Whitby Chronicle, 3 Feb 1881, p. 2

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Te A*Wre& Pott. pear Regeit0outy Oualo., ÂIl r nmi o bottiWsud e.al O> tal u theldiu B.i Pow.Ilell & O~rml,' ~giodanillery- J. B. V.aili.-4.SRbeueôàBrut. N tek& Tuîk et Oshawa. lortgage sale of valimgble propert; tu thâ taira cf Whftby on 8aturday, lthe fth day of P.b. 1881, et Royl litl, et lwn o'clok p.m.-L. Fair. bauko4 Ancitioceer. Aànuiau sale otf mrm in, the levuohlj Ouf lckuring, on Satunday, 101h Fib 1881, at Secor'a lbotlet aonee o'cloal p.u:i-L. Faîrbanks, Âectioer. >àNLY Si So PER ANNUM. Dolegu af the Ceunty CeUscil. 'Vate tfait repart, gie in otten cal lateS, îavmp la lite readeru afi 1h CcamoriaaumuImpartial amanou f $li daucague!ofte loachl' Coaceil, (ou whis wumelob oit ou Wedaemdoy te tao a ain atouul cf verk do»andmc a geqd demi of Ilof àa ml t gsiateclct-peh noterr. . toanot>', valuaoru bav beaua appoltei, miai.dut>'l itwl lia #ô brnag lea, valeat titureport At tha -Joue ssaia.. Tai, euocimais dcoin- titîed ho lte cémotion ef a boaue cf lm- taoge for lis pecnot te bolet>'; Appli- omattauarm allua fer, itlml bé ecu esh a vritasent lu ellier molumes, freet Spuriâtl altlsieu à,dires udlb.e e ajui' 4, hlim4eRli~< cen f TitTesuppeni e0( Ma ption babocome ver>' hanseo- taidût ite ggmg%4e for tIbm uiele ctt> soz on tlu bicflnsi dollars ab 'ean. tatch cf ibal lu cuir gîemai-la atI'tI mesuea mlte recipieteeno0mc>' mc m.'hlprovidoti lor-o eil lohagud uselii.> woaîl l ein a bouse of lludsin>'. Th mt-p t ala oa ce haI ýoausi ilel mn enery roaid-ptauirpiemi and "Dle een" irbe (îbtin e mtortu app-imite municipal omireku va -cgimol lt ratura tie as»mmeet roulietuthle * propAar tlm<) bai botter lobk onl. The qolai' Mtortu>' iii b aller them, if ta>'y artirup te lime lutelutreiag ibir tae4la th e mai>' clent 8cq«agbridge, me tdli aomupled a *emaof etmtlentien. No report ira lorodugtlttot. nn oe i gtljVeacb1te lue*pi Iueupos IbIs vork, cor u>' expl»atlc cia t' W . e ntrait wu nal osmp in u ime. Mn. WriobI i faut refatemi t liadbw a 1report wite;Ibml161o; Idrforadle#m-sa usn*oi, en '@at«fmA e bciotÏ éb. muid te taàripiorlheibe roëlig m- mg lefori lb. mourli 4boud Butc lthmmu he lut ofIL. bns baveé Tic>' "aIlet" bliafs, 0teuc of ttué: "mIlaqal eoemquellphibeotasbm a p~a-demi "'mat spon"' terliqtWoM ssso., 88 ,wt iesamsbip. - Se muefi n, p els 'n, ounicof 8d t« th tarde nem , o? hlshp'uî îa muater coflte Viedicutor,"la lthe tiret moember oetlhm Pni-s itai bau baia teaI at tbsocouaty te06ecîl board..ne ipromîlo h.bu $usmle,btadia col figte to ltjitag.inlediaioff citiliMn, Wnliortt le, qpoeeniaig lte Goimemt- ho do & a ir> lt Itbmgrantt o t1ollugisa lietlhu4&e.Of oursea-bot gt"oen ieim litle>' i*Ore mormi h> a"Y jealace>' ýtomaris. Wbitl1. ;S0",- a toulght Mai eding ho greWblthb'i itait airer eened .'hein bis 1 Wu mliiçro me eoui bnleg aurs 14e ii oievi $henm. But, if; ire &nid mm- ttîhoir moral, vuwer 'li t e pe et WblÈIS - - vou Wual hlivs miti-.e med.&71 mttaher ef aurpritue uti l mppoahtméelrl î waq te Ssii -W. depuly.reeve c, Biel Wiilblakirao*sue.luattimtehr ura ýVSiùj: hmsolf to edW b>'M. tighlaig ot uof bicva>' to tbu iui i . ott - , Thme omuodi-dopwu4࣠a*m.erilta Goermmnt te aimbi WisImg-basf l'rmaiDy long yeirm Ile s tuIy, Tq co.utoebtdlargely, teLiie lundi s i heoty. Every repre»Umel alte rôtulitaNorth, in îLe course of etl 6quarter of a oeuury mueut buat leuli. mony la the libarality eoflthe Wblity repreueeîmlive ieholpica them te 0rr grangeanmd appropriamonu f.ar improve,. Meete r.quired ine carhera muoicipali. eles. Ina&U ti tlime thi. oauly Tvu ba oere te reoipleel Ã" a dollar *~proveienue. . Ieaétead cf mey bhlà lallerI etber.h auea "dutiontlu e itlhled, q loiy 4le eece lietS lOi, batle lepveilof ilaji tlgis; Wit. Deeu