýnol blister nor cause auy ore. Il bas no equal, ta our kuowletige, for spavin, aplAnt, ring- boue, curb, calions aprain, swollingm,.gafle, lamene fromanvthever cause, andi ali loarpmenle off lb. joints, gr iu sny part offlte body or limbe, and e iao gooti for cula, scratceso, wouuds, etc. Fer Bfan, st laea complote remedy (for Corni, Pront-BlIni, or nv Dresse, L'ut or Lauteness. We- bave reeuntiy publimboti s NEW HOBSE BOOK. A trectise ou the borne and bie diiecees. About f09,000 have afready been soli lu a shart lIme nt the loy p vice off 85 couts, or six copies $2, Anti every one. vbo 500eil pronoances il the. botbok ever publisbod for te price, and mey claitu il la b. wortb mare than books for which they bave peAid 5 and 010. R. W. SMITH & Co., Proprietors, Montrea1. For sale in Whithy by ~. Q V~I F'I~ .Z>,Brock-St., Wbitby ;ý SND FOR VALIABLE CIRCULARe _ff ANNOJJNCEMENT. FURITUE! FRNITU0:E The undersigned begs respectfully to annone to the in- habitants of Whitby ibud eurronnding country, tiat hhe s now apeneit ont the old sud veli kuowu establishmnent su long kept by hie Latter, M1E?,. ~A.ELS~O .On Brook Street, two doors South of the New Market, where lie inteuds t10 keep a large sud vei assorted stock o! FURNITURE, and hopea by strict attention te, business to e mcit a coutinuance o!flte patronage so0 long betowkd on tbm old establishmnent.- I1arties desirous of furnishing, wiIl now find a choice and veil selecleti stock to, chaos. front, as .very article bas been got up ex- presaly for titis opening, and I sitail add ncw goýds frainthe factory in 'Trorontosas fait as needeti. Purchasers may rely on getting good Furniture, at the -ces-y iosrat Prim An early inspection of the stock is now solicited, and *heitaer you baay or nal, you &ai will ba velcoma 10 inapeot the HU=- ituÈe. RARLOI? BOOT and 8HYOE STORE! Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, m ATTHEW COLLINS Informs customerà that at the abovo establishment will hoi faund THP8 LABGEST, BEST, sud FINEST assoniment of stock o!.j ,Bootsa sud Shom os aoweonTozonto suna montroal. O Don't ho uatisfied with loo izag at «the display intbe sho windov, huao in ana examnanadsee for yourself the store filhed wit evenything than cen be caileil for in the Boot sud'Shoe -Uno, for Ladi es,. Mises, Gentesud Ohiltiron'e vear. Ota' $~b 1ê~pi Ovrnoes l iT LOW PRICES! Rîrblterof Saqemr- utilty. i No blew 1 but Ïest'lis str ïgtl saigthÈrt inithe oio.. , yt uijackeathue undero4 as, nov on haïd as large a stock as M'9soetashmenta l is àlino o! busInejss,. 'i Se the -neiv Borlin FoIt Boots.-Ladies' Fine Kid Boots te ~ rns and valisesungru.,'arety, at lowest, j3noce. Wh*ir le R la vuurT-rnr'on i J ~k~*~~apoiSunity of .'than-kinli MATTHEWCOLLINýS, Ttc àMînclt Parlor Boot sud Shoe Store, IPHOTOGRAPHY. pIÉANOýIbç TtED. - Xi1 O. T. CIU Tuner J. W., RU ERT or Mue mdl c a j. ~ ~ ~ ~ w JNUflK bv e in vbitby about the Paries vilg their iosa Prom the veil-known Brui of B BRCE vl esee eavo e in arden br ACo., rarnt, Photarpher, 'LYON* RUPEPET,'Pht ers, Wil- kinaon's 1O; h . dee b y mail Takeo plesuro InuAnformîng tho citizeus a __ ý'W MLâý esToron. a, WhtysdSottOtnothat hoe ta vin receive promp tenin I p u z o a e i t n i e r i g h t a n d i n t e ne s C I 'p t e t o : * l . f establishmeut Iatly ccrrie-d ou by lte Moeurs. LYON BROT=ER2, WILXISON'S BLOCK, BROOK-ST., WJIITDY. The exteusive alterstionsansd improvo. ments by the late firm ane belng mtli adcldtoaby the.