Whitby Chronicle, 3 Feb 1881, p. 1

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TUE WHtTB Y Cà~ȔL BIIRODsatt UONII4G,. rorm8 p;î op, Anum, mente Ëau" barged ae thepe no ! 6at z usetlpnarnond à 0 pe eýC,eaoh- aube*.- q cent insertion, Specel abn o Iport t4aligpluuimm 8 Lalemeuta ollBauka, Esilwi 'boeupaieu, luisursue qCewmpatesdantXmttera ai lio descriptinv r 4ct mong Neya mat- ttoconte Veu« a In. Spoclaloontracîs madeti. îli drertae yMte year, or othervise. .Orders ta dlseonilu. ierlmnt tu ust ha lu vritlng. 6118ifl88 Direotory. z ONqTAjIIO DANKO WHITBY BIÂNOHR, THOMAS DOW, FARBWBLL & RUTLBDGE# ARRISTIBS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI. >cltaru, Noetal Public, suid Oonrey. Ofice firet door aonih ai the Royal 11 otel, *hllby. JAMES3 RUTLEDGE, B. A. . EARE WELL, L. L. B., Coutty Crovu Attorney. 4 MESSRS 1UTcIIE & BILLINOS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RT t&c * W.t lb y*, GH. RITOHIE, W. H. BILLINGse Toronto. Wbibhy. B ARBISTERS ATTORNITS, BOUIC- rrOBS, kùTÀMSE, t&c., t&c. OFlFICES.:- 72 Tango Street, test the Dominiofn Banh, sud Corter Ring sud Yonge Streots, Toronta. 0. A. O'SULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. CAIERON 'APPELDE s ic hliLLlpq$, & c BARRISTERS, Atbmornyuat.Lsjw, sud SalioltorainOhsncey, No. 4Torante astreebt, Tartonte. HFUÇTR CAIERON,' Q.C., R. S. APPELBE, P. WcPHILLIP8. (1741) J AUB KBITH GORDON, B ARRIBTER & ATTOILNYATL&W. SoUpitar lu' Cbsacery, Canreyaucer, Nosry Publiatc, MOffce-Dundas St., frai door veut o! Armetroag'a Hatel. Mouey t.a Lot-Private funda-si Xcv JOHN A. MeoGILLIVRAY, (Succemmar te H9. M. Hlovel.) -DAAITERttATTOUNE.Y-AT-LAW, j> ota'y ublc,&c. Soitior for the Damintot Bath. Offi.-Neui door te Mdanalon Equse, dlxbridgo, Ont. -26 CHARLES C. KELLER, 1TTE1UTI*T.LAW. SOLICITORINi . ou, BoI4C 1. 'Te DARCJAY, ATTORNBY-AT LÀW SOLICITOR luinObsucry -und Iaalrey,Coanrey- sucer, t&c., t&c. LY31AS ENGLIEI, L L. Bt, BARRIBT3E AT LÂW, SOLICITOR EN coe Street, Oava.i DAVID ORa»1TON, 114.. ATTqRNT-,&T'LAW, SOLICITOR I Orrc-Itthé OMoie otouli af the Peut Office, iluoMalulan'Block, Brook Sifeet, whltby. ly-lU JOUR BALL DOW, BAilRISTERI-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR lu Chancery, Con!.ucer, t&o. Office-Deverill'a Bloack. Brook Street, Whibby. . lIVRE TOTVLBND-Private Funda11 in auxnu up ta *800, at a low rate oflu tereat. - ly-52 ROIJINSON & KWENT, (LiA*Duaoâ,& BRaaraa.) BÂ1lW8TEBÂ-T-LAW, ATTOUN. 'OFFICE.