th. discussionen cltee emahul ki orst aI ub al d *lltt euu di%*" u~.' t gspirit in miii millilatleru relaticg te tIb oitely ove are demît viti. It le * question whtrlher lhe couoey aeu- Declien is Key lonegr proitale, te .Il werthhe i,$1,000, or 11200 a yearin ;y wib Whigby ii muioted fer ooecly ~talesuP Mt oonely lovai bavi mlii. drawn (rom lte oouneeunle milar oer- ceu acd le«.uand have [oued thhir profit &dadvaciafe -ine dolug motThe, oouely grade iace loegbrlîitdafry gle i p Ooanty love 1Il lu lalteepted jen every Ldirection, and th. roueonsicti ipre- k vailed lweety yearu mgo for titrovleg; edt lot le wilh lite ocuely no long«r exit. Arbitration betvean lte love maid eocney wvou fellow itrmilira.l an acconet wouid have la bu taken'oet, lte mmouailu eoeîribuled byWbilby ter, coeeey par".an md ceu ol (m il fo - resait le a large swari l lte éCecuîy Towe. Are v. te, go on paycg thonu. - - andi ef dollars for Sogog, ad Talbot, and lte Black River, mcd Nirrovi brdg.,mciibriegu nenotrade, or bavini ltepeople o e t tove Dow labo il npoe lhoeirelves te o omiater them ove jattereitu, andal amI aide Ibheiily sentimenetal notion cf belug tepfeUled i lte ClouaI>' Coueuil board P MIL ab",, ?LP.. retuneib ome (romi Otlita oe Smurday morcleg. Ne re- terce gis te hie Paliumeqqtitlle thia vek. onu 8aati au flrcl, mhlé, in lehé 0onty Coucoebaehmber. aI Whilhy, ho roeîved beari>' grieelge -acd complimentu for hie sourie lu ]par. liment - The popular member -for SouthtOctare i uermort populmr ltau t lte prmenl dîme amougut hie ooottliuents. * "Overlokedl* the CI"l. Tihe amenedaUSitol AIt ef 1874 makéi osoi f 1tue dilUeof thébm ceunI>' t"eaéirr, te pa>' der go lhe Order of1 the Public Scitool Board ofsy lea,1 Dot uep.-rild freux the ceuety, a ceas of ac.>' @qumeal tee mouitoolleoted4 itia suceit loveforlte- palme ml-of-. imiar>' of lte oiot u fletev. " tille Slrmege lat isa il tii. ICulge mone milte board. *%a i theI eco i* osii<euea, andth ii e ulie ices prmm Io ab. "ýwell poaewin l bobool law &Um4 t oblttae tfl, ltaIhMs ociitof lte lovnehmoeld b e Wlong overboo>led ? Nor icdeed nee tb.>' ov bi lhacked. for oorreeting the ovmn4iht and fiedlg eut lte louee. love. The O(t**& Seiool Board made tlie diemevery>' mc elalpromptl>' le âmertleg ",, mirugbtu, mcd Itl e te4 them action tIbm-love lu ledebteli for ltae reftauttcfimose*tire hucreti andi fiti> dollars ml-i l b e made by lte mccl> l eitemovea iudelbu futuret auc sulpymeati., MIL Aunax» FOR»&e-As viii-hob sain frqtn Our idvmnling Wmma, lMn. &reibaiPForum. iii bfaxua "t mon., res;bndeit cf teILs. N4 mire, " nitllad Vatr tl ra Wr oerriapoedeut," lu WJlht>,os»ibmlôinI, 'wm l_"pea14 -fer "-» 'II ueiué ud r. Felme at oeugovloglieuse. a Dailym o0. iturer bu vn hta ol«W Wli$l vite bas a tier titrillicg "m»ielo 1r uheemulti teli Il bolierham r. Fr#e, ýKm b ie doue ~ ùm amlmir&uink-mm>' laa4 OMe,bu i to émliceiutîdegreg le jeliofet tdy4*ri eho buatlua as le th tu o uraqmuai le. ahInil>ebucf r popelan bure, i. Èorbusý lectr it-. ecuvas e tô. mkat wIt thm vIste cf titisMeedmelroita Quinetmte Clb -su Reasecyl, mcd m& arc suremOur citizena viii tmIui e u c m4psua. lamisi st eh bmcoateluelon oft his tnllcgy of tIbm igitest intelleocul enter. talisse. &Au ilfaieet6tmo n. Fonhmes bai ben raielvate lsitrv tuota lire fellevmca: tuemî RI talt Tias O'Loey u timcitLtbe u eebdyaK w cd 1ms't emy libtl'au eveyobluge for publiebiti me lUtile MImhomttilme, in titi rat. Ilta*. 0e initeiager < îlteay Bili a' rhitïi lu ýôa Wwutd the Prncher'u DMle l aftiier Copy. Ti umu ltaI lite coeshamtcaunav tlb 8vidiekma4ie cothue bmher th**s à ooeued Sindie, Iidu't dlfm Oicib him abolit, Ibo boluebutin pari Tiasmcmdd tII téklluo ib: urlît Ri"k. Thaievas aroarnegamàe goïa on. -Il gemeti-to peu.lebia abit :'IWbarî'Ibul le,.