-addition of ACCESSO1IIES. ALL WORK GUARANTEED FIRST-OLASS AT THE LOWEST RATES/Il -HILDRE£N A SPECIALTY.-- Se Our TA BLE TTE PHOTOS. FRAMINO n l] .1 jasbranches. PHOTOS. (LOPIED and onlarged, and finiahed plein, iu ail, vater calour, imb, or crayon, et BOTTOM PBIGES. AGENT for Maman & Riecit, manu- facturera off Pianas and Organe. Ordero for Tunlng promptly atteuded ta. J. W. B. hapes by strict attention te busi- Deue ta mnent ae ae.oaIth. patronsge ea liberally beetowed an hie predeceseors. J. W. RUPERT, Wilkinsoi'e Block, Brack-et. Whitby, May 11, 18W0. MAKES'THE ý»WEAK STRONGU ecl solutiono Is.rbtcceo Iron is sa comblnec as té haie tihe m5earaceof an aUnestau easuly digeel dand aeMmlfcsloc 'Ul* the Mood as fine impleet- of' Nature's Own fl Ue .lgent, Ire,. -t tseooda:g cures$aiosndus"ml ineates everv part of thse bodyg, repatrino damiages aned waste, searcing out .unorbici scre- tiens, and li-aiag .aotiig for disease te feed spon.' imis th ie secret of fise voa- derfuti success of tissremzedy, eurissg >Dyspepàla, Liver <Jui.- plaint, D)ropsy, (Jbonic Diai,- rhoea,]Bols,NervousÀffeetong, clili anit eVers, Hmo Loss of <onsttutonsi Vîgox- »Iscasffl of the Kfdneys an d- raDýde. Yriele <innbîtnta1, LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY GLASGOW., All-n Ln e 01-O.r L mA&T I TAMSHIPS. WINTR SRVIC vuBOSTON AND) SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE 1 Tite Sleaethipsofa the Allen Lino are clatched, front-Boston os-ery Thunsdsay, saln g t Helifao n Friday, sud wvaveu XiaMiax every Batunda>', TlraH RATES nfaI mt vrîi, cluia eTon ois tALUÂx. Cebin, 868 snd 668, $8l, $91 accontiing ta position acletateroot. Lover s-ste fon te- tbru tickets. Intermnetite, M88. Steerap. et lovemt retei Polynesu nfrarn Boston an. e3iSh. from Rail- Caeflan frOrn Boston, Jeu. 811h, from Hae. Sas-malien fraus Bosicu, Jan. 27th, frous Rai- fax, jan. nti. CircassIen frous Bouton, Pcb. ird, front Ra- ter, Peb. 5mb. -lMm, Jan. fhl Stoeragopass.ugers areforvardto Lon- dontieryBolIao4 Glasgow, Quetnitavu, Brsoli, Cardiff, aA-Landau aI ca«erata as ta Liverpool. Parties wiahing ta s.md for thoir inondai csu obtain Iticket. et low rates. GO. B. YUL=. Exrpressud Tolegrapit Office, qov. 22 d, 1M 8.W h by 1 t- N WhISTbEy R, F 'ARLOR MRS. LUKGTON'S Oyeier PaIrlo removed ta MÂ&MET BLO-"K, Birut door north. Dysuleri Saroati np tes Kvpry Style. Wlaby, Nov 28. 49-tf. ELP onbilvya ln-'mking fi money when -A_ý«Oleu .halo-jikooplng paverty -from' yu=,door. Thoso who avcacil. dvn ,thofeb goo chancea for, naeLùg mnny libti 'sre offeréti 1geueràly "become .vmdty,, vitil tocs.ý wildootimroe,- cohucYr Main' ià- "povorty.. , wantncnY me, vomon, ioWyÏn udgirlste v or*u igbt lu. their ova lacalieo.-'l Tii.busines irJU Symore tha" ten limes 0ordin',j' you need, fre o ne *ho fàuIl ne to aie mlony nyp y. C"d vota yetoun v im e t.ta t. vn, a'r oxly yonr spepromometsL. Pull lufonuatièn TOWN'&PRKLT Apply, te W.H. HIGNS,' SETH W8ý FOWLE & SON No.iciaiMatu inac Som)» Br DzucOO<tu For siâoebi -0- g hns iaiead-I don't think il os8 offenutfl,.43,re hu taoy h okIi c~aat ilnite anti nudesyl ho1 d'îhavat porn o hIis ' re o rmbisto- 0atisse o woarit f-bul IFve ac usà 'gielb tr4b O aA thon hie veut Off mi icoaret o ~<'kff(18vlingmnuil h .1'i BR~ terhi altusu Laia oAnIp C. H.~ TO ORDER.1 &o. ý WhittW,,ýOct. 28th, 1880. Wliitbv. 0& 26. '8ô.; ITURNITURE 1 - FURNITURE il ire ilr-,»

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