-lu ViotarliChmainee, No. 0, Victoria Street. J.O. Rauzsav, M. à. HassEr A. E. KuAN. BÉR ÈBTEAT. LAW SOLICITOR B n ciry abd lureny Canye *ucer, tie èe.Devel'u 1cBok astreet, Whltby, Ont. Orrîca--Over DonionEank,'Whitl. Tan. 22, 1870. A ~ (tf.8 GR @UAB :,Qilcn'#.sud Victoria Oruou-roe.Ot,.Wbl1hy, Ont., (ibro. - I.J. AJUJiý, 1x. De, SURGEON TO TEE VOUIITY GAOL, Wm. ueDRInq, M.»., i.Ii.C.., te Lyp . .]E uiW Otro -DR. BOGART, Phyalan, Burgean,, Acucher, &o., &oc, Wbltb7,gortpi lOtIr, 1874. 4o b Wlth calm Printed' varda, great Ibqugbteand untlrlng Induttry, varcte- ecePrps I%-lg, -ohrhood.. VOL. XV. WIITBY PROVINCE,,0F ONTARIO, TIU VOL*________HU SDAY- ERAY3.18.N. 44 sud 66 Jarvl-alreet, Tarant.. JOHN McR.4E, .- - PBOPBZBIOB. <stocu oisc om 015KLY. The beat 01.-W a DayHanse ln thé 117. anly ý vablooh. iromt he Nortbarn Depaisudcle wthé Market, The House heu -besau nevî Pîtteti out, sud svery-thlng Yra-su. 11-47< l»R. WALKEY'U TEMPERANCE HO USE, DUNDASOTET, WHITBT. (Food aceommodtion Streseonabie terme. Boardera $2.50 per yodk. do R05SSIN HOUS.-TOBONTO, ONT. The Palace Hotel oi Caunada Reflied, ger Elevator, runu lht sud dy 0Tr ouly îb.i-c1w ua l u nd lbgradu- sitiprice., rIZ -82,5R.50, sud pr day Itembaru afClubesud clàer, diil roomu, vithout board, Si te5 edasy. Fob. Ibîli, 878. Proprioer. HPYA OTEL, W IBY. JLéThe above hoielba beau tharoghly renovated and refura"ued, and lu nov un. der th. matuement of GEV. MAOKIB, (formrlyýof St.Lav4,rieo. Ha, Port Hope. Eyeîy attentih on dt o Eaapeclsfy Sipl Bomsfor Cons. mercial taors. B IISH AMBRIOAI( OTEL. (LAYE monS oN»U..) WHITB Y,,. ONTARIO. Hou"nseuely renavated and f urnished throngbeut, sud put lunftroWmtcorder for the reception et gueula. Au onibus toansd froin ail trains. airat-claus simple roome. Q HAKE PEÂRE IHOTEL, 'JCor. Ring & York-&a., Toronto, Ont. J. A. O'GRADY, -PROPRIBTOBR Tassa, " Pi0s aDA. l.) POST OFFICE SALOON, TosoNro. M. MlCOONNELL, - .PBOPPRTOB. Mr TUE BENT ACCOMMODATION .s; for Oues.. ll-47) () NTARIO JIOTEL, '.3 BOc-Srssa:, WHITBY. JAMES T. JRB'ELL, Proprietor. (Lite of tb. Nipisalug Hotel, Torouto.) GwolLl4uors and Cigar.. Cazumodious Stabliog. Fîrat-cîsas Livery Stable aud Billard Parleur attached. ly.IS SHAWA HOUSE, KING STEZET, OBEAvA. H. CHESTER, - - Proprietor. This three..tory, large sud comniodias House i a#fled and furnlshed ta suit the vanta oftheii.travelling public. Table ap., plied with the oofa the seméon. The bar. - upplled vtith the but- brands, liquor ansd cigare. Buatoesad rom, &as. tion. Ample aar or ail ouflera. T ME QUERN'U MOTEL, Baoci Brasar, Wars. .ILZP MO£ANN -. Prorieor. Bout Liquor ansd Cigaru. AÀva u p plied table. Airy bed-roazns. Comzortable sablnk sud large yard roazu. Chre moderato. .88 WHIT1BY HOUBIE DUNDAS-ST, WBITBY. The underaigned would intimai. t h. publie that the above promises have beeu newly built sud fitted up througbout fori the accommodation of gueâs. Beat;imne1 LiquorBansd 'Cigar. "H rWE AA 0F CANADA' -wAzLZLR Alue pure Ehine Wine. Léger, Wbole. saliesud Retail. Boarders taken by the veek on moder- aiterme, JOSEPH A. BABDELL. Juiy, Lb 1880.82 B3LACK HU»B UBIOTB&L1 COa. FROST à; GIUosca s., TOBOLÇTO.