@ myü'?" mmd iTIm as ho bard MieMtr amei Son08m1 out .Bat. agg on li, ite"-Brait -*emggoe ilt1" ex6lalntied Timn. "Whats Ibast for ?", I didatlkeoirveil mulf ,"nDot w4tllu tq a Pmeeignomutî lamid TIa t îhak brla au eg on It med th. ilone rovl etofflibtau Ibm xhether Jatmeî onaue itb«trLm teck bol. limekit amv EZggivler>' dej (rlom hbair alarmel te eBiel mnu brui em. en tstIhalitIvii. vt a rditite 10 m~ aitbi mysce. Âltd ,wirbieobeara eux 0ry11800p, ece0 ling iim p"-he tockeul aI me. I1lSvM hlm Ibm> ver malle for me go bnleg hlmx ep for lth e acop-tbat ilrmgers ver mîa>'. htrlmila oep be the a avonîtelmhaîr uoop vill frImtà"," ses Tic" -au wmie h. imu eau odl ruli onmnrin up lte Riel .mmiQ,a fi efociauie thaîrbreoma, ho mda havit, like a j broken cowlt, fur lthe doore. "Fi lte port 11, em Ibm tilt louai or>' "t Iralîehie earu lenlteeuhte me Ihie b. ubtoppedb sginehi§blin b4a.ttls ath&% as driell lthe _muesi the Compas>' iflteélicker m4 ROOd.- I lovbd huas liaI Mimlber oik4ai»*eollpuiun respee ite le. 91speokiamv uDere avinleoperiabe cnatlb. Bld au ltaI lho wonuuil. maia Il;trui thà, Prýl.go ive gel bail., aI", vme,htactx SIy àbiftv. inubermiau meaoketd about $0 ber thi io tlehmuid up. o.vr hhrted-bo talai au gaIotôet. a frmenu>litlwdbthmt bole 8calehmm 1 &m f Inilmou, iauber ILavtior, a vmtm e i.fou avth.é<mD». **Ye're renidub"'sau Laider,im-bc et hoa eîd, &Hmi a min tle ImmI'I a chat. Tim lookmi at, me dornit foudlim. -A Ir9maIqt" né TIui la f» ~: "tf riale htes to e go. mainit1 upakie lu y." (ami boto me ait sitie). I melliflue hlm h. te1i l'lm liti M nm poople-hmiiaptil. teine or beelu mu litIver>' as"mme maris whic-valohic a ecrhlu game. 'Thmre mai meeroarl msttthe Ccitt> Obvuu icxt dmy;-butllbmret MI. ýTim, va. mmïéimMi i re Bt ma m abd kueir bow te play' the municIpalt lagme viiith ibebt av cm, bllher ebor on tb. CarlnîleBck. Y tera refrend, TIM O'DAYt. Ontario i rgmer'aMuttuel Insuracce Company'. The meenal bite)ng ci0te above Coipa auy ve id aI tbm love ball, Whltby, ou Wedosadzy-4ti preee, Xcr.J. B. Bickela i th chair., Tiho citairmes la aadreeucg lte reuiuced ,meme 01,400 l the; paëe Yeu; A depoule bati 4P bi*eanmac ivti th. Goverumt M &*urit>'. hecOomy vu on y rulgtîflf #A.Mrtone &âdit îéýa l»t« ýf ýrai ie rit ve a mlt birb mpaM l t% ~gf mjwGeirbli t ÂtppouM-I ho& 1 e0 i* j#b ll.Ieina dur..N I bm psur mencuuelug te 281, lueur. la.14m,M on the Magnai. sud491,. ý*o.jb ou IeciiprfaeîIp'The ~presu. tý ucee onu su biWq4ose-ameuai #sad mmiISG o1 1êaStaf lesçmr*cus inforce, 7 onui the9~onlb ai aa arn. 1.1 mo ou eth,@ "0".l ln'lsg lhe ymarau"d cm»-taf#100 e alc ueebree eit outmcul. Thte ansési.mmmn e1976. Tii.t Ili*allitIe. Ismltluath ire uns* I ao to i a Th Wadt.unies ok h Ibmchair et la ix c'elaek.- Miàutiieroa d a pprired. F. romnIbmheuni>' lerk af Northcub- je ulmnisd dDut-lim, lu refereoc lat a --bead ef dt tsIut effleer' salrie.ý Ir Priuthé lre it cf l)h( 40toicof rnaniA;«.Week,J.P~~xr e i urfem. o a eustublme' gomunt, plaïilcfg R1et iiajta t10h. Pouutable ln ij 0t uoiUl~1sieraï0n ~ --- tt Prom Jobule ue, cest>' olerà, lu e reterestu ho ret sameumeel relli la b>' qicpmi elertu-e, i.mcg-it *0W 'rRepart ai lia ecuel>' udillors, sei in klug ot- t te lita e'bd exmiem lhe c ocnly hresrer's boek sudciveuchers, meidltaI Ithe>' bai mach plismure ie ti testifyicg la theeconreol mcud' ortieni> manoirlin hlit lteuie liedhoe i kepl sud scbmstiug iutallei utate- O f Joi Sier, cecel>' dent aeklug for ac nicrnef-et- slmry-Mr. Lecg. By Mn. IL J. Gaul a hol b ved on le-mrrai meve ta ameci rate Na. I er lte standing ratcee@tolite couic, ro- lmieg te Liee leuhiec ot fatiditet 1 13y' Mr. Smeith (B. W.) Ibal b. wald ,, on te mcrre mcvi lta uappont Irestees i cf lte Whlîb>' Collate Iceiîhe aMi r f£îear giton isxwxa.ia