ý A4LFRED OXFORD, -' PBOPBZOS. (Laie ot Wellngton IHctel, Mùl-Ziz.) TRUB.SLOO 13E DIT. Good ,bi iug for onri 800oiss Pa-dseco inedaUionfor feMera sud- the "tres pubala ngeneraM 0ý 158 KMQxr. 1EASY, TORýioT. HRNRY LEMON, POPI2B. The hanse lu nwly renevateibfo=ntopto bution. Erery ac.mdto o b travelling public. Tha sevOly b"u tlius sud cigmra, ud uelrd*0 u spugl th. bout lu 1hé eiiy N Mtauain sad gooat ientite oiml. y- blyîe «, a n i rnpecfth*, ipelm h patronage ai the* reblÃ". Oed lioos anti oomiqrtable oeu. J. 0. PEINGLE. epi. 151h 1879.- J.8 Bey dvet;~~ea,.41- Park, - wYerk, *0 asllserised "le costtraolfor adv.ta#e. Mot. ratp. --- COHINA HALL, NUA-E inox 01 Talze ive50(aorEE 71 KING-8T. EAST TORONTO. F.iioy Breakfastand Tea Sets. Panoy Dinner aud Deasert Seta. Panay Bed-room Sets. Panay Jugeansd Teapots. Silver Pl1usd Kuten, Fbih.and 8pome. Silver Plated Oruais sud Butter ýCoolera. Silver Plated Cake Baskets. Radzera' Kniveu sud orm. Tes Trays and Servez.. Ployer Shades for Lily'., &o., &o., Glasavre, au descriptions.. Whb tBone vais, everykinI.. ]lot@] and Bar Goode. GLOVER 1HA BISON, importer. Dominion Wood Work8, WHITBY. Geo. 6Cormaek, IUMBBB MEECHANT & BUMIDR. . -A ag sLl of Builderu' Furulsh. ÃŽn«1 and&U k o aiTwist"d Mldings, LUMEER vholeuale aud retail, or by by thoear lo0". Plsnlng, 149u1dlngl of every deucnp- 1 lot, Ploariig, obhetlag, Shelving, Re- "atlng, baplng, runlng. BcroIl-work, etc., etc. Whiltby,Ct. iBili, 187. 48 MONET TO LEND. The udeulgud hbau au ymut of Mon- @y ta Lentiupo. Parator Tou pop«rty, na, nuuefly Loy Net..oflaIteret. L"Onseanb.repalt lu mum te suit bor. foluI c. Mmae ta KuenlWDebea. ies Bank mudaierarl. oc. For fuLrtbi atînlr pll Apri Ih, 8lam1l ARCH!E-I CTURE! Dxâ%AWUIO AND SPESCIPICATION BUJILDIN GB ro ptPetiwlth, nlev t. ooa aCe»outuuMu. CHURCH 'ANDI 8CH(*t.ARCHITECTURE A, Conresondence Respecifuly Solicite&i R, B. BARBER, Archit«oc, . Oshava, out. A. A. POST, laie wiLh Langey, Lsugley &Bnté, Tokoto,>) A RCHITBCT. IDsgu tOuomes, Vilamud Cottage avcai.Dravinga -prepsr ofr r.- erlnzug uuotare. 41f P. 0. Bai BBWÉrcst Na, Ypaa. - _' M ON EY TO LON JORNÂ P8TT S2,uoUEff. ONTARIO VARMERS' - Mutual Insurance Co'y HEAD OFFICE, B1300.v. WHITT. TrJIIS COMPANT lunre Pami BiuilI- ýlu'ge, Couuiry chubreles, Bohac Roamees, sud thoir ocntmn4u, at rate aZ.av asilsoseof any %",le euasod Comphîy lu Canada J'U8T LOSSES PROMPTLY P&ID., J. B. BiIBKLL, JOHN WILlsl Preident. Vicaeuimdant. C. NODEBBE, BacmarrT. Whitby, April Rh, 1178..10 p HRENI1PIREINSUZAZICE Co. Lombard St. sud Chlarlng Omo, London. KOTAnILIE» ut 1782. GILITE8PtE, MOFPÂTT & C<o., Agents for Canada. A GICT lERTAILIERD, ÏNCAXA- Praue.ModLert.rates af prns. CNOUES, Agoni, WliIlby. Wbutby, A'laotli,175.le ABMEBICAf Aa8uranoe Company, ABSETS, 1oie#" 914 lmpryaanu a or dmmge ItjI 0- FOUR"E, Agent, Wby. Whltby, April Rh, 167. 1 PEPE IO UNM e »im MON TONte POniW.eM uurarylng amont of Quinin sud trou. Ttpoases. ah b. povera 01Ibms vaitble teu lce fibsulsblng disoes aud syMptom aoceaite veamu. aslow state: of tb. nervoum yieM ,rbe d cWO4ondition pi the body. sud = ment et lbth er TPlbi' quINNE 53fl> 1301<ToNiO I trengii elb ervons sud muuiur umn, Iniprores digeautiomn.um thé i =e c ra h lcia a uastes ibis tente la turalagbtl. y enricheatba bloodiPvoa.uapeit du1 lauom sudderst. oleaimgele organs. tu aaoia rs»mndy for nDrel- a afuettonu,"4anin wailng dias sucoo taneeh.The ivbalefraie ué 0araatl tu l ;Zpoe, u.Teri.Ue rsMo dom & U ext dae.H. ffoM by Cbeatta a veryvber,-Tee mameef X Pappu eradAud labâr&oLndn.nu býMeauie'zb .Thrae lene déeM* lu affec »r«ýItasPpez1iosdu.Site ,;Wrus. lay b . 1;ie-o eeerubS a e eealvpàut benetth ésheedeu hedah, vle s a, capette.tre tMP1e, dsagremble tisol tho~e M" "901:daeos a, lcb»SeCdathlb.uombab, anm ci M neri er.iod. ituolathe aima j e mmiton, v*«Yaltgbtly4athé b e14 Ls, t a-sse 4! sutbadolir within Stons Hl tetaoSmeE Lcne oniy by J. P4ws, 7losoy Moearaluable and 4umam 1«io lu. at. Austalie, 1h. cape, sudmColoie nr EM n- O4sud dosaD nju tlre tir u, 6d.-ocl>ymras eqI oallthe tu ebf tpreeuprselntrrl *pqvtbc"Aw4 blte. "-17.8 soo "1THERE 18 MONEY IN 1-T)" TOUNG MW vovlb1 cqi.arWrOht~nlef id,- BUSINESS EDUCÂTION hblmmj%»Pý4" shoul wÉt to résu. ygm,& i9>rsliatroÃŽpe, the msn.deligbt, PÂNTON, proprietora of lbt -Whe 'gtb4otiar iebeil London Commercial coflege. toi circuler contaeiu,8lngmintlemilers(40 TU UOC SAVINGS ANDI LUANý CO MPANU (LnImiTb.I 1 ý Authorlzed Capital $2,000,000 al Ofice, No. 72' Oburcb-8t,,Trne D 3E CT OB ._ HOM. FRANK SMITH. Scuator, Presideat. EUBENE O'KEEFS, Esq., Vice Prosident. PATRICK HUGHES, Euq., W. T. ÏIELY, a. JOHN FM, Esq. AMES AON, - -Mng- rat«so c IiOrasudononviaient bts O1TOCK spjieCVA.IÃ"< - 1e K-7ioe.ne~rnte Th ora alnt urpuie panales a toca, Gay tiips reA villadoral blcod,- Alive vIlla daInLy Wood, Deepheavn-bîe etQalumbine0, Tndme dlmYtica I on.te wne', Bedcked 'ibat happy place. B3emeaili lb. stroog unoloudeil blaze '0f long sud-Itoren omes laya TIreur coloras mata the ps"Saug se, Aniireery ayve. Their up esoanted h suem-loy Anti biitterfies ai radianthue Ziovisi eoied e01asbling shov, The bitter ronds ut vmier blov, Egit, bfolde thèzu tii ber brasai; è1mtaleiie vfhlý.