am saxmar Miller, tramm e inaco and a, u "Mosmnt comailtereportai, reoma- - lr. prng for the abolitionz etfaà& unomi la anon e b miiovloet th Imcoud>' hbaud eofmlmeore ojurre Mcd Ibm rodeitclo f ammê' gr"m luron la tIirea"i sltmru l a verdict;- aleemeenithe-.Mate ter of Jul..l ayt'fpbrdb tomet omer icsia tli ncf ne- "C = uun fro4 the Wgiole Tirerepent roommredd un a"ies ent h.esetcn aha biJ mesoor on*@muechiu to ltao moui>' cf Procteume rcspmotsg axt- cuaptione tram tsaelougr ous tli-m menualmo osta MrWbubulani mcd Duarhtam, rmepectug Rage u Ibm frmtion ef Uéebomàdbf'mdiitotlnSb cal jesacemoete. Mr, Millecr ocymi Ibmhedoption ofthe repent. Mn. Wright bjeci4el-1b em' moaures m60la o 0aie somtiîlmeOf lb. mitole. ILe m niait ailIm mmla catiens referred aila lthIémreport sit.b mitIei. TIrmhémalice for adoption, Itmeirons &bat "Ibm e uaoitgo mb oMMItte cf Ibe viole thitrosn" m ae db>' cou- sent.' - coou almi aaltee of Ibm mitl- Mn. Amo>' lu it, char. Oaa tiecelauam lssvieg retmrocmho ex. *oaptionsuftramtaxes, à disicuio ras.. Mn. Millet- mallasebvr ni sigla propait', but vitre ts wbol* matter ciat e l ococcimerci, thae re eme' Iii. la heauti ls.cemu>' or bm milot>' n silga, t bm BIh>' t oo MFemeby, Mr.- smuai uId 1gr. lli i a te' monda oDu h. acubi6e or aiaslia exemptiones. log 80rna modeto Mal men oh. <g' 't of bâtofm Ou'~ e lign ay au Thm~t, ap e ur P anr on ofe umutl. "Y rhisell64 hwa maùtgsg" Zçà-w wiie thmef ite mousego. > b *0@#' s .41 ie it>"aieutoii 0e o 8eoiqtaimnpere~oelohtm« iirepr flire6048t Leiealvu-am*blySCuotxinug ml eu Im 0 hr0et ireh l ie mu ImaUABT enaizat, 1881. IO ïmfotes, loir?.n, co.ne. Ran itito aine scM MR Osaoticc et Mn. MORse, mnoced Éb W a- Ppoa-caitl=le inpige àtmi'e.mllh (Scott) ui'lîcc, iiig. arm asbmd titismeva-. Mn. Roviasi bnoitpt p h"ereport of ltse standing ce0 îtleon roue M d bndeoo, ami ou toc, te oeacl roui in t fhe "me thermen-Mnl. . Reponr'te ' ;à " aoptei 'à@ loi. lititbmy bave mxa soihet.repose a if Tbli repenrtoS Paer Win&l, csrlsae etTmlal rven bdilg, emtmhr nemil e sut umusioni of ecuasel-Wbeauue ciesh to put teU biuluIna os, of acd nufkug0 itstiautirepdmr o lb y y i i i o r 1.- e flnepu ie ue nled ile ÙPplame sast pulagiatioua. b vdi.wiumnorIr comZlftwia milmimltedltwiea e a b.'i eeiiitmiers irm ol-mion$agta kf le u o "t-l*aebande cf lthe mocîncor cclii l tCOulai haon miter il woeld saIlle Orb wItem hi feced. bî lthe minIer, ani Sebmeébat mddilioeml gravel, mlght lie put ce, If reqeirei. The bridge vii sel cemploeleamit e lime lthe ecatraci sabîmi for§' 't- ilboui4~,d .eily .liré Gi- anal thep'liai' delile mail cclii Mr.G&(.t: J.,)thongil tie ceni- tiluilener s t d oli u er>' asceem , lu uI t ai' e soi ï rport; os go IMPOrtatimlter. Tie hauli bave mde thm filUlreport l ltbeecoucoul, vilieul be(ag oalled upes leè do ço. Il Vutè ud ici tledo sa, and le give lthe fbt ietparlilar, manàreport ebocli btv leu brought inin le eproper »Y>. Tit" ixpeuduture otmilarge, Munofeemoney mas luvolvei; lte birgeecire on Souog bridge vie mccii Iml eimblanmd yoecg mernit mns eflth.e cncaîtvanted informaioan. '1Mr. Wigil-lf tIbm canl>'ceeccl HIl pa.>'for 1t, 1 mii gc home to-cigit sueti ge sdocuetctemake eut a report IM wmmlllegldo it bel I mx- pool ta be paid. Mr. >Wlttimatiad thai thei. caa cni. àépnrsud b>' cemisoiere' irbes appcicted ele s obnlngie a report mhen Ihm vork viae do-ne. Tis wavieumc s Portant mark-lie liuxentlet1b>' the Coau>'y-med tIém mencilb"a nigit ta uk for lte infarmationt. Il ougit Ual lie difficlt for lthe reeve cf Part PeMr $le gI 36 PSite irbultarsrequirmd ; md lie où Iteubu alie laigît. 1khénmeosù. able îcformatjon malmi fan ulhot goicg itome. ae on.eatflte ocmmilmm., -lie.