-tea 'virgin pu ahïslbent reat. Des ooiâ efrlsem, teoetio4i*Ja ewti)~tbmt~on AA, 't 4"t rlutâi w. M! cd.m The. ' .ma' id- 1b-1 The GreattBleod Purifiera J ' (Oàa0 'lie teotiiitînItsiz&ý hubin f tu have mtheiai bi .14 rick. Guarsatl ul flb cue, ASt O»k>7iebou fWedc' o suod aordisuse aors paiae by bdsnàïlaee 14w1 ùàp qï,e r t- ' ýtir BRISTOLS 8Uimk'COATUPlus8 swzý beul.p sdzA -19 b. ltb. Oral leI CURE ALL LIVER COMPLAINTS. ttei abpmnha'tllg.sllI Por"sieby aUl ~i sd DealeraIn1islkvsin4ibv idLctrg Pei y tivs Ifoù sai, Mid~a sal 1r a oitbo'>vUhl ndre 4asr pa Il aiceà Cash ForGrain Produce Tlels R n pJei*4 se ou aihi - a~toailed teindo.,be$rî'thepe The uddsgne t rprepmadta psy lb.e terdé a s scul»rrd as if pase iet IGRESt 13103 POBi do5vrnp~,zlalgl idliug avaty the tooidin lths sbadow Hepzibahbharo vanished 1I I knov no of the -arbour. Immaedislely'on- ber marc. AIl beyond luaconjecture. Ou o.nerig l. griln.gthe b. atnily of returuiug 10 aiy uolilary dhainher laet beust bau ran, bal ficlw, ta, meet ber ; eveniug, I uoliceilno taligbt, subher lu, vhile W,ýtrsnKe Grinraikin, vhich vas lihe parlour. ;or Hepzibali'e roomn, or prowiimy uiler the parlour-window, Clifford's ; no sûri nor tootatep*' about t00k-la bis beela. clamberingbhsetily,(le -boiie. Tuub aornitg tlirevas thie over the fo.an, d auished. The ar. sais deulb.like uiet. F'rom:my vit- heur vaw,-vaant, sud il. floor, table, -dow, I1 uverbearM the teellmiouy of a aud circular boncb vera .1111 damp, sud, neighbour, that yourrelativea vers eisu buîrewu vitb Ivige, sud lte diasrray leaving (lis lieuse inthie aidai o! yen. ofithe pa4olorai. .Tlao growtl a io asteiIday'.s sorro.. A4rumeur reaobed nme, gardè?sseeaied tW bave go& quille onou I oo, <cf Jud goePynoboon-.beîug; muteil. of bouirds ; the weeds bail. talieu adl. IAà feèling tablic I eaunuet desribe-an vautage of Phoebe's zabsence, snd île. indediio sanas, oi some catastrophe or ioug-ooutinuei relun, Le rot rampaut; onuaiaation-ioipsileinemotlamake my arer Ibefiowers sud kitoben vegetebles. way juta ibis part of the bouse, vbere Msm4s's veil bail overflowedi is stoue I disacsvered whàl yen se. As a point border, aud maie a pool cf iforuidable ai ovidune that mzsy ho useful b 011if. breadth in lu corner ai thé gardou. for4,îandilsaira amemorial raiqublo The impression ai tbe vIolescee 4omyoellori Pîoebe, (bore areeoi. vas ibatais spot vbersu. lhuaifoot (tory rossons thai co aatit me slraugeiy bsd, fai t is prhrt, for many proceditg with tbat iau'e taie-I useil Ihemeaus das-probahly not sitce Pcobe'. de. nitnby idisposaila presorve tiisapietonisi- owu tuiler tils tabla cf tb. arbour. i, , m in lher.,agitation, Pîdibe coltli vbarelmui bave failea ou tbs iasait. i, remrnrkiug (thocalmua c afleruoon wh e ansd Olifford ât,.1 Ji v'adme a eu He-ppe arodî lIer..'jtaï-rpo, tofael île bole: awfulnea cf' The girl; kusw (bat ber tva relalivos lb. judge'a ilssî,.yet. hudlrecolvoed lb verec apable o!fe r grester odlotilesif4aci jte lis mimd viilou>-auy mixture linu t ai ebOluhtiog fhcmselvcs up in of suorriabuassest rcda their olil -benie,- as tbsysppeared now ed, opun4avabyanioftip imi bave doue.1Q rtsess, viîb uin. fltiocroce Il toul diSln~ ruagiingpi othug soides, îsiaoat h4e ou- rbh, awd. sud t#preheasions tLe. vlloh, ab~c ai Wybveyunt>ig* liil. nôoS #ve-ielape, e-aepUroached Lb.. dora, sud; uaid v'clAteam in"l doôèt4aAforuitd tbe.mouloanary cpm.- quirti 'abs1, v Ah,' Pain, ilt~ie muitoiin-et.e tseboe the-ar " bterje t8 sQ ae;,qe' vbbob absbc lrady-&ie4.' Sahe ."Cqur sd elp 5è~ie kaoejoper, sud =Uuaiile1y. sa, cocueide walis '>a '-s in lib Ppliaffiop ahenên polèdtbeir f.eaii. Ilwaa e~id~ thé door vas-dravu open by 1,a eoctlil- at tu7sbouid have disp pea -i - 8trnk notwidlysbutiarerrougblto iug ovrIbis oveatôof' wvbla aiBUS Hepmib&1h, luoÏrirtoi ta expose;,ber. nationita those vIa kneýw (bai e selMi toiusapotionfroM., vithout, Juyrr- -twilderqlsu otr rlricie "tbe labiyepoed- loo lt-bia snr iilaty oaiibie-destllt- oairce Phe coemeviry"onelded isi, ýil Wbio'livas attquded, vilIr puoh, disaIÃŽ z vWasbsër ou in JQ vl-»owý. admuisil (ber. troua- oepsequsàoea tu Clifford.>.thley1 ibouî - ,euitiot:ioroi,Oabs havel- tah abVa r'r noilùgD_ stoppait -eproas iie tbreeboldl,, sud edtbeuilcsI o 1 issce.-Hw~me neonreniereit Ibsu lb. do6rclîosed ersbl#y unfotiûléI E'al fptilibl bebiail ber. ..but ebrieked l siud,-.-bidOhufford f1ùàti CHÂPTER Xx. Pynebeo'deatb, - il -u)d le . TESEDlN. bor, joww'r, awulïli iei, an avelu Èhoeeé.eoming m. -suddeiy froru tise As L-vrew1t,, 1-vonl ae' esfe u süuuy lyigbt. wes alogeiler. "boum. wrI hisabgb lo-aauo maildJ iBiach el sity of saaiow .tbat Cilr'~bre5. 1luriad l a Moof aieI. passage. ait thb.