(Ur. Rowland),-,wu-leady-to go ho vork and brneg le a repeut Mr. Oensâlugbam.ohseveil, thul te. aoiodiag teîlieaai.mesétemreevm Of PerlPerite hhé ijmebail'mxplnei before lie courmti » o"plemi' I vrlt -. urk vue efom m itilite 11b8 rffeiOùua&baucis a report caeld J rnIltmIm,-6981M el .reeve ot Port Puru>',lbmr a igeademdi eof Mis. eesopttoi aout em g o bridg nfr.j du!eoue Jet'uemàbbtif dW. moue ld iave thbm isfornatlieose me lalelca o le l ebEliaou l tobin, 'ieelitin Ïot ie »Woh>' ltl. ý,fihtbcpon beicg "toif. *.gci em1o mffly pi Uwt, 44ÃŽ& a1s hm ,-ètoa. te, &DaW w irbt-iras Cloue, t 14.u iraio ribmu r prbt it oeco' intma uiUqvb.tie~aie dm44members. à# ther Wbý » Ai on tamits. le ûit Itbls infor. maiiuni ast hi «lg"epenilure. hm i ofae tfortlPeu> t, Mr. Mothiierll <mv, qrdit leulit. re«ve of Uibiidgevilae -'for brnging 3p$lie malter. WouI'fr ide doieg en .1qe> mccii bave co Inferalo. Mr. Smith (Oaitmve , -. eof the Joir memberse eeppeum $bas lie>' viere $0 mmoi oae' il maq xpee ltaIt ltbe>'vouli be diîhdece id makieg t etaquines. Tii.mtioin vas & ver>' Ameemear> cee, and ebua srprisei ofe -eebr etlii cmmiemion bai nql repol p l Im prt, w&vyý-e peea thé s bmcoaîrmot bail sal bsec- pdrfermed iinthheime bimlited. »rè Wrughî e#Md b. bail ne obtonP ormailrepo heine'Made, api bmh i s t 'h d I v 'a m b n e ut Il 1. Tnotin t etian u JmsG. i# lave south'bgfil foi4 1m o-th owd- of MNla, yoen comzitioeAQtt hai. lot vas uoli la ose Thcu.-Mon gome>', 1ca ibe m lDec., lm0, miii tirIsali, alewas ceiléal on ilth Doo., lm.'ho t0cm iéEd. 'ran Canlegaaa mit aslaidide daim, to Jui Grigg vo naw oves lthe lotiui. resides thereon for lthe pse ls u . MAd heneasTho. .l mluon, Asaist. sel Crame Lied Ccci., nellfledlthe Coant>' Ttaurer an tibMil01hNav. 1IW0, thal lbe saeo ai etit titlot 1, 12eon., Mira iras the samesala lnWmb. 194 tlimul&"ltr-vusali ho on. G.* T. ScaiitÉforibthesdm cf ceels lar, as cepal. eimi-tte slilal e beicg for lthe luxes cf 18W,9,hmbe, aloI beongeal la tbeon-;s anal miterasG. Y- Smith onierel mn achiOa i lthie court of Comusen Pleme iatait lthe sii Jas. tllggui vis servea iit mau E6jecîmeni iceamons, Vbneýby ho iraiput la teexpeese of 821,76 on deoenuing Ibm saie. MAid vteu lthe trucles ui omooiauo W. lailal dinorcîly due le lthe anlmuifl atilon andi negloci aoflthe Cael>Tressener for the .year 1871, yonn committqe voeuldneocomn- miultailite sm mof $21.76, i-i cate cf lthe sai James GrigWbe paid hm. 2. Ic reounctegetlie .li . ! ls Daple, yonr onaxilteetîSs ilitIiii 1862 ho psnebsei a Portion of let No. 5,0ml con. Twnuipfp Seat, recelrci a shonufl'u eeâ* for the saine, andi miereas mitlthe iimlthe taxes accrnel the 1und belongel le lhe caeety sud mis coi hiable frtaxes ; ana miteresulthe petitioe hafileal te gel possession ef eaid land. Tour eomeiite meuhd recommeni ltbaI lthe t oeepcf Scott pa> lthe petilioner the seci ef #&.0, te o cojanhare the snid James. Do7yle.fer lthe ânnt psu b>'byia for land and coulte. Yanr ocauittle wcali initier zucaci- mmcd lthst teé Wurientellethe neoesuaryI sleps ta have ibe ta% deed appeanasg ugainel tit ballo lot ne, con. 12,f lb. towe- shtip of Muraremavod, uni also lthaI etepu he taken tle i.sunt emfecl len eferonce te mentit hall lot15Bei on. wensitip et Scott* Ail ef mmich, L reug1ocUtuîy snhmted. * .BRUCE, Conel Chamiers, Chituca caa&su ,aeyîsvo a la n~ivumu; v oz Mr.n. uegbam 'titugglathe é-osl qauetian vas.-Whah wmmat by salary-Di it Il luce axpesou âBll ai lthe lectr. Whe trmaacrmn youd bc gavannei b>'thm Act, but ire ehe bave 'inistructions vhme te oshoua pmy iiie back payasena. *- Mn. Bruce thonghktlite resaluiaio Via qilte diase sol5pedfic 4it ccly le, -and llieY'sboald unt hto oppose paylcg irbaîtheAoî deolareti tiby as a lavne ochtimi o. 1,mit. 