-"Aul bo5w,'" àtiid'-Plibe, :"couldl 4ol4 bouse. Bbc vas ual et firat avare arsy goa obmefo ISl ec' by wbozu sIre bail been aduritoil Bs rsfo 7 lare bsr.ayeo bl adaaptoil bemseivese "l$acaueo," ssid, Ibo. erlisi. ifý4hle- z tl.1is pbacurity, a'.band graupeil be aLtru .fily ôsd~l 'own, en1 lm.la'guteu ~ sd càudidly int.rjwetei, it muâtWb6' evideutt iet Judje Pynobot coulil nIe iihlcb auueilber liant ta a p'sPd havers ýifil o lsýe.i-?hs- lVwîl'n'ido0abculiye- e eu Itnodot.f deaih haseboei2:'nditsytioraay-ý -Bheè wt-bewleWdràaupOaig vith bVifamily, for generaibonS~si no toi a te- alors uk a1ne ftén occurring,--tudéed; -ut, vbe, RY ,Also for âlceye and ohuPa -~~~~~f t.o-m,'ieswilgi bybay. bright k- . J. 1H. LoN( IMPORTANT- NOTICE[,' TO ALL WHIO 7 IYCQ- CERN. vetue mPedhaaAgnboeioa G 'R. PEULAR, D 8Ù. h,1810,q1.m LIJ ER'LuMER -l x, r I WIIITBY; ,,ONTA.ZQ, lanserbmr, Deaiers a"diMmulatuuuapui a idu of LEATHER, -? ND FINDttiý Ur 3LTING' KADB %O 0IÃ"DEN 0* THOS. SLEIG3I-,', ii-OIYSBý & SIGN --0can ao-b. Varund a t lits Bndc 9TS sudé %bds . - . - - - - - - - - - - . . . - . - . . - - . - ' - * 1 . - 1 , li ; Il . « 1 w!-q9 'me t"acead Pbe, compollat by ie. eawaeatneaa le u@peak."You-hbaveil maDy, many i huagiht, with which I aboutit 1y lu vin ita aympatbbze. 1-And- 1--,too.-T bave -te-pnuies.7vth vîuich y u\vnd sympathise"as'liLtIe. That iblu latiler. 'Bui -I bave Dt ecope enough bo make you bappy."ý "TYon are my otlv poaibility,-af-lsp., pinese 1" osuavee_ oerov. 7"rbaveý ta faitb la ileXoePt se yenblvl ou me Il, "Aud.tbs-4sai-afralil "emsut Pîtibe,. osri4lig,'tovars igr even vIrile aise oId_ bitam so-,iraaki tb. doubla wits vital ho Ïaffeoteilber-, «"Ton ,vilI leail mueou-afmy ovuquiet palh. Von vii' makée s siva ta foi., lowyçi ouvîre il la pathîess. I, catirai'" -de su. Il ianot mrna uture. 1I abail. t "AI, Phbes1"'exoleiied oîgae witbwaimait a sigb, anil a etule lIai vas burtbenoilwilb tboagbt.. "15 viii le ar lîsrvso Ienasyou lorboile. Tho world oves allila ekvard impulses ta matnII i-Ac ase. The 'lappy man -iuevitabiy. Conflues bimacli vithia suaient laits. I baesa> preacutimout lIaI, bsreàfter it viii homy .lot- bu set ont trees, tb mak. fenasas-perhap, ovea, lu duc timei ta- buiid sabOuse for auuoîl ,géeritiout in a voril, it c'.uform myscli tla os sud the pote. fui pracies of soeiety. Tour polan will ha more powerfai!ýbsu an uy eali taudeuey of mite.- III voula Utbaes h so l' al Phbmibzaruestly. 'ýDO yau lors me?"' askoil Hoîgrvo. "If ve, love one atlîer, the, moment bas boa for' aatbiug more. Lot us , pause upot il, sud ho atiafieil. Do' you love me, Phoebe ;'1 Afyonlook- itto My beari," WdAsil is, retll er eyes drap. "TYouhitow I *4ab and tvawelibis bte..ones -uto res ~vreug it bon ,,vhibbl evet luman oýxisttne a bali. ,- TIse 1bia,t ,whieh makeu ellbisga - irù.,.boikulji anud-401y, sbonê aroôunil Ibla youtfi-aU4 LbuoIal.rTey t*ûgured_ ~tbezaadob - hRienaain, auf 1

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