'Femmiy-If thele tmasW&etai adl te ie mooate>' rhe b&AOha mb bzncg uplit retolcîios laI ail P. Mn. MeBamT40 bjmch et liereroa ilion vos. ote 1 - >eaunr igil, andi direlt l py merdcg$01m Mn. hohnil- emeltitîi a s a merl>'as a gidm ,te. uroaer. n.Wigit--Wiethle reeve of Whblb' soo, p'moicaïd lie maU aocepl lie yeans, I mas salisfied. Nom ho mmcted more. Lmt Ibm Ineasurer go lQe bmoeel>'salleilen, gel bis adie mnaie ol ccaratlgly. Mr.-Rowland cecuiimrei lte home eelitlei acconding te lai -, Ste>'aboulai go aceondlcg t a w and Justice Thc resolelian might be mitiname alla- gmltaer. Mn. Biekelli-The resoletice is lthe proper;>' of the coneil ad eae'h be miitirava mitionS meonsent. Tbe reso- lution mas le atale.of oxpmemhlen mai ance for Ibm Ireasanen, as ho visat mas lbe coealreotlac af Ithe by- lair aibomeg lthe icupecar alar>' and axpeemes. If thé Ae gave tIbm-&mount ltu hemtain vi>' iiecil the>'refuse. If a demani mas maie an the Inciser er, hae mcditakm lthe nigil coureand sol mcoonding ta lai. Tie>' mer. cal Ihere t ho e mn jaiic lu là usîci., pahil>, mcd hite lpsled lb. malien voeul pae. If a mecnioplr'lh> bait -beu pmyiog in error, aed especiai>', the beavl>' bendmeed laie cf Whiîby- -juemebltecedonc, even abaugi lhe, 'eM ac iibeau overlcebed.. Aller seas fotber remats front Magri. Mlly, Wright axa ake, tire remelehion irai amndaiasilalincf' "Mn. Wright, seemib>' ,Mn.,Basill, QR.W>., referne malter to Ibm Eclabtc cmmîte mitineiolos te ,repent. Burumît, movmi for Ïqavo la Icîroduce a bp-dam ajtpetieg t a raelnufai lit poicnIing Masuxs riB O p MrSiarpe «reportait (nom ltse ouz- ilme crnih eg, ommaaaieg Ibe givleg lbe Cectracl ho Mr. sa'rue>'. 'eetadopi4i miter ucane discussion.- FOURTH DA-Y. Itr Wngbt 'smoami >'Mn. Bruce,' amid'1h1itehe oiunuiatlae mid reporte referre o'in t ierepMor t ie. fiance cemmSilhsu. (<ileiymsira>b>' lte eammlltem n"Rn), an-" auta sup. rie< ag leiratea wihblans, ie ne- ÃŽnredle a spécial cemmillei cf dm nembei ossieg cf Meurse. Larte. Camupbell. FeasbyV, Cecisqhax, ad te moer. Mr. Laboe ridienle thie motion as a @ot-t of cld*î p la>'. Yelerday.-bm t-e- *ît1rlihe mmlter maidiwae, :oppoe-i by Mrn. Wnlgit. Aflreniitroîsg lthe -ýe porh mad. vmsting lthe lime o f lts-"oa- i-Met ltos sali àl -ile bol- lt-ange lbal'e.b. aiâe-vire-kllmi ltae ru- icrî shir&'uoulal brncêUp ,-i.e' mame mater t l-dm. Tien. asutee oucit danger cf colmaeîa oai bslag mialealb>' liaI etJaummk Mr.Wnlgbt,,miplaind, sua said he ficse-'cemmlllem bai taî niepb hon. Laftte *epia Mmaitvath Uhbe001n cflboqaml vau a"M4s,-hm foi -'dolug-;the oud>' à tesshat tIbIsmv.as uimpaftanît arvtoetl Tis e m Prmus, of ib (n.-ULe m wa a mmiter, liai lbeau mableg omplainte liat lteextnnial bai o ti e do. asd titatthe"e muiDn tesin q MbiolàAijw 4bmn~du. fin tbmétareséqu;nt. eitha nithI * ibumlrme outituir collegiale institutseuhsin mitid n eue vents 8e inhenfIere -mithiaial cc *hebin daîng s.u . - - Fen Il A -Àgeai demi cf firlther discussion wie]l arome gaînatl latin clases, andinu avr= t ef e common echoci odacation. . foflovu: 1.-Th.e second clause vas thon adajteda tien cf i eRoe a division, as mas mimeclthe clanse yar a-r aippaang Iretees mîtieul discussion. And' Y Mn. Campbtell movai le mdi a clase cammit grntieg #100 te omet cf the Modal auI. bai rSeiesof Witby sud Part Penny. , coenty,'i - M. Lante moulal ual object le #50ï- inascon Mr. Campbtell saiidtiatsarely home Ibis, und mito mer, apped ô gajmnrredecal. ai Meut, tee aniedmeon niegtan m o n antea l c î* 4k a' scito ml eam edeaiae o.xg»lhogo fon hie. . AU ofI è1i. Foraer.enmnt lin(aven cf #50. Amecimeelt defeated on a division. -One motiles-for adoption oethitereport, Umpo Mn. Wright smecnimi b>' Mn. Campbell, I ,rnave loa mmcd, b>' iesonhlug #100 for Mr. Mi emoit of lthe lia moisi emitelu. LostIloir- on a vole ai 5 la 20. Thétenms beicg Reent Messre. Camepbell, Lcng, Titompian, To tào Bruce and - Wright. ceun>'0o An amendaient fanr*50-mas lacbls. Thetem Mesure Fonnester and Lenteï volici for re1aanl il, and mekieg lthe yeas--7. A maoit ionofnf. Campbelîl ecoeud b>' Mn. Long le refey bmck lthé report, Inres oit] mît instructions ho samibe ont lthe uec- octaneiof gel clAuse mas lbah, lteéoifyeae boeing ani nopei Mesure dâmpbell, Long, Biolil matid'aoacteu lainit (Wh.)recommoi limilt (Wb) anr be a Report ado ted. 2ai. Yt Sebeeqenl' liehé uaI by.lmv ffdiforethea ed on tiis eport irs pasui. è è r o DEPUTATIO t< O r X Jaaz S &iav m . . o ù A depelalian ef cenl'maiglitrateu, "1. Yî hesded by Major Hlarper, J.P., Wititby, lem tthitl vws icîrodeced ie he'coûteil chite.ajIaioS i.l it. We ben. accoun fi Mn. Ha rr @auspakeeman, ulatei oed P lie abject et litedépuation. Hm mec. ionen>y' tieeed lte, bariehip etmagistrales ho ho pail boîug obligid le dole ork. -for gudt.Oi5t. Wc aii ah ave ta mppl>' hin aveiati mlpal cia a liens. WHe le ameeto slsee igvara 'èl ruai bbmw-lug l ýb.se. iser nn Seaity frhltvfDËg. ILarme.goH. mdcl i o aise ebpo ke insfaim e-hàou>'.U mato- p1 g aDstmiilhmihubumdefs.. - i iof i TiI mallur mas referrei toe t am o. Toi iilma an ceeuS> pt Prl -Buttiig..siieamiota #slion oet Mn.Heover. - - m.uniowcpa Mn. Hoovon, aeeed it>' Mn.ý Mont._=sqý beouse, inînedeomi lihe by.lam le ap- oPi" lot point eoenlv ae4itrs. B>'.lsv ýp*s.i i'eIIiig, gfUex w s#er no &hilin an lheta rnsCal..ceus.Itixcorpo Notice b>' Mn.-Motharulll, litaIlho- miOn oe omornai mare. liaI tbe pz- tf b o c a > ' i n c t i f t lh m - s eo r e l a n #f8bm o Dlbt i l às ccniy oaf eaiân iaI t ty ahtPôasmc« poitini canets fôon elaiaer,o.,miibpiidîinii Uiilesa unthonizeti b>'lthe cuI'. Toauxori On malice aof Mn. Biokeil, meoeand ti ho by Mn. Sciir (Wbi.). resanlclitaWi ameinI s, provision shacli be mmde b>' Ooverc. cueneelx ment l'tr lté,lits pelas t msandc 8h. -Teu liqeore - mli b>' imcnsed Itàvernaand l~. ebap.iýe.pens mci lierit>'proleotr4be da gc publie, tram liteàInjenzees eeeta o0 ltaue otit. -ni us lu-of <lrcggeimid dlerliliqacu buimâad ta se extenelvol>' sali acier caver etfltheexxuit License Acd, niIbîlcopies oet Iis ne-muiht *125. solution lie forvended - fit-e>mie9 s 44ai eft leDominion anê e t lriQ.ý On motion etf Mn. Bruce, résolution <C<Ommitý expreaaing rel t tof cail aI iteé isatr Ian. 29 cf honif Reyo&i, and, cfý. caolm The! cli and sympahy il bis fail>'«, mc i. Boye recticg cap>' et reecitian tôte sntlaahî Mn.. ~ Il -sent. -loa as Moveul b>'M. ngiuceq yeinb>' r Mn. Braceita ht e oce liprove cf vcteidemo lthe provisions cf Ibmebi uawbefan e m Tita &el Ontario Legislmaure mmiÏtthemae-- 'clrk ic'ti icipal 'mot b>' nedciog,.he cmber cf hioated. -]E cmbmers cf us ëo nu 4 ycouc oil, &0. cem ym ; ,Brece, Ecreqit, Osampiioli, Gocli mule Ishi $100> te. I ia;dca for hit. jiisburie.- WiXsecoandâut! Lv i M. BGtatl ta, tlý- the p4aItt 'ne $,easic Orner 0 E»UCÂTION.: Mn. Szniih,(S9.W.,) bndaghl ejiý L th 'report af lte standingcg eoitieon Edocahiensudmauonmottoa thtei. ocend mmcl ico oomnqiiee il te viae lhIras. Thte repent neai as follouS Taei. ouucil of lte Corporationa of the Gounlg of Otaero. Theo standing commilte. an Educaionann 7 -r. Toan omcittee in et epinitaI a change in teamoant oet h eWpalovere meuh <rattt i ta111 b élos for pupilamit hmv'pémi-imiserniileexamtinallos wniehiamraabs dimnehei (rom 08K te #8 ithitelent fvmyears for aciptupi,- can g c neenta'ihy ina ltseamoaxat ail- ablo ho au' bigla sciroalociho imprYva b' thie ainnent bai fixei for eaeh .ie. mediate papil; lindveaudnemmeci-Ibe wanise le memonulise the Gonmramexaî la bave lte "HigitSoitol MAlt" a ameneda. ML 2. u oancmmittee la nt.hmr aithe opin- ion liaI hie-grant af8750 a yÏaorto emeitofc tbm Collgale Inuliiue9, es, an anjasl dis- crimnation agamustthebmgleaI mair' ito lie usitools ln faner 0afthi e tom Oicit lut reqaire assistance, unidtaI lite <rounds aon mici thlie isemisatts-Jakàase being, lihailte fanoeaiseheel hlm 1ewmaie e scl- ens, nî i st>' palsManIgLatinare = uil' nreaona le aidirel>' opposea hoe hespiril t of0cr OlOaIDA yiem. -niiel ceuote eqà&ialIfillof Iacitets, ici unI la theirox, .acal výmu axsdensa otltor sîniies mors imàporâtnltas ltait et latin, menti aloo necemmeci th am Wun*0 memoralixu Ibm qavenemensî la have lte "Hi g etolA'm endinh mtI it ibose large orants. d. Tour cminuaiesmoaùli aime necomisea that the lollowingpersonsbeapponftmlolIUl te vaeaneies oecnnnicg ienlta -Whitby Col, leguite Inatiluta, St ibth a rns Higb Seitoola fer lt e imnsac ltre. yeeru. vir. a 1881, 1882, 188: -Toma et Witiy Rer -J É J. Cimenon 'Tain oi OulimaJohn o.;m.-à anc; Villee of Port-Prry,. Mcuy;Vil. - WMfttMeTM., Jan. 28th 1881. ' c th Onli frat ,eâüqèse,'Mr n.aIdt, <E:' W., mateal ua cte eciool - menud-be ua'bitter eJmoiioe ,h>' - itmviug, 4h. amut lecLmd cf iavieg i'il'an e4tim a rom *16 4.0_#Ber .1- trothe ciairman mitene' tego1 I ii Heaxplasi liitI a valà Po e- frein t. nahite f i rnI l porÀ Ile'gnmeaocet, 'eeuibas il nàrie4 mc4l. wSertemiby"re cx "M à, pepils mtepW pi it xamine. Mi- s tue ýaed elaem. with repeci W.,'emraeteniaed lte grant amu nwiar-' rentable and au -unjusî deucnimicaîioai' icfaapr eof lgil stics. . -o«Lce, ! Thé. gnahutýinaI imeremt granI laggramman acteclu.- Il iria t Lyae bel f Aseparae fatir an&itif -donçi away miii meuh d no& irevesÇïo ht. ": aai,,iar,,ihavwas toilaanau, M"l Wft6,48 OsU cmcap. te year lm8thea.range expes fW ion" , injst, 78 com. al l~~obl ncet' laver of 189 a or mach luate per meeb ie,, 16 9.10 cochsa; fan emet inumae r- adeciion ef $87-52. '0cr cemmilla ecammec itha a ,e. b ano mce ret>P' poismi la Ina ia i robable ceut ef a mait. Uding f er lite nqrementsaif ii. r nasaasit.etof50 ames cf land i&asa1eonvoxaienî a aeapois.- àtaIt si commûiliee *ho mpoie S. Bletel, Ferrosen, Punker, Van. nc lid.the e n, andci Mon of titis conseil eoi 'ihici is ednUy mtted. Chairlain. ir adcpted as abava. [Uler brongit aphe repent as fol- -of the standing cemiltte on xiii assomsment. acotxcl et0lthe cerporation ai1th. Df Ontario. andicg cammittes on finuance beg ta hâa itanreporltasbuheen laid 0 nir ccmnnttoe qlvisg a staloxateel ete ciflth e cop udniexpendi- r the cor 'Pontiie te scocnty ef aor thte yesr onding Diet 'tec. 188M, nIt havis gfeeni ail iboeks und :i s oryulate, aam cli tni tbaIheaccemau t f yeun lnei leeisea ial ymutai. roux comtslee hArea u lîibe nthe commitueion cf ltbe clerk, )r as tsneau of aislary, mii vacli siean increase eof ON, und tai àtitprposo ho liriced. acnu commxltee havi hai laid be" itPe*ure'u boni end aaio lie ibul Mmi sue i. qulte scfficimzat reh I*m-ah laid befare us au ro '$ . ee for a refend ei aid by iti #s hausse for a confe- rgwhiii *oeéeaol ecommead re have haît laid bilaW cm [oe fr6 itrs-Cheik eh4wIm m ,eprompt reterce etoflOÊ- roUa c sd ilcats reports of lth# niciuliies i' bisceun>', uia oniiii ita ltaconty CIMà b& id ho haeefort i lueltirh laone>'- tersmcUt u m ildeliex 54a muiipali>'.. c'U commute bus bhiunion con- a ýhe motion fer thie relan h lb.e dille oi Ostava aaid Wittby et eotniif bm -cassi> inspoti apoclil>'pali by' emet uni -' ' Lite Camer B<jiCit It àIllehie ha Vh M miln>'lulaes expexmAse , t lia hel. <Pave a wralien se a love,. q c A r i sac o u n ts t h t e nt a i une Ibthe enmdaipe aIthuacacu I làt neqpirsd, i er ëë- bridge. murttue mcilteau ot excsaing 00' étI. thm an comeitm mtiirecmmexai 8ml~l'i, cca of-,aif400 fer LP 'm-bocd, 'ln saputc'c la acenlt fCd . ur el a beoo- oer cemutiteO, and b's'i ilkhI u nofal>' m -'rcil uy m , tous titLER

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